Fall • Lesson 10 Top-Secret Spies - Clover...


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Prayer (5 minutes)

Invite volunteers to tell prayer requests as you write them on the whiteboard. Then pray with students about the needs and concerns they mention.

Distribute Lesson 10 Family Fridge Fun papers as students leave.

CD-ROM Lesson Extras! 1. Help your kids learn the order of the

books in the Bible by playing Pick and Choose. Use the first 22 books of the Old Testament for this lesson.

2. Students learn more about today’s Bible story by completing Lesson 10 Bible Story Coloring Page.

Dear Teacher,I don’t know about you, but I love the story of Israel’s journey to Canaan! Everything about this trek fascinates me: God’s provision, the Is-raelite’s disobedience, the thrilling faith of a few choice men! The whole journey can be summa-rized in the 12 spies’ report about the Promised Land—a 10:2 ratio of unbelief to faith!

Sometimes it is hard for me to understand why after EVERYTHING God had done for them, the Israelites still let their fear disqualify them from God’s promise! But when I reflect on my life, I wonder, How often am I like the 10 spies? God has proven Himself worthy, yet I sometimes doubt His love and provision.

Like the trusting two, I want to step out in faith. Even when those around me fearfully see with their own eyes, I want to faithfully see God’s ability to conquer the impossible! Oh, to be like Caleb and Joshua and enter that Prom-ised Land! There IS a spot for you and me, but it requires wholehearted faith. I’ll meet YOU there!

Kristina FucciEditorial Assistant

Big IdeaEven when others choose not to, I will keep trusting God.

Action PlanIdentify words and actions that show I trust in God.

Bible Verse“In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Psalm 56:11

Prayer Tip As students tell prayer requests, keep a record

of the requests in a notebook or on a sheet of paper. Keep track of

God’s answers, too!

Big IdeaEven when others choose not to, I will keep trusting God.

© 2012 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Teacher Guide Grades 1 & 2

Top-Secret Spies


Numbers 13:1—14:35

Fall • Lesson 10 Younger Elementary Small Group GuideFall • Lesson 10

Connecting You to Jesus Even when facing giants, Joshua and Caleb trusted in God and had faith in His promises. Joshua’s faith points us to Jesus, and so does his name. “Joshua” means “the Lord saves,” and the Greek form of the name is “Jesus.” Just as Joshua led the people into the Promised Land, Jesus leads all of us—His followers—to salvation and eternal life in heaven.

Review (5 minutes)

Welcome your group and ask the following ques-tions to review large-group activities.

• What are some things that are easy to do alone?

• What are some things that are hard to do when no one else is doing them?

Sometimes trust isn’t easy. But God wants us to trust Him, no matter what! Even if other peo-ple don’t trust God or our situation makes us afraid, God is trustworthy, and He will keep His promises!

TIPAs your students arrive from large-group time, greet them and ask,

What’s a place you’ve visited, and what souve-nir did you bring back?

Big IdeaEven when others choose not to, I will keep trusting God.

Action PlanIdentify words and actions that show I trust in God.

Whiteboard Time (5 minutes)

On whiteboard, draw blank lines for each letter of the first nine words in the Bible verse. Everyone stand up! Together we are going to write today’s Bible verse by guessing letters. One at a time, students guess letters. If a stu-dent is correct, he or she takes a seat. Write letters in the correct blanks on the whiteboard. Once the words are completely filled in, talk about what “trust in God” and “not be afraid” mean. When we think about situation in our lives, we often don’t see things the way God sees them. Even though things can seem scary to us, we can always trust God! God is BIGGER than anything, and He is always trustworthy!

Kid Talk Cards (10 minutes)

Distribute Lesson 10 Kid Talk Cards and read verse on Side 1 aloud. Students fill in the blanks to find out what Joshua and Caleb said.

• What did Joshua and Caleb see in the land God had promised to them? (Grapes. Trees. Gi-ants. Walls.)

• What did Joshua and Caleb tell the people they should do? (Go into the land. Believe God’s promise.)

• Why do you think Joshua and Caleb wanted to go into the land even when the others didn’t? (They trusted God. They knew God would help them.)

Students look at Side 2 of Kid Talk Cards. Students cross out the picture that shows the wrong action and then circle the picture that shows the response they would choose to do to show their trust in God.

• When might kids want you to do something wrong? (When they want me to do something I know I’m not allowed to do. When they are making fun of someone who needs help.)

• Why can we trust God? What is He like? (God is good. He keeps His promises.)

• What are some things you can do to trust God, even when other people aren’t trusting Him? (Remember that God loves me. Pray to Him. Ask for His help to obey His Word. Believe that God’s promises are true.)

• Show chair. Like we can trust a chair to hold us when we sit, we can trust God! Even when things seem impossible or scary, God is ALWAYS trust-worthy!

© 2012 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Younger Elementary Small Group Guide2 3

Fall • Lesson 10 Fall • Lesson 10