Feel difference with Okinawa Hair Removal & Okinawa Massage Services



Okinawa Hair Removal can be done following various methods, but the most popular methods that we use are shaving, waxing and using hair removal creams. Likewise, Okinawa massage also has certain specialties to offer. These methods are quite cheaper, save time and cause less pain.

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Feel the difference with Okinawa Hair Removal &

Okinawa Massage Services

沖縄 脱毛 can be done following various methods, but the most popular methods that

we use are shaving, waxing and using hair removal creams. Likewise, Okinawa massage

also has certain specialties to offer. These methods are quite cheaper, save time and cause

less pain. Let’s now discuss about some of these popular procedures and methods to

obtain massage on a long-term basis and remove hair permanently.

Remove hair through electrolysis:

A method of hair removal like electrolysis makes use of electricity to remove your hair

permanently. A skilled professional performs this method of electrolysis wherein he gets

metal probe of fine quality through the hair follicle. Electric current is then passed

through this metal probe to destroy the area over which your hair grows. The hair that

gets loose is then removed with the use of Tweezers. The practitioner then needs to repeat

such process with each single hair. During the course of this process some of your hairs

might just be in their dormant stage while some may simply be missed. Hence, the

treatment has to be repeated so many times. It is certainly a very effective method of hair

removal although it consumes more time than other methods and is a bit expensive.

Creams for hair removal:

Products like hair removal creams bear certain chemical properties that assist in melting

your hair. You may apply it on your skin quite easily and remove it later quite painlessly.

You may term them as depilatories. You may obtain such creams in different forms like

roll-on products, aerosols, gels and lotions. Methods like this saves time, are less

expensive and can be done at home without seeking professional guidance. Many of us

who bear more sensitive skin would often suffer from skin infections. The smell of

depilatories would also seem unpleasant to some of us.

Hair Removal with Laser:

Laser treatment is a good way of removing hair permanently. For this method, you’ll

need to go through 3 to 6 sittings, and at times you may even need to go for more sittings.

Such treatments involving lasers would often set hair follicles as their targets and damage

them. The remaining skin is left intact during this process. It is quite an effective

treatment for removing hair from extensive areas over legs and backs. Removal of hair

through the use of laser is usually considered a much safer option if it goes well with

your skin. On the other hand, you must keep in mind that the effectiveness of such a

process differs from one person to another. With a majority of us who bear a dark hair

and fair skin, this method works successfully. This happens since the pigmented area of

your hair follicle is targeted by the lasers.

Hair Plucking:

You may get your hairs removed by plucking them or by pulling them off their roots.

Each single hair can be plucked with tweezers or fingers. A method like this usually

carries on for about three weeks and is used to remove hairs from your face and

eyebrows. In comparison with other forms of hair removal, plucking seems quite cheaper

and effective towards removal of stray hairs in small numbers. All you need to do is to

clean your tweezers properly prior to applying them for hair removal. It might be a bit

painful if you go for plucking, and it may often cause infections if you pluck your nose



When it comes to shaving, we normally use a metal blade with sharp edges and remove

hair from the surface of our skin quite like the way we use it for shaving our beard. You

may either use an electric razor to remove the hair or may do it manually. Shaving seems

to be an effective way of keeping body hair away for about four days. Apart from being

so safe, it also saves time and is really quite inexpensive. You must also remember to

take special care regarding minor cuts. When you’re shaving your sensitive areas, you

may go follow the hair growth direction to avoid cuts. It will also be beneficial for you if

you continue changing blades more often.

Okinawa Massage:

In comparison with Thai massage of the traditional style, the Okinawa massage seems a

bit different. The Okinawa style is based on a few scientific principles e.g. Evita

massages. An 沖縄 マッサージ combines the lymph massage aimed at increasing

metabolism with the stretches or digital compression. Depending on the cases, such

massages are performed manually using feet and hands. It becomes a lot easier for the

masseuse to spot the tensed muscle knots that needs more exercise. Herb tools made with

hands are also used for massaging neck, shoulder, back, foot and facials. These herbs are

brought up in the fields, steamed and dampened after being dried. Thus, they’re perfectly

ready to be used in massages.

Apart from being warm, the Okinawa massage and Okinawa hair removal methods are

both sophisticated and sleek. You’ll never really have any reason to regret later on for

paying towards these services.

For More Information, visit: http://lifeokinawa.com/japan/index.html
