europe in 19th century


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Peaceful, prosperous and


For middle and upper classes,

it was a golden age of comfort

and luxury.

More people gained the right

to Vote and the chance of


New discoveries and ideas

caused revolutionary changes

in the science

1. European Society has many Contrast

Industrialization advances rapidly.

The rate of industrialization speeded up in the

closing decades of the nineteenth century

• Steel

• Electrical

• Chemical industries

Is a pacesetters.



385,000 tons of


32,000,000 tons

European Move to Cities.


Cities were centers of manufacturing, commerce, finance and


In 1880 the total population of Europe was about 190 million,

By 1914 it has sored to 480 million

Achievements of Louis Pasteur

• Process of Pasteurisation making milk safe to


• Cure for rabies

• Cure for anthrax

• His principles were used by later scientists

such as Frankland, Valley Radot, Emile

Duclaux, Descours and Holmes in developing

vaccines for dies eases such as typhus,

diphtheria, cholera, yellow fever and different

strains of plague

Lister then developed his idea further by devising a machine that

pumped out a fine mist of carbolic acid into the air around an

operation. The number of patients operated on by Lister who died fell


Years Total cases Recovered Died Death rate

1864 to 1866 35 19 16 45.7%

1867 to 1870 40 34 6 15.0%

Standard of living Improved

Many workers could afford to buy meat and eggs

more regularly and to purchase cloths, shoes, and

other mass-produce goods.

The work week had been reduced to 55 or 60


Government provide benefits.

Public Education becomes widespread

In 1990 European country required children to attend

elementary school.

92% 8%

primary secondary

Division between social classes are great

Upper classes

1. Land owning aristocrats

2. Wealthy bourgeois bankers

3. Industrialist

4. And merchants

Middle classes

1. Wealthy business and professional families of

the upper middle class owned

2. Banks

3. Store and factories or worked as managers,

4. Lawyers

5. engineers

2. The modern aged of science begin

• Physical science

Dalton's Atomic Theory

1) All matter is made of atoms. Atoms are indivisible and


2) All atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties

3) Compounds are formed by a combination of two or more different

kinds of atoms.

4) A chemical reaction is a rearrangement of atoms.

Periodic table

Dalton’s theory

Scientist describe the


A revolution occurs in physics.

• Not all the scientist I n the early 1990’s agreed with these



Sociology develops as a

field of Research

Historian apply the scientific


Psychology seek the causes

of behavior


The giant of marathon

3. Artist Seek new ways of Expression

Painter experiment light

and color

Music follows traditional Forms

4. Political Forces Threaten Europe’s
