Fast and Accurate Simulation of Installed Antenna Performance


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Fast and Accurate Simulation of

Installed Antenna Performance

Matt Miller


September 17, 2014

Installed Antenna Performance Problem

• Antennas interact with installed platform – Multipath, diffraction, creeping waves, etc.

• Need to accurately characterize antenna performance – Communications links, radar, cosite, etc.

• Measurement vs. Simulation – Measurement is expensive, time consuming and difficult

– Simulation is affordable, fast, and flexible

Savant Overview

• Advanced installed antenna performance simulation


– Fast and accurate prediction of installed patterns, near-

fields, and antenna coupling

Savant Advantages

• Extremely Fast – Multicore, GPU and MPI

• Low Memory Requirements – Most jobs require less than 8 GB of RAM

• Accurate – Physics models not found in other SBR tools

• Intuitive – Powerful GUI with thorough Help/Tutorials

• Workflow – Antenna design tools, CEM tools and Matlab

• Expertise – The most experienced SBR development

team anywhere

GPU and MPI Examples

• Monopole on 737-800 – Compute installed pattern

• 40,000 angular samples

• 3 to 4 GHz, 40 MHz steps

• 747,820 rays hit CAD

– Using single CPU core: 12 hrs, 18 min

– Using four CPU cores: 3 hrs, 12 min (4x)

– Using 1 CPU core, 1 GPU: 10.7 min (> 70x)

– Using 4 CPU cores, 2 GPU: 6.2 min (>118x)

• 94 GHz Antenna on UH-60 – Compute installed pattern

– Using 1 Node, 6 cores, 2 GPUs

• 720 seconds (12 minutes)

– Using 5 Nodes, 30 CPU cores, 10 GPUs

• 143 seconds (5x)

– Computer hardware costs $20K

6,170 λ

477λ x 527λ x 167λ

Methodology: SBR+

• What is SBR ?

– SBR = Shooting and Bouncing Rays

• Asymptotic technique for electrically large platforms

• Complimentary capability to full-wave solvers

• Extends physical optics (PO) to multiple bounces with GO ray tracing

• SBR+ ?

– Build on SBR with additional physics

• Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD)

• Creeping Wave

• Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) Rays

– Driving development philosophy

• Use full array of GTD/UTD methods to “paint”

currents on platform body

• All models/mechanisms should work together

SBR+ Algorithms

• SBR Rays

– Launch rays from antenna

– “Paint” PO currents on surfaces

SBR+ Algorithms

• SBR Rays

– Launch rays from antenna

– “Paint” PO currents on surfaces

• Creeping Wave Rays

– Trace rays along surfaces

– Deposit currents

SBR+ Algorithms

• SBR Rays

– Launch rays from antenna

– “Paint” PO currents on surfaces

• Creeping Wave Rays

– Trace rays along surfaces

– Deposit currents


– Correct PO currents at edges

SBR+ Algorithms

• SBR Rays

– Launch rays from antenna

– “Paint” PO currents on surfaces

• Creeping Wave Rays

– Trace rays along surfaces

– Deposit currents


– Correct PO currents at edges

• UTD Rays

– Launch edge diffraction rays along edges

– Paint currents in shadow regions

Accuracy: Creeping Wave

1 GHz monopole mounted on Global Hawk

Accuracy: Creeping Wave

SBR Rays

1 GHz monopole mounted on Global Hawk

Accuracy: Creeping Wave

Savant (SBR)


Accuracy: Creeping Wave

Creeping-wave Rays

SBR Rays


1 GHz monopole mounted on Global Hawk

Accuracy: Creeping Wave

Savant (SBR+CW)


Accuracy: Creeping Wave

Savant (SBR+CW)


Creeping Wave Is Very Important For This


Savant is the only SBR tool with this


UTD Edge Diffraction Rays Example

1 GHz monopole

Without UTD Rays

UTD Edge Diffraction Rays Example

1 GHz monopole

With UTD Rays

Antenna Models

• Free-space antenna model required for Savant

– Far-field radiation patterns

– Current sources

• Built in parametric models

– Dipoles, monopoles, loops, slots

– Pyramidal and Conical horns

– Parametric Beam

• Array Design Tool

– Linear, Rectangular, Elliptical & By File

– Weighting and phasing of elements

– Far-field or current sources for elements

• Import Full-Wave 3D Antenna Models





V-22 S-Band Antenna Example

S-Band Blade Antenna

2.3 GHz

1,620 simulations to

capture moving blades and

engine assemblies

6 hours to compute all

jobs on laptop 133λ x 200λ x 51λ

HFSS/Savant Integration Example


h = 1.575 mm

εr = 2.2

• Run HFSS to obtain,

– Near-field data

– Far-field data

• Run Savant with HFSS current source model

• Compare far-field results




272 sources

5.7 seconds on laptop computer

HFSS/Savant Integration Example


+ Creeping Wave

250 MHz Monopole

42λ x 17λ x 3.75λ

HFSS/Savant Integration Example

Savant Runtime: 16 minutes on laptop with quad core CPU and NVIDIA Quadro

K2000M GPU

Connected Vehicle Scenario #1

• Compute installed pattern for 5.9 GHz antenna as a large

delivery truck passes the sedan

• Pattern computed every 0.1 meter as delivery truck

approaches sedan from behind and passes

251 simulations

12.5 hours to run all jobs

on laptop computer

180 seconds per simulation

651λ x 180λ x 74λ

Connected Vehicle Scenario #2

• Compute coupling between two 5.9 GHz antennas

5.9 GHz Transmitter

and Antenna


and Antenna 287 simulations

12.1 hours to run all jobs

on laptop computer

152 seconds per simulation

651λ x 180λ x 74λ


• Savant solves enormous, realistic problems, many which you

may have considered too big to solve before

• Savant is FAST, on hardware you likely already have

• Savant plugs into a workflow with other commercial software

