European Funding Streams Francesca Anderson European Business Development Manager Business Services...


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European Funding Streams

Francesca AndersonEuropean Business Development ManagerBusiness Services Office20th July 2007

Why get involved in European-funded research?

• Prestige

• International aspect of research

• Access to funding opportunities that don’t exist nationally

• RAE and international benchmarking

• Sharing expertise and facilities

Why not to get involved in European-funded research?

• Low success rates

• Working with pan-European partners

• Hugely bureaucratic

• Financial viability – low intervention rates/overheads

• Often brilliant science not enough – focus on implementation and


EU Policy Backdrop

• “Never go to Brussels looking for money for research. Only go there to

solve a problem that the European Commission has

identified…..Understand European policies” (Sean McCarthy, How to

write a competitive proposal for FP7,2007)

• “To meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of

future generations to meet their needs (Bruntland Commission, 1987)

• Lisbon Strategy 2000 – economic sustainable development

(relaunched 2004)

• Gothenburg Strategy 2001 – environmental sustainable development

(relaunched 2006 as the EU Sustainable Development Strategy)

Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

CO-OPERATIONFostering collaboration between industry and academia to gain sustainable

leadership in key technology areas10 Thematic Priorities

IDEASSupporting individual basic research at scientific frontiers

European Research Council

PEOPLESupporting mobility and career development for researchers both

within and outside EuropeMarie Curie Actions

CAPACITIESHelping develop the capacities that Europe needs to be a sustainable

knowledge-based economySME Research/Research Infrastructure/RoK/INCO/Policy Research

FP7 (cont…)

• FP7 is the European Union’s main instrument for funding research in Europe

• Budget 2007-2013 €53.2 billion

• First calls issued 22 December 2006

• UoB partner in 31 calls submitted under the first call (mainly collaborative

projects under Co-operation strand)

• Not for the faint hearted – big budgets/hugely bureaucratic/require extensive

European networks

• Second calls in ICT, Health and Food now open

• Next major calls in the fields of Environment and Energy unlikely before late


Breaking News: ERA-Net SKEP Joint Research Call - Sustainable Consumption and Production

• The Environment Agency’s ERA-Net SKEP (Scientific Knowledge for

Environmental Protection) has launched a joint call for calls in the field

of sustainable consumption and production– Review of environmental accounting approaches associated with imported

goods and services– Assessment of the interplay between environmental regulation and market

forces with respect to building and construction industry

• Proposals must include at least 3 independent legal entities from 3

SKEP partner countries

• Closing date: 14 September 2007

• Further information:

Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP)

• 2007 - 2013

• Budget €3.6 billion

• ICT Policy Support Programme: accelerate the development of a

sustainable, competitive, innovative and inclusive information society – Current call deadline 23/10/07

• Intelligent Energy Europe Programme: promote energy efficiency and

new and renewable energy sources – Current call closes 28/09/07


• LIFE+ “promoting a sustainable Union 2007-2013” (DEFRA web site)

• Supports the implementation of the 6th Environmental Action Plan and

policy development at a European level

• Budget of roughly €300 million per year

• Draft application guidelines to be available by the end of July 2007

• The first call for proposals is expected to be published in September


European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

• Convergence Objective: SE not eligible

• Competitiveness Objective:– SE budget c.€3million/year (likely to be matched by SEEDA)– Theme 1: Promoting the knowledge economy– Theme 2: Promoting sustainable production and consumption– Cross cutting themes: Environmental sustainability/Equality– Projects must be pan-regional, but do not have to involve European

partners– ‘Must avoid a proliferation of projects which would lead to loss of

impact and direction’ = large projects!– Intervention rate likely to be 50% so will need matched funding– Draft OP now available and awaiting Commission approval – First SE calls likely to be in Autumn 2007

ERDF (cont…)

• Co-operation (Interreg)– Cross Border (IVA)

• See map (North/South areas – UK eligible for both)• UK budget €88.5 million• Up to 75% eligible costs• Draft Ops for both programmes available, first calls early 2008• Lisbon/Gothenburg Agenda focussed

– Transnational (IVB)• North West Europe Programme (see map)• Total budget €500 million• Up to 50% eligible costs• First calls early Autumn 2007• Themes: capacity for innovation/sustainable management of natural

resources/ICT solutions/prosperous communities• Information/ideas/partner searching web site:

– Inter Regional (IVC)• RDA led (lobby SEEDA)• UK budget €375million• Still at very early stages of development

Interreg IVAQuadrilateral Maritime Cross-border Co-operation Programme

Interreg IVB North West Europe Programme

European Social Fund (ESF)

• “To help workers and companies to adapt to change and encourage the

development of labour markets that award priority to social inclusion”

(SEPBO Funding Guide)

• Budget for SE 2007 – 2013 €202million

• 2 Priorities:– Extending employment opportunities– Developing a skilled and adaptable workforce

• HE ESF unit currently lobbying for the support of “higher level skills”

through RDA co-financing (sectors identified Digital Media,

Construction/Built Environment, Marin technologies, Health

technologies, Environmental Technologies)

Who can help with European funding?

• Is your idea related to “Economic and Social Engagement”?

– BSO (Francesca Anderson)

• Do you plan to work with SME/Industrial partners?

– BSO (Francesca Anderson)

• Is your idea not related to “Economic and Social Engagement” and you

hope to work with HE/Academic partners?

– VRU (Katharyn Lanaro)
