Examenes Acles Modelo Examen B1 Ingles


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Ejemplo de tarea de comprensión lectora (Reading)

Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Student life

For those who are new to the city, Glasgow is a wonderful place to explore, to try

something new, develop your skills and get an excellent education. Those students

already living in Glasgow will know what a great city it is, but will now get to experience

it from the perspective of a new student.

Glasgow is one of the most exciting cities in the UK and has one of the largest student

populations. You will find something to cater for every taste, be it dancing until 3am,

shopping for the latest fashions, sampling some of the local music, or relaxing in one of

the many coffee shops.

The University offers many opportunities to get involved in student life.

Join one of our two Student Unions, both offering endless hours of entertainment.

Become a member of a club or society or start your own – an ideal way to make new


Make a difference by standing for election in the Students’ Representative Council.

Become a Student Ambassador and assist at Open Days and Campus Visits.

These are just a few of the ways you can make your time at university as fulfilling and

exciting as possible. Life at the University of Glasgow is more than just getting a degree.

(Words: 216) Source: http://www.gla.ac.uk

1. Choose the correct answer

according to the text.

Example: Glasgow is a _A__.

A. Great city

B. Horrible city

C. Little city

D. Beautiful city

1.1.Who is the article for?

A. Students who are new to the city

B. Students from Glasgow who are

new to the university

C. Students who want to get more

involved in university activities

D. All new students

1.2.What activities are mentioned?

A. Going to cafés and playing in

local music events

B. Shopping until late and listening

to local music

C. Night life and shopping for the

newest fashions

D. Local dance classes and relaxing


1.3.Which of the following can

students do to get involved in

student life:

A. Create a club or society

B. Join both student unions

C. Become an entertainer

D. Start your own band

1.4.According to the text, you can

make a difference by:

A. Becoming a member of a society

B. Organising campus visits

C. Getting involved in student


D. Electing the Students’

Representative Council

2. Are the statements TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN?

Example: Glasgow is an excellent place to explore art and nature. NOT GIVEN.

2.1. Students living in Glasgow have nothing new to discover about student life

2.2. Student Unions allow only members at their events

2.3. Glasgow is a popular destination for students because of its location

2.4. There are more ways to have a fulfilling student life other than those mentioned in the


3. Find a word or phrase in the text which matches the following definitions (they can be

nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs):

Example: A large town: A CITY

3.1. To give what is needed or required:

3.2. A representative or promoter of a specified activity:

3.3. To help by doing a share of work or by providing money or information:

3.4. A word which describes the feeling of happiness or satisfaction by fully achieving one's


3.5. An academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after

completion of a course:

3.6.Being a candidate in an election (Brit):

Ejemplo de tarea de comprensión auditiva (Listening)

Saving Preterm Babies with an Idea from Nature. (V.O.A. Radio Broadcast. 22 May 2009)

1. Answer the following questions by finishing the sentence.

EXAMPLE: Why is the new way of taking care of babies called “Kangaroo mother care”?

Because it borrows from the way mother kangaroos CARRY THEIR YOUNG IN FRONT IN A


1.1. When does the baby kangaroo leave his mother’s pouch?

It stays in this built-in baby carrier until it…

1.2. What is another name for the “Kangaroo mother care”?

It is also known as …

2. Choose the right option to fill in the blank in these sentences.

EXAMPLE: This method grew out of Bogota in the ….

a) 1960s b) 1970s c) 1990s d) 1980s

2.1. In west and central Africa … dies.

a) one newborn in twenty b) one newborn in twelve

c) a newborn in twenty d) a newborn in twelve

3. Fill in the gap with the word you hear.

Babies who (3.1) WEIGH less than two kilos, get special attention from the (3.2.)_________ who

assist with the (3.3.) __________.

4. Answer true or false and justify your answer in one sentence.

EXAMPLE. The mother’s body heat is the only thing that helps the baby. TRUE/FALSE. WHY?


4.1. The traditional way to carry a baby is in front. TRUE/FALSE. WHY?


4.2. This method of contact provides two kinds of warmth. TRUE/FALSE. WHY?


Vocabulary: joey: baby kangaroo; pouch: bag animals have; breastfeed: feed a baby with milk.

Ejemplo de tarea de expresión escrita (Writing)

Write a reply to this email (200 words), making sure you answer the questions

your friend asks you.

Hello ___________, (your name)

I'm writing to let you know that I arrived safe and sound last night, with only a short

delay in the flight. First I wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you – I had a

wonderful time.

I'm anxious to know what happened after I left. Did Ana move out of the apartment?

Did she explain why she was angry? Tell me everything.

I'm looking forward to your visit to Dublin this summer. Although you're coming for

only a week, we can do a lot. What are your plans for the rest of your trip after you

leave here?

Thanks again for being such a good host and unofficial tour guide!


Ejemplo de tarea de expresión oral (Speaking)

Role-play. You have ten minutes to prepare your part of the role-play separately. Then

you will be asked to develop a conversation with you partner during the speaking test.


You run into 'B' in the street. You feel like going out, so come to an agreement on

what to do and where to meet, taking the following into consideration:

- You feel like going for a walk

- You'd like to go to the cinema (you've already seen Men in Black III)

- You'd like to play cards in a bar


You run into 'A' in the street. You feel like going out, so come to an agreement on

what to do and where to meet, taking the following into consideration:

- You'd like to see Men in Black III, a French film, or an action film

- You don't feel like going to noisy bars

- You're tired