Fish Rain Uploaded by P.K.gomathi


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Mysterious tadpole rain in Japan (pics)

As rainy season approaches, Japan's Ishikawa prefecture has been receiving some unusual precipitation -- it's been raining tadpoles.

According to prefecture officials, tadpoles have reportedly fallen from the sky in two separate towns this month. Although it is not unheard of for waterspouts and strong wind to to pull small fish and animals from water and drop them on land, no foul weather has been observed in the area, leaving residents baffled.

The first reported case of anomalous tadpole rain occurred at about 4:30 PM on June 4 in the town of Nanao. After hearing a strange sound outside the Nakajima Civic Center, witnesses discovered approximately 100 dead tadpoles in a 300 square meter area in and around the parking lot. The tadpoles measured 2 to 3 centimeters long.

Tadpoles on car windshield outside Nakajima Civic Center

Dozens more tadpoles reportedly fell on the nearby town of Hakusan in the early morning hours of June 6. A strange sound was reportedly heard in the middle of the night, even though no wind or rain was observed. According to Kanazawa Meteorological Observatory officials, the two towns -- which are dotted with rice fields -- experienced stable weather.

Crucian carp believed to have fallen from the sky in Ishikawa prefecture

On the evening of June 9 in the town of Nakanoto located about 15 kilometers from Nanao (where it rained tadpoles on June 4), a number of small fish were found scattered over a residential area. About 10 fish recovered from roadsides and the tops of cars appear to be Crucian carp measuring 3 to 5 centimeters long.

Australian town, 326 miles from river, hit by raining fish

Residents in a remote desert town in Australia, 326 miles from the nearest river, are recovering after witnessing two days of fish raining from the sky.

Honduras' Rain of Fishes

The Rain of Fish is common in Honduran Folklore. It occurs in the Departamento de Yoro, between the months of May and July. Witnesses of this phenomenon state that it begins with a dark cloud in the sky followed by lightning, thunder, strong winds and heavy rain for 2 to 3 hours. Once the rain has stopped, hundreds of living fish are found on the ground. People take the fish home to cook and eat them. Since 1998 a festival known as "Festival de la Lluvia de Peces" (Rain of Fish Festival) is celebrated every year in the city of Yoro, Departamento de Yoro, Honduras.

From 25 July to 23 September 2001, red rain sporadically fell on the southern Indian state of Kerala. Heavy downpours occurred in which the rain was coloured red, staining clothes with an appearance similar to that of blood. Yellow, green, and black rain was also reported.

It was initially suspected that the rains were coloured by fallout from a hypothetical meteor burst, but a study commissioned by the Government of India found that the rains had been coloured by airborne spores from a locally prolific terrestrial alga. Then in early 2006, the coloured rains of Kerala suddenly rose to worldwide attention after media reports of a conjecture that the coloured particles were extraterrestrial cells, proposed by Godfrey Louis and Santhosh Kumar of the Mahatma Gandhi University in

Kottayam. The terrestrial origins of the solid material in the red rain were supported by an investigation into the isotopic ratios of nitrogen and carbon.

Brazilian's longest wave on the Earth

Twice a year, between the months of February and March, the Atlantic Ocean waters roll up the Amazon river, in Brazil, generating the longest wave on the Earth. The phenomenon, known as the Pororoca, is caused by the tides of the Atlantic Ocean wich meet the mouth of the river. This tidal bore generates waves up to 12 feet high which can last for over half an hour.

Denmark's Black Sun

During spring in Denmark, at approximately one half an hour before sunset, flocks of more than a million European starlings (sturnus vulgaris) gather from all corners to

join in the incredible formations shown above. This phenomenon is called Black Sun (in Denmark), and can be witnessed in early spring throughout the marshlands of western Denmark, from March through to the middle of April. The starlings migrate from the south and spend the day in the meadows gathering food, sleeping in the reeds during the night

Idaho's Fire Rainbow

The atmospheric phenomenon known as a circumhorizon(tal) arc, or "Fire rainbow", appears when the sun is high in the sky (i.e., higher than 58° above the horizon), and its light passes through diaphanous, high-altitude cirrus clouds made up of hexagonal plate crystals. Sunlight entering the crystals' vertical side faces and leaving through their bottom faces is refracted (as through a prism) and separated into an array of visible colors. When the plate crystals in cirrus clouds are aligned optimally (i.e., with their faces parallel to the ground), the resulting display is a brilliant spectrum of colors reminiscent of a rainbow. The example shown above was captured on camera as it hung for about an hour across a several-hundred square mile area of sky above northern Idaho (near the Washington border) on 3 June 2006.

Self-Moving Rocks on Desert(Reader Contribution to 7 Incredible Natural Phenomena you've never seen)

The mysterious moving stones of the packed-mud desert of Death Valley have been a center of scientific controversy for decades. Rocks weighing up to hundreds of pounds have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time.

BatStorm(Reader Contribution to 7 Incredible Natural Phenomena you've never seen)

In Thailand there are several large caves in which millions of bats are sleeping in the daytime. Whenm it gets dark, at a certain time they all wake up and stream throughthe very small entrance hole of the cave to go hunting for insects or whatever they like to feed on. Millions of these creatures come out and darken the sky, standing near to the stream of bats one hears a chracteristical sound made by millions of leathery wings.But do not stand directly under the stream! Some bats crap from above, and they may carry diseases one would not like to have.But go watch!

Sun Halo(Reader Contribution to 7 Incredible Natural Phenomena you've never seen)

On Monday 1 November 2010 in Johannesburg South Africa there was a rainbow around the sun for most of the morning.

These halos are caused when light from the sun refracts through ice crystals high in the atmosphere. Depending on the size of the crystals, the colour of the halo differs and they can also form around the moon.

Sink holes(Reader Contribution to 7 Incredible Natural Phenomena you've never seen)

Over time, water erodes the soil under the planet's surface until in some cases, quite suddenly,the land above gives way and collapses into the earth.Many sinkholes occur naturally while others are the result of human intervention.Displacing groundwater can open cavities while broken pipes can erode otherwise stable subterranean sediments.Urban sinkholes, up to hundreds of feet deep have formed and consumed parts of city blocks, sidewalks and even entire buildings.

Weird Long Roll Cloud Over Uruguay (Reader Contribution to 7 Incredible Natural Phenomena you've never seen)

This weird long roll cloud was spotted on January 25th 2009, above Las Olas Beach in Maldonado, Uruguay. It looks like a huge pipe hanging on air?


The Northern Lights occur when the sun gives off high-energy charged particles that travel out into space at speeds of 300 to 1,200 kilometers per second.

The Moonbow of Cumberland Falls Kentucky(Reader Contribution to 7 Incredible Natural Phenomena you've never seen)

A moonbow (also known as a lunar rainbow, lunar bow or white rainbow) is a rainbow produced by light reflected off the surface of the moon rather than from direct sunlight. Moonbows are relatively faint, due to the smaller amount of light reflected from the surface of the Moon. They are always in the opposite part of the sky from the moon.

Known as the "Niagara of the South," the 125-foot wide curtain of water is dramatic day or night. But it's only at night during a full moon that you can see the moonbow, a phenomenon not found anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere

Aurora Borealis

Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful events to occur in our world, the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, has both astounded and amazed people since it was first discovered. This phenomenon ocurrs when the sun gives off high-energy charged particles (also called ions) that travel out into space at speeds of 300 to 1200 kilometres per second. A cloud of such particles is called a plasma. The stream of plasma coming from the sun is known as the solar wind. As the solar wind interacts with the edge of the earth’s magnetic field, some of the particles are trapped by it and they follow the lines of magnetic force down into the ionosphere, the section of the earth’s atmosphere that extends from about 60 to 600 kilometers above the earth’s surface. When the particles collide with the gases in the ionosphere they start to glow, producing the spectacle that we know as the auroras, northern and southern.

Mammatus Clouds

Also known as mammatocumulus, meaning "bumpy clouds", they are a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud. Composed primarily of ice, Mammatus Clouds can extend for hundreds of miles in each direction, while individual formations can remain visibly static for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. True to their ominous appearance, mammatus clouds are often harbingers of a coming storm or other extreme weather system.

Red Tides

More correctly known as an algal bloom, the so-called Red tide is a natural event in which estuarine, marine, or fresh water algae accumulate rapidly in the water column and can convert entire areas of an ocean or beach into a blood red color. This phenomena is caused by high levels of phytoplankton accumulating to form dense, visible clouds near the surface of the water. While some of these can be relatively harmless, others can be harbingers of deadly toxins that cause the deaths of fish, birds and marine mammals. In some cases, even humans have been harmed by red tides though no human exposure are known to have been fatal. While they can be fatal, the constituent phytoplankton in ride tides are not harmful in small numbers.


These amazing ice spikes, generally known as penitentes due to their resemblance to processions of white-hooded monks, can be found on mountain glaciers and vary in size dramatically: from a few centimetres to 5 metres in height. Initially, the sun’s rays cause random dimples on the surface of the snow. Once such a dimple is formed, sunlight can be reflected within the dimple, increasing the localized sublimation. As this accelerates, deep troughs are formed, leaving peaks of ice standing between them.


Supercell is the name given to a continuously rotating updraft deep within a severe thunderstorm (a mesocyclone) and looks downright scary. They are usually isolated storms, which can last for hours, and sometimes can split in two, with one storm going to the left of the wind and one to the right. They can spout huge amounts of hail, rain and wind and are often responsible for tornados, though they can also occur without tornados. Supercells are often carriers of giant hailstones and although they can occur anywhere in the world they’re most frequent in the Great Plains of the US. (photo by Mark


Fire Whirls

A fire whirl, also known as fire devil or fire tornado, is a rare phenomenon in which a fire, under certain conditions --depending on air temperature and currents--, acquires a vertical vorticity and forms a whirl, or a tornado-like effect of a vertically oriented rotating column of air. Fire whirls often occur during bush fires. Vertical rotating columns of fire form when the air currents and temperature are just right, creating a tornado-like effect. They can be as high as 30 to 200 ft tall and up to 10 ft wide but only last a few minutes, although some can last for longer if the winds are strong.

Ice Circles

A rare phenomenon usually only seen in extremely cold countries, scientists generally accept that Ice Circles are formed when surface ice gathers in the center of a body of water rather than the edges. A slow moving river current can create a slow turning eddy, which rotates, forming an ice disc. Very slowly the edges are ground down until a gap is formed between the eddy and the surrounding ice. These ice circles have been seen with diameters of over 500 feet and can also at times be found in clusters and groups at different sizes. (Photo by Brook Tyler)

Red Tides

(Images via: Carleton, CleanWaterNetwork and UMN)

Red tides are also known as algal blooms – sudden influxes of massive amounts of colored single-cell algae that can convert entire areas of an ocean or beach into a blood red color. While some of these can be relatively harmless, others can be harbingers of deadly toxins that cause the deaths of fish, birds and marine mammals. In some cases, even humans have been harmed by red tides though no human exposure are known to have been fatal. While they can be fatal, the constituent phytoplankton in ride tides are not harmful in small numbers.

Ice Circles

(Images via Panoramio, CrystalLinks, CropCircleAnswers and DailyMail)

While many see these apparently perfect ice circles as worthy of conspiracy theorizing, scientists generally accept that they are formed by eddies in the water that spin a sizable piece of ice in a circular motion. As a result of this rotation, other pieces of ice and flotsam wear relatively evenly at the edges of the ice until it slowly forms into an essentially ideal circle. Ice circles have been seen with diameters of over 500 feet and can also at times be found in clusters and groups at different sizes as shown above.

Eternal Flame at the Chimera, Olympos, Turkey

This is a great place to visit. Many legends we can found within unspoiled nature. Actually there’s a

story about Bellerophon's myth who riding Pegasus (flying horse), I found this on Wikipedia. And

then Bellerophontes buried the Chimera Dragon under the ground. Chimera was the fire-breathing

monster from Greek mythology that was part lion, part goat and part snake. Wow… It looks

frightening. At an altitude of 250 metres, north-west of Olympus, Turkey. We reach the fire of

Chimera after a good half hour climb in the summer heat. The fires spring from different places in the

ground and this was so amazing. In Turkish, Chimera itself means burning stone. It results from

natural gas ‘leaking’ from the ground through the rocks to the surface. Actually I saw this a part of

amazing phenomenon together with beautiful place. No wonder this place is became a special

tourism packages.

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The Wave

Located between Arizona and Utah, United States of America. I heard that this place created by the

sands with the age over 190 million years old which turned into stone. As I know from the science

lesson, the sand created by the weathering stones. And the opposite happens in this place. It looks

impossible for this place, but it real. It proved the power of God could change everything. I think

many hubbers from US well know about this place. Please take a look the pictures below.

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Antelope Canyon

Also located at this place Arizona, U.S.. The exactly place in Navajo Land, near the Page, Arizona.

Antelope Canyon was changed as the most favorite place for photographers and a place for tourists

to see the incredible scenery. Antelope Canyon is a natural wonder That was formed from the

erosion of stone, water and wind. The first impression when I saw this place like entering a small

high cave. But when we came in, apparently inside looks large enough. From inside we can see the

light coming from the cracks and produce different colors.

Antelope Canyon is a paradise for photographers. The combination of light entering between the

craters was capable of making the people who see it will be amazed. Even a lot of photographers try

to hide this beautiful place. But time have passed, this place has changed become a famous tourist

attraction in Arizona. I wish I can visit to Antelope Canyon someday.

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Great Blue Hole

Great Blue Hole located of 60 miles from Belize City. Great Blue Hole by National Geographic, found

in the sea of Belize. A small country on the eastern coast of central America. Formerly known as

British Honduras until 1973, Belize is a former British colony for more than a century. If you like

diving, I think this is the best place for diving. Because the blue of sea water and we can found many

sea animals in this hole. The diameter around 0.4 kilometer. The deep approximately for 480 feet or

145 meters. For the divers, please check it out!.


Crystal Cave of the Giants

Have you crystals collection? I think everything from crystal looks beautiful. But can't you imagine

saw the real crystal from nature. It became a wonderful moment for us. We can see this natural

phenomenon in Mexico. All these crystals are formed in a natural cave. Crystals can be found a very

long, up to a tall pine trees. If you want to see "jumbo" crystal, this is the best place for you. These

crystals have translucent silver and gold colors with a variety of forms. "The Crystal Cave of the

Giants" was found in the body of limestone that contains silver-zinc-lead, exploited by mining.

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Eye of the Sahara

This place located in Mauritania, the Southwest of the Sahara desert. We can enjoy this place

clearly from outer space. Why this place called "Eye of the Sahara" because it like eyeball. The

diameter around 30 miles. God create something in many shapes, sometimes it can be seen closer,

but sometimes it can be seen from far away like in outer space. As astronauts they have to be

grateful, because they can saw many things from outer space. Like the surface of the earth, stars,

shooting star, asteroid which we can't saw all of them from the earth. I said thank you to astronaut,

because of them I can see the beautiful of "Eye of the Sahara"

Blue Lake Cave

This place is located in Brazil. What do you think if you find something blue inside the cave? This

cave gave us something beautiful like natural wonder. That's why many adventurous choose the

cave as an object for exploration. They can find something unpredictable inside the cave. This place

has many lakes and beautiful underground cave. Natural monument formed by nature with beautiful

views through the stalactites, stalagmites and big beautiful blue lake. The beauty of this lake was

extraordinary, the blue color is the center of attention. IF you visit Brazil you can go to this place.

"Blue Lake Cave" is extremely amazing.

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Giant Causeway

Located at Northeast Coast of Northern Ireland. It is said that this condition occurs because of

volcanic eruptions thousands of years ago. Like connections pole (we usually saw this at the house).

Why this place so unique, because 'the connection pole' has a different angle (six, four, five, seven

and even eight angles). The size was also varied, the highest up to 12 meters, very neatly until form

a small hill as tall as 28 meters. "Giant Causeway" in the position of four most amazing places in the

UK, based on Radio Times poll. For me this place really amazing, because we usually make kind of

these stones by hand or we called artificial stone. But this is really made by nature.

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Wave Rock

Do you like surfing? you can surfing in this place, but no really surfing on the water. If we have saw

the stones wave in Arizona, US. But this time we will see the different wave rock in Western

Australia. Unique shape like sea waves spread out on the wide land. With the highs around 15

meters with 110 meters long. Why it called "Wave Rock". This rock also phenomenal like the wave

stone in Arizona. The cliffs which part of Hyden Rock. It predicted have formed 2700 million years

ago by gradual erosion over the centuries.

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Chocolate Hills

Do you like chocolate? Are you chocolate lovers? I think you like this place. But don't imagine you

will find the real chocolate. But this place like a chocolate. That's why it called Chocolate Hills.

Located in Bohol, Philippines. Chocolate hills have very unique shape. There are approximately

1268 brown cone-shaped hills. There are several hypotheses about the formation of thousands of

these conical hills, some theory said that this place was created from limestone hills, volcanic

eruptions, etc. Latest theories mentioned, volcanic eruptions in the past that causes damage to the

surrounding areas. The volcano was belching a huge stone. Then all the stone covered with

limestone rocks. For me this place is like in the fairy tale, "Alice in Wonderland". You will agree with

me after see the picture below.

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Three Colors Lake

Located in Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. On the top of the crater of Mount Kelimutu which

became one of the wonders of this world, absolutely stunning with the beauty and mystery that

stored on top of a mountain as high as 1690 meters above sea level. Why this place so unique,

because the different color between each lake.

Actually this is a volcanic lake and the three colors can be changed according the time and

symptoms which usually occur in volcanic mountain. But the people over there believed that this

phenomenon related with myth. The lake itself was discovered by Van Such Telen, a citizen of the

Netherlands, in 1915. As Indonesian people I proud with this lake.

Big Hole in Guatemala, Another Weird Phenomenon


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Pink Lake

Located on an island in Western Australia and was discovered by Matthew Flinders in 1802. Until

now the cause of the water in the lake pink is still a mystery. But some research said that this lake

was the results of green algae and Dunaliella Salina bacteria. The algae makes red beta-carotene

pigment and produce pink color. Are you pink lovers? I think you will liked this lake.

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Please, see what happen on Saturday (May 29, 2010)

Another Big Hole in China (Complete with Sinkhole Theory

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Back to topic. The big hole in Chine was more than one Hole, around eight holes. Giant hole

appeared in approximately 300 miles or 500 km west of Nanchang City, capital of Jiangxi Province.

Eight holes occur within two weeks. The strange of this hole was many other holes appeared after

the local resident reported to the government. The last hole shown at June 4,2010. The exactly time

was at 12:25 o'clock in the morning at Beijing time. In the middle of the freeway in Zhejiang

Province(eastern coastal areas of the country). The size of the hole around 27 feet or 8 meters with

a depth of 20 feet or 6.5 meters. This hole occurs when a trucks was passing through this street.

This truck rolled over when the wheel caught the hole. The driver was suddenly climbed when he

saw big gaping hole in front of him.

The making of Skinhole

I know this incident really weird and sometimes unreasonable. To remind again, I got a lot of

comment about incident happen in Guatemala. I know many experts also give some theory about

how this happen in this beautiful earth. I got information about the scheme how the sinkhole

happened. Maybe we can learn from this scheme. I found this scheme from site.The official site of water resources division. And they have mission

to restore water resources of Lake County. They also served water quality service program. I think

there are many environment expert who responsible in this site. They could explain anything about

environment based on the soil and water. That's why this scheme was placed in this site. I hope it

useful for us as knowledge. Please see the see the scheme below.

Dragon Fire Ball, A Mysterious Phenomenon Of The Mekong RiverThere is a natural phenomenon in Thailand. Every year the people gather along of Mekong

river( Nong Khai province) as witness of the rising balls light from the surface of the Mekong river.

The local people call it man fai paya nak or dragon fire ball.

On October 4, 2009, the residents and tourists stood lined up on the edge of the Mekong river in

Nong Khai province.

Suddenly, from the surface of the river, dozens of light pink balls with a beautiful shot like an

orchestra led by a conductor. The tourists and residents cheered with joy and applauded loudly. A

few minutes later, the fire balls are lost in the darkness of night.

This phenomenon usually occurs only 1-3 days a year, at the end of the Thai Buddhist retreat that

usually held in October. Ball of fire that comes with no sound and smoke. Sometimes the color is

red, pink or white. It can shot up to 100 meters from the river surface. Generally this fireball can be

seen only at night.

This is a legend of the local residents. They believe that fireballs are coming from a dragon which life

in the river. They saw this phenomenon for a long time ago.

Scientist Said that....

These fireballs just a natural phenomenon that can be explained by science. The fireball appears

from the combustion of natural gas. even a doctor has been researching for a long time, he tried to

prove that this is a natural phenomenon caused by sediment Methane gas rising from the riverbed.

Thailand Ministry of Science has different opinion. they agree that this phenomenon is caused by

natural gas. According to them, this phenomenon the result of the combustion of Phosphine gases

Why this phenomenon happen in October? because the accumulation of gas in the bottom of the

river to reach the peak in October. The gas that has been collected will burst onto the balls forming

the mysterious light.

Hell Gates in Turkmenistan, Another Phenomenon

There is a great phenomenon from Turkmenistan, Middle East. Near with a small airport called

Darvaz. It looks frightening place. Shaped like a gap, with Hot lave inside this place. It was created

around 35 years ago. The local residents said that, some geological experts were dug this place to

search of noble gases. They began searching near the city of Darvaz. the gap was filled by a lot of

natural gas. Because too much of this natural gas, the researchers thought that there would be a

toxic gas that will come out of the place and pollute the earth. Feared would happen bad things, they

decided to burned this gap. They argue that in the next 10-year period of natural gas would stop. But

this is unexpected, until now the gap is still burning and there is no possibility to stop.

There was another story about this place. A geologist had dug this place to look for the original gas.

Suddenly during the dug, they have a huge gap be found under the ground. Because this gap was

too large, so that all the equipment falling down into the abyss. No anyone who dared enter into the

abyss. It caused by the original gas filled the gap.To avoid the natural gas which will contaminate the

earth, they had lit a fire inside the gap. Since that incident. Over 35 years the hole burned and never

stop until now.

As this story can be concluded the cause of the phenomenon was human. I don't know who have to

responsible make this happen. But it was acceptable as long as not to disturb the human in this

earth. This is like the hell on the earth. When I see the picture. I pray to the god. Whether the hell will

like this place. The first time we saw this place, it looks scary place like the hell. I hope after read

and saw the picture, we'll close with god. We keep our nature well from disaster. And all the

mistakes will be erased and we'll go to heaven ... amen. Please share and comment about this


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For me sunset is the other of natural beauty which we should always be thankful for. There is so

much mystery behind the beauty of a burst of golden light by the sunset. Too difficult to be

interpreted and translated clearly, especially when the sunset reflecting the glow surrounding from

the beautiful place.

There is a stretch of sea that adds the beauty of sunset. Whether caused of salt particles so the

sparkle of the gold seems real.The collections of nature which we can enjoy it for free, as an

expression of our gratitude to God. The mystery will always pass on the west side as a sign that the

day will change into night. While in another country changed into the morning.

"Tanah Lot" in Bali Island

Actually we can enjoy the sunset not always in the beach but in other place also, like in the

mountain. But most of the beautiful sunset we can found at the beach, And there is a tourism place

which identical with the sunset. So we go to that place only enjoy the sunset. Like a place in the

beautiful island in my country, it called "tanah lot" in Bali Island. thousand tourist from all over the

world enjoy the sunset in tanah lot.

"tanah Lot" is a tourism place in Bali which offer the beautiful of sunset. This place located in the

Beraban village, Tabanan District, about 45 minutes from Kuta. There are two temples located at on

a large rock. When the tide was come this temple will be seen surrounded by sea water. From this

place we can see the amazing sunset. You can visit to this place someday.

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Blood falls, Another Weird Natural Phenomenon68

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By prasetio30

This is another weird natural phenomenon. And this is extremely rare. This phenomenon came from

source of water flowing in a waterfall. Have the shape as blood that flows continuously but slowly.

This phenomenon happen is Antarctica in the Mc Murdo valley. There was a geologist has found this

places in 1911. He thought that the red blood from the red algae. But it was more than expected.

The story behind this phenomenon is start from two millions years ago. Taylor glacier was trapped 

under the water stream and it containing ancient microbes. This microbes live without water, oxygen,

and light. The condition over there give a red color similar to iron in the blood. Scientists estimate

these fluids such as blood came from ancient microbes which trapped in the crevasse. 

This phenomenon is still become mystery until now. This is truly a wonderful natural phenomenon in

visually or scientifically. God make this happen with another reason. With many weird places around

the world. I hope it can increase our spirituality. We can see this in scientific side and we can see

this in spiritual side. Compared between both of them will be nice. What do you think about this

phenomenon ?

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Moses Miracle, Roads in The Middle of The Sea ( Unique Phenomenon)77rate or flag this page

By prasetio30

Do you believe Moses Miracle? are you religious person? If you are religious person, you exactly

know about "Moses Miracle", the story about the Moses split the sea into two parts using his stick.

And the Moses people walked trough that way, in the middle of the sea. What do you think when the

"Moses Miracle" happen now, in modern era. We will know the mysterious phenomenon trough this


This is a natural phenomenon that's very magical. This is related to the story of Moses Miracle. This

phenomenon happened in Korea. The ginseng country. This phenomenon happened twice in a

year.occurs during low tide. In that time, the land open along 2.8 kilometers, and 40 meters wide.

This road connecting the island of Jindo and modo for a few hours. It's kind of miracle, when you

saw the sea and directly split into two parts and we can walk along this road. Like in the Moses

Miracle story.

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let's back to the Story of Moses Miracle

the map of the miracle happen

the Moses with his stick, split the sea.

the Moses People walking across in middle of the sea

There is a ritual or festival doing when the phenomenon happen.This phenomenon is attended by

millions of people from various parts of the world. At first no one knew about this phenomenon until

1975. At that time, Mr. Pierre Randi, as French ambassador for Korea visited this places and

published in French newspapers.

There is a legend behind this phenomenon. The Korean people tells of a Jindo village was attacked

by a tiger and all the villagers fled and took refuge on the Modo  island.But there was an old woman

who left the village group. In the despair, he prayed to god to be reunited with his family. And the

God granted her prayer by opening up the road at sea level and helped the old woman escaped

from a wild tiger's. what 


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Have you heard about this place and the story before? maybe have nothing to do with the story of

Moses, the Ten Commandments in Exodus is the book-the Holy Bible. but similar. let's share and

give your opinion about this phenomenon. thanks

The Beauty of Nature Tourism in Indonesia84rate or flag this page

By prasetio30

Have you ever heard about Indonesia? a country in Southeastern Asia. I think we all familiar with

Bali Island, right! the famous island in Indonesia as a top travel destination. Million tourists visit Bali

every year. Sometimes tourists knew Bali very well but never knew Indonesia. Whereas Bali Island

is located in Indonesia. As an Indonesian people I also proud with my country. I have promised to

you that I want post a hub about travel destination in Indonesia. Because of several hubbers ask me,

what next? So I am proud to present this hub to all of you. At least I am become tourism

ambassador for my country. I introduced some interesting places in Indonesia around the world. My

government hard works to protect my country from any interference, like terrorist. This is for safety

and comfort of tourists during their stay in Indonesia.

Actually Indonesia has many beautiful places for travel destination. I will tell to you about the

beautiful of nature tourism in my country. I'll take you to travel in several beautiful places in

Indonesia. And most of these places as a natural tourism place. All these places were created

naturally by God. With various shape, color, contour and many items to support the beautifulness.

Are you ready? I'll start with Komodo Island. Please continue to read.......

Komodo National Park

Have you ever seen the giant reptile in the world? you can see the giant reptile in this island. We

usually called "komodo" (Varanus komodoensis) is an ancient reptile which still exists in the earth.

Komodo National Park is an area consisting of several islands with sea water surrounding these

islands. This island has unique natural conditions, like a vast savanna with lontar trees (Borassus

flabellifer). The exactly place is between the island of Sumbawa (Nusa Tenggara Barat) and Flores

(Nusa Tenggara Timur). The most attractive of this Island beside the giant reptile, there is water

tourism. Like: fishing, snorkeling, diving, canoeing, boating. While on the land or island we can do

several activities. Tourism potential that can be done is to observe wildlife, hiking, and camping.

Visiting the National Park and enjoy the natural scenery is very fascinating experience that will never

be forgotten.

Just for information, Komodo National Park was nominated as the new seven wonder of the world.

So, many Indonesian people vote this island in You can help this Island

become the new seven wonders in the world by visiting this site,

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Ijen Crater, East Java

Ijen crater is located on the top of Mount Ijen. Mount Ijen is a series of volcanoes in eastern Java,

like Bromo, Semeru, and Merapi. Ijen crater lies in altitude of 2368 meters above sea level. The

most interesting of Ijen crater is the largest caldera on the island of Java. Caldera size around 28

kilometers. The size of crater itself around 960 meters times 600 meters with a depth of 200 meters.

This crater is located at a depth of more than 300 meters below the caldera wall. This crater has a

very high acidity level that is close to zero. So that that it can dissolve human body quickly. In

addition, the temperature of this crater was reached 200 degrees celcius.

Ijen crater is a large lake with a green mist which came from the sulfur fumes. The cold temperatures

even reach two degrees Celcius, will add its own sensation. We can find special plants which exist

only in the highlands, like Edelweis flower. In the morning when the sun shine we can see beautiful

scenery from this crater. One that caught the attention of visitor from this crater is traditional sulfur

miners. The sulfur miners take sulfur from the bottom of the crater. So when we near to this place

don't forget to close your nose.

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Bunaken Marine Park

Do you like diving? I think this is the best place for you. Diving is a sport which is exciting. This

activity is not only good for health, but also to calm the mind and inner satisfaction. Bunaken Island

located in the north of Sulawesi Island which can be reached by aircraft from Jakarta for three hours

ten minutes. Bunaken Marine Park is very famous as the top 10 most popular dive sites in the world

to be visited. Offer spectacular dive to a depth of 100 meters and warm sea water. Bunaken Marine

Park established by the Government as conservation areas with the width 79.065 ha. Bunaken

National Park which is a conservation area has a very high marine biodiversity. There are three main

ecosystems of tropical waters of Indonesia, namely: Coral Reef, Mangrove and Seagrass. There

were fifty eight species of coral reefs and 2000 species of fish.

There's no off-season in Bunaken Marine Park. The best time to dive at this place between May and

June. At that time, you will be greeted by crystal clear sea water and warm (air temperature 26 ° -31

° C). Sea water is so calm and without waves. With visibility 20-35 meters allowing us to see clearly

the charm of coral reefs and colorful fish with a depth of only 5 meters! Average depth of dives in

Bunaken ranged from 5 to 40 meters. Diving in Bunaken is a special journey. We can see

underwater view with the most amazing experience.

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Toba lake

Toba Lake is the biggest lake in Indonesia. This lake located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.

Toba Lake itself is a volcanic lake which occurs when there was an explosion of the volcano at

69000-77000 years ago. After the blast, create caldera (cavity in the ground after a volcanic

eruption) which was then filled with water and we now know as Toba Lake. With a length of 100

kilometers, 30 kilometers wide and a depth of 505 meter (the largest volcanic lake in the world). The

most interesting from this lake is there is an island called Samosir Island in the middle of this lake.

If you want go to see the beautiful of Toba Lake, advised to stop over to Parapat Town. Through this

town we can see the beautiful Lake Toba clearer. Parapat is one of tourism city in northern Sumatra.

So do not worry for accommodation like hotel and so on.

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Dreamland Beach

This beach is located in Pecatu, Southern of Bali island. This is the most beautiful beach in Bali

beside Kuta Beach. It takes 30 minutes from Kuta beach. Dreamland Beach was surrounded by high

towering cliffs and by fairly large rocks around the coast. This beach so beautiful, it doesn't like Kuta.

Kuta Beach has dense by visitors. Of course with this situation we would be more comfortable and

we can enjoy the atmosphere of the beach that also famous as a place to surf. Dreamland beach is

currently being developed as a tourist area. It called Bali Pecatu Resorts complete with 18 hole golf

courses, international schools, international hospitals, shopping malls and other tourist

facilities.Dreamland beach will become exclusive tourist area.

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Gong Cave

Gong cave located in Pacitan city, East Java. There were approximately 300 small mountains which

contain caves. Both verticals and horizontals cave. Because of the many caves, so Pacitan called as

the city of thousand caves. But the famous cave is Gong cave. What's make this cave so beautiful?

because this cave has stalagtite and stalagmite. That's makes this cave become the beautiful one in

South-east Asian. It has about 256 m deep, beside that it also has 5 polls. Stalagtite and stalagmite

were created from the limestone rock from millions years ago. We can also see the limestone with a

shape like statue, it created naturally by water droplets. Foreign researchers do some research

inside this cave. The local government was established this cave as a tourism place by creating a

line from iron on the sides, for both right and left and put different colored lights. We can see

attractive lights inside this cave. If the light doesn't enough, the visitors can rent a flashlight in the

mouth of the cave with the rate $0.25 per flashlight.

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Sentani Lake

Sentani Lake is one of the biggest Lake in Jaya Pura Province. This place offers amazing scenery.

All looks naturally. Sentani Lake is located between Cyclops Mountains, with altitude 70-90 m above

sea level. Sentani lake is a a volcanic lake. The source of waters comes from 14 large and small

rivers. We can see storks and eagles grab the fish in the middle of Sentani Lake. Visitors also

provide Johnson's boat to look around the lake. To introduced this lake abroad to local or foreign

tourist, the local government makes an event namely Sentani lake Festival. The festival is held every

year to preserve cultural values as a unique asset. At this festival will be shown a very unique culture

as a heritage from the ancestors, like; dance war above the boat and other traditional dances from

different tribes.

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Green Canyon

We can visit Grand Canyon in USA. But this place located in Kertayasa village, Ciamis, West Jaava,

Indonesia.. Green Canyon name was popularized by tourist from French. But the real name is

Cukang taneuh, it mean land bridge. Why this place has cukang taneuh, because the is a bridge

with a width of 3 meters and 40 meters long which connects the Kertayasa village and Batukaras


We can visit this place by the boat, namely ketinting around 30 minutes. The most beautiful

attraction from this place is the river. On the side of the river we can enjoy the climbing hill which

planted green trees. I guarantee the trip wouldn't get bored at all, because of the beautiful of

scenery. During the journey we can see lizard, snake, even the people who fishing at the river.

When we reach the Green Canyon, the water looks so blue and clear. To see the uniqueness of this

place, we are suggested to swim or crawling on the edge of the stone. During the swimming, we will

continue to be in the basin with steep walls on either side. In other parts, there was water dripped

from stalactites. After a few hundred meters of swimming, we would see some small waterfalls in the

right and left of the river. If we continue to swim, at the edge of the rier we can found cave with

millions bats. This is wonderful experience while swimming with the fish in clear water and cold.

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Beautiful Scenery from the Highest Place94

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By prasetio30

In my spare time yesterday, I looking around the internet information. And I found valuable info about

unusual location around the world. Because I like something weird. And one of my big attraction in

writing is about traveling place. And If I found interesting place around the world, I want to share to

all of you through the hub. I had wrote many information about tourism place, and you can found it in

my hub.

If you are afraid of high maybe this place is not suitable for you. But if you liked something which can

pump your adrenaline, maybe this place is the right place for you. Actually most of these place are

as tourism place, where many people come from other place or other country to enjoy the scenery

around these place. 

Why I said these place are unusual, because the location is in the highest place. If your phobia of

heights, it looks scary place to visit. Maybe if you come to the country which I mention below, you

can visit that place.Because there are several location where we can visit the beautiful scenery from

the highest place. Like: Austria, Norway, USA, Brazil, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Italy,

These place become an alternative option for traveling idea. Just prepare your self to see the

beautiful scenery and prepare to pass the highest place.

Aurland Lookout (Norway)

This place was made by Todd Saunders and Tommie Wilhelmsen as the architect. They design the

beautiful walking stops on the Aurland mountain. And become the winner in Norway competition of

tourist routes. We can see in the picture below how Todd and Tommie created a great design hang

on the mountain. It need tough structure, with curved platform created to form the foundation of the

structure. closed with a glass. From this place we can see beautiful views to the land below. This

good for someone who dare to walk up to the very end. 

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Dachstein Sky Walk (Austria)

If you visit Austria certainly will not miss Dachstein Sky Walk. With the high 7200  meters above sea

level, on the Hunerkogel vertical rocks with 250 m height. This place also called "Balcony of Alpine

Mountain". From the 360-degree of views the visitors can see the beautiful scenery of the south of

Slovenia, Czech Republic in the north. Dachstein Sky Walk is much higher than Niagara waterfall.

From this description we can estimate how high this place.

Grand Canyon Skywalk (Arizona – USA)

I think we all know about Grand Canyon. The biggest rock mountain in USA. I know this from my

television. And this is become my biggest interest from tourism place in USA. And Hollywood also

use the Grand Canyon as a backdrop for the movies. Grand Canyon Skywalk also become tourism

place which used horseshoe-shaped an a construction. It made from the glass wall with 4 inches  of

thickness. Grand Canyon Skywalk hang on 4000 feet above the ground. and length up to 65 feet

from the end of the Grand Canyon cliff. This place is become architectural masterpiece that could

hold the weight up to 70 tons (equivalent to 14 African elephants ) and can hold the winds blow up to

100 meters per hour. Just for remind, all the visitors have to wear anti-scratch socks if they want to

pass and see the beautiful scenery of Grand Canyon. I hope I can go to this place someday.

Hanging Platform of Iguazu Falls (Brasil dan Argentina)

Have you ever seen the waterfall closely? you can feel the spray of the water from the waterfall

directly. You can felt how the God create the amazing waterfall and all the beautiful inside this

nature. We can try to relax and take a deep breath. We can got all about that in this place. It located

in the subtropical forests to make many tourist who come to this place enjoy all the scenery. To

appreciate the goodness of God, I think it nice to see this waterfall from the Skywalk. But for remind

again be careful with the roar of water falling from a height of 80 feet which deafening.

Auckland Tower (New Zealand)

This is one of skyscraper tower in the New Zealand, the beautiful country near Australia. As we

know there are many natural tourism place in New zealand. But this time I want share about

Auckland tower. There is something unusual in this tower. With 328 m high Auckland tower is the

tallest building in the southern hemisphere. It takes 2000 tons of iron, 660 tons of steel frame

buildings and 15,000 cubic meters of cement to build this tower This building can withstand the wind

up to 200 km / h speed, an earthquake measuring 8 on Richter scale. The most interesting moment

is in the sunny day, the view can reach 82 km. The highest room is Sky Deck with made from the

glass that provides 360-degree view.

Illawara Fly Tree Top Walk (Australia)

Australia is the beautiful country. We can visit many tourism place in Australia. But when you come

to Australia don't forget to visit Illawara Fly Tree Top Walk. It need 5 months to develop this place.

Located at Knights Hill on the ridge near Robertson in the southern highlands, Illawara Fly Tree Top

Walk facilitate visitors to walk among the rainforest canopy 25 feet above the ground on the metal

platform. We can enjoy the panoramic views of the coastline from Kiama to Shellharbour. DO you

want to try?

Landscape Promontory (Switzerland)

This place is located in Switzerland, design by Paolo Burgi. The most interesting things about this

place is the corridor made by the iron and titanium. We can see the symbol on the tile which

describe about the history while see the beautiful scenery below.

Infinity Room at the House of the Rock (Wisconsin – USA)

This place was built in 1959. We can see  may rooms, roads, gardens, and shops with unique

architectural designs by Alex Jordan, Jr. This house Is located in Spring Green, Wisconsin, I think

many hubbers from USA know this place. As a a regional tourist attractions, many tourist come to

see the beautiful scenery. Infinity Room at the House of the Rock was built without a buffer below,

with more than 3000 hand-made windows in the both side. This house extends several hundred feet

from the valley, I can't imagine how great architect who built this house.

Il Binocolo (Italy)

From this name we can know the meaning is binoculars. It located In the castle garden of

Trauttmansdorff, Italy. This place was made by iron as a platform which out of the trees, design by

architect Matteo Thun. We can also find beautiful scenery around this place.

The Most Beautiful Garden in Europe85rate or flag this page

By prasetio30

If you love my hub related beautiful places around the world. You will find again other places which

is really beautiful and amazing. This time I’ll write about flower garden. If a week ago I wrote about

“The benefit of gardening for health”. But I am back with travel review. This is different review,

because I want to write about flower garden. Before I start the review about garden, better to know

for us the reason why we visit the flower garden:

Flower garden is very important as the lung of the city. It has function to absorbed carbon

dioxide and release oxygen. It makes the air cleaner. To reduce pollution and fight the global


Flower garden is the alternative place for vocation. We can take all the family to enjoy many

flowers while breathing fresh air.

In the flower garden or Botanical garden we can learn of the various types of plants and flower.

I thought the kids will love kind of this vocation.

Admire god's creation and see the power of God makes the flower so beautiful, the trees

growing big and tall. We can be grateful for such a beautiful gift from God. I hope this vocation

could increase the spirituality side.

We can find the rare trees and flowers, which we never seen these before. All the plants

gathered in this place to be protected and preserved so these all do not become extinct.

Can calm the mind (release stress) and makes your eyes are always fresh by enjoying the

colorful flowers, tree and the green of grass.

We can also see the amazing building in the green location. Please take a look in all the

pictures below.

I’ll take you traveling to see the beautiful of flower garden in Europe. Personally these gardens are

the most beautiful flower garden in Europe. If you love traveling and have a plan to visit Europe, you

can put all garden information in your list. If you like something green, the colorful of flower and pond

with clear water, these are the best place for you. You can spend the time all day long over there,

because these gardens are well maintained. You can reschedule your plan if you want to visit these

gardens. So you can spend more time over there. Each place is amazing and special in its own

way.  Now let us see the five most beautiful gardens in Europe.

Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, London

Key Royal Botanical Garden is located about 10 miles from central London. As the UNESCO World

Heritage site, this gardens are probably the best and the famous botanical garden in the world.

There are many interesting buildings over there. Including a Royal Palace, six magnificent

glasshouses, the Great Pagoda designed by William Chambers. There are plants (30,000 types of

plants) and trees from all over the world outside in 121 hectares of stunning vistas.. Founded in

1759, Key Royal Botanical Garden as the beautiful, historically fascinating garden in London. This

garden brought the features elements which show the art of garden s from the 18th to the 20th

century (nearly 250 years). I heard that Kew's garden is also used for summer concert. I thought

from this place we can see the beautiful landscape beside the river Thames between Richmond and

Kew. This garden is open every day, excluding Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

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Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh, Scotland

Royal Botanical Garden is well known as the center for the study of plants. This place founded in

1670. Almost 36,000 plants are grown at the Edinburg Botanical garden. Nearly 17,000 different

species come from all over the world. The most interesting from this place is you can find more than

100,000 books botanical library. The people from all over the world come to Scotland to see them.

There is a Palm-house over there which re-open to public in March 19, 2005. As a good point for the

new "Windows on the World" experience. We can walk along the Glasshouse with the guideline of

interactive audio. The interactive audio gave us information o very plant describe by the botanic

experts. Although Botanic garden as the place for scientist activities for both tourist and locals. Royal

Botanic garden Edinburgh is a popular place to go for a walk, especially for young families. I heard

that the entrance to botanic garden is free, although we have to pay small entry charge for the

Glasshouse. I thought this still affordable price for “science” vocation. We can find other facilities like

shop, snack bar open in summer, Inverleith House for exhibition and lectures. We can also see

Edinburg castle from the terrace café nearby this garden.

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Generalife Gardens, Granada (Spain)

Do not ever miss this place if you go to Spain. This is a very beautiful place situated on the plateau.

The location chosen was the Cerro del Sol, the fertile area to the east of the Alhambra. Here like a

paradise on earth. Original design came from to the late 13th century when Granada was already

the most beautiful city in Al Andalus.  It was constructed as a small, simple yet intimate summer

palace surrounded by the shady garden. Generalife as know as the Garden of Architect. I heard

many people said that Generalife is the finest garden in the whole of Europe. All gardens offer new

color and a different perspective with the changing seasons and this is particularly true in the

Generalife. Evening visits are very enjoyable. It brings the delights of the garden to a wider public.

Previously, in 13th century only filled with gardens and green meadows. During the period of time it

changed into a very beautiful place filled with roses and lilies, and also a long pond or water channel.

On the right side of generalife garden, there is a building was built in 1952. It called Manuel Falla

auditorium. There are various annual festival held here, like ballet and dance. But the most

interesting is we can enjoy the sightseeing, smell of the flowers, and the sound of water. Other

plants around the generalife garden are beans, seeds and aromatic herbs like cumin and basil, as

well as vegetables and fruits. A traditional Spain garden which compatible with the Spanish climate

of sun and heat.

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Nymphenburg Palace gardens, Munich

These are beautiful combination between palace and garden. You can see the fascinating garden if

you go to Munich. It is about twenty minutes tram ride from the city center to get the palace. We can

easily go there by car or bus 41.  This is very beautiful place to spend the time in the morning and

appreciate the beauty of nature. See the royal gardens of the 17th century.  It is very outstanding

place to walking around, starting as a small garden into the big garden. What can we see over

there? There are also statues of the Greeks, Gods and also a large pond. Nympenburg Palace is an

outstanding example of baroque architecture. This is one of the best in Europe. This place was built

in 1664, by famous architect for almost 60 years. Right now, we can see beautiful landscape garden.

It is pleasant and relaxing especially from spring to autumn. There are a couple of famous Pavillions

in the garden, so you should not miss this. One of the favorite by many people is Amalienburg, a

Cuvillies masterpiece.

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Monet’s garden, French

This garden was built from 1883 to 1926 in the Valley of the River Epte by Claude Monet. Do you

know Monet? He is one of the world’s best artists. I love an art and Monet is the leader of

impressionist painter, he is my favorite too. Monet’s garden is the colorful garden connected to the

Giverny village. This garden is close to the residence of Claude Monet. It makes this garden more

beautiful. There are beautiful flowers and colorful pool which also makes the atmosphere calm and

peaceful. The sights and sounds of this place are great. I believe many visitors who go there will

have unforgettable memories in their life. This garden as the subject of Monet’s painting and also

have special place to the many artists and photographers. We can see the color harmony and

contrast given by Giverny. The beautiful of this garden came from Monet's characteristic pink house

with green shutters and festooned with roses. Like in painting, we can see bees and butterfly are

flying around the garden, willows and water-lilies still appears to await the dazzling eye. The most

attraction is water-lily ponds with their wonderful play of light and shadow like a master of painting.

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Keukenhof Garden, Netherlands

I want to say thank you for "Wanderlust" he is one of my friend in HP, He reminds me about this

garden. Keukenhof is the world's famous flower garden. This garden is located in the city of Lisse in

the southwest of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Keukenhof flower garden is open annually from April 19

until May 21. To achieve the Keukenhof can take the train from the Haarlem railway station, Schiphol

or Leiden. Right now, Keukenhof garden is opened as the International Flower Garden.

 In the 15th century, Keukenhof garden was belongs to Jacoba van Beieren, who ruled the kingdom

in 1401-1436. The area with the wide around  32 hectares was used to plant different kinds of

vegetables, medicinal plants, herbs and spices are also ingredients to cook food for the royal family.

Why this garden called Keukenhof? Keuken means kitchen in Dutch or “Kitchen Garden”. 

We can see many beautiful flowers everywhere. But the most flowers are Tulip. This tulips garden is

not just the biggest in Netherland, but also the biggest in the world. We can see different kinds of

tulips, such as Single Early, Double Early, Kaufmaniana, Fosteriana, Triumph, Darwin Hybrid,

Greigii, Single Late, Double Late, Lily-flowered Tulip, Fringed Group, Viridiflora, and Rembrandt. All

the flowers were arranged in a very interesting composition, like: white, yellow, orange, red, orange,

pink, purple ..., really refreshing and pampering eyes. It’s like being in a "rainbow country" 

There are five pavilions over there. Each pavilions has name king and queen of Netherlands, such

as: Oranje Nassau Pavilion, Wilhelmina Pavilion, Juliana Pavilion, Beatrix Pavilion and Willem

Alexander Pavilion. Sometimes we can see an attraction like Radost Theatergroep who presenting

Klompen dance and Volk dance. 

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Beautiful Scenery Along The Deadly Road78rate or flag this page

By prasetio30

I never get bored to write about place and travel destination. I hope you don’t get bored to read this

hub. This time I write something different. When we go to the tourism place, we might to stop for a

while or stay for a couple days. With the common reasons enjoying a beautiful of that place.  If you

like traveling we must need this thing. What you passed when you traveling in some places? The

best answer is road.

Other question is what do we see along the trip? I thought the beautiful scenery. That makes our trip

more comfortable and fun. How does God combine both of these?   I mean by combining beautiful

scenery along the road. This is not common road, but the deadly road. I hope you can imagine how

these roads looks so scary for us. I thought not only for the driver, but the passenger also. Maybe I

saw kind of these roads only in the movie. But this time we can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the

deadly road through this hub.

You can see several deadly roads in the world have beautiful scenery. Personally, just see the

pictures make me sweating.  But I have to admit that the scenery is totally beautiful. Some of these

roads passed the mountains, hills and even on the edge of ravine. So, if you have a chance to travel

along these roads, just prepare to pump your adrenaline. Other scary experience when we passed

these roads maybe when we ran into another vehicle. Where is the road we passing through was not

enough to accommodate two cars or buses. I thought experienced driver required. Not everyone is

brave enough to drive in these roads.This nature gives us all to be enjoyed. I thought some of us

know these roads, because we live near these roads. Maybe you want to share your experience, I’ll

appreciate that. Please enjoy the information below.

Trollstigen in Norway

Trollstigen or we can called this troll ladder is mountain road in Rauma, Norway. That is part of the

national road of Norway which connects Andalsues in Rauma and Valldal in Norddal. This road is

become a popular attraction for tourists because it has a 9% steepness and eleven sharp bend

which climb the mountainside. Getting into the top this road is narrower with sharp turns. Although in

recent years has been widened, the vehicle which length more than 12.4m are prohibited to passed

this road.

At the peak, there is a parking space where the tourists can save their car, then from there they can

walk for 10 minutes to the high place like a balcony. From these places they could see the road with

all bend and they can also see Stigfossen waterfalls. The waterfall looks beautiful, when the water

flowing down along the edge with the length around 320m along the mountainside. Wow....horrible

experience redeemed with beautiful scenery. I thought it would be a great trip for many tourists

which passed Trollstigen.

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Guoliang Tunnel, the road inside a tunnel

When I see this road it reminds me with the Chinese movie, especially kung-fu movie. Why I said

like this because the movie sometimes use the mountain background and the other the rock

mountain. I also found the beautiful scenery in this road and this is like in the movie. This road

located in Hunan province, China. What make this road so specials? because this road was built

inside the tunnel in Taihang Mountain. The road in Taihang mountain was built by local people.

Required five years to complete this tunnel with length around 1.200 metres, with a height of about

5m and 4m wide. Several people killed by accident during the making of this road. But other

residents continue to remain to build until finish. This is like an art work, where the people make

such of the beautiful creation and it useful for others. On May 1, 1977, the tunnel was opened for

transportation. My advice don't look at down!

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Stelvio causeway in Italy

I found another beautiful road. I heard that this road also good for cycling. If your hobbies are

cycling, don’t miss this track. You will found beautiful scenery along the trip. And all the scenery for

the left side and the right side are totally green. I thought it good for our eyes. This road is the

highest mountain highway in the eastern Alps and the second highest road in the Alps after the Col

de I'lsevon (2.770m). Stelvio causeway is also connect Valtellina area with the Adige valley and

Merano. It is in the Italian Alps, near Bormio and Sulden, 75km from Bolzano, near the border with

Switzerland. This road has 48 sharp bend, many people said that this is the best circuits in the Alps.

Although this road not too deadly, but Stelvio stay could pumping your adrenaline. I thought my

friend, Micky Dee will love this one.

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The Most Dangerous Road in Bolivia

North Yungas Road, also known as the death road. This road stretching as far as 61 to 69 km from

La Paz (Bolivia's capital) to the Coroico in the Amazon region in the Yungas region, Bolivia. In 1995

the Inter American Development Bank called this as "the most dangerous road in the world". It called

like this because amount of 200-300 people were killed each year on the road. Along the way many

of the cross standing as a mark many of the vehicles crashed.

At the end of 2006, after having built over 20 years, a new road (by-pass) from La Paz to Coroico

opened to the public. A new road with modern construction like bridges, drainage, etc. We can also

see double lines, sidewalks, security fencing and many other elements that make it much safer than

old roads. But we can still find many people who want to felt the sensation of the dangerous road.

For me, No thank when I see the picture below.

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Taroko Gorge Road, Taiwan

This place is located in Taiwan. From the information around the internet this road also located in

Taroko Gorge National Park, just a few hours from Taipei. We can see beautiful scenery created

from the limestone. This limestone like sculpted in the narrow canyon. The waters coming out of the

wild central mountain range in the island of Taiwan. I don't have any word to describe, because of

beautiful marble canyon, deep valley and the high cliff. Because of this road is quite narrow, only the

bus can pass this road. The road through the gorge, make this place so amazing. This is absolutely

beautiful sight to see.

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The Most Amazing Tour in The World

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By prasetio30

Through this hub, I'll take you traveling around the world. I think it is become a wonderful idea for us

to see beautiful and amazing places in the world. Most of people said that the world is so small. Why

the people said like this, because we can go to other place with the distance far by plane in the few

of hour. We can send a smile to our friends or family by email or phone. We can see the news from

all over the world from television. That's all make the world so small, my friend.WeI know all the

beauty places around the world only from television or internet. But have you ever think to go to

these places. I hope this hub useful for us as an alternative for traveling. Please continue to read.....

I thought some of us know about these places. But I'll try to peel out more about the beauty of these

places. That's makes me curious to write this hub. Actually I want to write this hub a couple days

ago. But I still wait the best moment and I think this time is good for me and I get the good mood. My

idea about these places flow like a river. I write like I have an imagination to go to this place at the

same time, by seeing the picture and continue to write and write. It's like time travel. I wish I have a

time machine. I'll go to these places in one day. My imagination is flies like a bird. As far as my eyes

enjoy the beauty of these places. I don't have much word to express my feeling. So, let me take you

traveling to all these places below.

Chittorgarh Fort, India

Chittogarh fort, India known as the biggest castle in India and the best fort in the state of

Rajasthan.Chittogarh fort was built on the hill with the width area around 2.8 km2 (1.1 sq miles). This

fort is located in the left side of Berach River (a tributary of the Banas River). The building of this fort

is the linking to the new city of Chittorgarh (known as 'Lower City') which was developed on the

plains after the year 1568. A road winding at the hill with length more than 1 km (0.6 miles) from new

city leading to the western end of the main gate, called the Ram Pol. From inside the fort, a circular

road was provided as an access to all gates, and monuments are located within the walls of the


A long time ago inside the fortress, there are 84 water reservoirs. We can see the forms like ponds

and wells. But now only the remaining 22 and those are still functioning. This place was to

accommodate water from springs around the hill and rainfall. Of all the places where existing water,

they all have a capacity of 4 billion liters of water, so it can meet the water needs for 50,000 troops.

This fort has seven gates (in local language, the gate is called "Pol"). They are: Paddan Pol, Bhairon

Pol, Hanuman Pol, Ganesh Pol, Jodla Pol, Laxman Pol, and the main entrance of Ram Pol (gate of

King Rama). A circular road connecting all inside the fort gates and provides access to various

monuments (palaces and 130 temples). In addition, the gate with arch forms were designed with

very strong to be able to fend off the elephants and cannon fire. The top gate has also been

designed to make easy the archers shoot arrows towards the enemy. And another one which make

this fort very unique is there are two towers are very beautiful as the picture below. This is an

evidence of the architecture progress long time ago

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Cinque Terre, the colorful village

Actually I have been wrote about this before. Please check my hub with the tittle"The Most Extreme

Place For Settlement". But this time I'll write more complete about this village. If you have a chance,

you can visit this place. Look at these pictures below, you definitely impressed. The most fun came

to this place is in the summer time. What we are talking about is the Cinque Terre, located in the

tourist area of Northern Italy.

Not only one village, but there are five villages in the province of La Spezia in Liguria. The fifth

villages view was really beautiful. We can see many houses painted in bright colors, all the houses

really stand out. That makes these villages very famous in the world. The landscape was so

beautiful because all these villages located in mountaintop overlooking the sea.

If we talk about Cinque Terre, it means "Five Regions". The five regions are Monterosso al Mare,

Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore on the Italian Riviera coast (from north to south).

because of the colorful houses are entrenched in the mountain rocks, so fit and looks comfortable.

The photos were spread throughout the world, and 'invite' many tourist from all over the world to visit

this place.

Uniquely, all the visitors who come to this place are not allowed to drive a car around the villages.

They like being forced to walk, ride a train or motor boat/ canoe. For the hiking lovers, this place

might be good enough to be explored. We could find various tracks here, starting from a difficult until

the easiest can connecting to five villages. Cinque Terre was built on the rock at the edge of the

abyss. All the building looks traditional. So don't expect we will see the modern building here,

because it is not allowed by the government. The local governments want to maintain the

authenticity of the city which has existed since century years ago. I hope we get complete

information through this hub.

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Machu Picchu, the city above the clouds

I thought we all familiar with this city. We can find the information about Machu Picchu in many

forums. It often said that Machu Picchu as the lost city and it found back in the modern era. We can

see this city as a tourism place. When we look back to the history, Machu Piccu is the lost city of

Inca, The location of Machu Picchu in mountainous regions at an altitude of about 2350 m (pre-

Columbian Inca ruins). Machu Picchu is above the Urubamba Valley in Peru, about 70 km northwest

of Cusco.

One more proof of the amazing history of civilization, Machu Picchu. All the building still buried for

hundreds of years by the surrounding vegetation, before it was found.  Machu Picchu is also one of

the most historic buildings in the world which always preserved. Machu Picchu was built with ancient

Inca style. We can see the wall with polished stones. The main building is Intihuatana, Temple of the

Sun, and Three Window Room. Building stone shows about the quality of past civilizations in the

works.The location of Machu Piccu at the Andes Mountain, above the Uramba Valley Peru. Until

now, it's nearly 2,500 tourists visit Machu Picchu every day. Are you interest to visit Machu Piccu?

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Massif De La Chartreuse

I found something beautiful in this place. Massif De La Chartreuse is a mountain range located in

France. We can see beautiful scenery among the mountain with the wide area around 40 miles north

to south, and the situated between Chambéry to the north, and Grenoble to the south. It's like a

hidden world of high altitudes and valley. The scenery at this mountain looks charming and original.

Which offer to us unique landscape and magnificent. There are endemic plants in dense forest. We

can enjoy the monastery of the Grande Chartreuse, the monks keep the recipe for Chartreuse Elexir

(produced in Voiron, in the cellars of the monastery). Some villages are beautiful, with stone houses.

That's makes me curious is the unique formation of the stone. Like the double arch at 23 metres

(105 ft), you can see the picture of the arch below. This arches as the longest span in the Alps.

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The Most Extreme Place for Settlements79rate or flag this page

By prasetio30

I like something about house, interior and interior design. And there was a television show in my

country talking about housing. The tittle of this show was "Dream House". As an audience we shown

the beautiful house. Sometimes it reviewing about the simple house, luxurious house, tips and

advice, interior and exterior design. I think this was a big dream of us to have a beautiful house.

Even a simple house with simple design.

I think we want to have something beautiful for our house. Like beautiful garden, swimming pool,

playground, garage. But all of them is match with the criteria of “Dream House”. I think it depend on

us. We talk about taste and we all have different taste. For someone who lived in tropical country like

in my country (Indonesia) have different style with the house in England. House is one of the

something important of human life. This includes primary needs. We definitely want a good

house.Which is capable in supporting all activities and can improve our performance.

The important things you need to know, based on the observed of psychologists. If we feel

comfortable in the house, then everything we will do more energetic and have a tendency to greater

success rather than people who feel uncomfortable being home. Here’s some criteria of the dream

house”, like:

Safe and comfortable environment.

Home design as we wish.

Interior layout and aesthetic standards but does not leave the benefit side.

Match with cultural and society.

Match with the budget.

It's not a problem for the big house or small house. In my opinion about the ideal house, the house

that could accommodate all or most of the needs of residents and make residents felt something

what it called "HOME SWEET HOME".

I think we don’t imagine have a house in the extreme place. Why it called extreme, because all these

houses located in the unusual place. Most of those houses located above the cliff, like without

borders. I know from these places we can see the beautiful scenery. Because under these house

was the sea with the big wave or the deep ravine.

Bonifacio (Corsica): 230 ft above the surface of the Mediterranean Sea.

This place located at the southern of the Corsica Island of, Bonifacio. There are densely populated

resident in that island. The city was located in the fortress with white limestone at an altitude of 70

meters. But during the time the white limestone gradually eroded by the large waves that directly hit

the Mediterranean Sea. But actually this place was beautiful. That’s why Bonifacio become a haven

for luxury cruise ships from around the world. Based the history of Bonifacio in the past this city as a

navy shelter. But recently it the function turned into a port city. Please enjoy the pictures below.

See all 17 photos

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Ronda (Spanish)

Located at 100-meter-deep of ravine lips,very high location in the mountains about 750 meters

above sea level. Include the territory of Malaga Province. This also called “El Tajo” the gap which

has a depth of 100 meters which separated the old city and new city. There are houses and the

building at the edge of cliff. It looks scary place. I think it should there a sign with notification “don’t

look down”…. just kidding. There are three bridges available to cross the ravine, which was made at

different times. Which existed from hundreds years ago. Like: Roman, Moorish and 18th century.

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Santorini (Greece)

Heaven at the altitude around 300 meters above sea level. That's why Santorini called "heaven"

because the beautiful of this place.The city which located 200 km from the south of Greece. This city

where located at the beautiful mountain like a 'paradise' because the amazing landscape. Santorini

Island formed from volcanic eruptions in the past. From the gigantic eruption it formed the caldera.

The eruption on Minoan Mount (Crete Island) caused big tsunami and swept all life. From the

eruption was formed giant lagoon, measuring approximately 12 km x 7 km and surrounded by high

rock mountains on three sides.

Right now Santorini become the most beautiful place and the place which frequently visited by

tourists from Europe. Twinkling lights at night make the Santorini city's looks like a heaven indeed.

Santorini also as an album from my favorite pianist, Yanni.

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Castellfolit de la Roca (Spanish)

Castellfolit de la Roca (Spain) located above the high rock mountains around 50 meter , in

Catalonia, Spain. This city is located on the border of the meeting Toronell and Fluvià rivers, which

flows between a mount which were the foundation stones of the city. It was said that the rock formed

from lava flows that accumulate up to 50 feet high and almost 1 km long.

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Manarola (Italy)

Manarola was located in Liguria, Italy. It was said that Manarola was the oldest city that has stood

for thousands of years, around the time of Roman. It’s hard to say exactly when this city formed. But

I heard it written in the document of ancient Roman.A long time ago the existence of this town as a

place where wine was made. Right now we can see the vineyards are still scattered throughout the

city. If you visit there you can enjoy take a walk at the vineyard. There is a beautiful place called Via

dell'Amore (Path of Love), you will find bright-colored building on the edge of the ravine

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The Mystery of Magnetic Hill87rate or flag this page

By prasetio30

I like something mysterious. We can find something strange around the world. Now I'll write about

another mysterious place. This is kind of natural phenomenon. I am talking about the magnets. IN

other side I teach about science lesson yesterday to my student. They really intend to hear what I

was saying in the class. Magnets can attract objects made by metal. like iron and steel. As we know

magnets divided become two parts. There are natural magnets and artificial magnets. This hub tell

about the natural phenomenon related with magnet. Why this hub chose travel and place category.

Because there is a place contain "huge magnet" and this place is natural phenomenon, also as a

wonderful place for traveling.

This place is kind of hill or mountain. This place located in Medina, the city in Arab Saudi (middle

east country). Medina city also known as the holy city for Muslim people. The city of Medina is

surrounded by mountains. One of the interesting mountain is magnetic hill. Arabs people call it

"jabal". Magnetic hill is located about 30 km from the City of Medina to the city of Tabuk.

Approximately 4 km in this mountain region was believed had a magnetic power. The car will run

with a high speed when the car into zero gear position. This is really weird and strange. Many people

proof this phenomenon.

This place was taken approximately 30 minutes from the center of Medina city. The road to this area

is quite beautiful. The right and left surrounded by rocky mountains. There are also trees that make

the desert a little green.This mountain become recreational place for families in Arab Saudi. The left

and right along this road filled with a lot of tents for rent. There are also a number of public toilets.

The street from Medina to this hill quite big. The scenery on both sides of the road is very beautiful

and amazing. There are also sheep farming area, camels and palm garden. This hill become famous

tourism place for tourist to watch the mysterious phenomenon. For local tourist or foreign tourist.

The witnesses said....

Because the road along 4 km in this hill is believed have a push power. The car will run faster with

high speed  keep away the magnetic hill, although with zero gear position. There is a witnesses, he

is a taxi driver. He drove his car for 6 years. He confess that the condition of the road that leads

away from the city of Medina slightly uphill. Therefore, the influence of magnets on the vehicle was

not felt. Just very hard pulled the vehicle. He had to move in first gear position. And the speed of the

car  around 15 up to 30 km per hour.  While in this position is still strong in second gear. Driver

believed that this is the influence of the magnet holding the car's movement.

The opposite direction when the car turned into the Medina, although the gear in neutral position.

The speed of taxi car faster than before. Even just 3 km the speed of taxi shows the number of 120

km per hour.

The City of Container in Mexico87rate or flag this page

By prasetio30

Recycling of cargo containers into a beautiful city

What should we do if we found many unused cargo containers around us? We must imitate to

Gabriel Esper Caram and his partner. They are clever developers in San Andrés Cholula, Mexico.

With their extreme idea, they built an entire city of salvaged shipping containers, entire of this city

are adorned with reused materials, from bottle caps to plastic tubing, etc. Though recycling is not yet

a big part of Mexican culture.

This is amazing concept for the city made by recycle things. Gabriel said that if we love all things

about urban design, or following the latest design and style trends, we should come get to know this

project. Personally I love the creative idea from Gabriel Esper Caram and his partner. They try to

create an icon of beautiful city made by recycle things. They are total in presenting their creative

concept to be something valuable.

See all 17 photos

Source: By: vladimix


About Cargo Container

What do you think about cargo container? Cargo container is a large container for freight, any object

that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions

that can be loaded from one form of transport to another). Based on the size, the container can be

divided into 20ft container, 40ft, 40HC ft and 45 ft. While based on the type of charge is known as

dry cargo, reefer, and special containers.

Some cruise provides a container for special needs, like:

Container is equipped with a hanger beams are used to send the garment / clothes by hanging

without packing cartons

Container with extra payload or larger door size for a load with the weight and larger


Bull rings and lashing bars to tie cargo

Container with the window (Ventilated containers) for crops that require air circulation such as

coffee, chocolate, onions, garlic, etc.

Usually the reefer containers are equipped with special features such as:

Dehumidification system which ensures temperature and humidity inside the container.

Even Super Freezer Container can maintain the lowest temperature at -60 ° C / -76 ° F

Source: By: reinhard_schuldt

How to recycle this?

Source: By: L.J Hog

That’s why I choose this city as a good example for another city who wanted to follow this creative

idea to be something useful. From outer appearance isn’t really a city. But it’s a strip mall concept.

So, what can we see from this city? This city contain with restaurants, bars and clubs, houses

boutique clothing stores, a tattoo parlor, a bus depot, and a dry cleaner. By using colorful paint,

make this city a pleasant spot for patrons of any age to enjoy a breakfast in the morning, a cup of tea

at noon, or a rock & roll nightcap. There are several of outdoor spaces to sit around and hang out,

some events and bands scheduled all the time.

Source: By: vladimix

Source: By: vladimix

Source: By: vladimix

Top of favorite place for hangout is Taxi Bar with life music in the evening. How if we get hungry?

Don’t worry, we can order delicious foods like: tacos, sushi, doner kebab from the neighboring

restaurants. Even we can order deep-fried cecina (salt-cured beef) from La Martina next door.

Source: By: coyotetrips

Source: By: coyotetrips

Cholula itself is a city in Puebla, 15 km west of the city of Puebla which are contains the smaller

municipalities of San Andrés Cholula, Santa Isobel Cholula and San Pedro Cholula. The exactly

place for the city of container is located at the corner of 12 Oriente and 2 Norte in San Andrés


Source: By: vladimix

Source: By: vladimix

How to get around? By foot, most of the sights of Cholula can walked to in no time at all. Bike is

good alternative, because most of majority of the Cholulu's and the university students get around by

bike. For touristing we really only need buses to get in and out of Cholula, it just spent 5 peso. Car

and taxi are another alternative transportation, but I heard that taxi tend to be more expensive.

Source: By: jrsnchzhrs

Setenil de las Bodegas, a Village Under the Rock Hill82rate or flag this page

By prasetio30

I thought you wouldn’t believe this. Personally, this is amazing place for me. I am back with another

hub about traveling topic. I wasn't accidentally discovered this information, but I am glad to know this

and search more about this place. Hopefully this hub useful for us, and it’s also good as an

alternative option for traveling place. Why this place so special? This is out of my imagination. Like

the title of this hub, this city was located under the rock. Don’t leave your chair and stay continued to

read this hub.

See all 13 photos



This place called Setenil de las Bodegas, located between the towns of Ronda and Olvera in the

province of Cadiz, this is another of Andalucia’s famous pueblo blanco. This village is located 157

kilometres (98 miles) northeast of Cadiz ( We can find white village under the

rock overhangs above the Rio Trejo. Setenil name was taken from the Roman Latin phrase septem

nihil , it’s mean “seven times nothing”. "de las Bodegas" based on the history, a long time ago (in

the 15th century) there are many vineyards there. Christians began cultivating and storing olives and

almonds, and developed wineries too. That’s make sense because we can easily found various fruits

and vegetables in Rhonda. Its outlying farms also provide Ronda and other local towns with much of

their fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately, pests wine (phylloxera insect ) break off these vineyards in

the 1860s. By this insect effectively destroyed most European vine stocks.


Based on the story, in the early of 16th century, there was a huge Setenil warehouse under the rock.

This place stored all productions because it has a cool air even on the hottest summer though.

That’s why Setenil has high reputation for meat product, especially chorizo sausage and cerdo

(pork) and other product like: olive oil, honey, jams and Andalucia Wines are very tasty. I heard that

Setenil  bars and restaurants are among the best in the region.



Setenil also become one of the Andalucia white villages. This place tried to stay as cool as possible

in the hottest area of Spain.  The people in Setenil de las bodegas try to paint all their houses in

white color. They have another reason why they did this, because the white color reflects sunlight

well. I heard several reasons why people enjoy living at this place. One of the reasons why Setenil

cave village proved to be the perfect place to live, it was believed since prehistoric times. The cave

environment gave cold effect. It can isolate the heat in summer or even in winter. In summer it can

be a natural air conditioner. It’s so fresh and natural. Settlements are wedged beneath rocks are

located along Trejo Rio river, where the location of houses actually attached to the hills. Amazing,

these houses seem 'grow' from the rocks and some houses even make the hill rocks as the roof of

these houses. There was even a roof which overgrown by roots olives. The residents over there

brave enough to build a residence on the hill rocks. This hill has a layered housing.



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setenil de las bodegas -

11692 Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain

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Picture review

The pictures so relaxing and it shown how beautiful this village. I never found a place like this before.

It’s so clean, tidy, fresh and natural. I can’t imagine the people make this architecture adjusting the

contour of the cliff, as if hanging and built just under the rock. It's so amazing and fantastic building.

Good comparable between nature and architecture technique. From aisle to aisle looks orderly neat,

we can't find kind of garbage at all. I believe the tourists felt at home here. Beautiful color looks

contrast between the colors of cliff which and white building. That’s why Setenil de las Bodegas

called the white village. The first time I saw all the pictures, this could become a great hub. Maybe

some of us knew this place very well, but in the other hemisphere does not know information about

this place. I hope all the pictures give the soul of this article. Most of the picture was taken from We may visit to this place someday or we can put Setenil de las Bodegas on

our travel list. I thought some of us known this place very well. Let’s share about this place if you

have experience in visiting Setenil. Personally, I am surprise with all architectures here. It could be

wonderful experience living at this place. That’s why Setenil de Las Bodegas is a popular Spanish

destination where all visitors are welcome to get acquainted with people who like to live under a

