Fc Iscsi Config Guide 80


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Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guidefor the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

NetApp, Inc.495 East Java Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 (408) 822-6000 Fax: +1 (408) 822-4501 Support telephone: +1 (888) 4-NETAPPDocumentation comments: doccomments@netapp.comInformation Web: http://www.netapp.com

Part number 215-05038_A0December 2009


Copyright information ................................................................................. 7Trademark information ............................................................................... 9About this guide .......................................................................................... 11

Audience .................................................................................................................... 11

Terminology .............................................................................................................. 11

Keyboard and formatting conventions ...................................................................... 13

Special messages ....................................................................................................... 14

How to send your comments ..................................................................................... 14

iSCSI topologies .......................................................................................... 15Single-network HA pair in an iSCSI SAN ................................................................ 15

Multinetwork HA pair in an iSCSI SAN ................................................................... 17

Direct-attached single-controller configurations in an iSCSI SAN ........................... 18

VLANs ....................................................................................................................... 19

Static VLANs ................................................................................................ 19

Dynamic VLANs ........................................................................................... 19

Fibre Channel topologies ........................................................................... 21FC onboard and expansion port combinations .......................................................... 22

Fibre Channel supported hop count ........................................................................... 23

Fibre Channel switch configuration best practices .................................................... 23

Host multipathing software requirements .................................................................. 23

60xx supported topologies ......................................................................................... 24

60xx target port configuration recommendations .......................................... 24

60xx: Single-fabric single-controller configuration ...................................... 25

60xx: Single-fabric HA pair .......................................................................... 26

60xx: Multifabric HA pair ............................................................................. 28

60xx: Direct-attached single-controller configuration .................................. 29

60xx: Direct-attached HA pair ...................................................................... 30

31xx supported topologies ......................................................................................... 31

31xx target port configuration recommendations .......................................... 32

31xx: Single-fabric single-controller configuration ...................................... 32

31xx: Single-fabric HA pair .......................................................................... 33

31xx: Multifabric HA pair ............................................................................. 34

Table of Contents | 3

31xx: Direct-attached single-controller configurations ................................. 36

31xx: Direct-attached HA pair ...................................................................... 37

30xx supported topologies ......................................................................................... 38

30xx target port configuration recommendations .......................................... 38

3040 and 3070 supported topologies ............................................................. 38

FAS2040 supported topologies ................................................................................. 44

FAS2040: Single-fabric single-controller configuration ............................... 44

FAS2040: Single-fabric HA pair ................................................................... 45

FAS2040: Multifabric single-controller configuration .................................. 46

FAS2040: Multifabric HA pair ...................................................................... 47

FAS2040: Direct-attached single-controller configurations .......................... 48

FAS2040: Direct-attached HA pair ............................................................... 49

Fibre Channel over Ethernet overview ..................................................... 51FCoE initiator and target combinations ..................................................................... 51

Fibre Channel over Ethernet supported topologies ................................................... 52

FCoE: FCoE initiator to FC target configuration .......................................... 53

Fibre Channel and FCoE zoning ............................................................... 55Port zoning ................................................................................................................. 56

World Wide Name based zoning ............................................................................... 56

Individual zones ......................................................................................................... 56

Single-fabric zoning .................................................................................................. 57

Dual-fabric HA pair zoning ....................................................................................... 58

Shared SAN configurations ....................................................................... 61ALUA configurations ................................................................................. 63

(Native OS, FC) AIX Host Utilities configurations that support ALUA .................. 63

ESX configurations that support ALUA ................................................................... 65

HP-UX configurations that support ALUA ............................................................... 65

Linux configurations that support ALUA ................................................................. 66

(MPxIO/FC) Solaris Host Utilities configurations that support ALUA .................... 66

Windows configurations that support ALUA ............................................................ 67

Configuration limits .................................................................................... 69Configuration limit parameters and definitions ......................................................... 69

Host operating system configuration limits for iSCSI and FC .................................. 71

60xx and 31xx single-controller limits ...................................................................... 72

60xx and 31xx HA pair limits ................................................................................... 73

30xx single-controller limits ...................................................................................... 75

4 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

30xx HA pair limits ................................................................................................... 76

FAS2040 single-controller limits .............................................................................. 77

FAS2040 HA pair configuration limits ..................................................................... 78

Index ............................................................................................................. 79

Table of Contents | 5

Copyright information

Copyright © 1994–2009 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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Copyright information | 7

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Trademark information | 9

About this guide

You can use your product more effectively when you understand this document's intended audienceand the conventions that this document uses to present information.

This document describes the configuration of fabric-attached, network-attached, and direct-attachedstorage systems in Fibre Channel (FC), Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), and iSCSIenvironments. This guide explains the various topologies that are supported and describes therelevant SAN configuration limits for each controller model.

The configurations apply to controllers with their own disks and to V-Series configurations.

Next topics

Audience on page 11

Terminology on page 11

Keyboard and formatting conventions on page 13

Special messages on page 14

How to send your comments on page 14

AudienceThis document is written with certain assumptions about your technical knowledge and experience.

This document is for system administrators who are familiar with host operating systems connectingto storage systems using FC, FCoE, and iSCSI protocols.

This guide assumes that you are familiar with basic FC, FCoE, and iSCSI solutions and terminology.This guide does not cover basic system or network administration topics, such as IP addressing,routing, and network topology; it emphasizes the characteristics of the storage system.

TerminologyTo understand the concepts in this document, you might need to know how certain terms are used.

Storage terms

array LUN Refers to storage that third-party storage arrays provide to storage systemsrunning Data ONTAP software. One array LUN is the equivalent of one disk ona native disk shelf.

LUN (LogicalUnit Number)

Refers to a logical unit of storage identified by a number.

About this guide | 11

native disk Refers to a disk that is sold as local storage for storage systems that run DataONTAP software.

native disk shelf Refers to a disk shelf that is sold as local storage for storage systems that runData ONTAP software.


Refers to the component of a storage system that runs the Data ONTAPoperating system and controls its disk subsystem. Storage controllers are alsosometimes called controllers, storage appliances, appliances, storage engines,heads, CPU modules, or controller modules.

storage system Refers to the hardware device running Data ONTAP that receives data fromand sends data to native disk shelves, third-party storage, or both. Storagesystems that run Data ONTAP are sometimes referred to as filers, appliances,storage appliances, V-Series systems, or systems.


Refers to back-end storage arrays, such as IBM, Hitachi Data Systems, and HP,that provide storage for storage systems running Data ONTAP.

Cluster and high-availability terms

cluster • In Data ONTAP 8.0 Cluster-Mode, refers to a group of connected nodes(storage systems) that share a global namespace and that you can manage as asingle virtual server or multiple virtual servers, providing performance,reliability, and scalability benefits.

• In the Data ONTAP 7.1 release family and earlier releases, refers to an entirelydifferent functionality: a pair of storage systems (sometimes called nodes)configured to serve data for each other if one of the two systems stopsfunctioning.

HA (highavailability)

In Data ONTAP 8.0, refers to the recovery capability provided by a pair of nodes(storage systems), called an HA pair, that are configured to serve data for eachother if one of the two nodes stops functioning.

HA pair In Data ONTAP 8.0, refers to a pair of nodes (storage systems) configured toserve data for each other if one of the two nodes stops functioning. In the DataONTAP 7.3 and 7.2 release families, this functionality is referred to as an active/active configuration.

12 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Keyboard and formatting conventionsYou can use your product more effectively when you understand how this document uses keyboardand formatting conventions to present information.

Keyboard conventions

Convention What it means

The NOW site Refers to NetApp On the Web at http://now.netapp.com/.

Enter, enter • Used to refer to the key that generates a carriage return; the key is namedReturn on some keyboards.

• Used to mean pressing one or more keys on the keyboard and then pressing theEnter key, or clicking in a field in a graphical interface and then typinginformation into the field.

hyphen (-) Used to separate individual keys. For example, Ctrl-D means holding down theCtrl key while pressing the D key.

type Used to mean pressing one or more keys on the keyboard.

Formatting conventions

Convention What it means

Italic font • Words or characters that require special attention.• Placeholders for information that you must supply.

For example, if the guide says to enter the arp -d hostname command,you enter the characters "arp -d" followed by the actual name of the host.

• Book titles in cross-references.

Monospaced font • Command names, option names, keywords, and daemon names.• Information displayed on the system console or other computer monitors.• Contents of files.• File, path, and directory names.

Bold monospaced

fontWords or characters you type. What you type is always shown in lowercaseletters, unless your program is case-sensitive and uppercase letters arenecessary for it to work properly.

About this guide | 13

Special messagesThis document might contain the following types of messages to alert you to conditions that youneed to be aware of.

Note: A note contains important information that helps you install or operate the systemefficiently.

Attention: An attention notice contains instructions that you must follow to avoid a system crash,loss of data, or damage to the equipment.

How to send your commentsYou can help us to improve the quality of our documentation by sending us your feedback.

Your feedback is important in helping us to provide the most accurate and high-quality information.If you have suggestions for improving this document, send us your comments by e-mail to doccomments@netapp.com. To help us direct your comments to the correct division, include in thesubject line the name of your product and the applicable operating system. For example, FAS6070—Data ONTAP 7.3, or Host Utilities—Solaris, or Operations Manager 3.8—Windows.

14 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

iSCSI topologies

Supported iSCSI configurations include direct-attached and network-attached topologies. Bothsingle-controller and HA pairs are supported.

In an iSCSI environment, all methods of connecting Ethernet switches to a network approved by theswitch vendor are supported. Ethernet switch counts are not a limitation in Ethernet iSCSItopologies. For specific recommendations and best practices, see the Ethernet switch vendor'sdocumentation.

For Windows iSCSI multipathing options, please see Technical Report 3441.

Next topics

Single-network HA pair in an iSCSI SAN on page 15

Multinetwork HA pair in an iSCSI SAN on page 17

Direct-attached single-controller configurations in an iSCSI SAN on page 18

VLANs on page 19

Related information

NetApp Interoperability Matrix - now.netapp.com/NOW/products/interoperability/Technical Report 3441: iSCSI multipathing possibilities on Windows with Data ONTAP -media.netapp.com/documents/tr-3441.pdf

Single-network HA pair in an iSCSI SANYou can connect hosts using iSCSI to HA pair controllers using a single IP network. The networkcan consist of one or more switches, and the controllers can be attached to multiple switches. Eachcontroller can have multiple iSCSI connections to the network. The number of ports is based on thestorage controller model and the number of supported Ethernet ports.

The following figure shows two Ethernet connections to the network per storage controller.Depending on the controller model, more connections are possible.

iSCSI topologies | 15

Figure 1: iSCSI single network HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single network

Type of network Single network

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

Multipathing required Yes

Type of configuration HA pair

16 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Multinetwork HA pair in an iSCSI SANYou can connect hosts using iSCSI to HA pair controllers using multiple IP networks. To be fullyredundant, a minimum of two connections to separate networks per controller is necessary to protectagainst NIC, network, or cabling failure.

Figure 2: iSCSI multinetwork HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of network Multinetwork

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

Multipathing required Yes

Type of configuration HA pair

iSCSI topologies | 17

Direct-attached single-controller configurations in an iSCSISAN

You can connect hosts using iSCSI directly to controllers. The number of hosts that can be directlyconnected to a controller or pair of controllers depends on the number of available Ethernet ports.

Note: Direct-attached configurations are not supported in HA pairs.

Figure 3: iSCSI direct-attached single-controller configurations

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single controller

Type of network None, direct-attached

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

Multipathing required Yes

Type of configuration Single controller

18 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

VLANsA VLAN consists of a group of switch ports, optionally across multiple switch chassis, groupedtogether into a broadcast domain. Static and dynamic VLANs enable you to increase security, isolateproblems, and limit available paths within your IP network infrastructure.

Reasons for implementing VLANs

Implementing VLANs in larger IP network infrastructures has the following benefits.

• VLANs provide increased security because they limit access between different nodes of anEthernet network or an IP SAN. VLANs enable you to leverage existing infrastructure while stillproviding enhanced security.

• VLANs improve Ethernet network and IP SAN reliability by isolating problems.• VLANs can also help reduce problem resolution time by limiting the problem space.• VLANs enable you to reduce the number of available paths to a particular iSCSI target port.• VLANs enable you to reduce the maximum number of paths to a manageable number. You need

to verify that only one path to a LUN is visible if a host does not have a multipathing solutionavailable.

Next topics

Static VLANs on page 19

Dynamic VLANs on page 19

Static VLANsStatic VLANs are port-based. The switch and switch port are used to define the VLAN and itsmembers.

Static VLANs offer improved security because it is not possible to breach VLANs using mediaaccess control (MAC) spoofing. However, if someone has physical access to the switch, replacing acable and reconfiguring the network address can allow access.

In some environments, static VLANs are also easier to create and manage because only the switchand port identifier need to be specified, instead of the 48-bit MAC address. In addition, you can labelswitch port ranges with the VLAN identifier.

Dynamic VLANsDynamic VLANs are MAC address based. You can define a VLAN by specifying the MAC addressof the members you want to include.

Dynamic VLANs provide flexibility and do not require mapping to the physical ports where thedevice is physically connected to the switch. You can move a cable from one port to another withoutreconfiguring the VLAN.

iSCSI topologies | 19

Fibre Channel topologies

Supported FC configurations include single-fabric, multifabric, and direct-attached topologies. Bothsingle-controller and HA pairs are supported.

For multiple-host configurations, hosts can use different operating systems, such as Windows orUNIX.

HA pairs with multiple, physically independent storage fabrics (minimum of two) are recommendedfor SAN solutions. This provides redundancy at the fabric and storage system layers, which isparticularly important because these layers typically support many hosts.

The use of heterogeneous FC switch fabrics is not supported, except in the case of embedded bladeswitches. For specific exceptions, see the Interoperability Matrix on the NOW site.

Cascade, mesh, and core-edge fabrics are all industry-accepted methods of connecting FC switches toa fabric, and all are supported.

A fabric can consist of one or multiple switches, and the storage arrays can be connected to multipleswitches.

Note: The following sections show detailed SAN configuration diagrams for each type of storagesystem. For simplicity, the diagrams show only a single fabric or, in the case of the dual-fabricconfigurations, two fabrics. However, it is possible to have multiple fabrics connected to a singlestorage system. In the case of dual-fabric configurations, even multiples of fabrics are supported.This is true for both HA pairs and single-controller configurations.

Next topics

FC onboard and expansion port combinations on page 22

Fibre Channel supported hop count on page 23

Fibre Channel switch configuration best practices on page 23

Host multipathing software requirements on page 23

60xx supported topologies on page 24

31xx supported topologies on page 31

30xx supported topologies on page 38

FAS2040 supported topologies on page 44

Related information

NetApp Interoperability Matrix - now.netapp.com/NOW/products/interoperability/

Fibre Channel topologies | 21

FC onboard and expansion port combinationsYou can use storage controller onboard FC ports as both initiators and targets. You can also addstorage controller FC ports on expansion adapters and use them as initiators and targets.

The following table lists FC port combinations and specifies which combinations are supported. Allexpansion adapters should be the same speed (2 Gb, 4 Gb, or 8 Gb); you can configure 4-Gb or 8-Gbports to run at a lower speed if needed for the connected device.

Onboard ports Expansion ports Supported?

Initiator + Target None Yes

Initiator + Target Target only Yes with Data ONTAP 7.3.2 andlater

Initiator + Target Initiator only Yes

Initiator + Target Initiator + Target Yes with Data ONTAP 7.3.2 andlater

Initiator only Target only Yes

Initiator only Initiator + Target Yes

Initiator only Initiator only Yes, but no FC SAN support

Initiator only None Yes, but no FC SAN support

Target only Initiator only Yes

Target only Initiator + Target Yes with Data ONTAP 7.3.2 andlater

Target only Target only Yes with Data ONTAP 7.3.2 andlater, but no FC disk shelf or V-Series configurations or tapesupport

Target only None Yes, but no FC disk shelf or V-Series configurations or tapesupport

Related concepts

Configuration limits on page 69

Related references

FCoE initiator and target combinations on page 51

22 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Fibre Channel supported hop countThe maximum supported FC hop count, or the number of inter-switch links (ISLs) crossed between aparticular host and storage system, depends on the hop count that the switch supplier and storagesystem support for FC configurations.

The following table shows the supported hop count for each switch supplier.

Switch supplier Supported hop count

Brocade 6

Cisco 5

McData 3

QLogic 4

Fibre Channel switch configuration best practicesA fixed link speed setting is highly recommended, especially for large fabrics, because it provides thebest performance for fabric rebuild times. In large fabrics, this can create significant time savings.

Although autonegotiation provides the greatest flexibility, it does not always perform as expected.Also, it adds time to the overall fabric-build sequence because the FC port has to autonegotiate.

Note: Where supported, it is recommended to set the switch port topology to F (point-to-point).

Host multipathing software requirementsMultipathing software is required on a host computer any time it can access a LUN through morethan one path.

The multipathing software presents a single disk to the operating system for all paths to a LUN.Without multipathing software, the operating system could see each path as a separate disk, whichcan lead to data corruption.

Multipathing software is also known as MPIO (multipath I/O) software. Supported multipathingsoftware for an operating system is listed in the Interoperability Matrix.

For single-fabric single-controller configurations, multipathing software is not required if you have asingle path from the host to the controller. You can use zoning to limit paths.

Fibre Channel topologies | 23

For an HA pair, host multipathing software is required unless you use zoning to limit the host to asingle path.

60xx supported topologies60xx controllers are available in single-controller and HA pairs.

The 6030 and 6070 systems have eight onboard 2-Gb FC ports per controller and each one can beconfigured as either a target or initiator FC port. 2-Gb target connections are supported with theonboard 2-Gb ports. 4-Gb target connections are supported with 4-Gb target expansion adapters. Ifyou use 4-Gb target expansion adapters, then you can only configure the onboard ports as initiators.You cannot use both 2-Gb and 4-Gb targets on the same controller or on two different controllers inan HA pair.

The 6040 and 6080 systems have eight onboard 4-Gb FC ports per controller and each one can beconfigured as either a target or initiator FC port. 4-Gb target connections are supported with theonboard 4-Gb ports configured as targets.

Additional target connections can be supported using 4-Gb target expansion adapters with DataONTAP 7.3 and later.

Note: The 60xx systems support the use of 8-Gb target expansion adapters beginning with DataONTAP version 7.3.1. While 8-Gb and 4-Gb target expansion adapters function similarly, 8-Gbtargets cannot be combined with 2-Gb or 4-Gb targets (whether using expansion adapters oronboard).

Next topics

60xx target port configuration recommendations on page 24

60xx : Single-fabric single-controller configuration on page 25

60xx : Single-fabric HA pair on page 26

60xx : Multifabric HA pair on page 28

60xx : Direct-attached single-controller configuration on page 29

60xx : Direct-attached HA pair on page 30

60xx target port configuration recommendationsFor best performance and highest availability, use the recommended FC target port configuration.

The port pairs on a 60xx controller that share an ASIC are 0a+0b, 0c+0d, 0e+0f, and 0g+0h.

The following table shows the preferred port usage order for onboard FC target ports. For targetexpansion adapters, the preferred slot order is given in the System Configuration Guide for theversion of Data ONTAP software being used by the controllers.

24 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Number of target ports Ports

1 0h

2 0h, 0d

3 0h, 0d, 0f

4 0h, 0d, 0f, 0b

5 0h, 0d, 0f, 0b, 0g

6 0h, 0d, 0f, 0b, 0g, 0c

7 0h, 0d, 0f, 0b, 0g, 0c, 0e

8 0h, 0d, 0f, 0b, 0g, 0c, 0e, 0a

60xx: Single-fabric single-controller configurationYou can connect hosts to single controllers using a single FC switch. If you use multiple paths,multipathing software is required on the host.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Fibre Channel topologies | 25

Figure 4: 60xx single-fabric single-controller configuration

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single fabric and single controller

Type of fabric Single fabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

Related references

60xx target port configuration recommendations on page 24

60xx: Single-fabric HA pairYou can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using a single FC switch.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

26 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Figure 5: 60xx single-fabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single fabric

Type of fabric Single fabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCports using target expansion adapters per controller

Type of configuration HA pair

Related references

60xx target port configuration recommendations on page 24

Fibre Channel topologies | 27

60xx: Multifabric HA pairYou can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using two or more FC switch fabrics forredundancy.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Figure 6: 60xx multifabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric Multifabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

28 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Attribute Value

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCports using target expansion adapters per controller

Type of configuration HA pair

Related references

60xx target port configuration recommendations on page 24

60xx: Direct-attached single-controller configurationYou can connect hosts directly to FC target ports on a single controller. Each host can connect to oneport, or to two ports for redundancy. The number of hosts is limited by the number of available targetports.

Direct-attached configurations typically need the FC ports set to loop mode. Be sure to follow therecommendation of your host operating system provider for FC port settings. You can use the DataONTAP fcp config mediatype command to set the target ports.

Figure 7: 60xx direct-attached single-controller configuration

Fibre Channel topologies | 29

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single controller

Type of fabric None

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

Related references

60xx target port configuration recommendations on page 24

60xx: Direct-attached HA pairYou can connect hosts directly to FC target ports on both controllers in an HA pair. The number ofhosts is limited by the number of available target ports.

Direct-attached configurations typically need the FC ports set to loop mode. Be sure to follow therecommendation of your host operating system provider for FC port settings. You can use the DataONTAP fcp config mediatype command to set the target ports.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

30 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Figure 8: 60xx direct-attached HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric None

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

Type of configuration HA pair

Related references

60xx target port configuration recommendations on page 24

31xx supported topologies31xx systems are available in single-controller and HA pairs.

The 31xx systems have four onboard 4-Gb FC ports per controller and each port can be configured aseither an FC target port or an initiator port. For example, you can configure two ports as SAN targetsand two ports as initiators for disk shelves.

Fibre Channel topologies | 31

Each 31xx controller supports 4-Gb FC target expansion adapters.

Note: 31xx controllers support the use of 8-Gb target expansion adapters beginning with DataONTAP 7.3.1. However, the 8-Gb expansion adapters cannot be combined with 4-Gb targets(whether using expansion adapters or onboard).

Next topics

31xx target port configuration recommendations on page 32

31xx : Single-fabric single-controller configuration on page 32

31xx : Single-fabric HA pair on page 33

31xx : Multifabric HA pair on page 34

31xx : Direct-attached single-controller configurations on page 36

31xx : Direct-attached HA pair on page 37

31xx target port configuration recommendationsFor best performance and highest availability, use the recommended FC target port configuration.

The port pairs on a 31xx controller that share an ASIC are 0a+0b and 0c+0d.

The following table shows the preferred port usage order for onboard FC target ports. For targetexpansion adapters, the preferred slot order is given in the System Configuration Guide for theversion of Data ONTAP software being used by the controllers.

Number of target ports Ports

1 0d

2 0d, 0b

3 0d, 0b, 0c

4 0d, 0b, 0c, 0a

31xx: Single-fabric single-controller configurationYou can connect hosts to single controllers using a single FC switch. If you use multiple paths,multipathing software is required on the host.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

32 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Figure 9: 31xx single-fabric single-controller configuration

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single fabric and single controller

Type of fabric Single fabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

Related references

31xx target port configuration recommendations on page 32

31xx: Single-fabric HA pairYou can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using a single FC switch.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Fibre Channel topologies | 33

Figure 10: 31xx single-fabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single fabric

Type of fabric Single fabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

Type of configuration HA pair

Related references

31xx target port configuration recommendations on page 32

31xx: Multifabric HA pairYou can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using two or more FC switch fabrics forredundancy.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. If

34 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

you are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Figure 11: 31xx multifabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric Multifabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

Type of configuration HA pair

Related references

31xx target port configuration recommendations on page 32

Fibre Channel topologies | 35

31xx: Direct-attached single-controller configurationsYou can connect hosts directly to FC target ports on a single controller. Each host can connect to oneport, or to two ports for redundancy. The number of hosts is limited by the number of available targetports.

Direct-attached configurations typically need the FC ports set to loop mode. Be sure to follow therecommendation of your host operating system provider for FC port settings. You can use the DataONTAP fcp config mediatype command to set the target ports.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Figure 12: 31xx direct-attached single-controller configurations

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single controller

Type of fabric None

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

36 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Related references

31xx target port configuration recommendations on page 32

31xx: Direct-attached HA pairYou can connect hosts directly to FC target ports on both controllers in an HA pair. The number ofhosts is limited by the number of available target ports.

Direct-attached configurations typically need the FC ports set to loop mode. Be sure to follow therecommendation of your host operating system provider for FC port settings. You can use the DataONTAP fcp config mediatype command to set the target ports.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Figure 13: 31xx direct-attached HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric None

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports per controller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FC targetexpansion adapters

Type of configuration HA pair

Related references

31xx target port configuration recommendations on page 32

Fibre Channel topologies | 37

30xx supported topologies30xx systems are available in single-controller and HA pairs.

Note: 3040 and 3070 controllers support the use of 8-Gb target expansion adapters beginning withData ONTAP 7.3.1. While 8-Gb and 4-Gb target expansion adapters function similarly, pleasenote that the 8-Gb target expansion adapters cannot be combined with 4-Gb targets (expansionadapters or onboard).

Next topics

30xx target port configuration recommendations on page 38

3040 and 3070 supported topologies on page 38

30xx target port configuration recommendationsFor best performance and highest availability, use the recommended FC target port configuration.

The port pairs on a 30xx controller that share an ASIC are 0a+0b, 0c+0d.

The following table shows the preferred port usage order for onboard FC target ports. For targetexpansion adapters, the preferred slot order is given in the System Configuration Guide for theversion of Data ONTAP software being used by the controllers.

Number of target ports Ports

1 0d

2 0d, 0b

3 0d, 0b, 0c

4 0d, 0b, 0c, 0a

3040 and 3070 supported topologies3040 and 3070 systems are available in single-controller and HA pairs.

The 3040 and 3070 controllers have four onboard 4-Gb FC ports per controller and each port can beconfigured as either an FC target port or an initiator port. For example, you can configure two portsas SAN targets and two ports as initiators for disk shelves.

Next topics

3040 and 3070 : Single-fabric single-controller configuration on page 39

3040 and 3070 : Single-fabric HA pair on page 40

3040 and 3070 : Multifabric HA pair on page 41

38 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

3040 and 3070 : Direct-attached single-controller configurations on page 42

3040 and 3070 : Direct-attached HA pair on page 43

3040 and 3070: Single-fabric single-controller configuration

You can connect hosts to single controllers using a single FC switch. If you use multiple paths,multipathing software is required on the host.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Figure 14: 3040 and 3070 single-fabric single-controller configuration

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single fabric and single controller

Type of fabric Single fabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

Fibre Channel topologies | 39

Related references

30xx target port configuration recommendations on page 38

3040 and 3070: Single-fabric HA pair

You can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using a single FC switch.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Figure 15: 3040 and 3070 single-fabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single fabric

Type of fabric Single fabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCports using target expansion adapters per controller

Type of configuration HA pair

40 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Related references

30xx target port configuration recommendations on page 38

3040 and 3070: Multifabric HA pair

You can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using two or more FC switch fabrics forredundancy.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Figure 16: 3040 and 3070 multifabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric Multifabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCports using target expansion adapters per controller

Fibre Channel topologies | 41

Attribute Value

Type of configuration HA pair

Related references

30xx target port configuration recommendations on page 38

3040 and 3070: Direct-attached single-controller configurations

You can connect hosts directly to FC target ports on a single controller. Each host can connect to oneport, or to two ports for redundancy. The number of hosts is limited by the number of available targetports.

Direct-attached configurations typically need the FC ports set to loop mode. Be sure to follow therecommendation of your host operating system provider for FC port settings. You can use the DataONTAP fcp config mediatype command to set the target ports.

Figure 17: 3040 and 3070 direct-attached single-controller configurations

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single controller

Type of fabric None

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCtarget expansion adapters

42 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Attribute Value

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

Related references

30xx target port configuration recommendations on page 38

3040 and 3070: Direct-attached HA pair

You can connect hosts directly to FC target ports on both controllers in an HA pair. The number ofhosts is limited by the number of available target ports.

Direct-attached configurations typically need the FC ports set to loop mode. Be sure to follow therecommendation of your host operating system provider for FC port settings. You can use the DataONTAP fcp config mediatype command to set the target ports.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following figure are examples. The actual port numbersmight vary depending on whether you are using onboard ports or FC target expansion adapters. Ifyou are using FC target expansion adapters, the target port numbers also depend on the expansionslots into which your target expansion adapters are installed.

Figure 18: 3040 and 3070 direct-attached HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric None

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports per controller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FC targetexpansion adapters

Fibre Channel topologies | 43

Attribute Value

Type of configuration HA pair

Related references

30xx target port configuration recommendations on page 38

FAS2040 supported topologiesFAS2040 systems are available in single-controller and HA pairs.

The FAS2040 have two onboard 4-Gb FC ports per controller. You can configure these ports aseither target ports for FC SANs or initiator ports for connecting to disk shelves.

Next topics

FAS2040 : Single-fabric single-controller configuration on page 44

FAS2040 : Single-fabric HA pair on page 45

FAS2040 : Multifabric single-controller configuration on page 46

FAS2040 : Multifabric HA pair on page 47

FAS2040 : Direct-attached single-controller configurations on page 48

FAS2040 : Direct-attached HA pair on page 49

FAS2040: Single-fabric single-controller configurationYou can connect hosts to single controllers using a single FC switch. If you use multiple paths,multipathing software is required on the host.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following illustration are examples.

44 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Figure 19: FAS2040 single-fabric single-controller configuration

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single fabric and single controller

Type of fabric Single fabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

FAS2040: Single-fabric HA pairYou can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using a single FC switch.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following illustration are examples.

Fibre Channel topologies | 45

Figure 20: FAS2040 single-fabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single fabric

Type of fabric Single fabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

Type of configuration HA pair

FAS2040: Multifabric single-controller configurationYou can connect hosts to one controller using two or more FC switch fabrics for redundancy.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following illustration are examples.

46 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Figure 21: FAS2040 multifabric single-controller configuration

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single controller

Type of fabric Multifabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

FAS2040: Multifabric HA pairYou can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using two or more FC switch fabrics forredundancy.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following illustration are examples.

Fibre Channel topologies | 47

Figure 22: FAS2040 multifabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric Multifabric

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

Type of configuration HA pair

FAS2040: Direct-attached single-controller configurationsYou can connect hosts directly to FC target ports on a single controller. Each host can connect to oneport, or to two ports for redundancy. The number of hosts is limited by the number of available targetports.

Direct-attached configurations typically need the FC ports set to loop mode. Be sure to follow therecommendation of your host operating system provider for FC port settings. You can use the DataONTAP fcp config mediatype command to set the target ports.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following illustration are examples.

48 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Figure 23: FAS2040 direct-attached single-controller configurations

Attribute Value

Fully redundant No, due to the single controller

Type of fabric None

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

Type of configuration Single-controller configuration

FAS2040: Direct-attached HA pairYou can connect hosts directly to FC target ports on both controllers in an HA pair. The number ofhosts is limited by the number of available target ports.

Direct-attached configurations typically need the FC ports set to loop mode. Be sure to follow therecommendation of your host operating system provider for FC port settings. You can use the DataONTAP fcp config mediatype command to set the target ports.

Note: The FC target port numbers in the following illustration are examples.

Fibre Channel topologies | 49

Figure 24: FAS2040 direct-attached HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric None

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

Type of configuration HA pair

50 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Fibre Channel over Ethernet overview

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) is a new model for connecting hosts to storage systems. FCoE isvery similar to traditional Fibre Channel (FC), as it maintains existing FC management and controls,but the hardware transport is a lossless 10-gigabit Ethernet network.

Setting up an FCoE connection requires one or more supported converged network adapters (CNAs)in the host, connected to a supported data center bridging (DCB) Ethernet switch. The CNA is aconsolidation point and effectively serves as both an HBA and an Ethernet adapter.

As an HBA, the presentation to the host is FC targets and all FC traffic is sent out as FC framesmapped into Ethernet packets (FC over Ethernet). The 10 gigabit Ethernet adapter is also used forhost IP traffic, such as iSCSI, NFS, and HTTP. Both FCoE and IP communications through the CNArun over the same 10 gigabit Ethernet port, which connects to the DCB switch.

Note: Using the FCoE target adapter in the storage controller for non-FCoE IP traffic such as NFSor iSCSI is NOT currently supported.

In general, you configure and use FCoE connections just like traditional FC connections.

Note: For detailed information about how to set up and configure your host to run FCoE, see yourappropriate host documentation.

Next topics

FCoE initiator and target combinations on page 51

Fibre Channel over Ethernet supported topologies on page 52

FCoE initiator and target combinationsCertain combinations of FCoE and traditional FC initiators and targets are supported.

FCoE initiators

You can use FCoE initiators in host computers with both FCoE and traditional FC targets in storagecontrollers. The FCoE initiator must connect to an FCoE DCB (data center bridging) switch; directconnection to a target is not supported.

The following table lists the supported combinations.

Initiator Target Supported?



Fibre Channel over Ethernet overview | 51

Initiator Target Supported?


FCoE FCoE Yes with Data ONTAP 7.3.2 andlater

No with Data ONTAP 8.0

FCoE targets

You can mix FCoE target ports with 4Gb or 8Gb FC ports on the storage controller regardless ofwhether the FC ports are add-in target adapters or onboard ports. You can have both FCoE and FCtarget adapters in the same storage controller.

Note: Using the FCoE target adapter for non-FCoE IP traffic such as NFS or iSCSI is NOTcurrently supported.

Note: The rules for combining onboard and expansion FC ports still apply.

Related references

FC onboard and expansion port combinations on page 22

Fibre Channel over Ethernet supported topologiesSupported FCoE native configurations include single-fabric and multifabric topologies. Both single-controller and HA pairs are supported.

Supported storage systems with native FCoE target expansion adapters are the FAS60xx series, theFAS31xx series, and the FAS3040 and FAS3070.

In HA pairs, only single_image cfmode is supported.

Native FCoE configurations using an FCoE target adapter are supported only in the Data ONTAP 7.3release family.

The FCoE initiator with FC target configuration is also supported on FAS60xx, FAS31xx, FAS30xx,FAS20xx, FAS270, and FAS900 series storage systems in Data ONTAP and later using anFCoE/DCB switch.

Note: The following configuration diagrams are examples only. Most supported FC and iSCSIconfigurations on supported storage systems can be substituted for the example FC or iSCSIconfigurations in the following diagrams. However, direct-attached configurations are notsupported in FCoE.

Note: While iSCSI configurations allow any number of Ethernet switches, there must be noadditional Ethernet switches in FCoE configurations. The CNA must connect directly to the FCoEswitch.

52 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

FCoE: FCoE initiator to FC target configurationYou can connect hosts to both controllers in an HA pair using FCoE initiators through data centerbridging (DCB) Ethernet switches to FC target ports.

The FCoE initiator always connects to a supported DCB switch. The DCB switch can connectdirectly to an FC target, or can connect through FC switches to the FC target.

Note: The FC target expansion adapter port numbers (2a and 2b) in the following figure areexamples. The actual port numbers might vary, depending on the expansion slot in which the FCtarget expansion adapter is installed.

Host 1

CNA Ports CNA Ports CNA Ports

Switch/Fabric 1

Controller 1

Controller 2



Switch/Fabric 2

Host 2 Host N

FCoE Switch

IP NetworkIP Network

FCoE Switch



FC Ports FC Ports

Figure 25: FCoE initiator to FC dual-fabric HA pair

Attribute Value

Fully redundant Yes

Type of fabric Dual fabric

Fibre Channel over Ethernet overview | 53

Attribute Value

Different host operating systems Yes, with multiple-host configurations

FC ports or adapters One to the maximum number of supported onboard FC ports percontroller

One to the maximum number of supported 4-Gb or 8-Gb FCports per controller using FC target expansion adapters

Multipathing required Yes

Type of configuration HA pair

54 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Fibre Channel and FCoE zoning

An FC or FCoE zone is a subset of the fabric that consists of a group of FC or FCoE ports or nodesthat can communicate with each other. You must contain the nodes within the same zone to allowcommunication.

Reasons for zoning

• Zoning reduces or eliminates cross talk between initiator HBAs. This occurs even in smallenvironments and is one of the best arguments for implementing zoning. The logical fabricsubsets created by zoning eliminate cross-talk problems.

• Zoning reduces the number of available paths to a particular FC or FCoE port and reduces thenumber of paths between a host and a particular LUN that is visible. For example, some host OSmultipathing solutions have a limit on the number of paths they can manage. Zoning can reducethe number of paths that an OS multipathing driver sees. If a host does not have a multipathingsolution installed, you need to verify that only one path to a LUN is visible.

• Zoning increases security because there is limited access between different nodes of a SAN.• Zoning improves SAN reliability by isolating problems that occur and helps to reduce problem

resolution time by limiting the problem space.

Recommendations for zoning

• You should implement zoning anytime four or more hosts are connected to a SAN.• Although World Wide Node Name zoning is possible with some switch vendors, World Wide

Port Name zoning is recommended.• You should limit the zone size while still maintaining manageability. Multiple zones can overlap

to limit size. Ideally, a zone is defined for each host or host cluster.• You should use single-initiator zoning to eliminate crosstalk between initiator HBAs.

Next topics

Port zoning on page 56

World Wide Name based zoning on page 56

Individual zones on page 56

Single-fabric zoning on page 57

Dual-fabric HA pair zoning on page 58

Fibre Channel and FCoE zoning | 55

Port zoningPort zoning, also referred to as hard zoning, specifies the unique fabric N_port IDs of the ports to beincluded within the zone. The switch and switch port are used to define the zone members.

Port zoning provides the following advantages:

• Port zoning offers improved security because it is not possible to breach the zoning by usingWWN spoofing. However, if someone has physical access to the switch, replacing a cable canallow access.

• In some environments, port zoning is easier to create and manage because you only work with theswitch or switch domain and port number.

World Wide Name based zoningWorld Wide Name based zoning (WWN) specifies the WWN of the members to be included withinthe zone. Depending on the switch vendor, either World Wide Node Name or World Wide PortNames can be used. You should use World Wide Port Name zoning when possible.

WWN zoning provides flexibility because access is not determined by where the device is physicallyconnected to the fabric. You can move a cable from one port to another without reconfiguring zones.

Individual zonesIn the standard zoning configuration for a simple environment where each host is shown in a separatezone, the zones overlap because the storage ports are included in each zone to allow each host toaccess the storage.

Each host can see all of the FC target ports but cannot see or interact with the other host ports.

Using port zoning, you can do this zoning configuration in advance even if all of the hosts are notpresent. You can define each zone to contain a single switch port for the host and switch ports onethrough four for the storage system.

For example, Zone 1 would consist of switch ports 1, 2, 3, 4 (storage ports) and 5 (Host1 port).Zone 2 would consist of switch ports 1, 2, 3, 4 (storage ports) and 6 (Host2 port), and so forth.

This diagram shows only a single fabric, but multiple fabrics are supported. Each subsequent fabrichas the same zone structure.

56 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Figure 26: Hosts in individual zones

Single-fabric zoningZoning and multipathing software used in conjunction prevent possible controller failure in a single-fabric environment. Without multipathing software in a single-fabric environment, hosts are notprotected from a possible controller failure.

In the following figure, Host1 and Host2 do not have multipathing software and are zoned so thatthere is only one path to each LUN (Zone 1). Therefore, Zone 1 contains only one of the two storageports.

Even though the host has only one HBA, both storage ports are included in Zone 2. The LUNs arevisible through two different paths, one going from the host FC port to storage port 0 and the othergoing from host FC port to storage port 1.

Because this figure contains only a single fabric, it is not fully redundant. However, as shown, Host3and Host4 have multipathing software that protects against a possible controller failure. They arezoned so that a path to the LUNs is available through each of the controllers.

Fibre Channel and FCoE zoning | 57

Figure 27: Single-fabric zoning

Dual-fabric HA pair zoningZoning can separate hosts in a topology to eliminate HBA cross talk. Zoning can also prevent a hostfrom accessing LUNs from a storage system in a different zone.

The following figure shows a configuration where Host1 accesses LUNs from storage system 1 andHost2 accesses LUNs from storage system 2. Each storage system is an HA pair and both are fullyredundant.

Multiple FAS270c storage systems are shown in this figure, but they are not necessary forredundancy.

58 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Figure 28: Dual-fabric zoning

Fibre Channel and FCoE zoning | 59

Shared SAN configurations

Shared SAN configurations are defined as hosts that are attached to both NetApp and non-NetAppstorage arrays. Accessing NetApp arrays and other vendors' arrays from a single host is supported aslong as several requirements are met.

The following requirements must be met for support of accessing NetApp arrays and other vendors'arrays from a single host:

• Native Host OS multipathing or VERITAS DMP is used for multipathing (see exception for EMCPowerPath co-existence below)

• NetApp configuration requirements (such as timeout settings) as specified in the appropriateNetApp Host Utilities documents are met

• Single_image cfmode is used

Support for Native Host OS multipathing in combination with EMC PowerPath is supported for thefollowing configurations. For configurations that do meet these requirements, a PVR is required todetermine supportability.

Host Supported configuration

Windows EMC CLARiiON CX3-20, CX3-40, CX3-80 w/ PowerPath 4.5+ and connected to aNetApp storage system using Data ONTAP DSM for Windows MPIO

Solaris EMC CLARiiON CX3-20, CX3-40, CX3-80 / PowerPath 5+ and connected to aNetApp storage system using SUN Traffic Manager (MPxIO)

AIX EMC CLARiiON CX3-20, CX3-40, CX3-80 / PowerPath 5+ and connected to aNetApp storage system using AIX MPIO

Shared SAN configurations | 61

ALUA configurations

ALUA (asymmetric logical unit access) is supported for certain combinations of host operatingsystems and Data ONTAP software.

ALUA is an industry standard protocol for identifying optimized paths between a storage system anda host computer. The administrator of the host computer does not need to manually select the paths touse.

ALUA is enabled or disabled on the igroup mapped to a NetApp LUN. The default ALUA setting inData ONTAP is disabled.

For information about using ALUA on a host, see the Host Utilities Installation and Setup Guide foryour host operating system. For information about enabling ALUA on the storage system, see theBlock Access Management Guide for iSCSI and FC for your version of Data ONTAP software.

Next topics

(Native OS, FC) AIX Host Utilities configurations that support ALUA on page 63

ESX configurations that support ALUA on page 65

HP-UX configurations that support ALUA on page 65

Linux configurations that support ALUA on page 66

(MPxIO/FC) Solaris Host Utilities configurations that support ALUA on page 66

Windows configurations that support ALUA on page 67

(Native OS, FC) AIX Host Utilities configurations thatsupport ALUA

The Native OS environment of the AIX Host Utilities supports ALUA on hosts using MPIO and theFC protocol.

The following AIX Native OS configurations support ALUA when you are using the FC protocol:

ALUA configurations | 63

Host Utilities version Host requirements Data ONTAP version

Host Utilities 4.0, 4.1, and 5.0 • 5.2 TL8

• 5.3 TL9 SP4 with APARIZ53157

• 5.3 TL10 SP1 with APARIZ53158

• 6.1 TL2 SP4 with APARIZ53159

• 6.1 TL3 SP1 with APARIZ53160

Note: It is stronglyrecommended that, if you wantto use ALUA, you use the latestlevels of 5.3 TL9 or 6.1 TL2listed in the support matrix.ALUA is supported on all AIXService Streams that have thecorresponding APAR(authorized program analysisreport) installed. At the time thisdocument was prepared, theHost Utilities supported AIXService Streams with theAPARs listed above as well aswith APARs IZ53718, IZ53730,IZ53856, IZ54130, IZ57806,and IZ61549. If an APAR listedhere has not been publiclyreleased, contact IBM andrequest a copy.

7 3.1 and later

Note: The Host Utilities do not support ALUA with AIX environments using iSCSI or Veritas.

If you have a Native OS environment and do not want to use ALUA, you can use the dotpathsutility to specify path priorities. The Host Utilities provide dotpaths as part of the SAN Toolkit.

64 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

ESX configurations that support ALUAESX hosts support ALUA with certain combinations of ESX, Data ONTAP, and guest operatingsystem configurations.

The following table lists which configurations support ALUA (asymmetric logical unit access). Usethe Interoperability Matrix to determine a supported combination of ESX, Data ONTAP, and HostUtilities software. Then enable or disable ALUA based on the information in the table.

ESX version Minimum Data ONTAP Windows guest in Microsoftcluster

Supported ?

4.0 or later 7.3.1 with single_image cfmode No Yes

4.0 or later 7.3.1 with single_image cfmode Yes No

3.5 and earlier any any No

Using ALUA is strongly recommend, but not required, for configurations that support ALUA. If youdo not use ALUA, be sure to set an optimized path using the tools supplied with ESX Host Utilitiesor Virtual Storage Console.

HP-UX configurations that support ALUAThe HP-UX Host Utilities support asymmetric logical unit access (ALUA). ALUA defines a standardset of SCSI commands for discovering and managing multiple paths to LUNs on FC and iSCSISANs.

You should enable ALUA when your HP-UX configuration supports it. ALUA is enabled on theigroup mapped to NetApp LUNs used by the HP-UX host. Currently, the default setting in DataONTAP software for ALUA is disabled.

You can use the NetApp Interoperability Matrix to determine a supported combination of HP-UX,Data ONTAP, Host Utilities, and Native MPIO software. You can then enable or disable ALUAbased on the information in the following table:

HP-UX version Native MPIO software Minimum Data ONTAP Supported

HP-UX 11iv3 ALUA 7.2.5 or later Yes

HP-UX 11iv2 ALUA None No

Note: ALUA is mandatory and is supported with HP UX 11iv3 September 2007 and later.

Related information

NetApp Interoperability Matrix - http://now.netapp.com/matrix/mtx/login.do

ALUA configurations | 65

Linux configurations that support ALUAThe Linux Host Utilities supports asymmetric logical unit access (ALUA) on hosts running Red HatEnterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. ALUA is also known as Target Port GroupSupport (TPGS).

DM-Multipath works with ALUA to determine which paths are primary paths and which paths aresecondary or partner paths to be used for failover.

ALUA is automatically enabled for Linux operating system. The following configurations supportALUA:

Host Utilities Version Host requirements Data ONTAP versions

Host Utilities 4.0 and later • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5Update 1 and later

• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server10 SP1 and later

7.2.4 and later

Note: The Host Utilities do not support ALUA with both iSCSI and Veritas environments.

(MPxIO/FC) Solaris Host Utilities configurations that supportALUA

The MPxIO environment of the Solaris Host Utilities supports ALUA on hosts running either theSPARC processor or the x86 processor and using the FC protocol.

If you are using MPxIO with FC and active/active storage controllers with any of the followingconfigurations, you must have ALUA enabled:

Host Utilities version Host requirements Data ONTAP version

Host Utilities 4.1 through 5.1 Solaris 10 update 3 and later and later

Host Utilities 4.0 Solaris 10 update 2 only withQLogic drivers and SPARCprocessors

7.2.1 and later

iSCSI Support Kit 3.0 Solaris 10 update 2 only 7.2.1 and later

Note: The Host Utilities do not support ALUA with iSCSI except with the 3.0 Support Kit. TheHost Utilities do not support ALUA in Veritas environments.

66 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Windows configurations that support ALUAWindows hosts support ALUA with certain combinations of Windows, Data ONTAP, Host Utilities,and MPIO software.

The following table lists configurations that support ALUA (asymmetric logical unit access). Use theInteroperability Matrix to determine a supported combination of Windows, Data ONTAP, HostUtilities, and MPIO software. Then enable or disable ALUA based on the information in the table.

Windows version MPIO software Minimum Data ONTAP Supported ?

Server 2008 Microsoft DSM (msdsm) 7.3.0 Yes

Server 2008 Data ONTAP DSM none No

Server 2008 Veritas DSM none No

Server 2003 all none No

ALUA is required when using the Microsoft DSM (msdsm).

ALUA configurations | 67

Configuration limits

Configuration limits are available for FC , FCoE, and iSCSI topologies. In some cases, limits mightbe theoretically higher, but the published limits are tested and supported.

Next topics

Configuration limit parameters and definitions on page 69

Host operating system configuration limits for iSCSI and FC on page 71

60xx and 31xx single-controller limits on page 72

60xx and 31xx HA pair limits on page 73

30xx single-controller limits on page 75

30xx HA pair limits on page 76

FAS2040 single-controller limits on page 77

FAS2040 HA pair configuration limits on page 78

Configuration limit parameters and definitionsThere are a number of parameters and definitions related to FC, FCoE, and iSCSI configurationlimits.

Parameter Definition

Visible target portsper host (iSCSI)

The maximum number of target iSCSI Ethernet ports that a host can see oraccess on iSCSI attached controllers.

Visible target portsper host (FC)

The maximum number of FC adapters that a host can see or access on theattached Fibre Channel controllers.

LUNs per host The maximum number of LUNs that you can map from the controllers to asingle host.

Paths per LUN The maximum number of accessible paths that a host has to a LUN.

Note: Using the maximum number of paths is not recommended.

Maximum LUN size The maximum size of an individual LUN on the respective operatingsystem.

LUNs per controller The maximum number of LUNs that you can configure per controller,including cloned LUNs and LUNs contained within cloned volumes. LUNscontained in Snapshot copies do not count in this limit and there is no limiton the number of LUNs that can be contained within Snapshot copies.

Configuration limits | 69

Parameter Definition

LUNs per volume The maximum number of LUNs that you can configure within a singlevolume. LUNs contained in Snapshot copies do not count in this limit andthere is no limit on the number of LUNs that can be contained withinSnapshot copies.

FC port fan-in The maximum number of hosts that can connect to a single FC port on acontroller. Connecting the maximum number of hosts is generally notrecommended and you might need to tune the FC queue depths on the hostto achieve this maximum value.

FC port fan-out The maximum number of LUNs mapped to a host through a FC target porton a controller.

Hosts per controller(iSCSI)

The recommended maximum number of iSCSI hosts that you can connectto a single controller. The general formula to calculate this is as follows:Maximum hosts = 8 * System Memory divided by 512 MB.

Hosts per controller(FC)

The maximum number of hosts that you can connect to a controller.Connecting the maximum number of hosts is generally not recommendedand you might need to tune the FC queue depths on the host to achieve thismaximum value.

igroups per controller The maximum number of initiator groups that you can configure percontroller.

Initiators per igroup The maximum number of FC initiators (HBA WWNs) or iSCSI initiators(host iqn/eui node names) that you can include in a single igroup.

LUN mappings percontroller

The maximum number of LUN mappings per controller. For example, aLUN mapped to two igroups counts as two mappings.

LUN path namelength

The maximum number of characters in a full LUN name. For example, /vol/abc/def has 12 characters.

LUN size The maximum capacity of an individual LUN on a controller.

FC queue depthavailable per port

The usable queue depth capacity of each FC target port. The number ofLUNs is limited by available FC queue depth.

FC target ports percontroller

The maximum number of supported FC target ports per controller. FCinitiator ports used for back-end disk connections, for example, connectionsto disk shelves, are not included in this number.

Related information

Technical Report: NetApp Storage Controllers and Fibre Channel Queue Depth - now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/QuickRef/Queue_Depth.pdf

70 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Host operating system configuration limits for iSCSI and FCEach host operating system has host-based configuration limits for FC, FCoE, and iSCSI.

The following table lists the maximum supported value for each parameter based on testing. Allvalues are for FC, FCoE, and iSCSI unless noted.

Note: The values listed are the maximum that can be supported. For best performance, do notconfigure your system at the maximum values.

Parameter Windows Linux HP-UX Solaris AIX ESX

Visible target ports perhost

28 16 16 16 16 16

LUNs per host 64(Windows2000)



FC, 8 pathsper LUN:64

FC, 4 pathsper LUN:128

iSCSI, 8paths perLUN: 32(RHEL4,OEL4 andSLES9series); 64(all otherseries)

iSCSI, 4paths perLUN: 64(RHEL4,OEL4 andSLES9series); 128(all otherseries)

11iv2: 512

11iv3: 1024

512 128 2.x=128


Configuration limits | 71

Parameter Windows Linux HP-UX Solaris AIX ESX

Paths per LUN 8 (max of1024 perhost)

4 (FCNativeMultipathwithoutALUA)

8 (allothers, FCand iSCSI)

11iv2: 8

11iv3: 32

16 16 2.x=4


Max LUN size 2 TB

16 TB(Windows2003 andWindows2008)

2 TB 2 TB 1023 GB

16 TB withSolaris 9+,VxVM,EFI, andappropriatepatches

1 TB

16 TB withAIX5.2ML7 orlater andAIX5.3ML3 orlater

2 TB

Related references

Configuration limit parameters and definitions on page 69

60xx and 31xx single-controller limitsEach system model has configuration limits for reliable operation. Do not exceed the tested limits.

The following table lists the maximum supported value for each parameter based on testing. Allvalues are for FC, FCoE, and iSCSI unless noted.

Note: The values listed are the maximum that can be supported. For best performance, do notconfigure your system at the maximum values.

The maximum number of LUNs and the number of HBAs that can connect to an FC port is limitedby the available queue depth on the FC target ports.

Parameter 31xx 6030 or 6040 6070 or 6080

LUNs per controller 2,048 2,048 2,048

FC queue depth availableper port

1966 1966 1966

LUNs per volume 2,048 2,048 2,048

Port fan-in 64 64 64

72 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Parameter 31xx 6030 or 6040 6070 or 6080

Connected hosts perstorage controller (FC)

256 256 256

Connected hosts percontroller (iSCSI)

256 256 512

igroups per controller 256 256 256

Initiators per igroup 256 256 256

LUN mappings percontroller

4,096 8,192 8,192

LUN path name length 255 255 255

LUN size 16 TB (might requirededuplication and thinprovisioning)

16 TB (might requirededuplication and thinprovisioning)

16 TB (might requirededuplication and thinprovisioning)

FC target ports percontroller

Data ONTAP 7.3.0: 8

7.3.1 and later: 16

Data ONTAP 7.3.0: 12

7.3.1 and later: 16

Data ONTAP 7.3.0: 12

7.3.1 and later: 16

Related references

Configuration limit parameters and definitions on page 69

Related information

Technical Report: NetApp Storage Controllers and Fibre Channel Queue Depth - now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/QuickRef/Queue_Depth.pdf

60xx and 31xx HA pair limitsEach system model has configuration limits for reliable operation. Do not exceed the tested limits.

The following table lists the maximum supported value for each parameter based on testing. Allvalues are for FC, FCoE, and iSCSI unless noted.

Limits for HA pair systems are NOT double the limits for single-controller systems. This is becauseone controller in the HA pair must be able to handle the entire system load during failover.

Note: The values listed are the maximum that can be supported. For best performance, do notconfigure your system at the maximum values.

The maximum number of LUNs and the number of HBAs that can connect to an FC port is limitedby the available queue depth on the FC target ports.

Configuration limits | 73

Parameter 31xx 6030 or 6040 6070 or 6080

LUNs per HA pair 2,048

4,096 (available on the3160A and 3170A withPVR approval)


4,096 (with PVRapproval)


4,096 (with PVRapproval)

FC queue depth availableper port

1,720 1,720 1,720

LUNs per volume 2,048 2,048 2,048

FC port fan-in 64 64 64

Connected hosts per HApair (FC)


512 (available on the3160A and 3170A withPVR approval)


512 (with PVR approval)


512 (with PVR approval)

Maximum connectedhosts per HA pair (iSCSI)

512 512 1,024

igroups per HA pair 256

512 (available on the3160A and 3170A withPVR approval)


512 (with PVR approval)


512 (with PVR approval)

Initiators per igroup 256 256 256

LUN mappings per HApair


8,192 (available on the3160A and 3170A withPVR approval)

8,192 8,192

LUN path name length 255 255 255

LUN size 16 TB (might requirededuplication and thinprovisioning)

16 TB (might requirededuplication and thinprovisioning)

16 TB (might requirededuplication and thinprovisioning)

FC target ports per HApair

Data ONTAP 7.3.0: 16

7.3.1 and later: 32

Data ONTAP 7.3.0: 24

7.3.1 and later: 32

16Data ONTAP 7.3.0: 24

7.3.1 and later: 32

Related references

Configuration limit parameters and definitions on page 69

74 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Related information

Technical Report: NetApp Storage Controllers and Fibre Channel Queue Depth - now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/QuickRef/Queue_Depth.pdf

30xx single-controller limitsEach system model has configuration limits for reliable operation. Do not exceed the tested limits.

The following table lists the maximum supported value for each parameter based on testing. Allvalues are for FC, FCoE, and iSCSI unless noted.

Note: The values listed are the maximum that can be supported. For best performance, do notconfigure your system at the maximum values.

The maximum number of LUNs and the number of HBAs that can connect to an FC port is limitedby the available queue depth on the FC target ports.

Parameter 3040 and 3070

LUNs per controller 2,048

FC queue depth available per port 1,720

LUNs per volume 2,048

Port fan-in 64

Connected hosts per storage controller (FC) 256

Connected hosts per controller (iSCSI) 256

igroups per controller 256

Initiators per igroup 256

LUN mappings per controller 4,096

LUN path name length 255

LUN size 16 TB (might require deduplication and thinprovisioning)

FC target ports per controller Data ONTAP 7.3.0: 8

7.3.1 and later: 12

Related references

Configuration limit parameters and definitions on page 69

Configuration limits | 75

Related information

Technical Report: NetApp Storage Controllers and Fibre Channel Queue Depth - now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/QuickRef/Queue_Depth.pdf

30xx HA pair limitsEach system model has configuration limits for reliable operation. Do not exceed the tested limits.

The following table lists the maximum supported value for each parameter based on testing. Allvalues are for FC, FCoE, and iSCSI unless noted.

Limits for HA pair systems are NOT double the limits for single-controller systems. This is becauseone controller in the HA pair must be able to handle the entire system load during failover.

Note: The values listed are the maximum that can be supported. For best performance, do notconfigure your system at the maximum values.

The maximum number of LUNs and the number of HBAs that can connect to an FC port is limitedby the available queue depth on the FC target ports.

Parameter 3040A and 3070A

LUNs per HA pair 2,048

FC queue depth available per port 1,720

LUNs per volume 2,048

FC port fan-in 64

Connected hosts per HA pair (FC) 256

Connected hosts per HA pair (iSCSI) 512

igroups per HA pair 256

Initiators per igroup 256

LUN mappings per HA pair 4,096

LUN path name length 255

LUN size 16 TB (might require deduplication and thinprovisioning)

FC target ports per HA pair Data ONTAP 7.3.0: 16

7.3.1: 24

Related references

Configuration limit parameters and definitions on page 69

76 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

Related information

Technical Report: NetApp Storage Controllers and Fibre Channel Queue Depth - now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/QuickRef/Queue_Depth.pdf

FAS2040 single-controller limitsEach system model has configuration limits for reliable operation. Do not exceed the tested limits.

The following table lists the maximum supported value for each parameter based on testing. Allvalues are for FC, FCoE, and iSCSI unless noted.

Note: The values listed are the maximum that can be supported. For best performance, do notconfigure your system at the maximum values.

The maximum number of LUNs and the number of HBAs that can connect to an FC port is limitedby the available queue depth on the FC target ports.

Parameter FAS2040

LUNs per controller 1,024

FC queue depth available per port 1720

LUNs per volume 1,024

FC port fan-in 64

Connected hosts per controller (FC) 128

Connected hosts per controller (iSCSI) 128

igroups per controller 256

Initiators per igroup 256

LUN mappings per controller 4,096

LUN path name length 255

LUN size 16 TB (might require deduplication and thinprovisioning)

FC target ports per controller 2

Related references

Configuration limit parameters and definitions on page 69

Related information

Technical Report: NetApp Storage Controllers and Fibre Channel Queue Depth - now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/QuickRef/Queue_Depth.pdf

Configuration limits | 77

FAS2040 HA pair configuration limitsEach system model has configuration limits for reliable operation. Do not exceed the tested limits.

The following table lists the maximum supported value for each parameter based on testing. Allvalues are for FC, FCoE, and iSCSI unless noted.

Limits for HA pair systems are NOT double the limits for single-controller systems. This is becauseone controller in the HA pair must be able to handle the entire system load during failover.

Note: The values listed are the maximum that can be supported. For best performance, do notconfigure your system at the maximum values.

The maximum number of LUNs and the number of HBAs that can connect to an FC port is limitedby the available queue depth on the FC target ports.

Parameter FAS2040A

LUNs per HA pair 1,024

FC queue depth available per port 1720

LUNs per volume 1,024

FC port fan-in 64

Connected hosts per HA pair (FC) 128

Connected hosts per HA pair (iSCSI) 128

igroups per HA pair 256

Initiators per igroup 256

LUN mappings per HA pair 4,096

LUN path name length 255

LUN size 16 TB (might require deduplication and thinprovisioning)

FC target ports per HA pair 4

Related references

Configuration limit parameters and definitions on page 69

Related information

Technical Report: NetApp Storage Controllers and Fibre Channel Queue Depth - now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/QuickRef/Queue_Depth.pdf

78 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family


HA pair configuration limits 78single-controller limits 77

3040 and 3070direct-attached HA pair FC topologies 43direct-attached single-controller FC topologies 42multifabric HA pair FC topologies 41single-fabric HA pair FC topologies 40single-fabric single-controller FC topologies 39

30xxFC topologies 38HA pair configuration limits 76single-controller configuration limits 75target port configuration 38

31xxFC topologies 31direct-attached HA pair FC topologies 37direct-attached single-controller FC topologies 36HA pair configuration limits 73multifabric HA pair FC topologies 34single-controller configuration limits 72single-fabric HA pair FC topologies 33single-fabric single-controller FC topologies 32target port configuration 32

60xxFC topologies 24direct-attached HA pair FC topologies 30direct-attached single-controller FC topologies 29HA pair configuration limits 73multifabric HA pair FC topologies 28single-controller configuration limits 72single-fabric HA pair FC topologies 26single-fabric single-controller FC topologies 25target port configuration 24


host configuration limits 71ALUA

ESX configurations supported 65supported AIX configurations 63supported configurations 66Windows configurations supported 67

ALUA configurations 63asymmetric logical unit access (ALUA) configurations



configuration limits20xx HA pair storage systems 7820xx single-controller storage systems 7730xx HA pair storage systems 7630xx single-controller storage systems 7531xx HA pair storage systems 7331xx single-controller storage systems 7260xx HA pair storage systems 7360xx single-controller storage systems 72by host operating system 71parameters defined 69


DCB (data center bridging) switchfor FCoE 51

direct-attached configurationiSCSI 18

direct-attached HA pair FC topologies3040 and 3070 4331xx 3760xx 30FAS20xx 49

direct-attached single-controller FC topologies3040 and 3070 4231xx 3660xx 29FAS20xx 48

dynamic VLANs 19


EMC CLARiiONshared configurations 61

ESXhost configuration limits 71supported ALUA configurations 65

expansion FC portsusage rules 22

Index | 79


FAS20xxFC topologies 44direct-attached HA pair FC topologies 49direct-attached single-controller FC topologies 48multifabric HA pair FC topologies 47multifabric single-controller FC topologies 46single-fabric HA pair FC topologies 45single-fabric single-controller FC topologies 44

FC30xx target port configuration 3830xx topologies 3831xx target port configuration 3231xx topologies 3160xx target port configuration 2460xx topologies 24FAS20xx topologies 44multifabric switch zoning 58onboard and expansion port usage rules 22single-fabric switch zoning 57switch configuration 23switch hop count 23switch port zoning 56switch WWN zoning 56switch zoning 55switch zoning with individual zones 56topologies overview 21

FC protocolALUA configurations 63, 66

FCoEinitiator and target combinations 51, 52supported configurations 52switch zoning 55

FCoE topologiesFCoE initiator to FC target 53

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)overview 51


HA pairiSCSI direct-attached configuration 18iSCSI multinetwork configuration 17iSCSI single-network configuration 15

hard zoningFC switch 56

heterogeneous SANusing VSAN 21

hop count

for FC switches 23host multipathing software

when required 23HP-UX

host configuration limits 71


initiator FC portsonboard and expansion usage rules 22

initiatorsFCoE and FC combinations 51, 52

inter-switch links (ISLs)supported hop count 23

iSCSIdirect-attached configuration 18dynamic VLANs 19multinetwork configuration 17single-network configuration 15static VLANs 19topologies 15using VLANs 19


Linuxhost configuration limits 71

Linux configurationsALUA support

automatically enabled 66asymmetric logical unit access

Target Port Group Support 66


MPIOALUA configurations 63

MPIO softwarewhen required 23

MPxIOALUA configurations 66

multifabric HA pair FC topologies3040 and 3070 4131xx 3460xx 28FAS20xx 47

multifabric single-controller FC topologiesFAS20xx 46

multipathing software

80 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family

when required 23


Native OSALUA configurations 63


onboard FC portsusage rules 22


parametersconfiguration limit definitions 69

point-to-pointFC switch port topology 23

port topologyFC switch 23

port zoningFC switch 56

PowerPathwith shared configurations 61


shared SAN configurations 61single-fabric HA pair FC topologies

3040 and 3070 4031xx 3360xx 26FAS20xx 45

single-fabric single-controller FC topologies3040 and 3070 3931xx 3260xx 25FAS20xx 44

soft zoningFC switch 56

Solarishost configuration limits 71

static VLANs 19switch

FC configuration 23FC hop count 23FC multifabric zoning 58FC port zoning 56FC single-fabric zoning 57

FC WWN zoning 56FC zoning 55FC zoning with individual zones 56FCoE zoning 55


target FC portsonboard and expansion usage rules 22

target port configurations30xx 3831xx 3260xx 24

targetsFCoE and FC combinations 51, 52

topologies30xx FC topologies 3831xx FC topologies 3160xx FC topologies 24FAS20xx FC topologies 44FC 21FCoE initiator to FC target 53iSCSI 15

topologies, 3040 and 3070direct-attached HA pair FC configuration 43direct-attached single-controller FC topologies 42multifabric HA pair FC configuration 41single-fabric HA pair FC configuration 40single-fabric single-controller FC topologies 39

topologies, 31xxdirect-attached HA pair FC configuration 37direct-attached single-controller FC topologies 36multifabric HA pair FC configuration 34single-fabric HA pair FC configuration 33single-fabric single-controller FC topologies 32

topologies, 60xxdirect-attached HA pair FC configuration 30direct-attached single-controller FC topologies 29multifabric HA pair FC configuration 28single-fabric HA pair FC configuration 26single-fabric single-controller FC topologies 25

topologies, FAS20xxdirect-attached HA pair FC configuration 49direct-attached single-controller FC topologies 48multifabric HA pair FC configuration 47multifabric single-controller FC topologies 46single-fabric HA pair FC configuration 45single-fabric single-controller FC topologies 44

Index | 81

Vvirtual LANs

reasons for using 19VLANs

dynamic 19reasons for using 19static 19

VSANfor heterogeneous SAN 21


host configuration limits 71supported ALUA configurations 67

WWN zoningFC switch 56


zoningFC switch 55FC switch by port 56FC switch by WWN 56FC switch multifabric 58FC switch single-fabric 57FC switch with individual zones 56FCoE switch 55

82 | Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration Guide for the Data ONTAP 8.0 Release Family
