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6:30 p.m.



6:30 P.M. Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Avenue, Community Meeting Room



2. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES of A. July 18, 2012 Regular Board Meeting B. August 1, 2012 Special Board Meeting C. August 15, 2012 Regular Board Meeting D. August 29, 2012 Special Board Meeting

3. CITIZEN COMMENT Not to exceed 15 minutes.


A. Administrative Services and Financial Reports (Paul Gottschalk) 7. BOARD REPORTS

A. Joint Committee on Library Governance (Karen Danczak Lyons) B. Facilities Committee (Sergio de los Reyes) C. Development Committee (Margaret Lurie) D. Finance Committee (Leora Siegel)


A. Discussion of Options and Approval of a Chicago Ave/Main St Library Plan (Karen Danczak Lyons) B. Discussion and Adoption of Proposed FY2013 Library Budget (Karen Danczak Lyons) C. Adoption of Proposed Bylaws Amendment - Development Committee (Benjamin Schapiro)


10. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: October 17, 2012 at 6:30 pm The City of Evanston is committed to ensuring accessibility for all citizens. If an accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, please contact the Library at 847-448-8650 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that arrangements can be made for the accommodation if possible.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012 6:30 PM

Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Avenue, Community Meeting Room

Members Present: Diane Allen, Sergio de los Reyes, Tori Foreman, Margaret Lurie, Susan Newman, Benjamin Schapiro, Leora Siegel, Sandra Smith, Michael Tannen Members Absent: None Staff Present: Karen Danczak Lyons, Marianthi Thanopoulos, Paul Gottschalk Presiding Member: Benjamin Schapiro, President

CALL TO ORDER/DECLARATION OF QUORUM A quorum was present and President Schapiro called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. OATH OF OFFICE President Schapiro gave Tori Foreman her oath of office as a Library Trustee. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES The minutes of the June 20, 2012 meeting were approved by a voice vote. CITIZEN COMMENT Marcia Mahoney, President of Library Friends, gave an update of Books Alive! Program funded by the Woman’s Club of Evanston. The Friends will maintain the Mighty Twig through at least December. Michelle Hays, chair of the Brummel Park Neighbors, spoke of the lack of library services in South Evanston and the inequitable distribution of library services throughout Evanston. St. Francis Hospital is a potential service location in her neighborhood.

INFORMATION/COMMUNICATIONS Leora Siegel has been selected to serve on the Executive Board of the Illinois Library Association (ILA). She is also a liaison to the ILA Diversity Committee. She invited board members to Trustee Day at the Annual ILA Conference in October. LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT Karen Danczak Lyons reported on the many popular library events and programs being held.

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The Chicago Cook County Workforce Partnership launched in July. As a result, the Library will be negotiating a new lease for our workforce development space on the 3rd floor. Employment services will still be provided by the National Able Network.

A ribbon cutting occurred at the Summer Reading Stop at Evanston Plaza with Mayor Tisdahl, Alderman Braithwaite and Board President Schapiro in attendance.

Karen spoke with Chrystie Hill, Director of Community Relations for OCLC regarding our approach to community engagement in Evanston. OCLC is in the early stages of creating a grant program to support this approach to library service. I wanted to highlight Evanston’s commitment to and success with community engagement.

As of July 10th 3,100 children are participating in SRP, many are returning again and again. Circulation increased in June as compared to last year.

Staff will bring a request to the Board in August to proceed with variety of technology based service enhancements including creation of Tech Bar in the Main Library and contracting with mobile application company Boopsie. Also finalizing our approach to mobile circulation – allowing staff to use laptop to create new library cards and circulate materials.

Karen Danczak Lyons gave a presentation on library services provide throughout the community (the presentation is attached to these minutes). Extensive demographic information was shared. Staff will: 1) compare existing efforts and results with geographic areas of Evanston in need of library programs and services; 2) review experience with existing partnerships; 3) define the capacity of the Library to offer additional support through programming, circulation, and holds pickups at strategic locations; and 4) define terms of partnerships and successful outcomes. Sandra Smith said that Evanston Plaza at Dempster/Dodge is an excellent place to provide service. Michael Tannen suggested that Evanston Plaza could be developed as a safe library location for teens after the school day ends. Susan Newman asked about exploring usage by seniors. Leora Siegel suggested that additional locations could be about much more than books and magazines. Tori Foreman asked about building alliances with Evanston Township High School as they may have available space. Teens are very mobile and find a space if they want the services. STAFF REPORTS Administrative Services and Financial Reports Paul Gottschalk shared information about the hiring process for the Development Assistant and Community Engagement Librarian positions. Interviews were completed for the Development position and a candidate will be selected soon. Interviews for the Community Engagement Librarian will take place in August. The City is conducting a long overdue classification and compensation study for non-union employees. This study will be completed by the end of September. The City budget process is expected to be uneventful with no property tax increase and no significant reductions in services.

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UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Karen Danczak Lyons is recommending that the Board form a Facilities Committee to address long-term building planning and maintenance matters. The proposed amendment to the bylaws is being introduced tonight and will be voted on at the August meeting. In the interim, President Schapiro appointed Sergio de los Reyes to serve as chair of an ad-hoc Facilities Committee. Karen Danczak Lyons asked if the Board supported exploring the option of having a library location at Evanston Plaza. President Schapiro said yes. Adjournment Motion by Michael Tannen, second by Leora Siegel to adjourn. Passed on a voice vote. President Schapiro adjourned the regular meeting at 7:50 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Michael M. Tannen, Secretary

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012 6:30 PM

Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Avenue, Community Meeting Room

Members Present: Diane Allen, Tori Foreman, Susan Newman, Benjamin Schapiro, Leora Siegel, Sandra Smith, Michael Tannen Members Absent: Sergio de los Reyes, Margaret Lurie Staff Present: Karen Danczak Lyons, Marianthi Thanopoulos, Paul Gottschalk Presiding Member: Benjamin Schapiro, President

CALL TO ORDER/DECLARATION OF QUORUM A quorum was present and President Schapiro called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. CITIZEN COMMENT Jill Schacter, Vice-President of the Library Friends, expressed support for the Board and its funding process.

INFORMATION/COMMUNICATIONS Karen Danczak Lyons announced that Marcy Jenkins has been hired as the Library’s Development Assistant. The Summer Reading Game has experienced a 20% increase in participation. This success is attributed to improved marketing and a weak economy (more families are spending more time at home for the summer). 70% of children who sign up play at least one time. The Joint Committee on Library Governance is scheduled to have its first meeting on August 14th. Karen Danczak Lyons will be participating in “My Evanston, My Neighbors” a community-wide dialogue on race. Karen Danczak Lyons invited the Board and the public to attend the Teen Loft’s performance of “The Giver”, a play staged and performed by teens. NEW BUSINESS Presentation on Proposed FY2013 Budget Karen Danczak Lyons hopes that the Board and staff think of this budget process and planning as a multi-year service approach. The Library needs to expand our

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fundraising. In terms of fundraising and programming, the leadership of the Friends could help promote our mission. Volunteers will be the key to this success. We just don’t have enough staff, even if we increase staff hours.

Paul Gottschalk presented assumptions and projections on the main sources of proposed FY2013 revenues. Local property taxes represent 87% of the Library’s

revenue. There are two sources of State funding - the Personal Property Replacement Tax of $50,200 and the State Per Capita Grant of $76,300. Library generated revenues include fines and fees, meeting room rentals, copy/print charges, material replacement charges and rental income. Michael Tannen said we don’t want to create an environment that’s unwelcoming

for people if they have outstanding fines, etc. Gottschalk said that we are sensitive to the effect fines have children’s library use and do not want any fines to prevent that child from being allowed to check out books. We have gone to schools and have waived fines.

Tori Foreman said the term “fine” is so punitive. Can we perhaps call it ‘renting’

material? Benjamin Schapiro said that we are already loaning the materials, so perhaps changing the name would be useful so we avoid create a punitive environment. Gottschalk said that there have been discussions about not charging fines altogether.

For renting Library space, Susan Newman suggested that perhaps we can look at renting the Library after-hours (Friday evenings, for instance, or the Children’s

Room). The Finance Committee can explore this further.

Gottschalk is recommending development income be increased by 12%. This includes the transfer from the Endowment, book sales and the Fund for Excellence. Benjamin Schapiro asked if we can take more out of the Endowment than we earn in the future. Gottschalk said that during the financial crisis, income was not taken from the Endowment. It would be the Board’s decision how much

to take out (consistent with Board policy). Schapiro asked to see Endowment earnings over the last five years. Gottschalk will provide this information at a future meeting.

Karen Danczak Lyons said that staff and Board members have discussed the notion of forgoing DVD revenue in order to provide more services. Evanston is one of very few libraries that charge for DVDs. Libraries that have eliminated DVD fees have found that DVD fine income substantially replaces DVD fee income since more DVD are circulated.

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Adjournment Motion by Michael Tannen, second by Leora Siegel to adjourn. Passed on a voice vote. President Schapiro adjourned the regular meeting at 7:50 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Michael M. Tannen, Secretary

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Members Present: Diane Allen, Sergio de los Reyes, Tori Foreman, Susan Newman, Michael Tannen, Benjamin Schapiro, Leora Siegel, and Sandra Smith. Members Absent: Margaret Lurie Staff: Karen Danczak Lyons, Marcy Jenkins, Paul Gottschalk Presiding Member: Benjamin Schapiro, President CALL TO ORDER/DECLARATION OF QUORUM A quorum was present and President Schapiro called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES for July 18, 2012 was postponed at the request of Michael Tannen. CITIZEN COMMENT Library Friends President Marcia Mahoney shared an update on The Mighty Twig (TMT), the volunteer-led library outpost at Chicago Avenue and Main Street. TMT is currently closed for vacation, and scheduled to reopen at end of August, when programming will resume. One of the most successful things TMT does is distribute free donated books and Mahoney hopes that will continue. Based on the continued interest of residents in TMT, Ms. Mahoney encouraged the Library Board to support neighborhood library services throughout Evanston. Several local students spoke of their appreciation of the Twig’s services. Julia Glick volunteers at the Twig and said it’s been helpful while she looked for work, and she likes what she’s learned about the community and the friends she has made there. Dickelle Fonda attended the meeting to speak up about the need for a library branch on the West side, and to express appreciation that expanding neighborhood services is on the Library Board’s agenda. Ms. Fonda mentioned that the Dempster/Dodge Plaza a great place with a strong business association, an excellent spot for expanded library services. INFORMATION/COMMUNICATIONS No additions


6:30 PM Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Avenue, Community Meeting Room

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LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT Karen Danczak Lyons, Library Director, reported on her recent outreach activities, recognition the library has received, and the success of several library programs including: Reaching out to the faith-based community, specifically the Second Baptist Church,

to discuss how the Library can support their (educational) initiatives for their congregation.

Meeting with the Manager of the Levy Senior Center to see how Library can better

integrate with the center, and found that although they don’t have a library room currently, they do offer a popular shuttle service to the Main Library.

The August issue of “Make it Better” selected the Library’s story hour as the best library story hour in the region. Following the publication’s announcement, the next two story hours had 64 and 80 drop-in visitors, respectively.

Theatrical performances of The Giver on August 3rd through 5th entertained 150 attendees. Since teens in the acting troupe are not in any of the local theater groups, the play represented a new opportunity for local students to gain performing experience.

At the “My Evanston, My Neighbors” discussion over 100 people came to talk about race relations last week.

Looking ahead, Ms. Danczak Lyons announced: Meetings with 5th and 2nd Ward leaders this week and in September to solicit ideas

for programs of interest.

Finally, with board approval, the Director will join the Illinois State Library Advisory Committee – a 20 member panel that meets to provide direction to the State Library. Trustee Schapiro recommended approval. Trustee Siegel moved that Ms. Danczak Lyons accept the appointment, Trustee de los Reyes seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously. STAFF REPORTS Administrative Services and Financial Reporting Paul Gottschalk reported that the Library has two open positions currently, for a full-time Community Engagement Librarian and a Latino Outreach Assistant. Interviews are scheduled for the former position; and he hopes to be able to fill the latter position with a candidate sourced from an existing “eligibility list” of qualified applicants.

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A two-year contract for 2012/13 between the City and the Union has been ratified and will go to the City Council for adoption. Gottschalk commended the union leadership for doing a good job working through extensive contract negotiations. FY2012 year-to-date expenditures are currently under-budget and revenues exceed budget year-to-date (due in part to timing of tax revenues). BOARD REPORTS Director Danczak Lyons reported that the Joint Committee on Library Governance held a good initial meeting with city representatives to discuss the 2013 budget. The committee will be drafting notes on the proceedings and looking at other libraries’ use of language for city and library ownership, management, maintenance, etc. Trustees Allen and Tannen concurred that the meeting was positive. UNFINISHED BUSINESS By-Law Change Trustee Allen moved to create a Facilities Committee, Trustee Siegel seconded the motion. Discussion identified potential members to include Trustee de los Reyes as Chair, and Trustee Schapiro as the second member. Roll Call vote passed the motion unanimously with President Schapiro abstaining. 2013 Budget -- Background Director Danczak Lyons explained that the Board is segmenting its budget discussions in August, covering details of the base budget tonight, and discussing service expansion opportunities at the August 29th meeting. Service expansions will depend on the library’s ability to raise extra funds, and expanding this year’s Fund for Excellence fundraising campaign to include support of neighborhood services (as well as collections) is under consideration. Ms. Danczak Lyons is conferring with the leadership of the Friends of the Evanston Public Library on opportunities to work together on grant applications, meet with certain donors, etc. The FY2013 Library budget will be part of the City budget presentation and discussions scheduled for Oct. 12th. The City Manager expects Council will pass the city budget before Thanksgiving. 2013 Budget – Details Administrative Services Manager Gottschalk introduced the details of the FY2013 base budget, which was developed from the “bottom up,” making detailed projections of expenses first and then deriving the necessary tax-provided revenue to cover the expenses. The budget includes seven “business units” requiring $4.852 million total proposed expenditures. While City chargebacks are uncertain, the base budget estimates grand total revenues to be $4.937 million, which includes an estimate of $100,000 income from the annual Fund for Excellence campaign. The base budget represents a very lean budget, and incorporates a number of key

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items affecting the library in next year. Expenditures are categorized as mandatory/required/dispensable line items. Trustee Siegel as chair of the Finance Committee and Board Treasurer said the Finance committee comprised of herself and Trustees Allen and Newman had met extensively with Mr. Gottschalk and Director Danczak Lyons on August 13th to discuss the budget’s details, and were satisfied with the budget’s projections. Trustee Allen remarked that Library staff had been reduced 20% over the past few years, and there is not much cutting “around the edges” left. Explanatory comments and budget assumptions:

Pay expenses include negotiated cost of living increases and new union contract. Staffing includes many part time permanent workers, since the Library is open 7 days a week. Health Insurance and Pension funding is mandatory. The Library share of work study students wages is $2.25/hour. (Currently EPL works with Northwestern students, and is on the waiting list of organizations requesting Loyola University students.)

Budget built in increases 4.4% for collections, assuming revenue available from

development funds from book sale, FFE, and endowment support.

“Internet solution providers” – electronic resources available for public use including ebooks and e-audio, reference databases, etc. – are expected to expand. EPL gets discounted library rates on services such as Lexus Nexis through Innovation Experts and ebooks are also discounted with group library bundling. Interest in moving toward more self-checks (able to accept cash and to process DVDs) and moving circulation people to other activities.

Keeping North Branch operations as-is – no significant changes.

Maintenance includes first system-wide assessment since the building opened in

1994 to review systems and create ongoing maintenance plan. Tori Foreman asked if North Branch would be included in the assessment. Gottschalk said it would be. Janitorial services will be renegotiated along with the city contract. Natural gas prices have decreased significantly.

Budget Questions Trustee Newman – cost of membership in American Library Association. Gottschalk estimated approximately $500. Trustee Tannen – internet service providers and other internet costs – likely to increase or not over time? Danczak Lyons explained that the staff does a cost analysis of options at each renewal point for all reference sources, and takes advantage of group buying

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discounts. Trustee de los Reyes -- asked for breakdowns of cost estimates for the Chicago Ave, Dempster/Dodge, and North Branch sites. Trustee Foreman asked about what happens to any surplus funds for 2012? Director Danczak Lyons replied that overages and underages are subject of negotiation with the transition committee. In the past, no budget surpluses or shortfalls would be carried forward. Going forward, not sure what will happen. NEW BUSINESS Relations Committee – President Schapiro described the concept of having a new Board level committee designed to institutionalize the process of developing to closer relations with local groups and individuals such as Rotary and Northwestern, with a goal of expanding collaborations and augmenting the library’s Fund For Excellence and endowment. Board VP Lurie and another trustee will serve on the committee. Trustee Newman expressed an interest in seeing ongoing fundraising through out the year. The board decided to vote on formally approving the creation of the Relations Committee next month. DVD Rental Fees – have budgeted $28,000 in annual income. Staff have priced out other ways to dispense DVDs – estimating costs of $33,000 per vending machine for 2,000 DVDs, priced for 5 of them $25,000 for books, DVDs. To modify self-check machines it would cost $4,100 each. If the Board decides to remove the $1 upfront fee, may recoup revenue in late fees. For libraries that have eliminated upfront fees for DVDs, most have found that they make up the fee with late fees on DVDs, so Mr. Gottschalk recommended assuming eliminating fees would be revenue-neutral at $28,000 for EPL in 2013. Trustee Allen moved to remove the $1 DVD rental fee, Trustee Tannen seconded the motion. The motion was approved with roll call vote of 7 board members present, and President Schapiro abstaining. Ms. Danczak Lyons will meet with Circulation this week to implement the change and move forward with publicizing it. Approval of lease with Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership – name changed – initial term of base rent of $1,480 per month through Dec. 2012, with an option to renew for another 6 months. Trustee Schapiro asked if this rental was displacing anyone else for the space, and learned the answer was no. Trustee Siegel moved to accept the lease, Trustee Smith

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seconded the motion. Roll call vote passed with 7 “Aye” votes and President Schapiro abstaining. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn by Sandra Smith, seconded by Leora Siegel, passed on voice vote. Respectfully Submitted, Michael M. Tannen, Secretary

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Members Present: Diane Allen, Sergio de los Reyes, Margaret Lurie, Susan Newman, Michael Tannen, Benjamin Schapiro, Leora Siegel, and Sandra Smith Members Absent: Tori Foreman Staff: Karen Danczak Lyons, Marcy Jenkins, Paul Gottschalk Presiding Member: Benjamin Schapiro, President CALL TO ORDER/DECLARATION OF QUORUM A quorum was present and President Schapiro called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm. CITIZEN COMMENT Marcia Mahoney, director of the Mighty Twig/Friends showed a picture of 22 strollers lined up outside the Twig today, and reported that 47 children attended the program. She asserted that the Board has a fiduciary responsibility to Evanston’s citizens to offer services, and encouraged them to believe that it is possible to expand neighborhood services with great success. Dan McAndrew – a teacher at Park School, which offers self-contained special ed classes for 18-21-year old students spoke about how the school used the EPL South Branch for 2 years for community training on crossing the street, etc. McAndrew has continued the community outings to the Twig every Tuesday where the students learn to sit to listen to stories. They also go to the Main Library for story hours. The importance of the outings and destination cannot be put in words --- the students look forward to going to the library all week. Dickelle Fonda – spoke in favor of a neighborhood library in west Evanston and on behalf of the Director of the Heartwood Center in support of the library. The Center has had 50-60 young people who have learned to meditate there, and the program director hopes to have a permanent community center library at Dempster/Dodge. INFORMATION/COMMUNICATIONS Director Danczak Lyons shared a presentation made earlier this week to Evanston senior staff highlighting recent and upcoming library events and accomplishments of note, including:

The launch of this year’s “Mission Impossible” challenge to read Flannery O’Connor’s Complete Stories, with over 110 people attending the introductory

MEETING MINUTES EVANSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, August 29, 2012 6:30 PM Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Avenue, Community Meeting Room

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lecture August 27th in the Community Room, and reading groups facilitated by EPL librarians to run for the next 3 months (sign ups are still available online or by calling the Library.)

Summer 2012 program for training kindergartners in reading…. Every child ready

for kindergarten.

Book Buddies – Northwestern students reading to children on Fridays at the library.

Small workshops including two held for high school students learning tips for critiquing college application essays and writing in general.

Project Excite – literacy, learning, and bike repair – each participant who completed the course got a new bike at the end of the program.

Upcoming Excel computer training at North Branch on Saturdays, Sept 8 and 15. LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT Karen Danczak Lyons reported additional news, including:

She made a presentation to Lighthouse Rotary Club and began partnership which allows new book donations to our collection in honor of speakers at their meetings.

Technical Services Manager Evelyn Kaehler has accepted a position with Glenview Public Library. She has been with EPL for almost 12 years and has been in charge of our technical services division and the major re-organization of the department.

The Director will be traveling to Springfield next week to attend Illinois State Library Advisory Council.

Ms. Danczak Lyons has also been selected by ALA President Maureen Sullivan to advise her on the creation of a leadership development program for ALA members.

BOARD REPORTS Facilities Committee - the new committee, chaired by Trustee Sergio de los Reyes, held its introductory meeting with Trustee de los Reyes, Trustee Schapiro, Director Danczak Lyons, and Administrative Services Manager Paul Gottschalk attending. They discussed the Library’s capital improvement plan. The first formal meeting of the committee will be Sept 10th, and the group will meet thereafter on quarterly basis with the following meeting to be scheduled in December.

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Finance Committee - Chair Trustee Leora Siegel introduced Karen Danczak Lyons’ presentation of proposed service expansions and financial considerations for the 2013 budget. Introduction – the library transition planning continues as the board and staff explore ways to expand neighborhood services and financing. Depending on the definitions of programs and needs, space decisions will need to be made. Context of decisions – a lot of emotions, financial, high goals. Need to have tough conversations to get buy-in to move forward. Proposed budget issues include interest in: Continuing operations at the North Branch as an anchor in that community, open 33

hours/week. Partnering with EPL Friends in some manner to raise funds for both collections and

neighborhood services – with partnership needs on both sides to be defined. Possibility exists to expand the Library’s Fund For Excellence to include neighborhood services. Staff recommends renaming The Mighty Twig as the Chicago/Main Library and offering expanded services from the Library, including staff support, book and materials holds, and additional adult and children’s programs.

Exploring additional sources of funds including grant opportunities and fundraising. Continuing conversations and analysis regarding future expansion of services at

neighborhood locations including Dempster/Dodge. More information is being collected via a community survey of needs and interests in specific West side services.

Creating structured partnership agreements with other agencies to clarify roles,

responsibilities, metrics and outcomes. Looking at other lending library options, including vending machines in other


Specific 2013 Budget Opportunities Chicago/Main – 38 hours/week – 47 weeks for staffing $47,000. Currently the

Friends have raised funds to cover the rent – going forward, in partnership – would Friends continue to raise funds to support the rent? As well as support the library operations part of the expanded services projected in the partners. May be able to get existing Library staff to go from 20 to 28 hours/week to cover the hours needed to staff at Chicago/Main.

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Need to get agreement on the reasonable expectations for the expanded services for the west side or any other locations, and to agree on keys to a successful implementation. Can’t compare service in west Evanston with the Twig’s continuation of the South Branch – new neighborhood with immigrants and others. Dempster/Dodge location came with Evanston 150. The Director asked for permission to continue exploration of possible locations. Currently there are no funds for a West Side expansion assumed to come from taxpayer support, and it is unrealistic to expect the Library to do much more than explore funding and service models for the future.

Questions posed $40,000 for Chicago/Main staffing in 2013 – in the base budget? No. Will Chicago/Main be able to have library materials in circulation? Yes. And what about the funding for the rent? Through fundraising. For remainder of 2012, no additional staffing included in current 2012 budget, if the partnership moves forward with the Friends, $14,400 in incremental EPL 2012 spending could be incurred. Trustee Newman is in support of moving forward in support of the location. Two very preliminary options for space at Dempster/Dodge -- Options A and B projections differ due to the different square footage and degree of finish of the spaces. Trustee Tannen asked for initial impressions on the 3 decisions – whether and how to partnership with the Friends, and interest in expanding EPL services at Chicago/Main and Dempster/Dodge. Motions

1. Leora Siegel moved that the Board authorize the Library Director to create an agreement to work with EPL Friends in fundraising and neighborhood services. Passed unanimously by voice vote.

2. Leora Siegel moved to authorize the Library Director to continue to investigate West Evanston library services for the board’s consideration. Ms. Danczak Lyons mentioned that the budget can include designated “placeholders” as provisions for additional expenses if funding/grants are available, in which case the Board can then authorize 2013 expenses in those areas. Trustee Allen moved to amend to authorize the Director to pursue services throughout Evanston on an equitable basis. Trustee de los Reyes voiced interest

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in passing 2013 budget and then taking a broader review of Evanston for the 2014 budget. Allen’s amendment failed.

Motion passed unanimously.

3. Motion by Leora Siegel to authorize the Director to identify costs of EPL to

operate the Chicago/Main location, for full or partial funding, in 2013 budget. Passed unanimously.

Follow up for next meeting As part of the EPL/Friends planning, Trustee Tannen asked for how many and where books are distributed throughout Evanston by Friends and Library. Director Danczak Lyons and Marcia Mahoney agreed to provide counts of books distributed and locations where book distributions are made, although not specifics by location, and Director Danczak Lyons also will provide information on library card distribution across the city. ADJOURNMENT Susan Smith moved to adjourn the meeting, Susan Newman seconded the motion, and motion passed on a voice vote.

Respectfully Submitted, Michael M. Tannen, Secretary

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Agenda Item 6.A


To: Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees From: Paul Gottschalk, Administrative Services Manager Subject: Administrative Services Update Date: September 12, 2012

This memo provides an update on significant administrative activities in the past month. Human Resources Evelyn Kaehler began working as the Library’s Head Cataloger in November, 2000 and in August 2006 was promoted to Technical Services Manager. Evelyn is leaving the Library in October to join the staff of the Glenview Public Library. She is returning to her first love – cataloguing - and will bring her attention to detail and expertise to the staff and patrons in her new community. Evelyn led the team in Technical Services and guided the restructuring of work after the unit was downsized due to budget reductions in recent years. Evelyn has been our advocate in the CCS consortium and worked to implement two important initiatives. As library processes become increasingly automated, our ability to place orders through EDI (electronic transfer of order information to streamline order placement for books and materials) was an important improvement. Evelyn was the first member of the consortium to implement the use of the 9XX field to transfer data (extract order information from the vendor’s website and transfer the data electronically to our systems.) These initiatives save time, increase accuracy and eliminate redundant data entry. Gordan Kalabic resigned from his 20 hours per week Circulation Clerk position to accept a full-time graphic design position in Chicago. Gordan began working at the Library in June 2009. Tina Lam left her 15 hour Shelver position to begin a new position in the banking industry. Tina began working in Circulation in May 2010. On behalf of the entire staff, I’m appreciative and thankful for the contributions made by Tina, Gordan and Evelyn.


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Agenda Item 6.A


We are recruiting for six positions, including the Community Engagement Librarian, Technical Services Manager, Latino Outreach Assistant, Circulation Shelver, Circulation Clerk, and North Branch Assistant. Union Contract The AFSCME contract covering a majority of Library employees was approved for the two-year term beginning January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013. Key changes include a 2.5% cost-of-living pay increase retroactive to January 2, 2012 and a 1.75% pay increase effective December 31, 2012. Union members will not have to take unpaid furlough days during the term of the contract. The wage scale has been expanded to include two lower pay steps (new hires will begin at a lower pay rate). Non-union employees will not receive a cost-of-living pay increase and will take three furlough days in 2012. Financial Resources The financial reports for the eight month period ending August 31st are attached. Through August, expenditures are 92.5% of the YTD (year-to-date) budget and revenues are 145.8% of YTD budget. The net Library Fund balance was $1,652,667.

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Evanston Public LibraryFY2012 Financial SummaryEight Month Period ending August 31, 2012

Year to Date = 66.7%92.5%145.8%


EXPENDITURESFY2012 Budget Expenditures % of Budget

Division Budget Year to Date Year to Date ExpendedYouth Services $800,390 $533,593 $523,439 65.4%Adult Services $1,579,231 $1,052,821 $952,575 60.3%Circulation $589,769 $393,179 $392,315 66.5%North Branch $203,336 $135,557 $123,146 60.6%Technical Services $473,306 $315,537 $291,696 61.6%Maintenance $491,375 $327,583 $269,958 54.9%Administration $512,192 $341,461 $313,981 61.3%TOTALS $4,649,599 $3,099,733 $2,867,110 61.7%

REVENUESFY2012 Budget Net Revenue % Revenue

Source Budget Year to Date Year to Date Year to DateProperty Tax $4,253,214 $2,835,476 $4,253,214 100.0%Personal Property Repl Tax $50,200 $33,467 $0 0.0%Fines and Fees $150,000 $100,000 $101,421 67.6%State Per Capita Grant $75,900 $50,600 $76,385 100.6%Rental Income $47,325 $31,550 $36,893 78.0%DVD Rental $28,000 $18,667 $25,016 89.3%Copier Revenue $20,000 $13,333 $13,666 68.3%Material Replacement Charges $12,500 $8,333 $8,063 64.5%Meeting Room Rentals $10,000 $6,667 $4,375 43.8%Non-Resident Cards $2,460 $1,640 $743 30.2%TOTALS $4,649,599 $3,099,733 $4,519,777 97.2%



Balance Net Additions/ Investment BalanceAccount as of 7/31/12 Withdrawals Gain/(Loss) as of 8/31/12Endowment Fund $3,248,534.91 $0.00 $38,705.78 $3,287,240.69

Expenditures as a percent of budget YTD =Revenues as a percent of budget YTD =


Evanston Public LibraryExpenditure Report for the FY2012 BudgetEight Month Period ending August 31, 2012

Youth Services 4805 FY2012 FY2012 FY2012 (over)/under

Account Number Account Name Approved Budget Budget YTD Actual spent YTD4805.61010 Regular Pay $308,602 $205,734.67 $183,806 $21,9294805.61012 Library Substitutes $3,500 $2,333.33 $3,901 ($1,567)4805.61050 Permanent Part-Time Pay $224,955 $149,970.22 $157,855 ($7,884)4805.61210 Longevity $10,655 $7,103.41 $5,911 $1,1924805.61410 Shift Differential $0 $0.00 $398 ($398)4805.61420 Annual Sick Leave Payout $0 $0.00 $2,239 ($2,239)4805.61510 Health Insurance $50,067 $33,378.19 $33,378 $04805.61615 Life Insurance $102 $68.00 $68 $04805.61710 IMRF Pension $56,591 $37,727.23 $31,696 $6,0314805.61725 Social Security $33,378 $22,252.01 $21,573 $6794805.61730 Medicare $7,806 $5,204.10 $5,045 $1594805.62506 Work-Study Students $900 $600.00 $466 $1344805.65100 Library Supplies $1,000 $666.67 $318 $3484805.65630 Library Books $73,500 $49,000.00 $54,232 ($5,232)4805.65635 Periodicals $1,000 $666.67 $0 $6674805.65641 Audio Visual Collections $15,000 $10,000.00 $13,665 ($3,665)4805.66025 IMRF Pension - ERI Debt Service $13,333 $8,888.67 $8,889 $0

$800,390 $533,593 $523,439 $10,154

Adult Services 4806 FY2012 FY2012 FY2012 (over)/under

Account Number Account Name Approved Budget Budget YTD Actual spent YTD4806.61010 Regular Pay $576,849 $384,565.80 $322,583 $61,9834806.61012 Library Substitutes $6,000 $4,000.00 $383 $3,6174806.61050 Permanent Part-Time Pay $311,497 $207,664.37 $191,527 $16,1374806.61210 Longevity $13,409 $8,939.61 $8,453 $4874806.61410 Shift Differential $0 $0.00 $248 ($248)4806.61420 Annual Sick Leave Payout $0 $0.00 $4,423 ($4,423)4806.61510 Health Insurance $91,860 $61,240.14 $61,240 ($0)4806.61615 Life Insurance $48 $32.00 $32 $04806.61710 IMRF Pension $88,758 $59,172.26 $43,134 $16,0394806.61725 Social Security $51,704 $34,469.20 $32,174 $2,2964806.61730 Medicare $12,092 $8,061.35 $7,525 $5374806.62220 Binding $600 $400.00 $0 $4004806.62341 Internet Solution Providers $115,200 $76,800.00 $68,781 $8,0194806.62506 Work-Study Students $900 $600.00 $616 ($16)4806.65100 Library Supplies $1,000 $666.67 $101 $5654806.65630 Library Books $237,000 $158,000.00 $169,438 ($11,438)4806.65635 Periodicals $15,000 $10,000.00 $3,689 $6,3114806.65641 Audio Visual Collection $37,900 $25,266.67 $25,285 ($18)4806.66025 IMRF Pension - ERI Debt Service $19,414 $12,942.67 $12,943 $0

$1,579,231 $1,052,821 $952,575 $100,246

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Evanston Public LibraryExpenditure Report for the FY2012 BudgetEight Month Period ending August 31, 2012

Circulation 4820 FY2012 FY2012 FY2012 (over)/under

Account Number Account Name Approved Budget Budget YTD Actual spent YTD4820.61010 Regular Pay $149,721 $99,813.83 $101,583 ($1,769)4820.61012 Library Substitutes $2,500 $1,666.67 $2,107 ($440)4820.61050 Permanent Part-Time Pay $300,742 $200,494.90 $201,324 ($829)4820.61210 Longevity $4,671 $3,114.15 $3,200 ($85)4820.61410 Shift Differential $0 $0.00 $398 ($398)4820.61510 Health Insurance $30,019 $20,012.49 $20,012 $04820.61615 Life Insurance $38 $25.33 $25 ($0)4820.61710 IMRF Pension $48,848 $32,565.01 $28,282 $4,2834820.61725 Social Security $27,892 $18,594.53 $18,829 ($234)4820.61730 Medicare $6,523 $4,348.72 $4,404 ($55)4820.62506 Work-Study Students $2,700 $1,800.00 $1,934 ($134)4820.65100 Library Supplies $4,600 $3,066.67 $2,540 $5264820.66025 IMRF Pension - ERI Debt Service $11,516 $7,677.33 $7,677 ($0)

$589,769 $393,180 $392,315 $865

North Branch 4825 FY2012 FY2012 FY2012 (over)/under

Account Number Account Name Approved Budget Budget YTD Actual spent YTD4825.61010 Regular Pay $70,409 $46,939.60 $45,385 $1,5554825.61012 Library Substitutes $0 $0.00 $1,615 ($1,615)4825.61050 Permanent Part-Time Pay $68,730 $45,820.01 $41,929 $3,8914825.61210 Longevity $4,076 $2,717.56 $2,410 $3084825.61415 Termination Payouts $0 $0.00 $1,287 ($1,287)4825.61420 Annual Sick Leave Payout $0 $0.00 $1,074 ($1,074)4825.61510 Health Insurance $17,819 $11,879.49 $11,880 ($0)4825.61615 Life Insurance $6 $4.00 $4 $04825.61710 IMRF Pension $13,981 $9,320.55 $7,262 $2,0584825.61725 Social Security $8,712 $5,807.74 $5,618 $1904825.61730 Medicare $2,037 $1,358.26 $1,314 $444825.62225 Building Maintenance Services $3,000 $2,000.00 $525 $1,4754825.64015 Natural Gas $1,000 $666.67 $512 $1554825.65100 Library Supplies $400 $266.67 $136 $1314825.65630 Library Books $7,880 $5,253.33 $0 $5,2534825.65635 Periodicals $1,000 $666.67 $6 $6614825.65641 Audio Visual Collection $1,000 $666.67 $0 $6674825.66025 IMRF Pension - ERI Debt Service $3,285 $2,190.00 $2,190 $0

$203,336 $135,557 $123,146 $12,411

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Evanston Public LibraryExpenditure Report for the FY2012 BudgetEight Month Period ending August 31, 2012

Technical Services 4835 FY2012 FY2012 FY2012 (over)/under

Account Number Account Name Approved Budget Budget YTD Actual spent YTD4835.61010 Regular Pay $168,563 $112,375.17 $109,070 $3,3054835.61050 Permanent Part-Time Pay $96,923 $64,615.19 $63,722 $8934835.61210 Longevity $5,577 $3,717.95 $3,456 $2624835.61420 Annual Sick Leave Payout $0 $0.00 $2,001 ($2,001)4835.61510 Health Insurance $29,200 $19,466.57 $19,467 $04835.61615 Life Insurance $91 $60.67 $61 $04835.61710 IMRF Pension $31,714 $21,142.87 $18,159 $2,9844835.61725 Social Security $16,402 $10,934.45 $10,811 $1244835.61730 Medicare $3,836 $2,557.25 $2,528 $294835.62341 Internet Solution Providers $103,545 $69,030.00 $52,334 $16,6964835.65100 Library Supplies $10,000 $6,666.67 $5,118 $1,5494835.66025 IMRF Pension - ERI Debt Service $7,456 $4,970.67 $4,971 $0

$473,306 $315,537 $291,696 $23,841

Maintenance 4840

FY2012 FY2012 FY2012 (over)/underAccount Number Account Name Approved Budget Budget YTD Actual spent YTD4840.61010 Regular Pay $167,791 $111,860.80 $110,567 $1,2934840.61110 Overtime Pay $9,000 $6,000.00 $5,680 $3204840.61210 Longevity $2,966 $1,977.64 $2,015 ($37)4840.61420 Annual Sick Leave Payout $0 $0.00 $1,067 ($1,067)4840.61510 Health Insurance $38,628 $25,752.32 $25,752 $04840.61615 Life Insurance $42 $28.00 $28 $04840.61630 Shoe Allowance $390 $260.00 $390 ($130)4840.61710 IMRF Pension $19,979 $13,319.10 $12,189 $1,1304840.61725 Social Security $10,717 $7,144.89 $7,144 $14840.61730 Medicare $2,506 $1,670.98 $1,671 $04840.62225 Building Maintenance Services $170,480 $113,653.33 $73,153 $40,5004840.62235 Office Equipment Maintenance $5,700 $3,800.00 $2,654 $1,1464840.62245 Other Equipment Maintenance $900 $600.00 $1,078 ($478)4840.62305 Vehicle Maintenance $2,381 $1,587.33 $1,587 ($0)4840.62309 Vehicle Replacement $1,700 $1,133.33 $1,133 ($0)4840.64015 Natural Gas Chargeback $29,000 $19,333.33 $3,012 $16,3214840.65040 Janitorial Supplies $10,700 $7,133.33 $6,313 $8214840.65050 Building Maintenance Materials $13,500 $9,000.00 $11,397 ($2,397)4840.65085 Minor Tools & Equipment $300 $200.00 $0 $2004840.66025 IMRF Pension - ERI Debt Service $4,693 $3,128.67 $3,129 $0

$491,375 $327,583 $269,958 $57,625

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Evanston Public LibraryExpenditure Report for the FY2012 BudgetEight Month Period ending August 31, 2012

Administration 4845

FY2012 FY2012 FY2012 (over)/underAccount Number Account Name Approved Budget Budget YTD Actual spent YTD4845.61010 Regular Pay $262,523 $175,015.56 $158,220 $16,7954845.61050 Permanent Part-Time Pay $74,943 $49,961.98 $50,377 ($415)4845.61210 Longevity $596 $397.35 $0 $3974845.61420 Annual Sick Leave Payout $0 $0.00 $1,446 ($1,446)4845.61510 Health Insurance $50,874 $33,916.21 $33,916 ($0)4845.61615 Life Insurance $125 $83.33 $83 ($0)4845.61625 Automobile Allowance $4,980 $3,320.00 $2,000 $1,3204845.61626 Cell Phone Allowance $0 $0.00 $500 ($500)4845.61710 IMRF Pension $39,553 $26,368.86 $19,132 $7,2374845.61725 Social Security $20,914 $13,942.78 $11,568 $2,3754845.61730 Medicare $4,891 $3,260.81 $2,705 $5554845.62210 Printing $1,200 $800.00 $1,240 ($440)4845.62275 Postage Chargeback $1,500 $1,000.00 $773 $2274845.62295 Training & Travel $5,000 $3,333.33 $3,361 ($27)4845.62315 Postage $9,100 $6,066.67 $1,033 $5,0344845.62360 Membership Dues $400 $266.67 $475 ($208)4845.62380 Copy Machine Charges $12,268 $8,178.67 $8,179 $04845.62506 Work-Study Students $400 $266.67 $0 $2674845.64540 Telecom - Wireless $1,000 $666.67 $796 ($129)4845.65095 Office Supplies $6,000 $4,000.00 $7,621 ($3,621)4845.65125 Other Commodities $718 $478.67 $388 $904845.66025 IMRF Pension - ERI Debt Service $9,308 $6,205.33 $6,205 ($0)4845.66030 Worker's Comp and Liability Insurance $5,898 $3,932.00 $3,962 ($30)

$512,192 $341,462 $313,981 $27,481

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Evanston Public LibraryThe Endowment for the Evanston Public LibraryEight Month Period ending August 31, 2012

Asset Allocation

Vanguard S&P 500 Stock Index Fund $939,101.10 28.6%Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund $168,284.36 5.1%

Vanguard Emerging Stock Index Fund $152,442.34 4.6%

Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund $258,783.08 7.9%Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund $97,039.39 3.0%

US Treasury Notes, inflation indexed, 2.375%, 1/15/25 maturity $163,550.04 5.0%US Treasury Notes, inflation indexed, 2.0%, 1/15/26 maturity $150,466.28 4.6%

US Treasury Notes, inflation indexed, 2.125%, 2/15/40 maturity $156,095.70 4.7%US Treasury Notes, inflation indexed, 0.75%, 2/15/42 maturity $445,121.55 13.5%

Vanguard Short-Term Investment Grade Bond Fund $208,032.43 6.3%Goldman Sachs note 5/15/17; 4.358% YTM $51,673.50 1.6%

Merrill Lynch note 8/28/17; 4.36% YTM $51,086.70 1.6%JPMorgan Chase note 1/15/18; 4.036% YTM $53,773.65 1.6%

HSBC Finance note 2/15/18; 4.383% YTM $44,855.23 1.4%General Electric Capital note 4/15/18; 4.51% YTM $12,341.00 0.4%

PIMCO Commodity Real Return Strategy Fund $154,060.37 4.7%Gabelli Gold Fund $117,722.37 3.6%

iShares Silver Trust $62,811.60 1.9%Total Balance $3,287,240.69 100.0%

Balance - beginning of month $3,248,534.91Net Contributions/Withdrawals $0.00

Change in investment value $38,705.78Balance - end of month $3,287,240.69

Endowment Principal Balance $1,976,264.72Accumulated Income $1,310,975.97

Total Endowment Balance $3,287,240.69

Asset Diversification

Cash Equivalents 10.8%US Treasuries - Inflation Protected 27.8%

Corporate Bonds 12.8%Domestic Stocks 28.6%

International Stocks 9.8%Commodities 10.2%


Change in Asset Allocation

7/23/2012 Purchased $300,000 par value TIPS maturing in 20427/18/2012 Sold four $100,000 par value TIPS maturing in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.4/11/2012 Purchased $100,000 par value TIPS maturing 2/404/10/2012 Purchased $100,000 par value TIPS maturing 2/424/10/2012 Purchased $159,100 of Vanguard Emerging Markets Index Fund4/10/2012 Sold position in S&P BRIC 40 ETF

Additions to Principal/Withdrawals from Income

Jun-12 Transfer of $10,000 from Book Sale to establish Sharon Arceneaux FundJun-12 Gifts of $1,125 to Sharon Arceneaux Fund


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Agenda Item 8.A

To: Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees From: Karen Danczak Lyons, Library Director Subject: FY2013 Library Proposed Budget – Chicago Avenue/Main Street Location Date: September 13, 2012

During 2013, we will continue to explore our neighborhood services footprint throughout Evanston. Data will continue to be gathered that describes our continuing efforts to provide programs and library services beyond the walls of our facilities. Input from the greater community will be gathered as we explore the possibility of establishing a library location on the west side of Evanston. Another opportunity for neighborhood service has been previously discussed: the relationship between the Evanston Public Library and the continued operation of The Twig. This memo provides Board members with three options which delineate possible approaches to sustaining the Chicago Avenue/Main Street Library, now known as The Mighty Twig.


The Evanston Public Library Friends (Friends) opened The Mighty Twig at 900 Chicago Avenue in March 2011 in response to the closure of the Library’s South Branch. The Friends have operated Chicago/Main location with volunteers and generous financial support from the community. The Library has not provided financial or staff support for the location to date. The Friends’ lease ends February 28, 2013 and has a two month termination clause. The current annual operating expenses for the Chicago/Main location include:

Rent $39,100Utilities $6,500Administrative $6,600



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As we explore the opportunity to expand our neighborhood services footprint in Evanston I would not recommend that this location continue to be sustained as a volunteer-run, donation-supported operation in 2013. Option A

Funding from the Evanston Public Library in 2013: -0-

Funding from the Evanston Public Library Friends in 2013: -0-

The Evanston Public Library will provide no support for The Twig in 2013. Result: The Twig will close. The Friends of the Evanston Public Library have operated this location with the generous support of volunteers and community philanthropists. The Friends do not believe that this model is sustainable for the long term. Option B

Funding from the Evanston Public Library in 2013: $80,800 ($74,800 in staff costs and $6,000 in equipment) Funding from the Evanston Public Library Friends in 2013: ($63,950 for rent, utilities and administration)

A partnership is formalized for 2013 which requires the Friends to continue to provide volunteer staff and fundraise for the operation and maintenance costs of The Twig. The Evanston Public library would supply clerical and library staff to provide library programs and assist with the circulation and return of materials on HOLD for EPL patrons. HOLDS will be available for pick up and return at The Twig. Pursuant to the City of Evanston’s new volunteer management program, all volunteers would be required to apply to participate as a volunteer and be vetted through the City’s program. Depending upon the work of the volunteers, criminal background checks may be performed. All approved volunteers will be issued a photo identification card. If this arrangement is pursued, the blended operation will result in operational issues as the site will be neither an EPL location, nor an independently operated space. Community members will continue to be confused when fundraising campaigns are produced by both EPL and The Friends of EPL. Liability, management decisions, maintenance of the facility and priorities will be murky at best and could result in anxiety, confusion and animosity at worst.

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Option C

Funding from the Evanston Public Library in 2013: $144,750 (cost of staff and all operating expenses) Funding from the Evanston Public Library Friends: Joint fundraising with the Evanston Public Library will support an expansion of neighborhood services including funds for the Chicago/Main facility.

Effective January 1, 2013, the Library will assume operational control of The Twig and the location will be renamed the Chicago/Main Library provided that:

The Evanston Public Library is able to negotiate and execute a new lease with favorable terms by the end of 2012. For purposes of this discussion, favorable terms is defined as a competitive rent, utilities and maintenance costs that are equal to or less than the current lease terms and market rate. Defined out clause and cancellation noticing (60 days written notice) will be included as well. The Friends of the Evanston Public Library have a lease agreement which expires on February 28, 2013 and has paid the rent through October, 2012.

The Library Board, Library staff, Friends Board and Friends volunteers raise funds to cover the first 6 months of operations by the end of 2012 and a total of $145,000 by July 2013 to operate the Chicago/Main Library. For 2013, the Chicago/Main Library will be funded exclusively with philanthropic dollars raised by the Library with the support of the Friends. The proposed budget is included at the end of this memo.

The Evanston Public Library staff identifies staff and funds to support the following additional services at the Chicago/Main Library: Library staff members for circulation, programming and patron assistance; pick-up of reserved library materials; drop off library materials; a modest circulating collection comprised primarily of items from the former South branch and materials transfer between locations.

The Evanston Public Library and the Friends of the Evanston Public Library will work collaboratively to raise funds in support of neighborhood services. The accounting, distribution and management of funds raised will be the purview of the Evanston Public Library. Working together EPL and EPLF may: identify donors for a targeted solicitation, visit prospective donors together, create new fund raising event(s) in 2013, seek to leverage the Evanston 150 celebrations to highlight library services, seek input on expanded neighborhood library service opportunities and write joint grant proposals.

When open, the Chicago/Main Library would be staffed by two Library employees and at least one volunteer. Connie Heneghan would serve as Manager of both neighborhood library locations.

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If the Library Board approves the Library’s commitment to library service at Chicago/Main for 2013 and the campaign to raise $145,000, staff would begin work with the Friends on a transition plan.

Proposed FY2013 Budget for Chicago/Main

Library StaffingBranch Assistant (38 hours/week) $44,300

Branch Clerk (38 hours/week) $30,500$74,800

RentEsskay Rent $37,100

Esskay Maintenance Fee $1,900Esskay Parking $1,300

Total Rent $40,300

UtilitiesComEd $5,000

Nicor $500Water $250

Internet access $1,200Total Utilities $6,950

AdministrationStudent Stipend $5,100

Cleaning Service $250Supplies $750

Insurance $600Total Administration $6,700

EquipmentCirculation computer $2,000

Book drop $4,000$6,000

Contingency $10,000

FY2013 Estimate $144,750

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Agenda Item 8.B


To: Finance Committee of the Library Board of Trustees From: Karen Danczak Lyons, Library Director Subject: Proposed FY2013 Budget Date: September 12, 2012

This memo provides additional information on the Library’s proposed FY2013 budget. An updated summary of proposed FY2013 revenues and expenditures is attached. Budget Highlights

Contingent upon Library Board approval, there is an addition of $145,000 in development revenue and expenditures for the Library to assume operations of the Chicago Avenue/Main Street Library.

The name of a division changed from North Branch to Neighborhood Services to reflect the expansion of service delivery.

Collection development funding has increased by 4.4%. Addition of a 20 hour per week Shelver for Youth Services to meet essential

service needs. Addition of $8,000 for software licenses previously funded through the City’s

Information Technology Division. 68% increase in development revenue primarily due to expanded Neighborhood

Services. The proposed FY2013 Library budget includes no property tax increase.


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Agenda Item 8B

Evanston Public Library - FY2013 Proposed Budget


Approved ProposedExpenditures FY2012 FY2013 % ChangeYouth Services $836,990 $891,720 6.5%Adult Services $1,699,731 $1,535,224 -9.7% *

Neighborhood Services $206,096 $215,757 4.7%Circulation $589,769 $612,892 3.9%Technical Services $473,306 $503,433 6.4%Maintenance $491,375 $507,518 3.3%Administration $527,192 $669,377 27.0% **

Sub-Total $4,824,459 $4,935,921 2.3%

Chicago Ave/Main St Library $0 $145,000Reserves $84,640 $23,893 -71.8% ***

Total Expenditures $4,909,099 $5,104,814 4.0%

Approved ProposedRevenues FY2012 FY2013 % ChangeFines and Fees $150,000 $185,000 23.3%Rental Income $47,325 $59,660 26.1%Copier/Printing Charges $20,000 $20,000 0.0%Video Rental Fees $28,000 $0 -100.0%Material Replacement Charges $12,000 $12,500 4.2%Meeting Room Fees $10,000 $10,000 0.0%Non-Resident Fee Cards $2,460 $1,690 -31.3%

State Per Capita Grant $75,900 $76,300 0.5%Property Replacement Tax $50,200 $50,200 0.0%

Fundraising for Chicago Ave/Main St $0 $145,000Fund for Excellence $75,000 $100,000 33.3%Transfer from Endowment Income $125,000 $131,250 5.0%Book Sales $60,000 $60,000 0.0%

Property Tax Levy $4,253,214 $4,253,214 0.0%Total Revenues $4,909,099 $5,104,814 4.0%

* Adult Services decrease reflects transfer of Community Engagement Librarian to Adminstration.** Administration increase reflects transfer of Community Engagement Librarian, increased training, supplies, programming and Director's compensation.*** Decrease in reserves reflects goal of balanced budget with no tax increase.

8.B2 - FY13 revenue and expenditures 9-11-12 comparison

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Agenda Item 8.B

Evanston Public Library - FY2013 Proposed Budget


FY2013 Proposed Expenditures FY2013 Proposed Revenues

Youth Services $891,720 Fines and Fees $185,000Adult Services $1,535,224 Rental Income $59,660Neighborhood Services $215,757 Copier/Printing Charges $20,000Circulation $612,892 Material Replacement Charges $12,500Technical Services $503,433 Meeting Room Fees $10,000Maintenance $507,518 Non-Resident Fee Cards $1,690Administration $669,377Sub-Total $4,935,921 State Per Capita Grant $76,300

Property Replacement Tax $50,200

Chicago Ave/Main St Library $145,000 Fundraising for Chicago Ave/Main St $145,000

Capital Reserve $23,893 Transfer from Endowment Income $131,250City Chargebacks $0 Fund for Excellence $100,000

Book Sales $60,000

FY13 Property Tax Levy $4,253,214Total FY13 Proposed Expenditures $5,104,814 Total FY13 Proposed Revenues $5,104,814

FY2013 Property Tax Support $4,253,214FY2012 Property Tax Support ($4,253,214)Net FY13 Library tax increase $0 0.0%

Net increase in wages and benefits $35,741

8.B - FY13 revenue and expenditures 9-8-12

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Agenda Item 8.C

To: Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees From: Benjamin Schapiro, Library Board President

Karen Danczak Lyons, Library Director Subject: Proposed Bylaws Amendment – Development Committee Date: September 12, 2012

To enhance and formalize partnerships between the Library and community organizations, businesses and institutions, we recommend the establishment of a Development Committee as a standing Board committee. This proposal was introduced at the August 15th Board meeting as the Relations Committee. The name was changed from Relations to Development to better reflect the responsibilities of the committee. No other changes have made to the proposed bylaws amendment. The Development Committee shall enhance the Library's ability to conduct its mission, as defined in the Strategic Plan, by identifying, evaluating and periodically reviewing cooperative ventures between the Library and other organizations that share the Library's mission or goals. The committee would be composed of two trustees and the Library Director or designee. The chair of the Development Committee is the Vice-President. Creating this proposed standing committee requires amending section 1.8.2 of the bylaws by adding the following language:

“The Development Committee shall enhance the Library's ability to conduct its mission, as defined in the Strategic Plan, by identifying, evaluating and periodically reviewing cooperative ventures between the Library and other organizations that share the Library's mission or goals. The committee would be composed of two trustees and the Library Director or designee. The chair of the Development Committee is the Vice-President.”

Amending the bylaws requires one month's written notice of the proposed amendment and a two-thirds affirmative vote of a quorum of the Trustees present at a regular Board meeting. This proposed amendment to the bylaws was introduced at the August 15th meeting and is recommended for adoption.


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Evanston Public Library

Statistical Report

August 2012

This Month

Same Month Last

Yr % Change FYTD 2012 FYTD 2011 % Change


Main Library

Children's Programs 28 30 -7% 372 274 36%

Children's Attendance 867 771 12% 8495 5613 51%

Teen Programs 30 11 173% 128 93 38%

Teen Attendance 311 127 145% 1187 1423 -17%

Adult Programs 44 30 47% 475 312 52%

Adult Attendance 492 408 21% 4365 2882 51%

Main Total Programs 102 71 44% 975 679 44%

Main Total Attendance 1670 1306 28% 14047 9918 42%

North Branch

Children's Programs 1 2 -50% 85 88 -3%

Children's Attendance 29 41 -29% 1058 1032 3%

Adult Programs 2 3 -33% 35 19 84%

Adult Attendance 25 29 -14% 395 200 98%

North Branch Total Programs 3 5 -40% 120 107 12%

North Branch Total Attendance 54 70 -23% 1453 1232 18%


Children's Programs 3 13 -77% 180 166 8%

Children's Attendance 151 327 -54% 9191 8580 7%

Adult/Teen Programs 3 12 -75% 31 52 -40%

Adult/Teen Attendance 480 289 66% 1659 1058 57%

Outreach Total Programs 6 25 -76% 211 218 -3%

Outreach Total Attendance 631 616 2% 10850 9638 13%


Main Library

Adult 40,724 43,852 -7% 323,869 329,997 -2%

Juvenile 34,659 25,948 34% 264,998 220,931 20%

Main Library Total 75,383 69,800 8% 588,867 550,928 7%

North Branch

Adult 3,375 4,210 -20% 26,653 27,794 -4%

Juvenile 3,439 2,848 21% 26,571 22,330 19%

North Branch Total 6,814 7,058 -3% 53,224 50,124 6%

South Branch

South Branch Total - - #DIV/0! - 11207 -100%

eBooks Total 3,010 1,367 120% 21,446 8,707 146%

Total Circulation 85,207 78,225 9% 663,537 620,966 7%

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Evanston Public Library

Statistical Report

August 2012

This Month

Same Month Last

Yr % Change FYTD 2012 FYTD 2011 % Change

Questions Asked

Main Library

Reference 12,162 13,367 -9% 95,370 96,079 -1%

Directional 9,762 9,923 -2% 69,820 73,553 -5%

North Branch

Reference 949 1,039 -9% 7,535 8,124 -7%

Directional 311 378 -18% 3,446 2,838 21%

South Branch

Reference - - #DIV/0! - 1,321 -100%

Directional - - #DIV/0! - 936 -100%

Questions Total 23,184 24,707 -6% 176,171 182,851 -4%

Library Visits

Main 53,036 48,713 9% 388,320 354,611 10%

North Branch 5,521 6,171 -11% 46,098 44,255 4%

South Branch - - #DIV/0! 8,010 -100%

Library Visits Total 58,557 54,884 7% 434,418 406,876 7%

Collection Statistics

Total MyMedialMall Resources 21 - #DIV/0! 3,823 551 594%

Total Items added to Collection 2439 1764 38% 18,474 16,543 12%

Total Items Discarded 1947 4798 -59% 24,670 37,125 -34%

Total items in Collection 430,346 429,813 0%

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1 | P a g e

Illinois workNet Center (Evanston Public Library): Activity Report for August 2012

Types of Referrals, Service and Assistance in Center (Walk-ins & people marked down when filling out

daily sign-in sheet)

Number of People

Monthly Resource Center Usage 544 Monthly FREE Basic Computer Workshop Attendance (Every Tues from 2-5pm) 40 Internet Access for Email 139 Job Search Inquiry: Job Board outside Resource Room 28 Resume Critiques/Appts and non scheduled (walk-ins) 67 Resume & Cover Letter Creation: Winway Resume Software, Adjust Existing Resume 34 Where to apply for Unemployment (Gave 800#, website of locations and How to apply online) 4 One-On-One Assistance for Career Change/Research 15 One-On-One Assistance for Online Applications 108 Interview Techniques Help (Referred them to the Power Employment workshop or an appt) 6 Sign Up and inquiry for FREE Basic Computer classes in person, phone, & email 34 IllinoisworkNet Center Tours 0 Mavis Beacon Typing Tutorial and MSN 2003 Tutorials 1 Appt with Clients = 1 Age Options subsidized employment staff person = 13.0 hours a week (Walk-ins & Appts) 0 Appts with Clients= Lugenia Crusoe = 20.0 hours a week (Walk-ins & Appts) 9 Inquiry about Partners (CEDA, LIFT, EPL) 5 Appts with Assigned WIA Career Advisor per WIA Career Advisor –Matthew Daigler / Jaclyn Hefling 25 WIA Program, Services and Orientation inquiry 28 Partner Agency Activities- Disability Works- Individual Appointments-Walk-In (None scheduled) 1

Other Events Occurring at the Evanston Public Library: WIA Orientations at EPL=August 7 and 28, 2012 67 Power Employment Workshops at EPL 1 Evanston Partners Meeting (August Meeting held at Connections for the Homeless) 0 Partner Agency Activities Using the Resource Center & Computers- CEDA Self Employment Training Program-

(Closed to the public. Participants were approved at the beginning in July 2011. ) Days: Tues & Thurs, Time: 6-8pm,

Participants on average per session. (Dates for Nov: 1st, 3

rd, 8

th, 10

th, 15

th, 17

th, 22

nd, 29

th ).


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August 2012

From our patrons:

From Martha Meyer:

I had 2 The Young and the Restless patrons (one at North and one at Main) tell me how very

gifted I was at presenting these story times. The comment at Main was by way of welcoming me

back after others had been subbing for me. The comment at North was by way of saying


From Brian Wilson:

A mother told me that her 3 year old learned "Bumping Up and Down" in my storytimes and

said they cannot stop singing it at home. The child says "it's her most favorite song in the


A patron praised the children's library saying quite enthusiastically that it's her 4 year old son's

favorite place to visit. She said that when she tells her son they are going to visit the library, he

runs grabs his shoes and says "hurry! hurry!"

Biblio Compliment – 9/5/2012

So easy to renew books. Lots of great content. I really like this website.

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August 2012 Evanston Public Library Media Monitoring Report* Marianthi Thanopoulos

ABC Boosters Evanston Patch

“Program Sends Kids Home with Skills To Fix a Bike, Succeed in School” http://evanston.patch.com/articles/kids-take-home-a-bike-and-skills-for-the-classroom?ncid=newsltuspatc00000001#photo-11034191 Evanston Review

“Evanston Public Library’s ABC Booster Helps Children Succeed” http://evanston.suntimes.com/news/community/14510029-418/evanston-public-librarys-abc-booster-helps-children-succeed.html

Evanston Now “Evanston Youngsters Learn Their ABCs” http://evanstonnow.com/story/education/charles-bartling/2012-08-16/51505/evanston-youngsters-learn-their-abcs

Mighty Twig and EPL Evanston Review

“Evanston Library Branching out to Include Mighty Twig”


include-mighty-twig.html?intcmp=emailheadlines Evanston Patch

“Evanston Public Library, Mighty Twig May Join Forces”


Library Board Votes to Eliminate DVD Fees Evanston Review

“Evanston Public Library Drops Fee to Borrow DVDs” http://evanston.suntimes.com/14531391-418/evanston-public-library-drops-fee-to-borrow-dvds.html?intcmp=emailheadlines

Evanston Patch

“Library Board Votes to Eliminate DVD fees” http://evanston.patch.com/articles/library-board-votes-to-eliminate-dvd-fines?ncid=newsltuspatc00000001

Book Sale “Judy Evanston Top Five for August 9, 2012” (#1: EPL Summer Book Sale) http://evanston.suntimes.com/opinions/brinkworth/14318638-452/judys-evanston-top-five-for-aug-9-2012.html

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Evanston Patch

“Evanston Public Library Book Sale Begins Friday” http://evanston.patch.com/articles/evanston-public-library-book-sale-begins-friday Evanston RoundTable

“EPL Book Sale Aug. 10-12” http://evanstonroundtable.com/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=6090&SectionID=15&SubSectionID=26&S=1

The Giver Evanston RoundTable

“The Loft: A Place to Read, Act, Play, Learn and Discover” http://evanstonroundtable.com/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=6071&SectionID=4&SubSectionID=4&S=1

Evanston Review

“Evanston Public Library Hosts Teen Production of The Giver”


College Admissions Essay Workshop Evanston RoundTable

“Free College Admissions Essay Workshop” http://evanstonroundtable.com/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=6093&SectionID=4&SubSectionID=4&S=1

Evanston Review

“Learn College Admission Essay Writing at Evanston Public Library” http://evanston.suntimes.com/news/community/14343042-418/learn-college-admission-essay-writing-at-evanston-public-library.html?intcmp=emailheadlines

Additional Loft Programs Evanston RoundTable

“Comic Book Mod Podge Madness” http://evanstonroundtable.com/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=6094&SectionID=4&SubSectionID=4&S=1

Family Films at the Library Evanston Now

http://evanstonnow.com/event/entertainment/charles-bartling/2012-08-07/51325/family-film-at-the-library http://evanstonnow.com/event/entertainment/charles-bartling/2012-08-07/51324/family-film-at-the-library

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John Wayne DVDs Stolen Evanston Patch

“Thief Makes Off with Library’s John Wayne DVDs” http://evanston.patch.com/articles/blotter-thief-makes-off-with-library-s-john-wayne-dvds Evanston Now

“John Wayne DVDs Stolen” http://evanstonnow.com/story/public-safety/charles-bartling/2012-08-08/51343/john-wayne-dvds-stolen

Miscellaneous Gapers Block (online events )

“Martha Rosenberg@Evanston Public Library” http://gapersblock.com/bookclub/2012/08/14/martha_rosenberg_evanston_public_library


*Additional print articles and news mentions attached

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