FINAL GNO, Inc. RFP for National Media Relations


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  • 7/30/2019 FINAL GNO, Inc. RFP for National Media Relations


    Request for

    ProposalsIn reference to national public relations services


  • 7/30/2019 FINAL GNO, Inc. RFP for National Media Relations


    GNO, Inc. National Public Relations RFP December 3, 2012



    Greater New Orleans, Inc. (GNO, Inc.) plays a vital role as the regional economic development

    agency, serving to coordinate, consolidate, and catalyze economic development initiatives. The

    organization works to generate wealth and improve the quality of life in the region. Attracting

    and retaining businesses, advocating for policies to improve the competitive climate, and

    ensuring the availability of a high-quality workforce, GNO, Inc. intends to counter negative

    perceptions and ensure that there is a clear understanding of the supreme opportunities

    available in the Greater New Orleans region.

    GNO, Inc. Communications Mission

    The GNO, Inc. Communications Mission is to brand Greater New Orleans as a premier region to

    live, work, and operate a business. GNO, Inc. will accomplish this by strategically utilizing and

    maximizing as many communication formats and mediums as possible to communicate business

    development and product development wins, promote vital assets and advantages of the

    region, and improve the national perception of Greater New Orleans.

    Requested Services

    Greater New Orleans, Inc. is seeking to retain a public relations agency to manage nationalmedia relations. Ultimately, media coverage should positively impact perceptions about the

    business climate in Greater New Orleans.

    Base Services Expected to be Provided

    Proactive outreach to national media and story development that produces positive

    coverage of the business climate of the Greater New Orleans region, the six target

    industry sectors GNO, Inc. is working to grow and develop, and other pertinent

    initiatives GNO, Inc. undertakes. Multiple appearances in national, non-industry media

    publications per month are target.

    Strategic counsel, especially during crises facing Greater New Orleans.

    Monitoring of media coverage that Greater New Orleans, Inc. is mentioned within, inaddition to content that directly impacts or pertains to the core GNO, Inc. mission.

    Positioning GNO, Inc. as an expert in various issues on economic development and

    policy related to economic development.


    Coverage should drive business and economic growth of the Greater New Orleans

    region and shift perceptions in mass markets.

    Coverage should drive interest in corporate executives and in site selection consultants

    in locating or retaining business interests in Greater New Orleans.

    Coverage should offset quality of life perception gaps that inhibit economic growth.

    Proposal Essentials

    Agency Overview

    Provide an overview of your firm, including size, areas of expertise, key clients, and

    respective industries.

    In terms of media outreach and brand management, how do you differentiate yourself

    from your competitors?

  • 7/30/2019 FINAL GNO, Inc. RFP for National Media Relations


    GNO, Inc. National Public Relations RFP December 3, 2012


    Client and Experience Related Questions

    Please provide three case study examples that demonstrate your experience with

    economic development subject matter.

    What is the biggest PR crisis a client of yours has faced, and how did you manage it?

    Please describe how you work with a clients other vendors, such as a social media

    agency.Please provide three references.

    Account Team Questions

    Describe the team structure, and include biographies for the team assigned to this


    How will you allocate resources to and manage our account?

    How do you currently maintain regular communication lines between your firm and


    Project Related Questions

    What are some creative ways you propose to drive the brand of Greater New Orleans as

    a strong place to do business?

    Describe the breadth of your national media contacts and how you will leverage these

    contacts to drive coverage in mainstream national media.

    Provide us with information on the first 90 days: how you would get up to speed and

    begin to achieve results.

    Budget and Account Management

    Explain billing procedures and account management.

    Do you offer non-profit rates?

    Scoring System 100 total points

    Overall quality of National Media Relations proposal, including the breadth of your

    media list and how you plan to leverage your relationships with national media contacts

    (35 points)

    Proposal of team structure, including biographies of team members, and proposed

    management of our account (25 points)

    Case studies that highlight expertise in the following areas: marketing of geographic

    regions to highlight business climate and other key attributes, familiarity of economic

    development subject matter, and knowledge of Greater New Orleans (20 points)

    Proposed project budget and explanation of agencys billing procedures (20 points)

    Proposal Guidelines, Requirements, and SubmissionThis is an open and competitive process.

    Your companys name, address, telephone number, main contact, fax number and email address

    must be included on the cover page.

    The proposal must contain the signature of a duly authorized officer or agent of the company

    submitting the proposal.

  • 7/30/2019 FINAL GNO, Inc. RFP for National Media Relations


    GNO, Inc. National Public Relations RFP December 3, 2012


    Budgets submitted for this project should not exceed $100,000. Proposed budgets should

    include monthly retainer fee costs. The price you quote should be inclusive. If your price

    excludes certain fees or charges, you must provide a detailed list of excluded fees with a

    complete explanation of the nature of those fees.

    Provisions of this RFP and the contents of the successful responses are considered available for

    inclusion in final contractual obligations.

    Additionally, there will be an interview process to screen vendors that meet the majority of

    these guidelines. The number of vendors chosen to be interviewed will be determined by both

    the overall number of submissions and vendors which are eligible for the selection process.

    Vendors who are not chosen will be notified by Greater New Orleans, Inc. in a timely manner.

    MWBEs are strongly encouraged to submit proposals.

    Greater New Orleans, Inc. will not reimburse applicants for any costs related to preparing this


    Respondents are encouraged to contact GNO, Inc. with any questions or concerns. Final

    proposals submitted are to be received by Greater New Orleans, Inc. no later than 4:00 p.m. CT

    on Friday, January 4, 2013. Four printed copies of the proposal must be submitted and one

    digital copy must be emailed

    Schedule of Events for Proposal

    Request for Proposals 12/3/2012

    Proposals due 1/4/2013

    Finalist Interviews Week of January 14

    We expect to award this contract by January 31, 2013.Please submit questions in writing to (no deadline)

    Physical copies should be mailed to:

    Greater New Orleans, Inc.

    Attn: Caitlin Berni, Press Secretary

    365 Canal Street, Suite 2300

    New Orleans, LA 70130
