Eye Conditions HCT II. Amblyopia Lazy eye (amblyopia) is decreased vision that results from abnormal...


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Eye ConditionsHCT II


Lazy eye (amblyopia) is decreased vision that results from abnormal visual development in infancy and early childhood

Lazy eye develops when nerve pathways between the brain and the eye aren't properly stimulated. As a result, the brain favors one eye, usually due to poor vision in the other eye. The weaker eye tends to wander. Eventually, the brain may ignore the signals received from the weaker — or lazy — eye.

Signs and symptoms of lazy eye include:

An eye that wanders inward or outward Eyes that may not appear to work

together Poor depth perception

•Corrective eyewear.-eyewear depends on condition being treated. Nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatism

•Eye patches. To stimulate the weaker eye, your child may wear an eye patch over the stronger eye.

•Eyedrops. A daily or twice-weekly drop of a drug called atropine can temporarily blur vision in the stronger eye. This will encourage your child to use his or her weaker eye, and offers an alternative to wearing a patch.

•Surgery. If your child's eyes cross or wander apart, your doctor may recommend surgical repair for the eye muscles.


An abnormal shape or curvature of the cornea that causes blurred vision. ◦This causes light rays to focus on multiple

areas of the retina

Cover one eye and look at the chart. Then close the other eye and look at the chart again.

If some lines look grey, bold or blurred you may need your eyes checked.


Eyeglass- lenses are shaped to counteract the shape of the cornea or lens that's causing blurred vision.

Contact lenses-All contact lenses rotate when a person blinks. "toric" lenses turn back to their normal position to treat astigmatism

Laser eye surgery (LASIK). the surgeon uses a laser to reshape the cornea so it can focus light rays better


When the lens of the eye becomes cloudy (opaque). Usually occurs with aging but may happen due to trauma

S&S◦ Blurred vision◦ Halos around lights◦ Gradual vision loss◦ Milky white pupils

Treatment- Surgery, glasses or contacts



Conjunctiva- lines the eyelids and the sclera

Conjunctivitis- inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by bacteria or virus

Treatment- eye drops or ointments


Caused from an increase in intraocular pressure in the anterior chamber of the eye.

Leading cause of blindness in the united states

Common after age 40


S&S◦Loss of peripheral vision◦Limited night vision◦Halos around lights◦Mild to moderate aching◦Gradual vision loss

Treatment- Aimed at reducing intraocular pressure◦Surgery- (laser, drainage implants)◦medications


Farsightedness- occurs when the light rays focus beyond the retina.

occurs if your eyeball is too short or the cornea has too little curvature, so light entering your eye is not focused correctly.



Nearsightedness- occurs when light rays focus in front of the retina. Distant objects will appear blurry

TX- ◦glasses with concave lenses◦Radial keratotomy- (RK) small incisions are made in the

cornea to flatten it◦Laser surgery to flatten the cornea without flattening it.


Farsightedness caused by a loss of lens elasticity (part of the normal aging process)

Treated with corrective lenses or reading glasses

Macular degeneration

A disease of the macula (the area of sharpest Vision)

Age related caused by damage to the blood vessels that nourish the eye

Types◦Dry- occurs when fatty deposits block blood flow

causing a gradual loss of central vision. ◦Wet- abnormal growth of blood vessels causing

blood and fluids to leak and damage the eye.

Macular Degeneration


no cure or ability to stop progression Magnifiers and increased lighting may help slightly

◦Wet Laser treatment to seal the leak



a disorder in which the two eyes do not line up in the same direction, and therefore do not look at the same object at the same time.


Etiology- Caused by muscle weakness in one or both eyes.

Treatment◦Corrective lenses◦Eye exercises◦Eye patches◦Surgery on the muscle that moves the eye

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