February 2014 - Bhaktivedanta Manor – Hare Krishna Temple · Caitanya Vallabha das from Scotland,...


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A major success in last December’s book distribution Marathon was the participation of so many congregational devotees. The Bhakti Vriksa groups effort involved nearly 200 members, going door-to-door, organising Gita Jayanti programs and distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in other ingenious ways. Between them, they distributed nearly 4000 books throughout the month!In addition, from the Manor community 80 devotees distributed books in high streets and town centres. Nearly 40 devotees participated in the Saturday

“Sacred Street Party” events and 50 devotees went door-to-door in various parts of London.In total, over 400 devotees distributed 33,045 of Srila Prabhuapda’s books! A national festival was held at Bhaktivedanta Manor on 4th January, which included messages of congratulations from guest speakers, the sharing of inspirational stories, and even a comedy drama! The highest scoring individuals across the country were Caitanya Vallabha das from Scotland, followed closely by Ananda Caitanya das from Bhaktivedanta Manor.





Dedicated to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Srila Prabhupada:

We lament when we feel incomplete, when we have lost something or when we fail to achieve something desirable. One who has satisfied Krishna and thus attained the Lord's mercy will never be troubled in these ways. Lord Krishna is the reservoir of all pleasure, and He enjoys sharing His spiritual bliss with all living beings. We need only cooperate with the Supreme Lord.Srimad Bhagavatam: 10.51.43 purport

Sailesh Vara, Justice Minister and Member of Parliament in the British Government has helped ISKCON in a variety of campaigns with ISKCON Hungary and Moscow and with many projects for the Hindu community in the UK. As the Justice Minister, he holds the highest post of any Hindu in the British Government.

He has recently been awarded the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award by the government of India.

It was presented to him by the Indian

President Mr Pranab Mukherjee and also congratulated by the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh

Upon his return to the UK, Shailesh came to Bhaktivedanta Manor to be honoured and receive blessings from His Holiness Sivaram Swami and His Holiness Bhakti Rasamrita Swami.

Congregation embrace book Marathon

Shailesh Vara MP receives International Award

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2014

Bon Appetite! The “Feeding of the 5000” operation, which feeds the general public with free vegetarian meals using perfectly good vegetables that are otherwise discarded by supermarkets, reached the picturesque French town of Marseille last month. Parasuram das and the Food for All team drove all the way there (the south coast of France) in their van!

Yoga for the heartYoga for the heart is a new series of monthly retreats offered by Bhaktivedanta manors Congregational development department. Designed to cater for newcomers and the curious, it is a series of twelve seminars, each a day long, that combine practical and theoretical experiences to give participants a nice taster of Krishna Consciousness in their lives.

In January's retreat called ‘Re-enginner your lifestyle’ lead by Ananga Mohini Dasi and Bhadranga das, newcomers came to experience the benefits of pranayama, yoga, kirtana and some practical tips about how we can put much more focus into our lives and get the most out both spiritually and materially.

Ending with a healthy vegetarian lunch and some light conversation all participants felt that the course was wonderful, some even saying ‘Well I didn’t know what to expect, but it was a wonderful day… I liked the talk.’

One participant was so enthused she organized for several friends to attend other retreats through out the year.

If you know anyone who is interested information can be found at www.krishnawisdom.com, or on the manor website.

Knock Knock… ...Who’s there?

The door bell rings. It could be a window salesman, it could be the milkman, it could be kids playing a trick, or, it could be a devotee of Krishna! Over the last few months nearly 150 congregation members have taken to the suburban streets with books, prasadam and leaflets, sharing Krishna with whoever they meet.They often go door-to-door during the evenings or weekends. Even the most nervous and hesitant are finding great inspiration in speaking to people about Krishna, and everyone always has amazing stories to share.Why not get involved? Devotees from the Manor are happy to come along and assist you to be part of this wonderful project. If you are interested please contact Sutapa das for more information (sutapa@krishnatemple.com)

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2014

Spiritual New Year’s Eve Party hits LondonOn New Year’s Eve 70 devotees hit the streets of London to engage revellers in joyfully dancing and chanting the Holy Names of Krishna. “On New Year's Eve central London becomes one big party,” says organizer Parasuram das, “Millions of people take to the streets, and no cars are allowed. The ground is set for the biggest Harinam chanting party ever.” “The crowds were waiting for the midnight fireworks, and everyone was at a loose end,” Parasuram says. “So when our Harinam arrived, bingo!”It was hard for revellers not to get caught up in the chanting. Devotees also played a host of other amplified instruments including bass guitar, accordion, and ukulele, as well as of course traditional instruments such as mridanga and kartals.Meanwhile on New Year’s Eve, at Bhaktivedanta Manor devotees took part and witnessed a pushpa-abhikseka (offering of flowers) to all the Temple deities.

Manor School... ...visiting homes

Children of the Manor School charmed the local villagers of Letchmore Heath with seasonal cards and Prasad. “The children were very well received and we will probably make this an annual thing now”, explained Headmistress Guru Carana Padma dasi.



Sabbatical 2014After a few years of hearing sabbatical stories, we finally boarded the plane to go and spend three months in ISKCON Chowpatty. Not knowing what to expect, we entered the temple in Mumbai eager to begin Krishna Conscious training after completing university degrees.The experience was “far out” as we got a glimpse into full time devotional life. From being taught the philosophic side, to going on parikramas in the Dhamas, to book distribution whilst not knowing the local language we decided to grab

as many opportunities as possible to spiritually train ourselves in less ordinary situations.At Bhaktivedanta Manor we are engaged in temple services, studying Bhakti Shastri and taking part in multifarious outreach programmes.This opportunity to gain and apply knowledge has truly exceeded all of our expectations. We have derived life skills ensuring our progress in both spiritual practice and the professional field.

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2014


Rama Navami



Over 5,000 40th Anni-versary cupcakes made

& distributed


In 40 years over 40,000 people have come to serve

Radha Gokulananda

During Janmashtami 2013 over 15,000

visitors chanted a round of the Maha Mantra for

the first time

How we Celebrated the 40 Years of Devotion at Bhaktivedanta Manor

Harinams In 40 Towns & villages in a month

The 40 Hour KirtanOrganised & Delivered by the Youth of Bhaktivedanta Manor

Glorifying Radha Gokulananda

40 years of Radha Gokulananda was highlighted and celebrated at

‘House of Lords’. Diwali at No. 10 Downing Street & Labour Party

Opening of George Harrison Garden

40th Anniversary Magazine and Gifts

Special Gifts for Radha Gokulananda

Altar: The Altar was re-furbished with better lighting & heating and a new kitchen and prep area. New Dress: Over 4 months 200 volunteers took part giving 3000 hours

to create this gift

Distributing Prabhupada’s Books

Over 33,045 books distributed in December by 450 devotees


Years of Devotion

40 Years of Devotion

Bhaktivedanta Manor:

AppreciationThe 40th Anniversary was an

opportunity to celebrate the pioneers of the last 40 years.

A Momentous BeginningSunday 24th March 2013

Inauguration Yajna attended by over 500 devotees spanning the last 40

years of Bhaktivedanta Manor

ITV news broadcast the event on Primetime TV

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2014

Bhagavad GitaA Short Summary in Acronyms

by Sutapa dasBased on Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

6 - Dhyana-yogaAt the end of Chapter Five, Krishna briefly mentioned the system of astanga-yoga – the strict, regulated, focused regime of an ascetic yogi. In the present day, millions of people worldwide practice elements of this path, primarily as hatha-yoga and pranayama, which offers benefits for physical and emotional wellbeing. In this chapter, the path of astanga-yoga is explained in its entirety. Essentially, Krishna’s purpose in discussing the “eight stage path” is simply to establish it’s impracticality for the purpose of self-realisation and spiritual perfection. In an age surcharged with temptation and distraction, the easiest (and topmost) path of self-realisation is bhakti-yoga.

E – Enemy or Friend? (Verses 1-9) – During our sojourn in this temporary world we are perpetually accompanied by the “voice within”. Yes, we have all experienced it, the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other, each giving their own advice to the confused person in-between. The mind is that voice within; essentially a storehouse of memories and experiences that offers options to the individual. An uncontrolled mind will agitate, misguide and entangle the soul within this world, forcing us to succumb to our lower nature of lust, anger and greed. The controlled mind, on the other hand, acts as a friend on our spiritual journey, helping us make progressive and healthy choices which bring us closer to God. When one controls and befriends the mind, one experiences tranquillity, peace

and freedom from the duality of happiness and distress.

A – Astanga-yoga (Verses 10-36) - One way to control the mind is through the process of astanga-yoga (which includes dhyana-yoga, the practice of meditation). Krishna explains the ancient path as it was practised in bygone ages. Living in seclusion, practising celibacy, and under strict regulations of eating and sleeping, the yogi would sit in a perfectly erect position, focusing his consciousness on the Supreme Soul within. Despite mental and bodily distractions, the yogi would meditate in this way for many years, maintaining stillness and complete silence. Hearing about this strict discipline, Arjuna admits his amazement – “This practice seems impractical and unendurable!” he exclaims, “to discipline the mind is more difficult than controlling the wind!” Krishna reasserts that disciplining the mind is essential and that it is possible through appropriate practice and detachment.

S – Success and failure (Verses 37-45) - Hearing about the difficult astanga-yoga process raises a new concern for Arjuna. What happens if one faithfully takes to this yogic process, but later falls away without perfecting his spiritual consciousness? The unsuccessful spiritualist is seemingly left in “no-man’s land” having failed to attain spiritual satisfaction and simultaneously squandered his opportunities for worldly pleasure. Krishna appeases all such fears by

explaining that whoever takes up a genuine spiritual process is eternally benefited even if they don’t perfect it. If we don’t complete it in one lifetime, we carry on in the next life from the same point, and the individual thus evolves towards spiritual perfection.

Y – Yogi (Verses 46-47) - After summarising the arduous process of dhyana (meditation) and astanga-yoga, the chapter concludes with a ray of hope. Krishna reaffirms that the perfection and goal of all yoga systems is to help the individual become fully conscious of God at all times. While all yoga systems are certainly beneficial, the easiest, most efficient and essential path is known as bhakti-yoga (the yoga of devotion). In this age, the primary practice of bhakti-yoga is mantra meditation - chanting the names of God (Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare). Through this process, any person from any background can attain spiritual perfection and experience all the benefits described in this chapter and elsewhere.

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2014

One major drawback of today’s IT systems is the depersonalisation of communications. When you are face to face with a person you try to display some decorum even when there are issues at hand. You tend not to vent your spleen in excessively harsh terms, not least because you may elicit a response in kind. However, when you face only a docile screen it becomes all too easy to let loose a tirade of vitriol that you may well regret in calmer moments of reflection. Especially if your acerbic comments have landed you in jail, as was the case recently with a couple of Twitter users found guilty of posting racist and inflammatory tweets. We have probably all been there. Hitting the send button on an angry e-mail and quickly wishing we hadn’t. The Mahabharata says that ‘wordy arrows’ once released cannot be retracted, and that is particularly true when they are recorded in black and white for all to see, along with the magistrate you may end up facing. The real problem is anger of course, the ‘enemy with the face of a friend’, as the Mahabharata says. We think that by giving someone a piece of our mind we will feel that much better, but actually we become as disturbed as the person we aim to castigate; especially when we add remorse to the equation. Then there is the pain we mete out to the recipient when we fail to own and express our anger responsibly. The Mahabharata says that, while ordinary arrows cut us once, the arrow of our words ‘burn the heart day and night.’ This is poignantly true when the heated exchange is between near and dear ones, as is so often the case. And sometimes it escalates to much more than a mere exchange of opposing views. The Mahabharata says that a

person under the influence of anger can lose all sense and even kill his own father or son. Harbouring anger in the heart is another problem, as it consumes us with negative thoughts. Lord Buddha said that retaining anger is like ‘holding a live coal intending to throw it at someone else.” How though do we control the powerful emotion of anger? Perhaps it would help if we understood its causes. The Bhagavad-gita describes the dynamics of anger. It is said to be a corollary of lust, a secondary emotion coming after we are frustrated in some desire. Krishna explains how by contemplating sense pleasure we become attached, then lusty to enjoy what we contemplate, and this inevitably ends in frustration. Either we don’t get what we want, or we do and it fails to satisfy us, as material pleasures

always will. This anger then leads to delusion, bewilderment and continued entanglement in Maya and her miseries.The key then to reducing anger is to reduce our material attachments. The more we have the more often we will be liable to get inflamed. The Gita says that those of demonic mentality are constantly prone to anger due to “insatiable lust” and being “bound by a network of illusions”.

On the other end of the scale is the advanced devotee who does not experience material anger as he has no material attachments. He is also humble and meek and does not take personal offense even when affronted. Like everything else, he uses anger only in Krishna’s service. Srila Prabhupada writes, “A devotee is generally very humble and meek, and he is reluctant to pick a quarrel with anyone. Nor does he envy anyone. However, a pure devotee immediately becomes fiery with anger when he sees that Lord Viṣhṇu or his devotee is insulted.” Unlike material wrath born of selfish desire, anger used in the Lord’s service is beneficial to all, being pleasing to Krishna.Most of us are probably somewhere between the demon and the devotee, a work in progress as they say. We therefore need to manage our anger and indeed our attachments. Krishna therefore tells Arjuna how this is achieved. After explaining how anger is transformed lust, he says that lust must be kept in check by ‘regulating the senses.’ He goes on to describe how above the sense is the mind, above that is the intelligence, and above them all is the true self, the spirit soul. Therefore one needs only to engage in the regulated spiritual activities of Krishna consciousness and the senses are automatically controlled. Commenting on this Srila Prabhupada says, “That solves the whole problem.”Of course, it takes time and practise, but Prabhupada assures us that ‘success is certain for the rigid practitioner.’ So the choice is ours. Become victims of lust and anger, along with all the dangers that this presents, or try our best to rise to the spiritual platform. And I hope that doesn’t make you angry.

Spiritual Anger Management

Lord Buddha said that retaining anger is like ‘holding a live coal intending to throw it at someone else.”


Where are Pandava Sena o� to this year? It’s New Vraja Mandala in sunny Spain! Madrid once again welcomes the youth of the manor for a fun � lled and exciting experience! This year’s special guests so far are HG Gauragopal Prabhu and HG Jahnavi Harrison who also came to the previous Senagetaway. For the � rst, this years trip team have organised the longest trip yet! There will be eleven days of non stop devotee association, Krsna prashad, Kirtan, outdoor activity such as skiing and tobogganing and lots of laughs.

Rahul Popat, a member of the Senagetaway trip team this year says, ‘there are lots of new and exciting activities planned. It’s been 20 years since Pandava Sena started and we hope this years summer trip will be like no other!’ If you are interested

I came across Krishna Consciousness when I started university. The people seemed really cool and caring so I went along to a few events. Then I went on the summer trip to Spain and the rest is history!

What really attracted me to PS was how there was such a togetherness amongst all the people - everyone comes from di� erent walks of life at di� erent times but yet you always � nd like-mind-ed people who you can really connect with.

I am currently working on a project called PSubsidies, which is aimed at raising funding for the vast projects that PS is involved in. I also help out in the Corporate Dharma seminars by Bhuta Bhavana Das, as well as the occasional festivals.

Prayag Thakrar

Age: 25Studying:

Actuarial Trainee

How did you fi nd out about Psena?

What did you like about the events?

What do you do in Psena?

in getting to know more or sign up for this years life changing experience, get in touch with us.’

You can check out Senagetgetaway Facebook page and the o� cial website at www.psena.com

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2014


Where are Pandava Sena o� to this year? It’s New Vraja Mandala in sunny Spain! Madrid once again welcomes the youth of the manor for a fun � lled and exciting experience! This year’s special guests so far are HG Gauragopal Prabhu and HG Jahnavi Harrison who also came to the previous Senagetaway. For the � rst, this years trip team have organised the longest trip yet! There will be eleven days of non stop devotee association, Krsna prashad, Kirtan, outdoor activity such as skiing and tobogganing and lots of laughs.

Rahul Popat, a member of the Senagetaway trip team this year says, ‘there are lots of new and exciting activities planned. It’s been 20 years since Pandava Sena started and we hope this years summer trip will be like no other!’ If you are interested

I came across Krishna Consciousness when I started university. The people seemed really cool and caring so I went along to a few events. Then I went on the summer trip to Spain and the rest is history!

What really attracted me to PS was how there was such a togetherness amongst all the people - everyone comes from di� erent walks of life at di� erent times but yet you always � nd like-mind-ed people who you can really connect with.

I am currently working on a project called PSubsidies, which is aimed at raising funding for the vast projects that PS is involved in. I also help out in the Corporate Dharma seminars by Bhuta Bhavana Das, as well as the occasional festivals.

Prayag Thakrar

Age: 25Studying:

Actuarial Trainee

How did you fi nd out about Psena?

What did you like about the events?

What do you do in Psena?

in getting to know more or sign up for this years life changing experience, get in touch with us.’

You can check out Senagetgetaway Facebook page and the o� cial website at www.psena.com

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Bhaktivedanta Manor Newsletter February 2014

New Van to distribute food in London

Bhaktivedanta Manor was very happy to contribute £6,000 towards purchasing a new van to keep up the distribution of of Prasadam by Parasurama Prabhu and his team at Food For All.Food For All (“FFA”) is a registered charity which distributes 900 free, healthy meals to the homeless and disadvantaged on a daily basis. Unlike other food distribution services, FFA is based on community self-help and is geared towards enabling homeless people to learn new skills

MarchSun 2nd Disapp of Srila Jagannath Das Babaji (fast till noon)Wed 12th Amalaki Vrata EkadasiThur13th Disap od Sri Madhavendra PuriSun 16th Gaura Purnima: fast till moonrise Festival of Holi Thur 27th Papamocani EkadasiAprilFri 4th App of Sri RamanujacaryaSun 6th Ramanavami Festival at Manor Tues 8th App of Lord Ramachandra (fast till noon)Thur 10th Kamada Ekadasi (not suitable for fasting)Fri 11th Vyanjuli Mahadvadasi (fasting today for Kamada

© 2014, All articles & photographs copyright of Bhaktivedanta Manor

Bhaktivedanta ManorDharam Marg · Hilfield Lane Aldenham · Herts

(for sat-nav only, please use postcode WD25 8DT)01923 851000 www.krishnatemple.com

Please send your news, photos and comments to: Radha Mohan das newsletter@krishnatemple.com

Teacher's Day Out

A selection of Avanti House staff visited the Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple on the 20th of January. The visit was an integral part of the school's staff development programme and allowed staff to gain a deeper understanding of the way in which the Manor works with the local and wider communities. A further focus area for the visit was to allow staff to explore how they might incorporate the different elements of meditation and yoga into their daily practice and how they might be able to utilise the Manor's facitilies in order to enhance the learning experience for the pupils at Avanti House School. A very productive and enjoyable time was had by all the staff and we would like to thank members of the Manor who were marvellous and welcoming hosts, supporting the visit on the day and giving up their valuable time.A member of the staff commented, "It was a very informative session. I would like to take our children there regularly to use their facilities.Some of our more challenging pupils would benefit from the serene grounds."by Pauline Edwards Deputy Head, Avanti House

Mind Body & Spirit at the Manor

Owner director of Mind Body Spirit Events company Mel Carlisle recently came on a first visit to the Manor with work colleagues. They put on 3 big expos each year and lots of smaller workshops to do with spirituality. Mel could not believe how good the Manor was and glorified George Harrison for his amazing gift. Mel also works with Kirtaneers like Chakrini and Jahnavi and wants to put on kirtan events in the future. He is very fond of the Manor kichoris from Radharani's bakery!

During the winter we seek to gather light and warmth more than ever, not just externally but internally. One of the prime sources of spiritual strength and illumination for devotees are Lord Krishna’s words to Arjuna in the Bhagavad gita. Devotees gathered at the Manor for a recitation of the whole Bhagavad-gita.

This annual event gives many an incentive to study the Bhavagad gita in their own time, and distribute copies to friends and colleagues. Over 2,000 copies were sponsored for distribution, some reaching the Home Office! Bhakti Rasamrta Swami and Gauri das led the chanting of the Sanskrit verses, delivering a chapter summary after each chapter was completed.

Reciting the Song of God