Fall Newsletter 2013-14



Check out what the Minnesota State Officer team was up to this summer/fall!

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A Summer Full of FFA Adventure!

Region I President: Maddi Fraser, Mahnomen FFA

Region II President: Matt Stone, Staples-Motley FFA

Region III President: Sarah Lachowitzer, Herman-Norcross FFA

Region IV President: Andrew Krause, Buffalo FFA

Summer/fall 2013

Stuart Schumacher, Vice President

Southwest Star Concept FFA

Brooke Wente, Secretary Morris Area FFA

Heidie Sloot, Sentinel Gibbon-Fairfax-Winthrop

Pioneer Express FFA

Mallory Pagel, President Fulda FFA

Dylan Antoff, Treasurer Winona FFA

Brandon Roiger, Reporter Sleepy Eye FFA

“I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life…”

- E. M. Tiffany, FFA Creed

Our team has been extremely busy this entire summer with camps, professional industry visits,

partner visits, and planning days. Here is a summer update on what the state officer team has been up to

the last couple of months.

R Region V President: Dalton Kampsen, New London-Spicer FFA

Region VI President: Scott Vogel, Springfield FFA

Region VII President: Erin Larson, NHREG FFA

Region VIII President: Valerie Earley Spring Valley-Wykoff FFA

Minnesota National Officer Candidate: Sabrina Kieser, Winsted FFA

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High school students who take two or more career and technical education courses (such as agricultural education classes) have an average graduation percentage of 99% in Minnesota compared to the average state graduation rate of 75%.

Minnesota FFA Newsletter Summer/Fall 2013

June  4th:  AgriBank  The  officers  sat  down  with  AgriBank  for  a  breakfast  with  some  of  their  staff,  and   shared   personal   stories   regarding   involvement  with   FFA   and   thoughts  on  the  agriculture  industry  5-­‐10  years  down  the  road.  After  the  breakfast,  the  entire  team  spent  the  rest  of  the  day  prepping  for  the  leadership  conferences  that  would  be  hosted  at  Deep  Portage  Conservation  Center  in  the  summer.  

June  5:  MN  Department  of  Ag  &  UMN  Ag  Ed  Dept.  Visits    The   next   day,   the   constitutional   officers   began   at   the   Department   of  Agriculture  to  meet  with  appointed  staff,  discuss  some  of  the  hot-­‐button  issues  in  agriculture,  and  be  educated  on  some  government  initiatives  in  agriculture.  Next,  the  officers  headed  to  the  University  of  Minnesota   to   meet   with   department   faculty   to   discuss   the   growing   need   of   agricultural   education  teachers  and  industry  professionals.  

June  17-­21:  National  Leadership  Conference  for  State  Officers  (NLCSO)  The  constitutional  officers  traveled  to  Ankeny,  Iowa  to  meet  with   state   officers   from   the   states   of   Colorado,   Nebraska,  Kansas,   Iowa,   and   South   Dakota,   and   receive   further   team  development   for   the  upcoming  year.  The  officers  worked  a  little   bit   more   on   planning   out   some   of   the   leadership  conferences   and  were   even   able   to   steal   a   few   ideas   from  other  states  to  put  into  action  for  Minnesota  FFA.  

June  24-­28:  State  Greenhand  Leadership  Conference  Approximately  139   first   year  members   attended  MN  FFA’s  first  summer  leadership  conference.  Members  learned  a  lot  about   the   basics   of   FFA,   but   members   also   learned   about  goal  setting,  character,  personal  growth,  and  stereotypes.  All  of   the   greenhands   and   state   officers   left   the   camp   feeling  satisfied  with  the  experiences  FFA  provided  that  week!  

ABOVE: Constitutional officers at NLCSO with facilitators Seth Heinert, Bethany Blackburn and

national officer Joenelle Futrell.

ABOVE: Greenhand FFA members worked hard during State Greenhand Leadership Conference held near Hackensack, MN from June 24-28.

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July  9:  MAAE  Conference  &  Strengths  Training      The  constitutional  officers  were  on  the  road  again  the  morning  of  July  9th  to  Minnesota  Ag  Teacher’s  Conference   to   engage   in   strengths   training   with   Paul   Hansen   of   Cargill.   The   officers   also   had   the  chance   to   meet   with   different   teachers   across   the   state   and   give   them   an   update   on   the   latest  happenings  of  the  Minnesota  FFA  Association.  

July  14-­20:  State  Leadership  Conference  for  Chapter  Leaders  

There   were   two   sessions   of   SLCCL,   four   days  each  of  200  members   learning  about  agriculture  issues,  how  to  advocate,   team  development,  and  most   importantly   activity   ideas   to  bring  back   to  their  chapters.  Each  year,  the  state  officer  team  is  excited   after   every   camp   to   hear   about   the  unique   ideas   FFA   chapters   implement   in   their  communities.    July  22-­26:  State  Presidents’  Conference  (SPC)    Mallory  and  Stuart  had  the  chance  to  meet  with  state  presidents  from  across  the  country,  discuss  National  FFA  Organization   issues,  and  also  meet  with  federal  government  representatives  such  as  Senator   Amy   Klobuchar,   Secretary   of   Education  Arne   Duncan,   Secretary   of   Agriculture   Tom  Vilsack,   and   other   key   people   needed   to  encourage   career   and   technical   education.   At  SPC,  the  National  FFA  Organization  also  released  its   annual   theme   –   Ignite.   The   theme   will   be  featured  at  National  FFA  Convention  in  Louisville  

July  25:  MN  FFA  Foundation  Golf  Tournament    Brooke,   Dylan,   Heidie,   and   Brandon   attended   the  Foundation   Golf   Tournament   in   Belle   Plaine  with  many   surrounding   region   and   chapter   officers   as  well   as   national   officer   candidate   Sabrina   Kieser  from   Howard   Lake-­‐Waverly-­‐Winsted.   A   short  storm   interrupted   golf   play   for   a   short   period   of  time,   but   the   rest   of   the   evening   went   smoothly  with   plenty   of   interaction   between   MN   FFA  members  and  partners.    August  7-­8:  Farm  Fest    All  of  the  state  officers  attended  Farm  Fest  on  the  7th   and   had   the   chance   to   meet   with   FFA  Foundation  partners  at  different  exhibits.  The  next  day,   Mallory   was   able   to   speak   on   a   panel   with  several   agriculture   industry   representatives  including   the   Commissioner   of   Agriculture,   Dave  Frederickson  about  the  importance  of  agricultural  education   and   career   and   technical   education   in  classrooms.  

Minnesota FFA Newsletter Summer/Fall 2013

ABOVE: Members learned the importance of teamwork at State Leadership Conference for Chapter Leaders at Deep Portage Conservation Center from July 14-20.

ABOVE RIGHT: Sleepy Eye FFA member Lauren Laffen won the social media scavenger hunt in the Minnesota Farm Bureau tent at Farm Fest.

ABOVE LEFT: MN FFA President, Mallory Pagel, speaks on a panel of agricultural representatives.

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CHS Miracle Of Birth Center

By the Numbers: 207 live births of calves, lambs,

piglets, and chicks!

Over one million visitors stopped by to see the baby farm animals and learn about where

they come.

Above: Barnyard attendants from weeks one and two worked in the CHS Miracle of Birth Center over 14 hours

each day to create a successful experience for fairgoers.

August  14:  Board  Meeting    The   Minnesota   FFA   state   officer   team,   an   adult   teacher  representative   from   each   region,   alumni,   foundation  representation,   and   state   FFA   staff   gathered   to   discussed  the  current  projects  of  the  Minnesota  FFA  Association.    August  15:  AgCountry  Visit    The  entire  officer  team  was  able  to  make  it  to  Fargo,  ND  to  meet   with   some   friends   of   Minnesota   FFA.   We   learned  about   the   farm   credit   service   system,   its   operational  system,   the   relation  between   lenders   and   clients,   and   the  atmosphere  of  a  job  with  AgCountry!  

Minnesota FFA Newsletter

August   22-­September   2:   Minnesota   State   Fair   (FFA  Chapter   House,   Leadership   Center,   and   CHS  Miracle   of  Birth  Center)  Every  day,  several  state  officers  worked  in  the  FFA  Leadership  Center  to  educate  fair-­‐goers  on  agricultural  education,   the   general   agriculture   industry,   and   the  Minnesota   FFA   Association.   During   FFA   weekend,   the   last  four   days   of   the   fair,   members   were   able   to   show   their  livestock,  technology,  mechanics,  and  crops  projects.  Sunday  night,   there  was  an  FFA  dance,  and  Monday  morning,   there  was  an  awards  program  –  both  were  conducted  to  recognize  the   awesome   achievements   of   Minnesota   FFA   members  across  the  state.  

What to Expect

Flat Fletcher - Flat  Fletcher  is  an  owl  on  a  piece  of  laminated  paper   that   will   be   sent   to   FFA   chapters   in   Minnesota   for  them   to   take   pictures   with   at   chapter   events,   in   the  classroom,  etc.  Fletcher  will  also  make  appearances  with  the  state   officers   to   the   events   that   they   attend,   including  conventions   and   professional   development   visits.   The  purpose  of  Flat  Fletcher   is   to  highlight   the  unique  activities  each  chapter  does  in  their  school,  community,  and  classroom  –   especially   those   chapters   who   great   activities   that  sometimes  disappear  in  the  spotlight.  Keep  your  eye  out  for  Flat   Fletcher   pictures   on   our   Instagram,   Twitter,   and  Facebook  pages,  and  do  not  be  afraid  to  "like"  him!

Summer/Fall 2013

Remind101-­‐      This  is  a  new  texting  subscription  service  that  Minnesota   FFA   just   signed   up   for.   The   officer   team   has  created   an   account   with   Remind101,   which   will   allow   any  person  to  subscribe  to  text  updates  from  the  Minnesota  FFA  Association.   Carrier   rates   do   apply,   but   the   amount   of  messages  sent  are  conservative.  

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National   FFA   Convention   –   October   28-­‐November   2   are   the   dates   of   the   85th   National   FFA  Convention   held   in   Louisville,   Kentucky.  Minnesota   FFA  members  will   be   competing   in   almost   fifty  Career  Development  Events,  be  judged  in  several  proficiency  areas  as  national  finalists,  and  compete  against  other   chapters   as  models  of   innovation.  The  National  FFA  Convention   is   the   largest   student  convention  in  the  entire  country  and  ranks  third  as  the  largest  overall  convention  in  the  United  States.  

Minnesota FFA Newsletter

During  events  such  as  national  convention  in  late  October  and  state  convention  in  late  April,  updates  will   become  more   frequent.   You   don’t   have   to   have   a   smartphone,   and   you   can   unsubscribe   at   any  time!  Expect  deadline  reminders,  new  ideas,  upcoming  dates,  and  fun  facts.  Stay  connected  to  MN  FFA  by  texting  “@ffamn”  without  quotation  marks  to  651-­‐318-­‐3140.    Classroom  Visits   –  During   late   September   and   early  October,   the   state   officer   team  will   be   visiting  Region  II  and  Region  IV,  which  consists  of  the  northeastern  corner  of  the  state  and  most  of  the  metro  area.  Agricultural  education  visits  range  from  activities  in  the  classroom  or  engaging  in  an  FFA  chapter  activity.    


 Facebook,  Twitter,  and  Instagram  have  recently  become  hotspots  for  the  Minnesota  FFA  Association  in  order   to   update   our   followers   about  what   is   going   on   in   our   state.   Because   of   our   experience  with  social   media,   we   wanted   to   pass   on   our   knowledge   so   that   agriculture   can   keep   gaining   a   larger  presence   with   the   general   public.   Here   are   some   tips   on   how   to   create   a   successful   social   media  followership  on  both  a  business  and  personal  account.    

1. 1.   Be  Engaging  Show  your  followers  that  your  account  or  business  is  interesting  and  get  them  involved.  If  you  ask   a   question,   people   will   reply   to   your   post   and   hopefully   share   your   message   with   their  followers  by  retweeting  or  sharing  your  post.  Start  a  social  media  contest  –  make  your  followers  search  for  you  at  a  career  fair  for  a  scavenger  hunt  or  even  just  have  them  take  a  picture  that  best  captures  the  beauty  of  corn  and  tweet  it  at  you.  The  winner  of  any  contest  could  simply  get  a  shout  out  as  a  prize.  

 2. 2.   Be  Professional  AND  Familiar  

Obviously,   your   social  media   account  has   a  purpose;   otherwise   you  wouldn’t   have   created   it.  Make  sure  that  your  posts  and  tweets  have  purpose  as  well,  but  also  remember  to  keep  them  fun.  Don’t  let  social  media  be  a  tool  of  venting,  make  sure  that  your  followers  understand  your  tweets.  Let  your  audience  be  able  to  relate  to  what  you  are  saying.  Your  followers  want  to  know  what  is  going  on  with  your  business  or  life,  but  typically  only  to  a  certain  extent.  In  this  social  media  scenario,  you  tweet  or  post  what  people  want  to  see.  

Social Media Tips One  of  the  hottest  trends  in  technology  right  now  is  social  media.  Social   media   has   become   the   place   where   the   general   public  speaks—and   speaks   loud.   Because   of   social   media,   pictures,  videos,  posts,  and  quotes  have  gone  viral  to  the  global  population.  Social   media   is   the   number   one   way   to   communicate   public  information  to  a  mass  amount  of  people  in  a  short  amount  of  time.    

Summer/Fall 2013

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Minnesota FFA Summer/Fall 2013

Fuel Your Fire Minnesota FFA 2013-2014

3. 3.   Be  Unique  Add  flavor  to  what  you  are  saying  on  social  media.  Twenty  different  accounts  can  post  that  the  Farm  Bill  is  an  issue,  but  posting  why  it  is  important  to  you  specifically  is  key  to  an   engaging   post.   Also,   having   specific   categorized   days   might   help   keep   your   social  media  accounts  personal.  For  example,  Minnesota  FFA  has  Fresh  Fruit  Friday  Fun  Fact  and  Tuesday  Trivia   on   some   of   our   social  media   outlets.   One   very   popular   trend   that  gains  attraction  during  the  week  throughout  social  media  is  Throwback  Thursday.  

 4.   Be  Visual  

Yes,  pictures  are  very   important  visuals   in  a  successful   social  media  post,  but  pictures  aren’t   always  convenient  or  achievable.  That  means  you  should  use  descriptive  words  that   allow   your   audience   to   picture   what   is   happening.   Basically,   if   you   don’t   have   a  picture,  the  audience  can  hopefully  visualize  something  in  their  head.  When  a  picture  is  included,  make  sure   it  has  quality.  The  better  photography  skills  behind  a  picture,   the  more  likes,  shares,  and  retweets  it  will  receive.  

 5.   Be  Interactive  

Make  sure  you  give  your   followers   the   time  of  day.  Give   them  a  shout  out   if   they  post  something  on  your  page,  don’t  be  afraid  to  reply.  Your  followers  will  only  feel  important  if   you   actually   believe   they   are   important   and   attempt   to   portray   that   by   retweeting,  liking,  or  sharing  things  that  other  people  have  said.  Show  your  followers  you  care  about  their   opinions,   educate   them   even   if   you   don’t   agree,   and   praise   them   when   you   do  agree.