Factors that lead to gender inequality in india




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Factors that lead to gender inequality in India

1) One of the major reasons is Wrong interpretation of the Mythologies (don’t get me wrong

when I said that) 80% Indians are Hindus so the most followed mythology Ramayana shows

Ram as an ideal husband, father and king and Sita as an example of ideal women. Down the ages

Ram & Sita has been seen as model of how men and women should act. Sita is shown as loving,

caring one, who always follows Ram. This has led to change in the way the Indians consider a

girl, women should behave in society.

What they don’t see is

Sita--- had the right to choose her own husband, it was her wish to follow Ram, she was

independent, and strong enough to be sane even in dire situations

2) Socio economic reason----Sons are heir to business, one who will take the lineage forward.

Girls are seen as burden. This has led to other gender biasness like,

a) male heir for the family,

b) huge dowry,

c) continued financial support to girl child,

d) poverty,

e) domestic violence,

f) farming as major job for poor and

g) the caste system

Comparisons based on Gender Inequality between Sweden and India

Parameters What it means What to discuss India Sweden

Rank Higher the rank more is the gender biasness

Economic Participation and Opportunity rank

outcomes on salaries, participation levels and access to high-skilled employment

Discuss about Glass ceiling (women never given chance to be in top management ) example very few female CEO’s in India,

Educational attainment outcomes on access to basic and higher level education

lack of education to girl child (laws are their but no implementation)

Political empowerment outcomes on representation in decision-making structures

Gender equality is one of 3 thematic priorities of Swedish Government1)democracy and human right 2) climate 3) environment and gender equality

Health and survival  outcomes on life expectancy and sex ratio

1) discuss the medical facilities in India women are still not allowed to be seen by male doctors, as lack of education very less female doctors, since no female doctors women health is often neglected
