Final David Ogilvy Ppt


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"The pursuit of excellence is less profitable than the pursuit of bigness, but it can be more satisfying.“

- David Ogilvy

Ogilvy treaded various paths, honing a variety of talents. He learnt his lessons, made his choices and walked on to never stop. He believed in journey not

in destination.

No family financial support for studies

Earned a scholarship to study history at Christ Church College, Oxford University

Expelled from Oxford, Ogilvy went to Paris

He worked in the kitchen of the Hotel Majestic

His first assignment was to prepare meals for customers’ dogs he confessed "If I stayed at the Majestic I would have faced years of slave wages, fiendish pressure, and perpetual exhaustion“

He learnt values of perfection, excellence & hardwork.

He returned to England to sell a new type of cooking stove, the AGA.

As a salesman Ogilvy proved a great successhe mastered the art of selling

Creation of “The Theory and Practice of Selling the AGA cooker”

In 1938 Ogilvy emigrated to America

He became an account executive in a London based Ad Agency

Worked as an Associate Director at an Audience Research Institute in Princeton and got insights on the habits and mentality of American consumer

During World War II he worked with the Intelligence Service at the British Embassy in Washington

His mission was to gather economic intelligence from Latin America and to prevent enemy’s access to strategic material

In 1946 he became a tobacco farmer in Pennsylvania

He recalls it as “ the richest years of my life”

At the age of 38 he sold the land and moved to Manhattan

Ogilvy joined with New York advertising man Anderson Hewitt to form the advertising agency that would eventually become known as Ogilvy & Mather

Although Ogilvy had no previous experience as an advertising copywriter, he directed most of the agency's creative efforts, particularly after Hewitt's departure from the firm in 1953

“The consumer is not a moron, she is your wife”.

His talents first came to the attention of a national audience in 1951 when he was approached by Hathaway, a small Maine clothing firm, to promote its line of moderately priced shirts

Ogilvy's copy for the initial ad was effective by itself. At virtually the last moment Ogilvy decided to photograph his male model wearing a Hathaway shirt - and an eyepatch

"The Man in the Hathaway Shirt" appeared for the first time in the New Yorker of September 22, 1951, it caused a sensation

Eventually Hathaway no longer needed to display its name in its advertisements "man with the eye patch" was identification enough

The company meanwhile could barely keep up with the demand for its shirts

The tag line he composed for the Rolls-Royce automobile company in 1958 –

"At sixty miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock“ - helped double that firm's American sales in an year

in 1963 he published his book “Confessions of an Advertising Man” which sold well over half a million copies and cemented his position as an advertising guru

In 1975 Ogilvy & Mather was one of the top five advertising agencies in the world with 1000 clients, offices in 29 countries and billings of some $800 million.

Ogilvy always emphasised on quality, novelty and intelligence

He was a keen observer and a fast learner

He was a man of passion

He once measured his IQ: expecting a genius score of 145 he found it was a disappointing 96

He was afraid of the sea, of heights, and of flying, suffered asthma until middle age and didn’t enjoy any of the usual executive pastimes such as golf or tennis

He was also a late-starter in advertising at 39, yet he still made it to the top of his profession and made an indelible mark on that profession

He could not complete his graduation at Oxford, he was expelled for reasons unknown


Hard work




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