ESSENTIAL NATURAL BEAUTY - Happiness and Health Hawaiian Sandalwood to for smoothing. After a...


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I My

Essential Oils!

(and use them every day)

I use essential oils every single day in my beauty routine and for my personal care. Here are some great ideas in this guide that you can also adopt to use essential oils to boost or replace the products you use.

Essential oils don't just smell amazing and provide aromatic benefits; they also have a lot of power when it comes to their ability to be readily absorbed by the skin and distributed efficiently to support a wide variety of healthy functions. Your skin is your body's biggest organ, so it is important to understand what you are putting on it and make intentional decisions, which is hard if you're reading a label and can't even pronounce all the mysterious synthetic chemicals listed.

I made my choice to switch to natural products and once you get started, it is so easy. It only takes a small stock of staple items, a kit of essential oils, and willingness to try something new to be successful at it. And I love is that every essential oil has multiple uses, so there's enormous flexibility to meet my changing needs.

I hope you enjoy this guide and that it brings you a lot of inspiration!

Reach out to me with any

Essential oils deserve a

prominent position in any

natural beauty routine!

The pure aromas of

essential oils can be

relaxing, soothing,

uplifting, or energizing.

Understand and take

control of what you are

putting on your skin… your

body’s largest organ!

What’s In Your

Bathroom Now?

Is it filled with

natural goodness

and healthy

products like

mine, or are you

using a lot of

chemicals you

can't pronounce

and animal-tested

products you

would prefer to


Take control!

Essential oils offer

a different way.

Essential Oils Offer an

Alternative – A Better Way!

Make your own natural products and control

what goes on your skin!

Supply yourself with roller bottles

and various dispensers (preferably

dark glass) to make your own

powerful, effective products to use

every day. Bottles are

conveniently available at many

health stores and online.

Other staples for making your own

products include Castile soap,

witch hazel, rose water, vegetable

glycerin, Epsom salts, and aloe

vera. It is best to look for staple

products that are organic, pure,

and not tested on animals.

Pure Essential Oils are

Concentrated and Powerful

A little goes a long way! Use 1-2 drops unless

otherwise specified. You will get amazing results.

Also, consider using a carrier oil

for applications direction upon the

skin, especially for more potent

oils, to avoid any potential

sensitivity. A good carrier oil will

not lesson the effectiveness of the

essential oil. In fact, carrier oils

actually help distribute the oil on

the skin and increase the amount

of time over which the oil is


My favorite carrier oil I use daily is

Fractionated Coconut Oil; it is

light and odorless, absorbs well,

and provides a moisture boost.



Do a pre-shampoo scalp massage:

Lavender and Peppermint for a healthy scalp massage

Lavender to help with hair that is thinning

Rosemary to support healthy hair and scalp.

Add 1-2 drops to shampoo:

Geranium for extra nourishment.

Melaleuca to help with a dry, flaky scalp.

Add 1-2 drops to conditioner:

Lavender to calm and smooth hair.

Peppermint to help condition hair and scalp.

Make your own hair perfume:

Rose water, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Lavender, and Grapefruit

I use doTERRA

Salon Essentials

shampoo and

conditioner and

customize with

my essential oils.



(dry, damaged hair)

This homemade deep hair conditioner is easy to make and will leave your

hair soft, smooth, and chemical-free.

Deep conditioner:

3 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon olive oil

8 drops of essential oil (try any combination of Lavender, Peppermint,

Rosemary, Geranium, and Clary Sage)


Combine coconut oil, olive oil, and essential oils in a mixing bowl. Mix on

medium/high speed for 5 minutes or until ingredients are whipped to a thick

and creamy consistency.

Apply to clean dry hair. Comb through with wide tooth comb to evenly

distribute. Let sit 15-20 minutes. Rinse, shampoo, and style as desired.

Repeat once a week or as often as desired.



(hot oil treatment)

Sometimes your hair needs some extra special love and care!

Hot oil treatment:

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 teaspoons jojoba oil

2 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil

6 drops Peppermint

4 drops Rosemary (for nourishing) or Melaleuca (for flaky, dry scalp)


In a saucepan, bring 1–2 cups of water to a boil, then reduce heat to a low simmer. Place olive oil, jojoba oil, and Fractionated Coconut Oil into a small glass or metal mixing bowl and place bowl in saucepan to gently heat up for 5 minutes. Be careful: The oil should be warm but not too hot to touch. Add essential oils to the other oils and mix with a wooden utensil. Cover your shoulders with a towel. Dip your fingertips into the oil and gently massage the oil from the scalp down to the ends. Wrap your hair in a warm town or cover with a shower cap. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, then shampoo hair (repeat if necessary), and use a conditioner or leave-in detangler (optional).



(cleanse and tone)

Steam facial:

Use Geranium with a steam facial to beautify skin.

Use Frankincense with a steam facial for nourished and glowing

skin (and deep relaxation).

Facial cleanser additions:

Add Bergamot to facial cleanser for added cleansing and balancing

of combination or oily skin.

Makeup remover:

Use Fractionated Coconut Oil on a cotton ball to gently remove

eye makeup. Can also be massaged over your face to cleanse;

rinse with warm water and a soft washcloth until all traces are gone.

Facial toner:

Add Lavender to rose water for a soothing toner fantastic for

sensitive or hormonal skin.



(deep cleanse)

Clay mud mask:

Add Frankincense to a natural clay mud mask for nourishing.

For this clay mask, I generally use bentonite (green) clay, but there are

many others you may choose. I use organic rose water, but you can

use regular water. (As with most do-it-yourself recipes, you can

experiment and customize.)

Mix equal parts bentonite clay and rose water using a non-metal

utensil in a glass bowl.

Add more rose water a little at a time until desired consistency.

Make sure to mash out all the lumps or the mask will not go on


Add a couple drops of Frankincense essential oil and mix again.

Apply over face, avoiding eyes and lips, and rinse off once the mask

has begun to harden.

This mask makes my face feel very clean and my skin soft!



(treat and moisturize)

Treat and heal blemishes:

Apply Lavender and Melaleuca, or straight Melaleuca.

Facial moisturizer additions:

Add Hawaiian Sandalwood to for smoothing.

After a facial, add a drop of Eucalyptus for revitalizing benefits.

Add a drop of Geranium to balance oil production.

Add a drop of Myrrh to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Add a drop of Frankincense daily to nourish and renew.

Lip scrub:

Combine equal parts brown sugar, coconut oil, and raw honey with a

drop of Peppermint and a drop of Wild Orange. Gently massage lips.


Body Care

(care and cleanse)


Apply Peppermint with Lavender to sore, tired muscles and joints.

Give yourself (or someone else) a Peppermint hand rub.

Body wash:

Add Geranium and vegetable glycerin to rose-scented liquid

Castile soap for a gorgeous smelling body wash.


Combine Rosemary and Frankincense with Epsom salts for a

rejuvenating bath experience.

Combine Ylang Ylang or Lavender with Epsom salts for a relaxing

bath experience.


Body Care


Razor Relief Serum:

1/2 cup fractionated coconut oil

1/4 cup rose water

5 drops Frankincense

5 drops Lavender

5 drops Melaleuca

5 drops Helichrysum

5 drops Myrrh


Combine Fractionated Coconut Oil and rose water in glass spray or

pump bottle. Add essential oils and shake gently. Spray directly on

skin or place 2-3 pumps in palms and rub on affected skin.


Body Care

(pamper and treat)

Special care:

Rub some Peppermint on the back of your neck to stay cool.

Dilute Lemon with coconut oil for a fingernail and cuticle

conditioning massage.

Apply Lavender or Geranium to calm sensitive skin and soothe

pores after hair removal.

Use Cypress with Grapefruit to help beautify your legs and hips.

Insect bite sting and itch:

To alleviate stinging, apply Lavender.

To help with itching, apply Melaleuca.

First aid for minor burns:

Apply Lavender to soothe and help speed the healing process.




Essential oils recommended for oral health:




Make your own with ½ cup fine sea salt, ½ cup baking soda, 8 drops

Peppermint, 5 drops Lemon, 2 drops Myrrh. Combine sea salt and

baking soda in a glass bowl. Combine essential oils in another glass bowl.

One drop at a time, add oils to powder and mix. Use a ¼ tsp at a time in

your palm, wet toothbrush, dip into powder, brush teeth, and rinse well.

Mouthwash / breath freshener:

Make your own with Myrrh, Peppermint, and distilled water.

Put a couple drops of Peppermint in a shot glass with water and swish.




doTERRA OnGuard



Make your own perfume using a ratio of approximately 30% essential

oil and 70% carrier oil. To see if you like the scent, make a small

sample first to try it out. Combine ingredients in a 10 mL roller bottle.

Pretty perfume scent combinations:

Lavender, Frankincense, and Myrrh (also great for skin serum)

Cedarwood, Chamomile, and Bergamot

Lavender, Chamomile, Sandalwood, and Geranium

Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, and Wild Orange

Frankincense and Bergamot


Combine selected essential oils add fractionated coconut oil to fill

remainder of roller bottle. Attach roll-on cap and shake until combined.

Let perfume sit so the scents can mingle for 24 hours before use.

Apply to wrists whenever you want to, wherever you are.


(solid perfume)

Enjoy the many benefits of essential oil in a long-lasting solid perfume.

Just simply add your favorite essential oil to the mixture (see previous

page for suggestions) and pour into any container of your choice for a

personalized perfume you will love.

Solid perfume:

2 tablespoons beeswax

2 tablespoons fractionated coconut oil

20 drops of your favorite essential oil or blend


Add beeswax and fractionated coconut oil to glass jar and place in

saucepan with 1-1.5 inches of boiling water. Stir ingredients until

combined (around 5-10 minutes). Once melted, remove from heat and

let rest for 3 minutes. Add essential oil and stir. Pour into container(s).

To use, apply small amount to skin.

Note: Pour perfume into an empty locket or metal container for easy

on-the-go access.




Using clean brushes is essential to maintaining optimal skin health. Invest

in a set of high quality makeup brushes, and then make sure to clean

them regularly and take good care of them.

Makeup Brush Cleaner:

5 drops Melaleuca

5 drops Grapefruit

2 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil


Combine Fractionated Coconut Oil and essential oils in a small glass

bowl. Swirl each brush in the mixture for 30 seconds, then rub in the palm

of your hand in a circular motion to clean the makeup out. Rinse the

brush under warm water and gently squeeze the bristles until the water

runs clear. Always point the bristles downward under the running water.

Allow the brushes to dry on a town at least 4 hours.

Note: Makeup brushes should be cleaned monthly as part of your routine.

Give Yourself

LOVE Every


Build up your natural beauty arsenal and use it every

day to keep feeling and looking young, healthy, and

gorgeous with the power of essential oils.

Essential oils do not cause breakouts.

Essential oils are not oily on the skin.

Essential oils do not clog pores.

Essential oils are highly effective and absorb efficiently.

Essential oils are powerful and concentrated -- a little

(1-2 drops at a time) goes a long way!

Cypress: Helps improve the

appearance of oily skin. Comforts

and cools.

Eucalyptus: Powerful cleansing


Frankincense: Beautifies and

nourishes. Fights signs of aging.

Geranium: Rejuvenates, soothes,

and calms.

Grapefruit: Invigorates and


Helichrysum: Renews and helps

aid and speed skin recovery.

Lavender: Calms, soothes, and

rejuvenates skin and senses.

Lemongrass: Clarifies and purifies.

Melaleuca: Cleanses and

rejuvenates. (Also commonly

known as Tea Tree.)

Myrrh: Protects against aging

and soothes irritated, dry, or

chapped skin.

Peppermint: Helps cool and

relax; calms sensitive tissues.

Rosemary: Helps reduce

puffiness; supports healthy hair

and scalp.

Hawaiian Sandalwood:

Supports smooth, youthful-

looking skin.

Ylang Ylang: Astringent; pH-

balancing properties.

Some of My


Get your essential oils at my wholesale discount.

Becoming a Wholesale Customer (or Wellness Advocate) is the

best way to get your Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential

oils (and other wellness and spa products) at a discount of 25%

and more below retail, plus other perks, like earning free products.

There are no monthly minimums and there is no requirement to do

anything other than enjoy your oils and the benefits they bring to your

life. You just take advantage of the wholesale membership discount

and you get the highest quality pure essential oils available. In addition,

I will provide you with ongoing support and resources to help you use

your oils and live a happier and healthier life with natural solutions.

I can help you personally or you can learn more and get started with me

online at:

We are international!

Wholesale membership discount available around the world.

Ready to Get

Started with Me?

Start with an enrollment kit of the most popular oils for a deeper

discount and your wholesale membership will be free! The enrollment

fee is waived with an enrollment kit and you get a wonderful starter set

of oils to use. These are the two kits chosen most often on my team,

and you get more value for the price than buying the oils individually.

I can help you personally or you can learn more and get started with

me online at:

My Most Popular

Starter Kits

(may vary by country)

Family Essentials with Beadlets Home Essentials with Diffuser

Anything I can help with? I’m here to help, so don’t hesitate to ask!

Stacy Harrington


doTERRA Wellness Advocate ID: 2198597

Please visit me and I would love to hear from you:

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