fdd : fffil kfr rrrcnshivvani.in/FMUploads/syllabus/5_compressed.pdfClass 5 (1)BOOK LIST CLASS V...


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(1)Class 5

BOOK LIST CLASS V2019 -20120

ENGLISH : 1. English Ferry (Reader)

i 2. English Ferry (Lit Reader): 3. English Ferry (Work Book)

(Macmillan E-ducation)fdd : (r) q-ws frfr qrdqrnr

qrqr fffil kfr qro-srr rrrcn

MATHEMATICS : Mathsxpress (Macmiltan Eudcation)SOCIAL SCIENCE : Socialstudies Success (Goyal Brothers Prakashan)SCIENCE : Living Science (Part-S)

riqf, : rrqtu ,qProrFRENCH : Apprenoms le Francais (Part-1)

Apprenoms le Francais (Chair d' Exercises) (part-1)COMPUTER : Step by step Computer LearningGENERAL KNOWLEDGE : You Must Know (Cordova)ART&CRAFT : HandiWorksVALUE EDUCATION : Thinking about Vatues



Text Book Grammar Writing Extra Reading Activities


Chapter - 1 \fVtry Evergreen treesnever lose their leaves

Poem- Be a ftiendWorkbook: Chapter-1

PunctuationPrefix & Sufiix

lnformalLetter(comfortinga friend)

Chapter-1 The StormyNight

Listening for Clues


Chapter - 2 Rikki likki & NagWorkbook : Chapter 2

Adjedives (Kind$

Degrees ofComparison


Chapter-2 The Pixiein the pond

(Holiday Assignment)

Speaking - Narrating aStory


Chapter-3 Bom again-ArunimaSinhaWorkbook:Chapter-3

Revision for P.T.-l

Articles PictureComposition

Reading (To be evaluated)Reading different extradswith correct intonation andexpressions

Syllabus for Periodic Test-lReader - Chapter 1, Poem - Be a friendG ra m mar - Pu nctuation, Prefi x-Suffix, AdjectivesWriting - Paragraph Writing and lnformal letter.

Class 5


PeriodsWriting - Completing ainformation

Chapter-3ATigerinthe House

Chapter - 4 An officer and a


Poem -A True SatYagrah

Worksheet: 4


Revision for Mid-term Exam.

Syllabus for Mid TermMid'Term Examination

Reader - Chapter 2,3,4 Poem -ATrue Satyagrahi

G rammar - Articles, \A/h-q uestions, conjunctions, Adjectives, Pu nctuation

writing - Picture composition, Diary Entry, Formal Letter writing.

Speaking - ExtemporeChapte14 CycloneChapter-S, 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Poem - Don't Give uP


Class 5




Text Book Grammar Writing Extra Reading Activities


Chapter - 6 The Second Voyage

Poem: TailaryWoftbook:Chapter-6

Prepositions NoticeWriting

Chapter-5 The Tale ofJemima Puddle Duck

Listening - Listening forinformation (To beevaluated)

."cChapter - TAvisit to the Kaziranga(travelogue)


Adverbs Writing ane-mail

Chapter-6 KubaliwalaPoem- The Field


Writing - Making a Poster

Syllabus for Periodic Test -llReader - Chapter 5, 6 Poem - Don't give up.

Grammar - Tense, Preposition, Prefix-suffix

Writing - Writing a biography, Notice Writing.


Birbal's writ (Play) S-VAgreement Sequencinga story

Poem -Abou Ben


Reading &Comprehending

Class 5 (4)


PeriodsPoem - Rock Walls

Poem - We go this waY But once.

Syllabus for Final Exannination

Reader: chapters - TBirbal's writ (Play), Poem-Tartary, We Go This way But once

Grammar : Adverbs, s-V Agreement, Tense, Adjectives, Preposition

Conjunctions : Wh (forming questions), S-V agreement'

Writing - Sequencing a story, Writing on e-mail, Picture Composition, Biography Writing'

Class 5


frd{qAIIiDWI !flrffr fr'qro-olqZrfrhftd/rqarq6 odTfl c{q



(r) r^fifr orTTIIT

qNI; ffi, qr6TUI, Tfilt, frdc,cqftmfr fu;m{6 trqlr5d< dwr

r) 'rEfr iq - qtuaf r

4 ?rdrr{ + ffi sfr qfu-dfso orftqfrf,r



O <) qrd(s)s6 c.fr

EfrT qT

(o)er.-rwiD GNT



w{qn, fr$qq, st6pt6 vm, wr{o,ftqPlou<, r'gd<dul

sd-ffi. iNc{(Ts {q. {q-t(gn, frcisor, ft-{P[6rmGrlfw (qlcqrR6), frts'r

r) '$I6r rrg sqrtro il€qt4 qg-cM d cfr Eqnr qrEn-rqfr

r) ffi or Ecrt ms{ d q6-aaflq6 frqq 1

z)ffi 6I irtiir-dl sw-frfuo GrMilt

ffio, qftfrr qrqffiq: r, z. ff errqrs sRd oni sBa t

6qrffiprs ,nsr, frfr, qo.rrr, ifatt ftatq, cqttmfr, fuqelo sr<, irtoreto yrst

tqq: fr{d(. gqm ts{tsrrl-ftt




ftqr, oro, S6r( {K, qgE-W,dsr+sq srg*( tsqt emlur 6rd

gnr{fr, qTfrqqsrqrflg

r)vruqvg vs ir.q ms-qlpt d yft irtTlfr o1qrs.{ETrr[d fiilml

4 {fu a1 qrcorft t ftcr{E d frq}n-f,r {fl'n r

Class 5

(fi}Eftgflrfr( fuuludrq/rhfrfurfr 7ru-+roo ord

r) q4frq-H d rrc-sr{, ttFI-sFT ffi w qkTrfltl

1tFnfii5'\,ii fuflffi ts{lqsqi{r d frq \q, vr<, q-a tqc,tqm-tur ord 5*rEfrt

T{qr& cfrflr er*ffi'{ :

crfl5ffi: IIk,4, 5, 6, 7, 8 vEt uvrm URT t

eToirr : ftrlqq, ft'qr, oru. \'optr qrq, qqftm*, rrq-tc, frltq-flqtsc : Td tw (ffi'-o),r5#( tqc. srsft tst W fu{ffi6-s'hsrtoeff vrs I

(r) *F..ro qfirqkr: fr-fi liftq mR q,1frh {qfr flfrqornrnr0 .11i Pmsnqd t

(2) ffi r-{sur qq oHq Ti i-relrq d sqru t

(i) tft-6' d trqq-Td G tF{6 ffaq w l-qf rsfuaroro tstt

e)iFtr+-Xott t q-{rrd o*nfll

fttsq, qrflivrt ftq g6 w, qrarfi

wfi -tccr

ffi, n< {qi, ftirq frqr, {qclfrsc, {o to tsqt

n<, gtre{ $i ffifrillfi fi{+( tsc,ftt-{IEqRIt

(10) { qU t(rl) wq qR.,ffi

(rl) Tgrfir" Cqrfr(12)o-^trt d





frqgq qiF.TUI WB( frrumatqZqfrfrfud/ffi 6I{w rflftffd(


(12)o,ftt dflufr

0) rerydrg;l ilrdl

tqrfiur or{ erurs, E*qfr, r*tsrurikqrfro rg+< twr

r) mi ofr + frcq \s Errd ffi t srflril iFrEHrl

.Eqrfr cfrfrr rrrglrq:cklqT$ilo : rtk, g, ro, rr, 'dqof slqrfl Hkd t

qroir , soi-En, sr@ifl + tdg vo, {rci, vTtsrm r<, yaw, EFFrr {Eidqc : irgd( fsq, qa-+ ilctt


(ra)uro otiTful

(rs) fr wcriFI qIR

orffi rm, qfir +sq, srqfr-tw,srfdq *sq, qroiur 6rd{'qfl,rfflq

(1) 'inor-sgfu'srel wE qs s'sit(2) tFmrko Eclrdt 01qTrorfr r,ti r+arco ilecr


(rs) fr cMot qn

(ro) fS q-+fr.,ffirl tec, furrdro deq, elolor or{

\d5flqftl(t) Wfq-frOI t rq,n imirFIIt

e) ffi hl qalo,d o1srrfr d tosrc-Kfusr-qk\d fit

qd gc{r{fr S{rqfr

stffio qro3rfiq : rlrfllfirr : IIrd 12, 13,14,15,16 W snqrs HFd t

arifluT : ffi-gR, rq d'srr, wdq[q, qfuft vre, ftqreffi {-q, qrcqt{r + frN T6 {q, g6,rm nq, iltrq-tr(q?r {rqilec: {o td ts{, irffi6 rr, {qil-t€r, smt tqr, ergd< dwr

Class 5

(ffi)qrN6 qrdffiq : sk, 15, 16, 18, 20 *iryf orurn utraqrqflur : frqr, ftrlwr rq*, qrdflqo fril,Yrq ldq-6. ry-+r, sr+fr, rySI-T*Tscfld-e-o{q, ftdq, furr, c, *q{

Class 5



PeriodsUNIT Topic ProjecUModel/Activity


Lesson 1: Numbers andNumerations


Lesson 2: RomanNumerals

Lesson 23 : Pattems

* Doyou rememhr' Numbers beyond 9,99,999*

lndian and lntemationalplace value System*

Place value and tace value*

Successor and Predecessor of a number*

Ascending and Descending oder'Mental Maths

* Review Exercise

' Do you remember

'Rules forwriting Roman Numerals

' Mental Maths Comer' Revieur Exercise

* Do you remember

' Some interesting Patlems

1) Magic Squares 2) Pascal's triangle

3)Triangular Numbers 4) Division by 7

5) Study the Pattem

* Mental Maths Comer

'Form the smallest and greatest 9-digit numbers using three differentdigits.

* Maths LabActivity P-22


Lesson 3 :Addition andSubtraction

'Do you remember

'Addition of 7-digit and 8{igit Numbers

' Subtraction of 7{igit and 8{igit numbers

' Relation between Addition and Subtraclion*

Mental Maths Comer' Review Exercise

* Maths Lab Activity P-29Grouping Property of Addition



ord srtro, cfteil zorz-raTopic

Lesson 4 : Multiplication andDivision

'Do you remember

' Properties of Multiplication

'Multiplicalion of a number 10,100,1000 and theirMultiplication

' Multiplication of Large Numbers*

Properties of Division*

Division by &digit and 4-digit Numbers* Mental Maths Comer' Review Exercise

* Maths LabActivity P40Lattice Multiplication

Lesson 5 : Simplification


- Use of DMAS rule for simplification

* Use of Brackets

' Use of 'of*

Use of Bodmas Rule

'Mental Maths Comer*

Review Exercise*

Do you remember

'Facts about factors and multiples

'Odd and Even numbers *

Pnme and Composite numbrs.

Prime Factorization ' Highest Common Factor' Least

common Multiple*

Facts about H.C.F. and L.C.M. 'Divisility Rules

' Mental Malhs Comer' Review Exercise

Maths LabActivity P-63Sieve of Eratosthrnes

Class 5 (11)




Month &Periods

UNIT Topic Activity


Lesson 7 : Fractions

rlLesson I : Decimal Numbers

' Definition 'Types of Fraclions ' Do you remember

'Equivalent Fractions'Reducing a Frac{ion to the

Lowesl Terms ' Compadson of Fradions 'Addition and

Subtraclion of Fractions' Properties of addition and

subtraction' Multiplication of Fraclions ' Properties ofmultiplication of Fradions

* Reciprocal of a Frac{ion

' Division of Fractions *

Properties of Division ofFraclions' Mental Maths Comer' Review Exercise.

* Place value dart'Reading and wdting decimal

ftactions as decimal numben'Wdting & Reading mixed

ftaclions as decimalnumben *

Like and unlike Decimal

number' 0rdering decimhl numben * Corverting

decimalnumbers into a Fnadions t converling a fiaclion

into a Decimal Number'Mental Maths Comer

'Review Exercise.

Maths Lab Activity P-84 Multiplication

of Fractions

Maths LabActivity P-97

Representation of Decimals in a

Square Grid.



. Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Numbers

. Multiplication of Decimal Numbers * Propertiesof Multiplication of Decimal Numbers. division ofDecimals'Mental Maths Corner * ReviewExercise.

Maths Lab Activity P-107

Addition of Decimal Numbers


Lesson 10: Unitary Method 'Unitary Method * Mental Maths Corner* Review Excersise


Month &Periods

UNIT Topic Activity

Sept.Lesson 20: Lines and Angles *

Basic Geometrical concepl *

lntersecting, Parallel and

Perpendicular Lines -

Collinear and non-collineai points

'Angles *

Measuring and Drawing angles usingprotractor' Classification of Angles' Mental Maths

Comer *

Review Exercise.

Syllabus for Unit Test I - Lesson - 1,2, 3, 4, 5Syllabus for Mid Term - Lesson - 1,2,3, 4, 5,

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20

Maths Lab Activity P-185 Making yourOwn Protractor.


Lesson 11 : Money

Lesson 12: Percentage

' Express paise to rupee and vice versa * Doyou remember'Addition and Subtraction ofMoney' Multiplication and Division of Money* Mental Comer * Review Exercise.

.Definition * Conversions lnvolving Percentages* Percentage and Units of Measurerneni* Simple lnterest * Simple lnterest' ComputingSample lnterest * Mental Maths Corner* Review Exercise.

Maths Lab Activity P-118

Birthday Pafi.

[4aths Lab Activity P-1 30


Lesson 13 : Proft and Loss

Lesson 14 : Bills

* Concept of C.P, S.P, Profit, Loss * MentalMaths Comer, * Review Excercise.

'Preparing a Bill* Review Exercise.

Maths Lab Activity P-1 34

Class 5 (13)


Month &Periods UNIT Topic Activity

Lesson 24 Dala Handling 'Did you observe. Pidorial Representation of Data-Pictograph, Bar Graph, Pie Graph. Review Exercise.


l-bsson 15 :Average

Lesson 16: Speed, Distanceand Time

* Definition * Related Exercises. Mental MathsComer * Review Exercise* Definition * Formula * Conversion of Units ofspeed * Mental Maths Comer * Review Exercise.

Maths Lab Activity P-143

Maths Lab Ac{ivity P-1 49


Lesson 17: Measurement

Lesson 18

* Do you remember * Measurement of Length' Measurement of Weight * Measurement ofcapacity/volume * Conversions . Addition andSubtraction of Metric Measure' Multiplication ofMetric Measure * Division of Metric Measure* Mental Maths Corner * Review Exercise.* Do you remember * 24 hour clock time'Conversion of higher units into lower units.Addition and Subhaction of Time * Time BeforeorAfter * Time Duration * Mental Maths Comer*Review Exercise.

Maths Lab Activity P-161

Maths Lab Activity P-171

12 hour and 24 hour clock time


Lesson 19 :Temperature * Temperature * Thermometer * Conversion ofScale * Review Exercise

Maths Lab Activity P-175


Month &Periods UNIT Topic Activity

Lesson 21: Circles, Trianglesand Quadrilaterals

Lesson 22: Perimeter, AreaAnd Volume

* Circles :- Radius of circle -

Diameter of a circle

' Chord of a circle * Circumference of a circle * Arc of a

Circle ' Semicircle' Segmenl of a circle .

ConcentricCircles ' lnterior and Exterior of a Circle

* Construction

of a Cirde of given Radius.* Triangles :- * Classification of Triangles on the basis ofsides. ' Classification of Triangles on the basis of angles.

'Angle Sum Property of a Triangle

'Quadrilatenls :- Type of Quadrilaterals' Mental

Maths Comer * Review Exercise

' Perimeter of Ttiangies ' Perimeter of Rectangle

' Perimeter of Square * Area - Area of a Rectangle,

Area of a Square 'Area of Combined Figures

' Volume - Volume of a Cuboid, Volume of a Cube,

'Mental Maths Corner t

Review Excercise

Maths Lab Activi$ P-199 RightAngledTriangles

Maths Lab Activity P-214 Finding Areaof a Triangle

Revision for Annual Examination

Syllabus for Unit Test ll ' Lesson - 11, 12, 13, 14, 24Syllabus for Mid Term - Lesson - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12 ,13, 14, 24, 15, 16, 17 ,


Class 5 (15)


1. DrawA circle on A4 Size Sheet to denote the earth andmark eight to ten lines of latitude and eight to ten lines of

longitude stick wool of one colour on the Longitudes and ofanother colour on the lati tude to complete a grid.

Unit lAbout the Earth

Ch - 1 The Globe and the Map

Ch -2 Parallels and Meridians

2. Class Discussion on different types of weather found in lndia andwhat are the observations of students on a particular climate.

Ch - 3 Weather and ClimateU,rit ll Natural Regions of the WorldUnit 4 The Equatorial Region(The Democratic Republic of

3. Make a collage of pictures related to the life of the peopleSaudiArabia.

Ch - 5 Tropical Deserts ( Saudi Arabia)

Ch - 6 The Temperate Grasslands

(l'he Prairies)

Ch - 7 The Land of lce and Snow (Gree land)

4. Make a poster on 'Save our Planet Earth'.Unit - lll EnvironmentCh-9NaturalDisasters

Unit - lV Progress WorldCh - 11 The Age of MachinesCn - 13 Some People Never die

5. Class Discussion : Positive and Negative impact of Machines

6. \fr/iite two slogans given by famous personalities.


Month& Periodr



20Unit-V Transport and Communication

Ch - 14 Keeping in Touch

Ch - 15 Conquering Distances

7. Class Discussion on the effects of advertisement'How do wemake on opinion to buy a product?'

8. Cut out interesting advertisements from newspaper and paste itin the scrapbook.

9. Class Discussion on experience of students travailing metro.


Unit-Vl Our Freedom StoryCh - 16 Struggle Towards FreedomCh - 17 lndia \Mns Freedom

10. Read about any ofthe freedom fighter and prepare enactmentof an important event that took place in his/her life.


Unit-Vll Moving Towards PeaceCh - 1B The Birth of United Nations

11. Prepare an informative chart of five permanent members ofsecurity council. Write their capital and paste the map ofthese countries.

12. Class Discussion on the Role of United Nations for the welfareof human beings.



Ch - 19 The Working of United Nations 13. Make of Collage of any five lndian Nobel Prize Winners.

March Revision

Syllabus for Exams Periodic Test-1 Ch-1, Ch-2 Periodic Test-ll Ch-11, 13

Half Yearly : Ch-3, 4, 5,6,7 , I Annial Exam : Ch-14, 15, 16, 17 , 18, 19

Class 5 (171

MonthI Periodr











Suggested ActivitiesProject / Model

Chapter- 1 Plant : lncreasingNumbers.

1. To observe different parts of a seed.2. To study the conditions required for seed


3. To make chat using sprouted 'Moong

1. Grow a plant from a carot top ora stem of money plant or gram seeds.

2. Collect different types of seeds dndclassifo them as cereals, pulses,oilseeds and spices on a chart paper.


Chapter-2 Food and Health. 1. Make a 'Meal Chart'for yourself.2. To find nutritional information of

packets of different food items.

1. Make a chart on the different types ofmicrobes and the diseases caused bythem.

Chapte6 Soil Erosion andConservation.

1. To observe the prevention of soil bysowing wheat seeds.

4. Design a poster on the ways to'saveour Planet Earth',

Chapter-SAnimals Every 1. To classiff the animals on thebasis of their feeding habits andorgans of breathing.

5. Find information about the migrationof birds and make a power point

presentation or a booklet of B-10

Chapter-9 Our Skeletal System.

Chapter-'|2 Our Life Supports.

1. A visit to a 'Science Laboratory, toobserve skeleton and its parts.

1. To observe the properties of airthrough simple experiments.

2. To separate insoluble impurities.

1. Make a model of bone using plaster ofparis.

1. Make your own '\Ahter Filter'.2. Make a model of Uater heatrnent plant,

of your city,



& Periods CONTENTS Suggested Activities Project / Model


Chapter - 3 Safety and First aid, 1. Group discussion or enactment of firstaids to be given in different situations.

1. Make a booklet that would have thetelephone numbers of agencies to becontacted duri ng accidents.

Term - llOctober

20 Chapter-5 Solids, Liquids andGases.

1. To test the solubility of substancesin water.

1. Make a model of 'States of matter'using marbles or buttons.


Chapter- 7 Rocks and Minerals 1. Make a li$ of types of rod<s used in your

sdtoolhdldhg or horne.

1. Find out about three different rocksculptui'es around the world collectinformation about the rocks hat have

been used in these so"rlptures and makea power point presentation using theinbrmation.


Chapter - 10 Our NervousSystem.

Chapter- 11 Force and Energy.

1, To observe the reflex adlon in different


2. Make a list of activities in which your use

simple machines.

1. Make a model of brain using coloured clay,

1. Make a model of anything using a simplemachine,

(1e)Class 5

Suggested Activities Project / Model

Chapter-13 Our Earth's NaturalSatellite.

1. Make a list of festivals that you celebrate ondifierent phases ofthe moon.

2. To observe the difierent phases of the moonat night.

1. Make a model of solar eclipse or tunaeclipse using different size'd balls andwire.

2. Collec.t information on any fourartificial satellites, voyages to themoon and chandrayaan I and make a

Chapter-1 4 Natural Disasters.

Chapter-15 Changes in ourEnvironment.

1. Collect information on safety measureswhich can be taken dudng dn earth quakeand write a report in 200 words.

Group Discussion

1. Make a model of volcano.

Choose any one project and modelfromthe given list in each term.

Revision for 11 Term Exams

Periodic Test-1 Ch-1 and 2Med Term Exam : Ch-2, 6, g, g, 12

PeriodicTesfil Ch-S anO ZAnnual Exams : Ch-7, 10, 11, 13,

Efqactd /?D.rdt{r

ft-{iq / vrqu ftr6 er([10[ su-s{ Egrfr( rtmrdro fr.qrodrc


rild-l {ffr, (q1fu6)rtk-2 sq'fl qulqrdrq.ffiut- rild-1 sq'il-ITUFIIEII

rId-3 rfa {er olv:

wturt Eqff{qi s EHIildt ErrtfiuqI[-dHn qrqrB

r. f+*l orft-{rq qm:ftqez. ond ffijr qer aft grat


rflt-3 rrq-d+ 3rflIRl{kS; qc[: ql-q6-3 {lE[iitvr:

r{ Tifdri Bwr sttf {<rc WIh Etf,lYflsHq ilqfr, cfrffi, GrcBd rqi{I

r. vto qufql: FqI er+ Ttqd ilcrh


qrd-s qiDRI<r qE{6 frs,TTqT:rlro-o3z-rX: $5=,YrqT-TiITfiqq-6-rq - nft wrFr rsqqsl qrsscrFr

sgf tresq Wtf qrar rqr cMc{Eir'il sq

,. u4fftomi gks; rflfrg; rur{offg qIrsr{ YaI6 - Yer6 Esil I

wrq ernfro cfrHr-rllt -2, 3, 4.

Yt-qlPi, qrdl or frt rgcn crn Sgf uvnor{ t uanr, rtrotcr{ qrqrft, w Hflqi,qffiHi, srJffirf gffi: yrql



*-, 1fffug, q-qr-Bn-qig " ^q-6-s rgrmdii; rTq: .afl'6wt - qk-3 5q iDI{l:

csr-cft{if S rq

qifirTfln vrq furMTrrql;Ii sq Hrurq-fi cftirdl

1. Tff{r{ srr, ftfu€r fr? frPtrrgs

Class 5



;nd r+tr[ft: orrinr aqrf,lo q0m tg qA or

Wrhd r*ndro ft.qs-otq

fflgfu-qftH'q - 1

qrffi6 cfiHT ig qrqrq - *,,,Yffiffi{l#9*-,ft-sIEsR dPtT rtpf orvrw ord fqroroT - srtrd cr6 t ffiTr n-o ar {er.xrqr rqr otdl

i{qo vr<: Hfu, ftErrrr1

.'PlHr,ffiffi= ffiw 1. ?-sr mg, um nw"*?.ffit rotr-W rdi, vt q rfrfq3. iqfri: HE {6fr#,'trqnq urnmt ta-artyw.w@

nd,t r d$qrs{rBI*, G, vor: rqlrrq og-srflrft rd{ilrr

uro-f grroru-e,-vftn w:crd-t of,i Er6R: ?

Ssrs sqrqigm{ mf Fno 1. stE Ti g-drfr sfiTq qqlftE sl+ltfr rflH Iv-qr*{, qrghrrFr,- rd" ,r{, srq ag a-ortrE-fiq oilqfuq qfter - qrd ro, rr,

sr-ls srd ilfiflB ffiF-1@- ffi= ftl w - frd. frst ildidtc Bf,l

{Filqi oilHt gvri frz frfui ErdL



PeriodsGhapter Grammar / Voc Activities


LeSon 0- Vous Connaisez le

FranceLeson 1 -Les Salutations(Pratice from'Cahier d'exercies")

Les fromules de politesse, s'mitbr'ala cutture, Les Salutations Vocabularie

Se presenter.

Paste famous things of France and write few linesabout them.


LeSon 2- Comptonsessemble (Practice From"Cahierd d'Exercies")

Epeler les noms et compter,

Ualphabets, les nombres de l'a 20.

Listening i Les alphabets and les nombres de I a'20.


LeSon 3- Le copains.(Practice from'cahier d'Exercies')

pr6senter un objeUune pensonne, Le

verbe 6tre, les articles indefinis, lespronome suyeb, le plurieldes norns.

Frame 5 sentences by using "les articlesindefinis.'

Terml- LeSon-0,1,2, Grammar-Laculture,LesSalutation,Lalphabets, lesnombres de1i20,Le verbe etre, Les articles indepfinis, Less pronoms sayets, le plurel des noms.


LeSon 4- Devinez (Practicefrom'Chier D' Exercies")

Les professiom, les nomrescardinaux.

Pa$e any 5 prohsions and wfite ttBir nanps in

fledt'.Sept.(1 0)

LeSon 5- Dans la classe(practice from'cahier d'Exercies')

conjugation de verbe'Awif, Les

a{edih.Describe some one in frend by usirg adjedives.

*Half Yearly- Leson - O, 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Grammar - La cutture, les salutation, I'alphabet, les nombres de 1 A 20,les verbsetre, et avoir, les articles indefinis, les pronoms sujets, Le pluriel des noms, les profession, les adjectifs.

Class 5 (23)

qrfiwr sw{

LeSon 6 - Les amE?eGroiinE(Practice from "Cahier d, exercies)

Les nationatit'es, tes anEffiii[ffiifi easteoefere@LeSon - 7 Quel Jour Sommes-Nous? (Practice from"Cahier d' Exercies

Write a Poem on "French days of the week,.

Les Verbes :- Parler, ftsbiter eiAim;

ll?lt 3;,t- 3,i* ,';,?;,1i,"t;;:rs:il1:s nationarit'es, res articres dennis, prurier, ,"ffiilil]

LeSon-9LesVacances(Practice from "Cahier d'Exercies"

Les nationatites, les articles, le revisiondes verbes etre avoir, aimer et parler.

Les inois de l'ann6e.

Write Months of the year in french Creatively.

LeSon - 10 Le drapeau de Les feminin et le pluried des couleurs.

*Final Examt- Lverbes :- aller, etre. avoir, habit6r, airirei sonne;'(;[1er;fidi,;g'ffii;l;"t'";;,8 b"TJ,i""e'rlJit=ur. de ta semaine at te iturietdes couleure.


Month& Periods

Chapter Activity tectivities

April Ch - 1 Evolution of Computers Understand and explore the difierent generations of computers by pasting andwriting about them.

May Ch-2: Type of Software Exptore your computer to search for three application software and two utiligsoftware installed on your computer.

July Ch-3:Advanced Features in WardProcessor

lmplementing the use of different advance formatting tools of ward processor byformatting an essay on lnaeasing population.

August Ch.4:Tables in MS Word 2013 Undenstand the table and its important Eatures, learn to create a table and enterdata in the table.

sep. Ch4:Contd. Undenstanding and using difierent table formatting features and difierent tablestyles to make a table according to the given instructions.

Assment will be based on monthly worksheets and class Practical.

Class 5 (25)

Le verbe i aller


Activity /Activities

Ch - 5 : Learning about makingPresentation

Make a presentation on "My best Friend', give different effects to each srkje.

Make presentation on'Good Health'. Beside text it must include pictures ofdifferent yoga postures.

Ch€: lntroduction to Scratch Make a quare using different corours and write the steps to complete your project.

Ch-7: lnternet search the related links on the lnternet and write a short note on levolutionisingWorld by lnternet'.

create your +mail account. Also ask your. friend to create his e-mail account.Send on emailto invite him on your to the sent e_mail.



PeriodsContents Activities

April 1. Our National Flag - The Tricolour2. Most Beautiful Fishes3. BasicYoga Sanas4. Animated Movies5. Tallest Marvles.

1. Discussion :

Article on 'Benefits of Yoga'Final out the names of tallest buildings in your city.

May 6. Logos7. I Love My lndia8. Our Freedom Struggle9. Proud of lndia Forces

Draw the logos you are familiar, with.Discussion : 'Unity in Diversity'

July 10. Famous Animal safaris11. FuturisticToys12. Health Tips to prevent constipation13. NationalSports

Discussion : The need to preserve and Protectfre nature.Discussion:' Balanced Diet'.

August 14. Mastering The art of public speaking15. Nationalflag16. Amazing Roller coasters ln the world17. The Taj Mahal - lndia's Jewel18. World's Extremes

Discussion : 'Public Speaking'Design a hag for your class.

Discussion : 'Air Pollution and its Efiects'.

Sept. Revlslon Term ll

Class 5 (271


GENERAL KNOWLEI )GEMonth &Periods Contents

ActivitiesOctober 19. Cleanliness

20. lntelligent Animats21. Extreme Airports of the world22.Harmful effects of cosmeties

Article on 'swachh Bharat Abhiyan,.

Make a collage of intelligent animals.

Nov. 23. River Story24. Saint Teresa of Kolkata25. Gesture Communication26. Stay Healthy

Discussion : on'sharing and Caring,.

Dec. 27. Optical lllusion28. Metro System29. Banned ln countries30. Real Heroes

Find out some names and achievements of realheroes besides the ons in the chapter.Make a char displaying ,The

B ani in countriesand PUt UD on class dicnlarr hnar.t




Famous ResidencesAdventure SportsMera Bharat MahanUnique Nations Discussion : All Countries are unique,

Feb. 35. Rags to Riches36. Air Crafts : Paste, present and Future37. NaturalWonders

Debate : Air Transport, Advantages/disadvantages.

March Revisiorl



April Tints, Tones & Shades, Painted Leans illusion. Singing Birds, Cloud scape

May Fish Silhouettes, Ostrich, Colourful Parrots. Quilling

July Reflection, Spider's Web, Sea \Afanes. Caterpillar, Octopus

Aug. Portraits Man, Portraits Woman, Penguins. Rainbow, Clay Roses.

sep. Drawing Humans. Pencil Holder

Oct Giraffe, Symmetry, lndia Gate. Koala Bea, Pyramid

Nov. Lines & Strokes, Play ground, Sunny day. Red roses. Paper Bon, Red roses - flower making

Dec. Grass land, Bright lamp, Earthen Pot, Jug & Glass. 3 DArt

Jan. Red Fort, Perspective Near & Far, Still Life : Teapot. Butterfly - origani

Feb. Fruits, (Festivals related activity to be done insketch book)

Class 5 (2e)

ffi/ Periods I ropic



Value Activities

t!f, | 1 rMust House lt I


Y# | z. ts rnis Humane !

August | 4. Ail the Same ?(8) I Not at att z



Sept. | 5.ACtassAct(6) I

Wants and Needs - The difference

Respecting Animals

Bullying - Good or Bad

Stereotypes - No Fixed Types

Working in Teams


Think of a Natural Calamity or on unusual incidentyou or your parents have heard of or witnessed.Describe which needs were not met during thatincident.

lmagine that you have to create a law against theinhuman treatment of animals. List three- conditionsyou would include in the law.

1As.!. Vour parents or siblings if they have ever beenbullied.or if they have witn-essed Sullying. Describethe incident, how it made them feel and-how theytackled it.

\IVrite the name of one relative, one ftiend and oneteacher. Against each name, write what makes thatperson just like others and what makes that personspecial.

Ask some one in your family to describe a team/s heenjoyed working with.

iBy I s netot

Month/ Periods Topic Value Activities






6. Speak Up, SpeakOut

7. The Never-EndingGame

8. Missing You !

9. Kabir Dives ln

10. The Diary of aPlan

Being Assertive

Using gadgets

Managing Feelings

Being a \A/inner

fiJorking Towards a Goal

l/Ve sometimes go along with what our fiiends wanteven if we want something different. Discuss thiswith some family members and ask if it hashappened to them. Did they tell their friends whatthey wanted ?

Discuss the importance of using gadgets responsiblywith your family. Set two farnily rules that everyonewill respect and follow.

Ask your parents to you about an incident that madethem sad when thev were r,r school. Describe it inyour own words.

ls there sonrething that you think you can't do or arenot good at ? lmagine you are telling your friendabout it. The tiend can be real or a character in abook. your friend will tell yc.r how you can be goodat iL

You want to watch a solar or a lunar eclipse andtake photographs. \Mrat do you have to do toprepare ?

Class 5 (31)
