Fallen apple productions crew pack




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Fallen Apple Productions Crew Pack.

Production team

Producer – CherylDirector – TopazSound and Camera – DeborahEditor – Orianne

Actors JonathonElla

My Role :Sound and Camera

Key responsibilities:•To find a selection of sounds that correspond well with the short film.•The sound must create the atmosphere for the audience by allowing them to step into the scene (example):Someone breathing; this creates the sense of fear and anticipation for audience, however it also draws them into the action of the scene, rather than just sustaining the short film as a moving image.

Tasks completed Not completedWorking closely with the director for the storyboard Completed Watching examples of short films and feature films that use camera shots effectively in a way that captures element of horror/ thriller(if so list and show to producer and director)


Finding sounds suitable to emphasising genre (at least 4 different sounds )

Not Completed

Checking the suitability of sounds with producer and director

Not Completed

Get trained on using camera

Working closely with editor in post production


ProducerProducer: CherylKey responsibilities:•Ensure film crew are up to date with tasks set out•Create script and edit all dialogue•keep a record of the work produced by the team•Search for locations & secure them for filming. •Search for actors and provide props and other essentials.

Tasks Completed Not CompletedProvide fully detailed script for the short film Completed Fully analyse in detail on the storyboard and link to the creation of script


Find actors suitable for the film (work with director) Completed

Create a brief for crew each week Completed

Research the conventions of horror in detail and inform crew of this


Ensure crew are consistently up to date with brief Completed

Speak to each member of crew individually about ideas Completed


Director: TopazKey responsibilities:• Has responsibility as to what direction the film goes in, example:•Deciding where a specific scene will be shot in relation to location and the mise-en-scene suitable for the short film and creating meaning for the audience. The director has the responsibility of working closely with the producer, as both roles effectively have a huge impact on the direction of the short film, and must put together their key ideas to justify the development of the product.

Tasks completed Not completedFinding a location for parts of the short film Completed

Ensuring the storyboard correctly matches the script provided by the producer.


Narrowing down key ideas for the mise-en-scene with producer (if so list and say why they have been chosen)


Creating the storyboard with the camera person Completed

Look closely to genre and select conventions suitable for the the film (list)


EditorEditor: OrianneKey responsibilities:• select appropriate shots, transitions, cuts•Ensure shots have a flow and consistency • use shots and angles correctly to sum up narrative and make narrative clear for the audience. Tasks Completed Not Completed

Assists which ever member of the crew is shooting Completed

Review about 2 – 3 short films or feature films of the horror genre that use editing effectively


After reviewing and analysing, work closely with camera person and share ideas


Share analysis of reviewed films with director and producer Completed

Edit the short film with the assistance of the camera person Not Completed

Availability and timetable (production process)Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Week 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Week 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Week 3

Camera workshopPractice sessions

RehearsingGathering actors together (making sure they are equipped)

first week of Shooting

Second week of shooting

Camera workshop

1st week of Shooting : Only one actor was available

First Forest scene with male actor

2nd week of Shooting: Chinese whispers

Availability and timetable (production process)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mone woday

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Week 4o

Week 5

Week 6

Third week of shooting / First week of editing

Second week of editing

Third week of editing

Woods scene only one actor was present

Woods scene was done again with both actors present

Classroom scene (producer and editor ) present

Rejection scene

Re shooting of the rejection scene Added scene of Hermione

Availability and timetable (production process)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Begin ancillary tasks (1)

Begin ancillary tasks (2)


Added shot of Harry

Beginning of ancillary tasks: planning and research, drafts and

