Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


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  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Attention! said a very plummy English accent.

    Who are you?

    And what have you done with our Norm?

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    I am brigadier Ronald Rooster of the Royal British Rooster army. It appears I have arrived just in time. You call this a formation? Why this brigade is a

    disgrace. A disgrace I say!

    We want Norm!

    I was told that Norm has gone on Walkabout. A deserter if you ask me.

    Yeah well we didnt ask you.

    We dont want some limey pom telling us what to do!

    Lets get im!

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Oh I say, this is worse than I feared! Not only is this brigade of stretched galahs a disgrace, but so are the authors notes. Instead of a regular chapter you get

    the founders family scrap book. Put together no less from the scraps she could find after something called a re-build. Very lower class if you ask me.

    HQ figured it was time to send in a replacement. So the Brigadier it is.

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Tell me the family story Grandma!

    One day in an old gum tree, Blinky Bill sat down with Nutsy_

    No Grandma not Blinky Bills family, our family. From Granddads family scrap book.

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Grandma Tina pulled out the completed volume*

    Once upon a time there was a family that lived in a beautiful castle- say what?!

    Did they have knights and princesses and lots of toys Grandma?


    *One novel done by the founder towards the Family Scrapbook mini challenge.

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Actually they or rather we; lived in a shack, without proper plumbing. But we did have a lot of flies.

    Thats silly Grandma!

    No thats the real story. Granddad and I raised three children in that shack.

    Uncle Blyth, Aunty Olinda and Mummy!

    Thats right.

    15 minutes later: And Opal had three children named Laura, Peachester_

    Thats me!

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Yes, you and Rolleston. Everybody loves Rolly, even if he isnt the easiest toddler.

    Smash you


    >BANG BANG!cough< months ago I have no idea how many skill points he has.

    He learned all his toddler skills and did very well with his aspiration.

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    And that is it Said Tina shutting the book.

    But what happens next?

    You all have a happy life playing with your toys. The end.

    But Grandma what about when things went weird... What happened with Kali?

    Oh you know about that?

    Ah huh, I remember some things, but not everything.

    Well its bedtime now Peachy and that is a long story. How about I tell you that part tomorrow?

    >sigh< Ok, but promise not to leave anything out?

    I promise.

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Next arvo

    Now where was I up to?

    Where kali got zapped by the mother ship and strange things started to happen.

    Ah yes, kali...

    Strange things, including creators who mistakenly putthe wrong hair on the wrong child. Lets just sayPeach wanted her hair up, righteo! >coughlolcricketswink wink

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    What do you think Marylena? $20 says they use the booth again.

    Well what kind of bet is that?How about I bet you $50 they use the booth and the car.

    Heh youre on. Theyre way too old.

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    To us, the town talking about us, and this strange vegetable bake which looks like green lobster.

    To us.

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    Time to give them something to really talk about.

    Hehe! Good idea!

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    Time to pay up Joe.

    Ah man! Here I was hoping Id win enough to cover our dinning bill...

    One guess who rolls all the purple wants. They match her shoes.

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    Of course there was a reason for that date. Grim turned up right on the dot of six and they didnt even get their ending date kiss.


    Just doing my job.

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    Tina Wonglepong your time has come.

    Do I get clam chowder to go with my drink?

    Yes and no Vegemite.

    Oh boy count me in!

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    It was very sad.

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    I figured it was time to take the girls and Bazza back down to the club house. Bazza only has a few days left so I thought it would be nice to get the Club

    House up to level ten before he passed on too. Also give him a chance to show off his flamingo stretched galah swimming trunks!

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    The Club House has had a couple of upgrades since the last lot of the money perks. Now they have a stack left from Tina so I will be able to do a major

    upgrade. These pictures range from before and after the most recent upgrade.

    Does anyone know how to get rid of that bright green glitch near the pool? I cant place tile over it and burninating it with the stuck object box does nothing.

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    Ive covered it in plants now, but it looks a bit odd.

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    Weee! Our new club house is ripper!

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    Goopy: Strangely compelling

    Ivy: Yes, yes he is. >droolboingy boingy< hehe Im in my second childhood.

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    I had Caitlyn and Cooper try out the kids activities.

    Now I just need a toddler to come and try out the toddler things.

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    Hey everyone! Watch me! Ive had no swimming lessons and I am swimming unsupervised while my mother plays poker cards!

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    I just love what Sims deems as appropriate or not for minors.

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    So... >cough< Interesting game on the telly up there.

    Gillian I am trying not to turn my head here.

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    >hehehe< You may be happy to know I did away with the croc loos when I built the upstairs.

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    Peachester you need to do better.

    Yes Aunt Fuzzy.

    Plates left on the table for five whole seconds! Try to get that down to three.

    >sigh< Yes Aunt Fuzzy.

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    I even saw a chip packet on the ground! Im so upset that Im happy about it!

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    The conversation about my best friends might not be THAT interesting Lisa, but I dont think its so bad you need to drown yourself!

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    This place needs a health inspection!

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    Come on fellas buy a ticket. Theres a whole new upstairs with a bar now.

    Well I dont know, Im still fat.

    Yeah and Im still single.

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    Ah the smell of freshly picked ticket.

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    Shirtless Sawyer pic because...umm, its a shirtless Sawyer pic?

    It was taken because he used the pool autonomously and we dont get many of t hose.

    Notice Gerry in the background reading our poster?

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  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    So want to try our new martini? We call it Fried Hot Tub itsgot quite a bang.

    How old are you kid?

    My teen sims can happily tend bar but not act as the DJ. The option is there and just disappears. Is that normal on an owned lot? Im thinking about renaming

    this place glitchville.

    Aussie facts: You can buy and serve alcohol in Australia from 18 years of age.

    A report has shown that Northern Territorians drink 15 litres of pure alcohol each year - three times the global average.

    The only nations that come close to matching Territorians at the bar are the Irish and Czechs, who drink 13 liters of alcohol (World Health

    Organisation figures).

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Upstairs we have a dance floor and a bar. Just needs some tile in the bathrooms and a dance sphere and it will be finished.

    Poor Lilly, I think she wishes I had put a room or two on as well.

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    Hannng loooose!

    Shadey how many times have you been back to the bar?

    Barr wha barrr?

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Nicole still works here, but I have re-assigned her as DJ. Im sure that was a relieffor her, and the two I put on mammoth duty are perfect for the job...

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    No not Jilly and Pixx. Buzz-a-beep?!

    (Why am I the only one mopping?)

    Buzz beep buzz?

    No Mingo, kissing mammoth butt wont stop production!

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  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    The most popular past time here remains the bowling and cards.

    Now watch as I demonstrate how its done Gillian.

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    >splat!scratch head

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    Fair dinkum, with a send off looknlike this, its a shame a bloke cant die again.

    Roxie! Trixie! This is not the special addition package!

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Well that's another Wonglepong party down the gurgler.

    It went from Good time to disaster. No amount of 40 second on the timer jokes could fix this one.

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    Everyone but Chewy cried, I just didnt think you would want to see it all again.

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Here is the newly teened Rolly after a hair change. His ears were poking through the cowboy hat.

    He rolled Knowledge/Grilled cheese. LTW to be a World Class Ballet Dancer.

    Doesnt matter, whoever becomes heir will get wished platinum on the genie lamp.

    A bit about each of the kids as I am having the heirship poll after this chapter.

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    Laura enjoys dancing in the living room, kicking the stretched galahs, and giving her younger brother as many noogies as she can get away with.

    10/10/9/3/1 Romance/knowledge

    She has Bazzas blue eyes and Chewys elf ears.

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    Peach is the good girl of the family. She is this generations bug nut, makes friends easily and gains aspiration points for skilling.

    4/10/2/5/6/ Knowledge/Family

    She has Tinas brown eyes and normal ears.

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    Rolly the bad apple can usually be found cleaning, playing punch you punch me with his sister for as long as she will allow it or serving up gril led cheese.

    Knowledge/Grilled Cheese. Stats unknown, but neat, mean and likes to finger gun. Similar to Laura I think.

    He has Bazzas blue eyes and Chewys elf ears.

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    He also likes to hang out

    So you know what its like not to be understood dont you? Being the quiet one of the family and all.

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    with imaginary friends and inanimate objects. O_o

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    On the challenge side of things I can finally report that Opal has maxed her nature hobby enthusiasm! That has only taken her, her entire life. O_O

    Due I think to her being very messy. Apparently neatness and nature enthusiasm is connected.

    Now she can focus on getting her gold robotics badge. She recently made it to silver.

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    Chewy maxed his enthusiasm in music and dance the day after. He also has his gold robotics badge.

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    Which means he is now free to peruse his other love, 200 grilled cheese sandwiches.

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    Farewell Bazza and Tina. You were a great couple.

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    You now reside out the back in this small cemetery.

    Even though neither of you achieved your LTW you both became platinum due to the huge amount of grandchildren you had.

    You leave behind three children and twenty grandchildren.

  • 8/9/2019 Fair Dinkum Flamingoes Chapter 8


    Walkabout: A type of quest where aborigines go into the wilderness at age 13 for six months as a rite of passage.

    Limey: An old nickname for the British believed to come from the Royal Navys practice of giving their sailors lime juice to prevent scurvy.

    Pom or pommy: Another nickname given to the British. This may have originated from a shortening of prisoner of his/her majesty given to the convicts.

    Gum Tree, also known as Eucalypts: These trees dominate the Australian landscape. Particular varieties are eaten by Koalas.

    Blinky Bill: A well known fictional Koala. The Adventures of Blinky Bill was first published in 1933. It is still in print today.

    Nutsy: Is Blinky Bills adopted sister.

    Woop Woop: Slang for the middle of nowhere. Also an invented name for any small unimportant country town. The kind where you sneeze and you miss it.

    Arvo: The afternoon.

    Vegemite: I assume everyone knows this is our wonderful, scrumptious, magnificent National spread.

    Ripper: Really good. A good time.

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    Croc: Crocodile.

    First Floor: I only just found this out. American call the ground floor of a building the first floor while any Aussie knows that the first floor of a building is the

    first floor up from the ground floor, or what Americans would know as the second floor.

    Stone the flaming crows: Exclamation of surprise or annoyance.

    Rellies: The relatives.

    Knock off: To steal something or make a cheap copy.

    What do you think this is, bush week?: Do you think Im a fool? Or Im no fool.

    Sheila: A female.

    Mad as a gum tree full of galahs: Pretty mad.

    Fair dinkum: true, genuine.

    Down the gurgler: Down the drain, no good.
