Europe in the Middle Ages AD 1000 to 1500 Ch 10 12 th Grade World History


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Europe in the Middle Ages AD 1000 to 1500 Ch 10

12th GradeWorld History

Which conflict resulted in the loss of political power for the Catholic Church?

a.the Black Deathb.the Hundred Years’ Warc.the Great Schismd.the War of the Roses

The struggle between Henry IV and Gregory VII was known as

a.the Investiture Controversy.b.the Magna Argument.c.the Seven Years’ War.d.the Concordat of Worms.

Born to a wealthy merchant family, Francis of Assisi

a. used his status in society to improve the life of women.

b. eventually abandoned all worldly goods and material pursuits to live and preach in

poverty.c. was both a successful, wealthy merchant and a very popular poet.d. gave up his claim to the family fortunes to join the Benedictine monastic order and compose music.

Dominic de Guzmán believed the best way to attack heresy was

a. to lead a new crusade against the Muslims in the Holy Land.b. by purging the cities of all people who did

not strictly follow the Church doctrines.c. to declare interdictions against kingdoms

in which heresy was tolerated.d. the formation of a new religious order of

men who lived lives of poverty and preached effectively.

The chief task of ____ was to harmonize Christian teachings with the works of the Greek philosophers.

a.Saint Francis of Assisib.Scholasticismc.the chanson de geste d.lay investiture

Joan of Arc brought the Hundred Years’ War to a decisive turning point by

a. spying on the English armies.b. inspiring the French with her faith.

c. fleeing to the English.d. negotiating a peace settlement.

Lay investiture was a practice by which

a. craftsmen joined the church.b. secular rulers both chose nominees to church offices and gave them the symbols of their office.c. merchants invested in foreign goods for

the purpose of making a profit.d. guilds determined the maximum and minimum prices that could be charged for a certain good or service.

To achieve his political ends, Pope Innocent III often used an interdict, which

a. allowed the pope to choose a king’s successor.b. prohibited priests from giving the sacraments of the Church to a particular group of people.c. forbade certain groups from holding office.d. declared a holy war against the enemies

of the Church.

To achieve his political ends, Pope Innocent III often used an interdict, which

a. allowed the pope to choose a king’s successor.b. prohibited priests from giving the sacraments of the Church to a particular group of people.c. forbade certain groups from holding office.d. declared a holy war against the enemies

of the Church.

Hildegard of Bingen’s work is especially remarkable because she

a. died at a very young age.b. was blind.c. succeeded in a man’s world.d. gave up all worldly goods.

The Inquisition wasa. the court created by the Catholic Church to find and try heretics.b. a ruthless group who enjoyed torture and execution.c. a group of scholars in Spain who promoted learning.d. an inquiry into the inner workings of

the Catholic Church.

The Black Death killed nearly 38 million people, resulting in advances in medicine.b.the collapse of the Catholic Church.c.a severe famine.d.severe economic consequences.

Louis XI used the ____, a permanent tax, to create the foundations of a strong French monarchy.

a. wergild c. head taxb. taille d. carruca

The Black Death was spread by _____ infested with fleas carrying a deadly bacterium.

a. horses c. dogsb. rats d. birds

Italian merchants brought the plague with them from _____, to the island of Sicily in October 1347.

a. Beirut c. Cairob. Istanbul d. Caffa

What was the result of the Concordat of Worms?

a. The Hundred Years’ War ended.b. Europe’s loyalties were divided between different popes.c. A compromise was reached in the

Investiture Controversy.d. Many people were burned at the stake.

Who wrote most of the troubadour poetry?

a.Clergyb.Peasantsc.Nobles and knightsd.Medieval university students

Which of the following was an accomplishment of King Henry VII of England?

a.A strong royal governmentb.The taillec.A Reconquistad.The Great Schism

Why did Isabella and Ferdinand expel Jews and Muslims from Spain?

a.For control of their landb.For control of tradec.For religious unityd.For racial purity

Where did the first battle of the Hundred Years’ War take place?

a. In Burgundy c. In northern France

b. In central France d. In English territory

Extended Response:

Describe the three factors that led to the decline of the papacy during the Late Middle Ages.

Extended Response:

Describe how Saint Thomas Aquinas attempted to reconcile Aristotle with the doctrines of Christianity in his Summa Theologica.

What issue was at the heart of the Investiture Controversy?a.Control of the Inquisitionb.Location of the papal residence c.Supremacy of Church or stated.Anti-Semitism
