FINAL REPORT of the UNESCO pilot project implementation Mobilizing Cultural … · 2014. 10. 8. ·...


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Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email

FINAL REPORT of the UNESCO pilot project implementation

Mobilizing Cultural Resources for HIV and AIDS Preventive Education in the Republic of Moldova (Contract number 8766289 between UNESCO and AIDS Foundation

East-West Moldova)

The project Mobilizing Cultural Resources for HIV and AIDS Preventive Education in the

Republic of Moldova was carried out in the Republic of Moldova by AIDS Foundation East-

West Moldova with the technical and financial support of UNESCO Office in Moscow and in

collaboration with the National Commission of the Republic of Moldova for UNESCO,

Ministry of Health and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldovated in May 2009.

The project was divided into three stages:

- preparation;

- implementation;

- conclusions.

Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii

First stage - preparation;

During the initial stage an initiative group was created, consisting of:

- Olga Osadcii, AIDS Foundation East-West;

- Luminita Corbu – Drumea, UNESCO representative in Moldova;

- Elena Bodisteanu, AIDS Foundation East-West;

- Andrei Osadcii, AIDS Foundation East-West;

- Valentina Radcenco, director, stylist, the founder of the cultural foundation «Artpodium», Chairman of the Fashion section of the Designers’ Association of RM;

- Simion Zamsa, graphic artist, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Moldova, Associate Professor, Master of Arts of RM;

- Grigorii Bosenco, designer, President of Designers Association, member of the Union of Artists of the RM;

- Elena Pahomova, consultant.

In May and June the initiative group convened for the approval of the regulating document of art initiatives contest «Be creative – you CAN stop HIV», as well as of informative master classes program.

Regulations of art initiatives contest

In the process of regulations development the initiative group used the analogical document of Russian colleagues – REGULATIONS of art initiatives contest “Culture, Art, Creativity in HIV and AIDS Prevention” within the UNESCO project “Contemporary Art and HIV/AIDS”.

The following contest nominations have been approved through general voting:

- information campaign symbols;

- stage performance;

- video message.

Such distribution of nominations allowed attracting ambitious young people from different fields, ensuring equal participation rights to artists, dancers, musicians, designers etc.


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii

The idea was that the open access to the contest will allow recognizing the most popular art directions among youth for the future. This way, it will be possible to pay particular attention to these very directions in the following contests.

The following preliminary evaluation criteria were suggested:

- correspondence with the subject;

- accuracy of information about HIV;

- novelty of the idea;

- originality of the idea;

- expressiveness;

- artistic level.

The formats in which artists should present their projects have also been defined. It was underlined that the presented projects could be used by the contest organizers in future information campaigns etc.

Master class programs

The participants in the meetings decided that the master classes would be held by the members of the initiative group.

The art director and stylist Valentina Radcenco was responsible for the preparation and organization of the master class entitled “Accurate Dramatic Character and its Information Content”.

Simion Zamsa, graphic artist, member of Moldovan Union of Painters was responsible for the master class “Poster Language”.

Finally, Grigorii Bosenco, designer, President of Designers’ Association, member of Moldovan Union of Artists was responsible for the master-class “Information Campaign Symbolism”.

Each lecturer had the possibility to develop the agenda of the practical part of the seminar based on principles of preventive activity and on UNESCO and UNAIDS HIV/AIDS related documents.


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii

The employees of the National HIV Center, representatives of the League of People living with HIV, as well as UNESCO and UNAIDS in Moldova were involved in the development of theoretical classes.

During the preparation stage invitations for participation in master-classes and in the contest were disseminated among students of the following institutions:

- Academy of Theatre, Music and Fine Arts; - State Pedagogical University Ion Creanga; - Technical University; - State University; - “Perspectiva” University; - Music Colledge Stefan Neaga; - Art College Alexandru Plamadeala; - Technical College; - Republican Art Boarding School Igor Vieru; - Theatre High School.

First stage. Program Implementation

Master Classes

The Master classes were organized on October 12, 14 and 16, 2009 at the National Art Museum. This location was chosen for several reasons. Both comfortable placement of the building (in the very center of Chisinau) and the standing of this institution were taken into consideration.

Each Master class had duration of 4 – 4.5 hours. The Master classes consisted of 2 parts: theoretical and practical. Besides practical skills in creation of own projects, the participants had the possibility to learn about HIV epidemic in the world and about prevention measures, to find out the terminology non-discriminating people living with HIV etc.


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email

The main ideas of the Master-class were:

- participation in social projects as a contribution of creative youth to HIV/AIDS prevention;

- creation of a social project requires knowledge in this field; - the success of a social project depends on the idea and on the quality of its

implementation, not on available funds; - HIV can affect anyone; - you can protect yourself and people you love from getting infected; - people with HIV/AIDS have the same rights as you; - HIV is not a verdict, HIV-positive people can live a normal life; - Therapy use by HIV-positive people is their life guarantee. All master classes started with the theoretical part. The theoretical part was standard

for all three days. Each master-class was opened by UNESCO representative in Moldova Mrs. Luminita Corbu – Drumea. The project was presented by Olga Osadcii, AIDS Foundation East-West representative in Moldova. The epidemiologic situation in the republic, the terminology, the ways of HIV spreading were presented by the director of the HIV Center. And finally, the best projects of the analogical Russian contest were presented by the consultant Elena Pahomova.

1. “Accurate Dramatic Character and its Information Content”. The director and stylist Valentina Radcenko engaged a whole group of specialists in the organization of this master class. The rock brand “Yozh” performed live during the entire practical lesson. The lessons were accompanied by video presentation of thematic works of the famous Moldovan photographer Roman Rybalev. All activities were video and photo recorded. Some photos are presented in this report. Valentina Radcenko started her class with interactive introduction of participants. Introductions were followed by activities related to stage performance preparation. The performance and communication with the experimental dance trio “Voice”

Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email

raised particular interest. The dancers did not only present one of their dances, but also shared the experience of producing such a stage performance.

The master class ended with a flash mob. The participants lined up in form of a ribbon – the symbol of solidarity with people living with HIV, holding red balloons. On signal everyone let the balloons fly, creating this way their own solidarity ribbon in the air.

2. The key figure of “Poster language” master class was Simion Zamsa, graphic artist, member of Moldovan Union of Artists. The most active participants in the class were the students of the Artistic Graphic Faculty of the State Pedagogical University Ion Creanga. Most participants came with poster sketches and drafts. Simion Zamsa started his master class with the retrospective of poster art development. The participants discussed about new trends in modern posters, agreeing that the poster is an integral part of any information campaign and can serve as a starting point for the creation of other components of the campaign. Those who brought poster sketches had the possibility to consult the foremost specialists in two fields: graphic design (consultancies led by Simion Zamsa, Grigorii Bosenco, as well as Polina Colomeet, the main keeper of the National Art Museum) and HIV/AIDS prevention – acceptance of messages conveyed by the image and by the accompanying text (Stefan Gheorghita, Director of AIDS Center, Luminita Corbu-Drumea, UNESCO Office in Moldova, Olga Osadcii, AIDS Foundation East-WestOffice in Moldova, Elena Pahomova, consultant). After these consultations the students made some changes to their projects and presented them for the contest.

Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email

3. Grigorii Bosenko, designer, President of the Union of Artists of the RM, organized the master class “Information Campaign Symbolism”. The main part of the class was calligraphy as an element of symbolic. Just like Simion Zamsa, Grigorii Bosenco started with the theoretical part. Everyone was looking forward to the practical part. Both students of art faculties and students of other departments had the possibility to try the calligraphy art. Using calligraphy tricks, they had to write a HIV/AIDS related message. Some projects started within the master class were later finished and submitted for contest. During the practical part of the master class, the participants had the occasion to watch video materials of previous information campaigns organized by AIDS Foundation East-West.

Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii

An overall number of 248 students attended the master classes.

Creative Initiatives Contest

125 works and projects were submitted for the contest. Among them: posters, graphic works, installations, school posters, information campaign symbols, music composition, video clips, dance and song performance etc.

We can divide the projects into following projects:

- information campaign symbols – 64 works;

- stage performance – 25 projects;

- video message - 16.

The jury consisted of:

All materials were evaluated in three stages. The first meeting of the experts’ commission took place in the exhibitions hall of the National Art Museum. The expert commission reviewed all projects presented for the contest. During the discussion the decision was made not to evaluate the projects by each criterion separately. One single grade was assigned instead to each project, taking into consideration the criteria mentioned above.

Thus 25 best projects (according to the jury) of 10 authors were selected. These projects were then exposed from November 23 to November 27, 2009 on the web pages,, Muz TV channel is the Moldovan branch of a Russian television channel. It is one of the most popular televisions among youth, which was the target group of the project. 360 people voted for the contest projects during the voting period on Muz TV. These votes were distributed in the following way:

Radu Lepadatu - TODO - Dance 4 Life 59 Svetlana Zaicenco - AIDS 53 Carolina Rabei - Joaca Protejat 01 48 Iulia Tulcinskaia – AIDS 35 Vitalii Ghimciuc – Dicrimination breaks the wings ... 20 Ilia Ormanji – Indifference Kills, You Should Act 17 Tereza Djesmidjan- Moldova is HIV Tollerant 17 Iulia Tulcinskaja - Aids is a problem 16 Ksenia Costenco - Stop Aids 14 Carolina Rabei - Joaca Protejat 01 13 Carolina Rabei - Ei 01 12 Mihail Tolokonnikov – AIDS 10 Constantin Sarcov - Tolerate Not Separate 01 10 Vitalii Ghimciuc- Hiv is not pest 9


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii

Ilia Ormanji – I did not know what AIDS was 6 Teresa Djesmidjan - I'm Tolerant 01 5 Mihail Tolokonnikov – Dance4Life 02 4 Mihail Tolokonnikov – Dance4Life 01 4 Constantin Sarcov - Tolerate Not Separate 05 4 Constantin Sarcov - Tolerate Not Separate 04 4 Mihail Tolokonnikov – Dance4Life 03 3 Carolina Rabei - Ei 02 3 Constantin Sarcov - Tolerate Not Separate 02 2 Teresa Djesmidjan - I'm Tolerant 02 1 Constantin Sarcov - Tolerate Not Separate 03 0

During the third stage the second meeting of the jury took place. During this meeting the opinion of the jury was compared to the one of the TV viewers and internet users. The experts decided that, apart from the best five projects, other three participants should be distinguished, namely: Mihail Tolokonnicov – the award was handed by the International Dance4Life Office.

Teresa Djesmidjian – her award was handed by the International AIDS East/West Foundation Office in Amsterdam .

Ilia Ormanji, Xenia Costenco and Constantin Sarcov were offered awards by the National League of People Living with HIV.

According to the decision of specialists and TV viewers the contest winners were:

Radu Lepadatu - TODO - Dance 4 Life


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email

Carolina Rabei - Play safe

Iulia Tulcinskaia – AIDS

Svetlana Zaicenco for the photo collage AIDS

Vitalii Ghimciuc for the poster Discrimination breaks the wings...

Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email

The awards were handed on November 20, 2009 at the National Art Museum. It

became part of the event dedicated to the World AIDS Day. Besides creative youth, the red ribbon was handed to healthcare staff and representatives of non-governmental organizations who are most active in HIV prevention and AIDS fight.

The best works of creative initiatives contest were presented on a special stand,

which raised the participant’s interest.

Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii


Banulescu Bodoni 57/1 str., of. 324, Kishinau, MD- 2005 Tel/Fax. +37322 228486 Email

During the last stage the conclusions of the project were drawn. In general terms all

the set objectives and tasks have been fulfilled.


This project has been unique for Moldova. Until now there have been no other projects aiming at attracting young people to HIV/AIDS prevention. The students’ interest in the participation in the master class and in the contest proves the sustainability of the project in the future.

During the master classes the most active education institutions were identified. These were the Theatre High School, Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”, “Perspectiva” University. Also during the master classes the data basis with contact data of all participants was created.

The diversity of contest categories allowed identifying the most interesting art directions for youth. This was the development of the corporate style, and namely T-shirt and posters design. Calligraphy which was quite popular among participants also fit well into the corporate style direction.

The best contest works raised immediately the interest of Moldovan experts working in HIV/AIDS prevention, which shows not only their high artistic level, but also the accurate artistic and text messages conveyed.

Str. Banulescu Bodoni 57/1, bir. 324, Chişinău, MD 2005

International postal address/Adresa poştală internaţională: AFEW, Post box 75752, 1070 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Web site:

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is an international, non-governmental, humanitarian, public health organization Fundaţia SIDA Est-Vest este o organizaţie internaţională, nonguvernamentală şi umanitară, ce activează în domeniul sănătăţii
