First essays in homœopathy


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diseases and destructive processes. I t is indicated in bed sores, ulcers and varicose veins. I t was used in patients 1 and 3 because of their age. Their ulcers were considered as serious as bed sores.

From this s tudy it can be suggested tha t elderly persons with t raumatic leg ulcers would benefit from the local application of Calendula ointment and oral intake of Arnica montana followed by Fluoric acid. In the presence of varicose veins, Hamamelis is indicated.


Successful homceopathic t reatment of t raumatic leg ulcers in three patients is discussed. Calendula ointment, Am/ca montana, Fluoric acid and Hamamelis virginica were used.

I wish to thank Dr. L. G. C. Martin for his helpful comments on the manu- script.

First essays in homoeopathy M A R Y M. R A Y N E R , M.R.C.S. , M.R.C.G.P.

After enjoying an interesting introductory course on homoeopathy last year, events occurred which soon made me put it to the test.

I have six children, three grown up and three still quite young. Two of the little ones have for many years suffered from styes. The styes have been so severe and numerous tha t the oldest of the three younger children has been to various eye departments of hospitals. She has had swabs, cultures and sensitivities performed. She has been put on Penbritin and cloxacillin orally, chlorampheuicol eye drops and eye ointment every four hours, and naseptrin inserted into the nose night and morning for months to kill off the colonies of bacteria harboured in the nose. Despite t rea tment the styes had grown large and on both eyes so tha t the child could hardly open her eyes to see.

Jus t after the course, a stye started to make its presence felt with pain, redness and swelling. My older children were visiting us. Two of them are already medically qualified. When I told them of the t reatment ordered by the hospital they said "Chloramphenicol is dangerous, it could even be lethal if she swallows it ." This settled my indecision. I had heard in one lecture tha t Pulsatilla helped eyes so I gave her PulsatiUa. The stye did not develop any further, and it went away. In fact she had no more styes for over a year, when she went for a holiday at the seaside without me and my little black box. On returning she had a huge stye which was full of pus. Pulsatilla soon cleared

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i t up, but I feel i t would n e v e r h a v e developed had she taken PulsatiUa tablets sooner. The other child who had styes also took Pulsatilla. The at tacks were aborted and the intervals between were lengthened.

Shortly after my first success, one of m y small children came to me suffering from the initial symptoms of 'flu. Her eyelids were heavy and she could hardly keep her eyes open. She was lolling about and wanted to go to bed and be left alone. She is normally very sociable and active. I looked through m y remedies and thought tha t Gelsemium fitted the picture. She took a few doses and was her normal self the following day.

Perhaps these things were coincidences. Not long after this, however, I was laid low. Normally I lead the busy life of a GP, mother, and housewife. Apart from surgeries I am often on my feet all day until midnight. On the rare occasions I get 'flu ][ struggle on for seven to ten days worrying, moaning and in pain. Every effort to move is exhausting and causes pain. With this a t tack I had to hold my head still, as the slightest movement made it feel as if it would burst. Each time I drew breath my chest ached at the back and sides. I was worried in case I could not get through evening surgery, and I wanted to go home and stay at home to rest. I wanted to keep my eyes closed as moving them was painful. My mouth and throat were dry and I had developed a tickly cough. I remembered Dr. Twentyman describing this feeling and explaining how Bryonia could help. I took a dose, groped my way through evening surgery and my domestic chores, sucking Bryonia until bedtime. I had a perfect night and felt fine the following day.

Like my colleagues I have had a lot of successes in my family and these have spurred me on to widen my fields to the old people's homes, the family pets, and last but not least, the practice.

My practice is responsible for three large council homes for the frail ambulant, a large private home for the blind, Bournville Alms Houses and some elderly patients in another private home. One problem common to all was varicose and gravitational leg ulceration tha t never heals up. I have tried all the latest t reatments and injections and all ~he old-fashioned t reatments and still failed. A little homceopathy, I thought, would keep the staff and the patients h a p p y - - even if it did not work. I ordered tha t all ulcers should be bathed and cleaned in warm water containing a few drops of Hypericum and then covered in Calendula ointment. Apart from two cases, all healed. My two failures were in a diabetic who died at the end of the week and in an old lady who we suspect interfered with her dressings to scratch when no one was looking.

In the home for the blind, some of the residents, to their distress, s tar t "seeing" things, for example masses of swirling coloured flowers moving under their feet as they walk. I had tried Sparine, Largactil and reassurance, but nothing worked until I gave them Arsen. alb. in the 200th potency. This has cleared it up for a long time and in some cases there has been no recurrence.

Before taking homceopathy to the rest of the practice I tried it out on my little Shih Izu dog. He has long hair and an itching irritating ear. He stopped his scratching and crying after two days on Calendula ointment and three doses of Sulphur 200.

These are m y first experiences and my only regret is tha t I did not make a s tudy of homceopathy thi r ty years ago when I qualified. I hope my experiences will encourage younger doctors to have a go, while I content myself with the old saying "Bet ter late than never".
