Feb. 4, 2005QoSIP - Catania1 QoS and security - using traditional services for new ends Henning...


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Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 1

QoS and security - using QoS and security - using traditional services for new traditional services for new endsends

Henning SchulzrinneDept. of Computer Science

Columbia University

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 2


Some impolite remarks about network research and QoS

QoS challenges in real networks: NATs and firewalls DOS reliability

Permission-based networking GIMPS: next steps in signaling

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 3

Impolite remarks on Impolite remarks on QoS and network QoS and network researchresearch

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 4

Lifecycle of technologiesLifecycle of technologies

military corporate consumer

traditional technology propagation:


doesn’t matter;expert support


sensitive, but

amortized;expert support

capex sensitive;amateur

Can it be done? Can I afford it? Can my mother use it?

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 5

Networking research is Networking research is fashion-drivenfashion-driven

networking coursesFirst (European) workshop

on X --YAP on X

workshopwhite paper



EUNth framework




mobile networkswirelessad-hoc, sensor

active networks


Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 6

Impact of network Impact of network researchresearch What’s

promising/interesting – two different axes:

Intellectual merit interesting analysis, broadly applicable, …

Satisfies practical needs may not be a scientific breakthrough

Field has few grand challenges and metrics

cf., speech understanding or face recognition

Depends largely on external technology inputs

faster CPUs, better optical gear, compression

typical performance improvements in queueing: 20-50%

Networking research impact

on deployed systems and protocols?

on understanding network behavior?

on other papers? Which of the 10,000 QoS

papers had real impact? What papers were

responsible for most important networking advances?

TCP , web?, email?

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 7

Maturing network researchMaturing network research Old questions:

Can we make X work over packet networks? All major dedicated network applications (flight reservations,

embedded systems, radio, TV, telephone, fax, messaging, …) are now available on IP

Can we get M/G/T bits to the end user? Raw bits everywhere: “any media, anytime, anywhere”

New questions: Dependency on communications Can we make the

network reliable? Can non-technical users use networks without becoming

amateur sys-admins? auto/zeroconfiguration, autonomous computing, self-healing networks, …

Can we prevent social and financial damage inflicted through networks (viruses, spam, DOS, identity theft, privacy violations, …)?

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 8

Observations on network Observations on network researchresearch Frustration with inability to change network

infrastructure in less than 10 -- 20 year horizons: IPv6 Layer-3 multicast QoS Security

Network research community has dismal track record for new applications

web, IM, P2P (Gnutella, BitTorrent), … vs. video-on-demand Niche applications get disproportionate attention

active networks, ad-hoc networks, (structured) P2P successful applications don’t care if they don’t scale

centralized IM & search, unstructured P2P, … Disconnect from standardization

Few attempts to bring research work into standards bodies Standards bodies slow to catch up (e.g., P2P)

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 9

Why do good ideas fail?Why do good ideas fail? Research: O(.), CPU overhead

“per-flow reservation (RSVP) doesn’t scale” not the problem

at least now -- routinely handle O(50,000) routing states

Reality: deployment costs of any new L3 technology

is probably billions of $ Cost of failure:

conservative estimate (1 grad student year = 2 papers)

10,000 QoS papers @ $20,000/paper $200 million

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 10

Cause of death for the next Cause of death for the next big thingbig thing

QoS multi-cast

mobile IP

active networks



not manageable across competing domains

not configurable by normal users (or apps writers)

no business model for ISPs

no initial gain 80% solution in existing system


increase system vulnerability

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 11

QoSQoS QoS is meaningless to users

difficult to engineer service that is consistently poor, but usable

common QoS models now: scavenger service (worse-than-best-effort) self-

protection DiffServ on access routers and NAT boxes

care about service availability reliability but most commercial service is good enough for

VoIP/video/… most of the time charging model problem users will arbitrage and

buy basic quality except during congestion periods see multi-homing vs. high-end providers

as more and more value depends on network services, can't afford random downtimes

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 12

Why did QoS (mostly) fail?Why did QoS (mostly) fail? hypothesis: “The

success of a technology is inversely proportional to the number of papers published before its popularity.”

ACM: 10,158 papers with QoS or “quality of service” in abstract

IEEE: 7,297 papers real-time streaming

video-on-demand DVD via Netflix or TCP onto 200 GB hard disk

bandwidth “too cheap to meter”

undemocratic – some traffic is more equal than others

reminds you of your mom: no, you can’t have that 10 Mb/s now

socialist: administer scarcity - we like SUVs (or to drive 100 mph)!

“risky scheme”: security only displacement

applications (such as telephony) need QoS

requires cooperation: edge-ISP, transit ISPs, end systems

snake oil: add QoS, lose half your bandwidth

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 13

Why did QoS fail? (con’td)Why did QoS fail? (con’td) dishonesty: we only talk

about the beneficiaries network has become

harder to evolve: network address

translation firewalls high packetization

overhead (VPNs, IPv6) to be useful, has to be

nearly universally supported (“no, you can’t make calls to AS 123”)

network QoS vs. business class model: “coach is empty, please refund fare”

currently, the ISP interface is IP and BGP – adding a third one is a big deal

new Internet service model: TCP client (inside) – server (outside)

exception: peer-to-peer on college campuses

network to host: you first, no, you first

failure of IP QoS success of MPLS

more TE than QoS

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 14

Where did QoS technology Where did QoS technology succeed?succeed?

Edge network: VLAN prioritization 802.11e MAC layer priority IP TOS byte (not quite DiffServ) –

known since 1980s… Docsis/PacketCable application-

initiated Mostly deals with self-interference No admission control No authorization (except Docsis)

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 15

Network reliabilityNetwork reliability we don’t know precisely why network

applications fails components and backbones appear to pretty reliable but we measured at 99.5% of usable time far

below 99.999% in telecom networks lots of possible culprits, including DNS and carrier

interconnects temporary overloads reduce operator errors

e.g., XCONF effort in IETF inherently safe or fail-safe protocols?

faster convergence in routing protocols BGP up to 20-30 minutes!

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 16

New applications – need for New applications – need for QoS?QoS? New bandwidth-intensive applications

Reality-based networking (security) cameras

Distributed games often require only low-bandwidth control information

current game traffic ~ VoIP Computation vs. storage vs. communications

communications cost has decreased less rapidly than storage costs

Emphasis on user control of communications from anywhere, anytime, any media to where

appropriate, my time, my media Guess: #1 user-selected research problem: fix spam #2: keep cell phone from ringing in the movie


Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 17

New network New network architectures for architectures for securitysecurity

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 18

Security challengesSecurity challenges DOS, security attacks permissions-

based communications only allow modest rates without asking effectively, back to circuit-switched

Higher-level security services more application-layer access via gateways, proxies, …

User identity problem is not availability, but rather over-


Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 19

Trustability: Internet decayTrustability: Internet decay Decay of inner cities: small number of bad

elements + lack of social controls and law enforcement

Small number of miscreants “The bulk of U.S. spam is coming from a very limited set

of IPs with high-bandwidth connections," said Alperovitch, who estimated that the high-volume spamming addresses number fewer than 10,000 and the number of spammers at less than 200.” (Informationweek, Aug. 2004)

Naïve users with increasing firepower

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 20

Trustability problemsTrustability problems Traditional security didn’t solve user interface problem

is citi-bank.com my bank or phishing? traditional firewall (crunchy outside, squishy inside)

fails with any content – even JPEGs aren’t safe email usability rapidly decreasing

most spam proposals unlikely to work notion of “global village” is an oxymoron

in a village, you know your neighbors on-going approaches useful, but limited

conversion of protocols to secured versions (e.g., via TLS) prevent source address spoofing OS and application robustness against buffer overflow

attacks IETF MARID (SenderID, SPF, …) for email sender

identification DOS traceback

thus, may need to rethink network architecture

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 21

Trustability: A more polite Trustability: A more polite InternetInternet

introduce yourself first “shoot first, ask later” (Bush) “ask first, shoot later” (Kerry)

yes, up to 10 kb/smay I send?

limits large-scale DDOSmore circuit-orientedmay get permission slip for future use

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 22

Restoring the village part of Restoring the village part of the global villagethe global village It’s not what you know, it’s who you know Authentication works only if addresses can

be recognized by policy or human Doesn’t work well for first-time contacts

much of communications won’t be fixed by SPF and SenderID

Need to leverage indirect knowledge our approach: social networks for recognizing

users in SIP systems leverage knowledge across media: visiting web

page enables receipt of email from related address make phishing more difficult

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 23

GIMPS – a modular GIMPS – a modular data plane signaling data plane signaling protocolprotocol

(with Robert Hancock, Hannes Tschofenig, S. van den Bosch, G. Karagiannis, A. McDonald, X. Fu and others)

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 24

OverviewOverview Signaling: application vs. data

plane Resource control

DiffServ vs. IntServ What’s wrong with RSVP? Components of a general solution NSIS = NTLP (GIMPS) + {NSLP}+

Route change detection

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 25

Signaling – the big pictureSignaling – the big picturesession signaling

datapath signaling

AS#1 AS#2

off-path NE

SIP proxyserver

off-path signaling

on-path signaling


Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 26

Need for data plane state Need for data plane state establishmentestablishment Differentiated treatment of packets

QoS firewall (loss = 100% vs. loss = 0%)

Mapping state network address translation (NAT)

Counting packets accounting

Other state establishment setting up active network capsules MPLS paths pseudo-wire emulation (PWE) – T1 over IP

Related: visit subset of data path nodes, but don’t leave state behind

diagnostics better traceroute link speeds, load, loss, packet treatment, …

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 27

On-path vs. off-path On-path vs. off-path signalingsignaling On-path (path-coupled): visit subset of

routers on data path Off-path (path-decoupled): anything else,

but presumably roughly along data path one proposal: one “touch point” for each AS bandwidth broker difficult part is resource tracking, not

signaling No fundamental differences in protocol

separate out next-hop discovery to allow re-use

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 28

Differentiated packet Differentiated packet handlinghandling Not just QOS, but also

firewall network address translation accounting and measurement



traffic shaping,handling & measurement



Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 29

DiffServ DiffServ IntServ IntServ Filter always uses packet

characteristic 5-tuple (protocol, source/destination

address + port) + global label (TOS) multiple “flows” can be mapped to one

treatment mechanism


IntServ in-band



5-tuple 5-tuple


fixed signaled TCP SYN

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 30

The scaling bogeymanThe scaling bogeyman Networks routinely handle large-scale per-

flow state firewalls NATs

scaling = cost per flow is constant (or decreasing)

flow numbers are modest: OC-48 can handle 31,875 DS-0 voice calls Mean call duration = 9 min 60

requests/second probably about 3 MB of data

partially explained by poor initial RSVP explanations

where flow search time ~ O(N) rather than O(1)

likely limitations are in AAA, not router signaling

It doesn’t scale!

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 31

RSVP characteristicsRSVP characteristics soft-state = state vanishes if not

refreshed two-pass signaling = path discovery

+ reservation receiver-based resource reservation separation of QoS signaling from

routing with some router feedback

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 32

The problem with RSVPThe problem with RSVP Designed for QoS establishment, used mostly for other things

(RSVP-TE) Designed for large-scale IP multicast customer never

materialized adds significant complexity:

receiver-based PATH + RESV designed for ASM (any-source) rather than SSM (source-specific) receiver-based motivated by receiver diversity – not very useful in

practice Designed in simpler days (1997):

does not work well with mobile nodes (IP mobility or changing IP addresses)

no support for NATs security mostly bolted on – non-standard mechanisms single-purpose, with no clear extensibility model very primitive transport mechanism

either refresh or exponential decay (refresh reduction, RFC 2961)

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 33

The cost of multicast for The cost of multicast for RSVPRSVP reservation styles

multiple senders in same group: shared vs. distinct

sender selection: explicit vs. wildcard receiver-oriented

motivated by heterogeneous can do leaf-initiated join rather than

root-initiated but still need periodic PATH to visit new

sub-tree three different flow specs

Sender_TSpec, ADSpec, (TSpec, RSpec) fairly tightly woven into core protocol

state merging and management killer reservation (KR-II)

generally, error handling problematic




40 60





40 60





Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 34

IETF NSIS working groupIETF NSIS working group chartered in Dec. 2001, after BOF in March

2001 Motivated by Braden’s two-layer model

(draft-lindell-waypoint, draft-braden-2level-signal-arch)

Active participation from Roke Manor, Siemens, NEC Europe, Nokia, Samsung, Columbia

Based partially on CASP protocol designed by Columbia/Siemens group and prototyped at UKy

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 35

NSIS protocol structureNSIS protocol structure

client layer does the real work: reserve resources open firewall ports …

messaging layer: establishes and tears down state negotiates features and capabilities

transport layer: reliable transport





transport layer

QoS, NAT/FW, …


IP router alert


Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 36

NSIS propertiesNSIS properties Network friendly

congestion-controlled re-use of state across

applications application-neutral

add more applications later transport neutral

any reliable protocol initially, TCP and SCTP also, UDP for initial probing

policy neutral no particular AAA policy or

protocol interaction with COPS,

DIAMETER needs work

soft state per-node time-out explicit removal of state

extensible data format negotiation

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 37

NSIS properties, cont'd.NSIS properties, cont'd. Topology hiding

not recommended, but possible

Light weight implementation

complexity security associations

(re-use) may not need kernel


Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 38

What is GIMPS?What is GIMPS? Generic signaling transport service

establishes state along path of data one sender, typically one receiver

can be multiple receivers multicast (not in initial version) can be used for QoS per-flow or per-class reservation but not restricted to that

avoid restricting users of protocol (and religious arguments): sender vs. receiver orientation more or less closely tied to data path

initially, router-by-router (path-coupled)later, network (AS) path (path-decoupled)

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 39

NSIS network model – path-NSIS network model – path-coupledcoupled

NTLP nodes form NTLP chain not every node processes all client protocols:

non-NTLP node: regular router omnivorous: processes all NTLP messages selective: bypassed by NTLP messages with unknown client protocols






NTLP chain

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 40

Network model – path-Network model – path-decoupleddecoupled

Also route network-by-network can combine router-by-router with

out-of-path messaging

AS 1249 AS15465 AS17

Bandwidth broker



Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 41

GIMPS messagesGIMPS messages

Regular NTLP messages establish or tear down state carry client protocol datagram (“D”) or connection (“C”)

mode Hop-by-hop reliability Generated by any node along the


Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 42

NSIS transport protocol NSIS transport protocol usageusage Most signaling messages are small and

infrequent but:

not all applications e.g., mobile code for active networks

digital signatures re-"dialing" when resources are busy

Need: reliability to avoid long setup delays flow control avoid overloading

signaling server congestion control avoid overloading

network fragmentation of long signaling

messages in-sequence delivery avoid race

conditions transport-layer security integrity,


This defines standard reliable transport protocols:


Avoid re-inventing wheel see SIP experience

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 43

GIMPS transport protocol GIMPS transport protocol usageusage One transport connection many NSLP

sessions may use multiple TCP/SCTP ports can use TLS for transport-layer security

compared to IPsec, well-exercised key establishment not quite clear what the principal is

re-use of transport no overhead of TCP and SCTP session establishment avoid TLS session setup better timer estimates SCTP avoids HOL blocking

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 44

Message forwardingMessage forwarding Route stateless or state-full:

stateless: record route and retrace state-full: based on next-hop information in ‘C’ node

Destination: address look at destination address address + record record route route based on recorded route state forward based on next-hop state state backward based on previous-hop state

State: no-op leave state as is ADD add message (and maybe client) state DEL delete message state

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 45

Message formatMessage format

No GIMPS distinction between requests and responses just routed in different directions client protocol may define requests and responses

Common header defines: destination flag state flag session identifier traffic selector: identify traffic "covered" by this session message sequence number response sequence number message cookie avoid IP address impersonation origin address may not be data source or sink destination address or scope

common header extensions client protocol data

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 46

Message format, cont'dMessage format, cont'd Limit session lifetime Avoid loops hop counter Mobility:

dead branch removal flag branch identifier

Record route: gathers up addresses of NSIS nodes visited

Route: addresses that NSIS message should visit

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 47

Capability negotiationCapability negotiation NSIS has named capabilities

including client protocols Three mechanisms:

discovery: count capabilities along a path"10 out of 15 can do QoS"

record: record capabilities for each node require: for scout message, only stop once node

supports all capabilities (or-of-and) avoid protocol versioning

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 48

Next-hop discoveryNext-hop discovery scout

messages are special NSIS messages

limited < MTU size

addressed to session destination

UDP with router alert option get looked at by each router

reflected when matching NSIS node found

next IP hop


existing transport


use D mode to find

next NSIS hop







Y done

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 49

Mobility and route Mobility and route changeschanges

avoids session identification by end point addresses

avoid use of traffic selector as session identifier

remove dead branch

discovers new route

on refresh



DEL (B=2)


Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 50

QoS-NSLP: resource QoS-NSLP: resource reservationreservation NSLP for signaling QoS reservations in

the Internet both sender- and receiver-initiated

reservations soft-state peer-to-peer signaling and refresh

(rather than end-to-end) bundled sessions (e.g., video + audio) agnostic about QoS models (IntServ,

DiffServ, RMD, …)

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 51

QoS-NSLP: sender-initiated QoS-NSLP: sender-initiated reservationreservation






(RSN #3)(RSN #17)

(RSN #4)

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 52

QoS-NSLP: receiver-initiated QoS-NSLP: receiver-initiated reservationreservation








Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 53

QoS flow aggregationQoS flow aggregation


QoS-NSLP style(RFC 3175)



sinktree style(BGRP)

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 54

Route change detectionRoute change detection Don’t want to wait for periodic

rediscovery – delay of 30s+ Not all route changes matter

e.g., only changes between NSIS routers Data plane detection

TTL change of arriving data packets propagation delay change for data packets monitoring propagation delay (~ min(e2e

delay)) increases in packet loss or jitter

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 55

Route change Route change measurementsmeasurements 12 measurement sites (looking glass) one traceroute every 15’ 2.75 hours

per pair availability: 99.8% 0.1% repeated IP addresses 4.4% single hop with multiple IP

addresses 422 route changes observed after data

cleanup (13,074 records) 67 out of 422 also showed AS changes

often, indicates multi-homing

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 56

Route changes Route changes










-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

TTL change










-2 -1 0 1 2

AS count change

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 57

On-going and planned On-going and planned workwork

Finish NTLP (GIMPS) and NSIS clients (NAT-FW and QoS)

Longer term: off-path signaling (new WG?)

New applications: diagnostics Mobility support

Feb. 4, 2005 QoSIP - Catania 58

ConclusionConclusion QoS deployment: 25 year old

technology at edge only can do 95% with 5% complexity

Security concerns trump utilization optimization prioritize user traffic deny

resources to attacker GIMPS: a re-engineered generic

signaling mechanism
