Executive Branch PPT - Mr. Johnson's Classroom -...


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� President—leader of the executive branch

1. Executive Office of the President� “West Wing”

� VP Office

� Presidential Advisors

2. Executive Departments� 15 Executive Agencies

� Secretary of State

� Secretary of Defense

� Secretary of the Treasury

3. Independent Agencies� Approx. 150

� Examples: NASA, FBI, CIA

The President must be:

•35 years old

•A 14 year resident

•A native born citizen

� 4 year terms

� Can only serve two elected terms

� If you serve more than half of another president’s term, you may only serve one more term

� 22nd Amendment- 1951

� The Electoral College� 538 votes possible, 270 to win (majority)

� Each states # of votes is based on that states # of Senators + Representatives

� Each state conducts it’s own popular vote and the winner gets all of that states electoral votes

� Just because you win the popular vote does not always mean you will win the electoral vote

� PG. 359

� 25th Amendment– establishes Presidential succession

� VP

� Speaker of the House

� President Pro Tempore (leader of the Senate)

� Cabinet members (order they were created in the Constitution)

What does the President have the power to do?

� Carry out the nations laws

� Issues executive orders

� Directive, rule or regulation that has an effect of law

� Appoints cabinet members & officials

� Ex. heads of Gov. departments

� Foreign Relations

� Appoints Ambassadors� Sent to countries a representative of U.S.

� Must get Senate approval

� Makes treaties� Formal agreement btw. two or more countries

� Senate must approve 2/3 vote

� Leader of the armed forces� Only one to order soldiers into battle

� The War powers Act� President must notify Congress when troops sent

into battle

� Examples: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan

� Peacetime Role� Keep peace at home and other nations

� Symbol of United States Government

� Public appearances

� Host to other nation leaders

� Propose Legislation

� Prepare the Federal Budget

� “State of the Union Address”

� Approve or Veto Legislation

� Call Special Sessions of Congress

� Appoints judges to Supreme Court & other Federal courts

� Usually appoints Judges along same party lines

� Pardons: forgiveness and freedom from punishment

� Reprieve: delay a person’s punishment

� Supports party members in election campaigns

�Unifies the party and gives it direction

� Appoints party members to government jobs

� Salary= $400,000 a year

� Congress sets and can change

� Has not been changed since 1999

� Expense allowance= $50,000 a year

� May use however he/she chooses

� White House

� Air Force One

� Camp David (resort hideaway)

� Finest benefits possible (health care)

� Only job outlined in Constitution….

� President of the Senate

� “Most worthless position we created” (Adams)

� 2nd in line to become President

� Same qualifications

� Executive Departments (15 total)

� Advise the President

� Each is led by a Secretary


� Secretary of Defense

� Secretary of State

� Secretary of Homeland Security
