Feeding Dreams Cambodia


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  • 7/29/2019 Feeding Dreams Cambodia



    Feeding Dreams Cambodia

    NEWSI S S U E 3 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2

    Fantastic start to the New Year!

    The first month of 2013 has proven to be a successful and busy

    time. Were excited to see progress throughout this new year,

    and continue getting the results weve seen so far. A huge thank

    you to all the volunteers who have contributed to helping Feed-

    ing Dreams achieve great things in the short time weve been

    running. This gives a lot of courage and confidence for what the

    future brings.

    So far weve seen new students arrive to be enrolled,

    sponsorship arrangements for classes, meals and stu-

    dents, positive responses to crisis situations and even a

    new classroom under construction!


    Nit Maradys Story 2

    Sponsor a Class 4

    Meet Juan 5

    Juan and Chhek 6

    Brakthas Story 7

    New Classroom 8

    Lost everything in

    House Fire 9

    Photo Gallery 10

    Contact Us 12

    NGO 1541

  • 7/29/2019 Feeding Dreams Cambodia



    P A G E 2

    Nit Maradys heartwarming storyNit Marady is an extremely bright young boy. When he did attend

    school, he used to top his class. However, due to poverty and lack of

    legal registration, he dropped out and took a job as a shop assistant. At

    17 years of age, he is now getting the opportunity after many years to

    continue with his grade 9 studies at Angkor High School in Siem Reap.

    Fortunately it was recognized by a volunteer what a waste that such a

    bright boy could not continue with his formal education. Only hours

    after receiving details of his wish to continue formal studies, he was

    sponsored by Nicole Carter. We are currently organizing Maradys cor-

    rect paperwork and organizing his re-enrolment. A huge thankyou to

    Nicole for her generosity and amazingly prompt response to Maradys


    F E E D I N G D R E A M S C A M B O D I A N E W S

  • 7/29/2019 Feeding Dreams Cambodia



    P A G E 3

    Sponsor a Class!

    F E E D I N G D R E A M S C A M B O D I A N E W S

    Your ongoing support of $60 per month will support one class of poor students all eager to

    learn with:

    computer equipment and repairs

    educational software

    notebooks and study materials

    whiteboard markers and erasers

    contribution towards your Cambodian Computer teachers' salary

    Sponsorship for the ComputerClass

    By sponsoring a class for $60 per month, you are

    personally giving the gift of IT education to

    twelve impoverished young adults. With English,

    Math and Computer skills, these students will

    have positive job prospects and a brighter future.

    You will receive photos of your class at each level.

  • 7/29/2019 Feeding Dreams Cambodia



    P A G E 4

    F E E D I N G D R E A M S C A M B O D I A N E W S

    Sponsorship for the ComputerClass

    Teacher Sokmean teaches 4 Computer Classes

    each day. His students never thought they would

    ever have the opportunity to learn the skills of

    technology and programming, as they are all from

    very poor family backgrounds.

    Thanks to recent donations of computers and

    sturdy new computer desks from Nepcam Trust

    Aid Fund Australia, each computer class now holds

    12 students.

    Sponsorship forEnglish Class

    Your ongoing support of $60 per month

    will support one classroom of 35 stu-

    dents with bright smiling faces with:

    notebooks to students

    pens, pencils, rulers, boxes of cray-

    ons and puzzles

    flashcards, educational toys and

    study materials

    textbooks and student worksheets

    whiteboard markers and erasers

    contribution towards your teachers'


    For more information please emailArlene at


  • 7/29/2019 Feeding Dreams Cambodia



    P A G E 5

    Meet Juan!

    A young boys life

    turned around

    Yean Sok Juan is a 16 year old boy

    who collects rubbish for earnings with

    his younger brother Yean Sok Chhek.

    They begin work at 5am and earn

    approximately $1 per day each. This

    exhausting and dangerous work has

    impacted on their health both physi-

    cally and psychologically.

    Both parents are deceased, so they

    live with their elder sister and her

    husband and young baby. Their elder

    sisters husband sells bread from the

    back of a bicycle and makes approxi-

    mately $2 per day.

    By chance, Arlene Gormley, Feeding

    Dreams Community Support Officer,

    helped Juan pick up his fallen bicycle

    last week when all his rubbish fell on

    the road. She spoke to Juan and of-

    fered to give him some new clothing

    from Feeding Dreams.

    After speaking to their elder sister,

    she agreed to the boys attending

    school for 2 hours each day, espe-

    cially as Feeding Dreams also pro-

    vides a meal for them.

    Both boys desperately need a Child Sponsorship in

    order to offset some of their lost income while learn-

    ing. This will also enable them both to attend For-

    mal Khmer School to ensure they will not be illiter-

    ate in Khmer language.

    If you could help with a $50 per month sponsorship

    for one or each child, please email Arlene at


    F E E D I N G D R E A M S C A M B O D I A N E W S

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    P A G E 6

    Juan and Chhek

    F E E D I N G D R E A M S C A M B O D I A N E W S

    The boys at home in their village in their

    new clothes from Feeding Dreams.

    Chhek and his sister and their bicycle.

    Juan and Chhek, eating bread in their new clothes at their new school!

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    P A G E 7

    Brakthas story, cleaner a

    Feeding Dreams

    F E E D I N G D R E A M S C A M B O D I A N E W S

    We met BrakTha, aged 30, in a slum area in mid October while w

    were telling local children about the new school opening. BrakTha

    very kind and invited us into her battered little hut built from rub-

    bish to meet her son aged six and was keen for him to begin study.

    Her husband, also 30, is a laborer picking fruit from trees and ispoorly paid. Their son has suffered bouts of bronchitis and everytime he has been hospitalized she has had to borrow $10 to buy th

    medicine for him.

    BrakTha boldly stepped up and asked us for a job at FeedingDreams. She was in $20 debt for rent arrears, being 2 months ren

    @ $10 per month for her little house built of rubbish. After an inte

    view the next day, we employed her as Cleaner and gladly paid her

    debt of $20. Every day both her and her son arrive at school with

    beaming smiles, little Davat is a real character and is very bright.

    BrakTha is a hard worker; in addition to cleaning she helps to dis-

    tribute meals to the students and even helps to prepare some vege

    tables with our cook early in the morning.

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    P A G E 8

    F E E D I N G D R E A M S C A M B O D I A N E W S

    A new classroom!!Thanks to the hard work and dedication from volunteers and Feeding Dreams work-

    ers, a new classroom is well under way! The new room that is being constructed

    alongside others outside, has its basic structure standing proud after a mere three

    days of work.

    A big thankyou to Garry Mulroy and Trinity Catholic College of Lismore, for their

    financial support and daily work efforts with this classroom. The new building is go-

    ing to create more space and class availability!

    The beginning of building the classroom

    The near finished product.

    The Building Team

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    P A G E 9

    Lost everything in house fireTwo weeks ago, Juan Sophats rented room and entire building was destroyed in a fire caused by faulty wiring.

    Her twinsWan Banya and Wan Seyha are 4 years old and attend our kindergarten class. Sophat (35) buys

    bread from a bakery and sells it for a small profit. Feeding Dreams buy bread from her 3 times a week as part

    of our students meals program. Sophat must sell 800 baguettes to make $1 profit. Her husband died some

    years ago.

    Sophat had been saving a little of her meager earnings and keeping in her rented room. All of her possessions

    and her savings were burned and she is now destitute. Her and her children were left literally with the clothes

    they were wearing.As Sophat did not have the deposit to rent another room, she was homeless. A worker inthe bakery where Sophat has traded for many years has took pity on her and is temporarily letting them sleep

    at his home. The twins have still been coming to school every day but the recent events have taken its toll- the

    boys are noticeably thinner and look tired and sad.

    Despite the crisis Sophat has still been cycling around town selling bread every morning. It will take her months

    to earn enough money just to save the deposit for a small room to rent. After that she would need to buy basic

    things such as cooking utensils, food, toiletries, clothes and bedding etc.

    We need to help Sophat with a once only donation of $300 for:

    deposit for a rental room

    replacements of family book and birth certificates (legal identification)

    a small gas cooker (a camping style single stove)

    bowls, spoons and a cooking pot

    clothes for the family

    rice, salt, sugar, soap, tooth paste, shampoos etc

    bed, mat, blankets and mosquito nets

    F E E D I N G D R E A M S C A M B O D I A N E W S

  • 7/29/2019 Feeding Dreams Cambodia



    Feeding Dreams Cambodia NEWS

    Photo Gallery


    We would like to extend

    our sincere thanks to Janu-

    arys volunteers at Feeding

    Dreams. We are very

    grateful for your help and

    look forward to your re-


    Nicole Carter

    Lucy Lavery

    Karyn Findlay

    Dianne Scandrett

    Garry Mulroy

    John Scott

    Margaret Scott

    Mitch Jacobson

    Chi Wing Chan

    James Gatt

    Pia Jorgensen

    Rhys Fowler

    Students busy at work

    School Meals

    Great volunteers Lucy and Karyn

  • 7/29/2019 Feeding Dreams Cambodia



    Feeding Dreams Cambodia NEWS

    Photo Gallery

  • 7/29/2019 Feeding Dreams Cambodia



    Project Director

    Mr Kenneth Okoh

    Ph +855 (0)97 590 8770


    Project Manager

    Mr Blaed Perkins

    Ph +855 (0)10 390 743


    Public Relations Officer

    Ms Kerry Huntly

    Ph +855 (0)97 600 9000


    Volunteer Coordinator

    Mr Sovann (Gi Gi)

    Ph +855 (0)86 864 087


    Community Support Officer

    Ms Arlene Gormley

    Ph +855 (0)97 7166 161

    community@feedingdreamscambodia.orgFeeding Dreams Cambodia

    No. 932 Group 1 Ta Vien Village

    Sala Kamrek Commune

    Siem Reap City

    Siem Reap ProvinceKingdom of Cambodia

    Contact Us


    Steven Tan, Singapore

    Trinity Catholic College

    of Lismore, Australia.

    KIDS Canada

    Nepcam Trust Aid Fund

    Walk on Water

    Dianne Scandrett

    Sandi Sinnamond

    Janet Hill

    Henry Hitchcox

    The Southport School

    Aneta Seidler

    Sarah Harrison

    Jan Hewitt

    Rhys Fowler



