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Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Facts Marijuana is the

most popular drug in the world (Johannigman & Eschiti, 2014)

It can be smoked or eaten.

Facts Continued

Medical Marijuana is legal in 20 states and the District of Columbia (Capriotti & Hartmann, 2013)

It is ILLEGAL on a federal level.


Relieves pain in sick patients (Murphy, 2014)

Increases appetite for cancer patients(Murphy, 2014)

Decreases vomiting Decreases seizures Prevents blindness

in glaucoma (Murphy, 2014)

States make more money from sales

Benefits Continued

Show Me The Money

California received $1.4 million in taxes in 2012

Colorado collected $5 million in taxes in 2012(Cooper, 2012)


Capriotti, T., & Hartmann, B. (2013). What you should know about medical marijuana. Clinical Advisor, 16(12), 92-96. Retrieved from

Cooper, M. (2012, February 11). Struggling cities turn to a crop for cash. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Johannigman, S., & Eschiti, V. (2013). Medical use of marijuana in palliative care. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(4), 360-2. Retrieved from

Murphy, K. (2014). The growing trend of medical marijuana. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 12(5), 30-39. doi:10.1097/01.NME.0000452683.33224.92