Five environmentally friendly cars



There are many reasons to own an electric car. If the cost savings alone aren't enough to impress you, then their impact on the environment should be. Each of the five cars we chose for this article, are well known for their superior design and enjoyable ride experience.

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Five Environmentally Friendly Carsand Why You Should Drive One!

Why Purchase An Electric Car?

When someone purchases an electric car, they are making a decision that benefits everyone. This adds benefit to society.

Since everyone shares the earth, decisions that impact the environment, impact the entire world.

Ford Focus Electric

With an average 105 MPG, its no wonder this car made the top of our list!

With a high-end price tag, this isn't the car for everybody. But thosewho do purchase it,will immediately recognize it’s worth.

Lincoln MKZ Hybrid

Designed for luxury, this hybrid car boast one of the most impressive technological displays of any other car on the market.

While leaning towards the expensive side, used deals can be found from Lincoln dealers in New Mexico, as well as many other states.

Honda Fit EV

This car has one of the best environmental footprints of any of the current models of electric cars.

With a impressive 118 MPG, this vehicle is ahit from one side of the USA to the other.

Toyota Avalon Hybrid

It is estimated that within the first five years of owning this car, you will save $5,000 in gas expenses alone!

According to the EPA, this is the most gas efficient model on the market.

Volkswagen Jetta Hybrid

The Jetta’s first gas/electric hybrid! While a bit more expensive than the gas only model, the savings are worth it.

This model not only stands out for its fuel efficiency, but for the luxury quality of the ride itself.

You can find these cars for sale in Texas and other densely populated states.

Electric Cars Save Money

Electric and Hybrid cars cut the costs of fuel dramatically. This means thousands of dollars in savings over the years.

The price of electric cars are rapidly dropping. This means it’s becoming even more economically sound to go electric!

Electric Cars Cut Down Pollution

Older Cars are classically known for the increase of smog and other pollutants they put off.

Millions are spent yearly on attempting to curb the effects of pollutants from older cars.

Purchasing A Hybrid GuidesThe Market

The more people that buy hybrids, the more that companies will put their efforts into developing even more fuel efficient cars.

This drives down the price of environmentally sound products, and encourages stewardship of our most precious resource: the environment.
