Final Exam Review- US AP 2009 (if you know everything on this, you’ll do fine)



Final Exam Review- US AP 2009 (if you know everything on this, you’ll do fine). Credit Mobilier. Scandal created by high ranking executives of the Union Pacific Railroad. Gave cheap stocks to congressmen who voted to give the company more money. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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•Final Exam Review- US AP 2009

• (if you know everything on this, you’ll do fine)

Credit Mobilier

•Scandal created by high ranking executives of the Union Pacific Railroad.•Gave cheap stocks to congressmen who voted to give the company more money.•Scandal escaped when Oakes Ames, the head of the company, had a disagreement with Henry Simpson McComby, who leaked the information to papers. •Several of President Grant’s fellow Republican party members got caught up in the scandal.

Party Politics in the Late 1800’s

• For the most part, there were very few differences between the Democrats and the Republicans.

• Party loyalty counted for a great deal.• Republicans for the most part were in

favor of the spoils system, big business, and the annexation of more territory.

• Democrats were also pro-business, but were against corruption and imperialism.

Supreme Court in Late 1800’s

• Passed 14th amendment

• The Civil Rights Cases (1883) declared that congress could not prohibit racial discrimination by individuals, only by the government.

• Plessy V. Ferguson (1896) – Separate but equal.

• Usually sided with corporations.

Oil Industry

• Fastest growing industry in late 1800’s.• Used instead of whale oil for lamps.• The Standard Oil Company was the

largest oil company in America.• Run by John D. Rockefeller.• Though it was a monopoly, it sold quality

oil at a cheap price.• The first major product of the oil industry

was kerosene.

Unskilled Labor

• The creation of factories led to a high demand of unskilled laborers.

• These workers widened gap between skilled and unskilled laborers.

• This division led to the creation of labor unions and had brief success in several cities.

• Eventually skilled and unskilled laborers were reunited under the banner of the American Federation of Labor.

United States Steel

• This was another industry developed after the Civil War.

• The main producer of steel in the US was the Carnegie Steel Company.

• This was led by Andrew Carnegie, who followed vertical integration.

• The company was a monopoly who played a main role in the failure of early labor unions.

• The steel was used for infrastructure and railroads.

• First billion dollar industry in the U.S.


• Early prohibition was led by women.• The National Prohibition Party was formed in

1869 to combat alcoholism.• The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was

created in 1874 and used intimidation to get their point across.

• Carrie A. Nation used a hatchet to smash beer bottles in bars.

• The movement grew well into the 20th century.

Immigration Restriction

• Created by a surge of Anti-foreignism and nativism.

• This was due to a sudden influx of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.

• They were blamed for the decay of the cities and for taking over the job market.

• An 1882 restriction prohibited criminals and convicts from entering the country.

• This was the first of many laws that would prevent people from coming to America.

Indian Policies

• 1887 – General Allotment Act passed• This was an attempt to assimilate native tribes

into the American mainstream.• Gave Native Americans a sense of land

ownership and inspired them to become farmers.

• The act took ownership of tribal lands away from tribes themselves and gave them to individuals.

• Warfare included cruelty and massacres on both sides.

• Intensified as the mining frontier expanded.

Agrarian Concerns

• In the late 1800’s there were low prices on farmer’s products, so they made less money.

• Railroads charged outrageous fees to farmers for the transportation of their crops.

• Many farmers opposed the gold standard to counter the deflation that was spreading through the country.

• Farmers were by nature highly independent and individualistic.

• Eventually the Populist Party was formed, which was a political party made of mostly of free silver farmers in the south and west.

1896 Presidential Election

• Republican Candidate: William McKinley• Democratic Candidate: William Jennings

Bryan• Primary Issue: Gold Standard V. Free Silver• Results: McKinley def. Bryan• Significance: America was beginning to

care more about urban issues than about farmers and rural issues.

The Spanish American War• On April 11, 1898, McKinley sent his war

message to Congress, urging armed intervention to free the oppressed Cubans. The legislators responded uproariously with what was essentially a declaration of war. In a burst of self righteousness, they likewise adopted the hand tying Teller Amendment. This proviso proclaimed to the world that when the U.S. had overthrown Spanish misrule, it would give the Cuban’s their freedom—a declaration that caused imperialistic Europeans to smile skeptically.

American Imperialism• Policy of extending rule over foreign


• America tried to extend its rule over Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, in the early 1900’s

• Shows the strength and aggressive new national mood of the U.S in the world.

• Created bad feelings with Latin American nations.

Panama Canal

• Colombia blocks the canal• Hay-Pauncefote Treaty in 1901-Gave rights

from Europe to America to build canal and to fortify it as well.

• Cost dropped from $109 million to $40 million.• Congress decided in June 1902 on the Panama

Route instead of Nicaragua. • Six mile wide zone in exchange for $10 million

and $250,000/yr.• Roosevelt angry about its slow process

William McKinley

• McKinley was the 25th president from 1897-1901

• He avoided the Spanish American war for some time

• Sensitive to public opinion

• Decided to keep recently freed Philippines for $20 million to Spain- not appreciated by the Filipinos.


• Emerged in the late 19th century into the 20th century in reference to a more general response to the vast changes brought by industrialization

• Made great strides under presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson.

• Advocated- initiative, referendums, recall and direct election of US senators

New Nationalism

Was Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive political philosophy during the 1912 election

Broad program of social welfare and gov’t regulation of business.

• Argued for human welfare versus property rights• believed that the concentration in industry was not

necessarily bad, if the industry behaved responsibly• wanted executive agencies (not the courts) to regulate

business • supported child labor laws and minimum wage laws for


Teddy Roosevelt•During the Spanish-American War, was lieutenant colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment, which he led on a charge at the battle of San Juan. •As President, held the ideal that the Government should be the deciding factor between the conflicting economic forces in the Nation, especially between capital and labor, guaranteeing equal justice to both sides.•Progressive, but willing to compromise. •“Speak softly and carry a big stick”.•Weakened himself after the 1904 election when he declared he would not run for a third term.•He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War, reached a Gentleman's Agreement on immigration with Japan, and sent the Great White Fleet on a goodwill tour of the world.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914

• Lengthened the Sherman Act’s list of objectionable business practices– The Clayton Act sought to exempt labor and

agricultural organizations from antitrust prosecution

– Legalized strikes and peaceful picketing

Woodrow Wilson

• The Second Democratic president since 1861• Born in Virginia and raised in Georgia and the

Carolinas– First man from one of the seceded southern states to

become president since Zachary Taylor

• Wilson felt that the president must “get out in front” and provide true leadership for congress in order for the government to properly function

• Progressive Governor of NJ

Woodrow Wilson

• Wilson was driven by idealism and wanted to make reform faster than many others were willing to– He was often completely unwilling to


• Was president between 1912 and 1920

• Created the Fourteen Points which founded the League of Nations

The 16th Amendment- personal income tax

• This amendment allowed Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states– Was used by congress under the Wilson

administration to begin a levy tax on incomes over $3,000.

The Seventeenth Amendment

• Transferred senator selection from each state’s legislature to popular election by the people of each state– The amendment was had to have approved

because many existing senators were happy with existing methods.

– Issued around the fight for women’s suffrage

Social Changes

• The criminal syndicalism laws made social change unlawful. Traditional American ideals of free speech were restricted. There were many prejudice groups, and the KKK sprung up.

• Great Migration of Blacks to the North- resulted in racial violence.

Domestic Issues

• The main domestic issue was women's suffrage. They were not allowed to vote until the 19th amendment was passed. Race was also an issue and blacks did not enjoy the same rights as white people.

Civil Liberties

• The civil liberties are freedoms that protect a person from the government. It sets limit for government so they cannot abuse their power and interfere with the lives of its citizens. Rights include rights of people, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, right to due process, to a fair trial, to own property, and to privacy.

• Denied to many during WWI.

Zimmerman Note

• The Zimmerman note was a note written from German that was intended to go to Spanish Mexico asking for an alliance. The note was intercepted by the Americans. This helped the president get involved in the war because of Spanish Mexico was to get involved in the war it would be very dangerous for America to have a country so close to us involved.

American Motivation

• Wilson persuaded the U.S. that WWI would be the “war to end all wars” and would make the world safe for democracy.

Treaty of Versailles • The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties• at the end of WWI. It ended the state of war between Germany and

the Allied Powers. It was signed on June 28 1919. The other central on the German side of World War I were dealt with in separate treaties. Although the armistice signed on 11 November 1918 ended the actual fighting, it took six months of negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to conclude the peace treaty. Of the many provisions in the treaty, one of the most important and controversial required Germany to accept sole responsibility for causing the war and, under the terms of articles 231-248 (later known as the War Guilt clauses), to disarm, make substantial territorial concessions and pay reparations to certain countries that had formed the Entente powers.

• By electing Republicans in 1920, Americans voiced their displeasure with the treaty and specially the League of Nations.

18th and 19th Amendmets

• The 18th amendment is the banning of manufacturing, sale, and transportation of alcahol in America. This was called prohibition.

• The 19th amendment prohibits each of the states and the federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote because of their sex. Women gained full suffrage under this amendment.

1920’s Prosperity

• The prosperity of the 1920’s was brought on by WWI, because throughout the war industry boomed.

• America was not able to buy goods from Europe during the war, and Europe also bought products that were not being produced on their home front.

• Americans did not just buy goods and products, but were able to invest their money on the Wall Street market to “make a quick buck”.

1920’s Prosperity Cont.

• There are many physical signs of America’s prosperity during the 1920’s, such as sky scrapers, the Empire State building, new innovations on automobiles.

• Production of iron ore, coal, petrol, and wheat expanded during the war, leading to new technological innovations in manufacturing.

• With this prosperity, confidence in the government and the economy grew, as the unemployment rates dropped.

Prohibition People thought it would be permanent.• During the 1920’s, the Prohibition movement

sought to:

1.Eliminate drunkenness and resulting abuse towards the drinker’s family and friends.

2.Get rid of saloons, which were breeding houses for prostitution and gambling, among many other sins.

3.To prevent on the job accidents due to alcohol abuse.

Prohibition Cont.

• The Volstead Act of 1919 reinforced the prohibition of alcohol, that said: "no person shall manufacture, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver, or furnish any intoxicating liquor except as authorized by this act". However, it did not actually prohibit the use of intoxicating liquor.

• It was repealed in 1933, after it rapidly began to lose it’s advocates, and bootlegging began.


• Definition: the habit of using organized violence to achieve one’s ends; a member of an organized group of criminals; a racketeer.

• Racketeer: one who obtains money by an illegal enterprise usually involving intimidation.

• During the 1920’s, gangsters were involved with bootlegging, prostitution, gambling, and racketeering.

Gangsterism Cont

• All the main cities in America suffered from this problem, but the most corrupt city was Chicago.

• Chicago was dominated by a gangster named Al Capone, who’s income was an estimated $60,000,000 (from bootlegging), $25,000,000 (gambling), $10,000,000 (vice), and $10,000,000 from other rackets.


• “Return to normalcy” meant a return to big business to Republicans.

• Republicans ceased to promise progressive reforms and aimed to settle into traditional patterns of government.

• In 1920, after eight years under a progressive Democrat, a Republican president was nominated, and supporters of big business and isolationism reaped the benefits.


• the policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, etc., seeking to devote the entire efforts of one's country to its own advancement and remain at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and responsibilities.

Isolationism Cont.

• After WWI, America was very prosperous, and they also believed that since they fought and toiled so much during the war, they should be able to enjoy these new benefits, and felt as though foreign interference would threaten it.

• America kept to itself and took little part in international relations and trade.

Isolationism Cont.

• America also cut Europe off by limiting the number of immigrants they let in; America went from practicing the Open Door Policy, to only accepting 150,000 immigrants per year. This also meant that it was more difficult to get into America, so the poor people from Greek and Italy had a very slim chance of getting visas.

Mitchell Palmer

• Born May 4th 1872• Served in House of Representatives and was

appointed to Attorney General in 1919• Worried by the revolutions that happened in

Russia, and became convinced that communist operatives were seeking to overthrow the U.S government

• He passed acts such as the Espionage and the Sedition Act to launch a campaign against radicals and left-wing organizations

• Led the fight against the “red scare”

Teapot Dome Scandal

• The scandal was when Albert B. Fall convinced the secretary of the Navy to give him control of the Teapot Dome oil fields

• The fields had been government used for the Navy

• He then rented them out to private corporations for his own personal gain

Herbert Hoover

• 31st President of the United States

• He was a professional mining engineer and an author

• Beat democrat Al Smith in a Landslide victory

• Hoovers political legacy is dampened due to the unfortunate timing of the Great Depression

• He is typically ranked as one of the lowest presidents

Hoover’s Approach to the Depression

• Hoover’s stance on economy based largely on volunteerism

• It is widely criticized that Hoover did nothing while the world economy crumbled and some thought he took a laissez-faire

• Hoover did try some things but most of his policies did not work or did very little- offered federal assistance to businesses and banks, but not directly to individuals

The Great Depression

Harry Hopkins• Head of FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Act)• Aim was immediate relief instead of long-

range recovery• Agency in all rented about $3 billion to

states for direct dole payments primarily for wages and work projects

• Head of CWA (Civil Works Administration)• Designed to provide temporary jobs during

cool winter• Provided emergency jobs to tens of

thousands of people

Glass-Steagall Act

• Formed by Hundred Days Congress• Boosted public reliance on banking

system• Provided for the Federal Deposit

Insurance Corporation to insure individual deposit up to $5,000

• Ended the epidemic of bank failures

Social Security Act of 1935• Believed by Democrats, or New Dealers, to be

the most important act• Greatest victory• One of the most complicated and far reached

laws passed in Congress• Established to prevent future depressions• Provided federal-state unemployment insurance

and security for old age special categories of retired workers that received special payments from Washington (ranged from $10 to $85 a month)

• Provisions also made for blind, physically handicapped, delinquent children, and other dependencies

• 45 million people were eligible by 1939

FDR• President during the Great Depression• Created New Deal policies employed by

government to eliminate depression• Three R’s-Recovery, Relief, Reform• “fireside chats”-created to restore

confidence• Created jobs• People felt that he helped end the Great


FDR’s Approach

• Direct relief-Three R’s: Recovery, Relief, Reform

• Doubled the national debt

FDR’s Approach Continued…

• Emergency Banking Relief: invested president with power to regulate banking transactions and foreign exchange, and reopen solvent banks

FDR’s Approach Continued…

• CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps): most popular; provided employment in government camps for 3 million uniformed young men, many of whom would have been driven to become criminals; reconstructed forests; flood control, swamp drainage; men sent most of their paycheck home

FDR’s Approach Continued…

• AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act): made many millions of dollars available to farmers to help them meet their mortgages

FDR’s Approach Continued…

• TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority): passed in 1933; was a large result of the vision of Senator Morris of Nebraska; most revolutionary of all New Deal schemes; agency was determined to discover how much the production and distribution of electricity cost; socialists brought jobs and cheap electric power; hydraulic power of damns drove growth of urban west

FDR’s Approach Continued…

• FHA (Federal Housing Administration): stimulated by small loans to householders to help them improve their homes and complete new ones; outlasted age of Roosevelt

FDR’s Approach Continued…

• Wagner Act: created the powerful New National Labor Relations Board for administering purposes and reinstating right of labor to engage in self organization and bargain collectively to representatives of their own choice; unskilled workers organized themselves into unions

Spanish Civil War• Lasted from 1936-1939• Spanish rebels led by Franco

revolt against Spanish republic• Franco is aided by Mussolini

and Hitler–New weapons tested by Mussolini and Hitler

• USSR aids Spanish Republicans on small scale

Spanish Civil War, continued• Congress & FDR agreed to

uphold neutrality–Sell weapons to neither side regardless of who the aggressor was

• US and other Democracies determined to stay out of war–Causes Spain’s downfall-becomes Fascist

Early WWII• Hitler builds up military

–Violates Treaty of Versailles

• 1936- Germany marches into Rhineland

• 1938- Germany conquers Austria

Munich Conference• Allies give Czechoslovakia to


• Allies are using Appeasement

• Hitler promised not to take land anymore

Six months later• USSR & Germany sign

nonaggression pact–Shocks world–Germany can attack western

countries without fear of two front war

• September 1, 1939, Hitler enters Poland–Britain and France Declare war on


June 1940

• France surrenders

• FDR increases military spending

• First peace time draft in US history

Germany invades USSR

• June 194, Germany breaks nonaggression pact

• U.S. made Lend-Lease aide available

• August 194, Atlantic Conference–FDR and Churchill meet

American Opinion towards War in Europe

• U.S. was anti-Nazi & anti-Hitler, but they did not want to get involved in foreign affairs; wanted to remain neutral

• Neutrality Act of 1939: European democracies were able to buy war materials from the U.S. if they paid for it in cash and transported the goods with their own ships.

• When the British began having trouble defending themselves, the U.S. split into isolationists versus the supporters of aid

American Opinion towards War

• Less ideological and more practical than during WWI

Pearl Harbor

• Japan bombs Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941

• US Declares war on Japan, Germany, & Italy


• Act passed where the U.S. would lend or lease American arms to democracies– Guns and tanks would be

returned to U.S. when the war was over

• Believed to be “an act to further promote the defense of the United States

• Common slogans: “Send guns, not sons” & “Billions, not bodies”

• Later criticized as “the blank-check bill”

Normandy• June 6, 1944- led by Eisenhower• Allied invasion (Mainly British and Americans) against the German occupied France• Crossed the English Channel from England to France to liberate France from control• Omaha most famous beach landing• Allies 5,000 men lost at Omaha• Germans 1,200 men lost at Omaha• After boat landings, planes flew over and dropped off men in France

Battle of the Bulge, Ardennes Offensive

• Last major Nazi offensive

• Germans were successful, having an all out armor attack

• Within two days they ran out of fuel

• Allies preformed a counter-attack and pushed the Germans back

Japanese Immigration

• After the attack on Pearl Harbor and the US declared war on Japan, Japanese decedents on the West Coast were questioned and relocated by the FBI

• They went to relocation camps in the Nevada desert in fear of another attack

• They were fired from their jobs and insurance policies cancelled

• 1885-1924- better educated than most European immigrants


• North Atlantic Treaty Organization

• Truman administration joined NATO when responding to the Soviet Threat

• Signed in Washington in 1949

• Became cornerstone for all American policy toward Europe

• Their purpose: “to keep the Russians out, the Germans down, and the Americans in.”

Post War Germany

• First priority was destroying Nazism and trying high ranking Nazis for war crimes

• Designed into 4 military occupation zones each assigned to a Big Four power

• Then split into 2

• Berlin became big issue

• Soviets fell off all access to Berlin

• Soviets lifted blockade in may 1949

GI Bill• Made generous provisions for sending the

former soldiers to school• 8 million veterans at least out of 15• Ex-GIs stormed out of halls because of

crowdedness• This “act” also enabled the Veterans

Administration to guarantee about $16 billion in loans for veterans to buy homes, farms, and small businesses

• Delayed GIs from flooding the job market

Sunbelt Prosperity

• 15-state area stretching in a smiling crescent from Virginia through Florida and Texas to Arizona and California

• Region increased population (doubled)• Came in search of jobs, better climate, lower

taxes• Shift of population broke historic grip of North on

the nation’s political life (presidents coming from the North)

• Possible due to influx of money from federal government

Economic Boom, 1950-1970

• National income doubled• Prosperity underwrote social mobility, civil

rights movement, welfare programs, international leadership in Cold War era

• Middle class income = $6 thou - $20 thou a year & 60% made up middle class

• Women employed more• Vast expansion of homeowning middle


Communist China

• Jiang Jieshi was leader- lost support of Chinese people

• Soviets dropped A-bomb 3 years earlier than many experts thought possible

• H-bomb US developed to outpace Soviets in nuclear weaponry

Marshall Plan

• US’s plan for rebuilding and making a stronger foundation for Western European countries and repelling communism after WWII

• named after Sec of State George Marshall• Est. June 5, 1947• offered the same aid to USSR and its allies, but

they declined.• in operation for 4 years starting in April of 1948• after the plan was complete all economies of the

states, except for Germany, were way better than they were before the war.*

Brown v. Board

• -1954 landmark decision of Supreme Court that overturned ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

• -declared state laws that established public schools for black and white students denied black children equal educational opportunities

Joseph McCarthy

• -Republican U.S. Senator from Wisconsin from 1947 until 1957 when he died

• -Thought there were tons of Soviet spies, Communists and sympathizers in the U.S. federal gov’t.

• -was eventually censured by the U.S. Senate for his inability to substantiate his claims

• -The term McCarthyism, coined in 1950 was soon applied to anti-communists pursuits, similar to those of McCarthy.

CIA Operations

• Covert operation that deposed the Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq

• destroyed Iran’s post-monarchic, secular parliamentary democracy by re-installing the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

• Also engineered a coup in Guatemala.

Eisenhower’s “New Look” Foreign Policy

• Greater reliance on air power and nuclear weapons than on the army and navy

Korean War

• Began in June of 1950• Paused because of an armistice which

was signed in July of 1953• NK has withdrawn from the armistice• As part of 1952 Presidential campaign,

Eisenhower promised to visit Korea if elected

John F Kennedy

• Elected President in 1961 (youngest elected President)

• Assassinated on October 22, 1963

• Democrat (though his policies were more Republican)

• Harvard Graduate, First Catholic President

• Suffered from back problems

• Was in the Navy during WWII


• Hoped to one day to live in peace with communism• Created the Peace Corps. To help underprivileged

areas.• Much of Kennedys involvement in Vietnam was unknown

until the release of the Pentagon Papers.• Kennedy enacted policies providing political, economic,

and military support for the unstable French-installed South Vietnamese government, which included sending 16,000 military advisors and U.S. Special Forces to the area. Kennedy also authorized the use of free-fire zones, napalm, defoliants, and jet planes.

Cuban Missile Crisis

• The Cuban Missile Crisis began on October 14, 1962, when American U-2 CIA spy planes took photographs of a Soviet intermediate-range ballistic missile site under construction in Cuba.

• The photos were shown to Kennedy on October 16, 1962.

• Kennedy ordered a naval quarantine in which the U.S. Navy inspected all ships arriving in Cuba.

• Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles subject to U.N. inspections if the U.S. publicly promised never to invade Cuba and quietly removed US missiles stationed in Turkey.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

• The bill was introduced by President John F. Kennedy in his civil rights speech of June 12, 1963. He then sent a bill to Congress on June 19.

• Prohibited state and municipal governments from denying access to public facilities on grounds of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity.

• Encouraged the desegregation of public schools and authorized the U.S. Attorney General to file suits to enforce said act

Civil Rights cont

• Expanded the Civil Rights Commission established by the earlier Civil Rights Act of 1957 with additional powers, rules and procedures.

• Prevented discrimination by government agencies that receive federal funding. If an agency is found in violation of Title VI, that agency can lose its federal funding.

• Made it easier to move civil rights cases from state courts with segregationist judges and all-white juries to federal court. This was of crucial importance to civil rights activists who could not get a fair trial in state courts.


• 1st wave grew out of the abolitionist movement

• 2nd wave from the Civil Rights movement

Martin Luther King Jr.– Spring 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. launched

campaign against discrimination in Birmingham, Alabama.

– August 1963 King led 200,000 black and white demonstrators on “March on Washington” for Civil Rights Act.

– Early 1965 he resumed voter-registration campaign in Selma, Alabama. State troopers assaulted his demonstrators.

– After the Voting Rights Act of 1965, young black leaders mocked King for his nonviolent movement

– Killed on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee by a sniper.

Lyndon B. Johnson• Passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964• Issued an executive order requiring all federal

contractors to “affirmative action against discrimination

• Domestic program- “Great Society”- a set of economic and welfare measures aimed at transforming American way of life

• Great Society, plus the War in Vietnam led to drastic inflation in early 1970s

• Big Four legislative achievements-aid to education, medical care for the elderly and poor, immigration reform, and new voting rights bill

– Project Head Start improved the educational performance of underprivileged youth

– Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave the federal government more muscle to enforce school desegregation orders and to prohibit racial discrimination in all kinds of public accommodations and employment

LBJ cont.•Operation Rolling Thunder- regular full-scale bombing in attacks against North Vietnam•By 1968 he poured more than half a million troops and the bill of war exceeded $30 billion.•March 31, 1968 announced the end of Vietnam, gradually shifting more responsibility on South Vietnam•Did not run for presidency in 1968


• North Vietnam – Communist• South Vietnam – Democratic• US afraid that all of Vietnam would fall to

communism according to the “domino theory”• Sent troops to South Vietnam to “aid” them• Vietnam War ended with the north communist

and the south democratic• Soon after US troops left, South Vietnam fell to



• The 37th President of the US• First task of presidency was Vietnam War• Initially escalated conflict, overseeing secret

bombings• Soon ordered a ceasefire with North Vietnam,

ending American involvement• Infamous for the cover-up of the Watergate

Scandal• Fearing impeachment, he resigned from office• Was later pardoned by President Ford


• Nixon’s first necessity was to quiet the public uproar over Vietnam.

• Withdraw 540,000 U.S. troops from South Vietnam over an extended period

• They were to train the South Vietnamese troops to take on the burden of fighting

• They would be supplied with American money, weapons, and advice

Nixon’s Domestic Policies

• Nixon presided over significant expansions of welfare programs that conservative Republicans routinely denounced

• He increased appropriations for entitlements like Food Stamps and Medicaid, as well as for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

• His expansion of the Great Society programs helped reduce the poverty level to only 11 percent

Domestic Policies Cont.

• Nixon also implemented Supplemental Security Income, which gave generous benefits to the indigent aged, blind, and disabled.

• He signed legislation which raised Social Security old age pensions and provided for automatic increases when the cost of living rose more than 3 percent in any year

Domestic Policies Cont.

• Nixon’s generous expansion of Great Society programs helped reduce the nation’s poverty rate to 11 percent in 1973, its lowest in modern history

• Implemented the Philadelphia Plan, which established goals and timetables for hiring black apprentices

• He also helped create the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupation Health and Safety Administration

War Powers Act of 1973

• The War Powers Act of 1973 is a United States federal law providing that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat. The War Powers Resolution requires that the president notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war.

Gerald Ford

• Pardoned Nixon- most controversial decision of his presidency

Jimmy Carter

• Carter began the race with a sizable lead over Ford, who was able to narrow the gap over the course of the campaign, but was unable to prevent Carter from narrowly defeating him on November 2, 1976. Carter won the popular vote by 50.1 percent to 48.0 percent for Ford and received 297 electoral votes to Ford's 240. He became the first contender from the Deep South to be elected President since the 1848 election.

• As president, Carter created two new cabinet-level departments: the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. He established a national energy policy that included conservation, price control, and new technology. In foreign affairs, Carter pursued the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaties and the second round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II).

Carter’s Domestic Policies

• As president, Carter created two new cabinet-level departments: the Department of Energy and the Department of Education.

• He established a national energy policy that included conservation, price control, and new technology.

Carter’s Foreign Policies

• In foreign affairs, Carter pursued the Camp David Accords with Israel and the Palestinians

• Panama Canal Treaties

• Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II).

Iran-Hostage Crisis

• The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States where 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, after a group of Islamist students took over the American embassy in support of the Iranian Revolution.

• Was prompted by the American support for the Shah of Iran and restoring him to power in 1953. America then provided cancer treatment for him when he became ill.

• In Iran, the crisis strengthened the prestige of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the political power of forces who supported theocracy and opposed any normalization of relations with the West

Ronald Reagan

• Started as the governor of California

• Won election in 1980 against Carter (D)

• Conservative: against gov’t involvement in social and economic matters

• Cut out the Great Society programs

• Called for deep tax cuts (supply-side economics) = deep recession

• Goals: shrink federal budget to release the gov’t stronghold on the nation

“Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.”

Persian Gulf War

• August 2nd 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait– Saddam Hussein wanted to takeover Sceikdom– Oil

• UN gave Hussein an ultimatum to withdrawal troops by January 15th

• January 16th 1991: Operation Desert Storm– Norman Schwarzkopf– Liberated Kuwait in 100 hours (37 days)– Saddam Hussein stayed in power

Bill Clinton

• Formed Democratic Leadership Council– Pro-growth, strong

defense, and anti-crime policies

• Hillary: tries to reform healthcare but became a political liability for Bill

• Enjoyed a prosperous economy

• SCAANDAAL!!!:– Sexual intercourse??

with Monica Lewinsky and lied under oath

– Paula Jones– And others?

• Impeachment through Jan.-Feb. 1999

• Perjury before jury and obstruction of justice

War in Iraq

• Bush persuaded Congress to go into the Middle East “to bring our enemies to justice, or justice to our enemies”

• Bin Laden was against the US economic embargo on Hussein

• When the Taliban refused to release Bin Laden Bush established a mass military campaign against Afghanistan

Department of Homeland Security

• Formed in response to the attack on September 11

“bring together security organizations across America in a unified effort to keep our nation safe from terrorist attacks”
