Europe au 16-me Siecle 11 02 2010


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Art in 16th Century Europe:High Renaissance & Mannerism

Th e H ig h R e n a is s a n c e

View of the Sistine Chapel

Perugrino, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter, 1482-1483

Mantenga, Dead Christ, 1501


Sistine Chapel interior

Th e H ig h R e n a is s a n c e

Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel ceiling, Creation of Adam, 1510

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Portrait of Martin Luther, 1533

Michelangelo, The Last Judgment, 1541

Michelangelo, The Last Judgment, 1541

Mannerism & Baroque: Reactions to the Renaissance

How did the role of Art change in the period of Reformation & Counter-Reformation?


Mannerism (Italy)

Tintoretto, The Last Supper, 1592-94

Mannerism (Spain)

El Greco, Portrait of an Old Man, (Self Portrait) Oil on canvass1595 -1600Metropolitan Museum of Art

Key Concept: Mannerism (Spain)

El Greco, The Burial of the Count of

Orgaz, 1586-1588

Key Concept: Mannerism (Spain)

El Greco, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz1586-1588



A response to not only Mannerism, but also to the Renaissance as a whole.


The period of Counter- Reformation will show two trends:

Religious (Catholic) Baroque (Italy)


Secular (Protestant) Baroque - (Northern Europe)

Key Concept: Baroque (Italy)


Death of the Virgin, 1601-1606

Key Concept: Baroque (Italy)

Caravaggio, Death of the Virgin (detail of Magdalene)1601-1606

Key Concept: Baroque (Italy)


Penitent Magdalene,1597

Key Concept: Baroque (Italy)

Caravaggio, David [self portrait as goliath], 1609-1610

Key Concept: Baroque (Italy)

Bernini, Gian LorenzoBust of Cardinal Armand de Richelieu1640-41

Bernini, Gian LorenzoBust Costanza Bonarelli1635

Key Concept: Baroque (Italy)

Bernini, Gian LorenzoThe Ecstasy of Saint Therese 1647-52

Key Concept: Baroque (Italy)

Bernini, Gian LorenzoThe Ecstasy of Saint Therese 1645-52

For next Lecture:Northern Baroque

Key Concept: Northern Baroque (Rembrandt)

The artist in his studio, 1626 - 1628

Key Concept: Northern Baroque (Rembrandt)

Self-Portrait 1629

Self Portrait as a Young Man


Key Concept: Northern Baroque (Rembrandt)

Saskia in Pompous dress1642

Portrait of Saskia with a flower


Key Concept: Northern Baroque (Rembrandt)

Portrait of Hendrickje Stofells1659

Hendrickje Bathing in a River


Key Concept: Northern Baroque (Rembrandt)

Self-Portrait 1658

Self Portrait1668

Key Concept: Northern Baroque

Vermeer,The milkmaid1658

Key Concept: Northern Baroque

Vermeer, Woman with a Pearl Necklace 1662-64