Evaluation question 7


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Evaluation Question 7

By: Muhammad Ahmad Sh.

Question 7.Q) Looking back at your

preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in

progression from it to full product?

In my experience I had learn that from my

preliminary task, onwards there’s been a huge

progress and research in evaluation that I have


Magazine Cover.

Music Magazine.I have learnt how to apply a

genre to my magazine. I have learnt about target audiences

and how to use and apply conventions to my magazine so that it is suitable for my target

audience. I changed many aspects regarding my final

magazine cover and contents.

Improvement's Made in Magazine

Codes and Conventions: I have added more things to my magazine cover.

Editing: Less editing was done in my preliminary task but I used more advanced editing techniques which made by work more impressive.

Color Scheme: The color scheme in my preliminary task was not so attractive, basically it is meant for Teenagers and young adults who will follow my music magazine.