Feliz Navidad Christmas in Mexico. The Christmas season in Mexico is the biggest holiday of the...


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Feliz Navidad

Christmas in Mexico

• The Christmas season in Mexico is the biggest holiday of the year, just as in the U.S.

• Stores and markets do not start selling items until around Dec. 1st, which is much later than in the U.S.

• The Christmas Season goes from Dec. 16th until Feb. 2nd

• The main emphasis on decorations is the

• “Nacimiento” or Nativity Scene

• These Nacimientos can be very eleborate and depending on the economic background of the family can be worth thousands of dollars

• New pieces are added every year, and each child has his/her own Shepherd

• These children’s shepherds are moved closer or farther away from the nativity scene depending on the behavior of the child.

• These nacimientos are very large and the Christ Child is the focal point. The Christ child wears real clothes and each year the family takes the Christ child to the market to get new clothes or have last years clothes repaired.


• How do parents control the behavior of the children during Christmas

• Why do the families actually the infant Jesus to the markets with them.

• At the market, they look for stalls with signs that say

• “Se visten Jesus Cristo” OR WE DRESS THE Christ child


• Why do the families go to the market with the infant Jesus and what signs do they look for

• There is a special holiday drink that is served only this time of the year called

• “Atole”. It is made from corn meal and cinnamon


• What is the holiday drink made from corn and cinnamon

• The decorations and nacimientos are set up around the 1st of Dec.

• Then they start to plan for• “Las Posadas”• The Posadas start on Dec. 16th and there

is one every night until the last one on Dec. 24th, Christmas Eve=La Noche Buena


• When do the posadas start and how many are there?

• What is Christmas Eve called in Mexico?

• There are 9 Posadas, representing the 9 days that it took Mary and Joseph to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem to pay taxes.

• And also to represent the nine months of pregancy

• Posada is the word for Inn or Shelter

• But it is actually a procession representing Mary and Joseph’s search for shelter in “Belén”.

• Each night there is a procession. The first few nights they are small, but they build in size as the 24th is approached


• Describe a posada

• Each night the couple representing Mary and Joseph are denied shelter at the first few houses.

• But at the last house they are invited in

• And there is a party with food, drink, and the breaking of a piñata.

• Everything is pre-arranged weeks in advance.

The Last Posada

• On the 24th, La Noche Buena there is a light supper before the last Posada

• This 9th and final posada is very elaborate. Mary and Joseph may be in costume, and Mary may be riding a donkey

• There is usually singing during the last posada• The crowd is huge• The party is huge with lots of traditional

Christmas food, drink, and of course the piñata.

• After the Posada Party, it is off to Church for Mass

• After midnight mass, it is very traditional to have fireworks

• Then it is home, where it is traditional to have the youngest child to place the infant Jesus in the cradle.

• Then there is a very BIG meal


• List 4 of the 6 things in order that they do on the 24th of December

Christmas Day

• When the children wake up, there may be small presents near the nacimiento.

• However, Christmas Day is not a day of presents, but a day to attend Church, eat, and visit with friends and relatives

• And say “Feliz Navidad”


• What types of presents do the children get on Christmas Day?

The 12 Days of Christmas

• From the 25th of December until the 6th of January there are the 12 days of Christmas

• This is the time for shopping for gifts and seeing the Three Wise Men

• The children write their letters to the Three Wise Men, and go to see them at the big Department stores

• Sometimes it is traditional to attach the letter to a balloon and let the wind carry it to the Three Wise Men

Día de Los Inocentes

• On Dec. 28th is the Día de Los Inocentes

• This is like April Fool’s day in the US

• People will play tricks on each other including attaching small fireworks to other peoples feet. These “seek your feet” are noisy but not very powerful


• What is the date of the Dia de Los Inocentes

• What day is similar in the US

Rosca De Reyes

• This is also the time to buy the ingredients for the roscas

• This is a special bread served only during the Christmas holidays.

• They also need to buy a small ceramic doll of the Christ Child that is baked into the cake.

• The rosca is served on Jan. 6th and whoever finds the doll has to give a party on Feb. 2nd


• Name the cake that is served on Jan. 6th

• What happens if you find a doll in your piece of cake

Jan. 1st

• New Year’s Day is another holiday of feasting and partying.

• It is very traditional on the eve of Jan. 1st to go and look at Christmas lights


• On Dec. 31st or Jan. 1st it is very traditional to go and look at___

Jan. 5th

• In most major towns there is a parade, and families will go and watch.

• At the end of the parade come the Three Wise Men with their camels loaded down with presents.

• After the parade, the children will want to rush home and put their shoes out in the family’s traditional spot. Sometimes it is a balcony, sometimes near the stairs, sometimes near the nacimiento


• Why do the children put their shoes out on the balcony

• Who brings the children presents

• What animal actually carries the presents

Jan. 6th

• When the children wake up, their shoes are covered with presents from the Three Wise Men

• There may be other presents as well, in whatever designated spot the family chooses.

• Then it is off to church and perhaps to visit relatives.

• In the afternoon there is a BIG meal

• For dessert there is the Rosca de Reyes

• Or the Three Kings Cake. It is in the shape of a ring.

• There is a ceramic doll of the Christ Child in it and who ever finds it has to give the party on Feb. 2nd


• The person that finds the doll in the Rosca gives a big party on__

Feb. 2nd

• Decorations and the nativity scene are still up.• The 2nd of Feb. is called• Día de Candelarias.• The Infant Jesus is taken from the cradle and

taken to Church• At church the infant is blessed by the priest.• Then everyone goes home and has a party

which is hosted by whomever found the ceramic doll on Jan. 6th in the Rosca


• What happens on Feb. 2nd to complete the holiday season.

• A. B.

• What is the date of Dia de Los Candelarias?

• After the Party, the decorations, lights, nacimientos and the Infant Jesus are put away.

Additional Information

• Santa Claus has been making an appearance in Mexico for the last 20 years or so.

• But his popularity is nowhere near the level of the Three Wise Men

• Christmas trees are becoming popular, but are very expensive, as they are imported, and basically only the rich can afford them

• Poinsettias are very common in Mexico

• But are called the Flor de Noche Buena

• The poinsettia was introduced into the US by the American Ambassador to Mexico

• Joel Poinsett and that is where the name came from

Las Luminarias

• This tradition started in Mexico hundreds of years ago, but has spread now to the US

• A sack filled with sand, so as not to tip over, contains a lighted candle, are used to line sidewalks or driveways.

• It is said to light the way for the Christ child or Mary and Joseph on their journey


• What is the sack of sand with a candle in it called?


• What is the special flower of Christmas called in Mexico

• Who brought it to the US

• What country did it come from

Feliz Navidad

• Y no se olvida alimentar los renos
