Export Financing Project 071203


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  • 8/14/2019 Export Financing Project 071203


  • 8/14/2019 Export Financing Project 071203


    I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude and

    respect for my guide Mr. Arun Kumar Jain for her constant

    interest, valuable encouragement and timely guidance during

    completion of this project work.

    I am also thankful to all my professors of Indira Gandhi National

    Open University for their timely co-operation and helpful guidance.

    I Would like to take this opportunity to specially thank Prof. Anurag

    Singh, Faculty Delhi University & Dr. G.K.Varshney, Shyam Lal

    College, Delhi University for their valuable guidance and timely

    help and support for making this research study possible.

    Last but not the least, I deeply express appreciation to all my

    friends who directly or indirectly co-operated and helped me during

    completion of my project.

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  • 8/14/2019 Export Financing Project 071203




    The Basis of Analysis is on a Simple Questionnaire which covers

    25 simple points which are necessary for every indian exporters

    before coming to business of exports and for existing exporters.

    After analyzing and examining questionnaire method, filled by

    various exporters , we analyze that simple points which are

    necessary for exports are not correctly filled by exporters. The

    points which are not taken care by exporters are :-

    1. Rate of Interest

    2. Packing Credit

    3. Pre-Shipment Export Credit In Foreign Currency

    4. Service Charges Levied on Packing Credit

    5. Packing Credit Advances Against Personal Car, House Etc.

    6. Extension of Packing Credit Facility to Sub-Supplier.

    7. Extension of ECGC Guarantee to Packing Advances.

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    8. Export Advances Against Fixed Assets

    9. Export Advances Against Claims of Duty Drawback.

    10.Export Advances for Purchase of Fixed Assets.

    11.Export Advances Against Goods Sent on Consignment


    12.Conversion of Credit Export Sale to Cash Sale.

    13.Awareness of New Export Financing option.

    14.Export Finance for Market Development, Product

    Adaption, Training & R & D Support Etc.

    15.Role of Exim Bank.

    As we see that out of 25 points, only 10 points are correctly

    approached by exporters i:e 40% are correctly approached,

    remaining 60% points are incorrectly approached.

    This clearly indicates, that exporters are not aware of export

    finance. That is the basis I finally took this Export

    Financing Documentation as my project as I am

    already in this field for more than 5 years.


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    1. Rate of Interest

    From this table, we analyse that the rate of interest prevailing

    in the bank were not known by the exporters. Out of 13 only 9

    exporters clearly mentioned Interest @ 11-12% p.a. ( For detail

    please refer page )

    2. Packing Credit

    From this table we analyse that every exporter except one are

    having knowledge of packing credit advances.

    ( For detail please refer page )

    3. Pre-shipment export credit in foreign currency (PCFC)

    After seeing questionnaire method analsis,we came to final

    conclusion that only few exporters ( 3 out of 13) were having

    knowledge about PCFC scheme. This is the scheme announced

    by RBI in Nov 1993, in addition to normal packing credit

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    schemes. In the project I simply explained all the options

    available for availing export finance under PCFC scheme and the

    formalities in terms of documents which are required to be

    completed by the Indian exporters for availing export finance

    under PCFC scheme.


    As mentioned in PCFC scheme only 3 out of 13 exporters clearly

    mentioned that no service charged levied on packing credit

    other than premium payable to ECGC scheme.



    9 out of 13 exporters clearly says no P/C advances against

    personal car, house etc. ( For detail please refer page )



    Every exporter except 2 , were knowledge about the extension

    of packing credit facility to sub-supplier. This is the facility

    extended to sub-suppliers of raw materials, components etc. to

    the exporter goods. In the project I have explained what are

    the detailed guidelines to be fulfilled for getting packing credit


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    Aleady explained in Point no. 12. or Refer page



    Exporters are not having knowledge about getting export

    finance for market development , product adaption, training and

    R & D support, by seeing questionnaire method analysis.

    Most exporters try to finance their exports through commercial

    banks. To promote their exports some also take advantage of

    the Governments Marketing Development Assistance Scheme

    through Ministry of Commerce. Yet, there are many exporters

    who are ignorant of various funding schemes of other

    organizations which could help them to finance their exports. In

    the project, an effort has been made to identify such schemes

    and highlight their specific requirements for the benefit of the

    exporting community. This is explained in the topic Non-

    conventional Avenues for Export Financing.

    ( Page )

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    Out of 13, only 8 exporters clearly mentioned about the role of

    the EXIM Bank. The EXIM Bank provides financial assistance to

    promote Indian exports through direct financial assistance,

    overseas investment finance, term finance for export production

    and export development, pre-shipment credit, buyers credit,

    lines of credit, relending facility, export bills rediscounting,

    refinance to commercial banks, finance for computer software

    exports, finance for export marketing and bulk import finance to

    commercial banks. This also extends non-funded facility to

    Indian exporters in the form of guarantees. Full details of

    financing programmes of EXIM Bank explained in Page in the



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    The project helps the exporters to know about various

    methods and guide lines to be adopted for ava il ing

    export finance which will help them to manage the risks

    associated with exporting.

    Export Financing- Introduction

    Features of Export Financing

    Methods of Export Financing

    Pre-shipment finance

    Post-shipment finance

    Forfaiting Finance A new financing

    option for Indian Exporters.

    Non-conventional avenues for Export


    Role of Exim Bank & other banks

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    Export Financing -


    Financia l assistance is extended by the banks to the

    exporters at pre-shipment and post-shipment stages.

    Financial assistance extended to the exporter prior to

    shipment of goods from India fal ls within the scope of

    pr e-shipment finance while that extended after

    shipment of the goods f al ls under pos t- shipment

    finance. While the pre-shipment finance is provided for

    work ing cap ital for the purchase o f raw mater ia l,

    processing, packaging, transportation, warehousing

    etc. o f the goods meant for export , post-shipment

    finance is generally provided in order to bridge the gap

    between shipment of goods and and the real isat ion of



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    Salient Features of

    Export Financing

    1. Export Finance is to constitute 12% of Net Bank

    Credit as per RBI guidelines.

    2. Interest is charged at concessional rates of interest

    and for this purpose RBI provides refinance at Bank


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    3. Credit Guarantee coverage by Export Credit

    Guarantee Corporation.

    4. Purpose oriented and need based finance.

    5. Consists of two elements-pre-shipment & post-

    shipment finance.

    6. Linkage between pre-shipment and post-shipment

    stages and desirability of treating the two as single

    package is crucial.

    7. Liberal approach in regard to margin requirements

    subject to sanction by appropriate authority in the


    8. No margin requirement against export receivable.

    9. Export credit over and above MPBF.

    10.Exemption for application of loan delivery system.

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    sanctioned as a continuous/running facil i ty whereas

    packing credit advance is disbursed for a special purpose

    to enable the exporter to meet a specific export

    obligation. Every pre-shipment advance is, therefore,

    considered as a separate loan account different from a

    domestic advance or inter se.

    The credit limits for pre-shipment advance are considered

    s imul taneous ly along wi th other fac il it ies and it i s

    generally made a sub-limit within the overall cash

    credit l imit sanctioned to the borrower. However, for

    those borrowers who are exclusively engaged in exports,

    separate packing credit l imits are sanctioned by the

    banks. The procedure and techniques adopted by the

    bank are the same as in case of other advances.

    However, the assessment of working capital requirement

    may be based upon the export orders in hand with the

    exporter besides his capacity to meet that commitment. A

    very flexible approach in this regard is adopted by the

    banks and adequate finance is available for every viable

    export proposal. The purpose of the above discussion is

    to emphasis the need to apply for total credit

    requirements at one time with all the relevant details

    made available to the bank in the beginning itself so that

    suitable limits are sanctioned avoiding any request for ad

    boc facil it ies at a later date. The general terms and

    conditions of granting packing credit advances by banks


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    are given below.

    1. export form India is al lowed either against an export

    L/C or against an export order. The bank may also

    sanction packing credit which may be disbursed either

    against an L/C or against an order. Correct position in

    this regard must be explained to the bank to avoid any

    difficulty later. It may be noted that if the limit by the

    bank is sanctioned against LC, disbursement against

    an order may not be allowed by the bank.

    Even in case of reports under L/C, the exporter may

    receive the L/C at a very late stage and may be

    required to procure/manufacture the goods much

    before the L/C is received. In this situation also some

    diff iculty may be faced in getting the packing credit

    released from the bank. I t would, therefore, be

    necessary to discuss all these matters with the bank at

    the time of sanctioning of limits.

    2. All pre-shipment advances are to be l iquidated from

    the proceeds of export bills. Application of sanctioning

    of suitable post-shipment facilities should, therefore,

    be simultaneously made. Exporter may also be entitled

    for duty drawback etc. and credit limits against claims

    of such incentives shall also be obtained at that time.

    3. No other service charges are leviable on these

    advances other than premium payable to ECGC on their

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    4. Sub-suppliers are also eligible for the packing credit

    advances for which they should lodge to the banks a

    letter from the Export House/Merchant Exporter

    incorporating details of the goods to be supplied and

    confirming that they (export house etc.) have not

    availed of any packing credit advances for which they

    should lodge to the bank a letter from house etc.)

    have nor availed of any packing credit from any other

    bank/source against the same contract/L/C.

    5. Packing credit is normally given and adjusted L/C/

    contract wise. However, the finance is now permitted

    to be given on running account basis. For details see

    under para "Submission of Export Order/L/C".

    6. In case of cancel lation of export order, facil ity of

    substitution of contracts is also available.

    7. The finance is also available for undertaking

    preliminary arrangements in respect of consultancy


    8. The f inance is also available for export of goods of

    exhibition and sales, imports under advance import


    9. Except a certain cases, pre-shipment finance granted

    tot he exporter does not exceed FOB value of the


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    goods or domestic market value of the goods

    whichever is less.

    Pre-shipment Credit in Foreign (PCFC)

    With a view to providing pre-shipment credit to Indian

    exporters at internationally competitive rates of interest,

    Reserve bank of India announced a new scheme of

    providing Pre-shipment Credit in Foreign

    Currency (PCFC) by the banks in India in November 1993.

    The PCFC scheme wil l be in addition to normal packing

    credit schemes in Indian rupees presently available to

    Indian exporters. The expor ter will now have the

    following two options for availing export finance.

    a) To avail packing credit in rupees and then avail post

    shipment credit in rupees or under PCFC or by

    discounting/rediscounting of export bills abroad.

    b) To avail packing credit in foreign currency and

    discounting / rediscounting of export bills in foreign

    currency abroad., in India rupees or under PCFC. The

    broad aspects of PCFC scheme are given below:

    i) Packing credit under foreign currency is available to

    cover both the domestic and imported inputs of

    goods to be exported from India.

    ii) PCFC can be availed in any convertible foreign

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    iii) Banks will grant PCFC out of foreign currency

    resources available with them under EEFC account,

    FCNR accounts and RFC accounts and may a lso

    negotiate required lines of credit from their foreign


    iv) PCFC wi ll be ava ilable for an in itial per iod of 180

    days as incase of rupee credit: The extension in

    period of PCFC for further 90 days may be granted

    at an interest rate which will be higher by 2% of the

    normal rate as in case of rupee credit. Extension of

    PC upto 360 days and rate of interest on such

    extension will be as per discretion of the bank.

    v) The running A/c facility will be permitted under

    PCFC on the same lines as in case of packing credit

    in rupees. However, packing credit advance already

    permitted in rupees will not be converted to PCFC.

    vi) PCFC wil l be available only for cash exports and wi ll

    not cover "Deferred Payment Exports'.

    vii) The lending rate to exporter wil l be linked to 6

    months LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offer Rate) rate

    and the

    a) Indian banks having branches aborad] - 20% over,

    LIBOR and foreign banks in India.


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    b) Indian banks not having branches - 21/2% over LIBOR

    abroad. The above rates are excluding withholding tax.The banks are, however, free to quote better rates

    depending upon the availabil ity of foreign exchange

    resources available with them and/or the terms of line

    of credit arranged by these banks with their foreign


    vii iWithholding tax as per applicable rates wil l be

    payable rates will be exporter in addition to interest

    as above.

    ix In case ful l amount of PCFC or part thereof is

    uti lised to f inance domest ic inputs, the foreign

    currency amount will be converted to Indian rupeesat appropriate exchange rates.

    x PCFC wi ll be available with in 'MPBF'/credit l imits

    sanctioned in favour of exporter.

    xi ECGC cover will be available in rupees only,

    whereas PCFC is in foreign currency.

    xii PCFC will be self-liquidating in nature. PCFC should

    be liquidated by submission of export documents for

    discounting/rediscounting. PCFC will not be allowed

    to be liquidated with foreign exchange acquired from

    other sources.

    PCFC can be extended for exports to ACU1 Countries

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    w.e.f.1.1.1996. PFC can also be extended for deemed


    Sharing of Export Credit under PCFC Scheme

    PCFC can now be availed by the manufacturer on the

    basis of disclaimer from the export order holder in the

    same way as permitted under rupee credit scheme. PCFC

    granted to the manufacturer will be adjustd by

    transferring foreign currency from the export order


    PCFC for supplies from one EOU/EPZ Unit to

    another EOU/EPZ Unit

    Supplier made to EOUs/EPZ units are treated as Deemed

    Exports and Reserve Bank has permitted granting PCFC

    both in the suppl ier EOU/EPZ unit and the receiver

    EOU/EPZ unit. PCFC for supplier EOU/EPZ unit will be for

    supply of raw material components for goods which will

    be further processed and finally exported by receiver

    EOU/EPZ unit. The PCFC extended in a supplier EOU/EPZ

    unit wi ll have to be l iquidated by receipt of foreign

    exchange from the receiver EOU/EPZ unit, for which a

    supplier EOU/EPZ unit purpose, the receiver EOU/EPZ unit

    can avail of PCFC. The stipulation regarding liquidation of

    PCFC by payment in foreign exchange will be met in such

    cases not by notat ion of exporter documents but by

    transfer of foreign exchange from the bankers of the


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    receiver EOU/EPZ unit to the banker of supplier EOU/EPZ


    PCFC ranted to receiver EOU/EPZ unit will be liquidated

    by discounting of export bills as per general procedure in

    this regard. Furthermore such transaction will be treated

    as exports for the suppl ier uni t and import for the

    receiving unit.

    Importer Exporter Code Number

    No commercial export from India is permitted on behalf

    of a person/firm/company who has not been allotted an

    Importer Exporter Code Number. A few f irms may be

    completing exports through registered Export/Trading

    Houses and are eligible to avail packing credit limits from

    the banks. Such firms may not be required to obtain the

    code number.

    Application for Packing Credit

    Application for Packman Credit should be accomplished by

    the following documents:

    i) Confirmed export order/contract or L/C, etc. in

    original.(Where it is not available, an undertaking to

    the effect that the same wil l be produced to the

    bank within a reasonable time for verification and

    endorsement. This undertaking is required where

    the exporter wants to avail himself of packing credit

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    advance against preliminary information of contract

    where by at the later stage the contract or L/C, as

    the case may be, will be received by him.

    i i) An undertaking that the advance wi ll be ut il ised for

    the specific purpose of procuring / manufacturing /

    shipping etc. of the goods meant for export only as

    stated in the relative confirmed export order or the


    iii) Where the exporter/application asking for the

    packing credit is a sub-supplier and wants to supply

    the goods to Export/Trading/Star. Trading/Super

    Star Trad ing House or merchant exporter, an

    undertaking from the merchant exporter or

    Export/Trading/Star Trading/super Star Trading

    House stating that they have not wil l not avail

    themselves of packing credit facil i ty against the

    same transaction for the same purpose t il l the

    original packing credit is liquidated.

    iv) Copies of Income Tax/Wealth Tax Assessment Order

    for the past 2/3 years in the case of sole proprietary

    and partnership firm.

    v) Copy of RBI's (Exporter's) Code Number (CNX).

    vi) Copy of a valid RCMC (Registrat ion-cum-Membership

    Certificate) help by the exporter and/or the


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    Export/Trading Star Trading House Certificate.

    vii) Appropriate policy/guarantee of the ECGC.

    viii) Any other document required by the bank.

    A packing credit limit (PCL) is sanctioned by the

    appropriate authority in the bank. It is fixed either as an

    annual overall limit or as ad hoc specific limit.

    Usual ly, the trade/manufacturer/export who seeks a

    packing credit limit also required foreign bills purchase

    limit negotiation/purchase/discount of bills, drawn under

    leter of credit and/or without letter of credit.

    All such l imits together are generally reviewed by the

    appropriate authority in the bank and separate limits are

    purpose wise and security wise for the packing credit

    loan and foreign bills purchased within the total l imit.

    These l imits are reviewed at the end of the period for

    which they are sanctioned and they are

    renewed/revised/canceled depending on the merits of

    each case.

    Submission of Export Order/L/C

    The exporter has to produce a confirmed export order or

    L/C as per the terms of sanction at the time of

    disbursement of packing credit. In the absence of an

    export order/L/C, the bank accept some other

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    communication form the overseas buyer provided i t

    contains minimum details giving the name of the buyer,

    the value of the order, quantity and particulars of the

    goods to be exported, date of shipment and terms of

    payment. Even in such cases final sales contract/L/C will

    be required to be submitted to the bank at a later stage.

    Sometimes an export order is received by an export

    hose/trading hose or an merchant exporter who may pass

    on this order to sub-supplier who is not directl y

    exporting. Such sub-suppl ier may also avail packing

    credit facility from the bank. The packing credit in such

    cases can be granted after getting a letter from the

    exporter house/trading house giving details of the ord3er

    and also confirming that he (export house/trading house)

    has not availed any packing credit against that order.

    The repayment of such advance should be from the

    proceeds of bills drawn under inland L/C (back to back

    L/C) opened by the export house/merchant exporter in

    favour of the sub-suppl ier. Where such an L/C is not

    opened, the sub-supplier may draw export

    house/merchant exporter would be necessary to the

    effect that the goods have actually been exported.

    Extension of Pre-shipment Credit - 'Running

    Account' facility

    The requirement of prior lodgment of letters of credit or


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    f irm orders had been waived by Reserve Bank of India

    respect of exports of certain commodities where banks

    were author ised to grant running account facil ity .

    Reserve baks has now with effect from 14 th March, 1992

    waived this requirement for all commodities and banks

    have been permitted to grant pre-shjipment advances for

    exports of any commodity without insist ing on prior

    lodgment of letter of credit/firm export orders. Granting

    of such facility may be subject to the following general


    i ) The fac il ity wi ll be al lowed to only those exporters

    whose trace record has been good. New exporters

    may not for obvious reasons be allowed this facility.

    i i) The exporters to whom this facil i ty is al lowed wil l be

    required to produce letters of credit/firm export

    orders within a reasonable period of time. In case of

    export of commodities covered under "Select ive

    Credit Control', letters of credit/firm orders should

    be produced within a period of one month from the

    date of advance.

    i ii ) The banks shall mark off indiv idual export b il ls, as

    and when they are received for negotiation /

    purchase / collection, against the earliest

    outstanding pre-shipment credit on 'First In First

    Out' (FIFO) basis.

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    i v) In respect of export o f any commodity where the

    amount of pre-shipment credit is in excess of export

    value, excess amount should be adjusted either in

    cash or by sale of non-exportable by product, as

    soon as the extraction/segregation of by product is

    completed, within a period of 30 days from the date

    of advance.

    v) The facil ity w il l not be a llowed for inventory build

    up and only need based limits will be allowed.

    vi) The benef it of confessional rate of interest wil l be

    permitted up to 180/270 days in respect of each

    pre-shipment credit.

    vi i) If any exporter is found abusing the facility or does

    not comply with the above terms and conditions, the

    facility of running account will be withdrawn.

    Pre-shipment Advance

    It can also be given on production of sufficient evidence

    i.e. cable and telex/fax, the L/C or f irm export order

    received by the exporter and lodged with the bank within

    a reasonable time (as agreed upon by the bank) of the

    grant of such advance. Moreover, the cable/telex/fax

    messages should reveal quantity and particular of goods,

    value of order, date of shipment/delivery period, terms of

    payment and name of buyer.


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    It can also be given under the 'Red Clause' letter of

    credit i.e. at the instance and responsibility of the foreign

    bank establishing L/C.

    In a Red Clause L/C, the packing credit advance is made

    against a s imple receipt and is unsecured whereas

    packing credit in normal course (i.e. not against Red

    Clause) is made against the deposit of L/C and execution

    of letter of pledge/hypothecation/trust receipt and other

    loan documents.

    Exporter who do not receive the export order in their

    name such as suppl iers to merchant exporter and

    Export/Trading Houses are also eligible provided:

    i) The produce a letter f rom the concerned merchant

    exporter/Export Trading House that a portion of the

    'Order' has been allotted to them, detai ling the

    goods to be supplied.

    ii) The merchant exporter or Export Trading House

    neither has availed nor wish to seek packing credit

    in respect of the apportioned order, from any other


    iii) The letter from the merchant exporter or Export

    Trading House is countersigned by the bank advising

    the letter of credit.

    Sub-contractors or sub-suppliers supplying goods for

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    exports under a consortia arrangement are also eligible

    for packing credit.

    Where the goods are to be manufactured by the

    manufacturer and processed/packed etc. Export Trading

    House/Merchant-Exporter before making the shipment

    f inance can be ava iled by both the parties i.e. the

    supplier as well as Export/Trading House or Merchant

    Exporter for the required period, subject to the condition

    that the total period of well as Export/Trading house or

    Merchant Exporter for the required period, subject to the

    condition that the total period of facility availed by both

    does not exceed the maximum per iod permitted for

    confessional finance.

    The pre-shipment credit is required to be liquidated from

    the proceeds of the relative export bills when purchased,

    negotiated or discounted. However, the RBI has relaxed

    this condition. For instance, if for any reason an exporter

    negotiated or discounted. However, the RBI has relaxed

    this condition. For instance, if for any reason an exporter

    who has availed of pre-shipment credit, is confronted

    with the cancellat ion of the export order and, hence,

    unable top adjust the credit against relative export bill

    proceeds, the wiping off such outstanding through export

    bills drawn on the importers, either in the same country,

    or in any other country is permitted, provided the

    relative bills are in respect of the very goods for which


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    credit was originally granted.

    Period of Advance

    The packing credit advance is granted up to the last date

    of shipment as per the underlying sale contract/export

    L/C to a maximum of 180 days. I f the export order

    cannot be executed by that time, a further extension of

    90 days may be permitted. Such extension would be

    considered by ranks on ly i f they are sat is fied that

    reasons for extension are due circumstances beyond the

    control of the exporter.

    Banks may also consider to extend pre-shipment credit

    for a longer period ab into up to a maximum of 270 days

    in respect of export of any commodity if the banks are

    satisfied about the need for longer duration of credit,

    depending upon seasonality of commodity, its

    manufacturing cycle, time normally taken for shipment,

    etc. the exporter must clearly out a case for avail ing

    packing credit for longer period and obtain necessary

    sanction from their banks.

    Exporters are, however, under an obligation to complete

    the export within a reasonable time which has now been

    fixed as 180 days after completion of initial period of 180

    days i.e. the export must be completed within 360 days

    of granting o packing credit as otherwise it will loose the

    benefit of confessional rate of interest.

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    Rates of Interest

    Pre-shipment advances are granted to the exporters at

    the following concessional rate of interest:

    Pre-shipment advance up to initial 180


    PLR 2.5%

    Pre-shipment advance for a further

    period of 90 days

    PLR - +0.5%

    Pre-shipment advance beyond 270 days

    up to 360 days

    Banks are free

    to determine

    the rates

    Pre-shipment advance against

    incentives receivable from Government

    covered by ECGC guarantees (up to 90


    PLR 2.5%

    The other important points as regards rates of interest on

    packing credit advances are given below:

    If the export is not completed within 360 days from

    the date of original advance, no benefit of concessional

    rate of interest wil l be available from the 1 st day of

    advance itself i.e. interest at the normal rate shall be

    payable from the day one the export is completed. The

    difference of interest less charged by the bank will be


    If the export does not materialise at all and packing


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    credit advance is to be adjusted from local funds, the

    entire advance wil l not be considered as an export

    credit from the date of original advance itself and

    interest at the commerc ial lend ing rate may be

    charged by the rank from the date of original advance.

    No other service charges are payable by the exporters

    except guarantee fee on packing credit guarantee of

    ECGC obtained by the bank.

    Quantum of Advance

    The advance granted to exporter is restricted to the FOB

    value of goods or domestic value of goods whichever is

    less except in the following cases:

    1) For a few items, particularly engineering goods which

    are backed by export incentives of Government of

    India the domestic value of goods exceeds FOB value.

    Advance up to the domestic value may be permitted in

    such case provided these are covered under Export a

    production Finance Guarantee of ECGC. The packing

    credit allowed to these cases will be adjusted partly by

    export proceeds and the remaining amount from the

    claims of export incentives payable to the exporter.

    2) For exports of HPS ground-nuts and de-oiled and

    defeated cakes, packing credit can be granted up to

    the cost of raw material required even through the

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    value of advance exceeds the value of export order.

    The advance in excess of export order must be

    adjusted either in cash or by selling residual ground

    nuts or by products oil product oil as soon as possible

    but within 15 days in case of HPS ground-nuts and 30

    days in case of de-oi led and defatted cakes. The

    balance amount in the packing credit account will be

    adjusted by proceeds of export bills drawn under the

    export order in a usual manner. This provision has

    been brought in because raw material requirement to

    such exports is very high in comparison to the value of

    export order.

    Security of Packing Credit Advance

    The goods meant for export form the primary security for

    the bank granting packing credit advance. The form of

    charge may, however , change on di fferent stages

    depending upon the nature of reports. The packing credit

    may initially be clean at the time of disbursement; may

    be covered by hypothecation charge over the raw

    mater ials, semi- finished and f inished goods later;

    hypothecation charge be converted to pledge of finished

    goods meant for exports or may even be covered by

    document of title to goods (LR/RR) if the goods are sent

    for shipment to a port city. This aspect of security must

    be discussed in details in the initial stages itself so that

    operation in the account are convenient.


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    The concept of margin in case packing credit is actually

    linked with the value of order/L/C and/or with value of

    security and different banks have their own standard in

    this regard. The most accepted concept of margin in

    these accounts is as under:

    1) Margin on export order/L/C: This margin is applied on

    the value of export order/letter of credit at the time of

    initial disbursement when the packing credit may not

    be backed by security of goods. Usually a high margin

    is stipulated in such cases.

    2) Margin on security: This is usual margin as applicable

    to other advances backed by security of goods such as

    cash credit accounts etc.

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    ECGC Guarantee

    Most of the banks cover their packing credit advances

    under Packing Credit Guarantee of Credit and Guarantee

    Corporation (ECGC). ECGC issues packing credit

    guarantees on each exporter individually and also has the

    system of issuing a guarantee in favour of the bank on

    whole turnover basis.

    Premium on the guarantee is generally recovered from

    the exporter. The rates of premium on individual

    guarantees are higher in comparison to rates on Whole

    Turnover Packing Credit Guarantee issued to banks. It is

    necessary to obtain this information from the bank as

    cost of additional premium for individual guarantee may

    sometimes be quite heavy depending upon the turnover

    in the account. Guarantees i ssued by ECGC are in

    addition to various policies issued by ECGC in favour of

    exporters to cover the r isk of non-payment or other

    political risk involved in export trade. Full details of these

    policies are given in Chapter on Export Credit Insurance.

    Exim Banks Scheme for grant of Foreign Currency

    Pre-shipment Credit to Exporters (CFPC Scheme

    Export Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has floated a

    scheme for Indian exporters to enable them to avail of

    pre-shipment credit in foreign currencies to finance cost


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    of imported inputs for manufacture of export products.

    The scheme is operated through authorized dealers who

    are granted refinance by Exim Bank in foreign currency

    out of credi t l ines arranged by Ex im Bank. Sal ient

    features of the scheme are given hereunder:

    i ) Ex im Bank wil l arrange short- term l ines of credi t in

    foreign currencies from foreign lending agencies.

    i i) Exim Bank wi ll al locate bank-wise l imits in foreign

    currencies out of funds so raised for lending by

    those banks to Indian exporters.

    i ii) The following categories of exporters wil l be el igible

    to obtain finance under the scheme:

    a) Export House/Trading Houses with annual

    turnover exceeding Rs. 10 crores.

    b) Manufacturing units with minimum export

    orientation of 25% of production or export

    turnover of Rs. 50 crores should be made either

    directly or through Trading Houses.

    c) Exporters should have satisfactory track record.

    iv) Pre-shipment credit wil l be made available in any of

    the major international currencies in which Exim

    Bank raises funds.

    v) The packing credit granted under the scheme should

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    be within the permissible bank finance sanctioned

    by banks under the existing credit policy norms laid

    down by Reserve Bank.

    vi) The credit risk arising in the transaction will be

    borne by banks through whom foreign currency

    funds will be disbursed

    vii) The outstanding under the facility should always be

    covered by firm orders/letters of credit or export


    vii i) Financing banks should obtain credit reports and

    satisfy themselves about the means and standing of

    the overseas buyers.

    ix) the foreign currency loans to be extended by banks

    to their exporters should be covered with ECGC.

    The total interest spread will be restricted to 2% over the

    interest rate at which the funds are raised by the Exim

    Bank. This two per cent will be shared by Exim Bank and

    the bank as under:

    Share of Exim Bank0.5%

    Share of Bank1.5%

    Any commitment fee and/or management fee, if

    applicable will also be payable by the exporter.

    The repayment of pre-shipment credit will be made out of


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    packing credit has been drawn by the exporter.

    i ii ) The relaxat ions as above are available both under

    packing cred it ava iled in rupees or in foreign


    iv) The relaxation as above is, however, not extended

    to transactions of sister/associate/group concerns.

    Extension of Packing Credit Facility to Sub-Supplier

    As per existing guidelines the packing credit is allowed to

    be shared between an Export Order Holder including

    trading house and a manufacturer of goods exported.

    This facil ity is now extended to sub-suppl iers of raw

    materials, components etc. to the exported goods. The

    detailed guidelines in this regard are as under:

    i) The packing cred it fac il ity for the sub-suppl ier w il l

    be available only on the basis of an export order or

    letter of credit L/C in the name of Export Order

    Holder. No running A/c facility will be permitted to


    ii) The Export Order Holder may open inland L/C

    through his banker in favour of his supplier/s on the

    basis of the export order or L/C received by him.

    On the basis of such inland L/C the bank can grant

    packing credit to sub-supplier. Such packing credit

    wil l be l iquidated from the proceeds of the bil ls


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    drawn under L/C. The L/C opening bank will grant

    packing credit to the Export Order Holder at this


    iii) Export Order Holder can open any number of L/Cs

    for the various components required within the

    overall value limit of the order L/C.

    iv) The scheme w ill cover only the rupee packing

    credit. The finance given to both the sub-supplier

    and Export Order Holder will be eligible for export

    packing credit at interest rates as per RBIs interest

    rate directive for the specified period as announced

    from time to time.

    v) The charges for opening inland L/Cs wil l be as per

    FEDAI (Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of

    India) rules.

    vi) The Export Order Holder will be responsible for

    exporting the goods as per export order or L/C and

    any delay with process will subject him to the penal

    provisions as appl icable once the sub-supplier

    makes available the goods as inland L/C terms to

    the Export Order Holder, his obligation of

    performance under the scheme wil l be treated as

    complex and penal provisions will not be applicable

    to him for any delay by Export Order Holder.

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    vii) The scheme will cover only the first stage of

    production cycle. In other words a manufacturer

    exporter will be allowed to open inland L/C in favour

    of this immediate suppl iers of raw material/

    components etc. that are required for manufacture

    of exported goods. The scheme will not be extended

    to cover suppliers of raw material / components etc.

    to such immediate suppliers. In case Export Order

    Holder is only a trading house, the facil ity wil l be

    available commencing from the manufacturer to

    whom the order has been passed on by the trading


    viii) EOUs/ EPZ units supplying goods to another

    EOU/EPZ unit for export purposes are also eligible

    for rupeepre-shipment export credit under this

    Scheme. However, the supplier EOU/EPZ unit wil l

    not be eligible for any post-shipment facility either

    in rupees or under PSCFC scheme as the scheme

    does not cover sales of goods on credit terms.

    ix) The scheme does not env isage any change in the

    total quantum of advance or period of advance.

    Accordingly, the credit extended under the system

    wil l be treated as export credit from the date of

    advance to the sub-supplier to the date of

    liquidation by Export Order Holder under the inland

    export-L/C system and upto the date of liquidation


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    of packing credit by shipment of goods by Export

    Order Holder.

    x) The position regarding interest- tax on export

    packing credit granted to sub-supplier is not clear

    and interest-tax may be payable for the time being.

    Credit against proceeds of Cheques, Drafts, etc.

    received directly towards advance payment for


    Banks can grant export credit at concessive interest rate

    in such cases subject to the following conditions being


    i) Accommodation is granted for the transit period

    stipulated by FEDAI for collection of the instrument

    or til l the of realization of proceeds thereof which

    ever is earlier.

    ii) The bank gets satisfactory evidence that the

    instrument represents advance remittance against

    an export order.

    iii) The Banks past exper ience with the borrowers and

    the latters track record are good

    iv) The trade pract ices suggest the possibi li ty of such

    instrument etc., being received towards advance

    payments are the exporters are able to satisfy the

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    Bank with reason for receiving payment directly.

    v) Exchange Control Department of Reserve Bank has

    agreed to treat the direct inward remittance as an

    approach method of realization of export proceeds.

    vi) I t is ensured by the Bank in due course that the

    goods have been shipped.

    Packing Credit for Imports against entitlements

    under advance licence

    Concessive packing credit can be granted to manufacture

    exporters for financing of such imports against advance

    licence etc. as are meant for manufacture of goods to be

    exported by them even if they are not in a position, at

    the time availing of credit, to produce letter of credit or

    firm order for export of the manufactured items. This will

    be subject to the following conditions:

    i) The bank has satisfied itself by referring to the

    conditions stipulated in the import licence that the

    imported material will be utilised for the items to be

    exported abroad.

    ii) Letter of credit/firm order is produced with in a

    reasonable time which should not exceed 60 days

    from the date of advance failing which commercial

    rate of interest will be charged ab initio.


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    Post-shipment finance means any advance granted to an

    exporter after shipment of goods. At the post-shipment


    a) advances against shipping documents;

    b) advances against duty drawback.

    The need for post-shipment finance arises because

    exporters who sell goods abroad have to wait for a long

    time before payment is received from overseas buyers.

    The period of waiting will depend upon th terms of

    payment. Based on different types of terms of payment

    different methods of financing are being devised. Most of

    the provisions of Exchange Control Manual are by and

    large applicable to all these methods of post-shipment

    finance except few special provisions applicable to the

    individual methods of finance.

    Negotiations of Export Documents Drawn under

    Foreign L/Cs

    This has been thoroughly discussed in Chapter on

    Negotiations under Documentary Credits.


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    Purchase of Export Bills drawn under Confirmed


    Purchase or discount facilities in respect of export bills

    drawn under confi rmed export order are general ly

    granted to customers who are enjoying Bill

    Purchase/Discounting l imits sanctioned by the Bank.

    Since in case of purchase of discounting of export

    documents drawn under export order the security offered

    under L/C by way of substitution of credit-worthiness of

    the buyer i.e. the importer as well as that of the exporter

    or beneficiary. The documents drawn on DP basis are

    parted with through foreign correspondent only when

    payment is received while in case of DA bills documents

    (including that of title to the goods) are passed on the

    overseas importer against the acceptance of the draft to

    make payment on maturity. DA bills are thus unsecured.

    The bank financing against export bills is open to the risk

    of non-payment on maturity. DA bills are thus unsecured.

    The bank financing against export bills is open to the risk

    of non-payment. Banks, in order to enhance security

    generally, opt for ECGC policies and guarantees which are

    issued in favour of the exporter/banks to protect their

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    Duty drawback is permitted against export of different

    categories of goods under the Customer and Central

    Excise Duty Drawback Rules, 1995. Drawback in relation

    to goods manufactured in India and exported means a

    rebate of duties chargeable under Central Excises and

    Salt Act, 1944 on certa in speci fied goods. The Duty

    Drawback Scheme is administered by Directorate of Duty

    Drawback in the ministry of Finance. The claims of duty

    drawback are settled by Customs House at the rates

    determined and notified by the Directorate.

    As per the present procedure, no separate claim of duty

    drawback is to be fi led by the exporter. A copy of the

    shipping bil l presented by the exporter at the time of

    making shipment of goods serves the purpose of claim of

    duty drawback as well . This c la im is provisional ly

    accepted by the customs at the time of shipment and the

    shipping b il l is duly veri fied the c la im is settled by

    customs office later.

    As a further incentive to exporters Customs Houses at

    Delhi, Mumbai, Cal cutta, Chennai, Chandigarah,

    Hyderabad have evolve a simpl if ied procedure under

    which claims of duty drawback are settled immediately

    after shipment and no funds of exporter are blocked.

    However, where settlement is not possible under the

    simpli fied procedure exporters any obtain advances

    against claims of duty drawback as provisionally certified

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    by customs. The New Delhi Customs has gone a step

    further by introducing EDI system of Indian Customs and

    now w.e.f. 1.11.1996 drawback claims are settled under

    computerized system.

    Advance against Goods sent on Consignment Basis

    When the goods are exported on consignment basis at the

    risk of the exporter for sale and eventual remittance of

    sales proceeds to him by the agent/consignee, bank may

    finance against such transaction subject to the customer

    enjoying specific limit to that effect. However, the bank

    should ensure that while forwarding shipping documents

    to its overseas branch/correspondent to instruct the

    latter to del iver the documents only against Trust

    Receipt/Undertaking to del iver the sale proceeds by

    specified date, which should be within the prescribed

    date even if according to the practice in certain trades a

    bill for part of the estimated value is drawn in advance

    against the exports.

    Advance against Undrawn balance

    In certain lines of export it is the trade practice that bills

    are not to be drawn for the full invoice value of the goods

    but to leave smal l part undrawn for payment af ter

    adjustment due to difference in rates, weight, quality

    etc., to be ascertained after approval and inspection of

    the goods. Banks do finance against the undrawn balance


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    if undrawn balance is in conformity with the normal level

    of balance left undrawn in the particular l ine of export

    subject to a maximum of 10% of the value of export and

    an undertaking is obtained from the exporter that he will,

    within 6 months from the date of shipment of the goods

    surrender balance proceeds of the shipment. Against the

    specific prior approval from Reserve Bank of India the

    percentage of undrawn balance can be enhanced by the

    exporter and the finance can be made available

    accordingly at higher rate. Since the actual amount to be

    realized out of the undrawn balance may be less than the

    undrawn balance it is necessary t keep margin on such


    Advance against retention money

    In certain lines of export it is the trade practice that bills

    are not to be drawn for the full invoice value of the goods

    but to leave smal l part undrawn for payment af ter

    adjustment due to difference in rates, weight, quality

    etc., to be ascertained after approval and inspection of

    the goods. , banks do finance aga inst the undrawn

    balance i f undrawn balance is in conformity with the

    normal level of balance left undrawn in the particular line

    of export subject to a maximum of 10% of the value of

    export and an undertaking is obtained from the exporter

    that he will, within 6 months from the date of shipment

    of the goods surrender balance proceeds of the shipment.

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    Against the specific prior approval from Reserve bank of

    India the percentage of undrawn balance can be

    enhanced by the exporter and the finance can be made

    available accordingly at h igh rate. Since the actual

    amount to be realized out of the undrawn balance may be

    less than the undrawn balance it is necessary to keep

    margin on such advance.

    Advance against Retention money

    Banks also grant advances against retention money,

    which is payable wi thin one year f rom the date of

    shipment at confessional rate of interest i.e., 13% upto

    90 days. If such advances extend beyond one year, they

    are treated as deferred payment advances which are also

    eligible for concessive rate of interest.

    Treatment for Overdue foreign currency Bills

    Many a time bills remain outstanding for long after the

    transit period or the due date, for some reason or the

    other. If the bill is not paid within 30 days after its due

    date and the relative credit advice not received by the

    concerned bank within this period, the foreign currency

    amount of the bil is to be converted into rupees at the

    prevailing. T.T. selling rate and the liability will be held

    in rupees in the books of the negotiating bank.

    Thereafter, the bill with be treated as on collection basis.

    As and when the credit advice is f inal ly received, the


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    Forfaiting finance ( A new

    financing option for

    Indian Exporter)


    Forfaiting is a mechanism of financing exports.

    By discounting export receivables

    Evidenced by bills of exchange or promissory notes

    without recourse to the seller (viz. Exporter)

    On a fixed rate basis (discount)

    Upto 100 per cent of the contract value.

    The word forfait is derived from the French word a

    forfait which means the surrender of rights.

    Simply speaking, forfaiting is the non-recourse

    discounting of export receivables . In a for faiting

    transaction the exporter surrenders, without recourse tohim, his rights to claim payment on goods delivered to an


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    importer, in return for immediate cash payment from a

    forfaiter. As a result an exporter in India can convert a

    credit sale into a cash sale, with no recourse to the

    exporter or his banker.


    Al l goods exported on credi t terms are e ligible for

    forfaiting, subject to quotes being available.

    How forfaiting works?

    Receivables under a deferred payment contract for export

    of goods, evidenced by bills of exchange or promissory

    notes, can be forfaited.

    Bil ls of exchange or promissory notes, backed by co-

    acceptance from a bank (which would generally be the

    buyers bank), are endorsed by the exporter, without

    recourse, in favour of the forfaiting agency in exchange

    for discounted cash proceeds. The bankers co-acceptance

    is known as availisation. The co-accepting bank must be

    acceptable to the forfaiting agency.

    Prescribed formats

    The bil ls of exchange or promissory notes should be in

    the prescribed format.

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    Role of Exim bank

    The role of Exim bank will be that of a facilitator between

    the Indian exporter and the overseas forfaiting agency.

    On a request from an exporter, for an export transaction

    which is el igible to be forfaited, exim bank wil l obtain

    indicat ive and f irm forfa it ing quotes-discount rate,

    commitment and other fees-from overseas agencies.

    Exim bank wil l receive avail ised bil ls of exchange or

    promissory notes,m as the case may be, and send them

    to the forfaiter for discounting and will arrange for the

    discounted proceeds to be remitted to the Indian expoter.

    Exim Bank wil l issue appropriate certificates to enable

    Indian exporter.

    Exim Bank wil l issue appropriate certificates to enable

    Indian exporters to remit commitment fees and other

    charges. Exim bank has been authorized by the Reserve

    Bank of India vide AD (GP Series) Circular No. 3 dated

    February 13, 1992, to facilitate export financing through


    Forfaiting costs

    A forfaiting transaction has typically three cost elements:

    Commitment free,

    Discount fee,

    Documentation fee.


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    Commitment fee

    A commitment fee is payable by the exporter to the

    forfaiter for the latters commitment to execute a specific

    forfait ing transaction at a f irm discount rate within a

    specif ied time (normally not more than one year). The

    commitment fee generally ranges between 0.5 per cent

    and 1.5 per cent per annum of the utilized amount to be

    forfaited and is charged for the period forfait contract,

    whichever is earlier. The commitment fee is payable

    regardless of whether or not the export contract is

    ultimately executed.

    Discount fee

    Discount fee is the interest cost payable by the exporter

    for the entire period of credit involved and is deducted by

    the for fa iter f rom the amount paid to the exporter

    against the avalised promissory notes or bill s of

    exchange. The discount fee is based on the relevant

    market interest rates as ref lected by the prevai ling

    London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) for the credit

    period and currency involved, plus a premium for the

    r isks assumed by the forfa iter. The d iscount rate isapplied to the aggregate principal and interest due on the

    debt instrument on its maturity to arrive at the payout to

    the exporter. The discount rate is established at the time

    of executing a forfait contract between the exporter and

    the forfaiting agency.

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    Documentation Fee

    Generally, no documentation fee is incurred in

    straightforward forfait transactions. However, if extensive

    documentation and legal work is necessary a

    documentation fee may be charged.

    Other Costs

    Exum Bank will charge a service fee for facilitating the

    forfait ing transaction which wil l be payable in India

    rupees, there may be addit ional costs lev ied by a

    forfaiter, such as handling charges, penalty etc. However,

    these costs are transaction-specific and will be specified

    and will be specified, where applicable.

    Transferability of cost

    As per Reserve Bank of India's AD (GP Series) Circular

    No. 3dated February 13, 1992, discount fee,

    documentat ion fee and any other costs lev ied by a

    forfaiter must be transferred toi the overseas buyer.

    Commitment fee should also be passed on to the

    overseas b over to the extent possible.

    The exporter should f inal ise the export contract in a

    manner which ensures that the amount received in

    foreign exchange by the exporter after payment of

    forfait ing discount and other fees is equivalent to the

    price which he would obtain of gods were sold on cash


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    payment terms.

    Computation of Duty Drawback

    Duty drawback wil l be computed only on FOB cost of

    goods i.e invoice value less freight, insurance, if any, and

    forfait discount and other related fees.

    The Forfaiting Benefits

    Concerts a deferred payment export into a cash export

    into a cash transaction, improving liquidity and cash


    Frees the exporter from cross-border pol it ical or

    commercial risks associated with export receivables.

    Finance upto 100 per cent of the export value is

    possible as compared to 80-85 per cent f inancing

    available from conventional export credit programmes.

    As forfait ing offers without recourse finance to an

    exporter, it does not impact the exporter's borrowing

    limits. Thus forfaiting represents an additional source

    of funding, contributing to improved liquidity and cash


    Provides fixed rate finance; hedges against interest

    and exchange risks arising from deferred export credit.

    Exporter is f reed from credit administration and

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    collection problems.

    Forfaiting is transaction specific. Consequently, long

    term banking relat ionship with the forfaiter is not

    necessary to arrange a forfaiting transaction.

    Exporter saves on insurance costs as forfai ting

    obviates the need for export credit insurance.

    Simplicity of documentation enables rapid conclusions

    of the forfaiting arrangement.

    Other Important Factors

    Currency in which contract must be executed to vbe

    eligible for forfaiting: the export contract can be execute

    din any of the major convert ib le currencies e.g. US

    Dollar, Deutsche Mark, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen.

    Minimum value: The minimum value of an export contract

    eligible for for fa it ing and acceptable to a for fa it ing

    agency will generally be the equivalent of $ 500,000.

    El ig ibi li ty: El ig ibi li ty of an export transaction for

    forfaiting can be determined when the forfaiting agency

    is approached for a forfait quote. The availability of a

    forfaiting quote for a particular country will depend on

    the forfaiting agency's perception of risk quality of export

    receivables from that country. The forfaiting agency will

    indicate the maximum amount and the period of discount


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    while giving quote for forfaiting.

    In case exporters wisdh to forfait their export

    receivables, Exim Bank can be contracted with these


    Name and address of foreign buyer

    Country to which exports are to be made

    Name of the guarantor bank (i.e. aval), if known to the


    Nature of goods

    Operating mechanism

    1. Indian exporter initiates negotiations with prospective

    overseas buyer with regard to order quantity, price,

    currency of payment, delivery period and credit terms.

    2. Exporter approaches Exim bank to obtain an indicative

    foraiting quote from the forfait ing agency. For this

    purpose, the exporter i s requ ired to provide the

    following information-

    Name and address of foreign buyer

    Country to which exports are to be made

    Name of the guarantor bank (i.e. aval), if known to the


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    Nature of goods

    Order quantity

    Amount of order base price, interest rate

    Delivery period and repayment schedule

    Name of the authorised dealer who wil l handle the

    export transaction for the exporter in India.

    3. Exim Bank obtain ind icative quotes of d iscount,

    commitment fees and documentation fees, if any, and

    communicates these to the exporter.

    4. Exporter f inalises the terms of the contract with the

    buyer. The final export offer must be structured in a

    manner which ensures that the amount received in

    foreign exchange by the exporter after payment of

    forfaiting discount and other fees is equivalent to the

    price which he would obtain if goods were sold on cash

    payment terms.

    5. If the terms are acceptable ot the overseas buyer, the

    Indian exporter informs Exim Bank accordingly and

    requests the Bank to obtain a f irm quote form the

    forfaiting agency.

    6. Exim Bank obtains a f irm quote form the forfait ing

    agency and conveys this information to the exporter

    and his author ized dealer , wi th a request to the


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    exporter to confirm acceptance of the forfaiting terms

    within a specified time limit.

    7. Indian exporter confirms acceptance of forfaiting terms

    of Exim Bank. The exporter will enter into a

    commercial contract with the overseas buyer and also

    execute a forfaiting contract with the forfaiting agency

    through Exim Bank.

    8. On execution of the forfait ing contract. Exim Bank


    A certificate to the exporter with a copy to the

    authorised dealer, regarding the commitment fee to be

    paid by the exporter to the forfait ing agency. This

    certificate will enable to exporter to remit commitment

    fees to the forfaiting agency, in accordance with the

    schedule indicated in the forfaiting contract in terms of

    the Reserve Bank of India guidel ines governing

    forfaiting contracts, commitment fees will be regarded

    as being analogous to bank charges, and will not be

    required to be mentioned in the GR form or shipping

    bill prepared by the exporter, subject to the

    commitment fee not exceeding 1.5 per cent of the

    contract value.

    A certi ficate to the exporter detai ling the discount

    payable to the forfaiting agency, to enable the Indian

    Customs authori ties to ver ify deductions towards

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    discounts declared by the exporter on the GR form and

    shipping bill.

    9. The Indian expor ter ships the goods as per the

    schedule agreed with the overseas buyer . The

    forfaiting transaction will be reflected in the following

    three documents associated with an export

    transaction, in the manner suggested below:


    Forfaiting discount, commiment fees, etc. need not be

    shown separately; instead, these could be built into the

    FOB price, stated on the invoice.

    Shipping Bill and GR form

    Details of the forfaiting costs will be included along with

    the other detail s, such as FOB price, commiss ion

    insurance, normally included in the "Analysis of Export

    Value" on the Shipping Bill. The claim for duty drawback,

    if any, wil l be certif ied only with reference to the FOB

    value of the exports states on the shipping bill.

    In case of exports covered under the scheme of

    forfaiting, the following procedure should be followed for

    filling up the various columns relating to the FOB value in

    the Shipping Billl and the GR form.

    i ) the column "Total f .o .b. value in words" w il l reflect


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    the total invoice value inclusive of the forfait ing


    ii) Under the column "Analysis of export value," the

    actual f .o.b. value, exclusive of the forfa it ing

    discount should be indicated against the sub-column

    "FOB value". The forfaiting discount will however,

    have to be shown separately under the sub-heading

    "Other Deductions", on he basis of Exim Bank's

    certificate which is to be submitted by exporters to

    the Customs authorities.

    iii) The column "Full export value or where not

    ascertainable the value which exporter expects to

    receive on the sale of goods" should indicate the

    tota l invo ice value inclus ive of the for fa it ing


    iv) Under the column "Assessable Value under section

    14" the actual f .o.b. value, net of the forfait ing

    discount will have to be shown.

    v) On the reverse of the Shipping Bi ll , the figures to be

    ind icated aga inst the column "Value on which

    Drawback Claim" should be the f.o.b. value after

    deduction of the formatting discount.

    v i) These instructions have been communicated to All

    Col lectors of Customs by Minist ry of Finance,

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    Department of Revenue in terms of Notif ication

    F.No. 605/26/91-DBK dates march 1,1993.

    10.The export contract wil l provide for the overseas

    buyer to furnish avalised bills promissory notes.

    11.If the contract for bills of exchange, the exporter will

    draw a series of bil ls of exchange and send them

    along with shipping documents to his banker for

    presentation to importer for acceptance through

    latter's banker. Importer's banker will hand and over

    shipping documents to importer against acceptance of

    bil ls of exchange by the importer and signature of

    avail. Avalised and accepted bil ls of exchange with

    the words "Without Recourse" and forward them

    through his banker to Exim Bank, which in turn will

    send to the forfaiting agency.

    12.If promissory notes are provided for in the export

    contract, then the exporter will require the importer

    to prepare a series of avalised promissory notes, as


    On shipment, the exporter's bank sends the shipping

    documents to the importer's bank for transmission to the

    overseas buyer. Importer 's banker wi ll hand over

    shipping documents to importer against aval ised

    promissory notes issued by the importer.


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    Avalised and accepted promissory notes will be forwarded

    to the exporter through his banker.

    The Indian exporter endorses the avalised promissory

    notes with the worlds "Without Recourse" and forwards

    them through his bank to Exim Bank, which in turn will

    send them to the forfaiting agency.

    13.The forfait ing agency effects the payment of the

    discounted value, in accordance with Exim Bank's

    instructions, after verifying the aval's signature, and

    other particulars.

    Normally, Exim Bank will direct the forfaiter to credit the

    payment to the nostro account of the exporter's bank in

    the country where the forfa iter is based. The bank

    receiving the discounted proceeds will arrange to remit

    the funds to India. The exporter will be issued a

    Certif icate of Foreign Inward Remittance. The GR form

    will also be released.

    14.An export contract which provides for more than

    one shipment can also be forfaited under a single

    forfait ing contract. However, where the export is

    ef fected in more than one shipment, avai lsed

    promissory notes/bil ls of exchange in respect of

    each shipment could be forfaited, subject to the

    minimum value requirements laid down by the


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    15.On maturity of the bills of exchange/promissory

    notes, the forfaiting agency presents the

    instruments to the aval for payment.

    1. Customs Publ ic Not ice on Forfa it ing d iscount and

    commitment fees - Certificate of net realisable value

    of exports by Customs The Export Import Bank of

    India (Exim Bank), in consultation with the Reserve

    Bank of India, have decided to introduce the Scheme

    of Forfaiting as an instrument of f inancing exports.

    The scheme is being introduced initially of a period of

    three years.

    2. Forfaiting, which is an instrument of export financing,

    involves purchase of invoices, b il ls of exchange,

    promissory notes etc. by certain forfaiting Agencies

    abroad at a discount from the exporters in different

    Countr ies of the world without recourse to such

    exporters. The objecive of the scheme is essentially to

    help out exporters overcome he problems of delay in

    the repatriation of the export sale proceeds. Under

    the scheme, the exporter forfaits his right to futue

    payment in return for immediate cash. In other worlds

    int converts credit shale into a scahs transaction the

    considration being discount that the exporters/his

    bank wil l have to bear. Forfaiting is without further

    recourse to the exporters i.e. of forfaiting

    bank/financial institution is unable to realise the


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    amount frojm the purchasers of the goods, they

    cannot come back to the exporters for recovery of the

    amount. In such a transaction, the Forfaiting Agencies

    normally charge forfaiting discount (which varies from

    country to country and from transaction to

    transaction) and a committeemen fee which is payable

    till such period as the discount is allowed. The Indian

    exporters opting for the Scheme will have to charge

    their foreign buyers with these two elements of costs

    over and above the contractual base price agreed

    upon. All transactions under the forfaiting scheme will

    be through the Exim Bank of India which will act as


    3. As clarif ied by the Exim Bank, the commitment fees

    would be payable at a specified rate on the contract

    value for the period commencing from the date of

    acceptance of the offer, til l the date of disbursals of

    the amount by the Forfaiting Agency (which will take

    place after shipment and presentation of documents).

    Accordingly, it would not be possible to quantity this

    fee at the time of shipment. The commitment fees will

    be analogous to the bank charges. Since bank charges

    are now being allowed to be included in the F.O.B.

    value declared by the exporters it has been decided

    that this fee should also be included for arriving a the

    value under section 14 of the customs act. In al l

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    and the G.R. Form:

    ii) under the column 'Analysis of export value' , the

    actual F.O.B. value, exclusive of the forfa it ing

    discount should be indicate against the sub-column

    'FOB Value'. The forfaiting discount will, however,

    have to be shown separately under the sub-heading

    "Other Deductions", on the basis of Exim Bank

    certificate submitted by the individual exporter.

    iii) The column "full export value or where not

    ascertainable the value which exporter to receive

    on the sale of goods" should indicate the total

    invoice value, inclusive of the forfaiting discount.

    iv) Under the column 'Assessable Value under Sect ion

    14' the actual F.O.B. value, net oof the forfait ing

    discount will have to be shown.

    v) On the reverse of the S/Bill the figures to be

    indicated against the column. Value on which

    Drawback Claim' should be the F.O.B. Value after

    deduction of the forfaiting discount. The drawback

    amount and other export incentives will have to be

    calculated with reference to the value shown after

    the requisite deductions and should match with the

    f igures shown as FOB value as indicated in ( ii )


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    vi) The entries in the GR from with regard to the

    break-up of the value should be verif ied by the

    Customs authorities on the basis of the EXIM Bank

    certificate before acceptance. The certificate to be

    issued by the EXIM Bank should be endorsed by the

    Customs Officials with the shipping bill number and

    date and after completion of the Customs

    formalities should be forwarded to the Reserve bank

    of India with the GR form.


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    Avenues for Export


    Most exporters try to f inance their exports through

    commercial banks. To promote their exports some also

    take advantage of the Governments Marketing

    Development Assistance Scheme through the Ministry of

    Commerce. Yet , there are many exporters who are

    ignorant of various funding schemes of other

    organizations which could help them to f inance their

    exports. In the following paragraphs, an efforts has been

    made to identify such schemes and highlight their specific

    requirements for the benefit of the exporting community.

    Exim Bank

    The financing schemes of Exim-Bank have been discussed

    later in this Chapter.

    Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of

    India Ltd. (ICICI)

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    All the f inancial institutions (namely IDBI, IFCI and

    ICICI) give priority to financing projects involving export

    possibi li ties. However, ICICI has separate fund for

    financial assistance to Industrial Export Projects. Under

    th is scheme, ICICI provides assistance under two

    schemes (i) Productivity Fund (for market development);

    and (ii) Term Loans.

    Productivity Fund

    Financial assistance is available by way of a grant for

    upgrading export marketing (through market research,

    product adaptation, training etc.) and for improvement

    in productivity (through introduction of process/product

    technology) which would increase export competitiveness.

    Eligible Companies

    Private/Joint Sector companies having comprehensive

    productivity scheme with a view to enhancing

    exportabil ity of its products. Prior ity is given to

    companies manufacturing products with identified export

    prospects, preferably in the thrust industr ies l ike

    engineering, electronics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals,

    textiles, apparel, leather, food processing and packaging

    and computer software.


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    vii) For upgrading product/process technology through

    induction of technical know-how.

    Export Market Development Activities

    i) Desk Research to focus on promising markets.

    ii) Overseas Market Research for evaluating product

    specifications identifying market segments,

    distribution channels, buyer profiles etc.

    iii) Overseas travel for appointing agents/distr ibutors,

    direct selling and for keeping abreast with product


    iv) Product inspectively /cert if icat ion services.

    v) Tra in ing of export market ing personnel .

    vi) Travel to India by potent ia l buyers.

    vii) Sampl ing, Advert is ing etc. required for product

    launch an international markets.

    Quantum of Assistance

    Grants upto 50% of the cost of the productivity scheme,

    subject to a maximum of US$ 4,00,000.


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    Terms of Loan



    : Repayment in 5 to 10 years with

    grace period of 1 to 3 years-

    depending on the expected cash


    Exchange Risk :None, as even the foreign

    currency loan (if any) is

    denominated in Indian Rupees on


    Conversion Option :ICICI does not retain the option of

    converting the loan to equity.

    Agricultural Commercial and Enterprise (ACE)


    ACE is funded by USAID, ICICI is the implement ing

    agency for the project.


    The main objectives of the project are:

    - To increase private investment in the agro-business


    - To improve linkages between horticulture producers,

    processors and traders.

    - To increase flow of fresh and processed horticulture

    products to targeted domestic and export markets.

    - To increase rural incomes.


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    Eligible Organizations

    Private commercial venture and co-operatives in the

    State of Maharashtra will be eligible to receive assistance

    under ACE.

    Type of ACE activities

    Thee groups of activities have been identified:

    - Loans to private sector

    - Technical assistance

    - Trade and investment tours

    Loans to Private Sector Agro-Business

    All types of agro-business entrepreneurs in Maharashtra

    will be eligible for ACE assistance.

    Technical Assistance

    Chemonics International, which has its headquarters in

    Washington, D.C. and field offices in Miami, Budapest and

    Warsaw, wil l be providing Technical Assistance (TA) to

    private firms in designing and/or implementing innovative

    projects related to post-farm agriculture


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    Trade and Investment Tours

    ACE wi ll organ ise and f inance about 15 Trade and

    Investment (TI)m tours for entrepreneurs to visit firm in

    USA/India for building commercial linkages. The request

    for TI should meet the objective of the ACE programme

    and preferably result in an ACE project.

    Main Terms of Assistance




    Atleast 255 of the project cost.

    ACE AssistanceUpto 50% of the project cost

    subject to a maximum of US $

    7,50,000 or its reupee equivalent,

    and balance 25% through

    loans/equity from other financial


    Repayment periodUpto seven years including suitable


    Technical Assistance

    Promoters contribution atleast 25% of the TA cost and

    the balance as grant from ACE funds.

    The maharastra Chamber of Commerce and Industries

    (MCCI), Pune would be assisting ICICI for promotion of


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    the ACE project.

    Project proposals submitted by the entrepreneurs will be

    evaluated by ICICI for approval. ICICI has formed an ACE

    Group in its technology division for implementing the ACE


    For further information please contact:

    Mr. Arjan Advani, General Manager

    The Industrial Credit and Investment Corpn. Of India Ltd.

    Scindia House, 5 th Floor, N.M. Marg,

    Ballard Estate, Bombay 400 038.

    Tel No. 2618251

    Telex No.011-84458 ICIC IN

    Gram: CREDCORP Bombay

    Fax: 022-2625444

    Department of Scientific and Industrial Research


    The DSIR operates a scheme called Transfer and Trading

    in Technology (TATT) under which it can grant assistance

    for technology exports. Apart from financial assistance,

    the prospective technology/service exporters can also

    identify possible export opportunities by studying the

    technology profiles of various developing countries, which

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    have been prepared with the support of DSIR to identify

    the technology needs of those countries.

    Scheme of Transfer and Trading in Technology (TATT)

    Under this scheme, the DSIR provides support by way of

    grant, to f inance exports. The quantum of grant and

    eligibi li ty is determined case-to-case, but grant can

    extend to 100% of the eligible expense.

    Eligible Activities

    i) Preparat ion of reports/f ilms regarding capabi lit ies

    and experience of Indian industrial units and other

    concerned organisations in export of technologies

    and services.

    ii) Preparation of technology profiles having export


    iii) Training programmes for potential foreign cl ients.

    iv) Preparation and dissemination of publicity and

    market promot ion materials like technology

    catalogues, brochures, video fi lms, audio-visuals


    v) Participation in technology trade fairs, exhibi tions

    etc. ( including participation fee, cost of display



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