Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration€¦ · safety improvement actions pending. As a...


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Service Date: July 16, 2013

In reply refer to: MC-ESL USDOT Number 650155X

MX Number 701100 GCC Transporte SA de CV Avenida de Las Industrias 6900 Juarez, Chihuahua 31110 MEXICO Dear Motor Carrier:

You are hereby advised that GCC Transporte SA de CV has successfully completed the 18-month monitoring period required under your Certificate of Registration for Provisional Operating Authority under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) Long-Haul Cross Border Trucking Pilot Program. Our records show that GCC Transporte SA de CV successfully completed the required compliance review and received a satisfactory safety rating. In addition, there are no enforcement or safety improvement actions pending.

As a result, GCC Transporte SA de CV's Certificate of Registration for Operating Authority is permanent under, and subject to, the requirements of the Pilot Program. However, you are reminded that GCC Transporte SA de CV continues to be subject to all requirements and conditions of the Pilot Program as well as applicable federal motor carrier statutes and regulations, including the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and applicable Hazardous Materials Regulations. During the duration of the pilot program, carriers must update driver and vehicle records with FMCSA; any additional vehicles or drivers you wish to include in the pilot program must be approved by FMCSA before you may use the driver or vehicle for long-haul transportation. In addition, you must ensure that current Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance decals are displayed on those vehicles approved to operate under this authority until, at a minimum, you have successfully completed 3 years with permanent operating authority.

In advance of the end of the Pilot Program, FM CSA will provide information on how your company may apply to continue its authority to provide transportation beyond the United States-Mexico commercial zones and municipalities.

U.S. Department of Transportation

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration


If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact the North American Borders Division, at 202-366-4553 or by email at Marcelo.Perez@dot.gov.


Dr. G. Kelly Leone Associate Administrator for Research,

and Information Technology/CIO Enclosure Permanent Certificate of Registration Under the Pilot Program cc: Process Agent

SERVICE DATE: July 16, 2013

In reply refer to: USDOT Number: 650155

MX Docket Number: 701100



MX DOCKET#: MX-701100 GCC Transporte SA de CV

Avenida de Las Industrias 6900, Juarez, Chihuahua 31110 Mexico

This document is evidence of the carrier's authority to engage in transportation as a common carrier of property (except household goods) by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce in the United States under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's cross-border long-haul pilot program.

This Permanent Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration for Operating Authority does not allow: 1) point-to-point transportation services, including express delivery services, within the United States for goods other than international cargo; (2) transportation of hazardous materials, as defined in 49 CFR 171.8, in any amount required to be placarded in accordance with 49 CFR 172, in the United States; (3) transportation of passengers in the United States; (4) transportation in vehicles or with drivers not approved by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for participation in the U.S.-Mexico Cross-Border Long-Haul Trucking Pilot Program; (5) transportation of oversized or overweight goods; (6) transportation of industrial cranes, or vehicle towing (including towing from crash scenes or "rescues"); (7) transportation by packaging and courier services; and (8) operating a vehicle without an operational DOT electronic monitoring device. Transportation that violates any of these restrictions is beyond the scope of this certificate and a violation of the terms of this certificate. Such transportation may result in vehicles being ordered out of service and the suspension or revocation of this Permanent Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration.

This Permanent Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration for Operating Authority will remain in effect only as long as the carrier is in compliance with the requirements pertaining to the designation of agents upon whom process may be served ( 49 CFR part 366) and insurance coverage for the protection of the public (49 CFR part 387). Failure to (1) maintain an agent for the service of process, or (2) maintain continuous insurance coverage, will constitute sufficient grounds for revocation of the permanent motor carrier Certificate of Registration for Operating Authority.

U.S. Department of Transportation

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration


Willful and persistent noncompliance with applicable safety fitness regulations may result in the suspension or revocation of this Permanent Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration for Operating Authority at any time. Additionally, failure to comply with the restrictions, requirements, and conditions of the cross-border long-haul pilot program may result in removal from the pilot program and suspension or revocation of this Permanent Certificate of Registration for Operating Authority.


Betsy Z. Benkowski Chief, West and Midwest Division Office of Registration and Safety Information

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

GCC Transportes SA de CV A venida de las Industrias 6900 Juarez, Chihuahua 3111 0 Mexico

US Mailing Address: GCC Transportes SA de CV 2825 West Paisano El Paso, TX 79922

Dear Motor Carrier:

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590

Refer to: MC-ESB

In reply refer to: USDOT Number: 650 155 MX Number: 701100

This letter is notification that you have successfully completed all the requirements of Part 365 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations ( 49 CFR Part 365) for receiving a Certificate of Registration for provis ional Operating Authority for transportation beyond U.S. municipali ties and commercial zones on the United States-Mexico border in the cross-border long-haul trucking pilot program. According ly, e nc losed are your offi cial U.S. DOT number and your certificate of registrat ion for provis ional Operating Authority in the cross-border long-haul trucking pilot program. T he U.S. DOT number must be marked on your approved commercial motor vehicle(s) (CMY), as required by 49 CFR 390.21. All veh ic les approved fo r operations in the long-haul pilot program must use an "X" at the end of the U.S. DOT number. If you maintain commercial zone operations, the vehic les used in the commercial zone s hould retain the "Z" at the end of the U.S. DOT number. No vehic le may be marked with the "X" after the US DOT number unless and until the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adm ini stration (FMCSA) has approved the veh icle for use in the pilot program.

This Provisional Motor Carri er Certificate of Registration is restricted against: (I) po int-to-point transportation services, including express deli very services, within the United States for goods other than international cargo; (2) transportation of hazardous materials, as defined in 49 CFR 17 1.8, in any amount requ ired to be placarded, in accordance with 49 CFR I 72, in the United States; (3) transportat ion of passengers in the United States; (4) transportation in vehic les or with drivers not approved by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for participation in the U.S.-Mexico Cross-Border Long- Haul Trucking Pilot Program; (5) transportation of oversized or overweight goods; (6) transportation of industrial cranes and veh ic le towing ( including towing from crash scenes or "rescues"); (7) transportation by packaging and courier services; and (8) operating a vehicle without an operational DOT electronic monitoring device. Transportation that vio lates any of these restrictions is beyond the scope of this certificate and a violation of the tenns of thi s certificate. Such transportation may result in vehicles being ordered out of service and the s uspension or revocation of this Provis ional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration.

In addition, a ll approved vehicles operating in the United States in the cross-border long-ha ul trucking pilot program must be equipped with and operating the e lectronic monitoring dev ice installed by the

FMCSA. Failure to comply with the restrictions, requirements, and conditions of the cross-border long­haul pilot program may result in removal from the pilot program and suspension or revocation of the Certificate of Regi stration.

You are reminded that while operating in the United States you are required to comply with al l app li cable U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs). You must notify the FMCSA of any change(s) in the carrier information previously submitted in parts I, lA or II of Form OP- I(MX) or form BOC-3 within 45 days of the change or correction. This includes information regarding changes in process agents and/or insurance status.

Additionally, you must have a current Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance inspection decal affixed to each approved CMY operating in the United States under the provisional Operating Authority and for 3 consecutive years after receiving a permanent Operating Authority. During the provisional period, FMCSA wi ll be contacting you to schedule a compl iance review on your company and will continue to monitor your safety performance through roadside driver and vehicle inspections to ensure compliance.

Lastly, should you commit one, or more, of the expedited act ion vio lat ions described in 49 CFR 385.105 before your provisional Operating Authority becomes permanent, you may be required to undergo a comp liance review or additional inspections or submit a written response demonstrating corrective action. Fa ilure to respond to the Agency's demand for a written response within 30 days wi ll result in suspension ofyour provisional Operating Authority unt il you demonstrate corrective action .

If you have any questions regarding this, or if you need further information, please contact your servic ing FMCSA Field office in El Paso at 8370 Burnham, Suite I 00, El Paso, TX 79907. The telephone number is (915) 593-8574.


Anne L. Collins Associate Administrator

For Field Operations

Enclosure: Certificate of Registration

cc: Process Agent


Thi s is to certify that on the 9' day of October 2012, the undersigned served, as specified, the designated number of copies of the foregoing document to each of the parties listed below:

GCC Transportes SA de CV Calle Turbosina #94 1 0 Juarez, Chihuahua 32690 Mexico

One Copy United Parcel Service Tracking#

GCC Transportes SA de CV 2825 West Paisano El Paso, TX 79922

One Copy US Posta l Service Mai l

Joanne Cisneros, Division Admin istrator Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Texas Divis ion 903 San Jacinto Boulevard, Suite I 0 I Austin, TX

One Copy Internal Mail

William R. Paden, Field Administrator U.S. Department ofTransportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Western Service Center 12600 West Colfax Aven ue, Suite B-300 Lakewood, CO 802 I 5

One Copy Internal Ma il


U.S. Department 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE of Transportation Washington, DC 20590

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Refer to: MC-ESB GCC Transportes SA de CY Aven ida de las lndustrias 6900 Juarez, Chihuahua 3 111 0

In reply refer to: Mexico

USDOT Number: 650 155 MX Number: 70 I 1 00

US Mailing Address: GCC Transportes SA de CY 2825 West Paisano El Paso, TX 79922

Dear Motor Carrier:

This letter is notification that you have successfully completed all the requirements of Part 365 of Title 49 of the Code o f Federal Regulations ( 49 CFR Part 365) for receiv ing a Certificate of Registration for provisiona l Operating A uthority fo r transportation beyond U.S. municipalities and commercia l zones on the United States-Mexico border in the cross-border long-haul trucking pilot program. Accordingly, enclosed are your o fficial U.S. DOT number a nd your certificate of registration for prov isiona l Operating Authori ty in the cross-border long-haul trucking pilot program. The U.S. DOT number must be marked on your approved commercial moto r vehicle(s) (CMV), as required by 49 C FR 390.21. All vehicles approved for operat ions in the long-haul pilot program must use an "X" at the e nd of the U.S. DOT number. If you ma inta in commercia l zone operations, the vehicles used in the commercial zone should reta in the "Z" at the end of the U.S. DOT number. No vehic le may be marked with the "X" after the US DOT number unless and until the Federa l Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has approved the vehicle for use in the pilot program.

This Provis ional Motor Carrier Certi ficate of Registration is restricted against: ( I) point-to-po in t transportation serv ices, inc luding express delivery services, with in the United States for goods other than international cargo~ (2) transportation of hazardous materia ls, as defined in 49 CFR 17 1 .8, in any ammmt required to be placarded, in accordance with 49 CFR 172, in the United States; (3) transportation of passengers in the United States; (4) transportation in vehic les or with drivers not approved by the Federa l Motor Carrier Safety Administration for participation in the U.S.-Mex ico Cross-Border Long-Haul Trucking Pilot Program; (5) transportation of oversized or overweight goods; (6) transportation o f industrial cranes and vehicle towing ( including towing from crash scenes or " rescues"); (7) trans portation by packaging and courier services; and (8) operating a vehicle without an operational DOT electronic monitorin g device. Transportation that vio lates any of these restrictions is beyond the scope of this cert ificate and a vio lation of the terms of this certificate. Such transportation may res ult in vehic les being o rdered out of service and the suspension or revocation of this Provis ional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration.

In addition, a ll approved vehic les operat ing in the Un ited States in the cross-bo rder long-hau l trucking pilot program must be equipped with and operating the e lectronic monitoring dev ice installed by the

FMCSA. Failure to comply with the restrictions, requirements, and conditions of the cross-border long­haul pilot program may result in removal from the pilot program and suspension or revocation of the Cetiificate of Registration.

You are reminded that while operating in the United States you are required to comply with all applicable U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs). You must notify the FMCSA of any change(s) in the carrier information previously submitted in parts I, lA or II of Form OP-1 (MX) or form BOC-3 within 45 days of the change or correction. This includes information regarding changes in process agents and/or insurance status.

Additionally, you must have a current Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance inspection decal affixed to each approved CMV operating in the United States under the provisional Operating Authority and for 3 consecutive years after receiving a permanent Operating Authority. During the provisional period, FMCSA will be contacting you to schedule a compliance review on your company and will continue to monitor your safety performance through roads ide driver and vehicle inspections to ensure compliance.

Lastly, should you commit one, or more, of the expedited action violations described in 49 C FR 385.105 before your provisional Operating Authority becomes permanent, you may be required to undergo a compliance review or additional inspections or submit a written response demonstrating corrective action. Failure to respond to the Agency's demand for a written response within 30 days will result in suspension ofyour provi sional Operating Authority until you demonstrate corrective action.

If you have any questions regarding this, or if you need further information, please contact your servicing FMC SA Field office in El Paso at 8370 Burnham, Suite I 00, El Paso, TX 79907. The telephone number is (915) 593-8574.


Anne L. Collins Associate Admini strator

For Field Operations

Enclosure: Certificate of Registration

cc: Process Agent


Thi s is to certify that on the ? day of October 2012, the undersigned served, as speci tied, the designated number of copies of the foregoing document to each of the parties listed below:

GCC Transportes SA de CV Calle Turbosina #941 0 Juarez, Chihuahua 32690 Mexico

One Copy United Parcel Service Tracking#

GCC Transportes SA de CV 2825 West Paisano El Paso, TX 79922

One Copy US Postal Service Mail

Joanne Cisneros, Division Admini strator Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Texas Division 903 San Jacinto Boulevard, Suite I 0 I Austin, TX

One Copy lntemal Mail

William R. Paden, Field Administrator U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Westem Service Center 12600 West Colfax Avenue, Suite 8-300 Lakewood, CO 80215

One Copy lntemal Mail

U.S. Department 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE of Transportation Washington, DC 20590

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

SERVICE DATE October 09, 20 12

In reply refer to: USDOT Number: 650155 MX Number : 701100


MX DOCKET#: MX-701100

GCC Transporte SA de CV A venida de las lndustrias 6900

Juarez, Chihuahua 31110 Mexico

This document is evidence of the carrier's authority to engage in transportation as a common carrier of property (except household goods) by motor vehicle in interstate or fo reign commerce in the United States in the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ' s cross-border long-haul pilot program.

This Provisional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration is restricted against: ( I) point-to-point transportation services, including express delivery services, within the United States for goods other than international cargo; (2) transportation of hazardous materials. as defined in 49 CFR 17 1.8, in any amount required to be placarded, in accordance with 49 CFR 172. in the United States; (3) transportation of passengers in the United States; ( 4) transportation in vehicles or with dri vers not approved by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for participation in the U.S.-Mexico Cross-Border Long-Haul Trucking Pilot Program; (5) transportation of oversized or overweight goods; (6) transportation of industria l cranes and vehicle towing (including towing from crash scenes or "rescues"; (7) transportation by packaging and courier services; and (8) operating a vehicle without an operational DOT electronic monitoring device. Transportation that vio lates any of these restrictions is beyond the scope ofthis certifi cate and a vio lation of the terms of thi s certificate. Such transportation may result in vehicles being ordered out of serv ice and the suspension or revocation of this Provisional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration.

This Provisional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration will remain in effect onl y as long as the carrier is in compliance with the requirements pertaining to the designation of agents upon whom process may be served ( 49 CFR 366) and insurance coverage for the protection of the public ( 49 CFR part 387). Failure to ( I) maintain an agent for the service of process or (2) maintain continuous insurance coverage wi ll constitute suffic ient grounds for revocation of the Provisional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration.

This Provisional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration may also be suspended or revoked if the carrier fails to receive a US DOT safety fitness rating of Satisfactory during the safety monitoring period established in 49 CFR part 385, subpart B. Willful and persistent noncompliance with applicable safety fitness regulations may result in the suspension or revocation of this Provisional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration at any time. Additionally, failure to comply with the restrictions, requirements, and conditions of the cross­border long-haul pilot program may result in removal from the pilot program and suspension or revocation of this Certificate of Registration.


9/:b" ~ri~r Chi ef, Information Technology Operations Division

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

GCC Transportes SA de CV A venida de las Industrias 6900 Juarez, Chihuahua 3 111 0 Mexico

US Mailing Address: GCC Transportes SA de CV 2825 West Paisano El Paso. TX 79922

Dear Motor Carrier:

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590

Refer to: MC-ESB

In reply refer to: USDOT Number: 650 155 MX Number: 70 11 00

This letter is notification that you have successfully completed all the requirements of Part 365 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regu lations ( 49 CFR Part 365) for receiving a Certificate of Registrat ion for provisional Operating Authori ty fo r transportation beyond U.S. municipali ties and commerc ia l zones on the United States-Mexico border in the cross-border long-haul truck ing pi lot program. Accordingly, enc losed a re your offic ia l U.S. DOT numbe r and your certificate of registration for provisional Operating Authori ty in the cross-borde r long-hau l trucking pilot program. The U.S. DOT number must be marked on your approved commerc ia l motor vehic le(s) (C MV), as required by 49 CFR 390.2 1. All vehicles approved for operations in the long-haul pilot program must use an "X" at the end of the U.S . DOT number. If you maintain commercia l zone operations, the vehicles used in the commerc ia l zone sho uld retain the "Z" at the end of the U.S. DOT number. No vehic le may be marked with the " X" after the USDOT nu mber unless and unt il the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has approved the vehic le for use in the pilot program.

T his Provisional Motor Carrier Certificate of Registration is restricted against: ( 1) po int-to-point transportation services, including express deli very se rvices, within the United States for goods other than international cargo; (2) transportation of hazardo us mate rials, as defi ned in 49 CFR 17 1.8, in any amount required to be placarded, in accordance with 49 CFR 172, in the United States; (3) transportation of passengers in the United States; (4) transportation in vehicles or with dri vers not approved by the Federa l Motor Carri er Safety Adm ini stration for participation in the U.S.-Mexico Cross-Border Long-Haul Trucking Pilot Program; (5) transportation ofoversized or overweight goods; (6) transportat ion of industrial cranes and vehic le towing ( inc luding towing from crash scenes o r " rescues"); (7) transportation by packaging and courier services; and (8) operating a vehicle without an operational DOT e lectronic monitoring device. Transportation that vio lates any of these restrictions is beyond the scope of this cert ificate and a violation ofthe terms of th is certi fi cate. Such transportation may result in vehic les being ordered out of service and the suspension or revocation of this Provisional Motor Carrier Certi ficate of Registration.

In addition, a ll approved vehicles operating in the United States in the cross-border long-haul truc king pilot program must be equipped with and operating the e lectronic monitoring device installed by the FMCSA. Failure to comply with the restrictions, requi rements, and conditions of the cross-border long­haul pilot program may result in removal from the pilot program and suspens ion or revocation of the Certificate of Registration.

You are reminded that while operating in the Uni ted States you are required to comply with al l appl icable U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs). You must noti fY the FMCSA of any c hange(s) in the carrier information prev iously submitted in parts I, lA or II of Form OP-1 (MX) or form BOC-3 within 45 days of the change or correction. This includes information regarding changes in process agents and/or insurance status.

Additionally, you must have a c urrent Commercial Vehic le Safety Alliance inspect ion deca l a ffi xed to each approved CMY operating in the United States under the provis ional O perating Authority and for 3 consecutive years after receiving a permanent Operating Authority. During the provis ional period, FMCSA will be contacting you to schedule a compliance review on your company and will continue to monitor your safety performance through roadside driver and vehic le inspections to e nsure compliance.

Lastly, should you commit one, or more, of the expedited action violations described in 49 CFR 385. 105 before your provisional Operating Authority becomes permanent, you may be required to undergo a compliance review or additiona l inspections or submit a written response demonstrating corrective action. Failure to respond to the Agency's de mand for a written response within 30 days will result in suspension of your provis ional Operating Authority until you demonstrate corrective action.

If you have any questions regarding this, or if you need further information, please contact your servic ing FMCSA Fie ld office in El Paso at 83 70 Burnham, Suite I 00, El Paso, TX 79907. The te lephone num ber is (9 15) 593-8574.


Anne L. Collins Assoc iate Administrator

For Fie ld Operations

Enclosure: Certifi cate of Registration

cc: Process Agent


This is to certify that on the day of October 2012, the unders igned served, as specified, the designated number ofcopies of the foregoing document to each of the parties li sted below:

GCC Transportes SA de CV Calle Turbosina #941 0 Juarez, C hihuahua 32690 Mexico

One Copy United Parcel Service Tracking #

GCC Transportes SA de CV 2825 West Paisano El Paso, TX 79922

One Copy US Postal Service Mail

Joanne Cisneros, Division Admini strator Federa l Motor Carrier Safety Administration Texas Division 903 San Jacinto Boulevard, Su ite I 0 I Austin, TX

One Copy Internal Mail

William R. Paden, Field Administrator U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Western Serv ice Center 12600 West Colfax Avenue, Suite 8-300 Lakewood, CO 802 I 5

One Copy Internal Mai l
