Faith Messenger June 2014



The monthly publication of Christian Triumph Company.

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Narciso Zamora – Preparing the El Mensajero de Esperanza

for Distribution.

News from our Partners in Peru: By Narciso and Udelia Zamora

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: I was recently invited to speak at an annual conference of the Church of God in Bolivia. The conference began on a Thursday evening and went through

Sunday afternoon. There were speakers from Brazil as well. Some 20,000 persons gathered there (Bolivia has the strongest Church of God presence in all of South America), and among them was even the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales. Leader of the Bolivian church, Victor Quispe, asked the president to kneel down and receive prayers of support. So the pastors of the Bolivian church came forward and prayed for their president on his knees. The conference was amazing in scope and they had a feast with the butchering of 13 large bulls and two truckloads of vegetables and potatoes to feed everyone. Back in Peru, we have decided to start a church in the mountains of a region called Chachapoyas in the coming year and we continue in prayer about it because we have no means of support to plant churches. As with the birth of any baby, there are expenses. It doesn’t matter what brand of diapers we use on this “newborn,” we will just trust that God will provide what this new work will need to survive and grow. This reminds me of a story that a woman from the Chachapoyas region told me. She had a (2)

Contents: Missionary Partners……..………….2-4


Happy Fathers’ Day......………………7

*Volume 78 *No. 6 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * JUNE 2014


brother in Lima whose wife had left him with a baby. Her brother was not able to take care of the child because of his work. So she asked him to let her raise the child in the country. She said, “Even if he has to eat chicken [excrement], it’s better than being raised alone in the city.” Quite literally, in these mountain areas, many times the children are set on the grass while the mothers are working. The chickens roam the same grass. Therefore it is not uncommon for the babies to happen upon chicken droppings, and as all children do, they may pick things up, play with them and then either put them in their mouths or put their hands in the their mouths after having played with these things. The woman said to me, “You may think that sounds awful; but one thing is for sure, they grow up.” The same is true with our spiritual children some times. We may not think [our meager efforts] are any kind of a way to raise “children,” but the important thing is that they grow. Thanks so much to Christian Triumph and all those who help us to be able to send out the Mensajero de Esperanza here in Peru—more than 2,500 copies each issue. You are a great support to the work of God in this region. Narciso and Udelia Zamora

Note: We are planning a work camp to continue the construction of the Church of God in Cajamarca, Peru. Our tentative dates for travel are November 1-8. We anticipate the all-inclusive cost for the

trip will be approximately $1,700. Additionally, we would ask each participant to raise $1,000 for construction materials from among their family, friends and congregation. If you are interested in becoming intimately acquainted with this work in Peru through an experience you will always treasure, please contact Donna Schillinger: 479-774-5699, or If you cannot go, but would like to sponsor a first-time international traveler to have a foreign missions experience, please contact us.

Is it Worth It?Is it Worth It?Is it Worth It?Is it Worth It? By Donna Schillinger

Each time I consider a mission trip, I ask myself this question: “Is it worth it?” We Americans are accustomed to sending missionaries throughout the world without really considering the cost. (3)

Faith Messenger

Permit #695

Published monthly, except July and August.


CHANGES TO: Christian Triumph


P.O. Box 5187

Corpus Christi, Texas 78465

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased)

Israel Hernandez, President; William

Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd

Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Sec./Treas.

Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

This periodical is issued without charge in

the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire

child-like faith and maintain Christ-like

simplicity among the people of God. To

send donations or for your FREE

SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address

above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or visit us on

the web at


I feel certain that most of those reading this article are in some way supporting an American missionary in a foreign country—either directly or through contributions to your local congregation or national denomination. And many of us have served in missions on short-term trips that may have cost $2,000 or more for just one week of experience. In my first mission trip to Peru, when we started the construction of the Church of God building in Cajamarca, we took 7 good workers and we worked hard for five days. The cost of getting us there and back was approximately $8,000. We brought funds to purchase materials and we also brought a grant from Christian Triumph Company to hire more workers to help and buy more supplies. Brother Zamora asked some congregants from churches in the region if they would like to come and work alongside us and they were paid the going wage for a day laborer: $5 a day. Now, let’s do the math. If we had just stayed home and sent the $8,000 we paid in transportation costs, the church could have hired 1,600 days of labor! This was a staggering realization for me. This economy works the same when we compare the costs of American missionaries we support. For example, in Bolivia, there may be an American missionary family who has probably had to raise a yearly amount for their support, perhaps, even as much as $30,000 a year which no doubt includes the American “necessities” of good health insurance and retirement investments. Particularly in a country like Bolivia, where the Church is well established and mature, this might

present a discussion regarding wise stewardship, such as - supporting one missionary family versus supporting 13 native pastors and their families (the average Bolivian annual salary as of Jan. 2013 is $2,258). Perhaps, in being good stewards, we should carefully consider these numbers and objectively ask, “Is it worth it?” There is more to say, but for now, I will cut to the conclusion. In three circumstances, I believe it is worthwhile for an American to spend $2,000 on a mission experience to do something they could pay a national to do for much less and more effectively.

1. If you are going to spend $2,000 a year

on travel anyway—that is, if God has not

convicted you that spending that sort of

money on travel is poor stewardship—

then, by all means, use your vacation time

and money to have a missions experience

rather than play golf at Hilton Head.

2. If you have never seen God’s work in

progress in another, less developed

country, by all means, $2,000 is a bargain

for all you will learn and the important

perspective and burden you will acquire

from a week-long mission trip.

3. If you, as an American, are somehow providing a service or function that a foreign national cannot, for example, if you are playing an essential role in facilitating #2 for someone else, yes, your trip cost is also worthwhile. Pg 4


It is under this last clause that I continue to be able to answer in the affirmative for myself. If I can take one person with me who would have, otherwise, never had a missions experience, then yes, this is a Godly investment. I would like to write more on this topic and give some real examples of why #2 is so worthwhile. In the meantime, I would invite dialog on this topic, because I feel it’s one we, as the American church, have not well analyzed. What do you think? Is it worth it? Please share your opinion. Send to Christian Triumph, PO BOX 5187, Corpus Christi, Texas 78465, Attn: Donna, or



Dear Fellow Laborers, I had a dichotomy of feelings when

I read about the passing of Sister Evelyn Anderson, even though I remember her better as Evelyn Janes. It was in 1935 that Brother Janes, her Dad [founder of Christian Triumph], preached from Joshua 24:15 one Sunday, and, I, as a 12 year old boy, gave my heart to the Lord. At a small altar, Sister Janes and another lady prayed with me.

I remember crossing Port Avenue in Corpus Christi, looking up at the sky and thinking, “I’m in a new world!” As a child, I used to deliver tracts a lot, and I would now like to pass out some in [my city] where I am a chaplain with the police department. Chaplain Brasfield

+ + +

When was the last timeWhen was the last timeWhen was the last timeWhen was the last time

an Indian Spoke in Your Church?an Indian Spoke in Your Church?an Indian Spoke in Your Church?an Indian Spoke in Your Church? Have you ever spoken directly to an Indian (from India) about the work of the Church in India? I venture to guess that most of you are answering, “No,” to this question. In my many years, I have never heard an Indian—not an immigrant, not a missionary to India, but an actual Indian person who is working on God’s frontline on “the subcontinent”— speak in a church. When we consider that one-seventh of the world’s population lives in India, it seems quite important that we be aware of the real struggles as well as progress in preaching the Gospel in that nation. You may have read news stories or articles from missions magazines, but now you have an opportunity to get it “straight from the horse’s mouth.” Brother David Jerald of the Mount Olive Foundation in Tamil Nadu, India, will be in the United States in the months of September and October 2014. Will you invite him to your congregation to share in a personal and unforgettable way—from the unique perspective of an Indian Christian—and learn how your church can effectively pray for the work of God in India? Pg 5


There are no fees, but we would appreciate your provision of lodging and meals during his visit. Please contact Christian Triumph’s outreach coordinator, Donna Schillinger, to schedule your event: 479-774-5699, or e-mail: Thank you and God bless!

CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH NEWS By Faith Messenger Editor

Thanks to a friend who sent a letter with this little sticker on it: Genesis 12:3 I will

bless those who bless you.

Thank you to all the Faith Messenger readers and those who support this missionary literature ministry through prayers and other interests. You are our “blessings.” May God reward you in many ways! As always, after this June issue, the next Faith Messenger will be sent in September. July and August are the two months it is not printed or mailed. This helps with the cost of printing and postage. We appreciate your requests or letters and will always answer them. The local church construction is almost finished. Pictures still are not available for this June issue of the Faith Messenger, but there should be several in the September FM. There have been various challenges with this project, including a “missing camera,” but God is definitely answering many prayers for His help.


In 2 Kings 17:7 (NIV), these words cry out: All this took place because the

Israelites had sinned against the Lord their

God, who had brought them up out of

Egypt from under the power of Pharaoh

king of Egypt.

This 17th chapter, although historical, might sound cautionary even today: They

worshipped other gods and followed the

practices of the nations the Lord had

driven out before them. Interestingly, as individuals or a nation, we often know the difference between doing what is right – versus - “missing the mark” but, for some reason, whether from spiritual blindness, wounded hearts or self-seeking desires, we still choose to do wrong. The Israelites secretly did things against

the Lord their God that were not

right…they did wicked things that

provoked the Lord to anger, while being

warned by the Lord, Turn from your evil

ways… They followed worthless idols and

themselves became worthless. A person can dishonor his or her own sense of greatness or nobility by choosing thoughts or actions which are toxic to our worthy, God-given spirit. 2 Kings 17:14: But they would not listen

and were as stiff-necked as their fathers,

who did not trust in the Lord their God.

Pg 6


Distrust in a loving but righteous God may lead us to make decisions which end in emptiness and disillusionment. Sadly, we even forget one of God’s most wise, distinctive principles: You reap what you sow! And so we find the Israelites making their own pointless choices while persisting in all their transgressions…until the Lord removed the Israelites from His Presence, as He had previously warned that He would do. And, sure enough, the people of Israel were taken away from their towns into exile! Somewhere along the way, they ignored the amazing words of God’s promise which said, worship the Lord your God; it

is He who will deliver you from the hand of

all your enemies. One of the most heart-breaking verses in the Bible ends the 17th chapter of 2nd Kings: To this day their children and

grandchildren continue to do as their

fathers did – Romans 3:23 confirms that we human beings repeat our mistakes: There is no

difference, for all have sinned and fall

short of the glory of God. Where in all of this is – the Good News?

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever

believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. RSV

Be a Winner! Run the race Within God’s Love- Through Jesus Christ!

John 11:25

I am the resurrection and the life. He who

believes in me will live, even though he

dies, and whoever lives and believes in me

will never die. (Jesus) NIV

Revelation 21: 5

He who was seated on the throne said,

I am making everything new. Then he said,

Write this down, for these words are

trustworthy and true. NIV

Revelation 22:17

Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and

whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of

the water of life. NIV

Hearing and understanding that God truly does love you is life-changing! Through the cleansing of our souls by Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross, we can re-connect with our Creator and discover a world of eternal mercy and peace.

The Love of GodThe Love of GodThe Love of GodThe Love of God

The Love of God is greater far Than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, And reaches to the lowest hell; Pg 7


(The Love of God – continued)

The guilty pair, bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win; His erring child He reconciled, And pardoned from his sin. Oh, love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure – The saints and angels song. Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made; Were every stalk on earth a quill, And every man a scribe by trade;

To write the love of God above Would drain the ocean dry; Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Tho’ stretched from sky to sky. Oh, love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure- The saints and angels song. F.M. Lehman Arr. By Claudia Lehman Mays

Poem by Byrum


When my Father I am near, I don’t have a thing to fear.

If I stay close by his side, Then, whatever may betide,

In his arms I can abide.

As I look into his face All my fears are then erased.

And when I need a slower pace, There is not a better place Than to be in his embrace.

I want to make it quite clear, Though I love him to be near,

When there’s work for me to do, Faithful I will be, and true, Each of my tasks to pursue.

Then, when all my work is done, I will hear him say, “My son, I will hold you in my arms,

And protect you from all harm. So there’s no need for alarm.”

To be with my Father, dear, He, whom I love and revere,

Is the safest place for me. And from all fear I am free. Now I’m happy as can be.


In my Father’s arms Is where I love to be.

For, in my Father’s arms, I find security.

Byrum C. Lee: 05/2009



No one can take the place of a good, kind Dad. May the Lord bless and help - each

and every one - of our Dads.

In honor of our beloved Dads who are gone But Not Forgotten!

We miss you!


Faith Messenger

A publication of Christian Triumph Company

PO BOX 5187

Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Address Service Requested

Sing to God…

Extol him who rides on the clouds –

His name is the Lord…

A father to the fatherless…

Psalm 68: 4-5

Happy Fathers’ Day

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Permit # 695