February 2012 Volume 41 Issue 2 GAME CHANGER / 2 Week Series


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February 2012

Volume 41

Issue 2

Sermon Series 1

“Souper” Bowl 1

Live for Christ Pastor Karl


Live, Grow, Serve Classes


Fellowship 3

Mugs & Kisses 3

Father/Daughter Banquet


Growth 4

Healing Heart Counseling


Missions 5

Children 6

Teens 7

Calendar 8

Servant Teams 8

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Gateway is excited to host our 3rd annual Gateway “Souper” Bowl Tailgate on Sunday, February 5. On Super Bowl Sunday, dress out in your favorite team jersey and come ready for a fantastic time at the Gateway “Souper” Bowl Tailgate. Immediately following the second service, we will head outside for food, fellowship, fight songs, and a little football, including a punt, pass, and kick competition. Other activities will include the Great Chili Cook-Off, a tailgate lunch, a Football Trivia contest, and a Guess-timation contest.

Again this year, we are asking for canned soup donations to help replenish the empty shelves at the Circle of Concern food pantry in Valley Park. “Mr. Touchdown” will make his annual appearance to weigh the total amount of canned soup donations. Let us see if we can surpass last year’s total of 380+ pounds of food! For the tailgate lunch, Gateway will provide the dogs, brats, and drinks — you bring the snacks and a friend. This is a perfect opportunity to bring lost people into God’s family. We will pack it up by 2:30 pm so you can go watch the Super Bowl at home — it will be a great time!

GAME CHANGER / 2 Week Series Every week under the lights there are game-changing moments. Unexpected plays that change the final outcome. Like Mike Jones’ tackle in Super Bowl XXXIV at the one-yard line for the final play of the game. It preserved the Rams’ 23-16

lead and ensured their unlikely Super Bowl victory.

Game Changers are those people, events, and moments that alter the final outcome. Like Christ on the cross in the final moments of His life. He changed everything for those who thought they had won and for those who believed they had lost. Leading up to our annual Gateway Tailgate, we will take another look at the winners and losers gathered around the Cross.

01.29.12 Winners or Losers? / Mt. 27:32-44 / Karl Schad, Senior Minister 02.05.12 Losers or Winners? / Lk. 23:26-43 / Karl Schad, Senior Minister

LEAP OF FAITH / 3 Week Series Every person alive expresses faith in something or someone. Everyone. We can’t step through the day without exercising some measure of faith in our coworkers, or traffic lights, or the GPS on our smart phones. Believing, trusting—faith is a daily reality in the physical world.

What would happen if you took the faith you express in the physical realm and applied it with equal assurance to spiritual realm? In this series we will take a Leap of Faith and find out.

02/12/12 Providential Relationships / Karl Schad, Senior Minister 02/19/12 Personal Worship / Dr. Ladd Haverly, Executive Pastor 02/26/12 Pivotal Circumstances / Karl Schad, Senior Minister

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

I have often been reminded of the maxim, “Hope is not a strategy.” I understand the principle. We cannot neglect planning with the expectation that things will simply work themselves out. I get it. Jesus told us to count the cost before you build or go into battle. It hassScriptural backing. Yet, at some point we all have to step into the realm of the unsure and uncertain. At that point, faith tethered to hope is the most effective strategy we could employ. That’s scriptural, too. The Bible features 174 places for the word “hope.” “Faith” is featured a whopping 420 times. Together, faith and hope elevate our assurance and certainty of God to new levels. Even more, they consistently activate the prayers of God’s people and initiate His move. Is your hope shaken right now? Are you searching for new ways to stretch your faith? God is waiting for us to activate His strategy (plan) of hope and faith: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13

Here are a few questions to apply to get this plan/strategy in motion: What areas create uncertainty and insecurity in you? List them on a notecard or post-it. When was the last time you took them before God in prayer? Lift them to God in prayer. What is God telling you to do in response? Listen to Him and follow through.

Pastor Karl

Sign up in the Information Hallway for the course that is appropriate for you:


Sunday, February 26—9:00-10:30 am Sunday, February 12—9:00-10:30 am


Sunday, April 22—9:00-10:30 am

As we start a New Year, the Mugs & Kisses Ministry would like to give a big THANK YOU to the following members who deliver Mugs and Kisses to new visitors in their zip codes: Beth Bayless, Jen Bensinger, Erin Feinstein, Tom Harland, Jodi Harris, Jamie Hensel, Paula Hilderbrand, Joyce Inman, John Kiso, Elaine Lewallen, JoEllen Lyons, Christine Pett, Susan Reeves, Ron and Linda Spoor, Sue Tarman, and Pete and Cindy Teigen.

These folks deliver a smile, a Gateway mug filled with Hershey kisses, and a Guide to Gateway to first-time visitors. To deliver to all new visitors, we are looking for members to help in the 63005 (Wildwood), 63119 (Webster), 63123 (Affton), 63124 (Olivette), 63126 (Crestwood), and 63131 (Des Peres/Town & Country) areas, plus anywhere in St. Louis City or Saint Charles. Please call the office to get involved. It is great fun to meet new people, tell them about Gateway— and did we mention you only deliver to those living close to you, so it is not a weekly obligation at all? Thank you.

’Join the Women’s Ministry as we continue to Live, Grow, and Serve for Christ!

Service Project: A group of Gateway women has signed up to help pack and sort food at the St. Louis Area Food Bank on Friday, February 3. Contact Jen Bensinger if you have questions or need directions (jenbensinger@hotmail.com or 314-440-6240).

Join a C3 Group! C3’s are about coffee, camaraderie, and conversation. C3 groups can meet for breakfast, lunch, or supper; in the mornings, afternoons, evenings or weekends. C3’s can meet at home, in a restaurant, or in a coffee shop. This is a wonderful way to get to know your Christian sisters on a deeper level. If you would like to be a part of a C3 group, please contact Jen Bensinger or sign up at the Women’s Ministry table, no later than February 12.

Jacob James Maupin came into the world on January 12, weighing 7 lbs 15 oz and 21” long. Congratulations to proud parents, Rob and Amy!

Madison Elizabeth Cowan was born on January 20, weighing 8 lbs 10 oz and 22” long. Congratulations to proud parents, Jeremy and Wendy!

Mona Meeks married Gary Harper on Sunday, January 15—congratulations on your new life together!

Our sympathies are extended to the following Gateway family members who have lost loved ones: Nancy Moore, Jane Ferguson, Julie Paul, and their extended family (husband/dad Harvey); Robin Vanderwal (mother); Alan Hughes (grandpa); Bruce Atkins (father).

To our Gateway Family,

You have blessed us so much during the past month, we cannot thank you enough. Between the crutches from the car accident and wheelchair of the second surgery, it was difficult to get much accomplished around our house. So many of you brought us food that kept us fed and you prayed for healing. We are so very grateful for your kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity. Our appreciation is overflowing. Thank you for all your blessings!

Ruth Dunton, John, Angie, Milo, & Nina Turigliatto

Whether you go to the movies often or only occasionally, consider joining other Gateway seniors on Wednesday, February 15, to take in an "early bird special" at the Des Peres Cine. The movie ticket is only $5, and plans are to choose a feature that will appeal to our generation. Plans also include lunch together at a nearby restaurant. (Since the theatre makes its final scheduling decisions about a week in advance, the movie title will be announced in the church bulle-tin on February 12.) So, men and women in the 55+ age group, plan to meet at the church at 10:00 am on February 15 to carpool to Des Peres Cine and then to lunch for some time to visit and critique the movie.

With hopes that March will begin to show signs of spring, planners for YAH 2012 activities will have outings that venture farther from the church and include fun spots in St. Louis as well as out of town.

It is time for the 2nd Annual Father/Daughter Banquet “A Ball at The Castle.” A very magical time was had by all last year. The “Ball” this year is Friday, February 24, from 5:30-8:30 with dinner served at 6 pm. Activities include a game or two and a girls favorite thing—dancing! Pictures will be taken at 5:30 and throughout the evening. Please RSVP by Feb. 19. There is a sign-up sheet in the Information Hallway, with an invitation for your daughter, or email Sonja LaGarce at s.lagarce@sbcglobal.net. This event is open to any “father figure.” If anyone would like to be a part of the decorating and/or cleanup crew, please contact Sonja.

Join us Sunday, February 12, 6:00-7:30 pm as we gather to sing our favorite hymns of love. We will then fellowship with home-made pies and cobblers that you will supply. We hope to see you for this fun event!

Healing Heart Counseling Center is available to assist individuals, couples, groups and families to face and overcome life’s greatest challenges and changes.

Contact the center at 314.821.1120 and begin to heal by tending to your heart (calls are strictly confidential; sliding fee scale used).

Worship Sunday School General Fund Special Gifts Missions Bldg/DY2M Fund Total

01/01/12 464 220

$16,754.05 $—

$7.00 $5,782.23


01/08/12 620 303

$28,046.07 $—

$35.00 $1,055.00


01/15/12 586 324

$16,748.15 $25.00

$7.00 $1,519.00


01/22/12 554 287

$18,537.82 $—

$18.50 $1,044.00


Any of our pastors are available to speak with you about your relation-ship with Jesus Christ. Please call the church office at (314) 821-2156 to speak with one.

Want to learn more about Gateway?

Come to our next Live for Christ

course, which is an informative

course for those who are considering

making Jesus Christ their Lord and/or

making Gateway their church home.

The next class is offered during the

9:00 am service on Sunday, January

29. A sign-up sheet is available at the

green ministry table in the

Information Hallway.

Baptized: Shaina Feinstein

“For God so loved the world that He gave He gave His one and only Son, that whoever BELIEVES in him will not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

“REPENT, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord…”(Acts 3:19)

“If you CONFESS with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you will be saved.“ (Romans 10:9)

“Repent and BE BAPTIZED, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:38)

What on earth am I here for? That’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves at one time. The answer is to worship God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. He created you and longs to have a relationship with you. God made a way for us to find forgiveness, peace and meaning through His Son, Jesus Christ. We will never find or fulfill our purpose in this life until we let Jesus rescue us from our sin and become the leader of our life. So how do we do that?

There is an increasing number of Gateway families who need our help with food during this rough financial time and our food supplies are dwindling. The food seems to be going out faster than it is coming in. Let’s do a large push to restock our Bread Basket shelves so that we will not have to turn anyone away.

February 5 – Canned goods (i.e. soup, meat, vegetables, fruit) February 12 – Toiletries (for men, women, and children)

February 19 – Dry Goods (i.e. spaghetti, rice, flour, etc.) February 26 – Paper Goods (i.e. paper towels, toilet paper, Ziploc bags)

Place your items in the basket on the mission table in the Information Hall-

The deadline for the applications for the two Summer/Fall grants ($300 each) is March 15. If you are planning on taking a long-term mission trip in the summer or fall of 2012, email or call one of the following World Impact team members and ask for an application.

Pam Erker: email: p.erker@att.net phone: 636-349-2271

Carrie Imhoff: email: carrie@planetspork.com phone: 636-529-0638

Operation Christmas Child – Hooray! We doubled last year’s number of shoeboxes filled and donated to Samaritan’s Purse. A record num-

ber of 104 boxes were sent to children around the world so they could be blessed.

The Armed Forces Care ministry will be collecting items during the month of March for our Gateway service men/women and their families. This is one of only 2 collections for our own troops in 2012. Updates are needed! In order to do this, we need to update our list of Gateway family members who are currently serving in the military (either at home or abroad). We want to make sure we do not forget anyone or waste valuable postage sending to vacated addresses. Please notify Buddy Erker (bde00df@yahoo.com or 636-349-2271) and give him the name, address, birth date, where stationed, and military job for anyone fitting in the following categories:

A family member (child, sibling, nephew, uncle, etc.) currently serving in the military; OR

A family member who has been discharged, had an address change, or other change in status; OR

Any Gateway family member who has recently entered the military.

We do not want to forget anyone so if you know of someone at Gateway who fits this criteria, but may not read this newsletter, then please get the information to them.

Our 1st – 5th grade music and drama group, Joyful Noyz, will be singing during both adult services on Sunday, February 12. Exact details will be sent home with the kids as the date gets closer. Joyful

Noyz rehearses every Wednesday, 6:15 – 7:00 pm, and will perform their spring musical, Fish Tales, on Sunday, May 6. If you have a child in this age group who would like to participate, please join soon; we would love to have them involved!

Yes, VBSummer is back again! We will begin our adventure with SKY – Everything is Possible with God, based on Mark 10:27. That will be followed by Babylon – Daniel’s Courage in Captivity.

To put together our sky, we will need kites, hot air balloons, rainbows, planes, and whatever else we can find high up in the air! We cannot have too many blue sheets or cotton batting

for clouds, either.

For Babylon we will need blankets, floor pillows, especially anything royal blue or gold, and a lion or two for the pit. More items will be added as we get closer.

If you can help us collect any of these items or have something we can borrow, please contact Shari. Details coming soon about how you can get involved with this fun and engaging summer event!

Wednesday nights from 6:15 – 6:55: · Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 · March 7, 14, 21, 28 · April 4, 11, 18, 25 · May 2 from 6:15 – 8:00 on stage

Sunday special rehearsals from 12:00 – 2:30 (including lunch)

February 12 Sing in both services—arrive 8:30 am

March 4 (SHINE will be rehearsing at the same time)

April 1 (SHINE will be rehearsing at the same time) perhaps add 30 minutes to end for those with drama parts

April 29 perhaps add 30 minutes to end for those with drama parts

May 6 Sing in both services – arrive 8:30am May 6 Pre-performance run-through 4:30pm May 6 Performance at 6:30pm

Saturday, May 5 Dress Rehearsal—drama at 9:00; all from 9:30-12:30 There may be an additional rehearsal (TBD) for those with large drama parts.

I am very happy that I was able to take part in the Collide Student Ministry this year, and every year for that matter. This year in Collide included many exciting events that helped all of us reach out into the community and help not only others, but also help ourselves grow closer to Christ. We carried 5 gallon buckets filled with water to help raise money and awareness for the water crisis in Africa and, though it was only for three miles, many of the Collide students were exhausted afterwards. God moved through us in South Dakota as we helped make the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation better.

It is not only service that pours out of Collide, it is the love and support that flows out of the hearts and minds of each and every one of the students. It is the joy that you get when you walk into The Warehouse, knowing that you are in God’s arms, and knowing that your friends are always there for you. In Matthew 22:39, Jesus says to “love your neighbor as yourself.” In Collide, God has definitely helped us love our neighbors. God has moved through the lives of the students at Gateway, and I am very blessed to be able to take part in this wonderful student ministry.

Nick Biggs

’Secrets. It is crazy how these little things can be so heavy. These little words, actions, or thoughts can rip apart relationships, families, or even countries. This month we are going to look at how secrets in our lives can hurt

ourselves, others, and even our relationship with God. It is not our typical series for the month of love but since we are doing the purity retreat in March, we are taking a different approach to Collide Live than normal. Secrets kicks off in Collide Live on February 1.

It is not too late to get a deposit in for our Remain Purity Retreat in March. Please sign up and deposit $25 for a spot in Remain. Sex and unhealthy dating practices bombard our students on a daily basis. Staying pure in 6-12 grades

is difficult but not impossible. The only better place than church to learn what Scripture says about sex and dating is at home. So parents, please sign your 6th – 12th graders up for this great weekend called Remain.

This is going to be a great month for our students at Gateway. God is going to break down some walls in our students that have been there for a very long time. Get them involved in some way this month. Students need to hear that God loves them more than anything. This is the place where students and God’s love will collide and continue to collide for the rest of their lives.

SHINE’s Spring Musical, Where Jesus Is, will be presented on Sunday, April 22. If you are a student in 6th grade - college and would like to participate, please sign up at the Collide table on 2nd floor or the Worship table in the Information Hallway on 1st floor (a full schedule of rehearsals is available by the sign-up sheets). An informational Kickoff Meeting will be held on Sunday February 12, from 12:00-1:00 pm in room 210. If you would like to know more about the musical before you make a commitment, please come to the kickoff meeting or contact Laura Fletcher (314-239-7225 or mrsfletch443@sbcglobal.net).

February SHINE Dates: Sunday, February 12, Noon-1 pm, Kickoff Meeting

Sunday, February 19, Noon-1 pm, Tryouts Sunday, February 26, Noon-1 pm, Tryouts

Collide’s Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 5, begins at kickoff time and ends when the game is done. Bring your friends and have some fun! Cost is $4/person for catered Bandana’s BBQ.

Wed., Feb 1 J. Harris, C. Imhoff, need one more!

Feb 5 9:00 E. Craighead, E. Feinstein, L. Gardner 10:30 P. Hilderbrand, B. LaGarce, S. & J. Primm, T. Turner

Wed., Feb 8 J. Bender, H. Wilson, need one more! Feb 12 9:00 K. Kendrick, V. Schnose, need one more! 10:30 K. Barnard, J. Bender, S. Dorris, F. Kremer, J. McCollum

Wed., Feb 15 D. & L. Hayes, need one more! Feb 19 9:00 E. Craighead, E. Essien, A. Jackman 10:30 J. & K. Bell, J. Bender, P. Hilderbrand, J. Vallieres

Wed., Feb 22 J. Costick, T. Jones, need one more! Feb 26 9:00 K. Huey, R. Phelan, T. Shon 10:30 K. Barnard, D. & L. Hayes, K. Kendrick, L. Ryan

Wed., Feb 29 J. Cedeño, J. Costick, need one more!

Feb 1: Team 1—Jim Haverly

Feb 8: Team 2—Steve King

Feb 15: Team 3—Steve Keroff

Feb 22: Team 4—Mike Holly

9:00 service: , Coordinator; B. Jeralds;

M. Ferguson, J. Fletcher, R. Hoevet, A. Huey,

T. Kaemmerer, T. Linhardt, T. Marlotte,

B. Walden, T. Worley

10:30 service: , Coordinator; S. King;

D. Dunn, C. Goeke, K. Johnson, P. Keroff,

S. Keroff, J. Kremer, S. Riley, L. Steinmeyer,

D. Underwood

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 YAH Core Mtg 9:00 am

Wednesday Night Life 5:30-8:00 pm

Band Practice 6:30 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm


3 Women’s Service

Project 9:00 am-12:00 pm


Chair Team #1

5 S.U.B.M.I.T. 8:00 am

Gateway’s Souper Bowl Tailgate Party 12:30 pm

Teen Super Bowl Party

5:00 pm


7 Staff Meeting 11 am


Wednesday Night Life 5:30-8:00 pm

Band Practice 6:30 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm



Women’s Daytime Bible Study 9:30 am


Chair Team #2

12 S.U.B.M.I.T. 8:15 am

Grow in Christ 9:00 am SHINE Meeting 12-1:00

ANNEX Worship 6:00 pm

Hymn Sing/Social 6:00 pm

Men’s Basketball 6:30 pm


Creation Meeting 6:30 pm

14 Staff Meeting 11 am


YAH Movie Day

Wednesday Night Life 5:30-8:00 pm

Band Practice 6:30 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm




Chair Team #3


SHINE Tryouts Noon


21 Staff Meeting 11 am


Wednesday Night Life 5:30-8:00 pm

Band Practice 6:30 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm



Women’s Daytime Bible Study 9:30 am

Father/Daughter Banquet 5:30 pm


Chair Team #4

26 Live for Christ Course

9:00 am SHINE Tryouts Noon

ANNEX “Get to Know” 7:00 pm

Men’s Basketball 6:30 pm


28 Staff Meeting 11 am


Wednesday Night Life 5:30-8:00 pm

Band Practice 6:30 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm