Facts Everyone Should Know


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  • 8/13/2019 Facts Everyone Should Know


    9/11 for Dummies: Top Five 9/11 Facts Everyone Should Know8!sin" #ommon #ents and Tellin" the 9/11 Facts

    $y %ohnny &unish

    'n spea(in" with my fellow )mericans a$out 9/11 ten years after the fact* ' have found that many*sadly and unfortunately* have either for"otten what happened that terri$le day or have purchasedthe propa"anda delivered to them $y their own +trusted, main stream !S media-

    .hat especially concerns me is the pro"ressive dummyin" down of our youth specifically thoseunder 0 years old who either hardly remem$er that day as it happened or where not even $ornyet- These people must rely on what is told to them $y +trusted, sources- 'n other words* our

    )merican youth are "ettin" an even lar"er dose of propa"anda then we did shortly after theevent and its trou$lin"-

    )s it stands* another lost "eneration can only accelerate the !S) and its continued devolutiontowards 'diocracy- 'n my view* this is 23T in our $est interests and so ' write this +9/11 forDummies, post in hopes that those with limited time to invest in truth can "et enou"h of the factsto at least as( +4ey5 .hat really happened that day6,

    First* why is truth important6

    .ell* as most of the intelli"encia already (now* the )merican pu$lic is $ein" farmed $y the"lo$alists posin" as )merican firsters in their fancy 7 000 suits with )merican fla" lapel pins-.e see them everyday on their respective party T channels sellin" the sna(e oil- This has $een"oin" on for decades- 'ts nothin" new-

    .hat is new is that we* the people* now have access to information that was once hidden from usand thus are in shoc( mode as we "et pummeled $y reality as each layer of fa(ery is uncovered-'ts desta$iliin" as if were on a $oat in rou"h seas ready to vomit and realie* oh oh* noDramamine only truth to set us strai"ht-

    3(ay* so whats at sta(e here is the future $ecause the human world is teeterin" on failure withoverpopulation while "or"es on mother natures resources- 'n the meantime* "lo$alists continuethe rapture with no conse;uence-

    So for us who live on ed"es of their empire* the ;uestion is simply +Should we allow the "lo$alistto decide who lives and dies or can we* the "lo$al peoples* rise up and decide our own fate6,-'ts a heavy ;uestion and ' offer no answer e

  • 8/13/2019 Facts Everyone Should Know


    There was a small fire with the cause never fully e

  • 8/13/2019 Facts Everyone Should Know


    )ccordin" to the Shan(sville Bayor Ernie Stull +There was no plane*, he told Herman television inBarch 00- 4e said +By sister and a "ood friend of mine were the first ones there*, Stull said-+They were standin" on a street corner in Shan(sville tal(in"- Their car was near$y* so they werethe first here I and the fire department came- Everyone was puled* $ecause the call had $eenthat a plane had crashed- >ut there was no plane-,

    There are family mem$ers of those on the plane that said they received calls includin" theinfamous +Jets Aoll, line yelled $y one of the passen"ers $ut where are the $odies6 2o $odies62o recovery of seats6 en"ines6 2othin"5

    The #ommon #ents &unish 3pinion: )"ain* no evidence that a plane crashed e

  • 8/13/2019 Facts Everyone Should Know


    The #ommon #ents &unish 3pinion: So who $enefited a"ain6 3h thats ri"ht* not us5 )ndwhy is it that Nionism has its fin"erprints everywhere from Dou"las Fife* Donald Aumsfeld* &aul.olfowit* Jarry Silverstein et al=6 's it me or does everyone who $enefited from 9/11 happento $e associated with "lo$al Nionism6

    )>3!T T4E )!T43A: %ohnny &unish is a musician* artist* entertainer* $usinessman* investor*life coach* and syndicated columnist- Educated at !niversity of 2evada Jas e"as* his articlesappear in eterans Today* BunK2EE and his %ohnny &unish $lo"- 4is art music is promoted $y&eapol Bedia Aecords and played on net radio at Jast-fm * Ear>its and more-

    Aesources: Store I Busic I ideos I )maon I CouTu$e I Twitter I Face$oo(

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