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DIS Architecture + Design Fall 2014

Visual Identity for Kulturtårnet KnippelsbroFall 2014 • Graphic Design StudioAssignment 2Faculty: Britt Gundersen

DIS Architecture + Design Fall 2014


Introduction • Assignment

BackgroundCopenhagen HarbourOver the last 10 years the Copenhagen Harbour’s popularity has increased greatly, encouraging the creation of new activities architetcture. In the middle of the Copenhagen Harbour is a hint from the past: a symbol of the industrial port city with a look that matches the stock exchange and the other towers’ verdigris patina.

HistoryKnippelsbro is a bascule bridge across the Inner Harbour of Copenhagen, Denmark, connecting the Zealand-side Slotsholmen to Christianshavn. It is one of only two bridges to carry motor vehicles across the harbour in central Copenhagen- the other being Langebro. The Knippelsbro bridge, the fifth on the site, is 115 metres long and was inaugurated in 1937. The bridge is a national icon and is also on the Danish 200kr.

Today, only one of the functionalist style towers are used to control the bridge. The other tower is rarely open, but in 2013 the association Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro (The Culture Tower) turned the tower into a cultural experiment. Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro is working to promote cultural projects and life on the Copenhagen harbour, such as art exhibitions and food festivals.

Kulturtårnet does not have a visual identity.

Behind the Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro is Lars Erik Schmidt, Rasmus Krone Andersenand Malthe Bjørn Merrild.

AssignmentYou will define the visual identity of Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro.Through the project you will use the ‘double diamond’ design process model:

Phase 1: DiscoverThrough research, a concept will be established, which will inform your choices indefining and developing the visual identity.What is Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro? Who is Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro targeting? Student, locals, tourists- is one group more important than another? What story should the Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro tell about itself - and does it need to be differentiated according to targetgroups? How could this be reflected in a visual identity and in the name? Does the farm need a logomark? Is a typeface better? A colour? Patterns? What should the place relate to?

Those are only a few of the questions you could ask in order to clarify your conceptand inform your design.The following should be included in the discovering studies and included in your presentation:

• Analysis and research of Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro.• Studies of market/competitors and client• Studies of the function and aim of Kulturtårnet Knippelsbro• A Brainstorm

DIS Architecture + Design Fall 2014


Assignment • Presentation • Evaluation

Phase 2: DefineThe defining stage is a filter where review, selection and discarding takes place. This is where findings from the discovering stage are refined as ideas, concepts and solutions.The following should be included in the defining studies and included in your presentation:• Inspiration / references• Exploration of visual ideas and concepts. Quick sketches.• Condensation of the concept and aim: A short description in writing (max 40 words).

PRESENTATION PHASE 1 + 2:You will individually present your findings and work from phases 1+2 during studio on September 9(and during the final presentation on September 25/26). Your findings should be pinned up on your boards by the beginning of class.

Phase 3: DevelopDuring the development stage of the visual identity, you will work on designing and testing your defined concept. At the end of the this stage you will decide on a final design.The following should be included in the developing studies:• Sketches of ideas and designs• A final design

Phase 4: DeliverThe delivering stage is where the design is implemented on relevant media and platforms. At the end of this stage you will present your design.

Final PresentationThe final presentation must at least consist of:• Your phase 1+2 presentation.• Sketches showing process (from phase 3)• Design of the logo/main identity component. Large and small scale. Positive and negative versions.• Choice of primary and secondary typeface• Choice of colours and/or graphic elements.• Identity implemented and visualised on: – stationary – a 4 page brochure – web landing page – a sign on the building/entrance.

The format of the presentation materials is A3 sheets. Each page should be understandable on its own, and the layout should be organized so your project is self-explanatory. Also, each page should have your name, date and assignment number and title.

Plot Information

Evaluation40% Daily work in studio (process) 60% Final presentation (project)

Evaluation criteria are outlined in detail in the grading rubrics, which are in the course syllabus. Any plots submitted after the deadline, or failure to complete pre-sentation material on-time, will be downgraded.

DIS Architecture + Design Fall 2014



Day Date Time Topic Tu Sept 2 13:15 - 17:00 Studio with Faculty Introduction to assignment. Visit to Kulturtårnet. Guided by Lars Erik Fr Sept 5 13:15 - 17:00 Studio with Faculty Discuss initial research, questions and prep Tu Sept 9 13:15 - 17:00 Course Course Week Studio with Faculty Introduction to phase 2 Sept 11-13 Short Study Tour to Western Denmark Tu Sept 16 13:15 - 17:00 Studio with Faculty Phase 1 + 2 presentations and personal feedback 15:00 - 16:00 Class Rep Meeting 1(3) Location: V7 basement classroom

We Sept 17 13:15 - 17:00 Intro to Long Study Tour Locations: Tour Z - V7.41 Tour V - V10.A11 Tour Y - V7 Basement Classroom Tour W - V10.D11

Fr Sept 19 13:15 - 17:00 Studio with Faculty

Tu Sept 23 13:15 - 17:00 Studio with Faculty

We Sept 24 09:00 Assignment 2 Plot Submission Deadline To AD_Documents

22:00 Assignment 2 Final Pin-up Deadline

Th Sept 25 09:00 - 16:30 Final Presentations of Assignment 2 Location: TBA

Fr Sept 26 09:00 - 16:30 Final Presentations of Assignment 2 Location: TBA