Exemplar Folder - CAD:CAM


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A hazard means anything that can cause harm (e.g. chemicals, electricity, working from ladders, etc)

STEP 1: Look for the hazards in this classroom, where are they? STEP 2: Decide who might be harmed and how? STEP 3: Evaluate the risks and decide whether the existing precautions are good enough or whether more should be done

Write in here all the names of the machines that you have been shown how to use in this classroom:

STEP 1: Look for the hazards in this classroom, where are they? The wires are a hazard because they can electrocute you and things get tangled in them. Bags are also a hazard because people can trip over them so we have to tuck them under the desks. Chairs can bring harm because if you push your chair back to stand up people trip over them. STEP 2: Decide who might be harmed and how? If there is a fire or accident you can trip over bags and chairs as you exit the room STEP 3: Evaluate the risks and decide whether the existing precautions are good enough or whether more should be done I think that the wires are tucked away well and the teachers should carry on telling pupils to put bags under the desks.

Write in here all the names of the machines that you have been shown how to use in this classroom. What hazards are involved in using them? Computers, the hazard of using a computer is mainly all of the wires which are connected to the computers in this room.

A hazard means anything that can cause harm (e.g. chemicals, electricity, working from ladders, etc)




Think about all the things around you? When you’re in school, out shopping or in your car! How many things can you think of that would be computer controlled? Work in pairs and list them below:

Tills Radio

Conveyer belt in shops Scanners in shops

Traffic lights Automatic doors Motion sensors


Find pictures of the range of products you’ve just

identified paste them below:



Activity 1– Understand how actions can be broken down into a number of simple instructions that are programmed into everyday product using a microprocessor.

On your computer go to Start, then all programs, then Technology, then Logicator, Economatics

Logicator. This will take a few seconds to load up. Task one: Design a set of lights that will flash on and off in sequence using the commands: Start, output, wait and stop. Paste your finished flow-sheet below.

Task two: Design a set of traffic lights using the commands: start, output, wait and stop. Paste your finished flow-sheet below.



Task three: We’re now going to introduce a decision command. After start leave a gap and then drag a decision command two spaces below start. Then drag in an output followed by a wait command. The decision command will act as a switch which will turn on a light which will stay on for a set amount of time and then loop back to start. We will be using the commands: Start, decision, output, and wait. Paste your finished flow-sheet below.

Self assessment: Logicator is a good software for making flowsheets I have enjoyed making flowsheets but it is a little bit complicated and fiddly but the final results are awesome . At first I could not understand how it worked but now I’ve got the hang of it.









What"do"you"think"computer"control"is?"Computer control is things all around us that are controlled

by computers.

What"could"you"do"now"to"learn"more?"We could learn about things that computers controlled in

the past and compare them to what computers control now.

Have"you"enjoyed"this"secVon?"I have enjoyed working with a new software in D and T so

far this year.



What exactly you want the product to do I want my door hanger to look nice and to hang on my door, I want it to tell people what kind of mood I’m in and if they are allowed to come in or if they should go away

Why and How will this product help people in your home? It could help people to decide whether I am in a good or a bad mood so they know not to mess with me or if they can just come on in.     Make a list of people who would find the

Product useful. It will be useful to: Mum Dad My brother Liam My Nan and grandpa

Homework: The door hanger will be attached to a door handle, get an image of your door handle and its measurements.



"""""""Design"SpecificaVon:"Write"a"list"of"things"that"your"door"hanger"must"do.""It must be able to hang on my door. I want mine to be colourful and eye-catching . I want it to be full of pictures that I like. I want it to be able to tell people to come on in or go away.""""""""""""


Opinion:" Opinion:"




















Final"design" Peer"assessment:"ask"someone"in"the"class"to"evaluate"your"final"idea"using"WWW"and"EBI."Your"Final"design"is"really"good"I"like"the"pictures"they"are"really"simple"and"the"wriVng"is"big"enough."It"would"be"beler"if"you"put"less"wriVng""and"make"the"pictures"bigger.""










B First,"choose"simple"clipart"pictures"from"the"internet"and"paste"them"onto"2D"Design"and"set"to"monochrome""if"there"is"colour"then"enable"transparency"as"well."You"can"do"both"of"these"things"in"the"bitmap"drop"down"at"the"top"do"this"a"few"Vmes"to"come"up"with"a"front"and"a"back"of"3"hangers"with"pictures"and"wriVng"on"them."""Once"you"have"chosen"a"final"design"out"of"the"hangers"you"have"designed"click"set"up,"a"drop"down"at"the"top,"and"choose"drawing"then"layout"and"change"it"to"CXB24"in"T15"or"GXB24"in"T2"And"click"A4"in"the"bolom"leF"corner."you"then"click"OK.""Go"to"tools"and"choose"radial"lock"and"turn"it"90"degrees"and"move"it"down"into"the"bolom"of"the"box,"save"your"work"and"turn"off"2D"Design."Log"on"to"the"computer"Which"is"connected"to"the"Roland"Camm"1"and"open"your""final"design."Choose"your"vinyl"colour"And"posiVon"it"up"to"the"grey"line"""in"the"Roland"Camm"1"and""go"to"file,"CNC"output""and"click"tools"and"change"it"to"CXB24"you"then"show"a"teacher"and"she"will"start"it"on"the"roland"camm"1"and""Once"that"is"done"you"peel"of"the"vinyl"so"there"is"only""Your"coloured"door"hangers"on"a"white"background"and"Start"using"a"craFing"knife"to"peel"out"the"insides"of"the"Lelers."Next"get"some"lowBtack"tape,"cut"it"to"shape"and"SVck"it"over"your"designs"making"sure"to"flalen"out"any"air"Bubbles."Press"it"down"really"hard"and"peel"off"the"white"so"you""are"leF"with"your"designs"on"the"low"tack"tape"and"sVck"it"on"the""Plain"door"hanger"(you"choose"which"colour)"and"line"up"the""circle"with"the"hole."Once"you’ve"stuck"it"down"peel"of"the"low"tack"tape.""""




Describe in your own words what part of this course you have found most fun? Explain Why? Choosing pictures and designing our door hangers because I like IT so the computers were fun. What part of this course was the most interesting to you? The Roland camm 1 because we have never used it before and it is a new thing. Have you found any part of the course very difficult, explain why? No not really I understood well How confident do you now feel using the 2D design and Logicator software? I feel confident because of the teachers speech
