Evaluation Question 2


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Evaluation question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary textMy ancillary tasks: brief overview

As directed by the assignment brief, i chose to produce a film poster and a film magazine review out of the three available options to complement and in turn, promote our product. i will justify for what reasons i have chosen to make my poster and the film review look this way.

The film poster, when advertised on a range of platforms, is a quick yet crucial way of capturing an audience’s attention. The immediacy and direct communication between the producer and audience is key, which is why the poster should be quick in communicating the desired message to its consumers.

Similarly, with the film review, the promotion of the film is simultaneously presented alongside critique. An audience can be lured to watch the film if our review is of a positive tone and contains good feedback. I have tried to combine these two things and apply them to my work.

Text used

The text on the poster with the arrows pointed is a font called: IMPACT

I used this font however wrote some in lower case and most in uppercase for clearer reading and ensure that the poster is as bold as possible. I also chose to use this font as it is rarely used in an action thriller poster and wanted to create an original action thriller poster, therefore making my poster more memorable. Furthermore I wanted to highlight the masculinity of our character

The font that i used for the title was defused as i found this as a font that almost related to the meaning of the title and also the font that i used had to be downloaded so this meant that the font was unique as i had not seen it in other posters.

Mesquite Std, i decided to use this font for the billing as I thought that it closely resembled the billing that was present on other film posters that I looked at. This font was available on the standard fonts preset on Photoshop so it was easy to access.

Images used

In this upper section of the review. I chose to use the same font but alter the formats. The text varies between bold and normal as it altered the look of the font slightly but not keeping them completely distinct. In doing so, has made the review look a lot more put together.

I have also used Calibri (body) for the main bulk of the text to maintain a continuous relationship between my poster and review. Although subtle, i think having links like these are what adds to the professionalism of the presentation. Furthermore, this magazine review was inspired by ‘Empire Magazine’ and from there website it is clear that although they must promote and critique other films, they have their own unique identity

I chose to use this image in my poster because it yet again connotes the emotions of both characters. The image shows the protagonist holding a gun towards one of the antagonists, the use of this image shows our main characters feelings with the gesture of pointing the gun it shows the audience that the protagonist has the intentions of killing the antagonist and the facial expression of the antagonist suggests that he is scared and shows fear the use of the bag suggest what the protagonist and the antagonist are fighting for also the high difference shows who is more superior.

I chose to use this image in my poster because it connotes the protagonists feelings and emotions as the image shows the protagonist holding a gun and with a facial expression suggesting anger. The use of this image shows the characters emotions. The use of this image also gives the viewer a clue on what the movie is about and also what genre it is. Yet again putting only the protagonist on the poster shows how the film mainly concentrating on him.

The colour scheme used on both my ancillary tasks are dark colours, red and white these being grey, black, red and white. The reasons for using these colours is because the production is a action film and these colours are usually associated with action films. The reasons i had chosen to also use white and red is because it relates to the action film and also it stands out amongst the darker colours.

When creating my poster i looked at other action film poster such as the quantum of solace and tried to replicate it in to my poster using our actor and a different colour scheme posters such as this gave me ideas on how I should create my poster and how a action film poster should look like doing my research on action film posters allowed me to know what I should include in my poster.

These are the two web addresses used at the bottom of my poster. My reason for putting these web addresses is for the viewer’s so they can visit the websites, like the page and put any comments that link to the production. It also allows people interested in the film look into the preproduction, production and the post production stages of the film.