February 28th, 2019 Page 1 NEWS FROM THE PEWS€¦ · Through faith in Christ we are trans-formed....


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February 28th, 2019


Page 1

Sunday Mar. 3


Leslie Hoyle


Barb Munro and

Pat Moore


Ralph Challice and

Ginny Morecroft

AV Operators:

Nick Sprague and

Graeme Thompson


Bruce Munro and

Ross Yahiro


Mission and


Next week,

Sunday Mar. 10


Mattie Spencer


June Longstreet and

Joan Hunter


Gord and Mattie


AV Operators:

Alan Grundy and

Graeme Thompson


Ross Yahiro and

Alex MacKenzie


Mission and


Service this week at St. Andrew's

March 3, 2019

Theme: Transfiguration

This Sunday we will be celebrating the final week of the season of Epiphany, otherwise known as Transfiguration. Transfiguration occurs on the Sunday before the beginning of Lent.

So what is transfiguration?

About a week after Jesus plainly told His disciples that He would suffer, be killed, and be raised to life (Luke 9:22), He took Peter, James and John up a mountain to pray. While praying, His personal appear-ance was changed into a glorified form, and his clothing became dazzling white. Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus about his death that would soon take place. Peter, not knowing what he was saying and being very fear-ful, offered to put up three shelters for them. Peter was expressing a wish to stay in that place. When a cloud enveloped them, a voice said, “This is My Son, whom I have chosen, whom I love; listen to him!” The cloud lifted, Moses and Elijah had disappeared, and Jesus was alone with His disciples who were still very much afraid. Jesus warned them not to tell anyone what they had seen until after His resurrection.

The purpose of the transfiguration of Christ was so that the “inner circle” of his disciples could gain a greater understanding of who Jesus was.

Christ underwent a dramatic change in appearance in order that the disciples could behold Him in his glory. The disciples, who had only known him in his human body, now had a greater realization of the deity of Christ, though they could not fully comprehend it. That gave them the reassurance they needed after hearing the shocking news of his coming death. Those who witnessed the transfig-uration bore witness to it to the other disciples and to countless millions down through the centuries.

Today, we hear the story told again and how it relates to us. To be transfigured is to be transformed. Through faith in Christ we are trans-formed. Through witnessing the incredible works of God, we see how faith changes lives. When we accept Christ into our lives, we are adopting the lifestyle and attitudes that Christ teaches. We turn away from an old way of life to a new way as revealed in Christ. In Christ we are accepted and blessed in our faith journey.

Scripture Readings: Exodus 34:29-35

Mark 9:2-9

Reflection: God Changes Us!

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Personal donations are very important to the success of the auction.

We would appreciate receiving your donations by Wednesday, April 17th to give us time to

catalog them before the auction.

Don’t forget for every Business Donation brought in, you will get a chance to win a bottle of

Upper Canada College’s delicious MAPLE SYRUP! Please make sure you sign the board in the

Fellowship room so we know who brought it in.

Thank you for your continued support

of our largest annual fundraiser!

The 2019 St. Andrew’s Auction Team

The next Spring Fest 2018 Planning meeting is

Monday, March 4th, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Room.



This Sunday, March 3rd after the service, there will be a

presentation on Mental Health from the Affirming committee.

Hoping everyone will stay, listen and learn!

Thank you!

Contact is Tracey Bazso.

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On Saturday March 2nd, St. Andrew’s church will be hosting the new Horseshoe Falls Regional Council. All day we will see Ministry Personnel and Lay representatives meeting here for worship, meetings and lunch.

We are looking for help as we host this meeting.

We will need people to:

greet at the door, set up tables and chairs throughout the building, direct traffic, help with lunch and refreshments, operate the sound systems and clean up. This will be an event for about 160 people. A Volunteer sign-up sheet has been posted.

Thank you for your support!


As the proud captain of The St. Andrew’s United Church Angel Team, I am thrilled to report on

the walk last Saturday for the Georgetown Bread Basket! We were very lucky with the weather

as it was a perfect evening for a walk (definintely NOT the coldest night of the year). A week

ago, 8 walkers had to drop out and I thought we were going to have a smaller team of around 10

this year. All of a sudden last Thursday and Friday we had 8 more walkers join us – thanks

mostly to Kimberley Floyd and her family who added 6 people to our team!

So we ended up with 18 walkers again this year which was one of the largest teams in

Georgetown! Thank you to the whole team - Joanne, Greg, Margo, Bill, Pat, Valerie, Carol,

Grant, Katie, Michelle, Ross, Kimberley, Rob, Kirsten, Jacob, Gary, Gloria-Jean and


A special thank you again to Florence Riehl for being the hostess at the rest stop here at

St. Andrew’s!


$3,600 dollars more than doubling our goal of $1,500 and our team raised the most money

this year! Special mention of Joanne who has raised $670 and of Greg who has raised $650,

but congratulations to the whole team - our fundraising efforts have paid off!

The Georgetown Bread Basket is very grateful as well. They have reached their goal of

$20,000! The CNOY walks across Canada has raised more than $5.2 million this year.

By the way, it’s not too late to sponsor the team online or contact Margaret in the office.


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Any youth in grades 7 and up are welcome to attend.

TOMORROW - March 1 Bigger is Better game @ church

Next Tuesday, March 5 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper

Other Events and Volunteer Opportunities.

Youth in High school can get volunteer hours for helping with any of the following:

Community Dinners at St. Andrew’s (third Friday of the month)

The Youth can help with the preparation, serving of food and cleaning up after the meal. All are

welcome to attend.

Next dinner is: Friday March 15th (5:30 to 7 PM)

Vacation Bible Camp

July 29th to August 2nd, 2019 - Monday to Friday 9 am to Noon


On Most Fridays our Youth group meets at the church for activities. We are in need of reliable adults who would be willing to assist Grant with the leader-ship and supervision. Some of these evenings will require driving to a location off site. If you can help that would be appreciated. Thank you to the people that have signed up so far!

A sign up list will be posted near the entrance to the church. 1. March 1 Bigger is Better game @ church

2. March 5 Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper

3. March 22 Stencil Night @ church

4. April 5-6 Sleepover @ church

5. April 12 Harry Potter Baking Night @ church

6. April 26 Minute to Win it Games @ church

7. May 4 Car Wash @ church

8. May 17 Movie Night after community dinner @ church

9. May 24 Campfire @ offsite Driver is needed

10. June 15 Wonderland trip Driver is needed

For more information please speak to Grant Williams

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Bread Basket Sunday this week, March 3rd

FOOD BANK DONATIONS would be greatly appreciated!

Bread Basket Sunday is the first Sunday of every month.

From Facebook, the most needed food items: large can or tetra juice (1 litre or more),

tomato paste, condiments (not mustard or cranberry sauce), canned vegetables, instant noo-

dles, pudding cups, popcorn (microwave or hot air), canned meats and fish and canned fruit.


The 2019 World Day of Prayer service will be held at

Holy Cross Catholic Church

on Friday, March 1st at 7:30 p.m.

Thank you to Joan Hunter and Leslie Hoyle for representing St. Andrew’s.

This year the prayer service has been written by the women of Slovenia and the World Day of

Prayer Committee with the theme "Come, everything is ready!”.

The World Day of Prayer is observed annually on the first Friday in March.

It is an invitation for Christians to pause and pray together ecumenically.

It is sponsored by the Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada and its national counterparts.

All are invited to join in this ecumenical service of prayer.

Art work above:

World Day of Prayer 2019 Slovenia

“Come – Everything is Ready”

Welcome to this space of shared worship and prayer created for us by women from Slovenia in

partnership with people from your community.

The artwork, photo and biography of World Day of Prayer 2019 artist Rezka Arnuš reminds us

that as we read their words, we are giving voice to the experiences and concerns of real

women. Their words become our words; their prayers become our prayers.


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The above text:

Dear St. Andrew’s United Church,

When I began this project, I had no idea of the overwhelmingly positive

response I would receive. We’ve collected over 250 pairs of glasses to donate

to the Lion’s Club thus far and your congregation’s generosity has helped us

greatly with this achievement. Thank you so much for your contribution, it’s

great that we were able to help so many people.

Many thanks,

Ellen (and her mother, Alison) Crawley

Thank you for the glasses

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On Tuesday, March 5th from 5 - 7 PM, the St. Andrew’s Youth and Friends will be hosting

our Pancake Supper. Admission will be by donation only. We are in need of youth and adult


Please sign up on the easel outside of the Sanctuary or contact Grant Williams.


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Upcoming safeTALK workshop

Date: Wednesday, MARCH 6, 2019

Time: 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Location: St. Andrew’s United Church

89 Mountainview Rd S., Georgetown

Cost: $25 + HST (Partially funded by

Life Voice Canada Inc.)

To register visit: www.LifeVoice.ca or

call 266-343-3600 or send etransfer to


safeTALK Workshop date changed to March 6

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We are looking for a few more people to help out with the A/V (Audio/Video) role in the Sunday

Service and periodically special services (the people at the back!). It’s an easy way for High

School students to add to their volunteer hours. Training will be provided! If you can use a

mouse, you can do the Video portion and if you can push a button and slide levers back and

forth, you can do the Audio portion!

If interested, please contact the office or Bryan Scott! Thank you!


St. Andrew’s United Church reaches out to the Community in many different ways.

Effective immediately we have space available for rent.

Please contact our Church Office to inquire about Rental Space for your Group, Organization or

Personal Needs. i.e. Reception, Workshop, Birthday Party, Anniversary Party, Dinner, Meeting


We have a fully equipped, certified Kitchen able to handle any type of event, with a Hall capacity

of 120 with tables and chairs or 170 with chairs only.

We offer competitive rates and a variety of rental space options.

“We may have what you are looking for. Give us a call for Rental Rates and Availability”.


If you would like to place flowers on the altar table for a Sunday service, in

memory of a loved one, to celebrate a special occasion or "just because",

please write your name on the schedule that is on the bulletin board across from

the office and/or email/phone Valerie Jordan jordanheirs@yahoo.com or phone

905-877-3291 or contact the church office.

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Community Unity Easter Basket Brigade Saturday, April 20th, 2019

Location: St. Andrew’s United Church (Thank you for your kindness)

Food drop off Dry/Canned/Boxes (Only) Dates: Thursday April 18th and Friday April 19th 12:00 – 4:00PM

Individual Churches to bring Hams/perishables on Saturday below

Schedule for Saturday April 20th, 2019 9:00 - 2:00 pm 9:00-11:30 AM - sort and pack

12:00 - 2:00 PM - deliver

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:17-18)

God in his mercy has provided us with his bounty, and likewise we can open our hearts and share this bounty with our Community. Each Community Congregation has been asked to pro-vide a portion of the Easter Feast, and to participate in the preparation and delivery of the Feast to our Halton Hills neighbours.

If anyone in your congregation has contacts into food companies or other contacts that can donate food in bulk and/or /funds to support our initiative, please let us know!

(Best case scenario is cans/dry goods ideally purchased in boxes making the stacking and distribution efficient, but of course we’ll accept any/all donations).

What we need is the following from your Church on Thursday April 18th/Friday April 19th 1:00 – 4:00PM

100 Bags of Sugar

50 Peanut Butter

15 Hams – each church will have “Ham Budget”, with your “Ham Offering” being a “$150.00 – 15 x $10.00 (Piller’s Hams were $10 each in last week’s flyer). Most churches have fridges/freezers so ideally the hams would be purchase by the congregation, stored at the respective church, and brought to St Andrew’s the morning of the event. We are also working to have Maple Lodge donate 200 chickens and await their positive response.

If you would like to donate, please use an envelope and drop it into the offering plate with “The Basket Brigade” written on it. It costs $100 per family basket but any amounts are helpful!

Fresh Veggies/Fruit

For this event we’ll be leveraging the Georgetown Bread Basket’s significant relations with the National Food Banks together with the GBB’s support from our community grocery stores and also have some connections that are hopefully going to assist.

Donations to Community Unity

Donations will be gratefully accepted to cover the costs of other vegetables/fruit/eggs that will need to be purchased. Donations may be made at the Community Unity website clicking on the Canada Helps “To Donate” Button”; a tax receipt will be instantly generated. It would be ideal to receive the donations prior to April 5th as it takes a week for the funds to be released to Com-munity Unity.


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Gift Cards

If anyone has spare food gift cards or would like to donate from any of the grocery stores in greater Georgetown, we will happily accept them.

Volunteers – overall, we need a collective minimum 50 volunteers

Fellowship is the beautiful underlaying gift of this event bringing together everyone wanting to make a difference (kids included!). Please have your volunteers email our Volunteer Coordinator Fer-nanda at fernanda@amaralgroup.ca with their request to be a volunteer. Have them bring their family (teens for community hours), friends and co-workers to sort and pack bags for our families in need.

We’ll need some volunteers on Friday, April 19 – 8:00PM – 8:30 (St. Andrews has a community din-ner that evening – come for the dinner). During the dinner all the donated food will be displayed as a backdrop on the stage at St. Andrew’s. After the dinner we need our volunteer team to move the boxes onto the tables (they’ll already be up from the dinner) ready for the sorting and packing next day.

The big day is Saturday April 20th, 2019 9:00 - 2:00 pm. 9:00-11:30 AM - sort and pack. 12:00 - 2:00 PM – deliver. After the event we’ll also need a clean up team to break down the boxes and make sure St. Andrews’ is left sparkling.


We’ll need 50 drivers. Have your volunteers reach out to me and we’ll coordinate them with one of our Team Leaders. They will need to bring their driver’s license and sign in at the Registration Desk. Each driver pair will deliver to 4-5 families, sorted by area.

Video/Social Media

Our resident Videographer will out and about recording the day but of course we welcome and en-courage all IPhone masters, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc to share our event. We want to cap-ture trucks being offloaded, people sorting food, packing bags, cars being packed, testimonials, smiling faces etc.

As an example, watch the 2016 23rd Annual Basket Brigade YouTube video https://youtu.be/VwkTzIjuF0M, the model upon which our Community Unity initiative is based on. Enjoy watching it, please send it out to others, and ask them to like it.


Children’s books – if you have any new or gently used books in good condition, they’re perfect!

Toiletries – new soaps, body washes, body scrubs, toothbrushes, toothpastes, shampoos, con-ditioners

Communication Action Points (God needs you to ...)

Spread God’s Message about what we as a Christian Community are doing from the Pulpit – Announce the upcoming collection/purchasing of items, getting the congregation to volunteer, as this is a wonderful way to share God’s love with our neighbours.

Post the information that we will be forwarding on your website/Bulletin Board etc

If you have any other suggestions, please let us know as this is your “Community Unity” in action!

This is going to be a great event where we demonstrate the love of God and our love of our neigh-bour. Thank you so much for your help!

On behalf of your Community Unity!

Timothy Chisholm tjc@chisintl.com

Executive Director

Community Unity – Halton Hills

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40 Days of Lenten Action to Live with Respect in Creation

(sent out from the Toronto United Church Council)

- Try this instead of giving up chocolate for lent As Lent approaches, consider inviting the members of your community of faith to participate in 40 Days of Lenten Action to Live with Respect in Creation. The actions provided (one for each day of Lent), are designed to help you reduce your personal carbon footprint, connect with the natural environment, and reflect on the challenge of climate change.

40 Days of Lenten Action to Live with Respect in Creation


At this juncture in human history, climate change has become one of the most critical issues of our time. Recently, we have experienced powerful hurricanes, forest fires, deep freezes, and rec-ord breaking temperatures. Scientists from all over the world are giving us a warning

that we must change our ways. Pope Francis has stated, “Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods; it represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.”

Canada’s Citizens for Public Justice remind us that “Climate change is a matter of faith and jus-tice.” Our response to human induced climate change needs to be multifold. Here are two key di-mensions. First we are called upon “to live with respect in Creation.” We need to develop a clear awareness of our connectedness to the web of creation, a deep appreciation of its beauty and fra-gility, and an attitude of humility so that our children and grandchildren will still have a beautiful planet to live on. God has entrusted us to be faithful stewards of this planet.

We also need to honour the beauty of the earth by reducing our individual and communal im-pact on creation - our carbon footprint. This can be done in a multiplicity of ways just some of which are named in the actions for Lent we have assembled here. There are forty actions, one for each day of Lent, reflecting this dual approach. You do not need to follow them in numerical order and we encourage you to choose the order for yourself. Each action is marked

by a symbol indicating the type of action being put before you. For Sundays, and the final days of Holy Week there are reflective and prayerful actions as well. Almost all of the actions can be un-dertaken alone, but do consider doing this with a friend or in a group – encourage

each other along the way and compare! For centuries, Christians have undergone spiritual prac-tices during Lent to experience what Jesus has gone through in the desert to prepare for

his ministry. During this Lent, let us rise to the challenge of climate change one step at a time and join together in solidarity with other Christians and with others on our planet. Theologically, eco-nomically, and ecologically, let us walk gently upon the earth this Lenten season and may you discover profound appreciation and gratitude as you connect with God, our earth, your neigh-bours, and yourself!

Actions 1. Run the laundry washing machine on cold/cold setting and during off peak times. Of the total energy use and greenhousegas emissions produced by a single load of laundry, approximately 75% of it comes from warming the water itself. 2. Unplug electronics that are not in use. Many electronics draw power when off (it’s called “phantom power” and can account for up to 10% of a household’s energy use). Place electronics on a power strip and turn it off in between uses. 3. Drink tap water or install a water filter at home (e.g. Brita filter) instead of buying bottled water. Bottled water produces more than 1000 times more carbon emissions than tap water (mainly

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from packaging and transport) and creates unnecessary plastic waste. 4. Check the tire pressure on your car. Under inflated tires lower fuel efficiency. You can improve your gas mileage by 0.6% on average—up to 3% in some cases—by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure. 5. Consider skipping the dryer when you wash your clothes. If you run the dryer 200 times per year you could save nearly half a ton of carbon emissions by hanging clothes to dry instead. 6. Are you separating your waste properly? Review your local guidelines and do a test check of your recycling and green bins. 7. When driving, obey the speed limit. Higher speeds use up more energy and are more dangerous. Most vehicles operate at the highest fuel efficiency when travelling between 50 and 80 km/h. Above this range, vehicles consume increasingly more fuel the faster they go. At 120 km/h, a vehicle uses about 20% more fuel than at 100 km/h. 8. Try a meatless Monday. Lowering meat consumption to within accepted health guidelines could reduce global food-related emissions by nearly a third by 2050. Widespread adoption of a vegetarian diet could cut emissions by 63%. 9. Turn down your thermostat by at least 1 degree. This can reduce your energy bill by 1-3%. Low-ering it by 5-10 degrees overnight can lead to even more significant savings of 10-15%. 10. Take a break from the TV and internet. Unplug your wifi, go for a walk, play a game, read a book. 11. Give up disposable cups and drinks in plastic bottles. Carry a travel mug and/or reusable water bottle. 12. Cut your shower time by two minutes – it will save nearly 20 litres of water PLUS the energy re-quired to heat it. 13. Carry your own non-plastic cutlery. Disposable cutlery and straws are among the worst plastic pollution culprits. Get in the habit of carrying your own cutlery with you and leaving a set in the car. 14. When buying clothes:

Choose second hand clothing, saving money and giving the clothes themselves a longer lease on life.

Choose natural fibres like organic cotton or wool. Synthetic fabrics create microfibre pollution when washed.

Invest in quality, minimizing the demand for cheap items that will end up in landfill. 15. Watch the video, “The Story of Stuff” https://tinyurl.com/youtube-storyofstuff. Then do an inventory of your closet. Are there items you wish you had not purchased? Why? What can you do differently? “The one who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.” Lao Tzu. 16. Examine your cleaning supplies. How many of them are environmentally friendly? Take a look at the Environmental Defence report on the toxic chemicals in conventional cleaning products: https://environmentaldefence.ca/report/fulldisclosure/ 17. When using the dishwasher, let your dishes air-dry. The heated drying cycle uses at least 15% more energy. 18. Look through your shopping cart and see where your food originates. Aim to buy more local and in-season produce and plan to visit a farmers’ market and chat with a local farmer. Check out what’s in season in Ontario with Food Down the Road’s helpful chart: https://tinyurl.com/seasonalavailability 19. Keep track of how much food waste you create. Eat leftovers and avoid wasting food. In Canada, $31 billion worth of food ends up in landfills or composters each year, much of it directly from supermarkets. France recently banned supermarkets from wasting food, requiring them to sign agreements with charities instead. Write your MP to urge similar action in Canada. To be continued next week...

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Rev. Jean Leckie has an online Bible Study. This week:

How many families do you know who have fought over an inheritance? It seems like it is an

ancient and universal problem. What really do we gain by such a dispute? Check out Jesus'

response https://www.hluc.ca/bible-study2

Announcing a great Halton Hills EcoFilm 2019 line-up.

Mark your 2019 calendars for these screenings:

3) Wednesday, March 21st, 2019 - Blue

4) Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 - Growing Cities

5) Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - ground swell Rising

Season's pass - See 5 movies for $40 - Save $10 available until January 23rd

John Elliott Theatre,

9 Church St.


Tickets on site: $10 Adults and $5 Students

7:00 - 9:00 pm


Presented by P.O.W.E.R. - Protect Our Water and Enveironmental Resources -

www.powerhalton.ca and the Town of Halton Hills


Creating Awareness. Inspiring Action!

All films are screened at the Erin Legion, 12 Dundas Street East, Erin.

There is ample parking outside the Legion building.

Doors open on film nights at 6:30 pm, and the program begins at 7:00.

Admission is FREE, although we do appreciate donations so we can continue to bring inspiring

eco-films to our community and support local environmental action!

More info: https://www.erinecofilmfest.ca/

3) Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 - Sharkwater Extinction

4) Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 - Modified: A foodlover's journey into GMO's

5) Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 - Living the Change

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St. John’s Anglican Church

(Corner of Trafalgar Rd. & 15th Side Road)

Stewarttown Saturday, March 16th. 2019 at 6 pm

Adults: $12.50, Children (6 – 10 years): $6.00, Preschoolers: Free

Beef or Lamb Stew, Dessert & Beverage

(Tickets available at the door)

Take outs available For further information, contact Barb @ (905) 873-6280

If you are interested, please sign-up on the easel outside of the Sanctuary or contact the office and we’ll reserve a table for

St. Andrew’s.

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March 23rd at 2PM - ONE SHOW ONLY

ClearView Church

2300 Sheridan Garden Drive, Oakville

Tickets: $25 each; $10 for kids 12 and under

Go to circleofharmony.ca

Or call Alex at 416-471-5244

Circle of Harmony is proud to be making a donation to Safetynet Children and Youth Charities.

(Leslie Hoyle is a member of this group.)

WASTEWISE Community Resource Centre

12 Armstrong Ave. 905-873-8122



Every Wednesday 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Bring in your items that require repairs and we will do our very best to fix them for you.

Free of Charge.

*Excludes electronics and Electrical items*


Every Thursday 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

Learn to add a missing button, fix a hole, attach a hem, etc.

Bring in your own project or use our materials FREE OF CHARGE!


(You may need: a needle, double threaded, tape measure, small pointed scissors, matching button, matching thread and a toothpick or matchstick.


Every Tuesday 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

Learn to draw almost anything. No prior experience is required.

Bring in your own project or use our materials Free of charge!

*Frames can be purchased in the store*


News from the Pews Page 17


Growing In Faith Together actively serving

Our God

Our Church Family

Our Community

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

1:00 pm Coffee House

Wednesday, March 6th, 2019

9:30 am Guitar Group

6:00 pm safeTALK Workshop

Thursday, March 7th, 2019

10:00 am Bible Study

7:00 pm Choir Practice

Friday, March 8th, 2019

9:30 am Circle of Friends

Sunday, March 10th, 2019

10:00 am Worship


Thursday, February 28th, 2019

10:00 am Bible Study

7:00 pm Choir Practice

Friday, March 1st, 2019

6:30 pm Senior Youth Group

Saturday, March 2nd, 2019

Horseshow Falls Regional Meeting (all day)

Sunday, March 3rd, 2019

- Bread Basket Sunday

10:00 am Worship

After the service

Monday, March 4th, 2019

7:00 pm Spring Fest Auction Meeting

Humour Corner Sister Mary, who worked for a home health agency, was out making her rounds visiting homebound patients when she ran out of gas. As luck would have it a gas station was just a block away. She walked to the station to borrow a gas can and buy some gas. The attendant told her the only gas can he owned had been loaned out but she could wait until it was returned. Since the nun was on the way to see a patient, she decided not to wait and walked back to her car. She looked for something in her car that she could fill with gas and spotted the bedpan she was taking to the patient. Always resourceful she carried the bedpan to the station, filled it with gas, and carried the full bedpan back to her car. As she was pouring the gas into her tank two men watched from across the street. One of them turned to the other and said, "If it starts, I'm turning Catholic!"


Have a Nice Day!

News from the Pews Page 18

Grant’s World

Last weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday night I participated in the Coldest night of the Year

Walk. The St. Andrew’s Angel’s team had 18 walkers and together we raised more than $3500

for the Georgetown Breadbasket. The weather was great and certainly not the coldest night of

the year. I would like to offer thanks to all those who walked and made donations to the cause. It

is through your generous support that community members are provided with help with food.

On Sunday morning, we held our annual Scout Sunday. We had a good showing of youth and

leaders in uniform and many other family members. I have always liked Scout Sunday here as I

recall my times as a boy scout over the decades. I began scouting as a Beaver. In Cobourg,

where I grew up, this was the first year it was offered. I stayed in the Scouting movement

continuously until I was 26 years old until the end of Rovers. Along the way I became a leader to

the Cubs, Scouts and Venturers along the way. At one time I was part of the Service team and

was part of the leadership training team who provided leader training to new recruits. Those were

fun days for sure.

More recently I’ve connected with the 4th Georgetown scouting groups for the past 15 years. St.

Andrew’s is blessed to have such qualified and dedicated leaders as part of our organization.

They are a great group of adults who care for and mentor our young people.

When I was a participant in the program, I learned life skills, camping skills, how to serve others

in the community and leadership. I think a large part of who I am is because of the leadership ex-

perience from my scouting days. I am eternally grateful to the leaders and mentors of my youth.

On Saturday this weekend, St. Andrew’s will be hosting the first ever Horseshoe Falls Regional

gathering. Since the United Church of Canada moved to a new organizational structure this Sat-

urday is our first meeting ever. I feel fortunate to be part of this historic moment to be host to this

gathering of community building, worship and sharing. We have more than 160 people planning

to attend the meetings. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the St. Andrew’s folks who are

helping with this event. We could not do this without you!!

Tuesday will be our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper from 5-7 pm. Each year we hold

this to mark the beginning of Lent. The meal will provide pancakes, sausages, fruit and beverag-

es. We are still needing helpers, youth and adult to help with the event. If you can help, please

sign up on the chart in the foyer. A freewill offering will be appreciated. All are welcome to


Have a great week!



News from the Pews Page 19


Thanks again to all the walkers, volunteers and to everyone who donated!

By the way, it’s not too late to sponsor the team online or contact Margaret in the office.


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Thank you to Florence for volunteering at the church

again this year!

News from the Pews Page 22

News from the Pews Page 23

St. Andrew’s United Church Angels!

What a wonderful team!

Congratulations to Valerie, Joanne and Bill who walked 10 km

and to everyone else on completing the walk!

Save the date --

next year’s walk is

on February 22,


News from the Pews Page 24

News from the Pews is the electronic

newsletter of St. Andrew's United Church,

Georgetown, Ontario, produced every Thursday.

If you would like to publicize an event, please

send it in the body of an e-mail (not as an attach-

ment) to:

standrewsoffice@cogeco.ca by Wednesday at


For further information,

contact our secretary, Margaret Yahiro,

or our Minister, Rev. Grant Williams,

at 905-877-4482.

Contact us:

Address: 89 Mountainview Road South

Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4T9

Phone: 905-877-4482

Website: www.standrewsuc.ca

Church Secretary/Office:


Office Hours:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays:

8:30 am to 12:30 pm


9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Minister’s Hours:

by Appointment

Rev. Grant Williams:



St. Andrew’s has a Facebook site at:


On the site you will find news about upcoming events,

pictures, videos and daily devotionals.

Please “like” our site! Check it out!

You can also follow us on twitter @SaintAndrewsUC

to read late breaking news.

Our Website at www.standrewsuc.ca includes lots of information

about St. Andrew’s programs, events and ministries.
