Financial Case for Cedar Seconday



Spending $3.5MM to save $307k per year does NOT make financial sense.A Net Present Value (NPV) analysis of the project is negative, which indicates that the project should not be pursued.Financially, investing $3.5MM into a school that has only $1.3MM of deferred maintenance doesn't make sense. Especially when the "return" on that investment is only $307k per year. With a school district hurting for $$, we need to make smarter decisions about how we allocate our funds.

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Operational Savings

Closing Cedar Secondary saves $470,000 per year (minus busing costs)Source: Cedar – Responses to Trustees’ Questions | Jan 14, 2015

Busing Costs = $163,000 (All displaced Cedar students to Ladysmith)

$256,000 per year operational cost minus $93,000 (original cost to bus to Cedar Secondary)

PLUS a one-time capital cost of $980,000

NET Savings of closing Cedar = $470k - $163k

$307,000 per year

Source: Cedar – Responses to Trustees’ Questions | Jan 14, 2015


Capital Expense

Re-tooling Cedar into an Elementary School:

Original Estimate = $1.5 million

As promised (open concept 21st-Century) = $5-8 million (est)

“Scaled-back” (current estimate, including field work) = $2.5 million

(a) Approx. $2 of $2.5 million is taken from maintenance of other schools (AFG funding)

(b) Add $980,000 for 1-time purchase of new buses

Total Capital Outlay = $2.5 million + $0.98 million

$3.48 million9

A 13-Year Pay-OutSpending $3.48 million to save $307k per year. It will

take a minimum** of 13 years to see any net savings.










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Does not make.

financial sense** Pay-out time will likely

be longer, as gas,

maintenance & wages

increase … and if number

of students increases. Or

if project costs go up.
