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EUROrE.Tin: i:a>'ii:kn QUKBTION.

iLKKi.-ii uvoauu.¦ t *ti tSfflt Til.a«K*r« T th» BBBBBWSViiNNv.Jun. U^-Diapatchee hara beoa reeelrad

<I(,ni tha St.uth h in.licivte that a more libi ral

aoltoy ia to ha pauaatd by tha BoMimePOtte ta tho

inatterof t-aEaataa-Qnaa loo. A ioene haabeenEaa^B-aaiaaiaaai-giK«l only tha eqaallty of nKi.ta

la c.i .!ia. but a tBBfftBtBlnti of Iha ooUootion of titheafvt a peited of two years.^

QSEAT BBJTAIN.Vju ii man nuaonnaa \s wa*w*b_ #_h.

LoMPox.Jan. laV-WanrlokJoJl, a here the i>i iwm-

itiBarko.Caaay, Bhaw.aad IfaUanoyara awattbig*_L] booeapiod and ranonndedbyiegnlartioova,-hichwera Miit than hgr the Gta mtaanttogaaidaaaln t any al laaena. b tha Qaoen'a Bonolto-ov. b aaotien was maiie by the eounaol foi thede-leneo that the priaonera ba returned toLondonforIrial on the groond that the btttof raUgtonapwjn-cUtVax-tiagaealnat tba rariaotata la Waiwkkahlce-0.!. i.ntlti it iaapoaaibaa loc tl. nn to obtain aa lav

rarl-,..' iary and a fair trial in that eonnty. Tha n.o-

, rai heatd, and tha Jodgea iwaerred their do-i. Tho prtaooan Daamond and -Haa, impli-

ia UM t'leikenwell Mpioaloil, were BgaiObrani u ppto-day fot exaiaination oa thaebargeofiinnl.r. Mauywiti; pre.sent, but theevi-

Kiven hv thein. ¦.ntauisi.ofuctsof importance.Dl 1.1 in, Jan. ta.Papeia have heeti foti:itl OpOB

the pi raon of the priaoner Unnon, whlch, it la said.

exyooa tha wboia pbw "f tha Feniaa laadon for

fatara operatiooa la 1. land.


Lomi.-n. Jan. l.'l.-'lt l«| BBBa from Atleii. i.t Um¦eath ..f tha Bod Boa, aaaonnea thal Gea, BirBoherlKapiei had anired ut Anm hey Bay, the dopol of thaexpeditioa, on the Abyaatalaa eoaat, and inunedi-ataly a l ont la* Booafc to plaee hia_e_ ut tha haadof tha Britlab adranoa.


raoora to aoatn.1M:ii, .T*n. 1 1 .. linaV.Oon. Failly. the Com-

ni.-iitlti of ihe r.xiM.litiotiary Corpa in Italy, haa¦¦I i thaEaperartopanail theieta-aoftboFrancb.taoaps to Boaao, aa theii Qnartenat CtritaYeeehiaand Vitarha are o?i leraarded. This oaetaena laqaaaleraataa agenenl leettagof anaaaiaeH aml diatnutlierc


Tha Mouittur thia Raemtag oanteadteteYagoeni-nwra whieh hara beoa Boattagaboatol poavlardie-tibaBtaa in Nat>i.-.s aad aaanraa lta raadaia that pae-feet tranquillity praraUa In thal tit| aud the mr-

rouiiiiniii Prorineea.AU8TBIA

TlIK K1MAISS Of MAMMII.IAN.Ti.iiMF.Jau. 18..Tl a faaparial MgetaNorara aad

htr MBToy hara anirod at Pota, ln Iatria, with thateaaa ^<>f tha Anhdi ka afaartiailaaa.

M'aix.apmikai ia"i:.\i;it.

Orit.iT.u:, Jan. 18..Tho! aitod Btatea iqnadraa|a Iha M.-iliteiraiieiui, imcJci coniiuaiid ol AiliuiralBta r.ignt, has aaUod fot Haplea

MARINE lNTELLIUF.XCE.Qeaxiraroww, Jaa. 18.Nooil. The atoamahlp

Catrago, Capt. Harria, of Williama & Ouion'a llne,whieh 1 ft aew-York on the 9d loat. foi Llrerpool,went .i.-horo yestenlav when noai this port. Nofartber ptarucnlara are received.

l g..Theateamthip Chicago ran ashoro ir ti

thick fog, and tha reas. i will proaably prova a totallaaa. All bor paaarnnirn aad eraw wore aared].. p rie haa been aol oul and landed. Thonbopca that aome of ln-r cargo will alao ba aavetl,

p..i rn*vviToN, Jan. 18.Koon..Tha North .;ip ll.-iniaii:i. Capt. Wenoke. fromS i'ork, Jan. aCarrired at thla port at niubiifdit.Aftfi htadlng the Engliah pa.s.scngeia and niuila, theii, auiiin proeeeded to Bremen.LtvKKPOOL, Jan. 18.Evenina..Tha rhip Bai

r*>il C !"f. MeAlpin, whlch aailed from thia porl Nov.lis, for I iniaiieii.hia. pol boeh la a leaklnf ooadHlon.


The Amciiea from Boothampton Doe. 81 ai-

riv .i te.!¦!¦ yoatefgay.QBEAT 15RITAI.N.THE rsHiAMa

The Fenian exciteinent le '»n tlie intna-.tbrou«lK>ut "Tg1". aiul ir. lauJ. [rta-BMB nre BROatedtUtll0^t da_y Bl r-onie of tho Riaal »:a.i woi kB untl nianufai-tor..-* lu Louilon antl the ProrlBoeo. At OahatBOi Ua tAVlght, tiio Ojaaaai is -trut >- aataalal i>oth ay miiitwry andthe lalaadeta, who hara baaa sworn in as epecial eaaatabl^a. Tht Mayt.r of Oawoa wrote to tbe Queen's equorrytoielm ii.k tlie a< rvli-ea of the iuhabiunta to aaaiat iu pta.aorvlnu her person. Tho foUovriug rtply waa bt-ut \>yOtu. (;...>.:"ObbobBB..Oa*; I hav« had the honor of raeaJrlog

»nd of Biiliuiittiiiar to the ou.-eti the l.-tter wrltteabj T0Bua Cbalnnai of tl.e 1 >..»! Boara ot Healtli, ln the naine t.ftht liiliuhltauU of Weat Cowea, expresalriK their regrttUiul anv<*i«ltj- aiiould bare nrWn for the adoptlon ofcoctia j.rrcMitloi:»to lnMire Her Maiesty'a Baftty wklla*e_dt nt at Oiihome, antl i»rofferliiK thelr anvlrti.. eithtrasKp/x-iul constal.lei or ln anv way t-M BBBy bMtprorethelr u.yal devotiou to Brr__jeetT*BPeraon anOnnnlr.11 tr M:i|«»ty COUlUiHIitU lllt' to B..V tmit tha 1» tlecplyto.irf.eil l>y the»e loyul Baanraneefl on the part of lu r tno-Ipot* at <'owca, aud very kiaiteful for then. Bba ha» her-aelf uever entertuluttl the BllKhte^t apprebenaaoamtolier perwiial, thotu-h Bh« Iihb tlifuglit lt rii.Lt to

?'i« LI to tbe repreaeutaUoiis t.f her Goven.iiienf, Itjf\v-oa her aaiirtiou to tbe precuutlonary iiu-aMirea whiehthev thouahl lt prudeutfo »4aopt It will he for tbe <«<*¦

©in'uieiit to eouKider wlietht r BDTthinB niorc la ne< eaaarythan ba.*l>ecii tfotta; BM I have, therefore, .yHer M-tJeaty'a couiuiantl. rurwurdt-.l yoar lottat t<> the«oru. N^rotary. wht. will Jndse le-w f;.r lt ltu.y 1- .:.

Btrable to take advantatre of thia olfrr of their Berrlceflby the loyal InLabltantB of Cowes. I have tuo houoi toUe. »ir, vour rery obttliLUt aud buinble aervaut,

here tooheutrr. tl the Bhopat. 'Ihe

there aud everr peraeu vUliiio? the IMuntl la atrirtlyV.t.he.l. Nearlr-l tba Iriah Fenian eontlcta are con-flt^d at Portlaud, atul the ext ltemeiif It la Kaitl

Uiut severul harrela of jrunpowtler have baaa on tbecoaat.and on tbe HHh4_ Decemberlt ia kmi.1 that tirlnjjwaa iMwrdat aea, and the preaamptloa waa tbat the Keni-¦r. prlvateer" had the eoa*>t, aud hud COUio lne(.lflsi..ii wiUian KiiKllMi niaii-t.f war.

Tbe 1 itect «enaati<.n ln Loodoa. on the c-v. i.inic of t'"'Kth wnb tbe .iicpatcb froui Coik, wbu-b ap-ptar'r.l ia TU 1'all ilall i.mrtle:our« ork corrcspoi.tlt utteletrrapbatblanaornina n»e

B,.,«t Miariuluat lei.ii.ii outraae ihat baa ret ocenrreOplaee thia mornliif. At V o't l.H-lt. ei>fht men

..e Bhopof Mr. Allport, a rnn maker, In PatricB-nruwipal Ktret t of the city), aud vreaenteu re-

Tolven. at thobeada uf Mr. Allnort aud two of hia aaalotanti Uue,.tehlii4j them with deaih If th< v realated. I beUitri'deri. tbeu nfled tbe ahop, autt tt.t.k G" revolvera nrnlIjuo rtjunda of _uniiunltiot., wjtb whlcb tl.ey KOt ouu Iawav Tbe «B_BM nftan <>t-eupled leaa than lOadBBteaTl,e'-treet wa» filled witln^t.t.W-i.t tha tm.e. The uieii

arcre t.erfect atratiKers. Tbe whok tl.niK waa doue withtb»- iitmo-t delllHTittioii. The men diaappeured tlowu au

BHlJ..inin. atreet. >o ni reata h.ive y.t beeB IvonardBliiia ;.<ldresacil a lctter to Ir abrncr.

wku-h apixared iu The Timtt ot tba fWLli. ln whlch he*tni*tl.eiu tUHttbolr pr.w-i.t et.uiM .Ho brliig uotbinahjtn.i.ryand puulahti.eut u^m then.-«-lvea. and nilutt. t!.. ii fauilllea. He aaya anothor reenlt w 111 be the dis-cliariii. of all Irtahiueu from . Ifl tnguud.


A di«p_tcb_omA.xa_drla|ou tbe 28th of DaoaaahOfBtya:Tbe CrocoOlk trnopaLlp, with the l.roDKbt by

the K..i.lirat<~> bmiW^I to-day. Tbaj t onaiat of 17 of-a^cr» two oitlc-i-' wivt-a, H>ri men, iW aoltile.ra' wItcb. an1.Utiiiiren ot thft Koyal Artilleiy 'ii offlcera, 8 offleara'aivr*. 15 oftW*' ohi'dn u. 6 mi taata, IU rueu, » w.-iut i.,aud 71 ehildren of tbe'iti. Koot; aloo. 10 oflleera, 1 olll-cer-awife, sa men. 3 bohliern' wlrea, aml 2 ehildren torpaj. It U ntpoi ted Uiat the (hief of tlie Hbohoeabu4« irouudod Maadala.

w_wb aaaai na o_rrar«aiThe following la cxtrueted from a l.-to r wi.tten t.y

Lu ut. rndeaux, one of tbe tnaliab priaonera ut Miii;tlula,au tbe lathJof.October;"Weara aU ln good bealth. aud anxloiwly awaltlng

nrwafro4_ tbcco.wtabt.ut. tbe tuoveui. nta t.f tboae wbo«u>rut to be our debverers. Brery day brlnai wl'h it.oiue freah ruioor, ouly to be eoiitr_die»e.l * few liouraBfttraard: bnt th.»e rnmtira imly rehatc t.i tbe doilt«< oftlie aatlr* CliUrfa, *iit«tt ol »l..w» now Itidtiatnotialy<ii«Xtd lu WBglnt -ur naaluat ciw-h Other, apparentlyBtUa-Iy retardli'^a of the et.miuon euauiy at DehiaTabor,»bo U looked uwjii aa f»»iiiple_-ly done for. Kunior baabe*<B buar abo»it blnwalat.; l.ut Iha plain tarta ***>om to i«;thal he la aUU abut up ln hia bedK**- <>e«erted l.y tirarly atlbia followera, aud with thoa« reuialaii'X alniut bim dylutfof ttarrattoa. I aupiMia. \ ou ui e » . hat the cun eneyof Abyaalnla coaalaU of plerea aomethltijt theahape of the aole of a f.^.t, abr b.-s long and-alfau Inrh l.mad aud thi.k. 7 '-" tha.att rUlo ot Taltal, on . ue l>or.V«lt pamotieB iaof the n.i.rt iuf' *"

ptTO«t tlmea you coal'l io-t '1' °r.i, b!-«« wa h_va iM*eua -*re

baa varli^d from c to a for the battlialUBg'arai4H>o«ai|>Uare i h..daait for a dolU. thla ia tbe i ahagiven of tbe utter dentitutit BOBd.

There an npparently well¦iintbenticnfert report a

little ttme axo tbat the Klng burned bla bedge andliuii-i lmi \4itli hia luggsge to Bchclga, where be ln* »

ven atrong Amba; but thia waa afterward contiand* everybodi now shvs tbat it l« Impooalble he canrom. bere, altbougb Lo uiigbt, perbapa,botheraaWithui. ngli taeaaace."

TIIK FTI'IOeius AT FAVFR<*|UM.Tkt I'till Muit OtwetMoftbe lothaaya: The Iclegraiu

pabliabi-d on Baturday reapectlng tbe exploalon of tbo

powdei mflUat Faveraham did nol exaggerate th.Ity. At tbe time tbe exploaion occiirred tberewerj IIliii-n Btarorh in tbo portion oftbe manufactory wblehbaa beea ib il. «.f theae 11 were blown up with tbobouaea iiiwbicli tbey were at work, and on Batnrdaynlght acarcely a fragmenl of any of th. irbo lii ¦ b id '. ¦.> ndis. i.mtiiI. a portioa of a leg or of a trunk waa found

tbe iiiln-, bnt thlsla ul: ttaai now exiata of tlieunfortunate men. Tbe fragniente of tbe building andtimbere were eaet np li tbe bIt ta b hlght of aboutBM feet, und ihe beavief portMae of tbe etraojture were thxown t<» dlatanoea whleb nlght aeemlut redible to any bnt hu eye-wltneai. The exploalon oc-earred in the oorning houae, aad it was foUowed at Inter-vuiauf about balf ii mlnutebi tlu- preeajna eadgltuiogbouaea Wben tbe exploalon ocenrred every on< waa fora iiuuiient paralyied.uut in a few mlnntes abnndant belpwaeat baad. At preeent tbeeaoae«Bl tbe exploalon isnnknown, Tbe proprietors, Meeara. Jobn flallwrite: "An exploalon took plaee ut ooi powder mllla,Favi raham, yeeterday, ut 11 a. a when n coruliiu .1;"i ba house (eeparated by two hoge brlck travera..-,wbkbwere Uitendeaasan eftacttve barrier to coinuiuiii.catioulblew np, and tbo onfortunate therelnemployi d, to tbe mimb.-r of n. nithapptly lost their uvea.Tboa. ntaawera, ta polatof akUl and m muneiatloii, attbe bead of tbat bran h ot oor worke, uu.1 oar Borrow fortinn loss iflonlvless than thut of th. ir iifll.eted tbe preeent state of publlo feellng we thmk it propi rto suv tliat we haveno reaaonabta auaplclonof anytbfngf( lonlouBoonneotod wltb ibe cataatropbe; *e, likeotueraengagedln daugeroua tradea, have had ktnts and warn*lugaof nilMlil.f, and bave enilt nvoicd 1-y extia :iu-

tlons and wateblnf to provlde agalnat it. Wehopathat,Bad aa thia eveul i*. the colncldence of tbe exploalon wltb

tletlea attafeare will proTe to be aeolncideueeand nothlng more. We did not leee i> momenl Ui comn u

« Ith tbe antborltk ¦ of tbe Uotue Offlee for tbaulufunuatiofl aud g.udaiui.

m aa,Th* Bishop of Tcnnea,ee wnsiidvertlaed to preneb ln

'sCatbedral on the 8th oi Janaary.Mi OladatonebaBcontrlbntedta tbe Jannary Dumber

oi <.d Wortfe tbe flret iHirt ot aa eoaey aa tbo awthedparaued In " Eeci Homo."Three membera f tbe Irlah arietocracy bave lately left

tlu '.'oiiiiiiiiui.iu of the ( hurcli of Euglaml for tbal ofKi.iiu Tbey are Lord Loatb. Lord Oraaard, aad tbeCouuteaa of Portarllngton.


ln tbe aitting of the Corpa Legialatif, M.Boaher, in raptyto a qnaotloa pal by m. Pellecaa, aatdtbat tbe r.ew ofib-lal list for the el.ctornl dlstiii t would

be pabuabed oa the MM of Deeeeaber. Tbo gMaaailw oa

thaAiBrj iaf)argaalaattaB btU waa thea reaawel Tbeciuiiiiier rajeeted aa uiueiiiimeiit bwaahittetaaia b| M,Pamard, peraalttlne the marriaee of the Beeerre, M.Calvet Ilognlat brougbt forward an amendment to tbeeffeattbatmeuonfurlongbmighl i>e allewed to marrjafter the explraiion of tbe Blxtn year of tbeir eervlce.Marahal Nteloppoeed tbe amendment Heelalmed therighi of the Oovernnient to auanend pernrlaalon for te]

marry, The Cbamber, by337voiee Bgalnal 11,adopted tbe amendment of tbe Commutaion, aaklng tbatlegiil faeiUUea tooontract marrlage ulght be granted t..Boidl.m dnring tbe Laat three yeara of tbeir *« r\ loe In tbeReaerre tbroe. M. Plcard'a amendment, wblcb ptl.iit tbe ilalb cuiii of lf. bbollbl be ullotteil a» nu iinlini-elty ta tbe aivee of aol.Utrs of the Reeerve while oa ac-ti\e aenloe, was rejeetad by 181 rotea aa klaM n.

tiii roLTAtaa btati iTbe Idea of erectiog a itatoe to Voltalre, rtai ted by tbe

,si. ¦.'«. baa proied a aneoeaa. Tbe Uat of Bul>flcril>ersalreaay aawonM to 909,800. Tbe rommitte., oui latinir ofMM. Miehelet, Corbon, Barye, Pelletan, Legtmre, Daunlg-ny, aud Haila, beld IM Brat meeting laal week. The

ty roted foi tbo reprodiictlou of IIondon'8 e»e/tt'irurre on a larger aeale than tbe Origlual atatoe,

committee nare undertaken to dlrect ibo ozecntionof tbo work, aad to demand from f©r< raaBeat a aiiitabieBlte wtu rc it exaj be aiei t.-.i.

BELOIUM.tiii: cai ii.r. PtAOUE.

Tkt IndchtiuiiiiKt Belge aaya: " In the ba*nou'iceiii.iit tbat tho catth dlaea«e bad broken "'i! slmul-taaeoaslyat Berrhemandat ki. I, below tntworp, n walstiiteii tbnt five eow-hoaaea nt tbe latter pl* e a ere m« n-n.-ed by the new IrruptJon. 1 he delay ..f a fortnlghl alncetbe appearance of the malady gave taaeoa t«> bope thattl. in. l^iuti. takeii (.. l'14-t.erve. II,e at^lla BiU^oinlng thepolntiof infeetlon w.uild bavesatlafaetory reeulta 1provialoua, unfortui ately, bave not been reallieilof contogioua trpbua were obaerved uf Kiri on tbe ?."i. Intwo ataua altaatod :it a few yarda from tboae ln m bleh tbe

Oi tappcared. On. of them contalned flve oxen,the otber three 'i be aai Itarj rordon wblcb had been aeiu|. in,.te than 24a") yarda from tbe lufei ted placi - baa been

,i, and eeveral of the Buinuui bara beenSl.i",-lit.-led."


A Florenee diapatch dated 88th Ueccmber..¦ ii;i,.,.n (,u\. riii.ieiit baaaubmittedtbe¦,

oftbe payment ot the Itallan portion of tbe rdebt to tbe court of CoaaBBtuOBO Dlplotnattoo at i loram a

TilK ¦lauiBatAi OBMKlng vi, tor Emmanne] arrlvi d al Florenee on tbe 88th,

aml bad u oontereneo with Oea. Meaabrea, Otmat.1.1 M. de Ban Martlno arrlved bere yeatt rd m ,. nd

after :» aonferenee wrrb Oea. Mei ibreaa .dtbetr polltlcalfri. i-, returued to Tarta.Tbe Ovtniona of tbe 9Mb atatea that tbe Klng bad ia

IntervMw with Oea. Durnmio al Torla yeatetday.ian >h»t ip.M4 rvaai i>

Deputv Orattooi. wbo had beea asntaa ftallan Envoyto ParM 11 i-oinpii M the arrangementa wltb th. PrencnOovernnient reuitive t.. the fonuation .-; ¦ tunu. throughM ..,.--, baa lataraed to Florenee, Oor-,-i,iii. nt haa iinderiaken to .'Jnlsli the tir.n.i 1 ui.'l ODOB it

to tbe pnblie l>y 1871.Tbe OminUne aaja tbat n.e Preneb Oovernmenl

promMeo te atlTaaee ita ibare ol tbe rxpeaaea lu ibework ln three annoal paymeuta, tht flrtt of ahicL alUfaii duc in jaiy, taaa


A letter from ituiiio in tha Paria D$bat» aaya:"Theaveatof the weea baa been tbe nnexpeoted retarnof Cardinald'Audrea. Voryabortly iiftiTtn-atrivui berepalred to tbe Vattcaa, bat w«b not recelved M thepope. wboeent himword not to derange hlmsetf tlll he),.,,! recelved anlnvltatlon to calL Itapuean tbal tbeardlnale have been iu gem ml well pleaaed by t).

ol tbeircolleague. Tbej are oonaidered aa likely to m

ploy tbeir wbole lufluenci tohuah up the affair, aud pulhu eiid u> a seamlul wbieb iiiiu»t giTo tl.< iu mnchpain.But Cardinal d'Audrea doeanol a«endhrpo8ed Irecantatlon; bedoee not tbink bim-r-lf Infanlt; andhealwuvs Hj.iK-aU from tbe Popo laialcd aad prejudieed t«

better Informed: m.J iii-i-t.. above aU oa bladi m in.l to bc tiied n-guliuly attonlui},' to tbe eanouicallawa."


M. Dt.lftir* Aaanet haa det^niimed to erect «rbi.liton tbiBuiiiiiut ofMonl Blane MdeeUbUah Uteretna meteorologlcal obaervatory, wimb will theref«ue bei.I.ii i.l at mi alil'u.le ..f 4.s-mi inet.-rs above tbe onlinaryjevel of the earth. Twognldee, paid and Bapported byM ABBitet. will ajMUirt tbe Niiuiik i Iu this glaelaltion. for the parpoee of maJong meteorologlcal ob.ra-tlona. Duriug a period of 19 uiontbs three aaldee werekept at tbe expeuae of thia aoroal In a ehaletoa the ( oldoHt Tbi.Miuie, at an altltude :i.joo ueten- thatt*,M9,0tm or 8,000 feet above the abaveu urowua of tbe BM8HB1



It ia reported thut the Pniaaiao Oovernnienteontompbuee eetabbahlnf a peaal oolocy Bomewl.»utlie weat roaat of Afnca, aud that a oertaln M. 11 CkII.'ii-berg will mabe aneipeditlon totbateonatry la th. i-ouroe

of aext Bprlax, for tha purpoae of Beleetlng the moat aaa>veolent »i'ot foi the uew aettlement


A st. Pait9ab«xi dMfBateii of the bbbii aaya:TbeHraftfaf tha Btatataa ef ttmaoeka>ealb^,*The

siiivoiiiaii Committee,''appointed toregulate th aelea-ti/ii intercooraebetweeuallfUavouatiouaUtioe, l.a« boeoaubmitted to the Oovernaaent for aanetlon.

It ia uiiivemiilly drsire.1 that theHoclcty atioubl bo

plaeed under tbo controi of Ibe Mlalsteref PabBe iu-atroctlon.

TUE UaTXaiAX BOXD8.Adispafcb of the aathDecetuber Baratbal all credit

bouda now in cin ulatioii uro to be oaUed ta aext I hru-

nry, ,m.l tluy will be replaeed byut-wbouUa moio uiiii-cuM t4. bc counf«rfelfed.

nu.. Atiiouc cutaoT to aa rxm ai nu btatk.An Imperlal ukaso liaa been Isaned dlrecting that ln

futurt tho Incouiea oftbe C.itliohe 4-1. igy ln tlm VVeaternl'roviii.ea aball beprovldoil by tbe Btate, aad no imuiuui..f thi'iii I"- private individuala. Anothcr ukaae auapendatbe exoeptional ludielal adminlatrntlon nt Ptaauul ob-tiiinlngiii the pro'vlnoo of Uio Caucasus, and iulioductaHuaalau lawa.

THB ElSTERW grFRTtO-l-.Tbero 1h (saye the *iff/r) at tbe )>naent monient a regu-

lar Congroseof Ituaaiiiii diplomiitlsta n*. St. l\eevabarg.ThcKuaalBiiEniba-aadorBat CouataallaafM, I'.«rla, and

Vieiina.tJen. Ignatlefr, Ooaal von BeifcBTBi Ci.u.'it

stackelberg, and Count von B< r;?, are aaeembled underthepresl.bnevof Pilnce OortchukolT. Haron Brunnow,tbe Kussluii iftnbasaador, baa been eXCOa. .1 rioin ntf.-nd-

iniroii h. fount of lnsBge and the ln. Icuemy Of the i-en-

¦on The asseiiibiliigot theae emli.ent i*r*ona )¦> i;cii< r-

ully Bttributedtu tbe ncci^slty \i liirli is fclt of havlug aliicclscliiieoi poli.y ln the Bvebt of tbe eompucatlouaV hieh are expecteel t<> on-ur in tbe Eaat. wiint Beema i<>

loiinrin tbl* vk^w latbat tbo extraonlinary uiiM-tini; cor-

reapondl with tbe i.raYlal pabllcatlon by tlie Hussianc..\i i-ninetit oftbe d.M'iinients wlucb bear upon all tboiiuei.tu.iih wbieb are agltutedii: tliat quartefo] Europe.TbeAfMa*jTaftOM4VBaye: Tbe meat diwinMiuc newe

nrnvi-a from tho Eaat Tbe CandloM mottun nt haa aa-Mimed aaeh gaaeaeMeaa thaa iina^iu i-asba haa Im-.uoUliin-d to aak for reenloiceiiu nls from Conatautlnople.Tbe C'abiin-taof Kt. Peterabnrg and of Atbena anrnvort tbeiijaurat;iits by mou. y aud syiupatbt. aud are onty wultingtoclve tbe more effectno in.l. Moi.' tbe monaciuK deniimiN of the Montenegnua.Wa» iveieiaforuud by adiapaKb yeaterduy tbat Kua*iaur renta are Iraveling tbronnTi Bulgai la and Btnnng up tholuh.-ibltaiiU to revolt. To d.iy we li-ui n from Boaula ai.dHei«-uo»ii,athat Kiiaalaii i»nipagand!«m laeuually BCttveii, theae provlnoea, nnd thut ft 18 promot. d by tbo uid oftbe tlcrgy of tb# Oiei k rlte.


MII.IAK.The Auiitriun Corrctpnuknce annoancea lhat

theilvall¦!>. tlu rouinilaai.-liers ol 'be Ih 1. au uudAil|tllali tlm biiI.U.f t.lii' fiirtuo* (eft l»J tho

Bmp. ror Maxliiiili.iii haa been alirnrtl, and that tbe ratiflratloria will tmmediately l>e excfaanged. Tha Enipreaa< barlotte renouncea ber ancci aaloa and alao I ie .1"'' mr*'i» -itieti in h.r marrlage ii ntiiu i. Bbe i- eonaeonintiyrelh \.ti iri.m e\. v itinil t.f guarantt.- i.. rrepect to e

gageinentachurgedin tbe luherltanee. The Bekar§ ''.><Vnrr, on ita aide, announeea that tbe ex.

tha ratlflcaUoni t....k plaee three daya baek. Hencefoe-«rard tl .¦ rlon n t Lacromai and Miraauti "III |,» BtatvBged i>y tha ad-dulrtratlea of tbe Auetrlan eli ii lt«*t.

HVHOAST.PAS3AOK or t 11 r. jjtwian i.M\\fir\Tii.s i 1X1

AM) TRX IKK.UI 01 t ...mmi.i:. ...The Royal r-.nietioii has been airen t.i th<

foliowintr inlla. whl.-h Bare already paeaed botb Hooaeaof the Hungarian Dlet: Ti.e billregnlating tbeatianalroatiibutlona t.f iiut.piiry to the eomroon expeneea >.i tho1 mj'iie. UM l.ill BettllliK the porliullof the. tl.-ht of HlCEmplretobe borae byHn-gary,the Jewiali Ernan.lpe-tion bill, Htitl tho Trcuty of t'ouiuierce belWOOB Aiii-lrlaaml Hnugary.Un tbe 29th of TWetnLcr the rlertlon of the delegnt**of tha Hangartan Wel looa plaee inboth Hooaea TnLower House elected 40, and tbe Uppez H....->¦ BOmenibere. Tha Lower Houae bat paaaetfthe bill lu retereacatothocoii»tniflion of new iiilwaya.


A Stnttgart letter in tiie Augiburg QazetUSBytThe Qorarnraaat af iWaiteatBera baRt Jaatlaldb fore

tba 1'nriianii'tit a bill for modlfrlng tbe uonatltnti'io Inthe followlnx The upper Chatuber will coiii*priae. as bltbi rto. the Prtncea, .ajor, of the Boysl f .J ,

aud the chlt ia uf the lilieieiit lueili.itiaetl familie , t o

pnlattB of the Evangelloal Church, tbe Cntholle l »h< >.

tleli'iratea ihe ViiiversltieK. ropreeentatlret ilectooby tne aaaembliea of the elrelee, and ten uembei nemInatedhy the Kinr- foreach legtalatlve perlod. Tb<preaent llfe roerubera will, bewerer, eontlnne to fonnparl of the Chaniber. TheLower Chambet wlllbeoonipoaedaabeton ofM deputlet from that nnnberof .i.¬in.ia, who will beneeforth be electedby anlreraal auffrage; next. M membera choaenby citlxeoa who pi atIcaatlOO Botina vi-. eaeb)of taxea fia eleetedbj m-ho pay 100 Borlna of land tax or Itoeaaej eight br oaiwbopaytbeaB. oa other taxea); laatly, fouriiieiubera cboaen by Proteatant ec»_leelaetloe, and ta l>>the Oatbollc elergy. The Chaniber will tbua nol lurltide,aaheretofore, the U depntlea <.f tho Eqneatrlan order,the (liiiiift li..r of the Uuireralty, nor tbe depntlea of theteren chlef towna. Tho numberof oecli wlllbereduoed from a to a TbebUL moreover. graata t. tbee'iiaii.h.-.ia thu rlght Bf uiUlatlve they ha.l BOt untl. i;ow


TJir. QVBBM'a arancu.The Rpaniah Cortea were opened on tho 37tii

of !>..<.. by the (jueea ln peraon. Her Maje ii del ceredthe folloa In^ apeet hBknatobb ibd int.-th-*: Inaeelng IhcCorteel pully

aini pactflcally aaaembled around rue, and ranaldt rl - tbe\.-.Intl aud often p illoua \l. laaltudeat.f my ralga, can-nol do leat tin.n reader thanka to Dlnne PrortdeB ¦. whohaa ua tbroogh ao manydangera,and o ti.

' j ou repn aent. >n« of tl cbb lrnotirca of my BTatltade la tht Biieooae whlch haa al mde.ltbo energctlc, foreaeelng, and prudenl policy adop «*1 bjii.v Uovernmenl aftet the rcbelllona of tlie raoi the ofJannary and June. In rememberlng tbe feara n..l an-aalnt m whieh IbenpreTall. .1 an

ih.- menadng aapecl of onr mterual polltle_l atate, tnaBua]tenalou of Induatry and oommi >. ihe preaaliof the public naaaoea, and the >i>. aj ot public redlt, whocan denj the nrogreaa thal haa been tini aci onTbia happj rendered more easy tht uaintavdbd. >. ol tbe frteadlr relatlont by w blch we ui<- anltt \ loall the ron Ign powera. On the .... a»lon "f the n.-.. uta arbl. ulu Italj mi na< edforaoua»day« ihe aafel) olih. poaaeaaiona and even of Ihe peraon of tbe Pope, -,.....

e, Mln otherciixuiuataiicra, toexervUe borinitla-tlve with reapeel i<> tbe Pajparj,and loadopl tbe attltudewhlchauitaaneminently CathoUc natlon. Bpain tl >reforeofferedtoyourfrleudaud ally,the Lmperor of th<Frent h, her ruoral t o Dp ra , if ald of ber forcee, lu Iheereut of thereln i ... i iti. in for ti^ the l.fiti.ii tiirigbtaof tbe Uolj Bee. Having been lorlted to t*ki parlln a Kuropean Conferenco to guarautee tb.lutereatafnaatable manner, mjr Uoverumcot, vi. hiathe falthful inteiiiieiei of tha tle. p roott <i t.cooMtry,baaUotTieslt-ted to aceept a ptopoaaleo ailla-factory. The promntltode,rlgor,and auooeaa with arbl htbe diaordera already referrcsl to i .¦ auppreaeed, a idIhe w. ii-i.uii ii eViiic iey whirh .;..,..

j.t. ;ii. ain.ii of the country, bare proved lhat intha mt'aanrea propotfd to yuu duriugtbeluuudcratood tbo requiremeuta of fbe country. By evn-

cialng tha lawe writh and raltlogthi ttate otBleK*'. and by ahaiidoDinB all Bxtraordmarr powera, tbeQoverumeni remored the nnjuat mUtraat or whlch It waattie object for aooia daya Im tbat oeraaton tb< armj lu1-

duty; falthful tomy peraoa aad lo thitlonaofthe country,lt thowedltaell rcady forlfeUI lOf lt the ..!.!> MI.II. I t.f ll It.l'uie l.|. -|MItr and true glory, Tlu na^y alaoci-.lla for our ackiiowl-uJguieuta, for. ilwaya tbe objeet ol .ui tolkatade,

.1 the '.i t ..f Bai In dialWith iiieiia.ite .. re <.'. thal ..: in ea bave Improved greatlr dnrlng tiie m-i-.-i .:. u >.f >..,.i leglaUtlvelabora. Tba Iaw foi lh< eonrer»lon af certain d lita nolj...> ibb Intereaf baa bwii few. redllora

l hope,.... pt, aa Iht arrai .

bt equllohle, aud will nol Im rootfiued. My <;>'¦.baa thouKhl ngbt, rooreoi r, tooall tbe eouul | te

.!,!* of lta 1....I. v enduranr. byecntrtbutiug lta reaourcea tion lui* reapondadbj (-ui.-. iii.ii.^ frerh loa oen aerlea ol bouda, loe j.i"-c(".(l« nf frhirn tbe t.ovel 11,. i.r will t..i;. togood uae lothe.limiuutlon of indirectiuipoate,a I bj li.eredu.-tlon ol expeuditure, laa budgel n> n .».¦| bia leiii-n im. i i" oi ¦¦ of tb. I n p:ih | ...i ah ||| *..< i.v the ba -... .'.-.. tt. t>ih>-rrn. .......- to b almllar eff. ' yon,aide bill* bni Ing «*». llating < ataf

urdei lu poliil ... affa liveii atUNQ-ti.ui ik.iii Iboae wblth keep '. ¦¦ d taenaaoi .i¦¦;apply > tt¦ r:- to Ibe improremenf and prugreaa of

mtry. Tuattalu thia rutJ, BiyOot eruaaaal «iii layi., ',,..¦ | upo. tau .- in a andreligJoUB polntof >.>*. Amoag theae will ...i the i" .1 o»le, re«»r» mizli ?

b and crliulual larentlvt '¦ nud a aummai On toe other

:..|.. le. ,-.i_awol Public <.i.i.r ii. b aaa tener. he oearaaliyoff !. I, ,],,. u.l.i.. .,' Ii.l- Bt . ¦¦¦ .. ."li tl..'.

|m ,n .ir,-. a bill on prlra irj li atrnclmitted to you foi examlnatlou. The cb.

ruarehi .1 ln "p erl foi tbeputdie edticatloii, und n.) Governmeul i»aaprtaerre that barmonj wltbout Impoalag a \ ..

Bi -, and to rlte gral toua Inatrueih n tt|. - ih1. .11111.1." r, llinl' i lle- ui.¦>.-.I li.lllli'li.-e Il.ei.i.lll;.of rt lona .1... irlne t id the in. rallty of tl

i tltii f aaalutary power of in.-ti.-e, by Kttackinn it n birtta tbeperveraity an»lngfrom Ignorauoi orfroin liutuoral and.ii.tinliKiuiia t.'.ithmif. we ahall t«i..ii i... ..-..» lawa and reuder even .!..., :. duturbanca

f |be public i. - probable. 'J li ¦. bowe .. r,antl Ule.r ;.re Bectaanry foi Ihe a.pli.f thla greal work. Aceounl muat alao be lakenuf matenal wanta, agaraTated hj fbe rrl b whieh baal.fl.lU .ll bill Chlefl I W( v. r. initKili-iill'iie !... reaaon ol ibe lrrea;ul_»ii) ,,( t. h. ..,-n ..

Tu thaaa arlla Ibe aolitude of i Uo\eriunenlhubeen moat anxlonaly dlretted. The diffemil ileparl1:1. lita of the pllbile a.ll.iinl .11... ..¦'¦ Ulld CBIM-ciullj thal,,f public worka, bave artopb d tha - .1 i.II le nfor auccorliig the poor, Inaurlug work. and preventlngtbo queatlou of BubaisU dim froui bect ming a rau t-.

Blel My Oorerament baa volunlai :.. rontracted an ob-Ugation to preaeal le ihe Portra a um ou tbe modi

..mlt.f odvaucomeiil lu Ibe cai rof cirllem-i.l.A nientt. Voo «ui alao lutvetodiacuaa a bill analogoiutothaonoinal meirtloaed f..' flxing tboaj tu of proinoUon .t'nl tho iiuuii. r of the aetiTf aerrtee ufthemuiiii... i bmeiit of a rural cuard wUl alaoform a aubleot for youi dehlicrai ioua; mi Governmeut laof opiulou tbat the leglalati.f IBM In ibit ](.,it,t atandaId nead of refonn, and it baa alreadj prepared :« bi.l f..rthe i.iii].-. Before rourludlng, I muat expreaaa fewwordii *»f profoiiiitl grlef on llte tnvnaiou ot cboli ra in thei-l.ii.f of iiii.a, and alao on tb. terrlbfe ealatulti'-a v lu. I.bavefalleu on Porto Rlco ai .11 ine p irta f. nr maritttnei.tMtaeaaloua My (lovemment, making uae, for Ibe ilr->ftini.-. uf U.e tclegrapblc cable .v i... l. unitea the Anti .. Amorlcau contluent, al tbe tli-i newt of Iheee dlaaaters, a.-i.i the moaf rn. _.m- lnatrueti«ua to repatr themas apoedlly aa i.iblo. To bi ia! Ibe i im rei biiaii.uial aubtfiipliou baa been urganl; .1. attbe hcaiof wl.i-b ia u.e Klogi ny beloved ronvat.Bueh, Beaatoraand DeptrUea, la a aketeb ol Ibe uieaa-urea wbicb will be submrtted toyou duiTnt tbeaeaatou. Thelr obiect ia to oonflnn .m.i g.wdually ...... lopIhe polley of realatai ee to rwrolutkin, a pi u l< i< bul on-

ataul reorgaulxatlonof our pnl uiB.audliaiu.oiiv Im tweeti tbe i-i.ii-.i valtvi: mt. ¦«-:.! whlch 1..V

reapotiafbh advlaera proelalmed in July. ¦..¦ it-is a

magnlfloenl poaJtlon, thal of a inonareb chargi-d to con-

ilm-t a people engaged ln Ibe eiiterprh- ol prtaervtiigthe i:i.liM.lii:ilit\ of a natloa Biol il« lo r.-.llluiV fi.lth;antl th.-re la i.o leaagVury for Iboae whoaldtbelr prineewltb thelr euergy and ictloB.tbeirconttanoyand au itrijfldellty Let ua, tben, turn our eyea to the Maater ol ;.

thfiiga, aml pray Hlno to eiiltgbteii our inm-l .. to bleaa our

liiitf r.m;.<-n-e t..e Brdor and alueerliy of ourini in aot ompUahlng onr kagltlmate bopea

LABOB MOVKM-MTI HERE ani> BLBBWH-RS.Kotwithatanding tho eold yeatcrday, tlie brick-

layara 4_ Vrooklyit, WllUamaburgb, Jeraej <n.v. Pough-keepaie, and Yonkera, to tho aumbei >.f about l,ooo, pa-raded iu theatraeta, preoadad by aml luounn-ai..u-ha't,aud it.-.oii.|.aiil..iby tiie Raga of the UnltadBtatea Ireland.and (ienuany. The demonatratlpu waaInhottorof theorrt-al of delegatea from tbe NatlonalWorklngmen'aCoureutloB. a truck ln the prweaaiopvvii* tb t-oiatetl with llneiialnacribed Bt followa: l n'.tyisatrengtb,""Klgbthouraalegal dajr'a voik." To.h.yi fornial receptlon o-1«> b<- glvan the d< legatea of tho ln-

teniatlonal Bn. kUyera' Union at tbe l le. cker Uiiudii.K".l_i>or nnd vagaa in (he We^t are Bol e..t afai tory. Bn-

hrration from tbi Eaat haa overatorhed the tnaiket ft.ruiecbaiilral the aupply larex.-e. iiathoilt-iuand;for the llghtai cmploymcota tho raaUoat iwpuuiloa fiu-n_b an exoeea of appllcanta,

lt la thaopinlooln Bhe Houlb. thut thnt aectlon of tliecountry oaanol uaprore uutii aiutieuut wa^ea .u. n.ouej) iinhl tbe lal.i.r. f. At preaent not rnough lagiveu toafford a eomfortable Buiipott. The ieul fiu-mla ..f the*t#utb al^o hope to i.iaBe tbe piotltletlniiB ol that aeetlMimore tiiveivlth .1, inul by thia nieaiia to exeite a loe-lrlvalry uml compelitlon, whlch woul I.Bubaeouentlyeunreto the advantage ol tbe whole country, BOq capeciauy to

the oWBBta ol the BOt! and Ihe ib.d. t».

The oo-oiKjrat.oti of laborera haa amnetlnvra fallaa in''. tomctlmet Ibrougb u.e di»hoiieaty ol¦atanU. BomolUuoB thimuh the im-apai ity ol Uialiagert.more freuuently throngb tl., Intraetablllty ol tbe iie-ru-

bera who rafuaed t.» rsapeet th.. roleaof orpTaplaatloa.Hut eo-ow«r_tloii betwe. n^ta nnd laltoi^ra, ln thoelementary fotui of woiklng t«. abarea baa exiatcd audKi-uBpored in hVw-Kiigl.ind from timo iiumoinwrtal.Tbe Franch nian ol dlrldlpg riont* withthe workinen ha.«, howerer, DeVar been trlMuntil now, -hen Mr. I^.uiB ihe well-known chromollth'igraplier, baa li.itiated tba avatemby Bunoiim-iiigtbal ull ia raotu, who n¦nialn m bia um-

ploviiieiit for ibe euauuiK > tur tl.ull he ei,lltl.a t>j re.oolvain uddltloo to iht ir rrgulnr wagi a, one u-nth r,f Jilt aetproflU durinr, Ihal perh»d. Tlie proporttlqn of Mr.JTM|h_a been ue.-ept.-tl by l.u openitlvea. and waa ratlfle.l htu aupper, et whieh he ciiturUitned all hia einployoa, frviu:.rti«itt),iY..inlboy. 'i»'.a rotBeriaiaat,II aaceaaafttl, lead vt.rv icaw-raUy katbaadoptlon of Bayatrm

ir, tlu ...un'iy BThich haawortM ao happiij whuic*eieiot it baa beoa boheatl] tried


Tbe Xoith Kivrr ia fuU of Mf),AflBlnilBBlJ of the Microacoiiical Sorioty, to-

night, st No. MaTaataeaKta.Oi v W aliaata WOta made in tho Metropoli-

;, b Dutrlet aa BaaaBW.Vr. A. Oikcy Hall fOM to Jnsf/ (ity t ,-

i,, to leotata upoa Aataa Central Tempeewtiee Aaaociatioai will

ii t at No. 170 Oiaadat. thia eveaflax.iu- Rev. Dr. >.'. E. Cornwall will apeaJi In tbe

hall at No. i,:i^'j Biaadway. t^eveatag.Agafa, on Miiiday, tbe Uaafing npcratinn- at

T( k, ,!io deluged t e Ne A-lIaten Uaim.

Miiyor lloiViiuin deniea that eithex ba or histrii tu aie Beeklng the Auattiaa Dtbaaaa.Bkating on tl aCentml Pfttk and n4MgbbaTiBg

poodi MM nlfht . i" i>ei rm tiy apiendid."

OraBVB tOmttri in tbe 'J nirty-fniirtli-st. Re>f.,iiii. a Cbaroh, w. at <>f Eigbth-ave., to-nitfiit.Tho Mavnr racdred .r>,n<> regfaterod riaitora

l.i.-it year. aml enited tsi aoaplaa la laafniaooy.Capt. Brackett ameted ib hnr-kiiirn ycstor-

dny for vlolatlon Of Borpoiatloa orillu.iiic< s.

Qeorge Vandinh.ilV will road in Trenois LyiicQaU, frota Shaaaapi are und DMkaaat ta-alght.Tbe Boawd of Bupetvieota will attend the

feaeral of tbe lata Joaeab B. Taytorthle Bftarnaaa.l-'oiir caaea <>f apotted fever, nt No. 104 firove-

st., Wete reported M tha Koaid of llealth yesti-rday.Muiy Schnialt of No. Bl Avi'iiue C fell from

hei i.i-.f iad het aeek waabrok n. sne araatoyearaof aa>Waa T. l.'ih v < jreaterdaj in I?< lleToe Hoa-

pltiil, haVUf fall.-n fr.tu'th) roof of No. 1J3 WaaMng-tol.-t.Mr. N. P. Ilosuck luis lici'i: ilci tid S.' y

of the tmerteaa Boclety toc the Preveatteo of Crneltj toAaflaaM.Mi. De Cordova led irea tbia evenlng in Stoin-

araj UaUlnaidoi tlu Mi on work of BB. Auu'a Ohaiebfoi deaf n.ut. b.The bbbob] ball of tha PatberMatbew T. A.

B.Boclety, B .m. i. N.> l, waegivea lu.u atgbt ut tbe ffew-V.'iK A tembly Bootaa.r.i-liuastiT K.lly iiai Itnick I tcullng Idownt

tbe t'ft i.'ii.'ert fimi.l ,l»y deujiui; tbolr Btaaagefa thoprli i:. K' i ol tba l'ujt OfaV <..

An ifloneal was beld featerday by CoronerKe'etinn omt tbe boilv of Nlrholaa M bo badi.naai il al the Pavoala i-.-ny.Capt. .l.inii s B. Mix, fonnerly of Preaident

Body .in.11,1, baa been made BrevetUeuteuanl Colonel ,.f New-York Yolunteera.

" I'be Drifta of Long Klai.d" ia tbe anbjectwbieb was annonni .1 Uul evenlng f..r the m-xt meetingof tb. Aaaoclation f.u tbe Advancemcnt of Science andAit.

The annnal eonvention of t!i<' Alpha DeltaPl ral i. ,i\ i- to be beld ln New-York on the laat tlu.,.,! ra of Apiii ne\t. Oee Wiiimm Oartia M to dellver tl..oration.

Al ti rday'a meeting of Tiik Txibubb Aa*aociatlon'i i,. - .-, ifora. iOre< ej waa loaea odltotfor the enanlng year. ihe J'>ti Aaaoclation b.. oboeeaWBBaa (mi, u iirjiitit.Catherine Robineon. aged aix year>, was

1'ii.lh burnesl about th. rlghl Blde aad)ahoobter laat evenlng, her cluthlng bavlng taken Bra « bfle abe was i akhagOUl tbe *t,.\e at No. 81 Mu'.lieri.v it

F.v'lit thouaaml domeatic (ikr;m were i isedfeaterdaj > Mt laaae Barvry, Ihe Revenue [napoctor.. ii.ii. laed h< bel aved,npon in/ortna.

tioti, tliat tacj ai ii i.i.t, in niiik. d, iiiip.i.ii d."

annnal meeting <>f tbe Centnry Clnb,Wiu. < Bryant aaa cboBei I -¦ 1 r ; Danlel Ifnntlng-(.¦ii i ii i I \\ ^I Kiith. rteid \ ii. I'.-i Bid, nm aud Oeo.P. I'-iiiiiuii, 11i.r ui,iu. ibe comuutteee aio eeapoiad of

Coroner Scbinner beld inqneata feateTday owettbi bo ) ot a i hild. llara i-1 ureeu by nsme, aml aamf it ioao| di. .t.'iin Medare, wbo were fonndaahi Bted n b. d. ;.t .so in Eaat Thlrt/aeeaBeVet., ai..i No. syUi . it.,n -i"

Mi nbuttan Lodge, Na in, I. 0. of 0. T., wasInatild ¦¦<! :-i ".- M«t.. m!i w.u.i ifali. onSaturdaj even¬lng. ."' 95Cluartor meaibera. TheoMocraare J4>aephi iiti-iey, W.C. Ti Miee Alcctea Baudolph, W. V.T.;Bad "bn M. Whyte, W. B.

7'be Firat MetTTOBoUtoo r.and and BoildingA it. d will i.,, thia evenlng at Pai bm i'-i laatltale,B< .49 1 idlov -t and i. .. remaiiiii g Morrlai ala

,>t, and th. 11iu.- A|rpi>mied lor tbe ncinlna-iiou uf offloBrafoi theaeao. lattoa,Claima were oonaidered by tbe Bonid of Au-

dlt, 1,-' I'l.t, i foUowa: Jobi vandervoort.flOBforhvCHy II ;.i Iward fchrlray, apolloeman, 81M

in lllegal voter. Frniicl» Kubel, 1*87 for uiu-alc fun lerofthe Oatiimon Coanell. James

,| kboras kfllodbyfaJUaf off PlerBo.MNi iiii Blver.

i i.i.'iirr Bchirmer beld aa iaqaeat yeaterdayovei ie hodj ef MUa i.iiiiiii T. Jooea, a well-kaown

leacber, wbo .ii.-.i Buddeah while oa hei wayhotni fi.,ni t ie ile,i]i-.itioi, of a Met{ioili>t meeUng-hooae

I ed ¦>'¦ -.1 elevonth at. I>r. I.eo made ain miualloa, aud found that doath iiad rc-

BUlted froui ¦.,'],' vj "i t ie liiiii,". lauMil by tight/. .1! I.

'1 !;.¦ l!\i nteck trade i-. qnite aniatated oader\\x\r. .-I aUgbtaopplj aud eoM weatber. Beevea

for tbi n i, ,;' ,f ablel have been aold alb tiitl.iiL advanr. Bhccpeoual up 3 ,aoa(ordoubie tbenvmberof tht prevloua week, aud atul allaroselllng alhlgheri »< bave 10,7101iveaadT,8Mdreaaed

Brrck. Pb< j art la fblr denand at |e. advancefrwmiblsdai »...!( tbfauja tbut ui.ub lowertaaa tbeywera .. f, .» aa] i

Tbe Now Yoti. (Htj Samday*8cboo] aml Mia-aionarj Bib rty of th. Urthwliat Bplacopal Cbureh beldItn aonual m< etlng . In Ihe M. tin^li->t meetlog

.¦ !:¦ I. I. M ul. i. ,,.,ii. .1the's vorh aa foUowa: Herniona preacbed, 4JJ;

i o. f intitiea i l»lt-..Li,',*, k',i.\i u.-.i. l.iHl; eeaveraioMa aia; ncw uniu-brra, a Handaj m liuula, ,., oOVera aad leaetM ra, i.j;

baptlatafi M fwaai ,ii", us.

Rnrglfli - forct d au eatrance into tbe hall-wayof No. Soutl bi on duuday uigbt, and cuttlng tbrougbtba partltloa on tbe tii-t Boot, entcred Meaara P.L.O0More) « manufactonug jewelrj eatablUb'ii ei,t. Ilavlng anapended a cloth acroaa tbe rear of tboBtiue toioiu.a! Ibtli op< ratloaa, Ike thirTaa. br ntoaae.¦'. .». iip-- icni ui.|.io\eii burgbua' tooto, opened taevauljand beavy aafe, aad taklng M gold, un.l n bIIi . i watcbea,iiiauioutia,goid ...tiii iiiain-., ii, , rataattal merataaalio.ouo, acaped,The Grand Jory havfaig eatered nn.l nre-

aenti ,i tbetr Indlrtinenta In Ihe Court aif Oeneral Hi aaioua,.< ¦¦ ni , tb. luis ,-. ,,i the Court eommenoed. John

.. a .. in ,n in tbo Morrte aad Beeei .-tat li'-.ui to aesva two jeura for

expreaa car oo aald road... Ueorgat> " i'i 1. . jM.e khl," au InteBlgent Iad of nol over

ij yeara, but an old uflender, waa -ent to Prlaea to.i b two yeara and aii mvntha forateallng adiamoiid

uul,' frotn Sir. WlUlam Dowaey of No, M Baaean -t.

Beiveant W. H. .»f ilm city Hall baaifl n ,i i'i. i.ii-nt of ihe MetropoUtan PoUee Mtv

tuui Ald Bockty. Raeb of the 1,108 membera payaMrenta on tho death of a uniniier, aad tbe fun.i tima btb-ated Ugpven tu tlu- deceaaed uu luber'a lu-ua. l>iuiux tbe1'iirtireudlngon Baturday aeren meaabera dled. and?".iu waacolloctedandgdvea to tbe wntowa or otber

Blnce the organlcatlon, on tbe utii uf Oetober,i 188. 83 membera ba\e dled, nnd tlieir f.imilies bave beeai>.ii,i t j',.» -.'. Eigbt membera bave dled althta tbe laattwo naoatba. aad thali repreewtatliea are >i t to i>« paid.The New-York cotTeapondenta of the rural

preea lomellBMB wrlte amnaiiig upiuiona c»nc4 rnlng the"inuii n i.ii laetropoito. a wrttei who woabl aaeai toknow Botnelhing uf lh« eity, sav»: " N«<w-Vork is mmlet ue erabang grouud, the barveat nvi.i of the blKh-aoarlngbeggaryoi awboto eoatlaetrt; whlM our ptlaaaty mer-

bobm icaaoaB, are walted apea »y more boUoI*tora of eontrlbatlona than parchaaera of guoda. Rtnce,our i leb ue I. geni iallj . ourl aad aaeata a reoutution focnu aniie.<a, wl.l.b may oi niny nut be daatl veil iu a par-thular Inataaee, bol Wbleh. ui an\ ,:er. is iinllsi.enial.leaaa urateetlon, like ti.e bIu-ii of a t.utoiae."

Tba (iiiinan Bnneb «>f the Y. H. ('. A.,i .,i,,i. <i i.y ,4 iiiiiubei <>r .mr moat MbotaatMJ and traat'woitiiy eiti/eiia of Oermaa i.lrtb, a, kiiowie.ive contribu-

followa: Mr. Neebe, |i; Meeen. Bebaeh 4% Hopp,139; .Mr. <i \\. \ ,%:.; Mr. W. U.,|J3; A fi leii.l, 4-j; tfaateiBerker, 8tc.j Mr. P. Egbaaar, tl; Mr. Doeber, n; Mr.i-eii-r Koii.ei. iu ui; *t. Hatbcw'a Churob, tac 07; tho\ii-v. i>r, |.s; Mr. John Komahreae. Il;; Mr. Olatuaayer, Il »>; J. P. Eokllnger, *i,Meeara. P. Beveredga A um., 8.1: Mr. Oordaehe, 81; Mr,Jollli Kerge, 81. 111 Prei laiiii.a >1 Mf of Ulitles, 1 \>HH ufJh'Ii-, fr.uii u trleii.l fn.iii OaarjtB Hu l.inann 14 Ih hoin-iny; from Theod. Behlorb, ssabeef; from BL Baehar. Ibnafc. polutoej. La-l *>; h,.,i iatl,,ni ,lail> W«Te ftrefl topeorfamillee und taken to bomos, aad more thaawo peraoaa were daUy fe.i iu the As«o«iatiou nxuus.

Thonias Uoilly, formi'ily a CUeBgO "roiiirh,"ibol a uolii euiiin iu tbla . ity Juat uft.-r tbe Kiuta of Mat.IU il.-d, lt wus Buppoaed, toChli-iigo, i*ut uli arareh for himti,,i. proved aaauoeeaafal. ln Bla fonner resldene«s IuLblcago, iti-iiiv badboea tbo Mpal*efoae Kelley, aon-t. ne.'.l to tbe Chlcago IVinteiitlary for atabblng Capt.Uu kty. Kelley bad wuuo peraoiial prot»erty, respectingwbieb I'.ellly feit mo unxiuua that, a few daya ago, he ei;-

tered thel hicngoOiitral Poll.e»tatlon tolnuulre alMiit11. oueof tbedeteetlveeaeated there lustautly raeagni/eil liliu, but with lueseuce of mindcoutealodhia reeog-nltlon, and entieed iVtllv down to tbe Arinorv, uiu'erpretenostbat Kell)', i»eraonal property waa there. Oaaaui-iilc Ibo i. luasaivii walla, and in eloao proximity ta a

Bttaageellathodateotlya BtfataBed Keiiiy that he was a

j.i i.ioni r. Iteilly reiuaiioi in tbe cuatody of tbo rhiaagTluuthoiitiea, attultlug the aoliou of tbe ollliiuls bere.

1 he llut^'tTK Femalo College RtockholUoivanilual lnrelii.x waa beld laat BVOUlng, aml wele

i-boaeu aa folloas: 'Ibo Kev. Joaepii I". Tliompsoii llenry(i.Wiwton, Jereiululi Burua, Cbarlea Cbeu.y, ThntiissWatt. The nawly-eleeted Board ImmaiBaMlj Beaaelaertby thecln-lce ol the Iti-V. J'weph 1'. Tllouipeoll aa l'u-.i,1. nt, ( iinrlei ( beaey aa Hocrelary, aud Jaa. O. Bnrgess aai reaBitrvr. The moat lntetvstliJK fexta preseuled oy \\iBunuual report were, firat, thut this la tbo flrst . I. ctu.n ofotttcara un.l. r tbe newcharter which eonstltutea tho luatl-tutton a IDUege with all the power and prlvtli'gea ofotli.T coUagra: aad, aeeondly, that tbe maui^cemeiit of tbe|u*titiition havt receutly coiiipletoii the purchaee 4jf tworiitire Ulixka, c*aiiprU)ug lJ8loU. exteiuliiig from Nlutlit.; Xeuth avas., bimI Broiu Um.-huiulred iuud anventeetb a».to One huudrtdauu nlueteinth at, «tu wbkh Itlapro.

Ccd b.)ou to Louimeuce a auKable buUdiug. T8o Collegeliupupila.nROOKLYN.-Mortnlity laat wei k, \fk\PltMpeot I'j»rk bkating pond waauguiu thionged

yeaterilav afl^tuo4iii aud «. veuing.Tho Kinira County .'iquor dttalcra will mi

nn.l, if posaille, fvrfect tbe'i oriranlaatioii this Bfternoon

Tho uew CitvCleik. Mr. Wiu, 0, KihIioo. .!

aiinird hia new poaltlou ye-ttorduy. No Chantya ln bia de-ii.rtmeiit hara baaa made.

The KOT. ('. H. PaySO of St. .Jnhn's tf, E.Churcb, K. I>. rt-.fiitly reeelred a tall to the I'ark <t.Cbun h, lionttiii, but deelloed.Matl OW Sniith's dlatiilory. :if Xo. M I.ittle-st.,

waaarized, yeaterday, l \ the loveuueauthoutea. Tblrtyej dionaof whlaky wera fonad.Al the eoneert to be ejrau to*night at Plyin-

out'. Chnrcb, Ca im Ua tJrao wfil maka her iu->t appaaiaaaaprb r to ber departuro for Ciiba.

Mn». Cook- bakery, in rill.try-ot., aaatained|TiMy north of damaga eatly yeat r.lay niorniuir. Inaured.While attendlnjr the Ore, Chariea O'Oaonor, of EiigineCompany No. ia, waainjured aerlooaly byacoUlaioo be-Iweea Bia eugino uud the trutkof a Hook au.l l_duYrCompany.Mrs. Uajden, who dweli ever Meeehntta dinino;

fiah.tiii iu i-'iiiton at , theii jreatecday of an eretdeaa ofLtndanum. Bbe had been a laudanum-drloker twelra01 fi.ui teea years, au.l on Baaday erealog, after awaltaw-Ing twoouueea, sank latO a atupor, from whieh .t waaInipoaathbl to arouae her.The 1'uneral of Mr. IfeLanghlin, n tnetnhor of

tbe l'oli.-e, a im dii-n sii.l.i.-iiiy ou Baturdaylaat, took plaeeyeaterday from bN late reaidem-e In Bpencer-etv, nearMyrtle nve, aml WBB l.-irt't-ly attended. The poli.-c forOBt.f Brooklyn (<>ir dut\), under tbe eommand of Capt,8mith, aocompaoied tbe reroainato Flatbaah O aietery.

Before Jodfa Qilbert, the caaeof IfargnerittaAlkert agt J. Diedrich Alkera. oataa np for eotvBideralion yetterday. I'luntitf having baaa <H-rorced ftom defendant, applied for au Bttaeh-iiiimt iu ceneeqoeDce of Doo-payraeol of uil-mony, amonntlng to t-jno. The dcfunio waa that Alkerabadn m alek, and nnable to eara a Urellbood even forhimaelf. < »n the parl of pl.iintifl' it was j.rovcd that de¬fendant had tufflclent credll to obtala a loan of DBWt i lo Wbere tho auretic* were forthe puynu i.t <>fn .. allmony, defendant denled ail knowlediaof them.The .'(.iiri atyled tbe dafondant'a conduct fraudnlent.andeoin iiiliotlbiiu uutil auch tuuo as tbo mouey ahould bepaid.Wm. If. Beta waai laat Autumn, enaaged in

a floanahlng Iroa rnanufacturlngonterprlae, ln Broohlyn;but, being areformed garobler, BTadnally rrlapaed intoBtaoldrlcea. Hia father-ln-law, ho had taken himtutopnrtui-rahip, dlacarded bli an.! bia wlfe, redueed to thedin al poverty, waa oompe led to return in bumilialiou tober maldeo horoe. Tho wmteh. d man theii coinmencedBWladllng opuriitiona lu Bo too, Albany, and other Eaac-ern Im-, BM nmdr bt-in« tt. borrow large sunisof moneynnder falae pretenaee, aad then t.. gamble bia extortloaaoway. PleelBgfrotn nrreat, he aought refugo lnChloago,wbere, oa Monday erenlnf,he waa arTeated. He waat.ik. ii t<> tlie Armory there. wbere hoawaitaa rcquiaitionfi .in the Uorernoc of MuaaaUiUKttd. lleta waa oucoweiiltl.y.The Board of Alderinea mrt yeaterday after-

iioon. Mr. Bergafl la the ehalr. a oommunleatioB fromtl, < otuiui laiom waa etibiuitted, in wh;t h be aa-terted il^e amjuiit of \voik doiic- darlog tlif'tmatv. ar wal ta ekeeaeTJf the work of any year ilurintr the pastDve yeara. He urged the paaaageol au ordlnanoe com-pelllng contractora f..r the laj Inaof paa and water pl|K.-ato their work la a more aubatantlal manner. TbeBtreet Comml.ncr alao tubmltted a ctuuuiiinlcationoomplalnlug of tbe Maynr'a Meaaaire, lu whlch it waa Bfi-pib that Ihe am *unt expended for the I'lro l>upuiiijieiitof the w. Btero Diatriet laat year waa fartn exceasof thaapproprlation. Ou tbe contrary, tbe Commlaaioner -..,¦«that the amoQDt expended iu ih.:t waa t49.»i«, Ulngnt'iirly fintlleaa tl.Hii tbe uppropriatiou. The couimiiiil-cationa wer. ordered on fue. A reaolutlon waa offcredby Mr. Bergen reuueaUna the iAKi-'lature to paaaau artBUtborixing the »'it> autborlttea to oiieu antl Rra.le allttreeta In tne Teath werd leading totfie (iowainn I anaLTbe ttreeta leading to tbe eanalare obatructed by lum-... r, t .>al yarda, ke . ao that aeoeaa to the w-ater'.^ edaa isui poaaible. on motlon "f Mr. O'Keefe the Tweiftb Ward\..i^ ii.. laded. Tha reaolotloa aaaaaopted.W1LLIAM8BUROH..Mayor Martin Kalh-

fl. i-h li -i been elected a Dlreetorof thu Firat NatioualIliink, ln plat a of the late. Jobn A. Croaa.PORT CHKSTKK.-An illieit distillerv, in fme

runnlngorder.haa been aelaed at Park'a Mille,a!.tnreatol tbe Viliageof Port Cheater. H.a »1 the

m ".t i- tpectable realdenta of tuu Deighhorhood ure aaldto be itereated in tha oaoera.

TARBYTOWN..P. T. Barnnm will leetara!>. fora w Voong Mea'a L 'oeatB tavalghtIIORRISANIA..'Conpany A, 17th Regiment,

K. <; B. N V Capt. Baaraa, gara their annual ball, ata'aahlngton Hall, lnat ereatag.

V.'ll LLUrS BRIDOE..Phflip Ki.un.y, aqbu oa tbe Hartem Rallroad, aad who waa laaad

aftt I ite heavy HBOW-atOt.1 b dl» fro/.-n in a baia Blw. d Mouut l'< rn. u, Uat loat tbe dugan of ooih h-uds,aome ... Um m bat Ing Betnaliy droppt d off.

TREIfONT..Charlea Ifngoan, aged l^, nnapprentice from tha Houee of ttefuge to Mr. i.-ni., w.-isai ii -t.-.i j eaterday .." a ebarge of drawtag a knlfe oa l.iaemployar, and ttureatenlng hu Ufe. The buy waa aeuthaea 1...1....- il..ii-e oi i'.t fage.P0UGHKEEP8IE. Tke Eaglt .lt acribea Franh

o'a tploita on the Eaatman 8katina:,Kink aa thebeetakatingol the aeaesa_iiiree boata ..f the i.-e il..-r,

o n.-v. Hamburgh on Priday .-.ft. r.. returnlngat Bboal 4 p. m. Ooa of ti.em, the "Snow Bouall,"reacbed Bloe Polnl on the retura, when the wiud iulled,aml the royagera ba 11-> fool n baek to thla dty. teavlagtheir crafi al Blua Pelnterer algbt.a atuaaer ali-outha Irorea horae t.. deatb oa Beturday niKht....TwoPi ngbk.. p-;e;n-. ontested a foot race for |:u on Ruudayiimi i ing in.of tbe pebUc -.treeta.

KINQSTON..IJentonant-CkwnmandorLaRnopi-inne Ad.iu.c, l'. B.»_. tie tl here on Saturday. Be »i»

aon-ln Iaw of Jmlire wrigbt, bartag beea Bxatiied tothe JiolK.-'a UaiiKUler l.iat Tbailkajrivtnn Day. Mta.Adaau w^ a ln Albany. at the bedalde of her dj Ingfatber,when ..he iieui.l >.f th,- deatb of her baaband UetnXAdami aerred wltb dlatiucUon un.ler I»aliljrren atDbarlt don, and FBrragnl al Mobll i. Tha 3 idga and theUeutauaut are to be lnterred iu oue tomb iu Kliij<atouou Tiaraday.ATHENS.. The arorloaen <>f tho upper iea*

bonae, who ati-.u-k for ?: a dayoo Thnraday, bare l-eaumedwork, their tiemaiiti betog ooocededJER8EY CITY*.The Lincoln Aaaoeiatioa'a

bauquet la to be glrea ln TaytoPt Hetel <>n theerenlBguf 1. bni rv ii. T.eketaare Meaeh. iBTltatlonaare toi.itended to Uena. ..raiif, Hhermau, Bherldan, and Lo-giin; I'. a Seiiat.ii-al-'relliiKliiivaeii.C.itte!!.!!, W.ule;(jrovaWard and Penton, exKJor. Newell. CoapeatmeaHalsey, HU1, and Moore.8«huyi*r Colfaz, Haaalbal Huui-i.ii. ¦ p. Chaae, Peter Conper, < haneelloe ZabrtakJe, andRobert I.tii.oin, ai.n of the late Preaideut.JenoninhCarey, memher >.f HoaeCompany Ko. lt. had hia ln-adnt ..'p.-i. and wat ruu acroaa tbe b dyon Buuda] nifht by

thi n |.;ie Rook and LaddarCompanj teairlaga.Thaaubleci of ihu diapoaltloo <>t the landa nnder water belowti,:, i", iBtoba agalnnp forconalderatloB iliirimf thelefilalatlve aeaalon. A poaaible conteal betweenthe Mor*riat'utial Companyand the Ueorral Railroad I* hintedat... One bnadred itm< BTty Invalld aoldiera, whoarrivedh.-re t.n Bnnday erentng, an roofe from Auguata, Me toPhiladelphia, oreatad agood dcal of distnrbaaee In couae-queiiceof bartag been toollberalli i.rovhleil with Kew<Yorkwhiaky. Capt. Hlcka aml thelr ehaplaln loet alletmtrtl m. r t'i. BB, and w hm they were loeked np in thowalting roi.iii they amaahed the wliiilows. A aiiuadof polleeattempted fo reatere order, aud thuabeeame tbepartloi-panta ln u naoat beuil.l.-riiiK antl atnuainir i»tn..rami*,alnce atmoal ag Ihe atil.llera were cripplea. Af leiiKth thoBa o'eloak liaiu depart.-d for Philadelphia. full of thew.iuii.b.i, i.n.l the wearted, aad Ihe winaki.-.i beroeawhom Jack Barleycorn badworated.. The projeel otprovldlng a refage afid bome for the old aml ludlgentwomen, ao fax frvm harlng beeaabandoneeVla biitju.itcommenclng tn eameat. The mntlewomea wbe fcarabeangatherlng a funtl with whieh tooarryt.ut thtir <lo-alre. have paoaaiued a b.ultliuK ln Wayne «t ..and are tobe in poeaeaalon hy tbe lat of Pebrnary. The propertyhoiigbt la that ao loi.. ".¦> upled by D. 3. K-llubuU, uud ad-joina Iha Wajne*t. aWonnedChan..HUDSON CITY, N. J.H. P. Bawyer will n<l-

dresathe UbraryAaaoclatloato-nlght. Kdward cugan,Lawrence Kiemiug. aml 1'at ^t)i.ln vereacieeted lu f..rbelng ilrutik aad euaonlarly. Aa they were enterln^thaelty priaoii, Molaa bolted aml ran. bat waa piiraurd byuitu-er Ludwlg, who tire.i ou bim twtoo wltBout effect.The fugltlre waatoofleeafof the potleeaiaB, aad woaldbare eacaped had not tba oondoctor of .»ne «>r tho eara

Intercepted and recapturad him. All three wero takenbefore Itecorder Aldndga jeateiday morun.g, aud fluodt'i e.l.'ll.

PATER80N, N. J..In tho Paaaak CoontyCourta, yeaterday, Mary Batiey waa tenteaeed to aix

imii.tha iu Ihe Vi.ile PrlaBB and to »ii» Mue for aellingIniiior ou huii.lay kefplug a diaorderly bouae.Mlt-hael Iuinii aml wife aud Jobn Hayea» tor attemptiiurto foree the tl.iui;htor of Dunn to niany lLtye* were tluoUfjoeaeh, antl the luhiiuiaii parenta in addflion were aaa-t..,.,j to M tlaya ln ttM founty .lall. laani.t Powaraiinrteted of pnlyariimy, aentenead to six m.>utha iu btatePrlaoe. Wiluam AimO. a welltodo dyer. having beon.conrlcted of an aaaault upon a you>ig womau, *w iimidfOMandooata BaaaotB l.inea, for polyaaflay.seuteneedto three luoiitha ln Coiinty Jall nnd ftn.Hl #im). Mury( .-iner, for fi.rni.'ation, ilned 014 antl rojsi/. I he Waa tlenaely ciowded ilarm^ the p;ir,ing of t;eo-telieea.


A Cinn faidha or Oenttaaaaai may leetifapn»at» lri...n«.lail» a4 Nu. 42 KiaT KovarBK-rra ar l^^raaaAll loiniofrtial llraarbra tan(bl at tb* l'i«r <'*1U»*. «« "» Bi««HT,

oi.puaitf Ufiagtaa *t- ^la.l Kju Ciav-i.H^.Obitbr ii Oeuaa na

(J.m-.jf's Vkmtii.ation..Parlora. Dinin« nndBUcuniii Bit-.n., K.l.-bf.ia, U.a.u.,->til l-Utr. Wi:'t('!...r ..i-ISU-l,|.m«|.,«(rt INtr* air »np|.IIM lo Moho*.!* ati.l Cbarrva. r*m-

phlal aeol fr«. AJ-I/.4* Ua.\ttT A. Uji-sb, Nj «l B-oa jaa,-, Sc*Vork.


I'ui- TaiacMB Ai.manac tott I808. Thla pop;dIm An-.aa'i. i..» rca.b, aaJ f..> aa!-al Ibf .«(. t.t l!.« I.tbuue.

».¦. »Jt«rU**ioeBI u»J*r h*aJ of Na* l"uMlealtau*.*a>-

E kjh SiiM.r.s-Ph.ux, Gii.t, or LlVtBMIS6t.ii.iuar aaiOlK.

baBLrCtaTa.t' l, Na.447 Brja.Ua/.

DBMoaaaVa V'-mthly If Ar.\7.fXF. and TlIKWBBBI » 1 «imi BB, tba tw» »>*. p*rt..<lirala. f..r _.., t> ». . l« i"- \ .i |(J Aaaao *, *t SO. Aiidrru V\ Jas:..3ta» liaauufcar. Nu.4Tj ttmimtf, bV V.

Nk.w Syhtfm ov VfcSTii.Aiftix, applioahla toii.iri....a. ul b. alili mi liraa*riatl»a uf f.eal. u.i-al it u ati.k ^ I'»<\,.r [,.. _:. i f .. AiifH Ubbh A. (j..w»b. >« .-4 ilruailaaf

Tha reiiiiivHl <»f tliuae (itiieralrt (I'opc amlKwaynei f.oiu Ihe ertleert thev Inite a<( faltWully Mlle.1 U

tleep'lv te BO rejrretted, I'nleaa rea«ona »iorii any that have hliborta been lukliu-cd uliiill WfurnUheti for Ibl* BOt, it will atld a atill cWkor hue tn tlierepiilalltm >.f tbe * linf MburiaaraM of tbl^ ntttlon. Wo arenot luovrd by partlaau feellue, but aliuply Kive iitreraucetoour honeat ciravletloiis Ijl aenounoUia thair rauioval.Theai ofllcera wero thu friemlu of our Cuuruhee, ourlajaaiona, aml our aehoota, Dur mbu.lon.irlos and teacbera,nreaehtna aad teaciatik the doetrinea of tbo troaa to thent.atlcei.'i' ."' " I tbo detfraded freedmou, foUiul

td the foatuiir of tbe Htara andWoaieru cbriatlati Ailvecata. ¦

of Kora Beotla ia anatBaoeamcou tho 30tb uf Juimaiil

"""¦ex .a .¦. aaBeeaajarAll great popular movcmeuta »|»ave enemloa

iib weU tlu frlunds But tbere are few ain\« tia who douot bcUevc tbat a uattou sbould hold inviolaV ." Ba

ratlona. Aud w bat greater obllgationa can a rv tion i.arabaa thoae duo toltsbraveaoldiersaiiddefondera. Wbatv

evei alao thia uation may owe, theae obllgationa ?"houideomnmnd Ita rlr»t attentloii. A National Boldiera' lw,,ueabiuld be eataullahed for tbe diaablcd veteratN of afJBlate a-ar. Tbe oteata favorII and pubUo ayu.pathy a\mandait itbut fn-ing alwaya with the right). f tim glarfto l. ,-u u tliat Oea. Jaaasa a. Bearar. who lost bla leg ai(^iieen'a HtatioN, haa beaded tbe van, aud a popular inove-ment ia now on foot to aeeumpllBh tiila worthy pnrpoae.May aucceaa crown tbeir lubors ia tbe wisb of a Ifftlltirfrcadc-r of Tux Tuii.TSK.



. »;,t. M N Fairfai b«. bern tle ail plaeed aa walfiafllar ,-.l I. >:.» tlit ruiaiuau-l »f the o.Jti. ^

Sii. |N anil pla.ed on aaiting) 4 hief Engioeer Oee. Hawetl kaonler*. .h'e.i BetaAaal fr.m do'r a. t'eiw)4 ViuDi-iniirr Kdward V MfCaaler! KBflaeor nf the Nmta Atlartlf),.. iwn fr m u.,tr aa rqnadron ai 4 piaced aa waiUaf81m( Ceafaia in tbe North Atlaatir o-1"»

aVaaa4tna eui plared wu aaii.Lg' bbbtmm J I> Milier l>a< l,»ea>avaffB, RwBB ,lulr aa Fl-el Bnf.

fat ma.ter fh-ou W. Abbott baa geon oftlie B.rt!i Al BBfk S,|»u^mBffB fftaebfd fr.-n .l.itr aa Fleet and p!ki>-d na aaitiag urJera.l'aruaeler ia tba Noitb AtlaatM


rhe Cnran l-.ioner nf Ihe Oenerel OBBSB La. >,e4 Br'pared eag?tr.iiaiiulted to tne Uonruor uf Jiioneiu.u a <t uf laada, etkbteeiagjllti,7'4l ., rn, appranej hr tba f.rrrli'j of the lutenor, eauri'ig to ll.fBtate af MraaceeU, un.le'r Ibe 7th eerti,* of the a t ef Mar lt, IK48, Maid ia lb» cou.trurt.ou uf the MiaOfBfU Vallrr Umrvai

TUE WMdTHMM.Nbw Tn«« flnnrTher. Rar. H'erd. Hnr.Thar WinA.

Jan. U .T 11^ 3U/7 a W. Jaa. 1J-- S 2>i° ><X, W11 tP 3> Ifl N W. 9 IT' :»' n M W.3 81° a*JBB.W 11 l.v> MM'B.W.

RaMBBKa..Mormug.llaiT, clear, rerr c'.oud'. oial/. Af'erN -.

VerTclondy. KTening.Clonde, dear. ttf loth. Frida., waaroi.ler thau tbe 13th. Pb.iuoaieua.A uau-..r <>f reliowieu »b.'. ',aa large. apparentlr, ai tbe planet Varna wUn bnaThaal, n.o.ed late tl.fatwu.pbere at 7.40 p. m at apu.1,1 18*B W.ff iba Pleiadea vr aeiegl4'are; it rnored over an aic. .f I"0, ftrfd Bl f U) 2 .'. fiom X. N. W t4H. a K Tni.e .iaible, IU aerunda. Mateura nf a purpie, red e, blut c. !efara <|uite rare.

BcroRTa nr Tblbxr.pbi. .Itsr.Bt 13-8 a. «.rioct.U . itlitr B'i-kJ.I/^f\

Perlllood.Cl.-ar. V,,rth-a.4t. Ml.'alifji. .ear.A.«t.IIlurtlaad..<>ar. S .rtb-eeat. IBo.lun.CBe,.WM. fBbw Vork.Cleai.Weat.BPhlledflphia.»'>4r.y.irt,.MWiliiilngtoa.(Var.Iforth wert .. 14)Wathingtna.Clear.Nerlk-weet.WParlBBfl Munrue.Clear.Boalh.IIRirhnund.Clear.Kertk.*8

Oiwego.CJuudr.Sootk.IIBbIbIo...::}:.n*ir'-.Weet.IfPiltebiirgb.Clond/.Kurta-eul.IfLaaiSTiire.Clear.North. 8Naw-OrleaaB.Cloudr.Nurik.4fMnbila.Cloiidf.aaet.41Kar Weat.CUmi4>, Baa.T8

BavOM..I'Br.Se aitd.W

-*~T-BODI^R-Oa Sat,.rJ4.r, J«B. II, Pcter B<vi;n4, Tu',!.e Oflrer ef tba

f ..,..,.(, I're.'inrt.'.n tha 63th rear of hia age.Th* r-lat .., aad MfaifB, 4l*o ir.ealiera of tba Maeteaatb PraeinrC ar4

of II ¦ IViiee Urparlmant in g.neral, are rr«p»ntf.,;li ia-. Ite.l l» .Mfilthe funeral. frura bil late reaiJeBce, Eul MBw-Turk, tiia (TaeacUflaftern.M.a, al t u'clock.

Bt'I.I,.On 8afnrdir, Jan. II, Eliw MaoUe Bull, Bi'loa- of th4 late TW. Buil. 4ge,1 31 yaara.

Tha ef the familv are renneated to allead the funeral al the ff Bft falber, K. II Marlai. K* 1<H «'nl t',.,irt«eoll»-.t, «¦

Tu.-aU/, Jau. 14, Bl 11 u BBBfl a. ib. furtbar notlce.

HAY.1.Ol Batordajr, Jan. II, Laara Heiter, «lfe af Wra. L. H*rf,M. I).

Th,- rel.tirea and frient. are reepectfullr r^aeatwl te altead tb, faneralVon Taeadaj, Jan. 14, ot 2 o'rlurk p. m., frum iba buaae uf Mr. J.^iBFrran. No. 117 FonrtL »t., WiMiamatiorgb, Bthout further ia.ita;i..,i.

J0BB8.1I Morriaanla. ei Batardtr, laa, II, IiaUl M.rtJi.L. daugbt4,uf Mere.litb L. and Lieua ». Juia*. axed 17 n ... t!n

Ths r»'.atiie4 .ndfrleiid4 4ra re.pectfu'.l; i.vtte.1 to nfenl the faneral. n«Tiiea.t4T, Jan. 14, 4t IJ o'el.xk in., fi .» tbe Preibrltr.Bn C'bartk,(r»4f*B aiBBBlifl) Waaliiigtoa «»e., Moniaanla.

Pbiladelphla and BeriDtaa pap4ri pVaae eopr.LOKKE.Dn Mond4T, Jan. IJ, aftar a aburt illciu, Chartea II. Luree,a^el Jl r»ara

Tb^ r4l4tlra4 aad trieadi of the ftrnllr are reepeetfullr larited »e atleegthefcaeral, from thn re.i lenrn f h;. parrn'.. Ke. b* Araaae C, oa

WeilO'e.1.7 aflaraoon, Jaa. 14. al Ulj auioek.MA.v.MNU-Ob t<i.Ld4/, J4B. U, M4r/ T. JUnnlag,'" BB ".th ;e4r etber aja.

Tbe ralatlree aad fnenda are la.tte.1 to alten.l ber raetral. na U'adne*1a.T,Jan. 15, at 12j o'eL.rk p. ra fmio the rtiidence of bar 4uB, Joba M.Brn,ag, J-leraea-il., I'erlb Atebuf. N. J.

POM).Ib thia City, on S4tnntar, Jaa. II, IM, Jamei K. Tund, 4ged 3*rear..

Pune alaerrleei Bill beb4d 4t 8<h,,hari4, 4t Brhifh pl»c4 Ib4¦ ^ ,:run4;te<l in tbe f.u Ij null

PRATT-AtPbilfclelpLU, ou Frida/, Jaa. 10, Vht'nla P., wife of MlIi. Paat

BXTOV.0| Mn-.dar, J«a.13, al He. IM Reit lixteeatb-et, WIlliaBBaetoanf ( ragdon, Wrate'ja.tar Of., in tbe 71.1 reeref hia aga.

BaBf, of ti.a f ,.era! »111 be g:»en to-aiorru» Sera^rnile. M... on S,in.iar. .lan. 11 i^'3. at tkerealdrore uf uu ioa, Kufua B. ^uckn4.». aa) Wllliam Bti«ao»/, age4H4 ,..«...

Funeral e*rT!rc on Wedaeaiar, Jaa. liTATUHt.Oa Kr.iia.r, faafc M, BBa, iu iLii Ht.r. Jo4epb B. Ta;lor, 4ga4

43 yeara.II;. funeral .errlcea eill Uke olece oa Tneid.r neil J4B. 14 44 I oVIe'k

p. m. at h., IBB4 reaidenoe. H». 4W Wefl 1 aeulr-lbird at. Hia reni4laa»,.! tl.ea be Ukea to Albanr, ti. T., fur iutertueut.

TAVI.OH-Oa .Sim.lar, Jan IJ A,,iru4tui BvlfM, oolr eblld of AugnatuJC. anl Marj J. T4r'lor. 4ged 1 reara, 7 iimntni, an.l rjdar«.

Tue funeral aill Ulie place at tbe.r rea..|..ce. >'o. J Van Xeil bJbbI(Itar'.e.-al.), uu TueeJj.-, Jau. 14, 4t 12 .. rlufk u.

VAI.I.KAL'.4>n 8an.lar, Jaa. 12. Mra. Alb/ Velleao, wife ef laaiah 1).Vatteaa, ia tlie ft«'. »e»r "f her Bff,

The reiativea and ^lend4 of the fa'r.liT, and iho.e of ber aon. Henrr, aie re»pee'f.illy laviled V> aManJ ber funeral, ..a Tueailar laa,II »t 1 u'clock p. oi from her late reaiieuee, No. 1J3 aa.l 1 r-

tietb-at.WKI.I.KR.ta Breokltn. ea Mncdar, Jaa. 13, Kdwanl I.. re«nge#t teaof Alfred T. and f.rah a Weller. iu tba Mb rear of h:a jge.

Tbe an.l fr e-.,!» of tbe tunlll ara ra»|-«:f ..i» m»,l<-<l to atteatttbe funeral, from tba bouia of ba BaTfartf, H.r«:c-r .1 uear fiaf*BVf i,a Tueadar, Jan. 14. at t u'cJo>:4 p m.

WKKKS.On Mnn.lar, Jaa. 13. of pneon,auia, Stephea Qrilvo'.i,»>un/e»t .oa uf Ch.rlea and H!i«ab»tb Aiaa Weeia.

Tba relatirea and friend. of tbe famil/ ara reep4Kt/a!l/ ii »!ted to altenBtbe funeral.eriltea, al the uf ira pareata, Uo. X (utt.g»«place, on IWeJat er.r.rg. Jan. II. at "4 u'clork Tbe raroalla ,111be Uken to Na". Kocbel.4 for lutaribrnl, on rt'a,ti.e.ailBf, Jao. 14.

\V.4T ra.Of M.nd»r, Jaa. 13, Cbariolte Deai, wMow of the late R, bertWatta, M. I' Bf ti.u dtr.

Tbe relatif aa and r>:eo,le ef tha IWIlr are r».p.'ctfiill» ln.ilH te atte-1the funeral, al Ite t.urrh >f Ihe Aaeeceroa, ea neaneeda.; Jau. 1*.at 3 u'rloek p iu., a.tboat uuUi-e.

WltldllT-Suddenlr, an BatarrlaT mnrring. Jaa. II. f,nll.'e Wr ^l,r-ungeat daugbUr of Marj A. and tba late Joba »'r>gM. ia tb. HUi

ThTe*frii.'n,l.'uf"tVafan.lW areraapeeirnllr lnrlt/d U allewl ibe f la.raTwithont further inv;UU.n. frmn the re.iJenre of Ler moUiar, Hu. ia

Ur.t1f.i-; Bl BBBBy, Jaa. 14, al t i.Vlcfk » ¦¦_^^HBBa^^a^^aaaaMaBBaBaBaaBaaBBBaaBBWBMiaButaAaEaBaBHaaaBBBa:^

Jfpttial Jloliu«.~^'W'bat a l'lrkle wr are la»».wiihout i Mv.b' ASii-MKlKk.

If ;ou eare to aare mon4r. yoti caaaot mora eSectusU/ io rt lliaa b.r b'jf

ing ind uting ene of these oeehtoee. II ««. tme, BMMBi 4le4tlB«. i"<*

roal. Offee No ta4_nr.a,1w»f. rYew-V..rk._

Rev. J llyaltSmlth-nBaaBia: We reapeet.*al> reqaeatt: .t .4web Ume aad (.lace aa jaa a»a.r ebo«ee n>e aili gi.a ue aa e.ealog . u.,,f Hv'tSeelng" tbrotgh !!.. Hol. f and."In T..r reeeat BUtBBI "fff K'W-lok to Jen»»ale«'-al ihe'I..BB

>f a bour an.l a hjlf. yun left an auJiruie uf* th«iiaau4 al Ihe oteg,f Jupua. W e feel lhal we bat eipreaa tbe d'eirr o4 that r;*"11/ .""«..

iaar ii. aaking rea tu coulinue Ibe j,.urnaj W Jeruaa.'ei and UM -ur.lae.

tnowng tuat tbe U.t of leetor-ra uf tl . Oeneral Seeietr ef Mr'! « lefia,l Tra.leaiuee, befere wl.leb r.^i deli.ered tha leeture aboeer.. .

Iill lt .. uC eeorae. ua!ar»lo«<U:.«t .ur ap; bcauea ie for 40 ladapaa4-,u.le.lure. W. BMfM fBB, Mawfa, eaMBajK

JAMrM J. B'JKNhl'.BDWia IK>4 U.>.IKhf.MAJt IIJOIIS TAli.oaJ \MK» H4XJIKI'.m iitn.i a f,ocVRrUKUfUUtK JLJI ^liibNiti I- ai^T>jA4'4ja a. hariWNa.w M. 4 LSOLl.T.W4I ii MINKOKJ'/H.l K. UUAiiLABI)

K;4.aatTB, Jaa. 1, 1881.t<> Baita laaaaaet, bi^ *in othbb.'

.!B!«ri.BaK«. la ra.poi, e t, T....r !->l« innting BM lo i*a«.«.a ¦/jonrnar U Jer»«:e.... fwill aaf.bat I nw a iTufrtHy ib rtofylag 4t tba

gatea oftbe Huly L»a,l la mv ,*,; lactare An aalifff.eaUf 14 BBbleif,,r e. en a haatr tnp frora J..,pa to tbe Jorlui.

I bate cweluoe-l i« reenaau u ir eeeial tMrata, et.r«a| fcaaa Jefpe e*

THI-KKl)4T KVKStN'l. tae 160. Inat. at t tyOI'KR IfeyVmjT*. in*-Uug ihe 6ue at 44) ceute ue eallre t/ip." I eeaw^a fficJf£*fontLAmmtmm UeiiTule Varawra; t iaibT-A Mt.JiriBO «f jUCMi .11 ba beld TO OAT (Tl KSIiAll.j4-i.4rr 14 Bl11 B'Btaffc.Bl IBa

rooma ef l..a laaUluk ia tba tu-v«r Buii ng Mr LAMNA, H wBIrea,l4, .m"TU4 Raipberr., ' 4j UUreated in agneu.^rJ ba*pru. BfBBBaTarf irtiled._JOBJ W. CHABBaBBT B4^te4B4T.^

The Vribuite Alpiaiuif tor isOji.TUbi papalar AbbbbI ib bow i»b«/, aairor aale at M8 e«ee of TBa

rertl.eraeat BB,'.er b«ad of Hew Pw'i!it-«r'..r,«._l,umb~KriiUlo« Ma< biure.

bbw.tobb oaaaci af

UAitvi.Krrs Micmsa ank iBBDil virurr,

s*. soo BfMMBaraT.OanMn, Warren JV liyite e

' TIP-TOP"ooi.i) ri-.N's,

1UU Obbfc.M' AM» BBfT, Blaaafa'luraJ bjMABsaa k BPABoaa;

laue .No 4 ilail-a-Naw lerk.

IVarrea & apaaoae, Ba 4 Mailts laaa. Ka* Ia#k,


W I Bf ¦ J h WELHY


B. Ilawara 4V t o-'a


Far aale bj Agaata,_ WA^RRK k ,rAT05». Ha. I Kaidaa laaev

i:.i:.l{iu^u.ul Oi.i'. Nt ,V *M)lei.Pear), O.rnat, CaHmnele., Kiraeeaa. > ral Kohb, C.^eo %tA PfarL, ke,, la. f^eaak 4, BB0> V. AI.Lh.t. Ku. 418 )ruBJ«a/, ua4\duur Nluw Caaal-4t. .

Kureka aBowr t'artfa aadirita M4rk4 ef «eT« deaVrlyltoa; Bt>t. ,:..L'.il^on:«r_SMnil ,*i 0*., Ba MHir, «u«b/. Reoaa **¦ 4

PiMUOMee Ka8tre Tkai awiia fcr K.c,.« «ttl b« ,H.i.i<ta»4lf-. bi thia .41c* on IIKMJAV lilh, WKDNRaUAt, 1H«, THtaMUAV.bth, aad BATUktPAY, iHib laat. 114 nuiia ea 1'uea.ur, Tbaraaky aa4t4.*rd47 flll 4lu4B O tha o8)M at U q'al. 4k aAut, ac4 41 Ib* ap !.¦. r,«Uti,,na..f..l'.>.wa, 'li.: Kutlona A and B, 11:43 a, ra.. Crl> b>1 p. 1|J*B w K aud K. II. I"B a. a ta. >'nt(.e oftbe bu'Jr nf rl.a.iag ibe aiall ea We.tuea.lar oill be p<,at*d al ll.e li.,r-rai t.f. .» . %\MbUvbj »a fu«*d4i afteniwoa, J A.MB5 Kkl-lX I'gekut.aV |
