Experience america


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Experience America

David Batchelor

Table of Contents/Itinerary

I. The West

i. California: The Golden Gate Bridge, H

ii. Arizona: The Grand Canyon, A

II. The Midwest

i. South Dakota: Jewel Cave National Park, A

ii. Kansas: Pawnee Rock, H

III. The South

i. Texas: Guadalupe Mountains National Park, A

ii. Mississippi: Chickasaw Village and Fort Site, H

IV. The Northeast

i. New York: Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace, H

ii. Virginia: Appalachian Scenic Trail, A


Golden Gate Bridge

The Grand Canyon

Jewel Cave National Park

Pawnee Rock

Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Chickasaw Village and Fort Site

Appalachian Scenic Trail

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace

The West First we will travel to California in the western

USA and visit the Golden Gate Bridge

Second we will travel to Arizona and visitthe Grand Canyon

The Golden Gate Bridge

The Grand Canyon



California: Golden Gate Bridge

Opened on May 27, 1937

Connects the San Francisco Peninsula with the

Marin County

Known as one of the world’s most beautiful


You can hike, bike, drive or just view the bridge

from a distance

-The Golden Gate Bridge at night

-The Golden Gate Bridge during day time

Arizona: The Grand Canyon An Immense landscape in the northwest of

Arizona 277 river miles long, 18 miles wide and

approximately a mile deep Hiking and wonderful sightseeing of the

beautiful scenery and wildlife Camping grounds around the area

-Sunset -A wonderful view

-Sky view

The Midwest First we will head northeast from Arizona and

land in South Dakota to see the Jewel Cave National Park

Then we will head south to the state of Kansas and see Pawnee Rock

Jewel Cave National Park

Pawnee Rock



South Dakota: Jewel Cave National Park At 146 miles long, Jewel Cave is the second

longest cave in the world Many crystals throughout the cave give it it’s

vast magnificence You can also explore the cave yourself with a

tour guide and safety helmets

-Jewel Cave Sign

-Explorers in the Interior

-Interior formation of crystals


Kansas: Pawnee Rock This landmark marks the half way point line

along the Santa Fe Trail Landmark also vital to the Pawnee Indians Come visit this landmark and ponder over the

history of this landmark

-Pawnee rock vantage point view

-Pioneers on rock in 1897

-Shaded picnic pavilion for family and friends

The South First we will travel southwest from Pawnee

Rock in Kansas to Guadalupe Mountains National Park just east of Dell City in Texas

Then we will travel east to Mississippi Chickasaw Village and Fort Site

-Guadalupe Mountains National Park

-Chickasaw Village and Fort Site



Texas: Guadalupe Mountains National Park While at your stay, enjoy one of the world’s

best flora and fauna habitats Great place for hikers and sightseers Also if you are a scientist or any type of

naturalist, then this is a great place to research

-Hiker-Sunset view


-Day-time view

Mississippi: Chickasaw Village and Fort Site Home to the powerful Chickasaw tribe Learn about the history of the Chickasaw and

their conflicts with the Europeans, ie, wars Experience a fort that was thought to be the

spot of a major battle in 1936

-Indoor museum -Fort illustration -Chickasaw fort

site-Fort Site


The Northeast Travel northeast from Mississippi to Virginia

and explore the Appalachian Scenic Trail Then, travel northeast again to New York City

where we will see the home and birth site of Theodore Roosevelt

-Appalachian Scenic Trail

-Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace



Virginia: Appalachian Scenic Trail This trail is an approx. 2,175 mile long

footpath that runs along 14 states along the northeast of the united states

This path was made in 1937 and passes over the many types of wildlife along the Appalachian mountains

-Appalachian Scenic Trail

-Map of trail

New York (City): Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace See the birth place and home of Theodore


Learn about Theodore Roosevelt’s boy hood in a four story house

-Interior -Then -Now-A child

Works CitedAppalachian. National Park Service. August 24, 2009. http://www.nps.gov/appa/index.htm

Grand Canyon. National Park Service. August 24, 2009. http://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm

Guadalupe Mountains. National Park Service. August 24, 2009. http://www.nps.gov/gumo/index.htm

Jewel Cave. National Park Service. August 24, 2009. http://www.nps.gov/jeca/index.htm

Key Dates. Research Library. August 24, 2009. http://goldengatebridge.org/research/dates.php

Old West Photos. Kansas Legends August 26, 2009. http://images.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://www.legendsofamerica.com/photos-kansas/EarlyPawneeRock.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.legendsofamerica.com/OZ-PawneeRock.html&usg=__baJ7hA7gpHW4HYfMvdsyDuA3qEE=&h=286&w=394&sz=29&hl=en&start=2&um=1&tbnid=vZT33xhiPXluUM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpawnee%2Brock%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2ADBF_en%26um%3D1

Pawnee Rock. Kansas State Historical Society. August 24, 2009. http://www.kshs.org/places/pawneerock/index.htm

Santa Fe Trail. Wikipedia. August 25, 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Fe_Trail

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. National Park Service. August 24, 2009. http://www.nps.gov/thrb/index.htm

Visitors. Golden Gate Bridge. August 24, 2009. http://goldengatebridge.org/visitors/

Wars for Empire in Mississippi. Chickasaw Village and Fort Site - Tupelo, Mississippi. August 24, 2009. http://www.exploresouthernhistory.com/chickasaw.html

Welcome to the Grand Canyon. National Park Service. August 24, 2009. http://www.nps.gov/archive/grca/grandcanyon/index.htm

What to do. Visitors. August 24, 2009. http://goldengatebridge.org/visitors/whattodo.php
