Flyer TSM Aug12


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  • 7/27/2019 Flyer TSM Aug12


    Consulting > Training > Benchmarking > Qualification

    Total Service




    What is Total Service Management?

    In the past, we were more familiar withLean thinkin g, Kaizen too ls and

    phi losophiesonly in relation to the world of manufacturing. However, in todays

    competitive environment and with increasing globalization, service industries are

    also keen to adopt these principles to improve their operations.

    With flexible processes, faster throughput, higher quality already proven in LeanManufacturing, it is time to transfer those concepts and make them a reality within

    the service oriented industries, including : Banking, Education, Government,

    Healthcare, Hospitality, Insurance, Logistics and F & B.

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    Total Service Management (TSM) has been developed to deliver solutions for

    implementing Lean Administration and Kaizen for the Office. Our

    methodologies provide a structured approach to transforming your internal

    administrative processes so they deliver world class performance.

    Our six level model for implementing Lean thinking and Kaizen into service

    industries focuses on employees and their way of working, encouraging them to

    take on more responsibility, which ultimately leads to more motivation and jobsatisfaction. KAIZEN Total Service Management is more than just training - it is

    the way to a new corporate culture.



    or movingthings





    Thinking Differently All the parts effective the

    whole, therefore Lean needs to be driven into

    every aspects of your business.

  • 7/27/2019 Flyer TSM Aug12


    Consulting > Training > Benchmarking > Qualification

    By engendering this spirit of Kaizen, we are able to create

    flow, improve the sense of ownership and accountabilityand align everyone to add value and deliver meaningful

    benefits to the customer. TSM utilises Lean thinking

    concepts to create streamlined flexible processes with

    shortened turnaround times, minimal inventory and a strict

    focus on customer requirements as goals. TSM also taps

    into the Kaizen philosophy that there is unlimited

    employee potential. By creating this alignment, your

    improvement efforts wont be aimed at eliminating

    employees but rather targets for increased efficiency inquali ty, cos t, f lexibi l i ty and cus tomer sat isfact ion.

    Total Service



    Why adopt Total Service Management?

    Over the past 5 years, the trend towards the Lean Office or Lean Administration

    continues to grow even broader. An increasing number of managers are identifying

    that wasteful practices, long lead times, lack of capacity, bottlenecks, and reliance

    on high levels of staff reduce margins, fail customers and constrain productivity in

    the administrative area.

    More and more service organizations are looking for a continuous improvement

    model to implement in their business or office processes. However, superficial

    improvement campaigns are insufficient to transform and control the process.

    We believe that administrative staff need to be given a mandate for change so they

    become improvement champions rather than innocent bystanders in their own


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    No Involvement, No CommitmentIts That Simple!

    Deliverables that last

    Improved customer satisfaction and response times

    Efficient workplace organisation

    Reduced throughput and processing times

    Space savings & reduced operating costs

    Clear and transparent processes

    Increased product availability

    Reduced search and response times

    Improved value added time, less waste

    From the Office

    To the cubicles Nothing

    is left to chance!

  • 7/27/2019 Flyer TSM Aug12


    Consulting > Training > Benchmarking > Qualification

    Total Service



    Learn more on how the Kaizen philosophy can encourage all

    employees to achieve greater levels of efficiency by putting

    People and Customer satisfaction at the front of your

    organizations focus. This public course is also a great way

    to work with others from different industries within the service

    sector, to be able to share ideas and learn how Lean can be

    applied in service centric and administration areas of almost

    any organization.

    Day 1 All day 1) Introduction Total Service Management (TSM).

    Understand the history and impact TSM has had in different industries.

    Learn how lean is equally effective in the Service and administrative

    functions as it is in Manufacturing. Activity Wrapping it together from an

    office perspective The Office Simulation.

    Day 2 All day 2) Value Stream Mapping with process mapping

    Learn the process of Value Stream Mapping and Process Mapping throughour dynamic learning by doing methodology. Understand the difference

    between then and when, where and why to use them.

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    Identification & awareness of service industry waste

    Improved self-organization of employees through the

    5S system

    Improved cooperation & teamwork through


    Developing cross functional, multi-skilled teamsProcess improvement using Value Stream Mapping for

    Service technique

    Problem Solving using Process Mapping techniques

    and PDCA

    Strategies to implement Lean Office principles

    Participants will leave this course with a fundamental grasp of Lean and be able to

    apply tools and techniques including, Foundational Kaizen philosophies, 16 types oflosses in Service, Mapping for Service & Problem Solving, Visual Management & also

    guidance on how to get started with Lean.

  • 7/27/2019 Flyer TSM Aug12


    Consulting > Training > Benchmarking > Qualification

    Thank you

    Contact information:

    D.J. Duarte

    VP Asia Operations

    Singapore: +65 84025170

    International: +81 90 9464 7427Email:

    Nazia R Z

    Sr. Lean Practitioner

    Phone: +65 98525164


    TRAINING METHODOLOGY: Our Teach - Do systematic learning methodology is designed

    to ensure participants apply what is learned within a controlled simulation kind of event

    COST STRUCTURE: provide the following options to

    clients, to help them choose the best option that suits

    their requirements.

    1) Early Bird Discount for booking made before 16th

    July 12, course fee of 900 SGD per student per day

    of training

    2) Interim Discount for booking made between 16th to

    31st July 12, course fee of 1000 SGD per student per

    day of training.

    3) Actual Course Cost for booking made between 1st

    August to 15th August 12, course fee of 1100 SGD per

    student per day of training.

    Thank you for your attention!

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