Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1851-04-15 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · s "J, A-It;...


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''i 'I1 .1- l'! !' :' ''

i '".e . : 'I -

Fayette ville ObserverAP1S2L . 15, 151.

August Eeclioa-rlSa- L

'CorUKE6S -- r,nH wi...1 ltCTPWe are mij

W. Jones, la candidate lor.u Coi)Jie;S.


STATE SlSATEf LINCOLN ASD ?aASELI!f.trTMVe pi authorized to aetmoiiiice Jo

tth Y. Carter, Esq.. a! candidate to

ic',).eseni Lincold and Franklin Countits int:w State Senate.


tC3" V an authorized to announce CaptCSeorge V. Ilcfcb, a candidate to representLincoln and Giles Counties in the next Leg-ulaiur- e.

C3 We are authorized to announce Dr.;i..AV. WaltonL a calculate tf representr V a.0 7. ,i o ihiBiLei

tu'e1 2 ppt?MM' '

t.EctsLXtL-ki- LtsccLK co. j

lnV ateaationzed to announce Gen.Uafct. rarQHlMirson. a c.aadidare to rop-- 'redout )iiintythe .ne't C

w a.Wu.ni7.,I.Va annouiW Air.

rf.:nt Isi?cftln l Tountt in Hit lower Liduiu u.

the next "Jeneral AMtrnHv. 1 !

March ..Kief liuii-r-185- 2.






s,iuiiKM.iScoLs co. .

b ff r d at theJrVv'e ar .'.nzeJ iaaVi

n. nTbs for sit riff it.; Housd to obtain o yourthe Marcu iliectirfni' 1

. lu'K'Y at almost your ovri price.Cy e are au;'aonzed announce .

j;tS. ?i iianks ? ndi date s:r iT; Grove am Mulberry

tbe MdrcU Llecuoii, li-o.- itCP'Ve'aie ti an::.- - u;:c fe-- AcixdvltlleS pruDlioC, opening

phu Touehstouc, a candidate lor Sher. !

r.JpectiVe sessijni!t0 011-- t.the ?taii:a Ljcw-.o- , i. r

JCj We nro au'.i or.zeo to auiH.tirti--ran '.e Slier-,:!- :

ii me L;eci;ci!,i

r .:nt.y ' ' " :

It ... fA- -ftlaut vmitli. Rs-- i , a candidal-ft.-r Co.i.ir

li.i.r !ur ive- -

'ibterja. t'iie March 'jK!ecti-ji:- f lb

.CLRtt iT COtKT Ci.Y.liS. I.l.NCOI I-- tO.tr'r-v-Ve aie author ; j annivjnoe Jus

11. VliiUon.1. a c::dd'4te lor Circuit C l Urt

em, ai liie .afcli i.!c(iiou, i- -


ZJJ--' We are auliuuizeJ o anauuare !

HoUert Drt'tnaoa, Ks.j.'.'a caifli'late lorTx Coiiecior of liis couutv, fur 1?52.

Advertisements inserted in the;il.--r in which. they are handed in.

Advcrwistnaents and Cominunicationsmjsibt: hanJed iiuothe Oiiice by SaturdayJllorning, insure, an .appearance in the

fl next weuk'b Taper.

We invite the especial atten- -

lion .,f ur' ilreLunis and Planters'tu the card of G. M. Foicle Co., j

of Charleston, S. C'.,!in. to-d- ay a pa--

per. - YiSrs is an old .well-estab- --

l!5hed bouWand has securetlan en-

character the business

-- Commumty, We solicit for it a trial.

ICJKjrgs are selling hi Alassachu-cctt- p,

for vnc ihllar and fifty cents

per dozen."-

-Tolerably dear eating,


CJThe eagerness of us all to

get good bargains good Goods atlow prices will prompt a - call upon

Gdl 4 Hussdl, at Col. Nick's old

stand. They have a splendid assort-

ment of the latest styles.

Fur the Observer.

If Col.' James Af"$t Clair will;

suffer his name to be yscd as a can-- !

didite to represent the Counties ofLincoln and Giles in the lower branch

of tho nest Legislature, he will re-

ceive the support of many voters.U ' I MlLLVILLE.

ICT' Tho rich and showy, Sign

of. .Messrs. tioodiicfi, Ihwhaiat aydJJeavers which decorates and atfds'so

materially to ,the: business appear-an.e- e.

of tie wist side of the stpaarc,

is doubtless intended as an index to

the public cf the contents of the

house over the! door, of which It is

placed. Thoy claim lor their house

a liberal share of trade upon.; thef'eorc of having an unsurpassed stock i

of everv description of merchandize,.

at as low rates aiy. leaMwtauie

'.!! c'p' V::.--- r to nurcliase. Give;I

them raM. -i

r-s-T Th; lVLi;l.s of e.laealiou will?

.h!aswi to ioani that our Maleland

IVnrtlo Academies under the super-

vision of- their respective 1 teachers,

f A. Jhinst'niirA Mr. Janies

M. 'Dacukoiu were never more flour

ishini:. ...--- '

t!r Mr. Jits. G. Woods card! was

reci-ive- :tt tio late an hour to aj

tvir in to-tla-V's parser. It will be

fyrthewnung ii our next.

BC?0 AVr- - Tho. Chiles,

commUm-foid.ill- j'

r.:ifion 13 un; crowded jout

to-da- y.


will make room, for it

r Terms Iq CIto !.Br"?3 Clubs can outtim the "05--

sirvcr" on the followir ;

Terms all the paper to be sent;to! Post Office, and the money J

!, . : advance. Gbt tosether.- LD m

fronds, and make US up a goodList; and wc will mve tou a Paperthat you will be pleased to read

Six Copies,- - -- . -- . .

Twelve Copies, 4 1. .'.$20'(Eighteen Copies,-.....- . ;830M Twenty-Four Copies,-- L $40

-J Thirty Copies, r '- j 1ICrit 13 nopea tuat no one, m

tjiis age of improvement and pro- -

fflression, v, ill fail seiVe1 their in--

' ontHeJthereisnowsufficiewtfcrcst and pay metors Qf NtWV)rleais

CClhDliment, by rieglcctlOg t6 Call in, Lers, also ample water for the jup-r- i. 1 -- i boats. In the grocery trade we hdar


ai: lo anrtoti-c- e Vol. o.Goods suit

55:-- .' , .' '

. .to

for at viney i

i irolil th(j



cor;tT v'

C3r ar









?nciievcr aliC) or llCCChbuy jiiuy re- -

(ajrQ at'

ShutlmorlKt Morvm "5 NeiVs..

ind purchasing out of tbp most com-- j

r.leiO. CXtCnSlVC anu ncu blOCKb. 01

' "or been opened in. Fayetteville. :

j.They desire us to say to all, ind the

ladies in particular, that's rare oppor--

ujuu iJ amon? the ftrst institu- -


UOIiS Oil le ruuur in our country.;

0L li .I I. it'tlcservedlv due of the mo.it successlulfiUj j.opur teachers in he western

country; wit Ic Mrs. JltU. tl MuiDerry

r einaie Ac deniv, can mot be surpassed. Sii otild the public continue

!to appre'ciau 3 these institutions, we

may re;ison: blv calculate that, at noi

;ditt;iht day, aUt ie childr n in these. . i l

sections may receive a nijeraL euucaT

hen.j K'aT" "AlcouoIl's.- - Aar," by our

f-ii- 'crirresDonileut, "Jrt --4flff," 'will

appear shortly, 'tf

The people of j ljulaski and

that community, generally were for- -

fnn.itft in the" services of

Mr. John A. Stewart, as Principal in

Wirt Academy; A more competent,

'Successful and diligent teicher could

not: Lave been :. employed. Mr. 8. is

a .aduato of one of the jnost distin

iriuished institutions ot: learning inthe south-wes- t- This, wifih the expe- -

;rience of a number of years as teach--

cr in one of our first aca lemies, and

an Mnexceptionablo ?noral character,will not fail to secure to! htm an envi--x

;able position in any con munity in

which he mayoeatc. - i

rPWe shall soon, probably next

week, commence publishi ig a BankAWp 'Liar, showincr the standing of

tnose Banks in which' 6 ir i readers

arc most interested. We shall take

great pains to have it ajrect

ICfWe have several communica-

tions on hand, which shall appear as

The Markets Lates

Fayetteville Observer,April 15,

The following may be cotruling rates in Fayetteville:Bacon ....,.

. . .....UtaswAX, per Ib. .i. .;.

Cotton, pr tB........ ?

CorrEE, pr lb......Cheese, Ohio. .....,Ladles, Sperm, jr lb. ... .

Star. ?

Tallow..'..:..;.' ......Flovh. ier bbl....

per 100 lbsFEATiitRS, per lb..H......j.Gcnni 13ao3, eacb ;

GvsVowdkk, ltst, pr lb....!.blasting,....

Ginseng, pr lb... ..

Jlass, window, 'S by 10. ... .... 10 bv 12 i

11 bv 14,11 by 15,12 btlaoNt",ro.!eJ and hsm'd, com. Biz

small stze .

ud. per ib....Moi.ases, iiercaL i.

It r k f. it f. i. . No . 1.' each..TV' o

I. No. '3

Nails. 4tl Jo tJ, per lb.iOil, Linseed, per gal...'.'

i perm .. . . . . .- -

Lard. .j

Tanner's ...Seeo, Clover, per tush..!

Timothy, per gal.,j Herd's, pr bush..;i

SALTjbarrelj pr bush...Sack, bne....Sack, coarse.

Shot, pr lb.. '

Scga, brown, pr lb. ...... . .

clarihed .

loafTea, imperial.Jr lb.. ....- -

' g unpowder. ... J

black 4 ...... -

Tallow, pr lb...f. ....TuRPE5TiK, sidrlas, prgal:.. . .

Varmmi, iropai. per gal.,..black ..--

Japan f --t

Cotton. Thftra isNiSHriLLE, Tenx.At thancotton' mar.-- wo

mOie ac;ivity in tho

Jmve noticed for. t?vyiRt u3y, pate:, riiis ;

Ly tlie incrcus desire vf

holders tosel tho advices froth Lew Or- -

leans of the 9ih being unfavorable-fannotlt- i-

.cinjr indeed acecline in thai marliet equalto the advance on the receipt of thb Bajtic'--

news, wliich decline was produced by theTact thawio orjders for cotton word receivedby that steanidr from Liverpool. Vhe salesyestordny, up ko the hour of inakifg up purreport, amounted to 150 bales au7fa)lMC.- -

Cotton continues to come in s andthere now remains stortd in 14 severalwarehouses abbut 1 1,000 bales, thtde-fourih- s

of which are owned by planters, lhisisabout one-fourj- ih of the whole crc p Plant-

ers have thus held up their crops in the hopeol oblaining higher prices, and w ; fear theyare doomed to idisappointment, the increasein the crop' and the falling tff in he h(?me

consumption, rendering it; eiiremely doubtfur whether further advances can tid realized

Groceries. During the past feek wehave had several heavyj qnite TJiins. and

snoaissteam- -

nondw feature, generally it niay be iut downas dull, comparatively, and ariiclesjconfmednrincinallv to the retail tradi. Qjtotatlohsthe same as those given lust wcck,

New York1, N. Y!-rCo-tiou.

1 Heavysales, COO bales.

.Flour. Unchanged, 54 W(a)4 po.Corn. 25,000 bushels, deliverable in

iMay, at 62Jc.Pork. Tends upward. 900 b!is mess

14 6214 63: prime Si 1 94Hams. 818.: j Shoulders, 61

.Lard. Favors buyers!

Chattanooga, Texn --No orationsfrora report in last Observer. i

New Orleans, LA.-Cott- on. The de- -

mand continues very limStcd, J

Sugar. No change, dnd little dling,Corn. Dull, with small sales at 5758c.Pork. Firm, and branded mesl l eld at

$13 75, and upwards, j I

'' Bacon. Advanced. jSales ribbed aiiles

at 8c; hams 9c; prime shoulders htjjd at 6c.Coffee. Small lotsse! lingat 101c.

. nWhiskey. Rectified ItSJC. Ij


Memphis, Tenn.- - The market bks beenquite active1 during the; past two days, andsales amount to about 1 800 bale i Thefavorable telegraphic report of thejadyicesbrought by the Baltic, received her j yester-day morning, produced, a considerable re-

action in favor of holders, and in iie mid-diin- g

and higher grades prices advuhced 1

lie'. vWe now quoto: ' j

Inferior...-- : 6(S. 7jOrdinary ..j..... 8 8$;Middling l'...- - 10 faDBOi'Good Middling--J- . - lOjfSll

i Middling Fair-..!- . .J..llifE(2iFair to Good Fair- - 1242

Augusta, G. Market remains un:hanged.

The reader will find an adverust ient inanother column headed. Dr. Roger Syrupol Liverwort and Tar. We have beard it

stated by persons of great respectabi v. wnohave used this medicine, that it is otife of themost emarkable medicines of ie aje '.forCous-hs- . Colds. Influenza,' BronchitiK Asthma. Pains in the side and Breast, ?p uing of

Blood, Whooping Cough, and alf LungComplaints, which, if neglected, ust illy ter-

minate in Consumption; and the certificatesattached to the advertisements woull seemfully to justify this statement." Rdliwiy Reg

See Pamphlet to be had of the Agehts.andalso advertisement in another column.

L,ist. of Estrays Takeu AT

1st, Kind of animal is given. 2d, co; orj 3ddescription. 4th, age. 5th, poster s name6iu, place and time of arrest. '


Steer, red with some !white about tie face,swallow-for- k in the fight ear and split in theleft, 3yrs olJ; by Henry . Warren, Dis No 25,March 1851. '


Steer, dark brown wjih a white spoj in iheface, crop off of left ear and hole in same,swallow fork in the right, 3yrs old; bij Thos.J. Anderson, Dis Io 17, JWarctt ieoJ

Heifer, red brindle, white on belly, split inleft ear. 2yrs old: by Bennet Deal, D i No 9,Feb 1T851.

Horse, dark brown, small star in fc ehead,hind left leg white above the pastern joint,lame in that leg and has a shoe on tt it loot,14 hands high, about 4 years old; by . San-

ders, Dis No 14, March 1851. ,

BEDFORD COONTT. Oore, grey, scar on' the back anil neck,

sign of the fistula. 14 hands high, aboW 10vi

old; by Martin Fields,Dis No 1, Madh 1851


iiorse, sorrel, left hind fool whAe.Jlefi forer.mil inclined to be clubbed, blaze f dee, 141

hands high, lOyre old; by A. Oliver, Buchan

an's Creek,: Feb 1S5UJtfire. bav . has on 3 old shoes, wea

small, 7 or 8yrs old; by JasE Glenn; Pirrish'sOhl Store, Feb leoi.

Uore. bav. hind feet white, whiti streak'in faca- - riffht eve out. has on 2 old to. es, 10

hands high, 10 or 12yrs old; by Jas El Glenn,t'arrisn a viu oiui, tu imi.

Mare Mule, brown, 14 bands, abipl 4yrsold; by Aaron JS. Steele, Cit Uis io i March

1851. If"'

I'RAUELt.f C0U5TT.Mare, bay, shod before, Mar in fMehead.

snip on nose, has the big jaw, 16 haddk h:gh.ara ,f. hv Jnhii Si nr. 1J1S 1X0 O. Jau loai

Runaway j Negro Llsi.

1st, Name of negro is given. 2d, coinj lexiooand height.. 3J,ag. 4th,descrip ioi. 5thowner's name. Otli, date'of com mitment.

TEHKESSEE.Lincoln County, Fayetteville

Frank, very black, 5ft 2 or,3in h gh 18 or20yrs old, thick Iips,sour couritenan :e speaksslow and not distinct, had on new brownjans pants, coat ot same somewhat worn,old wool hat; to Col Shed, Coffee Co., Tenn:Committed March, 1851.'

. f rWilliamson county, Franklh.

' Albert, mulatto, 5ft 6 or 8in highL24yrsold. weiahs 160 lbs, Iisns in lalkingf td Wm.Thompson, Hinds count), Miss. . ComputedDecember 6. .

Morgan County, Montgomery.Jonathan, copper color aod large s:ar OD

his nose, 22yrs old, saja Maj. Jas. Hot s soldhim to a Mississippi trader Irom w bunt he es- -

capedix weeks ago. Committed Jan. 23' KESTZtCKT.Brecktnridzt county.

. rme of neero not eiveol, copper color,"sfi Klin, aorrs oic. we?2as aooui icy iu, io


f John Joknwa of Toa. Committed Aug 14

MtsslssllftYalohnita count i: Cofeetillc

Dick, copter color, ift 9n high, 20yrsjold, scar on rightI cheekj blink eyed in thojright ev: to M.UriveL Pontotoc county, j

Coiymiited July 14.

CcmniLssion! Merc Iiaills and Factors,Vanci'Itorit'i Wharf,

1 ! Charleston, S. C.

We offer cur services asCommission .Merckanls and

Factor, in all the branches of ibe Commission Business. ,

In the purchasing of 'Merchandise, onorders, tee have had much experience, and willat all times properly attend to direct ordersto our address, for purchasing and forwardingMerchandise from this or either markets.

In all sales of Property and returns of pro-

ceeds, we shall sustain "the; interests of ourFriends, and strictly follow, orJtrs.

Consignments of Property for reshiprnentto other ports, by rail-roa- or vessel, will re-

ceive prompt attention.G. M.. FOWLS &. CO.

Charleston, S. C, April 15, 1851.

LARGE iVRRIVAIiSCioodrlch, Iluchauan & Bearers,

(Succesfors to John. Goodrich,)

BErf leave to anncunce to the1lffi c,t'zens of Lincoln and' the

1 Vrj surroundinz Counties.that Miey

are now receiving direct from Philadelphiaan IMMENSE SjTOCK PL FllESUSPKIXG AND SODIEit iiOODS,

cottprtsing one of ihe finest, richest, a'ndHiosi uart'ed assortments of jLADIES'DRESS GOODS, the most extensive,' ele-gant and desirable Stocks of CLOTHS,CASSIMEUE and YESTl-NGSan-

d GEN-TLEMEN S' FURNISHINGS generally ,andthe laigest and most complete assortment ofBOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS, BOX-NET- S.

VARIETIES. HARDWARE.CUTLERY. Q.UEENS WAKE, GROCE-RIES. &c, &c. &c ever brougkl to this mar-

ket, all of , which we pledgb ourselves. tosell as low as any regular retail house inTennessee; ;: - -

Feeling confident we can make it the in-

terest of purchasers to dal with us. we ear-

nestly solicit our friends and ihe public gen-

erally, to give us a calt and eiarnine ourStock. : .. , .'' '.''1 GOODRICH, 'BFCHASAJf BEAVERS,

West Side of the Public SquareA.prit 15, 1831. :.

f .;. , .


Atdheir old and icdll established Corner.7"E have just received one of the most


.Gnoids, Wares, and Merchandise, ever bedireoflered in ibis market. Our Stock of LAD

DIES' and GENTLEMEN'S : DRESSGOODS is by far the most , complete andbest selected that We have ever before had,and is entirely too large for lis to attempt alist of all the different Names, Stylt6, Gradesand Q,ualiiies"in an advertisement. We onlyask our friends to call on us before pun liasiugand we pledge ourselves 1o show them asban Isome a lot of, Goods, as. has ever beenbrought to the place, and at prices that shallbe satisfactory.

i '


Berage de Lai nee;Erich Fancy Dress Silk

Black do rorich Embroidered Doras, new and bnauiifu';. "j Embroidered GrenaGins, :u one taste;

i Pa nted Foulard, entrrely iJev; .

Siik and Linen Lust.Ms. te verai ibadf-3- ; j'

handsome kcio Poplin.';. '

'French Jaconets, various Style?;

" twisted Silk llernanias,itlegar,t L r Eve- - j

- i ning DresseR; .i

' Swisses, Muslins. Lawns, &.c. &c. J

Cloths, Cassiineres.. Satinets. Valencia.,;Satins, Lii ens.Clumbrays, &.C&C, ol every :

color, price and qunlity.. '

I' ' we Haverich Plain and prawn Silk. Bonnets;

Crape - del ; do doTnsrin do ,d.-

'I Pamila v do . do do

Florence do- - 'do tio

MisseAand Children's as'd do -

' Bonnet Materials, Flowers, Uibbcns, kc.Sic. without number.

j i' we have "



rich Parasols and Fans; . . , ,

I (jiojes, Hosiery- - and Hilbons; -

I'ajje Edgings and Inse'rtings; --

. Lce Sleeves andWorked Collar- Chemisettes and Neck Ribbons; '

Black and-W4:t- reils;. laiy White and Puff Boxes; .

Linen and Cambric Handkerchief, &.q.

. .'' WE HAVE

Carpets and Carpet'Bag"; ,

Satchels and VVorkBaskets; .

iWillow Carriages, fo.r Children;Looking Glasses and Glass Plate;Window Curtains and Wall Paper.&c


WE HAVE.Mole Skin Hats;Best Beaver do

i Panama ; Jo .

Soft Fur do.

.; ' --

' Leghorn and Straw " io .


Caps of all descriptions, for men, boysand children. i ......


Hardware Uhe; largest Stork everhrnucrlil In nlaf . a' nir! ftnlv ofwhich we can enumerate:

i Rifles, Shot-Gun- s and Pistols;Anvils, V ices and Hammers;Chains, of every description;

' Planes 'and Squires;iLocws, Hinges and'Screws;'Shoe Makers' Kits and. ?siulers' Tools;' weIhave i

.;. .

Gold and Silver Watchp?; .... do do Lockjets '

do Ear and Fins W Rings;"do Breast Pins and Collar Buttons

' WE IIAElO.OflO lbs best Baltimore Rio Coffee;

5.000 do Brown Sugar;1 .000 do Loaf - do

10.000 do' Boston ai!s and Brad?;20,000 ' do 1. Rolled rnn; every size;

3.000 J do ! PitiVu g Castings;5,000 dbz Cotton .Y"ar ns, best make;

50 bbls Kanawha 3alt; .

100 sacks fine aod .are Salt;100 kegs Fahneatoe c's V bite Lead;100 gals Linseed O 1;

1 ,000 lbs best Sole L ather; &c. &C'' WE HAVE-- - '

,'Bboks. Paper and Stationery;:3 n. Omit.Drug', Medicines anu Lyu-uiu- i

Tinnto ont ShnMi !l sorts A; sizes:

lueens Ware arM Glas3 Vare;Harness, Ilerse Collars, tJucies.

and we think every article tjhat can possibly

snntmVORTH. MOUGAN & EIL.April 15, 1851. .:':-'--- ";

w irOO DDIs oest dhuj iiunuumiand...... nhio Floir: '

- T - ' I

mLJat i.io kcrs Belmont INails, as- -

rnrforllOfi h.r TuniatalNails. assortea; ror saie

by y HPBUS ,4:.: April 8, 1851 Nahvil!rTenn


I.1 ..



n r rfu : i t r? t A-- i,tl'i

and 3ie' Sijritk asunst r

cr TH2 LATEST f.TTSm r:!i i unit h r1 1''V . i.i. t

J J tradini;- - un. er the style ailGill & iS3tr

WoulJ re.: iet;ui tall the aiteniion of nteirfricnils and the Public ' cenfrSii leilABOE id Will. iCI.ECTED Siork !

? In mc!:ir.g our jur!n'es, .;ieci ii attenf.orwas giv .n to.LAUjES- - FINE: j"

i! . I. . . . L.aJiJ to our ridii tma vanea N?sonnuflTfiA Silks, Crapes, Berages, ii Lames, j

IQPjf Skisses, BroCaJes, Deu-aztnes- .. Greo- -

aUias, Organdies, Lwns, Ginghams,! i

in,l nrldts. we narilctilarlv invite tbe r.ttjii- -

iion of ihe LhdtC5: and ftiiey cait ve

Vraje ouav.la, c.f , v,"..- -, :i

ertir.gtf.k.bbohs.AiMeial Fiowtr-.Wrea'lf- S,

Parasols Fans. Hoi erv, Gluvei Mitts1, Si:. I

I Our S ock ofIs. 11-- '.

EiaTLEraEa's. ri 44 if v bI. is certainlv ooe of the tushest ap"TTa best ever ofirteiiin this placed rijiit-r!a-n- t

lr-- cin" rljiitics of K;ack.B.i".i:i,Green: Mulberry. Blue. Bronze and plijreCLOTHS: tosreiher kvith a stdeindid assort-

ment of 11 ATS, CA i rf,BOOTti and SII014,BROGANS.&c. ! j; ' M :i

Also, Hardware land Cutlery; vniPia,Glass and vare, with a aysiock of GROCEUIES of; the b

iiy, onstabtly oi land, aj;i5 every;article usually kft Uf tail oiixes !


ot which we will sel on tiie most roasona!.... , . ...A ll n 'I- - .1.- -

tsrme W l SO CI a c;tilil Ui .;.!.well-know- n stand, da jthe JSrth Side fiUPub ic Square:. j

'April 15, 15:51

AVING been eiected by the 4" y cot:rtof Linco''! Co CfflStSilOR t

reci nt Act oi jthe I v:Ji- ptteilrithe aiipdintmeiits pu! iished bv t M.OA. y-

lector io otiam ta uaniber' of tua Ci!li"lVpu!a;ion of t!:is M5n7- - i ' l!f re f-?- 6 i

concerned will do uie the favor to uvcet nieitiiea aui theieJ

D. n. 'COOPER..April 15, 1S51.

j N. K0BH3. j

Ht hbs & Henley,I

Market St.; Nashvdle, Tanost received irom iNsw uneaits

mtd Biftirnofe -

IttO hhds iTOwn'SJzn assorted;200 biigs Rio Collye;100 bbis Molasses;

JO bids au 4 bolsiGolden hyrpp, hi ?ios;and Icr sale bv

- Annie. 1S51. IiOnB'K &. ilENLEYf ',

CIGiiR'S!30.0d prifie Ciijars;520. boxes fins Tobacco;XO du Si.ilikiiiff do I'V

HOBB5 .'FIE.LEYApril 8, ISM. Pidiivi,IeTecr.

SI ADUIE.Alack- -

erel .3 1, 2. and; 3, !

50 boxes Herring?; ' !

50 doz Painted Bkkerf- 10 it est; of Painted Tubs;' 5 boxes Oranges;! i

1H drums Fig?; . .

10 boxes Lemon;!'o iietces lreh-I:ce- ; for sa

HOIfCS & :y. i

. i -- . -.

Apnl . IPoi. i iii-

--1000 bi'ls-- trtawoa Sale;30O Kre aud'eoarse do

t iti jiiie uy iOilLi- - a'.Y.Ni4l!vsi:e, Te:;n


bids i'1 M..nnngaht!a Wh.in 'i l.. r., H'k;.L-..-.

40 bbis cojimoa recti'-ie- Whi.-kc- i,

20 bb!s cf.vii?iry do . do !

2 bbls Wiid Cherry Brand;2 p;pesa'ti ! i pipes fine Brandy;

14 tlls r'o G- - g nac hranuy;2 bbls Mu?rs,t Wine: J- -


4 bbls old Madeira and! Brown Cherry Hine101 bbls Pepperm'rht and Cinnamon Cordials;10 b' X- -s Branily C.l'rnp;i Duxes preiicu ioruja,

Z) boxes Claret 'Cordia!, in S'ore and forsalebv HOB BS 1 ;I E 1 . F. Y . .

April tj' ' .Nasjh vilfe. l'ean

&2 5t-3 &2ttl S3 9i t yr 183J.



We arc now oneatsg an 1 wi'.lr ibrocSed to sell one of ih mot ar deVihablx Stocks tir' !fr:n;

au. summer Gcops ever ijferell in. Fayette- -

ville. The le.re addiiicn now I eing ttta ie to. .!..... i I

our former as.'Urtaient. jlialenthe gmiOs care possible by Mr. .Voiovj, w hoprooorcd the aid r one ot the mcsl expert- -

i i .., tt.. - Krencra c w'- -ojiycra IJOur (Joods were seiecteq irom cls or tae

r.ARGEST and jhost rEbiRAiaLE Stocks rtrrintrod tctd into the Slate of Ttnnestee, pur- -


chaset eichisively of the maker and itoport ,

ers. !, We are well SAiijdied tbtjt urUoodare laid up9n cur counter tjt .as i.ow cost a--

any h use in this place can gVr the sa.nu i

styles nd qaa.i'aes trom railaueiptaa. i

As we pay no .ren'syaftd aa willing tolabor lor as small compensation oiher mencan afford to da, we wish bur customers and

:oe ru,V,ic generally to unJet&'.atj i that we p.,.-bot- h

able a'u J willing t.V sl! evert a "ticlewe deil in as vhtap o any houst in the pUcetyyy. ran possibly do. Ou: stock ,of IvWrliPS

ul sr.:! tve nv.ir fc kit mina-.io- to-

insure salts. we invue aa io ca;t ar.u ioox. . r . r

at wuriUaoili uetore purcnasmj as toe xraexalo slicKvp to 'o'ja.t we . s all itase.

Ourlstocfe compnsei almost ievery articleirrneraUy kept in rcta iljMpies.l Ladiea andGentlemen's Dress Goda! of all kinds: aidin:aliti-j- .

.! j j I, ''

A large stock of OroeerifS ' will b;k"epteenerailyl. Htrdwure and C&tltry, Ghss,Putty; ?ail.a, Tacks, Hinges, and a great-nia-h-

article too tedious to) mention. We sayfto ailiue ami aee for yourselves, aa that isour moito. 2enrallyl II

1 MOORE3 at THOMPSON.. ApnIS. 1851. '

To Blaeksmitha.t.ii

subscribers harimade srrxng mentsJL ifor keepiiij a'very

dutios the eDiuin" year; m.d to

Blacksmiths' and otn rs wno wilt ouylargely of them!, lhy wil oiT--- r r.duceo.entswbicn will reader it u jaHessary to 'ga tcNashville to rnske purchaispg.. SOUTH WORTH, MOB.GAN NEIL.

Dec, 17,4550

jLii'cry-- MaSl? and f,2 Vaon Javl, rn

Bv COBB b V.'OOua.Fib. 18, 1851.

-- fwfc.'-v.A.ti.,H,.r -

bur. lliil,' J

jx j irATl'rA5T3I,TA2TACj"F

.The Lar!st Cotnt in Uor,at i'A Y ETTHy 1 LLp.

MosiMY, Apr!! X'l:-'-, 1 UAtr o.fLrJdmiliance 50 Cf lllS Gin!.! en! and Uu

ored Prjon? Si.ili'isrice. Hots oped at1 o'clock pr!r:iin.io. t cc limence l

o"c!o;k, p, auu at 7 o" hik iu'

er n;n

f 1H S:; Proprietors of ,t'.:;s well known pbp- -

.1. u;ar Company liae 10 ''amexper.se id procuring nl! the rati tatenl'ioin ijioj e an-- J i auior,.:., w w';ii .ippjrai

:h ir v. ou'ieri-j- ?.;?: tCt ymnasiicFriit; B'-'ill-

e Tn. !. anil 1 lijiel Fer-- i'I'se S. auitini.iiiijti. s.c.e sua tu,

' 2" riti' .l.i.ncItv;rci--. nri!?i:. C ivv.i: san ,'DaurConnc 1 iteriuJes,i r arie$, i io jueiin.ifb, . .'va;cSvi;es, e

. -Tht CarvJ Araiuara, or impcr it ouart

. ..i t.. it I w u. - t.v(ij ioriveil'.V i p

CHAttLSV M.u.i ;r.r. w,l! make iu appfai- -

jnce in t i; at !v i o'clvci. a. io n5t';e iNow-- ork uaicfttrborker brats band It--J

i,. M. It SI rir ufi.l ' -r oriii ail the,r, 1,,1,-n- iM an.i tn'H rn a:rs cl the day

Tne hree Kurofcan Stars, teroM tf.ejrc , rt.: M beine theLlUkiiai'ttii ' - - - 3

Ordinals in their Novel Perforifldnces-t-a- ll

others who may attempt th?se feilsTire cpmipiete humh-jgs- , as these persons ktre the i-- n

t:yie ,Maiciaos, and were engaged by thisia Europe, erpresily for Ihts

Con-nanv- . The names ol the above A Mists

aore He. ,

Also attached to the ,. wili he ft. Mffd

riPICE. Perner. Rice. .Ginger. Soda.t O rites. Sulpaur. Orpperss, Powder, SI I... ,. M.!,.r m., . it Fntiff. Si

iZi. 2S 'i" '

G.-B- McKEN.rV.

ifSitlE undersigned, wisuiu - ol't h pit.-ru- j t.cJi (,t Goud.'.jm oiA to

iii eke roisM for Spring purchase, w.U stli atA ADVANCE AbJV'E . OsT.received a:i assottire.nl of Hardware,' ilaceantl llttlier Cnaiiis. a:;-- t'K.Ver .

l haiiKlui for Ijvurs, he solicits al ckm- -

nnuaiice tlie sauieW. II. MOORE

C:over felted,A .pooi supply, bvmrp ; JUUNJ.IIODG &cb

Jan. 2lV

I'Sonr,fr:--r liv the hiirrc! or retail.

HUDGK&CO,J iu- - il p.; i?t apai'i curm 1

;.t mt.i t r i r E g:f r. iiBiW Hint It W.l ie:

I. Af H be en Ut -

rS. 1?. eL;KY,GOL

li a inc.L'bT rede'ived. a new st;pAlj.cfJ (glNG, ROPE and l LnE

SO f i' 1 1 W Olll'H, M 0 UG AS &. N E

IW. 17, i5d

& jutcj, uwens. Mini'. ts, v aaira, ri Pins, Tub, Ciiiirns, i.c. &d.: all il

ticis. recessary. Co tne. all you, Vouug ma1 u people give u a cai at

J. J. HODfJE CO'i,Jan. 14, 1;50. At tihapai I's Corh'ef

Iron! Iron!!!TE will keep on. hand at all ttrnr.k

complete asdiuiienr ol irun.andlieu ih cu:'oi!i o' those wishing o purclj nlfor c;ish r on I i i n . Jot received 'ii-- i 00pounds; il is in r way. con.e m jaud lake-u-

JOHN J- - UODGEpt COAt ShapsriJ's ri:

Jin. 11. lcjol.

Tan YardlWT E keep co'nstar.uy'oa haaJ a: the ail


l. I t Kit lio

H.RESa and SADDLEFb. IS 151. cob i? &. nooua

CHEAP' CAII STORE,West Sidrf (,.: Ptfdk ft?.'.


U. Web 5

TIALIthe aiten'ioi ca.nXJ dpslei? o a I'tEsti Stick yof DRV GOODS and ollO- - f6-i- aCEP.II-:-?- consisting in part of the followingarticlesJI'I?!JW, Broi Laf Coat.jacH-jMe-v RioCoiTee1,Cambric, Teas, ol all kinds;new fctyi? Va jtTeirJ Tobacco.Brown & bicacheJ Do- - Smoking j doll

miif, - ' !i.-ir-

Hise.Gicves. ! Sperm. Tpllow, nlAipaccas, See, Sur Candles, J

Fianl 4 Blankets, . Wines aod Cordr.Js,Drilim2s k Bed Tick Prnnes and Pickifls,

inn. Candies, assorted.Ht, Caps, & Shoes, Cheese and Crackers,Spun, Shoe, and Mpool i&ri-aj- .

Pgf Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda,

fetfo? Saleratns, Powder, Shot, Load,lacks. Nail. Brads, lnd;go. Madder, CottoaCard, Collins Ases, Curry Combs, Spades.Shovfls, Tmce. Hamts and Collars, Truriks,Pins. F.ih Hi.oks, S jpendrs, Ta-

ble and .Pocket Cutlery, Hard Waie, TinVre. Giass and Uueen's Va:etaud many

other article, in the Dry Goods and Grocerylino, ail ti which h- will seil vry low fyr j

or to- - j

VoA't foiget to call at .Vrbe's, wiere you

will find a certa;n cure fcr coughs colds, ic.VICTORIA COLG1I CANDY, wnolesleand retail, by .i ; W . II. U EBL.

- February 2a

"EATllkltS. ii.ic.un. Lir.l, 'l'alkow. WoolX? Jeans, Licsiev.'i Giosee.g, ; White and

Moih. will Iy Utfen lit C b- -r,.r n,.niUl ati liberal nceL bv

3 ' MOORES St TH0MP3DN.8,1851.

t T Yi-w- m. ih relhrmrod I. 2. C. i an 0aorse K ioestrianJ Mr. ;

V m.VVcf.hel. l

jreat American Vvl t Uenowne--

Comic Trag:.'C C!ov.:. who is unrver-all- f

acknvwledgfd to be the g :st Titforactravelling io ihe Union, ill appear- - Uis m-i- m

liable peribrman'-.e.- . B'tr triue. &.c-Ne-il.

Jakesv. the- gteat !lai-- i t a&l L l;.i-eat-

ol Nt-jro- t Carsiteri. 'J. Lovett, iaClowjtiof nil k. "liiiwn '. his never

knewri in the 'ver. N. G,JMttios. 'the!gen!U'it:a.ily Rtd.ng Iaste.E. M. 1!ckim5o.". lb viry iosny' ComiiX,agt!T. Mlis E v m N vt v. a !' , ioi.tue Iv.pir'rtaii, whoM daric? f exilic and asioim.'i.i.i speciatots. and! the iadienci is kept in

thriil of fear as the fj'ic- - Bt.m-.ts- iht P. 'gsupporting, her bilice e-.- .o a veteran Ri-

der, an.l i. ri'cr:rb .er I'ji.-;- e d F.c,t:fiiowim an case and gMC- - v..-:- wou'd p:ith!uh r.rii.-iliior- -. lit ri;.a:urer vc ari. Mat?r

Vm I'a.-to- x ih-- i i"vts(.a-.ie- oi the 'i. I'd In-

dian Cl Hi" desert.1 ft i.d iiher v tr iri-- r s:u gscene ;. Wasuiswton t 'li ikber., t'if Aroer-ica- o

Perf.umef on a s'gle hOi'-e- . J.J. ll.AK-fxs- . f.f ja 't' borsi"-"- , h!tv v:inrti, Jic. Ar-rri-

Pa Ton, !'. Cvm;. P..s:rer "'id I' tavtlAito.io r5Toa, iri)u.-- aisd i;i;-- . I iuii'jJ-r- -

Fkksk P.VSTV--, ,IV oi t Cir. au.lunsurpaMseil m bis hriPiatvi j Acs ?'

a single hors , sad styledof lb? ai. Ali'f. M.'.-te-r ) Nkr'nv.Infant Prodicry, only four yaij ot a.'eje'-Vgwi-

in hi most extraordinary Bxtic . &c,The Company chal'ebgt flic rld to p:t-Juc- e

his i

Au.tiilon'.! Atlractiau: Thq GrandLeijendaiy Dra'catis l'iinut::i;iio Fijueinii:'Spectac.e of St. Geor-- d arJ the Drgoir.-o-

the chivalric deeds of the Seven MouoilKnichts of Christendom, will close eacUnieht's pprforioanc j. 'j

For luMber particuHnrs.fx-- e Bills at Hotels.

Dr. Vl W.fM'NelleyTi E.SI ECTEL'LLY tecdira Lis tliank. t.

ic his friends for their pMfonage bet .ore,nu t hones tiai ast atten'iiin eases in- -

trusted o 'a;s cart, wil! itisvre coniititjed con--i;.L..,.. a

OiSe. itv I.. P. Alin'k tho?.Ptfc:.i7, IS50 Ir--



TA VETTCV II, LB oBsriivcn,!Hav;ng j.i5t Ir his PKINHMOFFICE, (at tiis Old Etkd.) one ot thBest Selected, UHtice, ajt4L'uslfyAssiir!m-':i'- s cfr

' tibjK 1 bit'5ViEefO,

fHi tit lidr - -

ja. ae ::a s. c aC tn-- Vtt 3TiVfo



i inNTsxti.iNi


PIUMISG iTiiOLli; COtM'Eil, UiIA; ."Il i:T!If'.R KuCiiS,

es In a slyie unequalled.




v 'm-s- rt''

BALL TICKETS C klH 13,.V.i kinds.F L'NERALti'-A'LTs- . L BKIS,.-tc.jt- ,


Oi" all kkj-.d- s alTays on i uij. r pn:r,t'i wor-Jor-

, au hort nokicuWAV BEIiUi

Saddle ind flJfrni- - J.tiiuJaitureanil Dealer in

(.It lhJiA sLzild, ,IPulHie STd

r ArTij-Tr- tr E. Tis.t.,a B I N 3 canned to cXeeu"; his; i.i the very Uat !y on ifte liost4 reasonable tcrii:?, life laut resptcduiiy

soHci's a cotit-nuatic- vf tl i J;'ueral i siri-hu-

bertlofure bes'.cwed. TU public generallyare invited to C3ll and exui .:ine etock. o

he id Jcierru'.peJ to ?eii a c'.-.- np iii es-u- d

tabiibbiiiect. ui a similar k tu- - he ej:e.'acountry.

Dec. 17, i IS

ILEF.P d&n3t?mly cu ! ind a very heavyStocklof tloods, circs and Itfr--

eliaudi"!, which thev are dterirme! foseIl; therefore, purcbiitil will consult iheirown interest by calling at licit corner, beforemaking selection?.

Janes, Linseys, Home p'ln; Mal Bug,Keataers, VVoul, Wax, am. oi l other k;nd of'Barter uual to the coontrjj ink"- -, fl highfsimarket value, in exchange lot Goods, i

Dec. 17. 1850.

hi?i' A Good atsortmeiu, ai Tery lo

1M3 rates.JUa. 28. G. ft McKENZIE

FIRST RATE ABlHiCLE at mA. sinall urufiis as anv fnH.

Jart. 28. G. 13. lUivi:AZ.U"1 i4ti.-'-a 30sin


rate.Jaa2S" d. If. MrKENZlE.


r. Br Retail, and VtRT 10'."j A

a i - ;I Jr Euu ili' iw i

ks Jan.SH. G. . M.KENZlEi




i - s

t ;?

. i!









t i

. i



i .
