EXAMS! or How do exams make you feel?. Your exams run from: Day 00.00.00 to Day 00.00.00...


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How do exams make you feel?

Your exams run from:

Day 00.00.00to

Day 00.00.00Sooooooooooo…

…it’s time to start preparing!

If you want to feel more

exams than


you need to be really

well organised and do a of revision.

This is your timetable for the week…

…your individual timetables tell you where to sit.

Get yourself


!!!!! Revision needs to be active !!!!!

Do less,learn less

Do more,learn more

+ + + +


Use the website:

Go on to the school website…

…find your way on to the revision page…

…look for what you need…

…and everything is there for you to use!

If you don’t revise…

I’m a great believer in luck and I find the

harder I work the more I have of it!

Thomas Jefferson(1743-1826)

Third President of the United States of America

Good luck!
