f Sae Program




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  • 2014 formula SaEmichigan Event Guide

  • official events


    Formula SaE lincoln & Formula SaE ElEctric June 18-21, 2014 Lincoln Airpark, Lincoln Nebraska

    Formula SaE auStralaSiaFirst Competition - 2000Website: http://www.saea.com.au/formula-sae-a/

    Formula SaE BraSilFirst Competition - 2004Website: http://www.saebrasil.org.br/eventos/programas_estudantis/

    Formula SaE italyFirst Competition - 2005Website: http://www.ata.it/it/formulaata/24/formula-sae-italy/

    Formula StudEntFirst Competition - 1998Website: http://www.formulastudent.com/

    Formula StudEnt auStriaFirst Competition - 2009Website: http://www.fsaustria.at

    Formula StudEnt GErmany (FSG)First Competition - 2006Website: http://www.formulastudent.de/

    Formula SaE JapanFirst Competition - 2003Website: http://www.jsae.or.jp/formula/en/

  • 1Formula sae michigan 2014 SaE PrESidEntS mESSagE

    Dear Formula SAE Participants and Organizers:

    Welcome to the Formula SAE competition at Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, Michigan.

    Formula SAE is steeped in tradition and competition. Now in its 36th year, Formula SAE provides the real-world challenges of systems engineering, design and problem solving, along with the teaming challenges of collaboration and cooperation. In short, Formula SAE, along with all of the SAE Collegiate Design Series competitions, provides the skills and experiences needed for a well-rounded engineering education.

    In addition to learning, Formula SAE also provides a unique form of competition. This week, collegiate engineering students from several nations will compete in a series of static and dynamic events designed to challenge their engineering, problem-solving and teamwork skills. The students will work hard and compete to win. Some will earn top honors, others will not. But all will leave here winners because they will be better engineering students.

    Good luck to all who are competing in this event. Also, I want to thank everyone for their hard work, support, volunteerism and participation. The experiences and learning you gain this weekend will last throughout your lives.


    Daniel M. HancockPresident, SAE International

  • 2concEPt of thE comPEtitionThe Formula SAE Series competitions challenge teams of university undergraduate and graduate students to conceive, design, fabricate and compete with small, formula style, competition vehicle. To give teams the maximum design flexibility and the freedom to express their creativity and imaginations there are very few restrictions on the overall vehicle design. Teams typically spend eight to twelve months designing, building, testing and preparing their vehicles before a competition. The competitions themselves give teams the chance to demonstrate and prove both their creation and their engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world. Registered for this event are 120 teams from colleges and universities. The end result is a great experience for young engineers in a meaningful engineering project as well as the opportunity of working in a dedicated team effort.

    For the purpose of this competition, the students are to assume that a manufacturing firm has engaged them to produce a prototype car for evaluation as a production item. The intended sales market is the nonprofessional weekend competitor. Therefore, the car must have very high performance in terms of its acceleration, braking, and handling qualities. The car must be low in cost, easy to maintain, and reliable. In addition, the cars marketability is enhanced by other factors such as aesthetics, comfort and use of common parts. The manufacturing firm is planning to produce four (4) cars per day for a limited production run. The challenge to the design team is to design and fabricate a prototype car that best meets these goals and intents. Each design will be compared and judged with other competing designs to determine the best overall car.

    Over the course of three days, the cars are judged in a series of static and dynamic events including: technical inspection, cost, presentation, and engineering design, solo performance trials, and high performance track endurance. These events are scored to determine how well the car performs. In each event, the manufacturing firm has specified minimum acceptable performance levels that are reflected in the scoring equations.

    Static EvEntS:design report: The students explain their constructive solutions to a jury of experts from the automotive and motorsport industries in report and discussion. The concept of the design is to evaluate the engineering effort that went into the design of the car and how the engineer-ing meets the intent of the market. The car that illustrates the best use of engineering to meet the design goals and the best understanding of the design by the team members will win the design event.

    cost report: The students are to assume that a serial production of 1000 cars a year will fol-low the prototype. The cost calculation is discussed with a jury based on a report. The objec-tive of the event is for the participants to learn and understand the manufacturing techniques and processes of some of the components that they have chosen to purchase rather than fabricate themselves.

    presentation: The objective is to evaluate the teams ability to develop and deliver a compre-hensive business case that will convince the executives of a fake manufacturing firm that the teams design best meets the demands of the amateur weekend competition market and that it can be profitably manufactured and marketed.

    taBlE oF contEntS:Concept of the Competition .................. 2

    Schedule ........................4

    Awards ........................... 7

    MIS Teams listed by Country .................... 8

    Team Information ..... 10

    MIS Site Map ...............69

    Key Players .................70

    Sponsors ..................... C4

  • 3concEPt of thE comPEtition dynamic EvEntS:acceleration: The cars are evaluated on their accelerating abilities from a standing start over a distance of 75 meters.

    autocross: The objective is to evaluate the cars maneuver-ability and handling qualities on a tight course without the hindrance of competing cars. The course will combine the performance features of acceleration, braking and cornering into one event. The results of the Autocross scores determine the starting order for endurance.

    Skid-pad: The objective is to measure the cars cornering ability on a flat surface while making a constant-radius turn. The course will be a pair of concentric circles in shape of the number 8; the cars demonstrate how good lateral forces can be absorbed (up to 1.4g).

    Ford Endurance: Over a distance of 22 km the cars have to prove their durability under long-term conditions. Accelera-tion, speed, handling, dynamics, fuel efficiency, reliability the cars have to prove it all.

    thE FollowinG pointS arE poSSiBlE:Static Events 75 Presentation(Thursday) 150 Bosch Design 100 Cost Analysis

    dynamic Events 75 Acceleration(Friday & Saturday) 50 Skid-Pad 150 Autocross 100 Ford Fuel Efficiency 300 Ford Endurance

    total pointS 1000

  • 42014 Formula sae michiganSchEdulE of EvEntStuESday, may 13, 2014Early Registration 6:30 9:30 p.m. Super 8 Motel, 155 Wamplers Lake Road, Brooklyn, MI (M-50 & Wamplers Lake Rd.)

    wEdnESday, may 14, 2014Tech Inspection Take-a-Number Opens 10:00 a.m. Garage 2Welcome Ceremony - Sponsored by Honda 5:30 p.m. Main TentCaptain and Advisors Meeting - Mandatory 6:00 p.m. 6:20 p.m. Main TentMaplesoft Industry Reception for Faculty and Volunteers 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Champions ClubOfficial Closing of the Site 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE MUST BE OFF SITE 8:00 p.m.

    thurSday, may 15, 2014Drivers Meeting (Brake & Practice) - MANDATORY 8:00 a.m. Main TentDesign Event - Sponsored by Bosch - 1st Round Judging Open 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Garage 3Cost Judging Open 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Main TentPresentation Judging Open 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. MIS SuitesLunch Break Noon - 1:00 p.m. Main TentFirst Autocross Course Walk (weather/time permitting) ~2:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. TrackPush Bar Finalist teams announced 5:00 p.m. Main TentDrivers Meeting (All Dynamic Events) - MANDATORY 6:00 p.m. Main TentOfficial Closing of the Site 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE MUST BE OFF-SITE 8:00 p.m. Design Finalist announced online ~9:00 p.m.

    Friday, may 16, 2014Acceleration and Skid Pad Event Events Open 9:00 a.m. 12:30 a.m. TrackDesign Feedback for Non-finalists (by appt. only) 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Garage 3Presentation Seminar 9:30 a.m. Main TentLunch Break 12:30 p.m. Main TentAutocross Course Walk (course set-up/time/weather permitting) ~1:30 p.m. 1:50 p.m. TrackAutocross Event Open 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. TrackDesign Finals - Sponsored by Bosch ~5:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Garage 3Award Ceremony 1 - Sponsored by General Motors ~7:00 p.m. Main TentOfficial Closing of the Site 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE MUST BE OFF-SITE 9:00 p.m.

    Saturday, may 17, 2014Endurance Course Walk 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. TrackTop 3 Teams Bosch Design Finalists Announced ~8:30 a.m. Bosch Design Feedback for Finalists not Top 3, by appointment ~9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Garage 3Ford Endurance/Fuel Economy Event Open Group 1 Only 9:00 a.m. TrackFord Endurance/Fuel Economy Gate Closes for Group 1 ~12:00 p.m. TrackFord Endurance Course Walk ~12:30 p.m. - 1:00 pm TrackLunch Break ~12:30 p.m. Main TentFord Endurance/Fuel Economy Event Open Group 2 Only ~1:35 p.m. TrackFord Endurance/Fuel Economy Gate Closes for Group 2 ~4:00 p.m. TrackPublic Bosch Design Review of Top 3 Finalists ~6:00 pm Garage 3Presentation Highlights ~7:00 p.m. Main TentFinal Awards Ceremony Sponsored by General Motors ~8:00 p.m. Main TentOfficial Closing of the Site 10:30 p.m. EVERYONE MUST BE OFF-SITEAll Teams and Transporters Must Exit 11:00 p.m.

    Sunday, may 18, 2014Site Open ONLY for Pick-Up of Transporters 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

  • 5n miS Site open: wednesday thursday 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.

    n Student registration (Garage 1): Wednesday Friday 8:00a.m. 4:30 p.m. Saturday All students will be registered as spectators

    n tech inspection (Garage 2): wednesday 10:00 a.m. tech take-a-number

    opens Wednesday Noon - 7 p.m. (no new cars after

    6 p.m.) Thursday 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Friday By appointment 9 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Saturday By appointment 9 a.m. until

    1 p.m. (Re-tech only)

    n Scales & push Bar competition (Garage 1 drive thru):

    Wednesday 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. - Noon (for cornering)

    n tilt/noise/Brake Sponsored by continental: Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Staggered

    opening times by 30 min. per event) Friday 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m.

    n Fuel Station: Thursday 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

    n practice area sponsored by continental: Thursday Noon - 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. 3 p.m.

    NOTE: Cars must complete all 4 parts of tech by 5:30 p.m. Friday to qualify for Endurance..30 minutes notice is required for all appointments, which can be booked through the announcer in Main Tent.

    daily opErationS:


    We all want to be part of an exciting and diverse company with excellent career mobility. At Chrysler Group, we are in the business of nurturing passionate and talented individuals to help us lead the automotive industry of the future. You have the skills. We have the drive. Lets get there together.

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    2013 Chrysler Group LLC. All Rights Reserved. Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, SRT, Mopar and the Pentastar logo are registered trademarks of Chrysler Group LLC.FIAT is a registered trademark of Fiat Group Marketing & Corporate Communication S.p.A., used under license by Chrysler Group LLC.

  • 6notESnSite arrival: in order to prevent traffic backlogs onto

    u.S. 12, please plan to arrive at miS no earlier than 7:30 a.m. wednesday, may 14.

    nNo Access Monday - Site closed to all teams Monday, May 19, 2014.

    nNo Access During Dynamic Events - Teams may enter the site with their rigs/trailers/panel trucks ONLY when there are no Dynamic Events running.

    nPush Bar Comp. - Cars judged during Scales. Winner announced at Friday Award Ceremony.

    nMedical Services - There is no First Aid Station on site. EMS will provide any/all medical attention.

    nOvernight Removal of FSAE cars - Removal is allowed, but tech will pull Part 1 of your tech sticker.

    nRemoving Cars - All teams not shipping cars must remove vehicles, etc. from the site not later than 2:00 p.m. Sun., May 18, 2014.

    nShipping Cars - Cars must be picked up/removed from MIS by 10 a.m. Monday, May 19, 2014.

    nFM Audio - Announcements can be heard via FM radio (Frequency will be posted in G1 at event).

    nEvent Closing Times - Acceleration, Skid-Pad & Autocross close exactly at the scheduled time. Your car must cross the starting line before the event closing time to be allowed to complete that run.

    nF1 in Schools HS Engineering Competition - Fri. & Sat., May 17-18 in the Champions Club. FSAE participants may observe from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. & 1-5 p.m. Friday; and 9-11 a.m. Saturday.

    Support SErvicESn Gm machine trailer:

    Wed. Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    n lincoln Electric welding: Wed. Noon 5 p.m. Th. Fri. 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. Noon

    n hoosier: Wed. Fri. 7 a.m. 5 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. 3 p.m.

    n land & Sea dyno: Th. Noon 5 p.m.* Fri. 9 a.m. 5 p.m.* Sat.9 a.m. 4 p.m.** Hours are tentative and may change.

    n Kaz technologies Shock dyno: Wed. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Th. Sat. 9 a.m. 5 p.m.

    n miS Fire trucks on site: Wed. Sat. 7 a.m. ~8 p.m.

    n ambulance on site: Wed. Sat. 7 a.m. ~8 p.m.

    additional SErvicESn concessions:

    Wed. Sat 8 a.m. 6 p.m.*

    n SaE Bookstore: Wed. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. Th Fri. 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. Noon

    * As business dictates. May close earlier.

    official events

    2014 Formula sae michiganSchEdulE of EvEntS

  • 7Support SErvicESn Gm machine trailer:

    Wed. Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    n lincoln Electric welding: Wed. Noon 5 p.m. Th. Fri. 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. Noon

    n hoosier: Wed. Fri. 7 a.m. 5 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. 3 p.m.

    n land & Sea dyno: Th. Noon 5 p.m.* Fri. 9 a.m. 5 p.m.* Sat.9 a.m. 4 p.m.** Hours are tentative and may change.

    n Kaz technologies Shock dyno: Wed. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Th. Sat. 9 a.m. 5 p.m.

    n miS Fire trucks on site: Wed. Sat. 7 a.m. ~8 p.m.

    n ambulance on site: Wed. Sat. 7 a.m. ~8 p.m.

    2014 Fsae michigan awardS

    Spirit oF ExcEllEncE awardThis award recognizes the Top 10 finishers with overall highest accumulative scores.

    Static EvEntS coSt awardTop 3 finishers with overall highest accumulative scores in Cost. BoSch EnGinEErinG dESiGn awardTop 3 finishers with overall highest accumulative scores in Design.

    prESEntation awardTop 3 finishers with overall highest accumulative scores in Presentation.

    dYnamic EvEntS accElEration awardTop 3 finishers with fastest speeds/highest accumulative scores in Acceleration.

    autocroSS awardTop 3 finishers with fastest speeds/highest accumulative scores in Autocross with a trophy for top 3, plus 8 free tires, 6 free tires, 4 free tires Sponsored by Hoosier Tire.

    Ford EndurancE awardTop 3 finishers with fastest speeds/highest accumulative scores in Endurance.

    Ford FuEl Economy awardTop 3 finishers who receive highest scores accumulated on best fuel efficiency.

    SKid pad awardTop 3 finishers with fastest speeds/highest accumulative scores in Skid Pad.

    SPEcialitY awardS (Some may require application process)

    altair EnGinEErinGS william r. adam EnGinEErinG awardDevelopment of new and innovative design concepts for FSAE racing competition - $1000, $500

    continEntal BraKE awardBest in Class Brake design by a team - $1000

    thE FEv powErtrain dEvElopmEnt awardTop 3 teams with overall excellence in Powertrain Development - $2000, $1000, $500

    BoSch thrEE viEw drawinG ExcEllEncE award Top 10 teams who submit the best executed three view drawings, per Formula SAE Rule S6.4.

    Note: Although not guaranteed, some awards will include a cash award dependent on sponsorship. These and other awards will be detailed in the event program available at the on-site competition registration booth.

  • 8AUSTRIA112 Fh - Joanneum graz

    BRAZIL8 centro universitario Da Fei11 instituto maua de tecnologiai

    CANADA34 carleton university74 cegep du vieux - montreal121 concordia university59 Dalhousie university4 ecole De technologie superieure97 lakehead university53 Queens university - ontario

    canada115 ryerson university124 university of guelph111 university of manitoba39 university of toronto126 university of Waterloo60 university of Western ontario65 universityersite Du Quebec a

    trois-rivieres73 universityersite Du Quebec-

    chicoutimi5 universityersite laval

    geRmANy66 Fachhochschule hamburg14 Karlsruhe institute of technology21 technical university of munich1 universitat stuttgart

    mexICo69 universidad iberoamericana

    PUeRTo RICo83 recinto university De mayaguez

    RUSSIA123 maDi state tech university

    SIgNAPoRe38 national university of singapore

    SoUTh koReA80 Kookmin university40 Kumoh national institute of

    technology33 Yeungnam university

    UNITeD ARAB emIRATeS91 Bits Pilani-Dubai

    UNITeD STATeS12 auburn university120 Bradley university30 Brown university88 california Polytechnic state

    university-slo22 california state Poly university -

    Pomona92 california state university - long

    Beach63 clarkson university101 clemson university55 cooper union6 cornell university64 Duke university76 Ferris state university99 Florida atlantic university54 Florida inst of tech71 Florida international university31 georgia institute of technology81 georgia southern university87 Kansas state university16 Kettering university116 lafayette college58 lawrence technological university96 lehigh university108 louisiana state university9 michigan state university46 michigan tech university49 minnesota state university -

    mankato105 mississippi state university13 missouri university of science and

    tech102 north carolina state university -

    raleigh106 north Dakota state university109 northern illinois university125 northwestern university48 oakland university44 ohio state university45 oklahoma state university79 old Dominion university23 oregon state university89 Penn state university - university

    Park84 Purdue university - W lafayette85 rensselaer Polytechnic inst77 rochester institute of technology98 rose hulman inst of tech122 rutgers university50 saginaw valley state university

    43 san Jose state university104 south Dakota sch of mines & tech86 southern illinois university -

    carbondale110 temple university117 tennessee tech university90 texas tech university3 university of akron68 university of alabama -

    tuscaloosa51 university of central Florida19 university of cincinnati82 university of connecticut103 university of evansville10 university of Florida70 university of hartford61 university of illinois - chicago17 university of illinois - urbana

    champaign15 university of Kansas - lawrence95 university of Kentucky36 university of michigan - ann

    arbor47 university of michigan - Dearborn32 university of minnesota - twin

    cities62 university of missouri37 university of new hampshire52 university of north Florida56 university of oklahoma41 university of Pittsburgh -

    Pittsburgh20 university of south Florida57 university of toledo72 university of utah113 university of Wisconsin - madison27 us air Force academy26 us naval academy100 vanderbilt university42 villanova university114 virginia tech67 Washington university - st louis94 West virginia university78 Western michigan university93 York college of Pa

    VeNeZUeLA24 universidad central de venezuela25 universidad simon Bolivar

    2014 Formula sae michigan rEgiStErEd tEamS

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    Success stories dont just happen. They are made.

  • 10

    Since the foundation in 2005 one of the most important reasons for the success of Rennteam Uni Stuttgart has been setting clear goals and milestones right from the beginning of every new cars development. Get the car done in time. Finish the endurance and finally score as many points as you can get. The long period of intensive car testing ensures a reliable and well-understood racecar. The concept implies a lightweight 10 wheeled car with a powerful four-cylinder Honda CBR engine. The combination of a CFRP monocoque with a tubular space frame rear was chosen to improve accessibility and maintenance of the entire powertrain. With the aid of CFD-based optimization our wings guarantee a well-balanced aerodynamic package with maximized efficiency regarding downforce to drag ratio. Looking forward to meeting the international competitors, the team is excited for the FSAE event 2014 on the Michigan International Speedway. Since last summer we have improved our cars weight and performance even further in order to have a great challenge!

    Wed like to thank all our sponsors and supporters who gave us the opportunity to build the F0711-8 and take part in this competition.

    BRAke : AP, ISR BSCD : 67.0mm / 42.5mm / 4 cylinder / 599ccm CooLINg : student built, separate cooling cycles (oil, water) DRIVe : chain drive eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC eNgINe : Honda CBR 600 RR FR/RR TRACk : 1160mm / 1140mm FRAme : hybrid frame (monocoque, tubular steel space frame) FUeL SySTem : 2 stage fuel injection system FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : aluminum tank mPD : 10,500rpm mPT : 7,500rpm oLWh : 2919mm / 1355mm / 1119mm SUSPeNSIoN : pushrod actuated ZF Sachs F3 dampers, U-type anti roll bar TIRe : 10" Hoosier UNIQUe : modified camshafts and crankshaft, titanium conn-rods WeIghT : 547lbs WheeLBASe : 1630mm


    In order to effectively manage Zips Racing and achieve the highest level of performance during the season, the group established goals focused on both the team and vehicle. The teams primary philosophy is centered on producing a vehicle that is simple in nature.Great attention to detail was employed throughout the design, construction, and testing of the ZR14. Success of the ZR14 will be measured with the personal development of Zips Racing team members and the achievement of an overall win this season!

    BRAke : 4 Floating Rotor, ISR Caliper BSCD : 95.0mm/63.4mm/1/450cc CooLINg : Single side mount radiator, Contolled Fan DRIVe : Chain Drive, Drexler LSD eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC M400, ACL, VIM, PDM eNgINe : Yamaha WR450F FR/RR TRACk : 1220mm/1168mm FRAme : Tubular steel frame w/ composite SIS and floor FUeL SySTem : Sequential Injection FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : 4130, CFRP, Ti, Al, Plastics mPD : 10500 mPT : 7500 oLWh : 3020mm, 1220mm, 1145mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double Wishbone, Pull-rod actuated coilovers TIRe : Hoosier 18.0x6.0-10 LC0 UNIQUe : Jorts WeIghT : 220kg WheeLBASe : 1530mm

    University of Akron3Universitat StuttgartRennteam Uni Stuttgart Zips Racing

    United StatesGermany


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  • 12

    Our team is comprised of 20 engineering students. We are well known in the FS-World for our innovative design approach that is validated by the development of a race car with a high standard of quality, workmanship and emphasis on details such as packaging, ergonomics and weight reduction.

    BRAke : Floating, 44W steel BSCD : 75mm bore / 56.5mm stroke / 1 cylinder / 249.7 cc CooLINg : Water DRIVe : Centrifugal clutch, single speed eLeCTRoNICS : Transistors and Stuff eNgINe : Swissauto 250 FR/RR TRACk : 1143mm / 1092 mm FRAme : Single piece composite monocoque FUeL SySTem : Injection FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : Carbon, aluminium, steel, blood, sweat and tears mPD : 12800 Rpm mPT : 8500 Rpm oLWh : 2989 mm long,1346 mm wide,1422 mm high SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod actuated TIRe : 10in, Hoosier Lc0 UNIQUe : Lightweight WeIghT : 480lbs with frontal wind WheeLBASe : 1530mm

    4 ecole De Technologie SuperieureFormule eTS


    ULaval Racing team is proud to present its new Formula SAE prototype, the FSL-14. It is a 192 kg car mounted on 10 wheels, powered by a 4-cylinder 600cc engine and equipped with an aero package. The design philosophy is reliability, manufacturability and performance.

    This year cars features a brand new turbocharger with enhanced dynamic response. The aerodynamic package is now bigger enabling higher lateral ac-celeration. The differential has been changed to a Drexler LSD in order to reduce understeer compared to the Torsen T1. The behavior of both solutions have been analysed on our custom test bench.

    BRAke : Floating disk BSCD : 4 cyl. 600cc CooLINg : Water cooled DRIVe : Drexler LSD eLeCTRoNICS : Motec M400 eNgINe : Honda CBR 600 RR FR/RR TRACk : 1180 / 1155 (mm) FRAme : Steel space frame - Stressed engine FUeL SySTem : Electronic injection FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : Steel, Carbon fiber, Aluminum mPD : 70 kW (8500 RPM) mPT : 80 Nm (7000 RPM) oLWh : SUSPeNSIoN : Front: Pull rod, Back: Push rod TIRe : Hoosier LC0 10" UNIQUe : Aluminum diffuser and Closed loop waste gate control WeIghT : 580 (lb) WheeLBASe : 1525 mm

    Universite Laval5 Formule SAe del'Universite Laval


  • 13



    Engineering Innovation


    FEV is a playground for creative engineers. We help our customers innovate new concepts from emobility to greener engines to wind power generation. Were constantly pursuing new ideas redefining possible every day. If you dream of creating the future, join us and shift your career into berdrive.

    Cornell Racing proudly presents its entry, ARG14, into the 2014 Formula SAE Michigan Competition. ARG14 maintains its power advantage while decreasing fuel consumption and improving driveability and ergonomics. To achieve these goals, a full carbon fiber monocoque was selected with a strong and reliable engine package centered around serviceability. At the heart of ARG14s engine package is a turbocharged Honda CBR600RR, with a custom dry sump lubrica-tion system, controlled by a MoTeC M400 ECU. Additionally, ARG14 features front and rear wings to increase high speed stability. Cornell Racing aims to win its 10th championship title at Formula SAE Michigan.

    6 Cornell UniversityCornell Formula SAe Race Team

    United States

    BRAke : Floating, cast iron rotors with 2-piston calipers BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4cyl/599cc CooLINg : Sidepod mounted radiator with thermostatic controlled electric fan DRIVe : chain eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC M400 eNgINe : Honda CBR600RR FR/RR TRACk : 1206.5mm/1193.8mm FRAme : Carbon Fiber Monocoque FUeL SySTem : Sequential port injection controlled by M400 with 3D map FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : Carbon Fiber mPD : 9000 mPT : 6500 oLWh : 2924mm/1384mm/1203mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length a-arms, front/rear pushrod, adj anti-roll TIRe : 18x6.0-10/18x7.5-10 Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : Seamless monocoque, custom turbine hous-ing, internal dry sump scavenge pump WeIghT : 570 WheeLBASe : 1651mm

  • 14

    The RS8 vehicle is the 8th Formula SAE prototype from Formula FEI, the 4th to use a single cylinder engine, 10 wheels following the downsizing concept and the 1st to use an aeropackage with wings.

    This car stands for an evolution among the RS generation vehicles. This is ac-complished without losing the main design objective: To suit the non-professional, weekend, competition racer market, allying the best compromises in performance, aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, manufacturability and reliability.

    The yellow, green and blue stripes painting is a tribute to Ayrton Senna and identi-fies the Formula FEI during international competitions.

    BRAke : FEI Calipers and Floating Rotors / Tilton Master Cylinders w/ Adj. Balance BSCD : 95 mm / 63.4 mm / 1 cyl / 449 cc CooLINg : Custom Aluminum Radiator / Side pod mounted DRIVe : 520 Chain, 5 Speed Yamaha Sequential Trans-mission, Drexler Differential eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC EDL3, FEI Telemetry, PDM, CAN bus and Dashboard eNgINe : Yamaha WR450FEI FR/RR TRACk : 1165 mm (45,87in) / 1185 mm (46,65in) FRAme : Hybrid Space Frame FUeL SySTem : FuelTech FT400, Custom Bosch Fuel Pump and Siemens Racing Injector FUeL TyPe : E85 or E100 Ethanol mATeRIAL : 1020 Steel, Nomex Honeycomb and Carbon Fiber mPD : 40 kW @ 8000 rpm mPT : 50 Nm @ 6000 rpm oLWh : 2704mm (106.46in), 1405mm (55,31in), 1005mm (39,57in) SUSPeNSIoN : Double A-Arms, Pull rods, Penske Damp-ers and Adj. Anti-Roll Bars TIRe : 18x6-10 LC0 Hoosier UNIQUe : FEI Telemetry, PDM, CAN bus and Dashboard WeIghT : 238 kg (525 lb) WheeLBASe : 1570mm (61.8in)

    Centro Universitario Da FeI8 equipe Formula FeI


    Michigan State Universitys Formula SAE Team would like to present this years entry into the Formula SAE race series, the SR-14. The SR-14 is powered by the four cylinder Honda F4i engine, which delivers great reliability, a broad torque curve, and fast acceleration with a 0-60 time of 3.4 seconds. The powertrain system is packaged within a stiff and lightweight carbon fiber monocoque chas-sis. The electrical system features over 60 sensors to monitor car and driver per-formance. The SR-14 also features an electro-pneumatic paddle shifting system, traction control, and launch control. It is equipped with a complete aerodynamics package: front wing, rear wing, and our teams first undertray. Overall, it gener-ates 410 pounds of downforce at 60 mph. The SR-14 is designed to be a reliable and tunable race car with a simple human-machine interface that inspires driver confidence.

    We would like to thank Michigan State University and all of our sponsors, friends, and families for their kind contributions and support! Without them this invaluable learning experience would not be possible.

    BRAke : Brembo P34 front/Wilwood PS1 rear, Tilton 77 MC, sintered metallic pads BSCD : 67 mm / 42.5 mm / Inline 4 cyl / 599 cc CooLINg : Single front-ducted, side mounted radiator 25.4 cm shroud-mounted fans DRIVe : Chain-driven Drexler Differential eLeCTRoNICS : Motec M400 with ADL Data Logger eNgINe : Honda CBR600F4i FR/RR TRACk : 1194 mm / 1194 mm FRAme : Full carbon fiber monocoque with rear steel sub-frame FUeL SySTem : Sequential fuel injection FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : Carbon Fiber mPD : 10500 RPM mPT : 9000 RPM oLWh : 2747.3 mm long, 1390.1 mm wide, 1098.3 mm high SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push-rod actuated spring and damper TIRe : Hoosier 13" R25B UNIQUe : Front and rear wing, electro-pneumatic paddle shifting system WeIghT : 640 lbs / 290 kg WheeLBASe : 1588 mm

    9 michigan State Universitymichigan State University Formula

    United States

  • 15

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    The University of Florida is proud to present the 2014 vehicle entry to the Formula SAE Michigan event: the F-14. The F-14 distinguishes itself as an extremely care-ful refinement of its predecessor and bears the intention to maintain UFs return among the top-ten teams at FSAE Michigan.

    The F-14 exhibits a multitude of new or upgraded system designs including an entire carbon-fiber/aluminum control arm construction, intensively mass-optimized brake rotors, custom-designed camshaft profiles, and much more. The University of Florida is excited to see the result of these design changes culminate at FSAE-M 2014.

    In remembrance of Kahlil Mohmed.

    University of Florida

    10 gator motorsports

    United States

    BRAke : Bosch M4 Anti-Lock Brakes BSCD : 67mm x 42.5mm 4 cyl. 599cc CooLINg : Yes DRIVe : Custom Torsen Differential eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC eNgINe : 2007 CBR600RR FR/RR TRACk : Front: 48in Rear: 47in FRAme : Steel Spaceframe FUeL SySTem : PWM Returnless Rail FUeL TyPe : 100 mATeRIAL : Prefabulated Amulite mPD : .050 MW (11000 rpm) mPT : 25 N-m (9000 rpm) oLWh : 112.0in x 41.4in x 55.0in SUSPeNSIoN : Carbon Fibre Double A-arm TIRe : 20.5x7x13 Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : No Wings WeIghT : 575 lb WheeLBASe : 61 in

  • 16

    This is the third car from MAUA Racing Team, the MR14 Prototype designed to improve from last year: ergonomics, driving maneuverability and power. All this with a low manufacturing cost.

    Our project was broke down in steps for managementand implementation purposes. These steps were: Build a team and distribute tasks; Establish goals; Project the car; Build.

    After the car were ready, we accomplished our goals: a reliable car, good dynam-ics and great power obtained from a CBR 600 RR engine calibrated from one of our members.

    Allied with our goals, we could keep the intend of a car for a weekend racer, with easy access and maintenance to all systems.

    BRAke : Comercial Calipers / Tilton Master Cylinders w/ Adj. Balance BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4 cylinders / 599 cc CooLINg : 370x370x26 radiator , 2000 cfm fan mounted DRIVe : 520 Chain and Custom Torsen T-1 eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC M4, AIM Telemetry eNgINe : CBR600 RR-IMT FR/RR TRACk : 1243 mm / 1133 mm FRAme : Tubular Space Frame FUeL SySTem : Magneti Marelli injectors connected to a line of 3.5 bar FUeL TyPe : 100 octane gasoline mATeRIAL : 1020 Steel and Carbon Fibe mPD : 72 hp @ 7500 rpm mPT : 50 Nm @ 8000 rpm oLWh : 2785 mm length, 1243 mm wide, 1280 mm high SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length pullrod front, pushrod rear TIRe : Hoosier 20.5 x 7 -13 R25B UNIQUe : WeIghT : 310 kg WheeLBASe : 1566 mm

    11Instituto maua de Tecnologiamaua Racing


    AU-2014 utilizes a hybrid front monocoque and rear space frame chassis design to yield optimal vehicle dynamics, packaging, and overall reliability. The robust, efficient and powerful Yamaha R6 is used to power AU-2014. The decision to retain the R6 powerplant was made due to the reliability, driver-friendly torque, and efficiency that the team has extracted from the motor in AU-2014s prede-cessors. The R6 motor combined with an all-new monocque design and 10 in. wheels yields a superior power to weight ratio, and gives AU-2014 an advantage over the competition at the track and in the market-place.

    AUFSAE thanks War Eagle, and Platinum Level Partners: The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering at Auburn University, Walt and Ginger Woltosz, The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum, Griffon Aerospace, National Instruments, Davis Machine Works, Hexcel, HATCI, APR, Solid Edge, GKN Aerospace, Rains Racing, and Impatient Creations.

    War Eagle!

    BRAke : Floating Rotor, Adjustable Bias BSCD : 67 mm, 42.5 mm, 4 Cylinders, 599 cc CooLINg : Dual Pass Radiator DRIVe : Chain Drive, Salisbury Differential eLeCTRoNICS : Motec ECU, Motec ADL, Custom Dash eNgINe : Yamaha R6 FR/RR TRACk : 1219 (48in), 1194 (47in) FRAme : Monocoque Fore, Chromoly Space Frame Aft FUeL SySTem : EFI FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : Varies by Application mPD : 86 hp (11,500) mPT : 45 ft-lbs (8,500) oLWh : SUSPeNSIoN : SLA, Double A-arm TIRe : Hoosier 18x6.0-10 LCO UNIQUe : Come ask us in the paddock! WeIghT : 538 WheeLBASe : 1588mm / 62.5in

    Auburn University

    12 War eagle motorsports

    United States

  • 17

    There is a movement happening at GM one that requires hard work, determination, and a unified vision that embraces new ideas, fresh thinking and working collaboratively.

    We need your engineering talent and passion to be an integral part of this progression. Through our internship, co-op and entry-level positions, outstanding students like you have the opportunity to make a difference from day one. That means your ideas can contribute to whats next, now and your ambition can propel us toward the future. Test your talent at GM and discover what our employees already know that together, theres no stopping us.

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    Drive ChanGe Into the Future.

    13missouri University of Science and TechS&T Racing

    United States

    BRAke : Gray cast iron rotors, ISR calipers, Custom masters BSCD : 65.5 mm/44.5 mm/4 cyl/599 cc CooLINg : Water cooled, Side mounted radiators DRIVe : Drexler LSD eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC M600 ECU, Custom power distribution module, Custom paddle shifting eNgINe : 1992-2002 Yamaha YZF-R6 FR/RR TRACk : 48"/46" FRAme : 4130 Chromoly Spaceframe FUeL SySTem : Custom tank, Custom fuel rail FUeL TyPe : 100 Octane mATeRIAL : mPD : 95 hp @ 11,000 rpm mPT : 45 ft-lb @ 10,600 rpm oLWh : 117.3"x55.7"x55.7" SUSPeNSIoN : Pullrod (front), Pushrod (rear) TIRe : 13" Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : Steering system, Aerodynamics package, Electronic paddle shifting WeIghT : 590 lbs WheeLBASe : 64.7"

  • 18

    KA-RaceIng two cars, one passion! KA-RaceIng is a team of about 65 motivated students building two cars every season one powered by a combustion engine, the other one by an electric powertrain. The KIT13c is our combustion car from the season of 2013. It is based on the experience of having designed six combustion and three electric cars since the foundation of the team in 2006.

    As we are building two cars, we develop several parts which meet the requirements of both cars in order to improve testing time and manufacturing effort. Moreover we aim to combine the best of new ideas and tested concepts in both cars.

    The KIT13c is powered by a self-developed turbocharged 2-cylinder engine with direct injection that has been developed and improved since March 2011 in order to meet the requirements of a formula student engine. The chassis of the car is a light weight CFRP monocoque combined with a tubular rear space frame and an aerodynamic package.

    We would like to thank all our supporters for making it possible to participate in this great event and are looking forward to an exciting competition in Michigan.

    BRAke : Floating carbon-steel rotors, outer diameter 230mm/220mm (F/R), ISR four/two BSCD : 83mm / 55mm / 2 cylinders / 595cc CooLINg : side pod mounted radiator, electric fans DRIVe : Gearbox with spur gear stage eLeCTRoNICS : self developed live telemetry eNgINe : Self developed engine, integrated gearbox and differential FR/RR TRACk : 1220mm / 1150mm FRAme : Front: Carbonfibre Monocoque / Rear: Space Frame FUeL SySTem : Direct Injection FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : CFRP, Round Steel tubing mPD : 5500 mPT : 4800 oLWh : 3215 / 1407 / 1369 (mm) SUSPeNSIoN : double unequal length A-ARm, pull/push rod actuated KAZ damper TIRe : 20.5x7.5 R13 R25B Hoosier UNIQUe : WeIghT : 590 WheeLBASe : 1565mm

    karlsruhe Institute of Technology14 kA-RacIng e.V.


    Jayhawk Motorsports was founded in 1994 by a group of six KU mechanical engineers. Since then, JMS has grown into a team comprised of over 60 stu-dents. Team members represent several disciplines including industrial design, business, computer science and mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering.

    BRAke : Student Designed Calipers and Master Cylinder BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4 cylinder(s) / 599 cc CooLINg : Radiator, Electric Water Pump DRIVe : Chain eLeCTRoNICS : Yes eNgINe : Honda CBR600RR FR/RR TRACk : 50 in/46 in FRAme : Composite Monocoque FUeL SySTem : Port Fuel Injected, Return Style FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : Kevlar mPD : 10,500 mPT : 8,000 oLWh : 126 in long, 58 in wide, 47 in tall SUSPeNSIoN : Double A-Arm, Pullrod/Front, Pushrod/Rear TIRe : 20.5x7.0-13 R25B Hoosier UNIQUe : WeIghT : 595 lbs WheeLBASe : 65 in


    University of kansas - LawrenceJmS14

    United States

  • 19




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    After completing our best season in school history in 2013 we have carried over several of the design philosophies that were crucial to that success. The funda-mental philosophy of our vehicle is the efficient use of material and processes to create the best valued vehicle in the spirit of the Formula SAE competition.

    We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their support in the pursuit of the spirit of SAE.


    BRAke : Waterjet 1018 Steel Floating Rotors, Tilton MC, Woodward Calipers BSCD : 95mm / 62.4mm / 1 cyl / 450cc CooLINg : Central Raptor 700 Radiator DRIVe : Chain driven Cam and Pawl Differential eLeCTRoNICS : Woodward Mototron 128, Minimalist Loom eNgINe : Yamaha WR450f FR/RR TRACk : (1092mm/43") (1067mm/42") FRAme : Good Ol Detroit Iron FUeL SySTem : Returnless Relatively-Low-Pressure EFI FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : Steel and Aluminum... Only mPD : 60 hp @ 9500 rpm mPT : 36 lb-ft @ 6500 rpm oLWh : (2565mm/101" long) (1270mm/50" wide) (927mm/36.5" high) SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-Arm with Push Rod TIRe : 18x6.0x10 Hoosier LC0 UNIQUe : The Spirit of SAE WeIghT : 492 lbm (223kg) WheeLBASe : 1549mm/61"

    kettering University

    16 kettering Formula SAe

    United States

  • 20

    Illini Motorsports 2014 competition entry has been designed using points analysis coupled lap simulation and a renewed focus on reliability. Key design changes include a new aerodynamics package featuring custom airfoils, a reduction in wheel base and an introduction of a dry sump lubrication system.

    We would like to give a special thanks to our friends, families, and sponsors for their continued support.

    BRAke : AP Racing 4-Piston front, 2-Piston Rear BSCD : 67mm bore / 42.5mm stroke / 599cc CooLINg : Vertically mounted single core double pass radiator, 944 cfm fan DRIVe : RWD eLeCTRoNICS : Motec M400 ECU and student designed data acquisition system eNgINe : Honda CBR600 F4i FR/RR TRACk : 49in front, 49in rear FRAme : 4130 Steel space frame FUeL SySTem : Stock Honda FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : 4130 Steel mPD : 10500 RPM mPT : 9000 RPM oLWh : L: 3249mm / W: 1468mm / H: 1124mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-arms, Ohlins TTX25 dampers TIRe : 20.5x7x13 Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : Custom airfoils and custom CFRP steering wheel WeIghT : 640lb WheeLBASe : 61in

    17University of Illinois - Urbana ChampaignIllini motorsports

    United States

    The 2014 University of Cincinnati FSAE car is a continuation of the designs from the previous years. More recently, we have been successful using a 450cc en-gine and 10 wheel package because of its simplicity and weight benefits. From testing, design reviews, and previous experience using this package, we have further developed and refined our designs around this small, light package.

    To build our car to the level we want to compete and to further develop the program at the University of Cincinnati, our design goals are: - Reliability (Reduce and avoid problems and breakdowns) - Drivability (Creating a car that is predictable and easy to learn to drive) - Ease of Maintenance (Create a car that is simple and fast to work on) - Ease of Manufacture (Design components for quick and easy manufacturing)

    BRAke : Cast iron floating rotors, Brembo/Wilwood cali-pers, AP Racing MC BSCD : 95.0mm bore / 63.4mm stroke / 1 cylinder / 449.0cc CooLINg : Side mounted OEM Yamaha radiator, single speed fan DRIVe : Chain drive, 520 ptich x 62 link, stock Yamaha transmission eLeCTRoNICS : Performance Electronics ECU (PE3) eNgINe : Yamaha YFZ450R FR/RR TRACk : 1285 mm FRAme : Steel tubular space frame FUeL SySTem : 42 lb/hr injector, 45psi FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : mPD : 8500 RPM mPT : 7500 RPM oLWh : 2624 mm long, 1285 mm wide, 1091 mm high SUSPeNSIoN : Un-even, non-parallel A-arms TIRe : 10x6" Hoosier R25b UNIQUe : Kart style steering, Pneumatic shifting WeIghT : 500 lbs WheeLBASe : 1549 mm


    University of CincinnatiBearcat motorsports

    United States

  • 21

    e Future is Ours to Make

    Good luck Formula teams!



    e Future is Ours to Make

    Good luck Formula teams!



    e Future is Ours to Make

    Good luck Formula teams!



    e Future is Ours to Make

    Good luck Formula teams!



    e Future is Ours to Make

    Good luck Formula teams!



    e Future is Ours to Make

    Good luck Formula teams!



    e Future is Ours to Make

    Good luck Formula teams!



    F2014 represents the ninth Formula SAE vehicle produced by USF Racing since beginning the FSAE series in 2005, and is the fourth evolution of our current design concept. The following goals were created by the team preceding the design process: improvement of component serviceability, initial development of an aerodynamics package, and a 10 lb weight reduction (without wings) from our previous model, F2013. We placed an emphasis on validating design simulation through real-world testing. Based off of the successes of previous models, F2014 runs a naturally aspirated Suzuki LT-R 450cc single cylinder engine, steel axles, and 10 inch wheels. Integrating last years chassis packaging with improvements in the suspension and engine systems, the introduction of an aerodynamics pack-age as well as building on a successful history in static events, we hope to have created a car which continues to perform aggressively across all events in the FSAE competition.

    Everyone at USF Racing would like to take the time to thank all of our sponsors for their continued support of our team. Every donation of time, service, knowledge, and funding brings us one step closer to the checkered flag.

    BRAke : BSCD : CooLINg : DRIVe : eLeCTRoNICS : eNgINe : FR/RR TRACk : FRAme : FUeL SySTem : FUeL TyPe : mATeRIAL : mPD : mPT : oLWh : SUSPeNSIoN : TIRe : UNIQUe : WeIghT : WheeLBASe :

    University of South Florida

    20 USF Racing

    United States

  • 22

    In October 2012 a team of 65 young and motivated students started to develop the 10th Formula Student Combustion car of the TUfast Racing Team. After a lot of hard work we were proud to roll out the nb013 out of our workshop in June 2013. The challenge for this year was to reduce weight even more, aiming for less than 190kg with an aero package. Therefore we implemented some innova-tive designs e.g. for the rims and the driveshafts for further weight reduction. The full aero package is also a first in TUfast history. So now we are excited to com-pete with all the other teams and see if we did a good job. And after a hard day full of work, we would be happy to chat with some of you guys about our favorite topic and have a good time. Just come over and have a beer with us.

    BRAke : Disk 180mm (FR)/156mm(RR), adjustable brake balance, Titlon master cylinder BSCD : 67mm/42,5mm/4/599cm CooLINg : Seperate Water and Oil coolers, Electrical waterpump (ECU controlled) DRIVe : Chain DID 520 ERT2 eLeCTRoNICS : Telemetry system, MoTec ADL3 dash logger, launch control, automatic upshift eNgINe : Kawasaki ZX-6R 2007 FR/RR TRACk : FR: 1150mm/45.2" RR: 1110mm/43.7" FRAme : One piece prepreg monocoque FUeL SySTem : Student built, two stage injection, MoTec M800 controlled FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : CFRP aluminum honeycomb sandwich mPD : 10500 mPT : 9000 oLWh : L: 3084mm/121.4" W: 1390mm/54.7" H: 1459mm/57.4" SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-Arms, Pullrod actuated horizontally oriented Sachs F3 TIRe : 10" R25B UNIQUe : Sheet Moulding Compound Rims, CFRP Driveshafts WeIghT : 248 kg / 546 lb WheeLBASe : 1580mm/62.2"

    21Technical University of munichTufast Racing Team


    The 2014 Michigan event is the final outing for the 2013 FSAE car. After prov-ing its speed and agility in the 2013 Lincoln event, the team went to work and improved the performance of the vehicle with an updated aero package. This car was also utilized as a test bed for the newest CPPFSAE car which will debut in Lincoln, NE in June of 2014. The car features a GSXR 600 Suzuki engine, a 4130 chrome-moly space frame, a unique top surface only wing design, pull rod front and push rod rear suspension, and custom made hollow half shafts.

    BRAke : Disk w/ Dual Piston Caliper BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4cy/599mm CooLINg : Custom Air to Water Heat Exchanger DRIVe : Torsen Differential with Custom Housing eLeCTRoNICS : AEM EMS 4 with Custom Harness eNgINe : 01-03 GSXR 600 FR/RR TRACk : 48.7in/47.7in FRAme : 4130 Chrome-moly Space Frame FUeL SySTem : Multi Port EFI FUeL TyPe : 91 Octane mATeRIAL : mPD : 90 BHP (9500rpm) mPT : 50 ft-lbs (7000rpm) oLWh : 121in/48in/52.2in SUSPeNSIoN : Unequal Double Wishbone TIRe : 13 x 7 x 21.5 R25B UNIQUe : Single Plane Wing Profile, Stressed Seat WeIghT : 565 lbs WheeLBASe : 60.25in

    California State Poly University - Pomona

    22 Cal Poly Pomona FSAe

    United States

  • 23

    Formula SAE teams are eligible to get complimentary copies of Maplesoft products. To apply please visit www.maplesoft.com/FormulaSAEproduct

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    6Advanced System-Level Modeling

    Global Formula Racing is the first internationally collaborative FSAE team from Oregon State University and DHBW Ravensburg. Every year we build two cars, one combustion, one electric sharing chassis and suspension packages.

    23oregon State Universityglobal Formula Racing

    United States

    BRAke : Brembo + AP calipers, Tilton master cylinders, student designed rotors. BSCD : 96 mm bore / 61.7 mm stroke / 1 cylinder / 449 ccCooLINg : Single Vibration isolated mounted 1 core 6 fins per mm radiator, 1100 cfm fan on CRFP shroud DRIVe : Chain drive, clutch pack limited slip differential eLeCTRoNICS : MoteceNgINe : Honda CRF450X FR/RR TRACk : 1145mmFRAme : CFRP monocoque, Nomex honeycomb core FUeL SySTem : Honda CRF450X pump Honda CRF450R injector FUeL TyPe : mATeRIAL : Carbon, steel, aluminum, plasticmPD : 10,000 RPMmPT : 8,000 RPMoLWh : 3034 mm long, 1355 mm wide, 1488 mm highSUSPeNSIoN : SLA, pullrod front, pushrod rear TIRe : Hoosier LC0 18.0x6.0 -10. UNIQUe : German-American heritageWeIghT : w/ 150 lb driver: 500WheeLBASe : 1555 mm

  • 24

    Having developed a fully functional prototype in 2013, this year the team has focused on improving the reliability of the vehicle, by optimizing the manufacturing time to allow more track tests. Also, the team has achieved a 12% weight reduc-tion, and the mass distribution has changed for better performance: the CG is at a lower height, and rearwards, and the system components are more centered in the vehicle. We stick to our tested YZ450F engine, wich we used the last year for the first time. Using the experience and knowledge acquired with the 2013 proto-type, the engine setup for this year is more efficient with a new intake system and engine mapping optimizations. Also, the electronics have been designed for easy debugging and setting of the system.

    We are proud to present one of the best prototypes since the team creation in 2005. The Team is very grateful with all our sponsors, that make possible the realization of this project.

    BRAke : 4 Full floating steel rotors, Wilwood PS1 cali-pers, proportioning valve BSCD : 95mm Bore / 63,4mm Stroke / 1 Cylinder / 449cc CooLINg : Side mounted aluminum radiators with thermostatic controlled electric fans DRIVe : Chain drive; Torsen T1 Limited Slip Differential eLeCTRoNICS : Performance Electronics PE3 ECU eNgINe : Yamaha, YZ450F 2008 FR/RR TRACk : FR 1200mm / RR 1200mm FRAme : 4130 Tubular Space Frame FUeL SySTem : Team designed fuel injection system FUeL TyPe : Gasoline, 100 Octanes mATeRIAL : Steel, Fiberglass, Aluminum, others mPD : 34,38 kW @ 8500 RPM mPT : 44,88 Nm @ 6500 RPM oLWh : 3099 mm long, 1327 mm wide, 1154 mm high SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod actuated TIRe : 21 x 6,5 - 13 - R25B UNIQUe : Modular design drivetrain system; Interchange-able suspension mounts WeIghT : 230 kg WheeLBASe : 1600 mm

    Universidad Central de Venezuela24 Ultimate Competition Vehicle


    Based on the previous year experience and to keep improving our results, this year the F-SAE USB team has set to design and build a Functional, Achievable, Simple, Tested and Economic prototype. We want to keep going FASTER to con-tinue being the best Latin American Team.

    This year, the team established 2 main goals, which along with our decision matrix set the guidelines to the overall design

    1. Complete the design and construction stage of the prototype in six months approximately, being able to test the vehicle and have a longer period of time setting it up

    2. Reduce 15% of last years weight through and improved design and construc-tion process, maintaining reliability and improving performance.

    BRAke : Outboard, Floating, gray cast iron, hub mounted, 215 mm OD. Drilled BSCD : 67 mm / 42,5 mm / 4cyl / 599 cc CooLINg : One single pass, aluminum radiators with inlet/ outlet duct and no cooling DRIVe : Drexler differential eLeCTRoNICS : PE ECU-3 (EDGE) EF eNgINe : HONDA CBR600 F4i cylinders FR/RR TRACk : 1244 mm / 1194 mm FRAme : Tubular frame FUeL SySTem : Electronic fuel inyection FUeL TyPe : 100 Octane mATeRIAL : 4130 Round Steel Tubing mPD : 11.500 rpm mPT : 7800 rpm oLWh : 2987 mm, 1510 mm, 1664 mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double Unequal length A-Arms. Push rod actuated TIRe : front 7.0 in and rear 7.5 in UNIQUe : Brakes calipers and rotors are design and build by the team WeIghT : 280 Kg w/driver WheeLBASe : 1585 mm


    Universidad Simon BolivarF-SAe USB


  • 25

    The 2014 Navy Formula SAE team (NR-14) is a refinement of Navys 2013 car, focusing on a back-to-basics mind-set. NR-14s goal was to incorporate the lessons learned from past-years teams to advance the general design of the 2013 car. We worked to improve manufacturability and lessen complexity by developing a simple, easily repaired, and easily diagnosed vehicle. Previous years of Navy Racing have utilized advanced methods of shifting, such as pneumatic cylinders and electronic solenoids; however, NR-14 chose to employ a basic bar linkage from the drivers hand, back to the transmission, keeping shifting sim-ple. In addition, NR-14 worked to improve the lines of communication between the team and USNAs machine shop to discuss the creation of parts. This helped ensure there would not be any challenges from transferring CAD designs through to manufacturing. In the case of complex components, including carbon-fiber A-arms and additional systems components, NR-14 made sure to develop each component prior to introducing them to the car. All parts were initially lab-tested and systems components were isolated from the functionality of the car.

    US Naval Academy

    26 Navy motorsports

    United States

    BRAke : Tilton 77-Series Master Cylinder, AP Racing Calipers, Steel Slotted Rotors BSCD : 76 mm/49.5 mm/2-cyl/449 cc CooLINg : Side-mounted, 2-core Al radiator, 254 cfm fan DRIVe : 520 pitch chain, 5-speed sequential trans-mission inherent to Aprilia SXV 450 eLeCTRoNICS : Shift timing lights in dash, slip control, GPS, Wireless data transmission eNgINe : Aprilia SXV 450 FR/RR TRACk : 1219.2 mm/1270 mm FRAme : Hybrid-CFRP Monocoque with 4130 chro-moly steel rear spaceframe FUeL SySTem : PE-3 ECU FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : Preimpregnated Carbon Fiber, 4130 Chromoly Steel, 7075/6061 Aluminum mPD : 9000 RPM mPT : 7500 RPM oLWh : 2740 mm/1447 mm/1105 mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-arm, Push-rod actuated coilover, Anti-roll bar TIRe : 18x7.5-10 R25B Hoosier UNIQUe : Hybrid-CFRP A-arms, Fail-safe auxiliary systems shut-off capability,

    WeIghT : 600 lbs WheeLBASe : 1524 mm

  • 26

    The 2014 USAFA Formula SAE team has constructed S1.4, the fourth version of the S-series car. The philosophy set by the 2011 team to constantly improve on the same fundamental concept of small and lightweight has lead to what is the best car in USAFA history. With a reliable KTM 525 engine, and the mindset of constant improvement, the USAF is represented well by 11 highly motivated cadets.

    This years car is approximately forty pounds lighter than last years. In the original plan set out by the 2010 team, this years main goal was to improve the reliability of S1.3 while saving additional weight.

    Major modifications to S1.3 include a new differential, improved suspension parts, new brake parts, a smaller tire size, lighter frame, form fitted foam seat, and new intake/exhaust system. With these new parts and a fresh batch of firsties (seniors at a military academy), the 2014 USAFA Formula team is excited to compete!

    BRAke : Wilwood PS-1, Dual piston, Four Outboard Discs BSCD : 95 mm Bore / 72 mm stroke / single cylinder / 510 cc CooLINg : Two Side-mounted Aluminum Radiators with Water Pump and Ducted Electric Fan DRIVe : Chain Drive with Torsen Differential eLeCTRoNICS : PE-ECU 3 eNgINe : KTM 525 FR/RR TRACk : 1117.6 mm FR / 1117.6 mm RR FRAme : 4130 Steel Tubular Space Frame FUeL SySTem : EFI Single Port Injection FUeL TyPe : 93 mATeRIAL : 4130 Steel mPD : 9,200 mPT : 7,000 oLWh : 2452 mm / 1337 mm / 1334 mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double A-Arm, Push Rod Actuated, Horizontally Oriented Spring and Damper TIRe : 18.0 x 6.0-10 R25B Hoosier UNIQUe : Made by Second Lieutenant Selects WeIghT : 513 lb WheeLBASe : 1549.4 mm

    27US Air Force AcademyUSAFA motorsports

    United States

    Our focus for 2014 is to improve upon our designs from previous years by analyz-ing the failures and successes of pastvehicles. We designed a more reliable and drivable vehicle while adding additional data logging and processingcapabilities, to improve our tuning ability and allow our vehicle to serve as a test-bed for future years. We alsodesigned the vehicle with the goal of promoting design for manu-facture and assembly, to reduce time spent on thesetasks, and give us more time to tune and train in the car. The team additionally continued to work towards its goal ofenabling amateur drivers to take full advantage of the cars potential. Through the year, the team used computersimulations, subsystem testing, and full-scale data logging to study and improve vehicle performance.

    BRAke : Floating outboard rotors BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4 cylinder / 599 cc CooLINg : Water cooled, single radiator, double fan DRIVe : Chain drive, Torsen T1 Invex Differential with 1.6:1 TBR eLeCTRoNICS : DTAfast S80 Pro ECU, AiM EVO4 Data logger, Custom PCB for shifting eNgINe : Honda CBR600RR FR/RR TRACk : FR 1207 mm (47.5 in), RR 1201 mm (47.2 in) FRAme : Spaceframe FUeL SySTem : Sequential multi-point fuel injection FUeL TyPe : 100 octane mATeRIAL : 4130 steel mPD : 80 hp / 60 kW (9,500 rpm) mPT : 47 ft-lbs / 64 N-m (8,500 rpm) oLWh : Length 2544 mm (100.2 in), Width 1359 mm (53.5 in), Height 1144 mm (43.0 in) SUSPeNSIoN : SLA with pushrod-actuated coil springs over 4-way adjustable dampers TIRe : 18.0 / Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : Pedalbox position adjustable from cockpit, state change song, Chris Bull WeIghT : 585 lb / 272 kg WheeLBASe : 1584 mm (62.3 in)


    Brown UniversityBrown FSAe

    United States

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    Car 31 marks the 22nd vehicle produced by GT Motorsports since the teams founding in 1987. We strive to produce consumer-oriented vehicles that are fast, comfortable, reliable, and affordable. GT Motorsports takes the vision of Formula SAE to heart; our cars are 100% student designed, and our team members manufacture all components in-house.

    Our design methodology places emphasis on designing the vehicle as a system, balancing tradeoffs in performance, efficiency, and cost. Our design team has generated and validated computational models of nearly every component on the car, totaling over ten thousand lines of MATLAB code. We use these models to outline detailed design specifications for vehicle systems and components.

    This years design marks a return to the inline-four powerplant. We have also begun to explore innovative applications for stressed composites, engineering polymers, and additive manufacturing.

    georgia Institute of Technology

    31 georgia Tech motorsports

    United States

    BRAke : Calipers: student designed "monoblock", 30 mm bore, Rotors: 178 mm steel BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4 cyl/599cc CooLINg : Single side-mounted aluminum radiator with thermostatically controlled fan DRIVe : 520 chain with limited slip differential eLeCTRoNICS : MoTec M800 ECU with ADL dash/data logger eNgINe : 2009 Honda CBR600RR FR/RR TRACk : FR: 1270mm RR:1220mm FRAme : 4130 space frame FUeL SySTem : Port Fuel Injection FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : Aluminum mPD : 11500 mPT : 9000 oLWh : 2870 mm long, 1473 mm wide, 1244 mm high SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-Arms. Push/pull rod actuated spring/damper TIRe : Hoosier 18x6-10 R25B UNIQUe : Student designed/manufactured solid-state power distribution module WeIghT : 580 lbs. WheeLBASe : 1550 mm

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    The 2014 car is the latest evolution of a platform that started in 2011. Our main focus this year was to create a better car by first becoming a better team. We committed to an aggressive timeline and ended up finishing the chassis in record time, having more competition ready engines than weve ever had, the most dyno time in years, and more testing than ever before.

    We again chose a space frame of 4130 with bonded carbon fiber structural panels and an inline 4-cyl from a Yamaha R6. The suspension geometry stayed the same but the system shed significant unsprung weight. The team now fully utilizes brand new MoTeC engine control and telemetry hardware/software which aided suspension and powertrain tuning. The intake, differential support, tires, and cooling all improved significantly for this years car.

    We want to give a big thanks to all of our sponsors, friends at the University, alumni, and supporters for helping us meet our goals and achieve our potential!

    BRAke : Outboard floating rotors, Wilwood BSCD : 65.5 mm/ 44.5 mm/ 4 cyl/ 600cc CooLINg : Side mounted radiator DRIVe : Chain drive with a TRE Differential eLeCTRoNICS : Motec M600 eNgINe : Yamaha R6 FR/RR TRACk : 1288 mm/ 1288mm FRAme : Steel space frame with bonded carbon honey-comb panels FUeL SySTem : Fuel injection FUeL TyPe : 93 octane mATeRIAL : 4130 chromoly mPD : 11700 mPT : 9800 oLWh : 2644 mm/ 1489 mm/ 1079 mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-arms with pull rods TIRe : 20.5x7.0-13 Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : WeIghT : 600 lb WheeLBASe : 1560 mm

    32University of minnesota - Twin Citiesgopher motorsports

    United States

    CMDM, a racing club in Yeungnam University in South Korea, has not taken part in Formula SAE since our last competition in 2009. It is going to be our new chal-lenge because all of the team members are new to this project. We focus 3 points to design 2014 formula vehicle. These are weight reduction, manufacturability, Ergonomics.

    BRAke : Front 2caliper and Rear 1 caliper system BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4 cylinder(s) / 599 cc CooLINg : Wet type DRIVe : Chaindrive eLeCTRoNICS : MOTEC M84 ECM eNgINe : CBR600RR PC37 FR/RR TRACk : 1150mm/1100mm FRAme : Steel tubing FUeL SySTem : Fuel injection system FUeL TyPe : Gasoline mATeRIAL : E93 mPD : 60HP (12500) mPT : 6.75kg.m (11000) oLWh : 2340/1475/1402 SUSPeNSIoN : F-Pull rod/ R-Push rod / Unequal A-arm TIRe : 13 UNIQUe : Equipped Aerodynamic system WeIghT : 500 WheeLBASe : 1565mm

    yeungnam University

    33 CmDm

    South Korea

  • 29



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    Carleton Universitys Ravens Racing has designed and produced a high-performance race car making it an ideal weekend race vehicle targeting the amateur autocross enthusiast.

    Design highlights for the 2014 vehicle include: single cylinder EFI engine for performance and reliability; customizable fuel and ignition system; space frame chassis with a high-rigidity-to-weight ratio carbon fibre side impact panels and frontal impact attenuator; in-house manufactured custom aluminum wheel centers.

    Carletons design goals emphasize a balance between performance and cost-effective manufacturing. To achieve the design goals, a closed loop design process is used to create an environment of continuous improvement. Design criteria are based on the lessons learned in testing and past competitions. A wheels-in design approach is supported by Creo Parametric solid modelling, Creo Simulate FEA, and Creo Mechanism dynamic simulation. Vehicle testing is used to verify criteria compliance and provide feedback for future design work, thus completing the design cycle.

    BRAke : Hydraulic BSCD : 77.0mm/53.6mm/1 Cylinder/250CC CooLINg : Liquid DRIVe : 6-Gear Chain eLeCTRoNICS : Programmable ECU and Ignition eNgINe : Yamaha 250CC FR/RR TRACk : 1270mm/1219mm FRAme : Space Frame FUeL SySTem : Fuel Injected FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : 1020 Steel mPD : 8900 mPT : 8200 oLWh : 2591mm/1453mm/1155mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-Arm, push rod actuated, torsion bar springs TIRe : 20.5x7-13 R25B Hoosier UNIQUe : MOTEC M48 ECU and SPDi Spark programmable ignition WeIghT : 227kg WheeLBASe : 1553mm

    34Carleton UniversityRavens Racing


  • 30

    We looked at our aero package from last year and said Lets make it bigger. Everything was designed around that.

    BRAke : 4 wheel disc brakes BSCD : 67/42.5/4/599 CooLINg : Custom DRIVe : Chain eLeCTRoNICS : We have them eNgINe : Honda CBR600RR FR/RR TRACk : 1206/1181 FRAme : Steel space frame FUeL SySTem : Custom FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : We use lots of them mPD : 10500 mPT : 9200 oLWh : 2621, 1372, 1058 SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal A-Arm TIRe : 10 inch Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : Massive aero WeIghT : 590 WheeLBASe : 1575

    University of michigan - Ann Arbor36 mRacing

    United States

    The 2014 UNH Precision Racing Team designed a new and greatly improved racecar with attention to reliability and overall vehicle dynamics. For the new season Precision Racing has added a full aerodynamics package, automated shifting, anti-roll bars and full carbon fiber airfoil A-arms, Push rods and tie rods. With an increase in power, control, reliability, safety and efficiency the 2014 edi-tion UNH FSAE racecar has been developed to be the most balanced product in team history.

    Precision Racing would like to thank our sponsors: Tucker Engineering, Pentair, TeXtreme, Spectex, Dreher, Fastenal, Thompson Investment Casting, CD-adapco, Albany Composites and Lotus

    BRAke : Cast Iron Rotors / Brembo Calipers / Tilton Cylinders BSCD : 95 mm Bore / 63.4mm Stroke / 1 Cylinder / 450 cc CooLINg : Liquid Cooled, Single Radiator, Side Mounted DRIVe : Chain Driven Taylor Racing Quaife Torque-Biasing LSD eLeCTRoNICS : VEMS ECU, Custom Data Logger eNgINe : 2011 Yamaha YFZ450R FR/RR TRACk : 1219 mm / 1168.4 mm FRAme : Mild Steel Space Frame FUeL SySTem : Naturally Aspirated FUeL TyPe : 100 Octane mATeRIAL : Mild Steel mPD : 9,000 mPT : 6250 oLWh : 3098 mm Long, 1397 mm Wide, 1439 mm High SUSPeNSIoN : Double Unequal Length A-Arm. Push Rod Actuated Spring/Damper w/ Anti-Roll Bar TIRe : 20.5 x 7.0-13" Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : Airfoil Carbon Fiber Push Rods, A-Arms and Tie-Rods WeIghT : 628 lbs / 285 kg WheeLBASe : 1676 mm


    University of New hampshireUNh Precision Racing

    United States

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    Opportunityis everywhere.

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    Formula SAE

    Yazaki is aproud sponsor of

    Formula SAE

    Making its way to the 2014 Formula SAE Michigan Competition is our very own NUS FSAE Race Car, NUS-R14. The design of this car took reference from the previous car, NUS-R13, with the major change being the new engine.

    R14 uses an inline four cylinders CBR600RR engine, changing from the V-twin two cylinders Aprilia SXV550 used in R13. The CBR600RR was chosen for its reliability, serviceability and responsive power delivery. A dry sump with thin flat oil pan was designed for the lubrication system in order to lower the position of the engine in the chassis. This is done to achieve a race car with lower Centre of Gravity.

    We would like to thank the university and all the sponsors as this car will not be possible without their support.

    With that, we hope R14 would be a strong contender in the FSAE Michigan Com-petition where we would showcase our years worth of hard work.

    BRAke : Gray Cast Iron Rotor, AP Racing 2 Piston caliper BSCD : 67mm / 42.5mm / 4 cyl / 599cc CooLINg : Electric water pump, single-pass radiator with electric fan DRIVe : 520 Chain and Sprocket eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC M800 ECU eNgINe : Honda CBR600RR FR/RR TRACk : 1180mm / 1170mm FRAme : 4130 steel spaceframe with CFRP-PVC foam shear panels FUeL SySTem : Custom aluminium fuel tank, EFI FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : Steel, Aluminium, CFRP mPD : 11150 mPT : 9800 oLWh : 2598mm / 1398mm / 1154mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-arm, pushrod actuated spring and damper, U-type ARB TIRe : 6.0/18.0 - 10 LCO Hoosier UNIQUe : Rapid Prototype Intake System, Dry Sump Engine Lubrication System WeIghT : 603 lbs WheeLBASe : 1555mm

    National University of Singapore

    38 NUS FSAe


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    The University of Toronto presents UT14 for the 2014 Formula SAE Michigan competition.

    The UT14 entry marks UofTs 16th year at competition. The vehicle follows a philosophy of design for manufacture, offering an optimal balance between performance and cost. This mentality has provided distinctly new design methods for the 2014 vehicle. A wooden jig, pocketed a-arms, and aluminum cast uprights have served to drastically decrease our manufacturing time without compromise for performance. This is our second installment of the 10 wheel vehicle powered by the Honda TRX450 single cylinder engine. The chassis has been lengthened by 2 inches and the driver has been angled back to increase driver comfort. The efficient packaging of all components over a 23kg chassis allows us to achieve Torontos highest stiffness to weight ratio.

    By adhering to our design philosophy the team was able to complete significant track testing and gain substantial driving experience. The end result is a light-weight, drivable and simple vehicle.

    BRAke : 4-Disk, ISR 4-piston calipers BSCD : 96 mm/62.5 mm/ 1 cylinder / 449cc CooLINg : Single side-mounted radiator. ECU controlled fan DRIVe : Chain driven (520 chain) eLeCTRoNICS : Performance Electronics ECU eNgINe : Honda TRX450ER FR/RR TRACk : 1193/1168mm (47/46 inches) FRAme : Tubular space frame FUeL SySTem : Student designed EFI FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane mATeRIAL : 1020 round and square tubing mPD : 8500 mPT : 6500 oLWh : 2254/1391/1166mm (89/55/46 inches) SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod actuated damper TIRe : 18x6-10 LC0 Hoosier UNIQUe : Stepped stainless steel exhaust header WeIghT : 500 lb WheeLBASe : 1537 mm (60.5 inches)

    39University of TorontoUniversity of Toronto Formula Racing



    Podium NE is Kumoh Institute of Techs Ninth Podium series. Our primary goal for the Fsae competition on this year is create the most enjoyable car for most people. we also would like to to improve the quality of the vehicle we made last. All our team members has tried to get closer and advance to the best. And we believe it will be a successful challenge in the long run. Our team, Automania always keep making the better design and vehicle.

    BRAke : 4 Wheel Disk, S BSCD : 58mm bore/57mm stroke/4cylinders/599cc CooLINg : Side mounted radiator and pan DRIVe : 50ERV3 Chain drive type, M eLeCTRoNICS : Electronic shifter eNgINe : Honda Cbr 600 RR FR/RR TRACk : 1220mm/1100mm FRAme : Steel tube construction frame FUeL SySTem : FUeL TyPe : 93 Octane gasoline mATeRIAL : Seamless Mild steel round tubing pipe Pi 25.4/T2.4 Pi 25.4/T1.65 mPD : 70.2Hp@12000rpm mPT : 4.3Kg*M@11300rpm oLWh : 25555mm, 1400 wide, 1030mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double Wishbone(F/R) Push rod type TIRe : Dry/Slick Kumho 180/530 R13 UNIQUe : WeIghT : 507lb/657lb with driver WheeLBASe : 1550mm

    kumoh National Institute of Technology

    40 automania

    South Korea

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    The Panther Racing Team is divided into six main groups: Chassis & Suspension, Powertrain, Drivetrain, Electronics & Data Acquisition, Ergonomics, and Aero-dynamics. This structure allows each design group to operate in parallel while maintaining inter-group communication to ensure that each system complements the others and strives for a common set of design goals. With the growing use of aerodynamic devices on top-twenty finishers, it was decided to pursue perfor-mance gains through aerodynamics. In addition, an evaluation of the competition showed that a sub-200 kg car weight was standard among top-placing steel tube frame 4-cylinder cars without wings. Thus, a target weight was chosen to be 200 kg (441 lbm) without the aerodynamic package, a feasible 6% weight reduction from previous Panther Racing vehicles. Our 2014 prototype has a steel tube space frame chassis with a 4-cylinder engine and a full aerodynamics pack-age. This combination was selected due to the low cost and ease of manufacture of the chassis, the high power output of a 4-cylinder powertrain, and the conclu-sive laptime reductions seen by increasing downforce in laptime simulation.

    BRAke : AP Racing Calipers / 316 SS Rotors BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4 cylinder(s) / 599 cc CooLINg : Single side mounted radiator with fan DRIVe : Chain, Drexler differential eLeCTRoNICS : MoTeC M400, PDM32, SDL3 eNgINe : Honda CBR600RR FR/RR TRACk : 1280 mm / 1177 mm FRAme : Steel Tube Spaceframe FUeL SySTem : External fuel pump with return FUeL TyPe : 93 mATeRIAL : 4130 Chromoly Spaceframe mPD : 10,500 rpm mPT : 8,500 rpm oLWh : 2223 mm, 1482 mm, 1025 mm SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-arm, pushrod actuated Penske damper TIRe : Hoosier 20.5x7-13 R25B / Hoosier 20x7.5-13 R25B UNIQUe : WeIghT : 625 WheeLBASe : 1550 mm

    41University of Pittsburgh - PittsburghPanther Racing

    United States

    kumoh National Institute of Technology

    Villanova Universitys 2014 entry into the Formula SAE Competition (hereafter re-ferred to as VU06) represents the teams sixth year in competition. Last years car, VU05, was the first point in our history where we could refine and update systems on the car, rather than fully redesign them. A major goal for VU06 was to finish early, with an emphasis on reliability and driver comfort, while building on the lightness and performance of VU05. Some highlights include a frame that is 10% lighter and 15% torsionally stiffer, increased reliability across the vehicle without significant weight gain, a redesigned cooling system, a new paddle-actuated CO2 shift system and computer, and a new data acquisition system.

    BRAke : Outboard Floating, Steel Rotors, Four Piston Calipers BSCD : 67mm/ 42.5mm/ 4 cylinder/ 599ccm CooLINg : Water Cooled DRIVe : Chain Driven eLeCTRoNICS : Wireless Data Acquisition System eNgINe : Yamaha YZF-R6 FR/RR TRACk : 48"/46" FRAme : Steel Tube Frame FUeL SySTem : Fuel Injected FUeL TyPe : 100 Octane mATeRIAL : Steel, Carbon, Al mPD : 9500 mPT : 9500 oLWh : 100" x 56.5" x 46" SUSPeNSIoN : Double wishbone TIRe : Hoosier 20.5 x 7.0 UNIQUe : Telemetry WeIghT : 580 lbs WheeLBASe : 60.00 in

    Villanova University

    42 NovaRacing

    United States

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    Spartan Racing is proud to introduce SR-6, our sixth Formula SAE vehicle and the boldest yet. Weve returned to compete this year with more motivation, more speed, and a lot more carbon (with slightly less yellow). SR-6 incorporates the strong points of the lightening-fast SR-5, including electropneumatic paddle shift-ers, a powerful and reliable Honda F4i engine, and a dry sump system. To improve reliability, handling, and speed, Weve added a Drexler differential, redesigned the chassis to significantly boost stiffness and enclose suspension components for drag reduction, and designed a three-element wing package for a high lift/drag ratio. SR-6 sets a new bar for us at Spartan Racing, and we are excited to share it with all of our friends here at FSAE Michigan 2014.

    BRAke : Tilton 77 MC / Wilwood GP200 Calipers BSCD : 67mm / 42.5mm / 4 / 599cc CooLINg : 2 Core, Dual-pass Radiator DRIVe : Chain-driven Drexler Differential eLeCTRoNICS : DTA S80 ECU / AiM EVO4 DAQ eNgINe : Honda F4i FR/RR TRACk : 48in / 47in FRAme : 4130 Welded Spaceframe FUeL SySTem : Dual Injector Rail FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : 4130 Steel, Carbon Fiber mPD : 80hp (11k) mPT : 45ft-lb (8k) oLWh : L120.14in x W55.25in x H51.83in SUSPeNSIoN : Front/Rear Pushrod, hlins Shocks TIRe : 18in Hoosier R25B UNIQUe : Closed-loop Electropneumatic Shift / Clutch WeIghT : 590lb WheeLBASe : 61.5in

    43San Jose State UniversitySpartan Racing

    United States

    The focus of the Formula Buckeyes 2014 design was weight reduction and lowered CG height. To achieve this, the team has developed 10, 3 piece carbon fiber wheels to replace the current 13 wheels. This combined with the switch to a Drexler differential and a redesigned two piece monocoque chassis a weight reduction of over 60 lbs has been achieved. In addition our new dry sump oil system has allowed the engine to be lowered over 2 inches, helping to lower the overall CG height 1.1 inches. The Formula Buckeyes would like to thank all of our sponsors for their continued support and wish all other teams good luck in competition this year!

    BRAke : Hydraulic, 2 Piston Calipers, Floating Steel Rotors BSCD : 67mm / 42.5mm / 4 cyl / 599cc CooLINg : Sidepod Mounted Aluminum Radiator with Adjustable Fan DRIVe : 4 Speed Electro-Pneumatic Sequential Trans-mission eLeCTRoNICS : CAN Based Shift Light/Gear Indicator and Fan Controller, Wireless Telemetry eNgINe : Honda CBR 600 F4i FR/RR TRACk : 1168mm (46 in) / 1130mm (45 in) FRAme : Dual Cell Monocoque FUeL SySTem : MoTec M400 FUeL TyPe : E85 mATeRIAL : 2x2 Twill Carbon Fiber mPD : 75 HP (10,000 RPM) mPT : 45 LB-FT (8,000 RPM) oLWh : 2912mm (115in), 1412mm (56in), 1270mm (50in) SUSPeNSIoN : Double Unequal Length A-Arm, Push Rod Actuated TIRe : 18.0x7.5-10 R25B UNIQUe : Two-Part Monocoque Chassis WeIghT : 568 LBS WheeLBASe : 1600mm (63in)

    ohio State University

    44 The Formula Buckeyes

    United States

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    The 2014 Oklahoma State University car, designated VALKYRIE, was designed to exemplify the successes of previous generations while building upon the founda-tions of previous lessons learned. The car was created, not only with the technical rules in mind, but with the intent of creating a business friendly car that would be easy to manufacture and remain affordable to the everyday autocrosser.

    At the heart of this years car lies a Yamaha YFZ450R single-cylinder ATV engine. The power supplied by this engine will propel the car to a maximum vehicle speed of 116 kph. The engine would be nothing without a frame to propel. This years frame is a tubular space frame made out of 4130 steel of the round and square varieties. VALKYRIE was designed to float like a butterfly on a double unequal length A-Arm suspension attached to both, the front and the rear. VALKYRIE also relies upon four 18x6-10 R25B Hoosier tires to lay the power down to the asphalt as she rounds corners and flies down straightaways.

    Manufacturer-purchased parts aside, all other aspects of VALKYRIE were hand-crafted and machined with the utmost attention to detail by the members of the Okstate Racing Team.

    BRAke : 4 Wheel Discs W/ Floating Calipers BSCD : 95mm bore/63.4mm stroke/Single Cylinder/450cc CooLINg : Side mounted radiator with electronically controlled fan DRIVe : 0-ring chain/sprocket driven eLeCTRoNICS : Perfermoance Electronics PE3(EDGE) eNgINe : Yamaha YFZ450R FR/RR TRACk : 1219 mm front/1168 mm rear FRAme : Spaceframe Tubular FUeL SySTem : In line fuel pump FUeL TyPe : 91 Octane mATeRIAL : 4130 Steel Round and Square Tubing 0.625" to 1.0" diameter mPD : 8300 mPT : 7900 oLWh : 2412mm long, 1414mm wide, 1308mm high SUSPeNSIoN : Double unequal length A-arm. Push rod actuated TIRe : 18x6-10 R25B Hoosier UNIQUe : Ethernet and Diagnostics Ports located on the side of the car WeIghT : 121kg front / 128.5 kg rear WheeLBASe : 1625.6mm

    45oklahoma State Universityokstate Racing

    United States

    Michigan Technological Universitys Formula SAE program began in 1994. Today, the team consists of 45 motivated members majoring in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering technology. The three main goals that drove the design of this years vehicle were performance, driveability and maintainability. The F-151, the 2014 competition vehicle, incorporates fea-tures that address each of these goals. The single cylinder KTM engine provides maximum performance with a custom student designed fuel injection system and intake. The newly designed electro-pneumatic shifting system increases drivability by reducing shifting time. The two piece 1020 space frame chassis provides superior maintainability by allowing improved access to vehicle systems. This vehicle is a third iteration vehicle that first competed in 2010.

    The team continues to build on the strong foundation that was created some 10 years ago. We would like to thank Michigan Technological University and our loyal sponsors for their continued support. We look forward to representing them at competition.

    BRAke : Student Designed, outboard, full floating, drilled 1020 steel BSCD : 95mm bore / 72mm Stoke / 510cc CooLINg : Side Mounted Aluminum Core Radiator, 850 cfm fan DRIVe : Chain eLeCTRoNICS : PE ECU data logging eNgINe : KTM 525, single cylinder, cusstom intake, exhaust, and fuel injection FR/RR TRACk : 1295mm / 1270mm FRAme : Two piece, steel tube frame with integrated carbon fiber panel reinforcement FUeL SySTem : Composite tank with in tank fuel pump FUeL TyPe : 93 mATeRIAL : Carbon Fiber, Aluminum, Steel, Titanium mPD : 7800 mPT : 5100 oLWh : 2464mm length, 1285mm wide, 1097 mm high SUSPeNSIoN : Unequeal length, double wishbone, pullrod activated TIRe : 20.5 x 7-13" UNIQUe : Carbon Fiber Control Arms WeIghT : 201.9 kg (445 lbs) WheeLBASe : 1651 mm

    michigan Tech University

    46 mTU FSAe

    United States

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    The University of Michigan - Dearborn Formula SAE team (UMDracing) was first introduced in 1994 - making this our 20th anniversary. The 2014 design includes a high powered Yamaha Genesis 80FI two cylinder engine and CVT system, quicker lock-to-lock steering ratio, a newly designed suspension system, and our first aero package.

    This 2014 season, UMDracing has only one goal in mind:1. Finishing with the best overall season in our sc
