Facebook for business spr 2013


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  • 1.Topics What is Facebook Why Should Businesses be on? Getting Started Posting Measurement Demographics2

2. Facebook Founded in 2004, but since 2006 open to anyone over age13 with an email address Originally for personal connections, but now brands inthe game too The numbers speak for themselves: 1,000,000,000 activeusers3 3. Why use it?4 4. Its the new SEO Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the new SEO, orrather two halves of a whole. SMO is the distribution of social objects (videos, blogposts, tweets, Facebook updates) so that theyreoptimized to rise to the top of any related searchquery, where and when it is performed. Eben will cover optimization page titles,descriptions and tags. SEO + SMO = Amplified findability in the traditionaland social web.5 5. Its Effective 6 6. Its Growing Social media adoption among U.S. small businesses doubled in the past year from 12% to 24% 61% of small business owners use social media to identifyand attract new customers. 75% surveyed have a company page on a social networkingsite. 45% expect social media to be profitable in the next 12months.According to survey conducted by University of Marylands Smith School of Business with Network Solutions7 7. Its Real-Time Reveal the human side of a company, give it personality Provide useful information that people wont getelsewhere (or at least not as quickly) Respond to comments, complaints, requests real-time Have a platform for announcing news, promotions, events Generate new business leads8 8. Its Huge Facebook: 1,000,000,000 active users Twitter: 175,000,000 active users LinkedIn: 150,000,000 registered users Pinterest: 8,000,000 active users Blogs: 346,000,000 people read blogs every day YouTube: 800,000,000 unique visitors last month9 9. Achieve Business Objectives Increase visibility Connect with customers Increase engagement Promote your brand Create a community Promote and manage events Give back to loyal customers through special offers and discounts10 10. Whats the ROI? Tapping into the latest research, Imbue Marketing has taken a closer look at the value of social following Results published March, 201211 11. 12 12. # 13 13. Facebook - Getting Started14 14. Facebook - Getting Started15 15. 16 16. 17 17 17. 18 18 18. 19 19 19. 20 20 20. 21 21 21. 22 22 22. 23 23 23. 24 24 24. Examples of Cool Covers http://www.dreamgrow.com/23-cool-examples-of- facebook-page-cover-photos/25 25. 26 26. 27 27. 28 28. 29 29. 30 30. 31 31. 32 32. 33 33. 34 34. 35 35. 36 36. 37 37. 38 38 38. 39 39. 40 40. 41 41. 42 42. 44 43. 45 44. 46 45. 47 46. 48 47. 49 48. 50 49. 51 50. 52 51. 53 52. 54 53. 55 54. 56 55. 57 56. 58 57. 59 58. # 60 59. 61 60. 62 61. 63 62. 64 63. 65 64. 66 65. 67 66. 68 67. 69 68. 7070 69. 71 70. 72 71. 73 72. 74 73. 75 74. 76 76 75. 77 76. 78 77. 79 78. 80 79. Getting Started - Social Media Plan Define the goals for social media increasing sales, brand awareness / engagement or simplymore people who like or follow your business Create your plan align with marketing calendar Identify the most important keywords for your business. Use these consistently in all posts, tweets, updates. Create a content calendar for posting Measure and adjust traffic, comments, leads, etc.81 80. Topics for Your Content Calendar Post engaging relevant content, in short post with great images. Business Updates, Events, Hiring, etc. Your thought leadership, original content, blog posts Curated content from complimentary businesses/services Fun things reflect popular culture, e.g., Super Bowl, Marathon, Labor Day, etc. Show your personality appropriate cartoons, you on the golf course, etc. Employee, supporter, customer, donor of the week Ask questions, take polls, conduct contests82 81. Posting Set-up Google Alerts for your keywords Best practice is to post on Facebook one time per day, Minimum 2 times per week Use tools like HootSuite, TweetDeck to schedule and manage posts83 82. Engage and grow your following Write interesting and relevant posts will encourage followers to engage with your posts Liking, commenting and sharing are important Facebook uses the level of engagement to determine how many people see your posts Reveal the human side of a company, give it personality Provide useful information that people wont get elsewhere(or at least not as quickly) Respond to comments, complaints, requests real-time Have a platform for announcing news, promotions, events84 83. 85 84. Facebook Best Practices Use Facebook To Connect with Potential Clients Develop Business page OR use personal profile Maintain a Consistent Flow of Communication Post 2 times per week (listing, info) Blog posts, images of sold properties, etc. Integrate Facebook Into Your Existing Marketing Constant Contact App Use different images on different channels Create and Maintain a Professional Image86 85. Facebook Best Practices Promote and manage events Public open houses, Mortgage Forums, etc. Upload and invite your email list Invite your friends87 86. Facebook Best Practices Build community and it will grow organically Join relevant Facebook groups Contact the group owners and ask if theyll crosspromote Post on other relevant, related FB pages88 87. Build Up Your Likes Hold contests/sweepstakes/giveaways/refer-a-friend Put a link to your Facebook page on your website Include Facebook link on all materials that reach target market (business card, emails, flyers, etc.) Leverage your email list Build community/engagement and it will grow organically Join relevant groups Run Facebook Ads89 88. Measuring Use Facebook Insights to see which posts are most successful for you Success = posts with Likes, Shares, and Comments Use Google Analytics to monitor if Facebook and other Social Media sites are sending traffic to your website90 89. 91 90. 92 91. 93 92. NEW FACEBOOK LOOK comingsoon! 94 93. 95 94. Demographics - Facebook 86% of Facebook users are age 25 and older 81% have some college education or bachelors/graduatedegree 58% earn $50,000 or more9696 95. Thank You! Bridget Gibbons bridget@gibbonsdigital.com Gibbonsdigital.com @gibbonsdigital Facebook.com/gibbonsdigital97
