Expository Preaching lesson 4


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Expository PreachingLesson 4

Definition• An expository sermon is a sermon

whose structure is determined by a Scriptural unit of thought, whose substance is determined by the thorough exegesis of the text and the congregation, and whose success is dependent on the Spirit of God empowering the servant of God to explain, illustrate, and apply the truth of God in such a way that the voice of God is heard, the glory of God is seen, and the will of God is obeyed.



• Expositional preaching best achieves the biblical intent of preaching: delivering God's message.

• Expositional preaching promotes scripturally authoritative preaching.

• Expositional preaching magnifies God's Word.


• Expositional preaching provides a storehouse of preaching material.

• Expositional preaching develops the pastor as a man of God's Word.

• Expositional preaching ensures the highest level of Bible knowledge for the flock.


• Expositional preaching leads to thinking and living biblically.

• Expositional preaching encourages both depth and comprehensive ness.

• Expositional preaching forces the treatment of hard-to-interpret texts.


• Expositional preaching allows for handling broad theological themes.

• Expositional preaching keeps preachers away from ruts and hobby horses.

• Expositional preaching prevents the insertion of human ideas.


• Expositional preaching guards against misinterpretation of the biblical text.

Expository PreachingLesson 4

Expository PreachingLesson 5

Basics of Expository Sermon Development

Steps in Expository Sermon Development

1. Pray 1 Thess 1:5– for our gospel did not come to you in word only,

but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.

Power of Creation

• Power of creation• Neh 9:6

6 "You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens, The heaven of heavens with all their host, The earth and all that is on it, The seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them And the heavenly host bows down before You.

Power of Creation

– Bring something out of nothing– Bring light into darkness– Send for the life of the Lord Jesus

Power of the Exodus

• Deut 4:34– 34 "Or has a god tried to go to take for himself a

nation from within another nation by trials, by signs and wonders and by war and by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm and by great terrors, as the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?

Power of the Exodus

– Set people free from bondages, addictions– Set people free from slavery to sin, satan, and

the flesh

Power of the resurrection

– Sin defeating power– satan crushing power– Bring life where there is death


1 Thess 1:5– for our gospel did not come to you in word only,

but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.

In the Holy Spirit

• Ask the Father to have the Holy Spirit attend to every word of the sermon– Draw people to Jesus

• John 6:44– 44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father

who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.

In the Holy Spirit

– He would rebuke the devoured from snatching away the seed of the word

– He would prepare people’s hearts for the seed of the word

– He would comfort, reprove, exhort, encourage, and rebuke

In the Holy Spirit

• He would convict of sin, righteousness and the judgment to come.

In the Holy Spirit• He would bring about the

perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures

• Rom 15:4– 4 For whatever was written in

earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

In the Holy Spirit

– He would lead, guide, and teach God’s truth– He would make hearts and minds attentive to

the word preached– He would enable and excite His people to obey

the word preached

In the Holy Spirit

– He would use the imperishable seed of the word to bring about the new birth

–1 Peter 1:23– 23 for you have been born again not of seed

which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.

In the Holy Spirit

– He would use the word to justify– He would use the word to sanctify

• John 17:17– 17 "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is


In the Holy Spirit

– Use the word to glorify the Father and the Son–John 16:14– 14 "He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine

and will disclose it to you.

Steps in Expository Sermon Development

1 Thess 1:5– for our gospel did not come to you in word only,

but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.

Full Conviction

– They have heard from God not man

Claim God’s Promises

• Isa 55:11– So will My word be which goes forth from My

mouth;– It will not return to Me empty,– Without accomplishing what I desire,– And without succeeding in the matter for which I

sent it.

Claim God’s Promises

• Heb 4:12– 12 For the word of God is living and active and

sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Claim God’s Promises

• 1 Thess 2:13– 13 For this reason we also constantly thank God

that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.

Warfare Pray– Ask Jesus to rebuke all the rulers, the

powers, the world forces of this darkness, and the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places that seek to attack you, your family or the church family and the He would send them through waterless places to the abyss, and He would hold them there by the authority of His hand, slain by the sword of His Word, and rendered powerless through the blood of the Lamb.

Warfare Pray

– Ask God to place His mighty warrior angels on every square foot of the property to protect you from all the attacks of the enemy and claim that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that speaks against us will be condemned.

Expository PreachingLesson 6

Steps in Expository Sermon Development

1. Pray 1 Thess 1:52. Select the text (unit of thought)

– If preaching through a book—the next section– What speaks to you– What warms your heart
