February 2018 SDBC News - Stuarts Draft Baptist...


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Stuarts Draft Baptist Church May 2018

Pastor Will Kopp, preacherwill@hotmail.com Sue Haberlein, shaberlein@hotmail.com Pastor (540-245-0161) Minister of Music/Senior Adults

Lisa McQueen, lisatmcqueen@gmail.com Minister of Youth


Behind the Beard

By the time you are reading this, our Missions Expo and our Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions will have already concluded. As I write, we still have a week to go on the Annie Armstrong offering, but the goal is well within reach. We have currently received $2,154.00 towards our $2,500.00 goal! But we aren't done yet! There are plenty of opportunities this spring to continue reaching out to our community and to our world. Let's take a look at some of the possibilities: First, on Saturday, May 5, we will be participating in the annual Comfort Care Stride for Life. As many of you know, Comfort Care Women's Health is the only local health center specializing in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of unplanned pregnancy. Each year, Stride for Life provides funding to continue these vital ministries. To sign up or to sponsor someone this year, please contact our coach, Lisa McQueen. Second, on Saturday, June 2, we will once again sponsor our water table at the Sweet Dreams festival here in the Draft. We will be giving away bottles of water to thirsty festival attendees along with information brochures on Stuarts Draft Baptist Church to engage our community for Jesus Christ. We are looking for volunteers to work two hour shifts during the day from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm. If you can help, please see the pastor or Steve Corbin. Third, beginning Sunday, June 3, and running until Friday, June 8, we will be participating with other Augusta Baptist Association of Virginia churches to work with the Southwest Virginia Partnership Mission. This is truly a multi-church, multi-organization endeavor. SWVP was founded by the Baptist General Association of Virginia in partnership (hence the name) with three local associations in southwest Virginia -- Clinch Valley, Powell River, and Wise. During this trip, volunteers will return to Nickelsville where we will be engaged in construction, nursing home, and food bank ministries. And the great thing is no skills or experience is necessary! If you are willing to serve, there is a place for you in Nickelsville. Cost for the trip is $175.00 per person which includes all meals and dormitory-style lodging. If you are interested in being a part of this mission, please contact the pastor for further details. This spring, take your commitment to missions to a new level. Join us as we stride, water, and build! Pastor Will

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S’more of Sue’s Thoughts

I recently returned a four-day vacation in Charlotte, North Carolina. Two things “called” me to this desti-nation. Most importantly, one of my beautiful nieces, Kristi, lives there with her husband, Aaron, and their two, precious, little boys; Bailey (age 5) and Asher (almost age 3). My goodness, did we ever have a time! Those little boys were so busy and full of ener-gy! For example, in one 14-hour period, we managed to visit three different play grounds, go to a T-Ball game, have a picnic, play in the yard, lunch at a Mex-ican restaurant, and go for ice cream. That first day concluded with story time (after a minor disagree-ment over which book to read first, second and third). And finally, it was bedtime as exhaustion set in…exhaustion for me, not for Bailey or Asher! As my head hit the pillow that night, I had just enough pres-ence of mind to thank God for all those precious mo-ments before I drifted off to sleep.

In addition to the joys of being with family, I had one other objective in heading to Charlotte, that being to visit the gravesite of Billy Graham located at the Billy Graham Library. I had been to the library before, but since the “home-going” of Rev. Graham on February 21st of this year, I wanted to make a second trip there to pay my respects to this man, whom God had used to touch millions of lives, mine having been one of them.

As I pulled into the parking lot, it was evident that springtime was in full bloom. The place was bustling with folks scattered throughout the immaculately landscaped lawns and gardens. Some were headed to “The Barn.” Some were posing for pictures here and there. It was very clear, however, to see which direc-tion I needed to go to visit the grave site because most visitors were moving down a lovely walkway called Appreciation Way. As I made my way down the slightly declining path, my eyes fell upon two huge stones straight ahead. A guide stood nearby, talking with folks, as well as, offering to take pictures for those who requested it. Eventually, the crowd cleared for a few moments allowing me to quietly stand be-fore the site. It was quite a moving experience for me as I viewed the huge rock on my right and read the

name of BILLY GRAHAM underneath a boldly im-printed cross…November 7, 1918 – February 21, 2018…PREACHER OF THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST… John 14:6. It was simple yet profound. It was humble yet powerful. It was very much what it should be for this godly man who desired to give God the glory in all things, even his grave site.

I then glanced to my left where a complimentary rock for RUTH BELL GRAHAM had been placed years earlier. Above her name was a Chinese in-scription, below it, her dates of birth and death (June 10, 1920 – June 11, 2007). Then, looking further down the stone, I saw two lines Mrs. Graham had chosen as her final message those who would stand and gaze at her burial site. The first read End of con-struction. As I stood there, on this side of eternity, I reminded myself of the reality that they had already stepped into the presence of the Almighty God. They had seen Jesus! Yes! End of earthly construc-tion! On to await glorified bodies! How fitting an epitaph this was for a woman who ministered faith-fully and beautifully served the Lord alongside her husband.

It was the next and final phrase, however, at the very bottom of Ruth’s stone that made me smile and al-most chuckle out loud…thank you for your patience. These words, I had heard at some point, were reflec-tive of Mrs. Graham’s humor. Apparently, Ruth’s parting shot for each of us “onlookers” was to thank us for being patient as the Lord had molded and shaped her throughout her earthly life. The words gave me pause. Me too, Ruth! How I thank my family and friends for their patience as God has con-structed, is constructing, and will continue to con-struct me throughout this earthly life. It’s not always a pretty picture for sure. So, yes…thank you, family and friends, for your patience!

If you have not visited The Billy Graham Library, let me encourage you to do so. You will be immensely blessed and greatly encouraged! May the “con- struction” continue in each of us…to the glory of God!




2517 Stuarts Draft Highway Stuarts Draft, VA 24477


Stuarts Draft Baptist Church

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Let Me Tell You About Weeds


Weeds don't care if they don't belong. Weeds don't care if they cover up and crowd out what's beautiful. Weeds distract others from seeing what's really there. Weeds are annoying and don't go away on their own. It takes work to get rid of them and keep them out.

After... A day sprucing up the prayer garden with some special folks reminded me that God wants me to pay attention to the weeds in my own life. For me, the top three are judging others, procrastination, and waiting for others to reach out to me. So many times I let the weeds grow and then I can't see the good things God is producing in my life. Weeds make me lose sight of Christ. Weeds make others not see Christ in me. What's holding you back? What's your favorite weed that you think is too pretty to yank out? What are you holding on to? What keeps creeping back into your life because you haven't applied the ultimate week-killer, the word of God into its root? So, what am I waiting for? What are you waiting for? Let us let the branch-keeper keep pruning us. Let the seed planted in us not be choked out by the weedy things of this world. Oh, how much better it is just to get on with it and let God's ways be brilliantly and abundantly cultivated in our lives!

Let Me Tell You About ...by Lisa McQueen

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SUNDAY SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE 9:15 AM Sunday School 6:30 PM Bible Study 10:30 AM Morning Worship 6:30 PM Children’s Chimes 5:00 PM Worship Choir Reh. 7:30 PM Worship Choir Reh. 5:30 PM 1by1CREW 6:30 PM Men’s Group THURSDAY SCHEDULE 6:30 PM Ladies Bible Study 4:30 PM Praise Team Reh.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7 pm Church Council


3 4 5

6 7 8 10:30 am BOLDer 7 pm Building & Grounds Meeting

9 6:30 pm

10 11 12 Youth to go Hiking!

13 Graduate Recognition No evening activities

14 15 16

17 18 19


Newsletter Deadline

21 22 10:30 am BOLDer 6:30 pm Deacon Meeting

23 10 am Cheer Baskets

24 11:30 am Lunch Bunch

25 Youth End of School Bash!


27 7:30 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

28 12 Noon until???

29 30


May Birthdays 1 Rosemary Sparks, O’Shea Sanders, Martha Jane Lavender 3 Morgan Lotts Rowzie 4 Angie Armentrout, 5 Cael Pence 6 John Clements 7 Chance Chandler, Jack Kern 8 Virginia Rolon 9 Tori Campbell, Hailey McLain 10 April Anderson 11 Derek Richardson, Melissa Steele Burwell 12 Hannah Wolff 13 Tim Harris 14 Dreama Farrish, Camdyn Almarode 15 Affton Quick 16 Noranda Drumheller 17 Sara Groome, Virgil Dedrick, Jr., Greg Dedrick 18 Joanne Coffey, Shawn Lavender 19 Susan Layton Perry, Barbara Trumbo, Michele Chandler 20 Nathan Blacka, Robert Burritt, Tom Wagner, Jim Stephenson, Sylvia Bartley, Ainsley Hanson 23 Carla Curry, Colton Harris, Robert Thompson 24 Jacob Hutchinson 25 Matthew Fountaine 26 Clint Almarode, Gene Mays 27 Ed Lavender 29 Tina Blacka, Terra Kindig Patterson, Joni VanDevander 30 Gail Knighting

Music Ministry Worship Choir Members continue in Wednesday evening rehearsals at 7:30 p.m. We always wel-come new members to join us!

Worship Orchestra continues to rehearse on des-ignated Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. If you play an orchestral instrument, please join us!

Chime Choir for Children meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. All children (age 3 – 5th grade) are welcome to join us as we make plans to share in worship on Mother’s Day.

Ladies IMPACT Ministry Prayer and Share Breakfast will be held on Saturday, May 26th, at 8:30 a.m. Watch weekly bulletins for lo-cation. All ladies are welcome to attend.

Priscilla Shirer…Simulcast Event! Saturday, May 5th, 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. will be held at Bridge Chris-tian Church. Reg-istration: $20/person or $30 for

you and a friend! Registration is now online on BRIDGE website: bridgechristian.church. Praise & Worship a catered lunch, giveaways throughout the day. Mark your calen-dars now! Please let Sue Haberlein know if you will be attending.

MAY ANNIVERSARIES Derek and Amber McLain, May 5, 2006 Larry and Amy Campbell, May 7, 1976 Eric and Cindy Wagner, May 7, 1988 Rodney and Sherry Jaeger, May 11

Lynwood and Sandy Hutchens, May 12 Wayne and Joni Vandevander, May 21, 1977 Jason and Vonda Hutchinson, May 23, 1987

Fred and Janet Sorrell, May 25



Adult 50+ Ministry JMU Arboretum Day Trip will be held on Thursday, May 3rd. Come enjoy the beauty of God’s

creation, lunch, and great fellowship in Harrisonburg. We will leave the church parking lot at 10:00 a.m. and return by 2:00 p.m. Please let Sue Haberlein know if you will be joining us!

BOLDER Session during the month of May will be held on the 8th and 22nd of the month beginning at 10:30 a.m. Join us as we take an in depth look at Philip-pians 4:4-9, pray, and share together.

Cheer Baskets for Homebound Folks will be assembled on Wednesday, May 23rd at 10:00 a.m. Volunteers are always needed to assemble and deliver.

Lunch Bunch and Mission Prayer Time will be held on Thursday, May 24th at 11:30 a.m. at Golden Corral in Waynes-boro. Looking for a Resource to Aid in Your Personal Bible

Study? We regularly have new additions to our collection of excellent Bible study books from which you may choose...for free and for keeps! They are located just inside Sue’s office door. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow in the study of God’s precious Word!

Youth Happenings in April 1by1 Crew will meet Sundays, May 6th and 20th from 5:30 - 7:30pm. We will go on a hike on Saturday, May 12th! Stay tuned for more details! On Memorial Day Weekend-- Friday night, May 25th Woohoo! Out of School Bash! 7-10pm Stay tuned for more details.

MC2 Here We Come Again After All! July 23-28. Youth will be receiving a registration packet in the mail soon. Deadline for signing up is Sunday, June 3rd.

Heads Up: Summer Youth plans include volunteering Mondays at Camp Light Special Needs Camp, Thursdays at the Food Pantry, helping out at VBS June 24-28, having our own Vacation Bible Study (June 24-28, after helping with the kiddos), and more!

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General Announcements

Stride for Life--Saturday, May 5--Our community is coming together once again to gather support and increase awareness so that ComfortCare can serve the communi-ty for another year! Show your support by sponsoring a loved one today! Or better yet, grab your own sneakers to get on board with us to stride in person or in spir-it! Let's rally together for the babies, mothers, and fathers of this great communi-ty! http://www.supportcc.org/stride-augusta/

Graduation Recognition Sunday is Sunday, May 13. The deadline to notify the church regarding a child or grandchild who is graduating and you wish to have recog-nized is Sunday, May 6. All graduates will be featured in the June newsletter.

Memorial Day Picnic, Monday May 28th starting at Noon. Church will fur-nish meat. Bring dish to share, lawn chair, games, etc. Expect to share in the food, fun, and fellowship!

Sweet Dreams, Saturday, June 2nd. Stuarts Draft Baptist Church will be handing out water to those attending Sweet Dreams. If you would like to help, see Steve Corbin or Pastor Will.

June 3-8 Southwest Virginia Partnership Mission. The Augusta Baptist Asso-ciation will be going back to Nicklesville, VA to help again this year in rebuilding. We will help with construction, food bank and nursing home ministries. If you would like to participate, see Pastor Will.

Vacation Bible School Sunday, June 24-Thursday, June 28. Please fill out the form and return to the church office if you can help. Name Email Cellphone How can you help? (circle all that you are willing to help with!) Food Decorations Crafts Teach lesson Music Recreation Publicity Prayer Team Shopper for supplies Crew leader (lead kids around to different activities) Technical support (sound system, other misc., equipment) Are there any dates you cannot help?